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01x03 - Legacy

Posted: 12/03/23 10:56
by bunniefuu
Is all this really
so terribly necessary?

Hmm. Yep.

Come on, wodehouse.
Live a little.


Ha ha ha ha! Whoo-hoo!


having a bit of trouble?

Nothing to worry about.

[Alarm beeping]

The ejector's not working,

But I can handle this.

Thanks for the save.

Uh, sure. Anytime.


Who was that?

The strangest thing
just happened.

Let me guess.

You accidentally walked
through another transmatter gate

And ended up on mars.

Very funny.

No, it's just I met this girl.

Really? What's her name?

What's she look like?
Oh. Is she cute?

I hardly got a look at her.
I don't even know her name.

Hey, that's her.


Um, you know
that's alexis, right?

Richest girl in the galaxy.

Even I know who alexis is.

She takes the
privileged-but-misunderstood act

To a whole new level,

And that's coming
from an expert.

She has her own private
planet called makathor,

Collects rare
jovian power charms,

And never wears
the same shoes twice.

Or at least I think that's
what someone told me once.

Girl's way
out of your league, bud.

No one's out of
superman's league.

He's superman.

Thanks, brainy.
Guess it doesn't matter.

Not like I'm ever gonna
run into her again.


Compliments of alexis.


So there's this charity thing
tonight I've got to go to,

And you're coming with me.
The invite has all the details.

See you there.

Guess I have plans tonight.

Yes, you do. You and I
are scheduled for patrol.

Oh. We are?

No problem.
I'll cover for you.

See if she has any friends.

this is highly irregular.

With the scavengers
on the loose, I've calculated

The optimum schedule
for reconnaissance and...

Wait. Wait a minute. The who?

Didn't you read my report?

Did any of you?


it was 150 pages long.

It was 132, and if you
had read it, you would know

That the scavengers are
a g*ng of technology thieves.

My data indicates
that new metropolis

Is their next target.

You needed 132 pages
to say that?

I also mapped out
a patrol scheme

the most likely targets

And, for superman,
a little sightseeing.

But I guess
I can alter the plan.

What if I make it up to you?

We'll patrol tomorrow and
the next night, you and me.


I mean that would be acceptable.


What's up, brainy?

Just wanted to give you
an update on the scavengers.

Go ahead.

there's nothing to report,

But I'll keep you posted.


Check your, um, cape, sir?


I must have read
the invitation wrong.

I didn't realize
this was a costume party.


Really? Then why'd you come
looking like a stuffed lorg?

Oh, is that you, cort?

I'm sorry. That's how
you always look, isn't it?



[Sighs] charming
as always, alexis.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

We're leaving.

What about your party?

They got my check.

That's the only reason
they invite me to these things.

Wodehouse: although I can't
say I'm disappointed

To be returning home early
for once.

So then I guess
this is goodnight.

I've got a better idea.

Hey, that's my bike!

Try to keep up.

[Wodehouse sighs]

Brainiac 5:
for tomorrow's patrol,

I thought it would be fun

To start
in the boston sector, then...

Not a good time, brainy.

You're crazy.

Shh. Keep quiet
and follow me.

I'm not so sure
we should be doing this.

It's okay.
I own the building.

Then why are we
sneaking around?

Nothing fun
about a front door.

Also, technically

I'm not supposed
to be here unsupervised.

A few problems
with an experiment.

I don't know why
the board of directors

Got so bent out of shape.

The top 10 floors look
as good as new, don't they?

As metro internet's
largest shareholder,

They're required
to give me an office.

This is your office?


Having all the stuff is okay.

It's the pressure
I could do without.

Yeah. Your work here
seems very stressful.

Do you have any idea
what it's like

To have everyone expect you
to grow up to be

Some great, important person?

Actually, I do.

It's just that I don't have

A big thing I wanna do
with my life.

I just wanna be normal...

Tinker with my bots,
have some friends...

But I'm not even
any good at that.

You know, I have a hard time
making friends here, too.

Most of the people
the legion run into

End up sh**ting at us.

[Weapons firing]


Looks like
we found the scavengers.

Saturn girl: they want to add

The weapons inside
this depot to their arsenal.


You wouldn't need telepathy
if you'd read my report.

I've analyzed the options.

Conclusion... Our plan should be...

Lightning lad:
keep 'em out of the depot.

Got it.

Whaah! Whaah!



It's time to call superman.

You know, it'd be
a lot easier to listen to you

If you weren't so dang bossy.


Besides, I don't need
superman's help

To handle these clowns.

It feels like
it's been a thousand years

Since I just hung out
and had fun like this.

Don't you have friends
in the legion?

I do, but being in the legion
doesn't leave much downtime.

Keep fighting.

You know, I think now might
be a good time to call superman.

So are you gonna stop
letting me win now?

Was it that obvious?


Aw, brainy.

You in this game or not?

[Beeping stops]

I'm in.

Unh! Well?

He turned off
his communicator.

Brainy, move!


Saturn girl: brainy!

Superman: what took you guys?

Check it out.
Alexis has this office, right,

Where every game is... Hey.

What happened to you?

Lightning lad:
oh, he had a little run-in

With the scavengers.

They got away.
What happened to you?

I called you
during the fight.

Why didn't you answer?

You mean, that was... Aw.

Guys, I'm really sorry.

I just figured it was
another one of brainy's, uh...

Let me guess. Regularly
scheduled pointless updates.

No wonder he turned you off.


Brainiac 5: incoming message.
It could be

The reconnaissance data
I requested or...

Oh. It's from her.

Hey, alexis got me tickets
to the polthorn races.

I have no idea what that is.

Then you won't mind
turning her down.

We need you to help find
the scavengers, superman.

And for your information,

There's no alexis in "team."

Ooh. Someone needs
a grouchy chip removed.

He's right.
I should have been there.

I'll tell alexis.
She'll understand.

I already ordered for you.

Thanks, but I can't stay.

Someone need rescuing from
an out-of-control mecha suit?

There're some bad guys
on the loose,

And the team needs me,

Which is also why
I can't go to the races.

Aw, come on. It'll be fun.

My friends
could've gotten hurt

Because I wasn't there
last night.

I can't let that happen again.

I understand. Hmm.

Tell you what. Give me one hour,
and we'll call it a night.

Weren't you the one complaining

About how you never
get to see the city

Because you're always
off on missions?

Okay. We've got one hour.

Okay. Gotta go.

[Crowd cheering]

Alexis, I've got to go!

So, up for a snack?
I know a great place on titan.

No. Alexis, that's it.

I'm leaving.

Any luck with the scanners?

Their cloaking is good.

Scanning from the field
would have been more effective,

But it seems my partner
forgot about our patrol shift.

Oh, no.

Brainy, I completely
lost track of time.

Lighting lad and saturn girl
took the shift.

What about tomorrow?

I'll be going
with timber wolf

When he gets back from rimbor.

This will never happen again,
brainy. I promise.

I'm sorry.

I know.

Phantom girl:
superman, come quick.

This just came in.

It's alexis.
She's in trouble.

Hurry, superman.

Maybe we should pass this on
to the science police.

Well, I know
what brainy would say.

Your friend needs you. Go.

Brainy, if you need me here
just say the word.

It's okay. If anything
comes up, we'll call you,

So try to remember
to keep your communicator on.





Hey, hey, that's enough!

You're gonna wreck the place.


Terribly sorry
to inconvenience you, sir.

Since you're here,
wanna get some sushi?


Hey, when you
wanna make plans

With a super-busy super hero,
you gotta think outside the box.

I don't believe this.

I should be helping the legion
find the scavengers,

You know, the real bad guys
who are on the lose.


I apologize. That was
a dumb stunt to pull.

So why'd you do it?

I don't know. I...

I just wanna be a regular person
who hangs out with friends,

But to do that, I have to have
at least one friend.

I know you want a friend,
but my teammates need me.

There's a difference.

Right. What I want
is more important.

[Sighs] look,
don't do this again, okay?


Hey, I said, "wait."

Hmm. I'm afraid
I know that look.

Superman wants to make this

A choice between me
and the legion, fine.

I'll just have to do something
about the competition.

The men are getting sick
of sitting here.

Then tell them again
it's taking all our tech

Just to deflect
the legion's scanning

And saturn girl's mind probes.

We leave here, they find us,

And we're not strong enough
to beat them, yet.

And how are we
supposed to get stronger

If we ain't out there
scavenging up more tech?


So the infamous scavengers.

Please, don't get up.

I think you could use my help.

And I need yours.

Brainiac 5: I linked the
scanners to boost their range.

Nothing on the scavengers,
but look at this.


Looks like
a legion distress signal.

Who is it?

Uncertain. I can't
decode the transponder.

No wonder.

It's coming from inside
the aalt cloud.

No one can stand
that kind of radiation.

Actually, one of us can.

I'm on it.

[Alarm blaring]

The scavengers.


Thanks for coming.

You just made taking you to jail
a whole lot easier.

they've been upgraded.

Alexis: you noticed.

No hard feelings.

I'm just here to clear
superman's schedule.

Alright, now this is
just getting weird.

Alexis, I never really
liked your style,

So kicking your butt is
kinda like a dream come true.

You're welcome to try.


That logo.


What's she up to now?


Alexis: hey, android.

One down. 3 To...


Good help is so hard to find.

[Electricity buzzes]

You know, it never
would've occurred to me

That I'd be so good
at this kind of thing.

[Weapons cock]

This is really fun.




What are you doing?

What's it look like?

I'm making new friends.

So you still pick
your teammates over me?

What do you think?



Didn't think this through,
did we?


Hey, what are friends for?

Alright, alright.

I guess I got
a little carried away.

You think?

On second thought, if you're
not gonna be my friend,

I don't see why
you should be anyone's.

Superman: unh!

Alexis, stop.

You can't hurt me.



What... What did you do to me?


Wodehouse: good to see you
again, mistress.

Terribly sorry about
what happened with the legion.

Actually, wodehouse,
I'm grateful to them.

And why, may I ask, is that?

They helped me figure out
what I wanna do with my life.