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01x02 - Timber Wolf

Posted: 12/03/23 10:55
by bunniefuu
- [Screeching]


[Beeps faster]

- Show yourself.

- [Snarling]



- Those are ships
inside that thing.

- Yeah. A morthax
will eat anything.

- Anything I need to...?
- Watch and learn, superman.

Watch and learn.

- Huh?

- That worked well.

- Haven't you two gotten rid
of that thing yet?

- We've got it right
where we want it, saturn girl.

Huh? Yah!
- What's going on?

- We're receiving a transmission
on the emergency channel.


- Legion of superheroes,

This is mar londo of rawl.
Your immediate assistance
is needed.


- Forget globby
and get back inside.

We've got a mission.

- What about this mission?

- We can't just leave
this thing out here.


- You could have just done that
in the first place, you know.

- I was watching
and learning.

- Can I help you?

- You're flying without
the auto compensators.

I specifically designed
that subsystem to assist you.

- No offense, brainiac 5,
but when I fly a ship,

I actually want to fly it.

Not baby-sit a console.

What... What are you doing?

- Uh-oh.
- Aah!

- Whoa!
- Whoa!

- Ugh!

- That felt like
we hit something.

- Technically, we did...
The planet rawl.

We just entered
the atmosphere.


- Stabilizers off-line.
Atmospheric thrusters at 20%.

This is gonna be a rough one.

- It could be worse.

- How? We're grounded.

- Well, we could have
disintegrated on reentry.

- Hate to spoil your
feel-good moment,

But this is
a rescue mission, remember?

- [Growling]

- My x-ray vision is
picking up lots of stuff
moving around down there

But nothing remotely human.

- Rawl is known for
its abundance of wildlife.

Most you would classify
as unfriendly.

Aside from dr. Londo's
research station,

Little else is here.

- What about you, saturn girl?
You sensing anything?

- Everything
and nothing.

There's just too much noise.

But back at the ship,

I'm pretty sure something
was watching us.

- Ok, now you're
creeping me out.

- Bingo!
That means I found it.

- It seems pretty quiet.

- Don't be deceived.

These woods are more dangerous
than you can possibly imagine.

- Dr. Londo, I presume.

- Yes, yes.
Come inside quickly.

It may be safe
for the legion,

But an old man like me
doesn't stand a chance out here.

- My repair facility
is at your disposal.

I only ask one thing
in return.

- Of course.
We'll take you anywhere
you need to go.

- Oh, I can't leave rawl.
My work is here.

That's why I called for help.

What I need is for you
to make it safe.

- Safe? From what?

- The creature out there.

This's destroyed
everything dear to me:

My research, my team.

My son.

That's brin,
a remarkable young man.

Takes after his father,
don't you think?

He had so much potential.

But now...

I want it caught.

And I want it brought
back to me.

- Don't worry.
We'll find your creature.

- And I'll make sure
it will never hurt anyone again.

- You can't substitute
a plasma conduit

For an injector port,
bouncing boy.

It's not in the schematic.

- Brainy, it's called

You should try it

- A 12th level intellect
has no need for improvisation.

- Fine. If you're so smart,
fix it yourself.

[Drill whirs]
- where are you going?

- Anyplace you're not.

- Dr. Londo asked us to confine
ourselves to the hangar.

He insisted!

- So I'm improvising.

- Was it something I said?

- Been awfully quiet,
saturn girl.

Not scared, are you?
- I'm fine!

This place.

You remember when I said
I couldn't sense anything?

Well, that's not exactly true.

I keep getting an impression.

Sounds, really.

It's as if hundreds of life
forms are calling out for help.

Something's going on here.
Something bad.


- Check it out.

Robot parts.

Wonder if our creature
did this.

- I have a feeling
we're about to find out.

- You're not scared, are you?


- [Growling]

- Saturn girl!

- She's gone.

- Huh?

- Restricted area.

- No problem.
I was just leaving.

- Restricted area.

- Restricted area.

- Restricted area.

- Restricted area.

- [Groaning]

No more thought blasts.

- [Low growl
grows louder]

- [Gasps]

Get away!


- Raar!

- Stay back.

I... I have powers,
and I will use them.

- [Growling]

- No! Ok.

I'm not leaving.

Just don't eat me.

Nice place you've got here.

Who built this fire?

Did you?

- [Grunting]

- Are... Are you trying
to tell me something?

- [Grunts]

- If you'll let me read
your mind, I can...

Wait. Why do I need permission?
It's a monster.

What have they done to you?

- Get away from her!

- No. It's not what you...

- Aah!

- She's just knocked out.

You, on the other hand,
won't be so lucky.

- Ugh!

- [Snarling]

- Ohh! Uhh!

Ooh. Sorry about that.

- [Snarling]


- Hey. I think you got him.

- Uhh!

- I'm not worried.

There's no reason to worry.

And even if there were,

Bouncing boy can
take care of himself.


- A little help here?

- Hold still.

- Nice save there.
- Thank you.

I improvised.
- [Shriek]


- Don't leave the hangar, huh?

I can see why.

- I assume we'll be snooping?
- Oh, yeah.

- [Grunting]

- Easy, fella.

I don't want to drop you.

- Go ahead.
Save us the hassle.

- Is she going to be ok?

- Yeah. It's a healing trance.

Careful what you say, though.
Sometimes she can hear you.

I found that out
the hard way.

- stop.

Londo will no doubt be
monitoring communicator traffic.

Perhaps if I think hard enough,

Saturn girl might
notice my brain waves.

- Or I can just do this.

Hey, guys!
Down here.

Looks like they caught it.

Uh-oh. Healing trance.

Is she ok?
- She better be.

- Whoa. Nice scratch.

Hope you don't turn into
one of those things.

- Dr. Londo is conducting
outlawed experiments

On the indigenous
life forms here.

This creature
is undoubtedly connected.

- What do you think it is?
- Not what...


And you can put me down now.

- How about a little gratitude?

We just saved you
from this thing.

- It wasn't going to hurt me.

If you hadn't charged in
fists a-zapping,

I would have told you that.

I don't think dr. Londo's
been completely honest with us.

- You're not gonna
let it loose, are you?

- We have nothing
to worry about.


- [Growls]

- I'd feel more comfortable
if we did this on the ship.

- But I doubt he would.

And for what I'm about to do,
we need him as calm as possible.

- In case things get
a little hairy.


- Yes. It's perfect.

- [Gasps]
- [howling]

- You aren't a monster.
You have control.

- Interesting.

He must have been in some kind
of super agitated state.

- Do you mind?

- Have a name?

- His name is brin.

- [Growling]

- Brin londo.

Welcome home, son.

- Well done, legion.

I could have never
brought him back on my own.

- You used us to do
your dirty work.

That distress call
was a fake.

- There is nothing
more distressing than
to lose a child.

- [Growls]
- brin, don't let him
get to you.

You're in control, remember?

- You better think about
your next move, doctor.

- How about...back off?

- No more experiments.
I'm through.

You'll never lay another
finger on me again.

- Then you leave me no choice.
Take them all.

- Suggestion:
you should deflate.

- Thanks, but I think I know
when to use my powers.



- Aah!

You're pretty good.

But I'm the one with
the 12th level intelligence.

- Huh?

- [Growling]

- Dog pile?

That's so junior varsity.


- [Dogs howling]

- Switch?

- This doesn't make us
buddies or anything.

- Aar!

- Go! Attack!



I'm your master.

- [Growls]

- I'd have let him get eaten.

- Alright, doc.
Start talking.

- Very well.

What would you like
to talk about first?

My creations, I suppose.

Perfect specimens.
Marvels of nature,

But not nearly human enough.

No, I needed a better subject
for my crowning achievement.

- So you used your own son.

- To see him transformed into
the most formidable creature
ever created for battle.

He should be thanking me.

But no, he ran away
before the process was complete.

- Change him back.
- He can't, superman.

My dna has been
altered too much.

This is as close to human
as I'll ever get.

- But for how long?
A day? A week?

You'll never be able
to control yourself, brin.

- Yes, he will.

And the legion will
be there to help.

- What about him?

- This sector is outside
any jurisdiction.

Not even intergalactic law
can touch me.

And why would they?
My work is a gift.

I create life.

- What you create
is suffering,

And the forest out there
is filled with it.

Children expect their parents
to protect them.

The only thing I've ever been
to you is a science experiment.

Your own son!


Never again.

- I still don't see
how we're leaving the planet

Without functioning
atmospheric thrusters.

- Improvised.

Well? What do you think?

- Uh, a little tight.

- You'll get used to it,

- We can find you
something else to wear.

- It's not the uniform.
What if he's right?

What if I can't control
this monster inside of me?

- Don't worry.
We've got your back. the claws.

- It's a deal.

- Are you ready?

- To the legion of superheroes
I make this solemn pledge:

To use my powers for good,

To fight for justice
and protect the innocent,

To aid my fellow legionaries
in times of peril,

And to keep their secrets safe.

I choose a new name
to honor the heroes of the past.

I am...timber wolf.