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01x01 - Man of Tomorrow

Posted: 12/03/23 09:27
by bunniefuu
- Aah!



Where's superman
when you need him?

- Clark? Is everything okay?

You've been in there
a while.

- I'll be right out.

Come on.

- Do I smell smoke?

- Ah! Everything's fine, ma.

[Toilet flushing]

- Have you packed yet?

- Bags are packed,
hay's in the loft,

And you've got new fence posts
from here to the barn.

- I just know you're going
to love metropolis.

My son the reporter.

- Copy boy.

- It's your last night.
You should be out having fun.

- I know. I thought
I would drop by the fair.

- Just please be careful.

Remember, clark, you're
not like the rest of us.

- I know.

- We're here.

- Smallville?

Brainy, did you plug in
the right coordinates?

- I have a twelfth-level
intelligence, bouncing boy.

I don't make mistakes.

- But I thought superman
lives in metropolis.

- Trust me.
We're here for a reason.

- Step right up.
Come on. Win a prize.

- I can do this
with my eyes closed.

- Hey, uh,
what about you, son?

- Clark kent?

He couldn't hit
the side of a barn.

- Remember, clark, you're
not like the rest of us.

- [Laughing]

- Nice try, kent.

Better stick
to pitching hay.

[Metal screeching]

- Something's not right.

[Metal grinding]

- [Grunting]

[Cheers and applause]

- Can you believe it?
Food on a stick.

Mmm! Primitive,
but delicious!

- No one seems to be alarmed
by our presence.

They think we're performers.

- That's him.
- Are you sure?

Because I don't see a cape.

Need a hand?

- A hand? Uh, uh, no.

Uh, everything's fine here.

- Oh!

- It really is you.

- I'm saturn girl.
This is brainiac 5.

We can help.

- Seriously,
I don't need any...


- The first time
I saw him do that,
I did the same thing.

- Who are you people?

- I'm bouncing boy.

It's a real honor
to meet you.

- I'm clark.


- I'll handle this.

You will forget
what you have seen here.

- How did you do that?

- I'll explain later.
Right now, those people
need our help.

[Metal banging]

- Super strength, just like
in the history files.

- Oh. Yeah.
I was just...


- Flight ring.
One of my inventions.

- If you guys are done
impressing each other,
I think we're finished here.

- I don't know who you are

Or what you are, but thanks.

Whatever you do,

Please don't tell anyone
about this.

- It's okay.
We know all about you.

- Yeah. You're superma...

- You're super
with all your powers.

- I'm...going to go now.

- This is probably going
to sound crazy,

But we need you to come
to the future with us.

- The future?

You're right.
That does sound crazy.

- You're the only one
who can help us.

- I...think you've got
the wrong guy.

- Clark! Wait!

- Brainiac 5, stop.

He knows we're right.

Let's just give him
some time.

- Clark? Your friends
from the fair are here.

- Oh, no.

- Hey, clark. Pie?

- How did you get...
Never mind.

Okay. Even if you are
from the future,

And I'm not saying
that you are, why me?

- We belong to the legion
of superheroes.
We want you to join us.

- Ha ha! Clark kent,
a superhero. Right.

- Why not? Super strength,
super hearing,

Heat vision,
you can fly.

- First, how did you know
about that stuff?

And second, I can't fly.

- We know this is
a lot for you to take in,
but you've got to believe us.

- I can't help you.
I'm sorry.

You guys better go
before you get in trouble.

- Don't you want to find out
more about your powers?

Come with us and you won't
have to hide them anymore.

- Even if I wanted to,
I can't just leave.

What about my job?

- They won't even notice
you're gone.

- What do you mean?
- Come help us,

And we'll bring you back to
the exact moment you left.

- You can do that?

- [Sniffs]

Just in time for chicken
and dumplings.

- Clark, do your friends want
to stay for supper?

- Haven't you ever wondered
what the future holds for you?

Now's your chance
to find out.

- I'm going to the future, ma.
I'll be back in a few minutes.

- Take a sweater.


- Voila!

- Good job, triplicate girl.

- If you ask me, digging up
some old hero from the past
makes us look desperate.

- Maybe that's
because we are desperate.

Oh, lightning lad,
this is the fatal five
we're talking about.

Even the science police are
afraid of them.

We need all the help
we can get.

- You tell him,
phantom girl.

- It's him!

Is that...superman?

- Ha ha! Superman?

More like supergeek!

Brainy, you've outdone
yourself this time.

You really think that this guy
is going to help us?

- I know what I'm doing.
Just give him a chance.

- Hi. I'm clark.

Cool place.

- Oh. Thanks.

Alright. Let's see
if he can keep up.

They use these things
to compress tyrillium,

Hardest substance
in the galaxy.

Let me know
if it gets too heavy.

- Don't hold your breath.

- We're just getting started.

- [Grunting]

- Oh, he's losing it.

- Come on, clarkie!
Don't give up!

- Aah!

- This is your superman?

- I have no idea
who this superman
you keep talking about is,

But it's not me, okay?

You don't want my help?

- So he's no superman.
Big deal.

- In your effort to test him,
lightning lad,

Did you bother to check
the scale?

- Is that how much
he lifted?

- How much?

- 3,000 Tons...

- Oh.


- I'll go find him.

- Okay. I'm definitely not
in smallville anymore.

- It's a lot to handle,
I know.

- So I really can fly.

- Cool, isn't it?

I'm sorry
we brought you here.

It's not your fight.

We'll take you back.
We can even erase your memory.

You'll forget all
about this.

- So, these fatal five guys
are pretty bad, huh?

- The worst.

The giant, validus.
Probably as strong as you.

Mano. He can destroy
with a touch.

Tharok. As smart as brainiac 5
and armed to the teeth.

Persuader. His atomic ax
can cut through anything.

And the emerald empress,
their leader.

Her emerald eye of ekron is
the source of her power

And the tool
for her cruelty.

It took the entire legion
to put them in jail.

They've escaped, and now
they're coming back for us.

- What about the police
or the army? Can't they help?

- Not against criminals
like these.

We're on our own,
and they know it.


- Saturn girl!
Get back to the base now!

They're coming.

- You should stay here.

- Ma and pa always say
never turn your back
on a friend in need.

You brought me here
for a reason.
I'm coming with you.

- I've sent a code red
to every legionnaire.

- And?

- Shrinking violet's

Colossal boy's still
on brall.

- What about cosmic boy?

- At the outpost.
He would never make it in time.

- We're it, sparky.

- What can I do?

- If you're smart,
you'll go back home.

- I'm here. I want to help.
I have superpowers.

- You've never used them.

- I have used them.

- Not like this,
you haven't.

[Thundering footsteps]

[All screaming]

- [Roaring]


- Stop right there!


- This is it?

I would have expected
a bigger turnout from
the legion of superheroes.

- There's 5 of them
and 9 of us?

No problem. Right, clark?

Uh, we may have a problem.

- Bring it on, green queen.

We put you away once.
We'll do it again.

- Take 'em down, boys.

- Whatever you do,
don't look directly
into that eye.

- Aah!

- [Roaring]

- Oh!

- Aah!

- Your mind is mine.

- [Grunts]

- Oh! Uhh!

- Oh! Oh!


- Huh?




Where's superman
when you need him?

- Up, up, and away!


Got to work on that.

- It's kind of sad, really,
watching you struggle like this.

You're just going to end up
like the rest of them.

- No...i...won't.


- [Groans]

- Aah! Aah!

Strong mind,
but your body is weak.

And when that goes,
it's lights out permanently.

- [Groaning]

- Whoa!



Let them go, empress.

- Love the cape. Ha ha ha!

Very 21st-century.

- Last chance.

- You're braver
than you look,

But I'm afraid
you're too late.

Teach him
some manners, guys.

- [Groaning]




- Look at clark.

If he's not going
to give up,

We can't, either.

You have to fight it.

- Now play nice

And look into the eye.

- If that's...
What you really want.



- Hey, they're getting
back up.

- Then let's go
put 'em down for good.

- Aah!

- Oof!


- [Raspberry]

- Oh!

- [Roaring]

- Help my friends.

- [Groaning]

- Aah!

- [Grunting]

- Hit her with
your freezing breath.

- My what?

- Think cold and blow!

- Hey, where'd they go?

- Teleported. They could
be anywhere in the galaxy
at this point,

But I think they got
the message.

- I knew he could do it.

Well, maybe not at first.

- Do you guys always have
this much fun?

- Pretty much.
- I guess we'll
take you home now.

- Hold on a second.

You said you can take me
back to the same moment
I left, right?

You know, I didn't really get
a chance to see new metropolis.

- And you didn't really
get a chance to try out
all your powers.

- Maybe I should stay
a little while longer.

- Well, as long as you're here,
you'll be needing these.

- Alright, clark!

- Yeah!
- Congratulations, clark.

- You know, "clark"
just doesn't cut it
as a superhero name.

If you're going to be
on the team,

You're going
to need a new handle,
just like the rest of us.

- I already have one.

- You do?

- Superman.

Whoa! Whoa! Aah!



- Try it like this.

- Hey, I like it.

- Dude, that's my spot.