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05x06 - I Was a Teenage Stimpy/Who's Stupid Now?

Posted: 12/03/23 07:56
by bunniefuu
( birds chirping )

( motor chugging,
tires screech )

Stimpy, Stimpy, Stimpy...

Stimpson, Stimpy, Mr. Cat,
Mr. The cat, the cat, the cat--

Hoek !
The latest issue of husk !

For the adult corn lover...

can't wait to
try it out.

Stimpy !

Don't come in here !

( straining )

Come on, man, I got
important business.

( straining )

What's going on in there ?

That's it !
I'm coming in !

I got pimples, Ren.

Oh, Stimpy.

I knew this day would come.

This is the first sign
of cat puberty.

Puberty ?

The blessed transformation
into adulthood.

Once you are a man, you'll
in turn take care of me,

catering to my every whim

for the remainder of your
natural life !

How's that sound ?

Uhh, neat.

Now, wait here,
I have something for you.

I've been saving this
until you were old enough--

the Hoek family
grooming kit.

Eeh !

Been in the family
for generations.

Can I try ?

Go on,
find a nice ripe one.

Gently now, gently.

( g*nsh*t, ricochet )

( man screams )

Says here your voice
will change.

( Stimpy, voice cracking )
Oh, really ?

Says you're gonna
get clumsy, too.

( glass breaks,
clattering )

Yes, Ren, strange and wonderful
things are happening to me.

Here's your mush.

You know...

it's gonna be nice having
a man around the house.

( hard crunch )


there's baby teeth
in my mush.

I'm sorry, Ren.

Hey, hey, relax, man.

Don't yell at me !

I'm a good boy.

I'm not yelling at you...
Mr. Sensitive !

I'm a good boy !

Ow ow ow
ow ow oww !

( wheezing )

What's happening to me ?

It's natural.

It's just another
growth spurt, buddy.

But, your brain will
catch up eventually.

I look stupid !

I don't wanna grow up !
I don't wanna grow up !

( crash )

( sobbing )
I don't wanna grow up !

( crash )

A chest hair !

My first grown-up
possession !

Hey !

You think you have
the monopoly on hygiene ?

Yeah, Binky's kinda

but when she looked at me today
I could've died !

Hold on a second, will ya ?
I got another call.

Hoek ? Nah, he's busy,
he'll get back to ya.

Eh, hello, is your
refrigerator running ?

( snickers )

Well, let prince Albert out !
He'll suffocate !

( laughs )

Will you hold ?
Heh heh heh.

Oh, I know, the old man's
such a pill.

Hey ! Psst !
Ixnay on the erk-jay.

He's itting-say
on the ouch-cay !

Heh heh...
it's just a phase !

( Ren )
Stimpy's shedded skins...

strewn all over
the house !

This pubescence
has got to stop !

Hey, Ren, you wanna
go out this afternoon ?

Out ?

Why, I'd love to.

Good, 'cause I'm having
some friends over

and I'm embarrassed of you.

( laughter )

"No chi-ha-has."

Kid talk...
I'm hep to that.

( record scratches )

Yes ?

Hey, like,
I thought you cool cats

might like to partake
of some groovy beverage.

Heh, I sure would
like to meet your

hep, groovy,
daddy-O chumlies.

These are my friends
from school.

Everybody, Ren.
Ren, everybody.

Owww !

Hi, Mr. Hoek.
Hi, Mr. Hoek.

Delinquents !
I knew it !

You and you--
go home !

Uh, you're not gonna call
our parents, are you ?

Out !

And you !

I've had it up to here
with your phases.

You are not
to leave this room

until you are
a full-grown adult !

You ain't the boss of me.

You're grounded !
Forever !

You ain't the boss of me.

I heard that.

I hate you.

They grow so fast...
seems like only yesterday.

Throwing the old bean.

Oh, look, how cute !

Here, kitty, kitty...
little tykester.


( giggles )

( thumping )

( giggling )

( laughing )

Maybe I was kind of hard
on the little lad.

I'll make it up to him
next year.

( scream,
alarm bell clanging )

Someone hath breached
my security system.

My secret stash !
Perpetrated !

Stimpy !!

Going through
another man's drawers !

I should have done this
back in scene 36.

This'll learn ya !

Where are ya ?
You little thief !

And what have you done
with my magazines ?


he's gone into
the pupa stage...

from which he'll emerge
a grown man.

Well, that ain't
gonna save ya !

( rumbling )

You're all grown up.

And now, I have a man to take
care of me in my dog age.

Do odd jobs, feed me...
bathe me...

gently wipe the drool
from my chin.

Sorry, the world needs me !

Thanks for all
the grub, old man.

I'll call you
when I need money.

Wait !

I'll write,
if I learn how !

They grow so fast,
then leave ya.

You just hope
you raised 'em right.

( man )
In the years that we've
spent together on the show

I feel as though
we've grown... close.

Aww, that's so sweet...

isn't that
sweet, Ren ?

That's why I hate
to leave you guys...

leave ?

You got fired,
didn't you ?

No... you did.

( laughing )

Yep, I'm canning the show,

seeing as how you're an
egotistical, self-centered,


who are you
calling pigheaded ?!

( laughs nervously )

Oh, you got me
all wrong, pal.

And to prove it to ya, I'll,
I'll do anything you want.

As long as you keep
our show going.

Well, I don't know.

Aww, come on.

Can't you see
Stimpy's torment ?

Anything, huh ?

Anything !

I've got it !

A twist in chemistry.

You'll play the skinny jerk,
and you'll play the fat idiot.

( screaming )

Of course, to play the part,
you gotta look the part.

( Ren )
This is stupid.

I haven't gained an ounce
since I was a pup.

And what is this stuff ?

It's a pasty milkshake.

Try it, it's good.


say, that's good !

You, you sound
just like Stimpy.

You know, this stuff
kind of grows on you.

What's in it ?

Oh, it's a secret.

Let's turn it up,
shall we ?

It sure does tickle.

( gulping )


Hey !

Come see your buddy--

He must look hideous.

He's covered up-- he must
look worse than I thought.

Voila !

Let me take
a look at you.

Smooth as silk.

Lumpy, lumpy, lumpy !

Thighs of steel.

Thighs of...
marmalade !

You !

Well, it's like that,
is it ?

Always trying to upstage me.

Well, it's not gonna
work this time !

I'm on to you, pal,
I've got your number.

Of course you do, Ren,
we live together.

Don't play stupid
with me !

Or don't you
remember ?

I'm the stupid one now !

( sobbing )

There, there, Ren,
you're not stupid.

Yes, I am.

For living this lie.

Everyone always
liked you better.

I never understood it--
you, of all people.

Being stupid
and bloated and...

wait a minute.

That's it !

( laughs )

Take it easy, Ren.

You fool !!

Don't you see ?
Don't you get it ?

Everyone always loves
the stupid fat guy.

And that's... me !!!

( laughing maniacally )

I can see it all now.

The lights...
the crowds cheering...

( crowd cheering )

And you'll be the jerk,
scorned by millions.

Whatever makes you
happy, Ren.

Where you going, Ren ?

To address my fans !

Uh, duuuuhh !
( giggles )

I love it when
he's so determined.

Now, how to play Ren...

okay, here goes.

( wheezing inhale )

Where's my dinner ?

This is harder than
I ever imagined.

Let me try again.

( straining )

W-where's... my...

dinner ?!!!

( announcer )
The dog you've all been
waiting for...

Ren Hoek !!

This is to all
my loyal fans.

Love me !!

( Ren )
At last we are at the present--

my glory days.

( cheers end )

( crickets chirping )

Uh, duh ?

You !
Disgusting slob !

You fat pig !

Why don't you
cover up ?

There's children present.

( booing, angry yelling )

( sobbing )

they laughed at me...

and called me names.

They just don't

You're the only one who
truly understands me.

Pal ?


Where's my dinner ?!

While you were up to your stupid
hijinks, I've been starving.

You know, you're good
for two things--

no good and
good for nothin'.

And another thing--
ever hear of mouthwash ?

You got bad breath, man.

( hammering,
drilling )

quiet on the set !

All right, Stimpy,
ready ?

Ready, chief.

Ready, stupid ?

Not really.

Action !

Where's my dinner ?!

Don't you know
it's already 12:00 ?

( gasp )

Say your line, stupid !

Uh, duh ?

Come on, you
fat slob, act !!

What are you trying to do,
you moron, make me look bad ?

You're an embarrassment.

What else do you need,
a kick in the head ?

Cut, cut !

You're fat, you're ugly,

and you can't
remember your lines--

what are you doing here ?!

Stooooop !!!

You want me
to be stupid ?

I'll show you stupid !

Hey, what are you-- ?

I... quiiiit !!!

Nobody understands me.

Not again.

( boisterous cheering )

Great performance, kid,
you're going places.

You're the best.

I love show biz !