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03x08 - Jerry the Bellybutton Elf/Road Apples

Posted: 12/03/23 07:38
by bunniefuu
( factory whistle blows )

( power drill )

( horn honks )

Hee hee hee hee hee !

( honk )

( pop )

What kind of nonsense
are you up to now ?

Stimpy !

Are you playing with
your belly button again ?

Yeah, Ren, it's fun.


( foghorn blows )

Hey, you'd
better quit that.

What if someone
should see you ?

Don't be silly, Ren.

Hey, check this out.

( crank )

( pop )

( ding ding ding )

Cut that out !

Look, man,
I'm warning ya.

I saw this kind
of thing in the 60s.

You could go insane,
or worse.=

( sizzling )

( bubbling )=

( wolf howls )

( grunting )


( grinding )

Errrh !

What do you think
you're doing ?

Didn't I tell you

not to play with your
dad-Blasted belly button ?

And didn't I say you'd
go insane if you kept--

( grinding )

Huh ?

This is my last

playing with fire,

and you're going
to get burned !=

( radio tuning )


climb inside.

Fun awaits you
if you climb inside.

♪ Climb inside
my belly button ♪

♪ climb inside
my belly button ♪=

♪ rainbow cinnamon gum drop ♪

♪ lemony purple people
are a plastic mystery ♪

♪ day-glo bubble gum
pork chop ♪

♪ lilac lady
will go down in history ♪

♪ climb inside my world ♪

♪ climb inside ♪

♪ my belly button
big bad plastic world ♪

♪ green cheese
bell-Bottom mind game ♪

♪ pigpen henry drinks
his prune juice every day ♪

♪ tie-dyed businessman
snowflake ♪

♪ rubber man bouncin' down
a mushroom gravy highway ♪

♪ climb inside my world ♪

♪ climb inside ♪

♪ my belly button
big bad plastic world ♪

♪ saffron teabag peroggie ♪

♪ parsley panda has
a pepperoni pocket comb ♪

♪ flight bag
dripped with lasagna ♪

♪ meat loaf monkey drives
a moonbeam motor home ♪

♪ climb inside my world ♪

♪ climb inside ♪

♪ my belly button
big bad plastic world ♪=

hello !

Hello !

Hello-o-o !


Aah !

You're-- you're jerry
the belly button elf.

In person.

Wow, I am truly dilapidated
to make your acquaintance.

( hawking )

Believe me, the honor
is all yours.



Hmm, you seem to be
about, uh, a 42 fat.

Hot dog, my very own
lint miniskirt !

They're your
play clothes, Stimpy !

You and me are gonna
have lots of fun.

By the way,

do you know how
to unclog a toilet ?

Stimpy, how about
some breakfast ?

I could really go for some
of your famous steamed lard.

Stimpy ?


( gasp )

Stimpy !

Oh, Stimpy.

I-- I warned you.=

Why ?

Why didn't he listen to me ?

Why ?

( snort )

Why ?=

My dearest friend
reduced to a fleshy nub.=

( lawnmower running )

Oh, Stimpy, be a good boy,

and after you finish
mowing the lint,

could you wash the lint,

and iron the lint,

and maybe pick lint
from the lint ?

And uh, oh, don't forget
to walk the lint.

Arf arf arf !=

( clatter )

Dinner, dinner !

Hurry up, boy,
I want my dinner !

( panting )

Right away, your majesty, sir.

Stimpy, before I eat,

a toast to you,
my houseboy,

my man Friday.

You came
into the emptiness

that was
your belly button,

and you filled it

with the love
and the joy

and the thing,

and as we all know,

an elf
without the love

and the joy
and the thing

is no elf at all,

and so a toast
to you, Stimpy,

and this lovely
meal of--

lint loaf.

Lint loaf ?

Lint loaf ?

I hate lint loaf !

Yaah !

( screaming )

( brakes slamming )

What's cookin',
deadbeats ?

Sorry I'm late.

Tough show today.

Everyone say hi
to my new wife...


Clam dip, anyone ?

Aah !

( screaming )

Y-you look
kinda cranky, jerry.

Maybe you're cranky 'cause
you missed your dinner.

If you want,

I could throw that lint
loaf in the microwave.

Lint loaf !


aah !

Jerry, you look

I am Adonis !

Lord of chaos !

And today I feed.

( screaming )

Ren !

Stimpy ?=

Stimpy, ha ha ha, why
are you embarrassing me

in front of our friends
this way ?

Ha ha ha.

Come on, now,
get out of there

and help
serve drinks.

Ha ha ha ha !

Ha ha ha ha ha !

I'm sorry, Ren.
This is all my fault.

That's okay, pal.

If the giant crazy pork chop
doesn't k*ll us,

I'll k*ll you.

Thanks, buddy.


Aah !
Aah !

Raah !

( screaming )

Well, I guess that's it.

Where's that clam dip ?

( oink oink oink )

Nice going, fish.

Next time, bring
enough for everyone.

Smooth move, dope.

Come on, Barney,
let's blow this pop stand.

( goofy laugh )
Right behind you.

Ah, I'll be out
warming up the car, babe.

( burp )

Hee hee hee hee hee !=

( panting )

( groaning )


we've been crawling through
this desert for months.

We shall surely perish.

Waah !

Oh, my poor Ren.

You don't need
to continue on like this,

pulling yourself
through the desert.

I'll drag you.

Uhh... uhh... uhh...

aah !

That's it !

I can't take another step !

We're done for !=

Hey, Ren, do you see
what I see ?=

First, you tell me
what you see.

Well, I see, uh...

( game show music plays )

It looks like
a road, what else ?

Oh, yeah, right,
that's what I see, a road.

A road ?

Stimpy !

We're saved !

Hey, Ren, look !

An Rv
is coming our way.

Do you mind telling me
exactly what an Rv is ?

Why, Ren, they're our
homes away from home.

The good life on wheels.

Just smooth sailing.

It's the American dream
come true.


Hey, Stimpy,

I know how to get us
on that dream machine.=

Okay, here's the plan.

You lie down on the road

and pretend
you were hit by a car.


Now try
to look squished.


That's it.

Now twitch so they'll
think you're still alive.

And I'll stand here
where it's safe.

Wow, convincing
twitching, Ren.

A dog.

That's three this week.

Oh, look, honey,
they're still alive.

Aw, sh**t, guess we'll
have to bring 'em in.

Careful, honey, make sure
you get all of the messy one.

There you go.

I just love
to watch 'em twitch.=

Man, you guys
look haggard.

Turn around,
let's get a look at ya.

Lordy, ha ha, would you
look at that sunburn.

Tisk, tisk.

Well, you're in luck.

Here's an old folk remedy
that'll fix you right up.

Bloodsucking sand snails.




and you look
like you could use

a nice,
refreshing shower.

Hey, what kind of
cockamamie shower is this ?

It's got no knobs.

Don't worry, I'll
turn on the water.

Now that sound refreshing.
I think I'll join you.

( Ren screaming )

Oh, that hurts.

Well, how would you boys like
a tour of your new home ?

( horn toots )

Over here we have a complete
kitchenette and breakfast nook,

a country-style half bath
and topiary garden,

an on-premises butcher shop,

a deli counter,

a complete beauty parlor
and nail salon.

And no Rv is really
complete without A...

archery range.

Wow look at the time.
I'm starved.

Who wants lunch ?

Food !
Food !

Yes, siree-bob.

There's nothing like a good
old motor home-cooked meal.

Ha ha !

What's cookin', ma ?

Well, first, we have
hot buttered beefcakes.

( Ren and Stimpy )
Ooh !

And meat on the cob.


A fresh-tossed giblet salad.

Boy, oh, boy.

And for dessert, a beautiful
head cheese parfait.

Too much.

Drool, drool.=

Here you go, boys.


Wait, honey,

our little friends
are still too sunstroke

to eat solid foods.

What they need is
a tall, frosty glass of...

skunk milk !

There you go.

Nice bossy.

Here you go, boys, drink up.


Ren, why haven't you
touched your skunk milk ?

It's so nice and stinky.

( burp )

I'm not gonna drink,
because I don't like it.

How do you know
you don't like it ?

Did you try it ?


They can keep
their stinky old milk.

( gasp )

Ren, for shame.

These kind people have brought
us into their motor home,

and this is
how you thank them ?

Oh, well, you do
what you want to.

After all, it was your idea
to come on to the Rv.

All right, I'll drink
the stupid milk

if you'll just shut up !

( burp )

That's a good boy.

Well, all done ?

You know, after din-din,

it's time for all pets
to go outside.

Walkies, walkies.

I think they really
want to go out.

Aah !
Aah !

Atta boy, nice doggy.


( snoring )

Ehhr, everybody's
asleep, except me, ehh.

if everyone's asleep,

then who's driving the Rv ?

Aah !

( husband )
Hey, what's with
all the whining?

( wife )
Honey, I think the
animals have to go out

and do their business.

( husband )
Out you go.

( wife )
We don't want anyone
wetting the bed,

now do we ?

( thump )

Ha ha ha !

The joke's on them.

I already wet the bed.