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02x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 12/02/23 14:49
by bunniefuu
You're stuck in an infinite

time loop of three weeks.

Welcome to the Lazarus Project, Sarah.

What exactly can you tell us

about the Time Break Initiative?

My guess is, they're trying to

build their own time machine.

And if we wanted to build a time

machine of our own to fix this loop?

I'd start with finding these guys.

They're scientists.

We think they built the machine

that caused the second singularity.

So you find them

Just tell me

where Dr. Wheeler is!

they build you a machine

We go back past the checkpoint,

before the second

singularity was created,

stop it, rescue Janet.

Cancel the loop, everyone lives

happily ever after.

- We found Dr. Samson.

- Where?

Swiss Alps.

Are you here to k*ll me?

I came here to keep

you alive, actually.

- OK, Get down on the ground down there.

- What about you?

I didn't come all this way

to hide in a cupboard.

Just drive!

I've got him.

- Thank God.

- The Time Break Scientists

they're all connected

to this woman, Dr. Kitty Gray.

Wes already knows about her. Why

wouldn't she mention that to anyone?

- So yeah, what do we do?

- Nothing.

Not until we're sure

what we're dealing with.

Why don't I start with who we are?

We are the Lazarus Project,

a top secret organisation.

When did you get your mugs made?

Uh, Christmas present.

An overenthusiastic secretary.

I already know who you are.

The Time Break Initiative

knew all about you.

We modified some of our early

equipment based on your satellite tech.


So you know what we do, then?

Rudimentary time loop manipulation.

You can switch back to checkpoint

days. Reset every solar cycle.

It's uh, it's impressive.

And, um, I understand that you use that

to undo bad things happening.

Extinction-level events, yes.

Like the one you caused.


- And there's lots of them, are there?

- More than you'd think.

- You say we're in a loop?

- Yes.

1st of July to the 21st of July.

For how long?

- Over two years.

- We created a second singularity.


- We destroyed the world.

- Yes.

I think I'm gonna be sick.

Thank you.

I didn't know it would happen.

We moved too fast.

The night the fire destroyed the lab.

We were rushed to an air strip

and put on a plane.

- Where were you?

- At a casino.

- Where were you?

- I was asleep. Obviously.

Dragged me out of bed.

I thought I was gonna be shot.

We were taken to the facility

in Switzerland.


- I'd never even heard of

the Time break

Initiative at that point,

but now they became my whole world.

And Robin Lerner was the man

in charge of that world.

This is going to be

your new workplace from now on.

We lost a lot in the fire.

We lost hard drives,

we lost blueprints,

we lost equipment, we

lost research and, of course,

we lost Dr. Gray.

But we didn't lose you.

And you are gonna

continue her work here,

with all the money,

equipment and manpower you need.

Together, we will finish

what Dr. Gray started.

It's her legacy.

And it'll be your life's work.

It was strange at first,

living at the facility.

But there was so much to do,

and progress was fast.

Within a few years, we were ready

for our first live test subject.


Decomposition levels in line

with predicted date of death.

Oh, my God.

It works.

It actually works!

We need something bigger.


- After our first success,

we thought only of going forwards.

Of reaching for greater,

more dangerous goals.

Cylinders closing.

And eventually,

we thought we were ready.

- I don't like these readings.


Shut it down. Shut it down!

We had no idea how

badly wrong it would go.

- What happened?

- There was a miscalculation.

- It wasn't a miscalculation.

- The numbers weren't

The numbers are fine. It's the machine.

It's not ready

for what we're trying to do.

It's like trying to perform

keyhole surgery with a hammer.


What happened?

An energy surge unlike anything

We've created a black hole.


And we k*lled a dog.

- Incredible.

- It's expanding.

If it continues to do so,

there's a chance that it could start

to join with its nearest singularity.

A black hole known as M83.


If M83 and our new

singularity start to merge, then

it's the end.

The end of everything.

The end of the world

doesn't bother me, Dr. Li.

I've seen it all before.

We've been in this process, what?

Ten years?

And we've done incredible

things, gentlemen.

Yet we still find ourselves short

of where we need to be.

I don't I don't know

if you understand the

severity of the situation.

I'm afraid if we use the machine

to try and go back and undo this,

then we are going to

cause further damage.


- we do not know how to fix this.

- No, you don't.

But I know someone who might.

Take them both.

Bring them here.

We'd been years from even

contemplating a human test subject.

But circumstances had forced our hand.

The black hole we had created

was expanding.

Our only hope to fix it

lay not in the present

but in the past,

in sending one brilliant

mind back in time

to meet another.

I have a moral code, Miss Wesley.

I broke it

more than once.

My only defence

is that I had no choice.

Our mentor, Dr. Gray,

she always, um,

warned us of the potential

dangers, of time travel

but we dug too greedily and too deep.

Yes, you did.

After the final experiment,

it became clear

that things had changed.

New scientists had been brought in.

On your knees!

We suspected they were thinking

of adding them to the team.

- Where are the other scientists?

- I swear, I'm not lying.

- Where are the other three?

- We were wrong.


We fled, all of us, as far as we could.

Scattered to the four corners

of the globe.

We knew the Time Break

Initiative were after us.

All we could do was pray

we could outrun them.

All your colleagues are dead, Henry.

The Time Break Initiative

were cleaning house.

You had become disposable

to them, a loose end.

They were worried,

you'd fall into the wrong hands.

Like ours.

They were afraid because of

what we're going to make you do.

What are you gonna make me do?

We're going to make you

build us a time machine.

Hey. Wanna?


- That's what I thought is it?

- Yeah.

You all right?

What are you doing later?

Nothing, really.

A couple of guys that get into a fight

outside my flat later. It's pretty funny.

If you want to come and have a look.

What What was that?


It was nothing.

I miss you.


Don't you knock anymore?

Do you not lock your door anymore?

I brought you breakfast.

What is it?

It's called a croissant.

All of Parisian high society

are talking about them.

You can just say it's a croissant

without doing a whole bit about it.

Yeah, but I like to be adorable.

And I think you like that, too.

If you hurry, we can make

the 12:50 back to Heathrow.

I'm not going to London.

Why not?

Got something I need to do today.

We just found one of

the Time Break scientists.

You got something bigger than that?

I got a lead.

On what?

A safe house.

Do you want to extrapolate on that?

When we took Janet,

we took her daughter too.

We were instructed to

hand her over to a man.

And so we did.

I'd like to find that man,

because I'd like to find out

what happened to that little girl.

You were following orders.

They were bad orders.

And this safe house?

I think that's where he's hiding out.


Well, I'll come with you.

I didn't ask you to.

Yeah, which was very rude of you.

Fine. You can come.

Gee, don't sound too pleased about it.

You got the serum?


They tell you about the

memories, how they come back?

They said that probably

I'm not gonna enjoy it.

I may have been k*lled

many, many times.

Well, you might remember

some good stuff, as well.

- Did you?

- Some good.

Some bad.

- Some good, some bad.

- Yeah.

Can you tell me about Dr. Gray?

How did you meet her?

I like reading obscure medical

journals. It's, um, kind of a hobby.

I saw a paper she'd written,

some mad piece on

the theory of time travel.

I started skimming it, thinking it would

be nothing but a bunch of crackpot ideas,

but then I realised it wasn't.

I mean, the ideas were outlandish.

Completely out of this world.

But But they were grounded

in something real.

So, what, you became a disciple?

That's the name we gave ourselves.

We were really dedicated to her.

She was

Godlike to us.

Must have been really

difficult when she died.

When she was m*rder*d.

Why do you think someone would k*ll her?

Because they knew what we knew.

That it wasn't mad.

It was all possible.

Some people will do anything

to stop progress.

I'm gonna wake up back in

Switzerland in a few weeks.

Back running for my life.

At least you've got

somewhere to run to now.

You've got us.

I'm not

I'm not a brave man.

Well, you don't know

what kind of man you are yet.


When the memories come

how real will they feel?

Like they were yesterday.

When I first saw you,

Something stirred within me ♪

You were standing sultry

In the rain ♪

If I could've held you ♪

I would've held you ♪

It's a serum, Sarah.

It will help you remember

the time you've lost.

And what did I lose, George?

Just tell him.

Just tell him.

Tell him, tell him, tell him.

Everybody likes to be fancied,

unless it's someone they find repulsive,

in which case, that's a bad situation.

But you're not

repulsive. You are, in fact,

what I would call an attractive woman

talking to herself in a toilet.

You're wearing a nice dress.

You've had three and a half pints

and one line

of what I assume was cocaine.

You're gonna go down and tell him

that you're ready

to ruin the friendship.

In a sexy way.

And that's just what you're gonna do.

Excuse me.


I'm getting off at Rathborne Place.

- Okay.

- Just in case

you were also getting

off at Rathborne Place

and you thought I was following you.


- Well, I'm I'm not.

- Okay.

I am actually getting

off at Rathborne Place.

Oh. Okay.


now I'm wondering

if you're following me.

Next stop:

Rathborne Place.

He's the idiot.

He had a chance with

you and he threw it away?



- You don't want to be with a guy like that.

- Right.


I'm this way.

Oh right, well,

- thanks for walking me home.

- You're welcome.

- Yeah, I don't suppose you

- Yes.

- Yes, I will take your number.

- Oh, great.

I'm terrible at darts.

No hand-eye coordination.

Genuinely, I struggle to eat soup.

You're incredibly

attractive to me right now.

Tell him, tell him, tell him.

Excuse me. Hi.

- I don't suppose

- Yes!

I will take your number.


Excuse me.

I'm supposed to find this girl

called Sarah.

- You were at that party?

- Yeah.

Yeah, I think I saw you.

I think I saw you, too.

And what did I lose, George?

A burn on his arm in 2012.

There you go,

what more evidence do you need?

We know Wes met Dr. Gray.

We know she covered it up.

We know Dr, Gray was m*rder*d

and her lab burnt down in 2012.

We now know a conveniently

dead Lazarus agent

who suffered burns

at the exact same time.

You don't have to be

f*cking Columbo to work it out.

We don't know, Wes

covered up meeting Gray.

She just hasn't mentioned it.

Pretty big thing to not mention.

"Oh, we're just looking

for these six scientists

who all happened to

work for the same person,

who happened to be

a time-travel expert,

who I actually happened

to have already met.

I just didn't think any of

that was worth bringing up."

No, no, no!

Not with the bell again!

Piss bag needs emptying.

Mate, I'm trying to

make a f*cking ragù here.

Oh sorry, if I'm low on sympathy.

I can't actually ingest solid

food until four days before

time jumps back to me being shot again.

I do not understand why they can't

send you straight to the hospital.

Why would Wes cover it

up, if she had k*lled Gray?

I don't know. Why do people usually

cover up, when they've m*rder*d someone?

Oh, yeah, because they go to jail.

Who are you texting?

Uh, Sarah.

You need to give her some space.

Let her sort her head out.

Yeah, you'd know lot about

giving girls space, I bet.

I wouldn't worry about it.

She's just probably at home in bed

- with her fiancée.

- You're a prick, you know that.

Yeah, well, I hope you choke

on your f*cking ragù.

Hey, come on, you must

remember something from 2012.

This Ross Keane guy, you don't

remember him getting injured?

- Being on a mission you didn't

know about? - No. No.

If you want to ask anyone, ask Archie.

She knew him a lot better than me.

Oh, you mean like, like

she " knew him," knew him?


They were a thing for a while.

Until he got himself

k*lled on a mission.

If he told anyone his secrets,

it would have been her.

I'm gonna go in and have a

look around. You stay here.

You want to me to wait in the car?

That feels like a bad use of resources.

I'll call if I need you.

My dad used to leave me in the car with a

pack of crisps, while he went to the pub.

Okay, we don't have

time to unpack that right now.

- No.

- Just stay here.


Don't like people sneaking up on me.

Yeah, well, I don't like people

pointing their g*ns at me.

That's too bad.

- Are you okay?

- I thought you wanted him alive.

He was going to k*ll you.

Yeah, well, I would've come back.

Even so.

Time Break initiative's facility

is a beast.

The machine's vast, but able to be run

by a small skeleton crew of engineers.

It's an old military compound.

Miles of tunnels underground they

retrofitted into a velocity chamber.

- Like the Hadron Collider?

- Exactly.

Tunnels form a high-velocity track

so the subject can reach

the right speed for time travel.

Like 88 miles an hour in a DeLorean?

- Sorry?

- 88 miles an hour in a DeLorean.

- It's like Back to the Future.

- Ah. I haven't seen it.

Really? Never?

I'm not really a movie guy.

Right, but, like, I mean,

it's f*cking Back to the Future.

- Okay.

- Everyone's seen it.

My mum's seen it, and

she hasn't seen anything.

I've just been really busy

with science and stuff.

But to be fair, you literally

made a time machine.

That's like an archeologist

not watching Jurassic Park.


- What?

- It's like a palaeontologist

not watching Jurassic Park.

An archeologist would

watch Indiana Jones.

- They're different jobs.

- Shall we get back to it?



Okay, so,

the thing is, the

velocity of the subject

in conjunction with their position

alongside a planetary alignment.

The position of the singularity?

Relative to the speed

and position of the subject, yes.

Velocity and planetary alignment.

That's just a jet and a supercomputer.

Only if you know the calculations

you're looking for, sure.

- Then there's the neurotoxin.

- Neurotoxin?

It's a version of the serum

that some of us in this room

have already been injected with,

the one that allows your brain to

become aware of lost time loops.

Well, this toxin creates a link

between the mind of the subject

and the pull of the black hole.

To travel through time, you have to

believe you can travel through time?

In layman's terms, yes.

How do we get hold of this toxin,

then? Can you make more of it?

- Well, we would need the formula.

- Where is it?

In there.

Then that's where you're going.

Move out. Plane leaves in 30 minutes.



I'm putting you back in the field.

Thank you, ma'am.

Trust is important, George.

I hope you won't betray mine again.

No, ma'am.

What about The Terminator?

- You seen that?

- No.



Groundhog Day? No?

Well, it's good.

Also you're basically living it,

so, you know, worth a watch.

- Hey.

- Hey.

- This is Samson.

- Ah, Dr. Samson.

We've been looking for you

for a long time.

So, what are we doing here?

Breaking into a time

machine to try and steal

a formula for a neurotoxin.

Just another Tuesday, then.

You worked here?


When you sent them back,

was there a little girl with them?

Well, I never thought we'd ever

Did you send the little girl back?


Look, can I ask you something?

We're trying to find something

out about an old mission, in 2012.

- Check the logs.

- There's nothing in the logs.

- Ask Wes. - I don't really want to

bother her with it.

- Okay. - I just wondered,

maybe you might know something.

It involves a agent called Ross Keane.

I think he might have been

quite badly injured during it.

A burn on his arm.

That was before my time.

When you got your lost memories back,

what did you remember

of the night we met?

I remember we didn't actually

get together till the last time.

- What do you think about that?

- Well, I guess

I guess I think it means

it must be fate, right?

That one time we actually got

together and ended up not being undone.

Do you know what I mean?



Or it means fate's complicated.


Fate, fate is complicated.

You all right?

They sent back the girl.


They put her in this

machine and sent her back.

You didn't know they

were gonna do that.


I just kidnapped her and her

mother and didn't ask questions.

We've all done things,

we wished we hadn't.

That's the world we live in.

That's not you anymore.

How do you know?

Because you're here,

trying to make it right.

Also, I just know, because I know you.

You're a good person.

You don't know me that well.

I know you better than you think.

Looks like they cleared out

most of their stuff.


What is that?

No toxin, then?


But I think I know

where they moved everything to.


Do you still love me?

That's a big question to ask a girl

in the control centre

of an abandoned time machine.

No, it's a simple question.

It's not, though.

It's a really hard question,

and you know that.

It's not a hard question for me.

It's easy. I love you.

Right, and I-I-I miss you.

And if you don't love me, that's okay.

But you should just tell me.

You should probably stop

shagging me in alleyways

and doing confusing shit like that.

Okay, I'll stop shagging

you in alleyways.

- Because you don't love me?

- No. No. I don't not love you.

I just don't know how I do feel,

and if it confuses you

We only had sex

in an alleyway once, by the way.

Then I won't do that anymore

while I figure out how I feel about you

- and, probably, everything else, okay?

- Yeah. Yeah.

You asked me about fate.

Well, I do remember the night we met.

All the nights we met.

And every time you and

I didn't end up together,

I met Cormac.

But it got undone.

Then the one night I met you, it stuck.

But now I'm not with you

or the other guy.

I'm married to the man

that I originally went

to that party to meet,

and I can't stand him.

So you tell me, George.

Is it fate for me and

Michael to be together,

or me and you, or me and Cormac?

Or are fate and love and soulmates

just some meaningless construct

that we use

to try and put some semblance of order

into the f*cking food blender

of random occurrences

that make up our lives?

- Cormac's a stupid name.

- No, it's not.

Yes, it is. And you know what?

I wish I could travel back in time

to before this f*cking

conversation happened.

What did you do?


Stop just pressing buttons, George.

It's not a frozen f*cking laptop.

I'm not just f*cking pressing

Shit, shit, shit, shit.

That's not a "don't worry,

everything's okay" siren, is it?

No, it is not.

- What did you press?!

- I didn't really press anything.

Oh, shit.

Yeah, I f*cked up.

I touched something.

That was my bad.


Oh, my God, that's deeply unpleasant.

Can I come to you?


Rebrob, where are you?

And why would I have a tail?

When you were working on the

machine, did you see who was sent back?


Both of them.

There was a man as well.

He was their handler, I think.

You didn't consider the ethical

implications of what you were doing?

I didn't know that that was

what they wanted to do.

None of us did.

The only way of fixing this black hole

is to send Janet back to 2012.

- Can you do it?

- Theoretically.

Theoretically, we could do it.

But we are months,

years away, from safely

performing a human test.

You put a person in that machine,

and there's no knowing

what will happen to them.

The only certainty we have

is that in less than a year,

the world as we know it is going to end.

When the only certainty is destruction,

we must head toward the unknown.

If any of you feel you

cannot be a part of it,

I understand.

But this experiment will take place

with or without you.

Are we really doing this?

Where is my daughter?

She's waiting for you.

So you have no choice,

but to follow her.

Back in time.

According to calculations, you'll

arrive right after Becky does.

You better f*cking hope so.

They made it.

Don't think even Agent Rui

knew what they had planned.

Agent Rui?


Well, she was with the other agent.

The woman.


Yes, Agent Rui was part of the team

that took the young girl

and her mother.

She seemed really concerned about her.

- You didn't know?

- No.

I didn't know.

Please stand clear

of the closing doors.

This train is ready to leave.

- That's different.

- Excuse me?

- I think it's happening.

- What's happening?

Your life's about to be in danger.

My life's about to

Whoa! Who are you?


Oh, what the f*ck?



What are you What?

You're grown up?

- Yeah.

- How?

Well I was six when I got sent back

to 2012, 12 years ago, so, you know,

you do the math.

- I'm 18.

- Yeah, yeah, I can add up.

You've been on this

train. I've seen you.

- You sat right there every time.

- Yeah.

- Why?

- So I can save your life.

Save Save my life from what?

- Bryson!

- Who?

Come on!



- Who is that?

- It's Bryson!

- Who the f*ck is Bryson?

- He's my minder,

I haven't seen him since I was a kid.

Since you were a kid two

years ago, or 12 years ago?

- 2012. Twelve years.

- What's he doing here?

- Why's he tryin to k*ll me?

- I don't know! I thought he was dead!

This is turning into a very

strange f*cking morning!

Move! Move! Get out of the way.

Listen man,

I don't know what's going on,

or what it is you think

I've done, but

It's not what you've done.

It's what you're gonna do.


You are a monster,

my friend. You are evil.

- No, mate, I think

you got me confused - No!

I know you, George Addo.

I know you.