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01x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 12/02/23 14:45
by bunniefuu

- Why's time jumping backwards?

- Because we made it.


We're a top-secret


organisation dedicated to

preventing and undoing

mass extinction events.

- So, if you use it now

- We wake up yesterday.

Till we go a whole year,

and get to July 1st 2023,

and that becomes

our new checkpoint.

Welcome to The Lazarus Project.

Dennis Rebrov

is on almost every

terror watch list

- in the world.

- He's ex-Lazarus?

One of our

brightest and best.

See you later!

Fluffy Southdown.

- Really?

- Yeah.

What was fluffy then? A dog?

Fluffy was my sister's passive

aggressively named goldfish.

I was allergic to

all the fun pets.

What do you think we did wrong?

Almost everything.


- We'll do better next

- Can't do much worse.

It wasn't your fault.

You're just being nice.

I would never intentionally

be nice to you.

By accident, though?

Maybe it won't happen.

It'll happen. Come on.

Best seats in the house.

Gary Apple-yard. It's

my porn star name.

Gary Apple-yard is a

terrible porn star name.

I know.

Gary Apple-yard.

You got Rebrov?

- French police raided the flat

after a tip off from us.

Picked up some of his guys,

and they gave us a

location, the grasses.

That's fantastic.

Yeah, we're moving on him now.

Thought you might like

to be here for it.

Yeah, absolutely.


Have we got any of our

operatives on the raid?

No time. Just the locals.

Great. The most wanted man in

the world is within our grasp,

and we're sending in

Inspector Clouseau.

It's French Special Forces,

I think we'll be all right.

I dated a guy in the

French Special Forces once.

Soul of a poet,

hands of a butcher.

What the hell.

Ma'am. Ma'am.

- Wait, that's

They're getting in position.

This isn't your fault.


We got him.

She's out of surgery, but

she's still unconscious.

When will she wake up?

It's too early to

say. My advice,

is to go home. Get some rest.


She's gonna wake up though,

- right?

- We don't know yet.

Remind me why we're here again.

It's a party.

- It's fun.

- Whose house is this?

My brother's

girlfriend's cousin.

Right, well I don't

really know anyone here.

Please don't be a f*cking

Scrooge all night.

I'm in Camden,

drinking wine from

a "World's Best Aunt" mug.

How could I possibly

not be enjoying myself?

What have you got

against Camden?

Or aunts? Hey, what

are you saying?

- Anyway, there's a girl here

- There's a lot of girls here.

A specific girl.

My brother wanted

you to meet her.

Says she's fun, and

smart and beautiful.

So, one can only assume she'll

find a partner who shares

at least one of those

qualities with her,

but if not, apparently

you two should

really hit it off.

This girl got a name?

Uh, Sarah.

- Sarah?

- Yeah.

So, we're gonna try

and track her down

and when we do, you two can

I don't know,

have babies and live happily

ever after and all that shit


George? George?

We're here.


What're you thinking about?


when me and Sarah met.

Love at first sight?

Yeah, I think so.

How long have you

known each other?


we met in summer 2018?

- What?


I was on a mission

in summer 2018.

Didn't go well.

Where'd you keep your booze?

I read a study

somewhere that said

you're not meant to

drink after a trauma.

Yeah, that's bullshit.

So there were

versions of my life

that were undone by time loops.

Whole other paths I

took that got reversed.

What happens to all

that? The stuff I forgot?

When you get the jab like I did,

it all comes back in a wave.

Just hits you, suddenly.

For you? Mutants?

It depends.

You might start to

recall fragments slowly,

you might remember

it all at once,

you might never remember it.

Why? You starting to see things?

Yeah, maybe. I don't know.

December 2018

- Did you reset the clock?

- Yeah.

How many times?

A lot.

Yesterday was the checkpoint.

She was okay yesterday.

- She still might be.

- What if she's not?

The world would

be a sadder place.

And I will be there

to get you through it.

When you got Rebrov,

did he say anything?


He's not the talkative type.

Approaching HQ

with Rebrov on board.

You're with NATO?

We're not

officially affiliated.


Well, you cleared

our security checks.

Now you have five

minutes of my time.

What do you want?

Last week, one of

your F-class fighters

was shot down over

the Kazakh region.

- How do you know

- We just know.

It was the Modeen.

It wasn't the Modeen.

I have satellite photos.

Yeah, they're wrong,

it wasn't the Modeen.

It was General Zeva's men.

They want

you to retaliate.

They want you to

fire on the Modeen,

so the Modeen fire on you.

Then they're going to use that

as an excuse to push

into this region.

They're going to tell

you it's to support you,

but it's not.

But that's

And that's going to lead

to a chain of events

that will culminate in NATO

putting ground troops

on your border.

Then, people are going

to start firing missiles,

and trust me on this,

it doesn't get any

better from there.

General Zeva is going to

make a friendly invasion?

And NATO is going to put

troops on the border?

- Yes.

- Why?

Because the Modeen didn't

sh**t down your jet.


From the French


Back form, from diplomatique.

Ultimately deriving

from the Latin,

"diploma" meaning

a letter of recommendation

or authority.

The idea being that

someone with some clout,

a bit of something about him,

a bit of f*cking chutzpah,

could come along and

sort out a problem

by dint of the fact that people

f*cking listened to them.

See, that's our problem.

No one f*cking listens to us.

We got a time machine

and no one listens to us.

No one knows we've

got a time machine.

We should tell people

Yeah, that's what we should do.

This guy is going to keep

starting World w*r Three

if we don't do

something drastic.

So let's do something drastic.

I spoke to Karol.

What did she say?

She was just sad,

more than anything.

When did you speak to her?

Before the checkpoint.

I spoke to Jim.



- Coward.

I'll tell him again.

You really don't need

to come in today.

We just caught the world's most

dangerous t*rror1st, didn't we?

Didn't sound like

a day I can skip.

It is absolutely a

day you can skip.

I wanna come in.

I need to.

This is just

a standard debrief.

Post-traumatic stress

is common here.

You lived through

something life-changing,

- but technically

- It didn't happen.

It happened.

But it can be disorientating.


You saw The Dane get shot.


Have you thought

about it much since?

Till my girlfriend got

hit by a rubbish truck.

Now that's taking up

most of my headspace.

You heard me die.

- Yeah, but you came back.

- Yes.

Because we turned back time.

Because the b*mb went off.

You understand that, don't you?

The only reason we came back

is because of the b*mb.

Must be pretty

upsetting for you.

Knowing that your friends would

have just let you stay dead.

Well, that's the deal.

I don't expect anyone

to play God for me.

Why not?

What harm would it have done?

Four babies are

born every second.

That's 250 babies a minute.

15,000 in an hour.

360,000 babies in a day, 2.5

million babies in a week.

If we went back in time to

just over nine months ago,

we change the

course of the world.

How many infants

that are alive today

would never even be conceived?

How much progress would we lose?

I've seen entire social

movements disappear.

World changing events, undone.

So we only do it when

the alternative is worse.

You see the thing is,

even if we did change

time by nine months,

there'll still be four

babies born every second,

they'll just be

different babies.

And we've just

given them a chance.

No one would know,

no one would care.

So we had an agent here,


She got pregnant and she

gave birth to a little boy,

just before the checkpoint.

I've never seen

anyone so terrified,

because she knew

You reset time, you go back

to before the conception.

Her baby would be gone.

Well, guess what?

It happened, and

she lost her child.

She got pregnant

again, but of course,

it was a different kid.

That's happened to millions.

Billions of other women

without them even knowing it

Why don't you just

say it, okay, Archie?

You can't turn back time to

stop what happened to Sarah.

General Kasan's being

paid off by them.

He knows the m*ssile strike's

a set-up. He just doesn't care.

So much for diplomacy.

I think diplomacy's

still on the table.

Just not with Kasan around.

That smells disgusting.

It's a local delicacy.

It's like a a boiled

doughnut filled with ham.

Ah, it's all right actually.

Here he comes.

I was thinking, by the way, I

want you to move in with me.

I said, I want

I don't know if I'm ready.


I'll think about it.

She's called Sarah.

That's it?

That's all the

information you've got?

That's all I've got.

- Thanks.

- Yeah, good luck!

Do you want to play a game?

It's called wee, poo, cocaine.

It's a guessing game.

I'm actually going in

there to have a cry so

You might want to

rethink the name.

Not enjoying the party?

Um, I'm not very good at them

There's no such thing as

being "good" at parties.

- No?

- No! You're not

You're not getting a

performance review.

Attendance is the only criteria.

Don't let anyone

tell you differently.

Your name's not Sarah,

- by any chance, is it?

- Why?

I'm supposed to find

this girl called Sarah.

Apparently she's perfect for me.

So, you believe in


- How do you mean?

- You believe

the one perfect

person is out there

and you merely

have to find them.

Uh, I don't know. I was just

told to find this girl

Well, my name's Hayley.

- Ah.

Ah, sorry .

Your search

continues. Good luck.


You speak to Jim again?

Breaks his heart every time.

- Why don't you just

wait until, you know, we're not

gonna have to go back again?

I don't know.

Penance, maybe. Better

than living a lie.

So, if we stop World

w*r Three breaking out,

you'll still wanna move in?


Well now there's motivation.


Before I forget, there's

a girl called Sarah

and she is

Settle down.

Who changed my song?

Did you change my song?


You're holding a CD.

Right. Yeah, yeah,

yeah, that was me.

Why did you change my song?

Oh, did you put that

on intentionally?

I just, I didn't think anyone

would have put that

on intentionally.

Well, I did.

Yeah, I see that.

- Intentionally.

- Because

- that's your song.

- Yes.

Can I ask you a question?

- Why is that my song?


Um, 'cause it's a good song.

Uh, not objectively, it's not.

There's no such thing as

objective quality in the arts.

Tell that to Beethoven.

You're thinking of

collective subjectivity.

I could tell that to Beethoven

or Shakespeare or Picasso.

They're not intrinsically good,

they just happen to

have a lot of fans.

Collective subjectivity is a

thing you just made up nah?

No. I just don't like

Beethoven very much.

I'm George, by the way.


I'm training to be a teacher.

Oh yeah? Who you teaching?


They're gonna love

your acerbic bon mots.

Someone has to. What do you do?

One of the

bedrooms is on fire,

everybody needs to get out!

Uh, what?


dropped a cigarette.

Oh shit, my bag

I'm not kidding, come on!

I-I'll catch you outside, yeah?

- Okay. Yeah.

Come on! Hurry up!

Don't tell me you dropped

a cigarette in there.

It was a joint, actually.

Do you think I should

tell them it was me?

Oh my God! Has

anyone seen my cat?

I really

think you shouldn't.

Do you wanna f*ck him up?


The guy that pushed your

missus in front of the truck.

Do you wanna f*ck him up?

Get in the car.

I thought you were the sensible,

heavy burden of

responsibility guy.

Yeah. That's me.

So, what's happening now?

Well as I understand it, a

man, albeit accidentally,

pushed your missus

in front of a truck.

That's right.

I'm all for holding the delicate

strands of fate in my hands

and carefully ironing out

the creases of the

fabric of space and time.

Don't get me wrong.


A guy pushed your missus

in front of a truck.

That's all I'm saying.


So, do you want to f*ck him up?

- Yes, I do.

- All right, then.

You'll admit a wrong

has been committed.

You'll admit something

bad has happened

for which there

requires retribution.

You'd help me beat up this

guy up for what he did?

I'll f*cking headbutt the prick.

But you won't undo it?

Archie gave you the one baby

every four seconds talk, right?


No point having it twice then.

It's four babies

every one second.

Oh God.

That's even worse.

So what, we're just

gonna wait for him

to come to the door

and just punch him?

Unless you think you can

punch through the door.

Which would be

pretty f*cking cool.

What's the matter?

It's not gonna

reverse it, is it?

We have very good connections

with law enforcement.

I guarantee you won't

get in trouble

I don't want revenge.

I want it undone.

Revenge is the best

I can offer you.

- There's no point.

- Why not?

'Cause what's done is done.



- Every time we try and have

a conversation

with these people,

they start sh**ting at us.

So I was thinking you know,

with my place, I'm probably

going to let Karol keep it.

And your flat's pretty small.

So, we should look to get

somewhere new together,

if we're gonna move in.

Now? Really now?

Probably rent for a

few months if you like,

while we look for

somewhere to buy,

- what do you think?

I think we'll have to.

I can't get a mortgage in

principle that quickly.

I mean we could also stay

in a hotel for a bit.

Hotels drive me crazy

- after about a week.

Me too.

You know what we should do?


- You ok?

- Um, yeah.

- It's work.

- .

What happened? We

were under cover.

A b*llet bounced off

a fire extinguisher.

- Well, that was unlucky.


What happened to you?

I didn't get far.

But I did get an idea.

I'll meet you at the

airport tomorrow.

We've gotta go

back to that shit hole,

hopefully for the last time.

Okay. Ross, listen.

Are you okay?

- Yeah.

I mean,

I died.

Yeah. Try not to do

it again .



like what we were talking about.

Before I got shot.

Me too, me too.


I don't think I

love you anymore.

I know.

I'm sorry.

Rebrov's coming in tonight?


He is.

What's his deal?

He's a lunatic.

Nah, it's got to

be more than that.

What happened?

There was a mission.

Let me guess, it went bad.

Wanna go talk to him now?

Hello Rebrov.

- Hello, Shiv.

You look drunk.

I remember you from

Paris. Last one standing.

How is The Dane?

- Angry you shot him.

- He was always sensitive.

George wanted to come and

see what you looked like.

I look like a man

standing in a box.


They've got you running

missions then, George.

- Paris was my first.

- Oh, you messed that one up.

I don't know about

that. You are here.

He's salty.

Enjoying working with Shiv?

Is he as much fun

as he used to be?

"Chuckles", we used to call him.

Non-stop party

when Shiv's around.

Where's Big Boy?

Who's Big Boy?

The thermo-nuclear

device you detonated

in the centre of a

major European city.

Oh yeah, of course. Say,

should I have a lawyer present?

You don't get

a f*cking lawyer.

I know that.

- I used to work here, remember

- Where's the warhead?

See, I actually don't know.

It got delivered to me in Paris,

but then you turned back

time and picked me up so

could be anywhere.

I imagine you'll want to, uh,

interrogate me at

length about it.

Did you know they

do that, George?

Did you know The Lazarus

Project tortures people?

Oh yeah.

Quite the shady little

secret society you've joined.

It was Shiv, in fact,

who was the first of us

to get into all that.

Who was the guy?

Some despot funnelling

money to a rogue state,

who can remember which one?

They all start to look the

f*cking same after a while.


Shiv gets him into a room

and starts going at him

with the rag in the mouth

and the jug of water

and the whole circus.

Really went to town on the guy.

That was just the first.

Wes never liked it, but

Wes never stopped it.

If you look closely, George,

you'll notice a distinct lack

of security cameras

in this room.

It's one thing breaking

your moral code,

it's another thing watching

it back on tape, eh, Shiv?

I'm not gonna be

lectured on morals

by a man who's k*lled hundreds

of thousands of people.

Technically, I've

barely k*lled anyone.

You always turn back the clock.

Good old Shiv.

Good old Lazarus Project.

Hey, maybe, they'll let you

have a go at me, George.

Maybe you'll get to

pull my fingernails out.

They'll probably all buy you

a round at the bar after.

Do they still do

after-work drinks?

Does Shiv still

sit in the corner

hoping everyone can

see him brooding?

f*cking karaoke. Jesus Christ.

How's Archie, by the

way? I shot her too.

Go f*ck yourself.


You finally got me in

your cell, one-to-one

and "go f*ck yourself" is the

best you could come up with.

Real warrior poet

you turned out to be.

You know what they

do here, George?

They sacrifice life

to destroy death.

And it weighs pretty

f*cking heavy on them.

This is a waste of time.

Enjoy your box. I left

my booze in the car.

So, the thing is

George, these people,

they wield incredible power,

but they're just people.

They're not divinely chosen.

They're not brighter or

smarter than anyone else.

They're just the kids you

used to sit next to in school.

But they'll happily play

God when it suits them.

What happens in this

place is an affront.

The world has died, George.

A hundred times over.

It wants to die and we

keep cheating it out of it.

Our time was up long ago,

and they're still

refusing to let go.

Is that why you do what you do?

I do what I do

cause there's no one else

to hold them to account.

And because they can't hold

back the inevitable forever.

You okay?


Doesn't matter how far down

the chain of command we go,

the whole government's

corrupt as hell.

What about the

opposition party?

Alexander Puhvel?

The Fascist?

He has some unappealing

views on certain things, yes.

Like Jews, Muslims,

h*m*, women?

Yeah, you know,

that kind of thing.

That kind of thing.

There isn't a lot

to recommend Puhvel

but I will say this for him.

He hates General Zeva.

So, we get him into power

Prime Minister Osiminov's weak.

That's why he's about to

start World w*r Three.

You wanna do a little

coup d'e-f*cking-tat.

Yes, I do.

And later? When the

Fascists are in charge?

- We'll deal with it.

Somebody will deal with it.

It's not perfect, but

it's what we've got.

The thing about

starting a coup,

is you need to make the

people doing the coup-ing

feel like it was their idea.

I don't think coup-ing is

the verb of coup d'etat

but go on.


nothing riles up

a politically extreme opposition

more than a few well-placed

arrests and assassinations.

f*ck. Did someone

just sh**t him?

Her name's Sarah?


Military officials

have threatened to escalate

I thought coup-ing would

be easier than this.

We'll try again.

Yo. Can I hit that?

You've got to be

careful on that though,

it's Northern super mix.

- It's really strong, yeah.


You're welcome.

Coup was quickly

quashed by government forces.

And Prime Minister

She's called Sarah.

She's perfect for me.

- Apparently so.

Let's try again.

There's this girl

you gotta meet.

Jesus Christ.

How many more times?

And this is George.

- Hi!

- Hi!

I'm not sure that

I love you anymore.

Her name's Sarah.

We'll try again.

Jesus f*cking Christ!

Again Again.

Every time we

get the opposition party

to rise up against

the government,

the head of the Prime Minister's

private security force

cracks down on them.

Not every time.

- What?

- There was one time they didn't.

When I got shot.

What happened when

I was k*lled, Ross?

Prime Minister

Osiminov's security chief

died the same day you did.

He slipped on some ice

and fell down the stairs.

It was a freak accident.

And without him leading

the security force

Puhvel got put into

power, like we wanted.

So why did you reset

back to the checkpoint?

You know why.

It was the only way

to bring you back.

I you don't

- You don't ever

- Ever, ever what?

Save your life?

I save your

life every time I can,

because I love you.

That's what you do

when you love someone,

you break rules for them.

- I didn't ask you to do that.

- You didn't have to.

-I'd give my life

for this project.

- You don't have to. Archie.

- I would.

Not while I'm here.

The world needs you, Archie.

Any version of the

future without you in it,

isn't one worth saving.

We go k*ll the Prime

Minister's security chief,

then we can complete

the mission.

We close the loop. We

all get what we want.


I'm George.


- You at that, party?

- Yeah.

Yeah, I think I saw you.

I think I saw you too

Is this your bus stop?



Do you wanna sit down anyway

- Yeah?

Hmm? Yeah.


You know it's the

weirdest thing,

I feel like I've met you before.



I need to go to the hospital.

I'm sorry, George.

We did everything we could,

but we couldn't save her

We have to try again .

The opposition just took

the Parliament Building

and the TV station.

Our intelligence

shows it worked.

No, Wes, please.

No, Wes please,

no, please, Wes

I'm sorry, Archie.

- Please, Wes, please.



- The mission was successful.


You want

to turn back time?



Because this

version isn't right.

I don't want this version.

I want to change it. I have to.

You want to undo what

has already been done.

That is what we

do here, isn't it?

Do you believe in fate?

I don't know.

I don't care, I

don't f*cking care

if there were a 1000 timelines

where we never met

or we split up,

or we lost everything.

We're together now,

that's what I know.

We're supposed to be together,

'cause that's the

version we had.

That's what was real.

I can save her.

So why the f*ck wouldn't I?

And are you willing to

burn down everything

to start again?
