American Symphony (2023)

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American Symphony (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

- (water trickling)

- (man humming)

(geese honking)

(melodica playing)

(Batiste) Since I was a child,

I was always making things.

My mind is always making things.

Just continues to become more

and more of a survival mechanism

as the years move on.

It's the way I process

all the things in my life.

(piano notes playing)


(Colbert) Before we get to the

show, ladies and gentlemen,

Grammy nominations

were announced.

And the most honored artist

this year with 11 nominations

- is Mr. Jon Batiste right there.

- (cheering and applause)

(Colbert) Our bandleader,

ladies and gentlemen.

(continues playing piano)

(Colbert) Best Traditional

R&B Performance,

Best R&B Album, Best

Improvised Jazz solo,

Best Jazz Instrumental Album,

Best American Roots Performance,

Best American Roots Song, Best

Contemporary Classical Composition,

Best Score Soundtrack for Soul,

Best Musical Video for "Freedom,"

Record of the Year

for "Freedom,"

and Album of The

Year for We Are.

- Damn!

- (applause and cheering)

Come on.

(piano playing continues)

(Batiste) What we love about

music is not that it sounds good.

What we love about music is

that it sounds inevitable.

It's playing the thing that

we all know is unfolding.

Whether we want to

accept it or not.

And it's there always.

You just need to harness it.

Be open to it.

(car horns honking)

That sounds so

Happy New Year.

Happy New Year.


It's a new year.

We missed it.

To family and freedom.

To family and freedom.

Thank you.

(man singing on

recording) Should auld

- Acquaintance be forgot

- Acquaintance be forgot

- And never brought to mind?

- (vocalizing)

How are you feeling?

I'm tired, but I'm good.

acquaintance be forgot

And the days of

auld lang syne?

(woman on the

phone) Jon Batiste.

(Batiste laughs) Hey!

I heard you thinkin' about those

Grammys. Are you gonna represent?

Oh, my goodness, I thought it

was like an SNL bit or something

when the people were

saying, "Jon Batiste,

Jon Batiste, Folk Americana,

Jon Batiste, Classical,

Jon Batiste," like, are they

trying to prove a point or what?

And you're bringing so

much joy to all of us

because you're gonna be doing

American Symphony at Carnegie Hall.

Well, I just am honored to be able to

present something so... so large-scale

and, um, you know, it's my first

time doing a symphony premiere,

and it's really special because

for me, a symphony can be

something we haven't seen before

and that's what the goal of this is.

Basically like, okay, so if a Symphony

Orchestra was created in 2022,

what would that be?

What would the music that

it played sound like?

You'd have classical

musicians in there, for sure.

Avant-garde musicians, folk

musicians, jazz musicians.

There is room for

all of us to coexist.

There's a space for us all

to be different and quirky

and strange and

beautiful together.

That's what America is about. That's

the ideal where we should coexist

if we lived up to the things

that we say we are about.

We're gonna play it one time,

one night only, at Carnegie Hall.

(man on phone) All right,

beautiful, Jon, thank you so much.

Have a great one, everybody.

(Batiste) We need to get a few

different musical section leaders.

Right. Mm-hm.

Like concert masters for

Totally. Yeah. For each

individual little chorus.

- Exactly.

- Yeah, mm-hm, yeah.

I feel like, yeah, once we get, like,

the core, like, musical identity

of what's going on,

this is everything.

The output of this should be

one score that has everything

- Right.

- Um

And you know, there's some parts that,

you know, may not even look like a score.

There might be some that's just

- like a list of directions. Exactly.

- Directive.

- Exactly.

- Or, you know, pictures.

(chuckles) You know, whatever we end

up deciding is gonna work for that.

So, I think what will happen after that

is rehearsal and then we'll do more edits.

- Yeah, exactly. Yeah.

- Final edit.

It go (vocalizing)

(man) Yeah.

You can do, like the

chant they do, like

(vocalizing and playing piano)

Yeah, that... That's

what I'm saying.

- (man) Yeah, yeah.

- That's what I was thinking about.

- So good. Yeah.

- And then you get that...

- Yeah. Yeah.

- There's a moment where it's like that.

And then you can have that going while

the, the um... the (piano playing)

- Yeah.

- I forgot what the bassline is,

but yeah, where that

other part comes in.

Yeah, whoo.

Man, that's gonna be a really

cool sound and what a way

- Whoo! Whoo!

- of opening. Oh, my God.

- What!

- (man) Yes.

- Whoo. Oh.

- Ahh

It go, "Hey, ya, hey

ya" (vocalizing)

(piano playing)

(man chuckles)

(Batiste) My ambition for

composing this symphony is massive.

I'm trying to expand the

canon of symphonic music.

Break through long

gate-kept spaces.

And all without having the space in

my life carved out to focus on it.

(announcer) Jon Batiste!

(applause and cheering)

(funky music playing)

(trumpet playing)

(Batiste) I always knew

I wanted to be a leader.

I was always driven to do some

version of what I'm doing now.

It's just evolved

and gotten freer.

Growing up in New Orleans, music

was always a part of the family.

- (Batiste laughing)

- (lively jazz playing)


My dad was my first

musical mentor.

My mother, she really believed in

classical piano as a foundation.

"Know your craft.

Do your thing."

And at one point,

I had to decide.

Stay. Find my way as

a musician back home,

or go to college

and do something.

So that's how I

ended up at Julliard.



Juilliard. You get to this place

and it's very classical culturally.

European classical music.

It's not a Black Southern

thing by any means.

They were looking at me, like,

"Who is this kid from New Orleans?"

(jazz music playing)

First thing I did when I got to

Julliard was get a regular gig

and put together a band.

Nobody understood what we were

trying to do with Stay Human.

Why was this band even

called Stay Human?

Why are they playing

on the subway for free?

Why's he playing a child's toy

instrument and not the piano?

Why's he wasting his talent?

Everything was met with

pushback, pushback, pushback.

From Julliard. From everybody.

I was there for seven years.

Very young.

And then to see what's changed.

To see that mural and

you see the melodica.

That's the instrument they

told me to stop playing,

that's when they sent

me to the psychiatrist

they're like, "He

might be crazy."

(chuckles) And now

there's a mural.

It's just, like beyond.

I always marched to

the beat of my own drum

for better or for worse.

And I knew from the beginning,

I didn't fit into this.

I... I needed to create

my own situation.

My own space, my own world.

(drums playing)

When I was at Julliard,

Stay Human would get invited

into all of these alternate

universes in New York City

just from playing on

the streets and subways.

The first time I met Questlove,

Lenny Kravitz, Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Then Lenny tells Madonna, "Hey, we've got

this kid, Jon Batiste from New Orleans."

It's so surreal.

You gotta understand, I was

living in Washington Heights

eating Goya beans for

dinner every night.

- (melodica playing)

- (crowd whooping)

It was, like, free. (laughs)

(music, cheering continue)

Hi, I'm Stephen Colbert down

in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Thank you very much.

And people keep asking me who

my band leader's gonna be.

Well, I like this guy.

Hi, I'm Jon Batiste.

(Batiste) And all of a

sudden. Bang. The Late Show.

Like BC, AD.

I mean it completely pulled

me out of that world.

I became somebody who was

in a castle somewhere.

(Colbert) Jon, I love the music,

thanks for being my band leader.

- Are you having a good time up there?

- Yeah, good job, man, it pays well.

(laughs) Good to know, man.

- Yeah.

- Good to know.

- But obviously, you do it for the love.

- I love it, man, I love money.

(Batiste) Everything changed.

It was like, how did I get here?

(automated voice) Twelfth floor.

I'm glad to see everybody here on the

Zoom, and I just wanted to explain

a little bit about the piece

that we're embarking upon and

how important it is to me.

"American Symphony"

is the working title.

I've been working on this

for almost four years.

There's a four movement,

40-minute piece of music

already composed,

but it's not done because

I don't have the input

and the inspiration

from you all here.

(acoustic guitar playing

and voice and vocalizing)

I want you to feel

ownership of this piece

in the sense of bringing everything

that you know to the table.

(drums beating, voices singing)

You are the

incredible musicians.

If you feel like there's

something that you want to feature

Something that makes

you uniquely you.

That will be our

reference going forward.

Dawn day to dusk

The night, it comes for us

But we shall overcome

(Batiste) Music comes

from life experiences.

- Dawn day to dusk

- (raucous music playing faintly)

The night it comes

I call it social music.

Our ancestors got together just

like this in a circle to play music.


We play music to communicate

unspoken pain and joy.

I think we're gonna make

something truly remarkable

that I think will speak to

people on a very profound level.

The night, it comes for us

But we shall overcome

That's the... The vision.

Y'all are here and this is a blessing for

me so thank you so much for your time.

(man) Honored to be

a part of it, bro.

(slow, rumbling rhythm playing)

Now wail and cry.

- With the mouth?

- No, however you want.

(Batiste) I thrive on creating an

atmosphere where it's all on the line.

People, when they

have too much comfort,

music don't have

the right intensity.

Even in life, if you're too

comfortable, you don't evolve.

And hit that thing.

- (musical accents intensify)

- (trombone wailing)



Man. Yeah.

Do you think I'm gonna crack?

(man on phone) Can you just calm

your booties, please? (chuckles)

(Batiste) All of the

Black male ones crack.

At a certain level,

they all crack.

I know. I know.

Are you... are you

ever scared of that?


Yeah, that's a serious one.

'Cause you can see

where you're heading.

Yeah, make me almost

not wanna do it.

No, you don't mean that,

you want it too much.

- You're gonna be all right.

- What you... What you see in me?

- That, uh

- I see that...

I see that you're doing

it and you're shaking it,

and you're getting there,

and you're moving it.

But what do you see in me as

the, uh... the potential crack?


If you did crack, you'd crack

privately and get back together again.

Well, first I gotta...

I gotta make it.

Well, you made it. You made it.

But am I gonna crack?

If I keep on going, rising

up high, am I gonna crack?

(geese honking)

(Batiste) I've never

been sledding before.

(woman laughs)

- Wondering what the purpose of it is.

- (man on phone) Definitely need a slo-mo.

- Yes.

- So you get his whole face, like

(Batiste) What am I supposed

to do with that? (chuckles)

You have to release,

you have to surrender.

I like to live a

little on the edge.

(man on phone) Me, too.

You secretly like

it, Jon, admit it.

- He does.

- He does... You can see it in his eyes.

He likes... He likes to

pretend like he's against it,

but he secretly

loves the thrill.

- (Batiste) Oh, no.

- (laughs) So

I don't wanna do that.

- Oh.

- (Jaouad) It's gonna be so fun.

I'll watch you do it.

- We're gonna do it together.

- No.

All you have to do is just sit.


Jon has never gone

sledding before.

(man) Perfect.

(Jaouad) All right, Jon.

(Batiste) Mm-mm.

- You want me to push you?

- No, I want you to sit behind me.

No, I'm gonna sit on the front.

It's cold.

I'm cold and uncomfortable.

(Jaouad laughs)

- (Jaouad) Uh-oh.

- (Batiste) What happened?

- (Jaouad laughs) Stay to this rate.

- Huh?

(Batiste) Ah!

(both laughing)

My goodness.


Get it.

Oh, sorry, boo.

Nobody can hit me with snowballs,

I have leukemia. (laughs)

(Batiste) What you

gonna do with that?

- I don't know, just

- Put your w*apon down.


- (Jaouad) Whoo!

- (man) Ow!

- Okay, this game is over.

- (woman) This game is over.

The game is over and you

(Jaouad laughing)

Whoo, it's cold. Hoo!

(Batiste) I'm always

in awe of Suleika

and how she deals with hardship.

Of overcoming the odds.

It's nothing short

of miraculous.

It really inspires me.

At 22 years old, I was

diagnosed with leukemia.

(piano playing)

And when I was sick, I

vowed that if I survived,

it had to be, to live a good

life, an adventurous life,

a meaningful one.

(woman) Writer Suleika Jaouad

shared her journey with cancer

with millions in a popular

New York Times column

called Life Interrupted.

(man) Her bestselling book is

titled Between Two Kingdoms,

a memoir of life interrupted.

(Jaouad) Long before we were

in a romantic relationship,

Jon and I shared a

creative language.

We both see survival as its

own kind of creative act.

It's what helps us alchemize the

different things that come up in life

and transform them into

something useful and meaningful,

and even beautiful.

(Batiste) I learn from her all the

time, to look into darkness and despair,

and face it.

But you can't let

it consume you.

(piano playing)

- (strikes final piano note)

- (phone chimes)

(man on phone)

Hello? How are you?

I'm okay, you know.

Tell me everything or

nothing, whatever you

Oh, God.

It's been a tough

couple of months,

but, um, I get admitted a week

from today for about a month,

maybe a month or two.

Depending on the day, I feel

terrible or okay. (laughs)

But I feel in good spirits, today

was a good day, we went sledding

which was fun (fades)

(ambient music playing)

(Jaouad) It feels so

eerie to have cancer again

after nearly ten

years of remission

and to be getting a second

bone marrow transplant.

A last resort option and

a really risky procedure.

It's a bizarre

moment in our lives.

My first day of chemo, his 11

Grammy nominations were announced.

We've both had so many good things

happening in the last couple of months

and so many incredibly

hard things.

I honestly don't know how

to hold such extremes.

(Jaouad on the phone) Can I show

you something? I'm having an issue.

(Batiste) Yeah.

My port is bleeding.

She thinks it's because

my platelets are low,

but I have to keep an eye on it.

Otherwise, I'll

have to go in. Yeah.

You wanna go in now? Because

we could just come back.

Absolutely don't. I'm fine.

It's stopped bleeding.

That happened a little

bit the first time.

It piled up.

Okay, let's just

keep an eye on it.

Do you genuinely like the dresses I

tried on, or should I go shopping?

I like them a lot. I like

the sequined one a lot.

- Best?

- Best out of the two that I saw, yes.

(quirky funky music playing)

(man) Anything in particular

that you want in there?

In the blessing? Family,

freedom and health.

(Jaouad) It's all

gonna come together.

I'm very much in

survival mode right now.

I feel like we're living

a life of contrasts.

(Batiste) Why, what do you mean?

It's just a lot.

(piano playing)

Yeah. So this... These

are just the skeletons

of each section.

- (man) So

- Theme, bassline.

So with the symphony there's

an aspect of optimism to it.

- Yup.

- There's a... It's a... It's, um

- Sunrise. And then

- Mm-hm.

- (piano refrain plays)

- The other thing

- (humming the melody)

- Mm-hm.

- There, you get the... (laughs)

- (man) Yeah.

Come into the space.

Ooh, that's nice.

(piano playing)

Man, what is that?

- Sounds like something.

- I know. (chuckles)

(piano and trombone

play together)

What is that?

(resumes playing piano)

That's important,

man, that thing.

- Where it feels familiar at home

- Yes.

When it feels like something,

but it's not something.

- Yeah.

- That's when you know it's good.

- Yeah.

- Feels like you've heard it before.

- Right, right.

- But it's actually new.

- Yeah. (laughs)

- That's the best.

Oh! (vocalizes)

(piano and trombone

play together)

In marriage, a new

family is established.

And as the scriptures themselves state,

these two shall become one flesh,

for the benefit of one another,

for the flourishing of society,

and to the glory of God.

Suleika and Jon, I ask you

now in the presence of God,

and these witnesses, to

declare your intention.

So Jon, repeat after me. I, Jon,

take you, Suleika, to be my wife.

I, Jon, take you,

Suleika, to be my wife.

I, Suleika, take you,

Jon, to be my husband.

To have and to hold

from this day forward.

For better or for worse.

(Jaouad) For richer

or for poorer.

(Batiste) In sickness

and in health.

To love, honor,

cherish, and protect.

- Till death do us part.

- Till death do us part.

(wedding officiant) These

rings you have selected

are token of your

marriage covenant.

(all laughing)

May the Lord bless

these rings to be a sign

of the vows by which the two of you

are joining your lives together.

So now, I announce to you that

they are husband and wife.

Those whom God has joined together,

let no one separate. Amen.

(man) Amen.

Jon, you may kiss your bride.

(whooping and clapping)

(shutter clicks)

(indistinct dialogue)

- Join the club.

- (laughs)

(Batiste) We met in the

Skidmore summer jazz camp.

(Jaouad) And we were

very awkward teenagers.

(Batiste) She had

the bass and books.

And Birkenstocks.

It's an energy.

(all laughing)

And she was saying all

these crazy things.

To me, like, she don't

even really know me really.

But it was like, "We're

gonna take over the world."

- "Change the world."

- (Jaouad) Oh, yeah, I remember.

- (Batiste) Yeah, I'm into that.

- (Jaouad) I think you and I were, like

I will say this about Jon.

Jon has the greatest

capacity for change

and improvisation

and growth, of

anyone I've ever met.

This is a moment that calls us to

embody what our relationship is.

It's not, you know, all

champagne and beautiful things,

but it's the hard things.

(Batiste) And Suleika,

you're such a survivor.

I just think that we should

celebrate not just this relationship,

but who you are and what

you're about to come through.


Though near or far

Like the song of love

That clings to me

How the thought of

you Does things to me

Never before

Has anyone been more


In every way

And forever more







(doctor) Hello. Hi.

I'm Doctor Ghosh, I'm the

attending on the BMT service.

We're here for a transplant.

- (Jaouad) Yeah.

- I know you've gone through this before,

it's been a decade back.

A second transplant can be a

little more difficult sometimes

- (Jaouad) Yeah.

- but we're all here to take care of that.

Expected, unexpected.

- All right, thank you very much.

- Thank you.

(Jaouad) Thank you so much,

I really appreciate it.

What is the age range on

this floor, would you say?

(nurse) Age range, uh Eh

Average is like, 50 to 70.

- Mm-hm.

- We have the outliers.

Last time, I was... I remember being

struck by that because I was 22.

What can I do for you?

(Batiste) Nothing. Heal.


I remember feeling a lot

more scared last time.

I don't know if it's

because I'm older.

And just like more together.

Or because I know

what to expect.

Or because I'm in total denial.

What do you think it is?

(Batiste) Mm.

- Time moves on.

- Mm-hm.

(indistinct chatter)

- Too much sauce right now.

- How you feeling?

Man, we in it, let's do it.

- I'm so glad we could link this up.

- Same. Happy to be here.

Yeah, when Matt gave me

that call, I was like,

- no thinking, no hesitation. Yes.

- Oh, man.

(sampled female voice)

Better in a greater world.

Better in a greater world

for all people. Better

in a greater world...

I've gotta get used to

the delays of each one.


Okay, so the 4/4 is in two,

the 5/8 is gonna be

a three plus two.

So that's later on,

5/8, three plus two.

The 3/2 will be in

three. Big beats.

(vocalizing rhythm) All right?

I've never seen a conductor

in Jordans before.

Whoop. Sorry.

Hello, everybody.

Hello, thank you all for

being here everybody.

I love you all, thank you

so much for playing this.

This is gonna be a

work in progress.

It's gonna sound how it sounds

until it sounds how it sound.

(scattered laughter)

So, let's just play

what's on the paper,

and it's probably not gonna be

what's on the paper 100 percent,

but we'll start

there. So let's do it.


(orchestral music playing)

(Batiste) You have to confront

the brutal facts of the reality

that you might not pull it off.

But at the same time

have unwavering faith.

Completely unwavering faith.

And you have to do

both at the same time.

(Jaouad) Creativity is my way

of making sense of the world,

especially during

difficult moments.

When I entered the

transplant unit,

one of the medications

caused my vision to blur,

and instead of being able to

reach for the things I love most,

writing and words,

I realized I was going to have to

find a different mode of expression.

That became painting.

Can I quickly show you a sneak

peek of my newest painting?

Whoa. Wow.

Wait. Mmm.

You like?

I love it.

You're really dealing

with this, like,

fever dream, Noah's Ark,

slightly angelic, slightly

apocalyptic, dystopian,

kind of symbolic, Biblical

dreams. (chuckles)

Yes, that's what I'm going for.

It seems like it's becoming

a series or a project.

I love that idea.

All right, love.


Enjoy the water.

You're in the womb

space right now.

That's what it is.

I think I gotta go to work, I

might miss work with a pool.

- Okay, okay, go to work. Bye. (chuckles)

- (chuckles)

(hip-hop playing on speaker)

I'm not Black, I'm OJ

You're okay

(Batiste) There's an article

about how I shouldn't be nominated

for a Grammy in classical music,

because I'm a pop musician,

like that's the outrage.

- (man) You're a musician's musician.

- (chuckles)

That's fantastic. That

should be celebrated.

That we decided to put a classical

composition on the album,

that's not a classical album.

Which is even scarier for them

because that means classical

is not this, like, conventional

pigeonhole situation.

So in one article, I'm

an industry darling

(man) Mm-hm.

competing against Taylor

Swift and Olivia Rodrigo

and in the other article, I'm

infuriating classical musicians

because I'm nominated for a

Grammy in classical music,

and I'm not classical enough

because I'm a pop musician.

I don't know anything

about classical music.

I'm a pop musician.

I don't play music.

I'm an industry

darling pop star.

I don't know how to compose

and I'm a pop musician.

I'm an industry darling,

but I'm a jazz musician.

(toilet flushes)

Why be jealous of

anything at all, ever?

Why be jealous?

Be you.

(water running)

(man) Oh, what

is... What is this?

That's the symphony.

- Yeah?

- I'm putting it together.


Do you hear it?

Yes, it's lovely, can

you play a little more?

Yeah, yeah, I don't have

it all, um, it's in pieces.

I see, mm-hm.

I'm building it up, for jazz,

classical, all kinds of musicians

- Mm-hm.

- coming together.

That's good.

Do you remember when

I first came here?

Yes, I remember the first day.

- Yeah.

- I remember very well.

- Mm. Mm.

- I remember very well.

You tried to impress me with

a lot of... a lot of stuff.

- (laughs)

- And I complained about your sound.

- Yeah, I think I was 18 or something.

- Yes. (laughs)

- That was great.

- It was wonderful.

(teacher) Let's

play the Beethoven.

(Batiste) So, let's see.

It's like, um (piano playing)

Remember, with the...

the ringing tone?

You have to breathe,

you are not breathing.

You have to separate

with your hand.

(vocalizes the music)

Listen to what I'm saying.

How many times did I breathe?

- You breathe a lot.

- Yeah.

But you don't

process it that way.

No but you breathe a lot because

you are expressing something.


If you don't breathe,

it's like a computer,

it doesn't express anything.

You want life.

(teacher) Breathe.

Yes! That's it.

That... That has to sound

like a desperate scream.


- Ya, ya, ya! Like desperate.

- Mm, mm.

(Batiste) I usually

don't pay much attention

to articles other

people write about me.

I just don't like being

categorized as anything.

People often think

there's one or two ideas

of what a Black creative

should be doing.

And because people are just so used

to seeing those specific narratives,

then when they see something

else, it has to be dumbed down

for them to receive it.

The levels of our

achievements are diminished.

They're not seen as

a part of the canon.

And that's exactly what we're

pushing against with this symphony.

(funky beat playing)

(Jaouad) I'm starting to

feel a little torn down.

Come on. Nope.

You gotta keep the energy up.

No excuses.

So then.

("Lean On Me" by Bill

Withers playing over phone)

All right.

All right.

(Batiste) You can roll

How about Simon Says?

What's that game we play?


Somebody to lean on

I just might have a problem

That you'll understand

- (Batiste laughs)

- Feels good.

(poignant music playing)

(Batiste) I feel a strong, strong

desire to take the pain away.

But I can't.

This is a moment. A test.

And it's nobody's fault

and nobody can control it.

(Batiste) Channel disconnected.

- (monitor beeping)

- (Jaouad) I used to know how to do this.

(Batiste) What's disconnected?

Calm down, Scottie.

There'd be no Jon Michael

Batiste without Scottie Pippin.

(poignant music playing)

(drum beat playing)

(full band begins playing)

(music cuts out)

They said, just

tell it like it is

Love how you live

- I'm talkin' to you

- When you're doing what you do

Whoo-ow, yeah, yeah

- (music builds)

- (playing lively piano)

I want you to

tell it like it is

Love how you live When

you're doing what you doing

Just tell the truth

- Hey.

- (music fades)

Just wrapped. Headed to Phoenix.

- '(Jaouad) Oh, I miss you a lot.

- I miss you too.

(playing "Let It Be" on piano)


(all) Let it be, let it be

Let it be, let it be

Sleep, little

darling, do not cry

And I will sing a lullaby

(Batiste)Hey, boo.

What's going on?

(Jaouad on the phone)

I'm not doing too well.

I've got a horrible

nausea, stomach cramps,

- (Batiste) Oh, that's really tough.

- I don't know.

Life is so brutal sometimes.

Hey sinnerman Where

you gonna run to?

Hey, sinnerman Where

you gonna run to?

Hey, sinnerman Where

you gonna run to?

All along that day

There's so much that's

going on in the world,

but I just wanna

invite you right now,

to leave it all behind.

There's so much, just...

Let's strip it away

and share in a beautiful moment of

genuine human exchange and love.

- (applause)

- Let's do that.

Well, I said "Rock, what's

the matter with you, Rock"

Don't you see,

I need you, Rock

(Jaouad on the phone) I just feel like

crap so I think my voice is breaking up.

(Batiste groans)

(Jaouad) Last night I

had horrible experiences.

(Batiste) What happened?

(Jaouad) My bed

filled with blood

because one of my

lumens got busted.

(Batiste) Oh, my goodness.

- (Batiste) Hey.

- (Jaouad on the phone) Hi.

(Batiste) What's happening?

(Jaouad) I've just been like,

painting and fleshing out these ideas.

Trying to get healthier.

(Batiste) Well, we need

to make that happen.

We are on the path.

(playing final high

notes on piano)

(applause and cheering)

(mouthing) Thank you.

And, um

I wanna dedicate this

last one to Suleika.


(piano intensifies)

(playing rapid arpeggios)

(breathing heavily)

(notes fade)

("Suite No. 3 in D Major"

by J. S. Bach playing)

Can we change the music, maybe it's

the music that's making me cry.

- Mm-hm.

- It feels emotionally manipulative.

(nurse) We can get

your cells hooked up.


Hi Lizzie G, hi, Lizzie P.

- Hi Su Su.

- (laughs)

I was telling Carmen that

I'm painting giraffes

because it's the only thing

that's preventing me from crying.

(woman) Aww, sweetheart, can I see

it? Put it closer to the camera.

(nurse) Two seconds. We're gonna

start... Ooh, exactly 10:10.

(Jaouad) Nice.

Should have waited till 11:11.

No, 10:10 is just as good.

(melodica playing)

Yeah, Carmen, I see

those shoulders moving.

(funky refrain playing)

I never had a dime

I'd be rich as Rockefeller

Da, da, da, da, da-dada

(Jaouad) All right Lizzie

Presser, get in there.

Da, da, da, da-da

Da, da-da da, da, da, da-da

(woman chuckling) Yay!

(Jaouad)Best bone

marrow transplant ever.

(indistinguishable overlapping

voices over computer)

(monitor beeping)

(whispers) Love you.

- (Jaouad) Where are you going?

- Mm?

- You leaving?

- Mm-mm.


(Jaouad murmurs)

(Batiste humming softly)

(breathing heavily)

(woman on phone) Right now

you're anxious and you're scared.

(Batiste) Yes. It's a lot.

So when you find yourself, I

just... I don't wanna move,

it's important to take your

mind to the place of intention.


I feel anxious, got my heart

beating, I feel like I can't breathe.

Whatever it is, but I'm going to go

to what I know I want to see happen,

rather than what's scaring

me, a terrible outcome.

You've got no energy whatsoever,

it doesn't help you at all.

At all. And come back to what

you know you want to see happen.


What do you do with yourself

today? What happens to you now?

It's gonna be a

long day at work.

How does it feel to you

to think about working?

It sucks.

It sucks.

You know, I don't feel

like doing anything.

Well, how do you

go through it then?

You just do it.

You just do it, you put on your

professional hat and you just do it.

I've been doing that for

many years in my life, so

Right. I mean this is one of the

biggest situations in your life.

Yeah, but some days you

just wanna stop the train.

You know what, and it... You

know, really, if there was a day

it would be right now for you.


With what's going on with Su, absolutely,

this would be a day to stop the train.

That would make so much sense.

On the other hand, this is

the train you're on right now.

(intense, dissonant

music playing)

When drum circles

play in Africa,

everybody be soloing and

improvising on the rhythm.

If you apply that to jazz,

this is what you get.

It ain't just one person soloing

and everybody else has

a different conception.

We all solo.

So, let's ju... We just

gotta find it. Yeah.

(intense music playing)

Bop, bop. Bop, bop.

Uh, uh. Uh, uh.

Uh, uh. Uh, uh.

(chuckles) Hey! Ho!

(crescendo building)

(music ends)

Yeah. You see how it

comes in the middle of it?

That's a good vibe too.

Ahh! And then you switch

your note, "di-dit-dit."


(music slowly building)

After a while. After a while.

Bask in it, then let it live.

Everybody wanna live free.

(Batiste) I haven't been able

to turn my mind off, man.

Three days, I probably

haven't slept.

Oh, my gosh.

A lot of anxiety.

I've gotta get to sleep somehow.

In recent years, I've struggled

with anxiety and panic att*cks.

I remember one day, I thought

my heart was gonna stop.

I didn't realize what it was.

Maybe it's the nerves.

Maybe it's the hospital couch.

Maybe it's all of the pressure.

Oh, oh, my gosh.

Maybe it's the stakes of

this piece getting done.

Stakes of representing

your race and your culture.

Stakes of living up to the

ideas and creative potential

that have been put in you.


Mm. Whoof.

You gotta put some

pressure on it sometime.

(woman) It's lonely... This place

is so lonely without the paintings.

(Jaouad) Mom, have these

five weeks felt long to you?

Or have they flown by?

(mom) They are timeless.

I have no idea how much time.

- (Jaouad) Has passed.

- Could be five years.

- Could be five hours.

- That's true.

(Jaouad) Overwhelming for you?

- Jon? Yeah.

- (Batiste) I don't know how it felt yet.

I'll let you know in five years.

(laughs) Exactly.

(Jaouad) You're meant to return from

the hardest moments of your life

stronger and braver,

and more of a warrior for

what you've been through.

I don't want to have tough skin.

I want to feel the things

that are happening to me.

The terrible things.

The beautiful things.

I wanna be open to it all.

(all clapping and cheering)


You're so kind, thank you.

Thank you.

(all) Whoo!

Thank you. That is so sweet.

(poignant music playing)

That's so nice.

(man over computer) Incredible

again, all those Grammy nominations.

Also across such a broad

number of categories.

Value is not defined by awards, but

I'd sure like to win some. (laughs)

The way you come across is

kind of a very wholesome

very optimistic, very positive.

Is it important to you to

exude that kind of positivity?

Something that you are

representing for a reason.

I think it's natural and

I think people want that.

So I always... You know,

whatever I'm putting out there,

even in this interview

talking to you,

me and you... I'm

grateful to be here.

I'm grateful to be able to

have these words memorialized

and whatever that's gonna do in the world,

I believe that has a serious impact,

and I want that

impact to lead to joy.

Say it's all right

I want the impact to lead to

someone being uplifted or healed.

That's a real thing.

That's very real.

But they also have Black people

cooning and mugging for the camera,

and smiling and dancing for centuries and

that was all people could see them as.

So we really have a psychosis

in terms of how we perceive Black

entertainers and Black intellectuals.

We have something to actually

overcome, in order to understand

the full range of what

they offer to the world.

And sometimes we don't see

that until after the fact.

So it's important that

I also state that too.

Feeling sad like

so many of us do

Just hum a little soul

Make life your goal

And surely something's

Got to come to you

(female reporter) Music in all

of its forms will be celebrated

at the 64th annual Grammy

Awards in Las Vegas tonight.

(female reporter 2) The most

nominated artist, Jon Batiste

(Jaouad)Look at that suit!

(Batiste on the phone) I

don't know what's happening.

I'm just like

being moved around.

(Jaouad) All right, well you guys

stay in your zone and stay focused.

Meditate, pray, focus.

I can't wait.

The performance, the

job is not finished.

The job is not finished.

(announcer, indistinct over PA)

(indistinct chatter)

- (mother) Your afternoon ones?

- (Jaouad) No, my evening ones,

I took my afternoon

ones a few hours ago.

I'm trying to figure out how to

lessen the pill burden at night.

So I don't take them

all close together.

(mother) Yeah, but it's supposed

to be this continuous thing

in your body, though.

(Noah) Our next performer

is up for more Grammys

than any other artist this year.

He's already won four

awards, just today

and he's still up for Record

and Album of The Year.

Here to show us why, is the

one and only Jon Batiste.


Oh, my God. This is beautiful.

(chorus singing)

When I move my

body just like this

I don't know why But

I feel like freedom

I hear a song

that takes me back

And I let go with

so much freedom

- Free to live

- How I wanna live

- And I'm gon' get

- Where I'm gonna get

'Cause it's my freedom

Those dresses are amazing.

The reason we get

down Is to get back up

If someone's around

Go on let them look

You can't stand still

This ain't no drill

More than cheap thrills

Feels like money, money,

Money, money, money, money

That's so good.

(Batiste) Everybody

get up off your seat.

Let me see you wobble

Let me see you shake

I want you to touch the screen

right now and get your blessing.

And submit to your...


Music makes you free

Oh, yeah, oh, yeah

Let me see you wobble

I need you to know

if nobody ever gave

permission to be who you are

I'm giving it to you right now.

Be yourself.

Music makes you free, yeah

Oh, yeah

When I move my

body just like this

I don't know why

but I feel like


- (applause and cheering)

- (microphone thudding)

(Jaouad) Hands down. He got

everybody up on their feet.

(woman) That was New Orleans

at its finest, right?

He won the Grammy.

(indistinguishable conversation)

(applause continues)

- (Kravitz) Good evening and let love rule.

- Here it comes.

It's really tough competition.

(Kravitz) For well

over half a century

albums have given artists the space

to share their inspired expressions.

This music can become an

intimate part of our lives,

narrating and

transforming the culture.

Here are ten artists who have given

us the best of their creativity.

(Jaouad) He's already

won. That's the thing.

Four Grammys is a lot.

(Kravitz) And the

Grammy goes to

We Are! Jon Batiste!

(applause and cheering)

- Whee-hoo.

- (woman) Oh, my God.

That is unbelievable.



Are you going to marry him now?

(Jaouad) I already did.

(Batiste) Wow.

Thank you.

(woman) Holy shit.

You know, I-I really... I

believe this to my core.

There is no best musician,

best artist, best

dancer, best actor.

The creative arts are


and they reach people at a point in

their lives when they need it most.

It's like a song

or an album is made

and it almost has a radar to find the

person when they need it the most.


I mean, man

I'd like to thank God.

I just put my head down

and I work on the craft

every day, I love music,

I've been playing since

I was a little boy.

It's more than entertainment for

me, it's a spiritual practice.

And, um, this is for real

artists, real musicians,

Let's just keep going.

Be you. That's it.

I love you, even if I don't

know you. Good night! Hey!


(Noah) Jon Batiste!

A winner once again.


- All right!

- (indistinct happy shouting)


(indistinct chatter)

(all yelling)

Yeah! Whoo!

(photographer) Beautiful.

Can you make that gold?

- (man) You got it.

- (woman) You got it, Jon.

(indistinct chatter)

(photographer) Put that

here, and then we're gonna


(chatter continues outside)

(man) Jon do you want to

sign some autographs?

(woman) Jon, can you

sign, please, honey?

(woman) The Grammys were

in Vegas over the weekend.

(man) Cool to my guy, Jon Batiste, man,

that's a great brother right there,

real musician, won

Album of The Year.

(man) What are we to make of

this, dare I say, perverse thing

that happened on the Grammys?

He beat out Billie Eilish

for Album of The Year

- (man 2) Yeah.

- (man) beat out Lil Nas X,

These were albums that

people listened to.

(woman) Jean Batiste gave us a performance

we would have seen on The Ellen Show.

This man seems like he's stuck in,

like, the Pharrell "Happy" video.

And I have no disrespect,

I think he's a wonderful

(man 3) You know it's the first time

a Black artist won Album of The Year

- for 14 years, you all know that, right?

- (woman) What? Really?

It's a lot of patent leather

and, like, it could use a little

I only have leather

that absorbs.

(Batiste) Oh, I'm sorry.

No, I'm sorry, too, I mean

- That's okay, I'll come to you

- I wouldn't be doing you any...

next time around.

I wouldn't be doing you any

justice and I use the best,

- just cream polishes, no waxes.

- (Batiste) Oh

- Well, next time, don't worry about it.

- Yeah, okay.

Thank you so much.

I'm just hanging out

on your shoe shine...

Are you a celebrity?

- What's uh...

- You got a camera man.

Yeah, he's a great,

great friend of mine.

- Just filming us, hanging out.

- Okay.

- What do you do?

- I'm a musician.

- Are you?

- Yeah.

Right on. Yeah, we did a

- We did a performance last night.

- (man) Your performance last night

- was epic.

- At the Grammy Awards.

- Oh, thank you.

- We were there last night.

- Oh, amazing.

- It was epic.

- Oh, thank you.

- (woman) We were blown away, really were.

- Thank you for...

- Yeah, the showmanship is bar none.

Is this... Is this you?

- Oh, yeah.

- You're on the front page.

- There you go.

- (laughing)

Anyway, we don't want to

bother you, but great.

- Pleasure, have a good one.

- Have a good rest of your day.

Nice to meet you.

It won't cost you nothing, but I

can use this on patent leather.

Oh, yeah. It's okay,

don't worry about it.

I can do it.

- Are you sure?

- Yeah.

- Great job last night.

- (Batiste) Thank you.

(trading kisses)

- Yeah.

- All right.

All right, all right.

- Whoo!

- Bless you, brother.

Bada, Bada!

The winners, the winners.

- Congratulations.

- Yes, indeed, thank you.

(indistinct chatter)


(Batiste) Everybody's

on their own journey.

We're all moving towards

our ultimate destination.

You know, the world defines you.

Great success, great failure.

You know, her health is failing,

her book is on the New

York Times bestseller list.

That's her journey.

I win five Grammys,

Album of The Year.

Biggest prize in

music. Come home.

She's back in the hospital.

This is what we're dealing with.

(monitor beeping)

(grunts softly)


All up in my ribcage.

Will you help me

get set back up?

- Mm.

- Will you help me?


- I want the tables and the paints.

- Mm-hm.

Thank you.

- (in French) See you tonight?

- Mm?

(in French) I'll

see you tonight?

What time?


(chuckles) I'll see you tonight.

(trumpet playing)

(trumpet and piano playing)

(Batiste) Oh!

Oh, that A-flat...

(vocalizes refrain)

Play... Ooh, ooh. Play the melody,

down an octave, let me hear that.

(trumpet resumes)

(guitars and trumpet playing)

(chuckles) How do

you feel about it?

- (musician) I like it.

- Great.

So let's try it one more

time, then we'll record it.

(orchestra playing together)

Yeah, play that with authority.

Yeah. Wild West,

abandon. You a cowboy.

You ain't afraid. Yeah.

- (man) Jon, over here.

- (Batiste) Boom. I got it right here.

- Hey.

- (man) Hey, Jon, over here, please?

(indistinct overlapping voices)


Mr. Batiste, may

we do a jump shot?

Yeah, brother. (vocalizing)

(Batiste) Man, I didn't

even want to be famous.

Never making music

with that intention.

That's the vibe.

Even though I'm grateful for it,

if I was to go up

more levels in fame,

it's just more stuff to take

you away from your family.

And your people.

It's a tough crowd

to move along -I know.

- I'm relying on you.

- (laughs) I'm gonna shake it up.

(Batiste) You gotta protect

that ambition from taking over.

It'll be, like, this size,

maybe a little bigger.

And I want to do a

checkerboard effect.

Gotta protect it from

becoming the primary way

that you relate to yourself

and to your loved ones.

(chuckles) It's like you're

living a double life or something.

(lush orchestral music playing)

- (doctor) Hello! Hello, hi.

- (Jaouad) Hi, Dr. Charles.

- How are you?

- (female doctor) We're back.

I'm here, I'm happy,

I'm happy to be here.

- Oh, good.

- How are you?

I'm doing okay.


So, the first issue is

how's the graft working?

Well, what's the bone

marrow looking like?

The marrow looks wonderful

and we didn't see a leukemia cell,

so that means a complete remission.

- (Jaouad) Great.

- Which is good.

- Let's go over the issues, young lady.

- Uh-oh.

- Positive thoughts, positive thoughts.

- Okay. Brave.

Would this remission

last five years

and then come back again?

The answer is we don't know.

What are we doing differently? This

time we're not stopping the A's.

You're taking it as

long as it works.

- (Jaouad) So chemo forever?

- Yeah.

(Dr. Charles) Ninety percent

about this is managing risk.

- Yeah.

- Is it worth for you

- to take a risk, right?

- Got it.

So, I mean, there

will be points that

you'll have to make

the decision about,

"I am going to expose myself

to 1,000 people here."

You're doing this to live,

not to survive, okay?

You live every day as if it

were the last day of your life.

You are so unique, the numbers

are meaningless to you.


(Batiste) What's

the biopsy schedule?

(Dr. Charles) Six month,

nine month, 12 month,

and then probably

every six months.

And at year five,

we can negotiate.

You look worried.

No, no, no, I think

I'm... I'm okay.

I think the idea of doing

Chemo indefinitely feels...

- The word indefinitely feels daunting.

- (female doctor) I know.

(Dr. Charles) Hey, we

don't have to, remember.

- No, no, no...

- It's not the tenth commandment, right.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- We do what feels right.

- Right.

But I think it's it's

important to budget.

This is what I'm gonna

do, but remember,

only fools and dead people

don't change their minds,

so you can change your mind

and I can change my mind.

Yeah and I'm okay, I just

(mother) And you have had

people doing this indefinitely

who have good quality

of life and get used

(somber piano playing)

(woman on phone) How are you

doing as far as your faith

in everything right now?

(Batiste) I have faith

that everything can change.

I have faith that

everything is changing.

God giveth and

God can take away.

In a second.

It can all go.

Obviously, there are things that

I would like to be different.

But I think I'm more just

coming into the realization

of what genuine acceptance is

and genuine gratitude.

And there's an urgency

to that realization.

Okay. How have you

been processing this?

There's a choice that

has crept upon me,

to be made in this moment,

that has nothing to do with the things

that people can see on the outside.

That's not easy.

It takes an absence of fear

(Colbert) I've got news about

our dear friend, Jon Batiste.

Jon has decided

to leave the show.

- (audience) Aww

- I know.

I feel the same way.

And he's gonna take a little

personal time, as well he should,

for all the best reasons

(woman) Jon Batiste has

"American Symphony" at Carnegie

(man) Jon Batiste, who is a

Perspectives Artist here at

(woman) will be a, quote,

"Culmination of more than a century

of Black brilliance"

in this piece.

The Oscar-winning composer salutes

musical visionaries such as

Duke Ellington, James Reese Europe,

Mahalia Jackson and Nina Simone,

who once performed at Carnegie.

(heavy rhythmic breathing)

(Batiste) Yeah.


(host) Good evening.

Good evening, good

evening, good evening.

(recording of a piano plays)

(host, muffled) Welcome

to Carnegie Hall!

Isn't this place amazing?


(host continues

speaking, muffled)

- (knocking on door)

- (host) Are we about ready?

(applause and cheering)

This is my first time

out in almost a year.

(host) Are you guys ready

for the man of the moment?

- (applause)

- (orchestral fanfare playing)

The maestro.

King of New Orleans.

Ladies and gentlemen,

put your hands together

for Jon Batiste and

the American Symphony!


Hey! Hey, hey, hey!


(Batiste laughs) Woo! Yeah!

All right, now.




Thank you!





Ready to hit 'em?

(Batiste chuckles)

(music starts)

Have some fun with it.

(narrator) Dawn, day, to dusk

The night becomes forever

But we shall overcome

Dawn, day, to dusk

(piano motif starts)

Dawn, day, to dusk

The night it comes for us

But we shall overcome

(applause and cheering)

(indistinct overlapping voices)

(piano playing)

(siren wailing)

(man) Power went out.

(piano plays faintly)

(man 2) Power's out.

(man 3) Power's out on stage.

The power's out.

(piano continues)

(man) Power's still out.


(piano resumes)

(piano building in intensity)

(begins playing

discordant notes)


(woman) Check your

earpiece. The power's back.

Where there

Is sorrow

We will find the joy

Ever my sorrow

Has cried

Yet on the wings of my Lord

I rise

To that mountain top

Where the light resides

The sun it shines

So bright

And a song

Is always

On my


(applause and cheering)

(Batiste) Hey, hey!

(piano playing)

See nothing can stop

the power of God.


(Batiste) Ah... Oof!

There were so many forces

up against this happening.

So many things that came

up against this happening.

Even midway through this performance,

stuff you don't even know was happening.

And the fact that we are here

right now, playing this music,

the whole diaspora of music

- (applause and cheering)

- Whoo! Hoo!



Thank you for bearing witness to

this moment with us, thank you.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

(applause fades, music starts)

Oh, oh, oh-oh

In the water


(vocalizing continues)



(chorus vocalizing together)

(music crescendos)

(song ends)

(applause erupts)

(applause fades)

(slow piano playing)

("It Never Went Away"

by Jon Batiste playing)

It never went away


The feeling's just the same


Every time I see your face


It's never going away


Thought I was a wise lad

When you plan, God laughs

Thought I was hot Got

a detour along the way

Summertime adventure

That's what we

were meant for

I need you

And that's never

going to change

It never went away


Every time I see your face


The feeling's just the same


It's never going away

Looking for adventure

That's what we

were meant for

I need you

And that's never

going to change

It never went away


Every time I see your face



The feeling's just the same


It's never going away

No, no


(song ends)
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