25x53 - Ride, Lapras, Ride!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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25x53 - Ride, Lapras, Ride!

Post by bunniefuu »

[upbeat music]
[Ash laughs]

-[Ash] It's like they're all beach balls.

-[Misty] You know about Wailmer.

They can bounce like this after building

up a lot of water within their bodies.

Well, Wailord watching is pretty famous,

but this is Wailmer watching.

-[Pikachu] Pika-pika!

-[all gasp]

[Pikachu giggles]
Hey, you're good at that, Pikachu!
Pika! Pikachu!
[Pokémon shrilling]

-[Misty and Brock] Huh?

-What's that?

[shrilling continues]
[all grumble]

-It's a Lapras!

-It seems like it's in a big hurry.

That's right, sure looks that way.
[Lapras shrilling]
[Pikachu] Pika-pika!
[Pikachu chittering]
Pikachu, what's going on?



That looks like my friend

from the Orange Islands!

[Ash laughs]
I knew it was you!
It's so good to see you. How are you?
That's amazing! So it's the same Lapras?
And it migrated to this area.
What's wrong?
[Ash] Lapras?
[Lapras whimpers]
Is it asking you to go with it?
Mm. Let's do it!

♪ Pokémon! ♪

-♪ Gotta catch 'em all ♪

-♪ It's you and me ♪

-♪ I know it's my destiny ♪

-♪ Pokémon ♪

♪ Oh, you're my best friend ♪

♪ In a world we must defend ♪

-♪ Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all ♪

-♪ A heart so true ♪

♪ Our courage will pull us through ♪

♪ You teach me and I'll teach you ♪

♪ Pokémon! ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Pokémon! ♪

[theme music]

"Ride, Lapras, Ride!"


Lapras and Ash journeyed

through the Orange Islands together

quite some time ago.

Where could it be leading our heroes now?



[Ash] Lapras, is that it?
[Lapras croaks]

-[Ash] This is awesome!

-[Misty] What an interesting island!

It's amazing how many caves there are.

[Brock] The seawater must've eroded

the rock away over a really long time.

[Ash] But even so, look.
[gentle music]
Why is everyone so sad?
[Lapras shrills]
[all] Hm...
[Ash grunting]
[Wailmer whimpers]

-[Pikachu and Ash gasp]

-It's a Wailmer!

[Ash] Wailmer is stuck in a hole!
[both] Huh?

This is why you wanted us

to come to the island, isn't it?

[Lapras whimpers]

Maybe it was bouncing

and got itself stuck that way.

Hey, Lapras!

Thanks so much for letting me know!

You can leave this to us, we've got this!

It's times like this

when people and Pokémon

should put their strengths together!
[Lapras squeals]

Wailmer, don't worry,

we're gonna get you out of there for sure!

[Wailmer groans]
[power blaring]
[gentle music]

Ho-ho! There's Lapras, Wailmer,

and tons of Pokémon!

It's perfect! Pikachu's there, too!
Let's scoop up the lot of them.

[James] So, what's the Twerp

doing there anyway?

[Meowth] Let's pull up a seat and see.
[Jessie] Quietly, though...
[Team Rocket] Sneakily, sneakily...
[Ash] It's no good.

The only way is to break

the rocks around it.

[Wailmer groaning]
[Ash] It'll be fine. We'll help you out!
Kingler! Sirfetch'd! I choose you!
I'm counting on you, too!
[Pikachu] Pikachu!

All right!

Let's get this done in one shot!

[Ash] Kingler, use Crabhammer!
[Kingler chitters]
Sirfetch'd, use Brutal Swing!
And Pikachu, use Iron Tail!
[Pikachu] Pika!
[all grunt]


-[Pikachu shrieks]

-[Ash screams]

-[Kingler croaks]

[Pokémon gasp]

-Sirfetch'd! Sir!

-[Pokémon cheer]

[Kingler chitters]

-[Lapras whimpers]

-[both gasp]

Now, where is Ash?
[Ash inhales sharply]
Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!
[Pokémon shouting]
[awkward chuckle]
Never felt better.

-[Ash] Heracross!

-[Heracross chitters]

-[Heracross exclaims]

-[all gasp]

[Brock] Hm...
This rock's really hard. It won't be easy.
[Wailmer wailing]
[wailing continues]
[Ash] Wailmer! Sorry if we scared you.
You totally saved me.
[Ash grunts]
Hey, Lapras!
Now we're just getting started, okay?
Hey, Ash, maybe we think up a new plan.

Well, then...


Just leave the next attempt up to me!


-[Misty] Right!

The best way to catch a Water type

is to fish it up!


[Ash] Okay, Misty!

Let's reel it in together!

And for that... Help me out, Bayleef!
You're using Bayleef?



Let's play together afterwards, okay?

But for right now, I'm gonna need you

to focus and listen up.

-Okay, now use Vine Whip on Misty.



And would you keep a grip on me,


I get it.

Come on then,

I'm counting on you, Bayleef.


Wailmer, we'll be sure

to get you out this time!


[both] Ready, set...


-[Wailmer mumbles]

-I got it!

All right, let's pull!
[all grunting]

-Hang in there!

-We're gonna get you out!!

[Pikachu] Pika! Pika!
[Ash grunts]
[Pokémon cheering]



Thanks a lot, Sirfetch'd and Kingler!
[Kingler chitters]
Now, Marshtomp, help Misty out!
[Marshtomp] Marshtomp!


-Huh? Thanks a lot, Marshtomp!


Okay, we'll count down from three,

and then we'll pull!

-[Ash] Right! In three.

-In three...

[both] Two.



[both grunting]
Pika! Pika! Pika!

-We did it!

-It's free!

Big success!
[Pokémon cheering]
[playful music]

-[Wailmer cheering]

-[Pikachu] Pika!

[Wailmer cheering]
[Wailmer cheering]
[cheering continues]
[all gasp]
[whimsical music]
Is that Wailmer?

-Wait a second, it looks like...

-Is it evolving?

[all sigh]

Who's that Pokémon?

[Lapras squeals]
So why did it evolve into Wailord?
I don't know.

Maybe all that happiness

caused its evolutionary power to overflow.

Or we could just say

that it's really bad timing.

[Lapras grumbles]
[Ash] Um, what'll we do now?
[water trickling]
Fishing out Wailmer was way easier.

But I don't think

that's gonna work for us this time.

[Misty] Mm. We need a bit more help.

[Ash] Anyway,

I'll go below and take a look.



[Meowth] A whole lotta noise going on.
[Jessie] But that's perfect!
We'll just steal Pikachu--
[all scream]
[Wobbuffet screams]
[tense music]



[Meowth] Pikachu, you're comin' with us!
Like a Venomoth drawn to a lamp!

This is our lucky day

for stealing Pikachu.

Pika! Pika!
[Meowth] Hold on. You want our help?
W-wait. Run that by me again.
Why, you cheeky little...

[Jessie] We'll never bow down

to your demands!

-[electricity crackling]

-[all screaming]

[Jessie] Strange.

Out of nowhere, I suddenly feel

like bowing to your demands.

So what exactly can we do to help?
Yeah, your slightest wish is our command!



[all sighing]
Do you think we can really trust them?
We promised Pikachu. Get it?
[Team Rocket muttering]
Guess so.
I would even ask for help from their boss.
[Ash and Misty] Mm-hmm.

[Brock] We might extract enough

pulling power from that machine

to free Wailord.
[Team Rocket gasps]

-Power, he says.

-Pedal-powered, mind you.

[Meowth] There's a lot

they don't know about us.


-You did great, Pikachu!


That's what happened to us.
[Meowth] It's got a totally dark heart.
Even we aren't that evil.
[electricity crackles]
Like a yellow sparkler!
We'd be pleased as punch to help!

-[Meowth] Ha! All the way!


Torterra, let's go!

'Kay, Brock,

I'd love you to direct Torterra.

Works for me,

but what's your plan of attack?

All right, this is what I'm gonna do.

First, Heracross, Bayleef, and I

will go into the caves

and get close to Wailord.

Then you, Brock...

Torterra, use Frenzy Plant!

...have Torterra use Frenzy Plant

to grab hold of Wailord!

-Misty will give everybody the order!

-Gyarados! Go!

And Team Rocket will get

the Magikarp sub to move.

[all groaning]

The Wailmer will support Team Rocket.

Meanwhile, Lapras and the others

will help from the water,

and Misty's group will help from on land.

We'll all be pulling Wailord out!


-[Team Rocket grunting]

-[Pikachu chanting]

To protect a Wailord from immobilization!
To let the people know of our dedication!

To unite all people

through truth and love!

To extend our help to the stars above!


-And James!

Team Rocket pedals off

through the waters so dark...

And helping Wailord

like a romp in the park!

Meowth, we're right on the mark!
[all panting]
[Wailmer wailing]
[Torterra grunting]
[Pokémon grunting]
[Misty] Everybody, give it your all!
[all grunting]
[Ash] It's starting to move!
Now we can pitch in, too!
[Ash] Bayleef, use Vine Whip!

-Heracross, use Megahorn!


Let's all go out and...

[Ash] Tickle, tickle,

tickle, tickle, tickle!

[Wailord laughing]

-It's having an effect!

-We can do this, come on!

[Wailord laughing]
[laughing continues]

[Ash] Tickle, tickle,

tickle, tickle, tickle!

[Pikachu] Pika-pika!

-Looks like it's super effective.


Full power!
[Meowth] Magikarp sub, power boost on!
[all gasp, chuckle]
[all exclaim]
[all slurping]
[all scream]
[all grunting]
[all grunting]

[Ash] Tickle, tickle, tickle,

tickle, tickle, tickle!

[whimsical music]

-Isn't that...

-It's Heavy Slam!

[Wailord wails]

-[all] It's free!


[Pokémon chittering]
[Misty] Gyarados, protect us!
[Brock grunts]
Torterra, prepare to escape!
Now, here's where we make our exit!
And steal Pikachu effortlessly!
[Meowth] Oh no, it can't be.
[both gasp]
[James] No! The hatch!


-[Pikachu grunts]

-That was good work!


Alright, Torterra, let's get out of here!

-[water burbling]

-[Team Rocket mumbling]

[Wobbuffet gurgling]

-Hey, Misty? What about Ash?


About that...
[tense music]
No good. The exits are all sealed.

The water's rising higher, too.

Bayleef, return!

[Ash] There's gotta be a way.
[Heracross] Heracross.
[Brock gasps]
The tide's rolling in!
No! Then, inside of the cave...

-We've got to get him out of there!

-Yeah, but still...

[Brock] How do we do that?
[Misty and Brock] Lapras!
[Wailord groaning]
[Misty] Hm?
[pensive music]
That's Ice Beam!
It's stopping the flow of water!


Oh, no!

[Ash] Now what?
Thank you, Heracross.
[Ash] Could Lapras have done this?
[Wailord groans]
[Brock] It's using an attack?
[Wailord grunts]
[Wailord growls]
Wait, is that Weather Ball?
[Ash] Huh?


-[Ash gasps]


-[Misty gasps]


[Ash exclaims]

[gasps, laughs]

It's Lapras!

[Ash] You came for me?
[Lapras squeals]
Thank you. That sure means a lot!
[upbeat music]
[Misty gasps]


-[Lapras cheers]

[Ash grunts]
Hey, thanks a million, Lapras!
[Lapras squeals]
[Pikachu] Pika-pi!
Hey, Pikachu, sorry for the worry.
[Pikachu] Pikachu!

Hey, and Ash,

Wailord was a big help to all of us.

It's the one who cleared that tunnel

through all the ice.

What do you know!

Thank you so much, Wailord!

[Wailord bellows]
[Wailord laughs]
[serene music]
[Ash] Okay, take care of yourself.
[Lapras trills]
All right, let's hang out again!

[Misty gasps]

Out there!

[Misty] It's a group of them!
[Brock] Maybe they've come for Lapras.

I understand.

They count on you as leader, don't they?

You're doing the right thing.
[Lapras trills]

I'll bet when it saw the Wailmer

in trouble, it just had to help it out.

Just like a certain person we know.
Huh? A certain person?
[Misty] A clueless person.
[Brock laughs]
[uplifting music]

Helping others

and seeking out help.

That's how Lapras spent its day.

Now, what meetings and adventures

await our heroes next?


-Huh? What's up?

Couldn't we have just caught

and released Wailmer

with a Poké Ball instead?




Who cares?

It was a whole lot of fun anyway.


As the journey continues.

[closing theme music]

♪ Pokémon ♪
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