00x03 - Origins File 3: Giovanni

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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00x03 - Origins File 3: Giovanni

Post by bunniefuu »

RED: I've continued on my journey to complete the Pokédex

and I'm racking up lots of adventures along the way.

In Celadon City,

I managed to beat the Gym Leader Erika

and her Grass-type Pokémon

and got myself a Rainbow Badge.

After that, I got dragged into battle

with a suspicious-looking guy.

I chased him

and found myself in Team Rocket's secret hideout.

And that's where I met the boss of Team Rocket.



I met a guy who said he was the brother of the fishing guru

I met before and he gave me a super rod.

In Fuchsia City,

I took on the Gym Leader Koga and his Poison-type Pokémon

and got a Soul Badge for winning.

And after growing through so many Pokémon battles,

my Charmeleon finally evolved into Charizard.


How cool is that?

This is Saffron City.

Once I arrived here,

I got caught up in a real mess.

So this is the Silph Company?

They make all kinds of things for Pokémon trainers.

Gramps talks about them all the time.

RED: Blue and I saved a woman

who was being harassed by Team Rocket

near the city's Pokémon Center.

It turned out the woman was a secretary

working for Silph's president.

You're actually the secretary

to the president of the company?


Why is Team Rocket after you?

Because Silph Company

has been taken over by Team Rocket.

I don't get it. Why would they do that?

For the Master Ball.

The Master Ball is the ultimate Poké Ball.

It's been in development at Silph for years now.

With the Master Ball,

you can catch any Pokémon at all.

Wow, that sounds like an amazing item.

Right now, it's still just a prototype.

Too bad.

Team Rocket threatened our president

as well as our scientists.

They're demanding they perfect it.

They wanna use it for themselves.

Right now, our scientists are locked inside Silph

and being forced to work on it, day and night.

And worst of all,

they're using wild Pokémon in their experiments.

RED: They're experimenting on Pokémon?

SECRETARY: They conduct test after test

and many Pokémon have already collapsed.

Team Rocket...

I mean, If they keep going

and they're the only ones with a Master Ball...

Yeah, a whole lot of Pokémon are gonna get

caught by Team Rocket and then probably sold off.

The president is afraid that might happen,

so he wants help from outside the company.

But Team Rocket watches him too closely

and he couldn't get a single message through.

So he entrusted me with the task.

I finally managed to escape so I could contact the police.


Thank you for saving me.

Huh? Ah.


It's no good.

Team Rocket has the whole place covered.

We'll get caught before we even make it to the door.


take her to Celadon City

and get her to the police station there.


We've gotta fill the police in on what's going on.

We're gonna need their help.

Are you kidding me? No way.

Who'd wanna do that? I'm out of here, Red.


I'm working to reach the Pokémon League

so I can become the next champion.

Smell you later.

Take it easy. What are you doing?

Let go of me.

Didn't you feel anything at all when you heard about

what's happening to those Pokémon Team Rocket caught?

If not then you can't really call yourself a trainer. Right?

Pfft! Okay, I get it. Let me go.

The Celadon City police station.

That's as far as I'll take her.


But what are you going to do?

Storm the Silph Company.

[GASPS] What? Are you nuts?

That building is full of Team Rocket.

And you're gonna take them on alone?

Yeah. Those Pokémon need my help.

Why can't you wait for the police to come?

Because if I did,

those Pokémon would continue to suffer.

I'm not waiting.


RED: Team Rocket. They'll pay for this, I swear.




You guys get out of here. Keep running!


Okay. Now it's your turn to run!

Get going. Hurry up.

How can we thank you?

Oh, I know. I want you to have this.

This is Lapras, a very clever Pokémon.

It is a very strong swimmer

and you can ride on its back over the seas.



Aren't you the--? You're the boss of Team Rocket.

You, you're the little runt that snuck into our hideout before.

So then I have you to thank for this disruption.

That's right.

I won't let you get away with hurting Pokémon

just so that you can have the Master Ball all to yourself.

The president and I are discussing

a very important business proposition.

You really need to learn to keep your nose

out of adult matters, kid.

A proposition? You forced your way in here.

The police are on their way by now.

Somehow you managed to sneak your way past the guards

and made it all the way up here.

That's quite an accomplishment. And thanks to you,

all my plans are now for nothing.


Team Rocket's fantastic plans,

ruined by a smart-aleck kid like you.

Mr. Giovanni, We have to go now.

Wait! I don't care what I have to do or how long it takes.

I'll destroy your lousy plans every single time.

You arrogant child.

I was going to let this go.

But now it appears you need to be put thoroughly in your place.

Mr. Giovanni, why bother? He's just a boy.

Do you think all this is really necessary?


Trust me, he's not just a boy.

He is an insolent punk who grates on my every nerve.




Double kick.




For some reason I thought

you might actually pose a challenge but apparently not.

RED: Flamethrower!


Not a very hot Flamethrower.

Even with a Charizard at your disposal,

this is the best you can offer?

What a pitiful waste of such gifts.

GRUNT: Mr. Giovanni, we're ready.

GIOVANNI: Come back, Nidoqueen.


Count yourself lucky, kid.

But why are you doing this?

Why are you making so many Pokémon suffer?

Because Pokémon are nothing but a business.

And what is needed to succeed? Sacrifice.

And that is why we must not fail.

The business must succeed at any cost.

Are you serious?

Pokémon aren't tools to be used for business.

They're our friends.

And yet you continue to let your friends feel the pains

of battle and suffer in defeat.


GIOVANNI: A child like you cannot even begin

to understand what I hope to achieve.



RED: Unfortunately, the police missed their chance

to capture Team Rocket.

And the development of the Master Ball

was put on hold for a while.

After Team Rocket escaped from the Silph Company,

I went on to challenge Gym Leader Sabrina,

the Psychic-type specialist.

I got my Marsh Badge and continued on my journey.

After that I took on the karate master in Pokémon battle

at the Fighting Dojo and won.

Feel free to choose whichever one you like.

RED: And then I arrived at Cinnabar Island.

I visited a place called the Pokémon Mansion there.

I'd heard that you used to be able to see

all kinds of Pokémon there.

But now it's just an old, abandoned house.

"A new Pokémon was discovered deep in the jungle"

A new Pokémon?

It seems like people once lived here, studying Pokémon.

What kind of new Pokémon did they discover?

I beat Gym Leader Blaine and his Fire-type Pokémon

and that's when I got my seventh gym badge.

MAN: They say that the gym leader in Viridian City is strong.

He's been away a long time. Believe it or not,

they had to close down the gym.

But now I heard from some of the guys that he's come back.

He uses Ground-types and everyone says he's never had

to use even half his true strength to defeat a challenger.

WOMAN: Really? Amazing!

The Viridian City gym leader.

The strongest of all gym leaders. I have to meet him.

I'm sure he'll be able to teach me

what I need to know to be a great trainer.

Viridian City.

BLUE: Red, you're just getting here now?

As slow as ever, I see.

Let me guess. You came because you heard

that the Viridian City gym is back open, right?

Hold on, did you see him already?


That badge.

Then you're saying that you actually managed

to beat the strongest gym leader?


He was no match for my genius.

Well, I'm sure it'll be impossible

for you to win in there but I guess you gotta try.

Smell you later.

TRAINER: The gym leader is away at the moment.

RED: Fine. Can I wait here? TRAINER: Do what you want.


Wow, this place is completely different

than any other gym I've been to.

TRAINER: Welcome back, leader.

Well, well, I expected you to show up here one of these days.


Giovanni. Wait, why are you here?

Because the Viridian City gym leader would be me.

That can't be. So then this place is...

This gym is Team Rocket's.

GIOVANNI: Yes, it's just a front to hide Team Rocket's real work.

Since you're here, I assume that you wish to take on

the gym leader in a Pokémon battle?

RED: You're not a gym leader. You can't be.

This isn't right.

The gym leaders that I've met up until now were all...

Sure, they did things differently

and they all had different personalities and attitudes.

They even battled differently too.

But even so there was one thing

that every one of them had in common and that was

how much they loved their Pokémon!

There wasn't one of them who only thought of Pokémon

as a tool for business the way that you do!


I won't accept this.

I won't believe that you are the strongest gym leader.

I refuse!

The truth of the matter is that I don't need you to accept it.

But what do you plan to do about it?

Are you going to battle me?

Absolutely. Heh. Very well.

But be aware, this is not a challenge to a gym leader.

I challenge the enemy of all Pokémon!

GIOVANNI: Another boy of about your age

came to this gym just yesterday.

He too was arrogant. But he had a potential

that far outstripped any other Pokémon trainer I have faced.


I decided to go ahead and accept that boy's challenge.

I did so as a gym leader.

That's not the case with you.

GIOVANNI: Why do I get so agitated by this boy?

It's just like at the Silph Company.

What is it about facing him that makes me lose control?

I will bring out my two specially chosen Pokémon

and force you to your knees.


Rhyhorn, huh? Then I'll go with this!


GIOVANNI: So you come prepared for my Ground-types

with Grass-type Pokémon. I see.

Well, it looks like you have at least learned better than

to try the brute strength of your Charizard

against every opponent.

Use razor leaf!


Horn attack.




You assumed that Victreebel would get you

a quick win based on type alone, right?

But in the face of my Rhyhorn, it doesn't stand a chance.


Victreebel, come back.


Oh, now the Water-type Kabutops.

It seems that you somehow knew ahead of time

that I would be using Ground-type Pokémon.

Slash! Use take down.



RED: Hydro pump!

GIOVANNI: Thunderbolt.


Even hydro pump didn't do a thing.

That's such a shame.

Come back, Kabutops!


A Normal-type, huh?

That's quite an interesting choice.

RED: Hyper beam!


GIOVANNI: Horn drill.



This is the best you've got? Even with a Normal-type?

Come back now, Snorlax!

I'll go with you next!

GIOVANNI: Pfft. When you brought out Grass, Water, and Normal-types,

I hoped this might be a bit more entertaining than last time.

But now an Electric-type?

You must know that Electric-types are ineffective

against Ground-types. Is this all you have to offer?


I'm disappointed.

GIOVANNI: Disappointed? Why?

What is this feeling of frustration?

He's just another beginner,

ignorant of the ways of battle.

Use double kick!


GIOVANNI: Thunderbolt!

How could thunderbolt beat Jolteon like that?

You did well to try to strike at Rhyhorn's weakness.

But the difference in our Pokémon's level

is simply too great.

Come back, Jolteon!

You have only two more Pokémon remaining.

What will it be then? Charizard once again?

Or do you still have some trump card up your sleeve

to use against my Ground-types, perhaps?

I'm counting on you.


Ah, so you still had

a Fighting-type Pokémon lying in wait.

Amusing. Let's go.

GIOVANNI: Why does this battle make me feel so alive?

Minutes ago I was frustrated by the boy's foolishness

and now I'm exhilarated for our battle?

RED: Rolling kick!


Use horn attack!



GIOVANNI: This excitement, I've felt this before, a long time ago.

High jump kick! Take down!


Use mega kick! Use horn drill!

Come back, Hitmonlee!

Now, Rhyhorn, come back.

And now we are each left with just one Pokémon remaining.

You'll use Charizard, I assume?

Allow me to warn you ahead of time.

This is Rhydon right here.

Your Charizard does not match up at all with Rhydon.

You've made a devastating mistake in your lineup.

To have saved Charizard for the final match.

You're obviously not ready for this.

I wanted it to be Charizard. What was that?

I win this with Charizard or its meaningless.

Obnoxious kid.

I'll crush that foolish pride,

right along with that Charizard of yours!

RED: I've battled gym leaders

and countless other trainers up until now.

I've seen how they care for and love their Pokémon.

These badges here are the proof that I understand

how the gym leaders feel and that I carry them within me.

I won't lose to you. Not to a person like you!

[GASPS] This Pokémon here

is the proof of how far I have come.

GIOVANNI: That pose, the way he moves...

I'm counting on you, Charizard!

GIOVANNI: The way he throws it, it's just like...



GIOVANNI: That's it, Now I remember.

I knew I'd felt this way before,

this sense of excitement.

This burning passion

that makes my blood race through my veins.

Back then, I also threw my Poké Balls just like that,

at the critical moment in battle.

I'm counting on you. Believing in my Pokémon.


GIOVANNI: I was once like this boy.

Even I once loved Pokémon over all else.

When did it all change?

When did I become unable to see Pokémon as anything

but tools for business?

Go, Rhydon!


GIOVANNI: Perhaps I could have been this child.

All right, this is it, kid. Time for the final battle.



Mega! Punch!


Use mega kick! Fury attack!



It's over. Use horn drill!

Charizard, seismic toss!




It can't be. Its HP is zero?


GIOVANNI: Impressive.

I didn't think you'd raised your Charizard

to a high enough level,

certainly not enough to defeat my Rhydon.

I don't want it. What?

I don't need a gym badge from the boss of Team Rocket.

You keep it. Hmm.


You know, you continually insist on getting on my nerves.

Send word to all of our divisions.

As of now, Team Rocket is officially disbanded.

Uh, Mr. Giovanni? Boss!

Get the word out to every one of our members:

Their work is done now.

Now then,

this isn't from the boss of Team Rocket

but instead accept it from the Viridian City gym leader.

It was a good battle.


GIOVANNI: Take this badge and continue to aim for greater heights.

If you wish to complete the Pokédex, you realize that

you will have to be the strongest.

Your path ahead is full of strong Pokémon

that will not be defeated through normal measures.

It will be impossible for you, unless you are as strong

as the Pokémon League champion.


Move forward. Take the path that I did not,

you'll find the way.

I will also move forward.

I will try to find a new path for myself and my Pokémon.



RED: I'll find the way, I'll do it!
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