00x01 - File 1: Red

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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00x01 - File 1: Red

Post by bunniefuu »



Hello there and welcome to the world of Pokémon.

My name is Professor Oak.

I'm often referred to as the Professor of Pokémon.

There are some very interesting creatures

that inhabit this world. And, as you may be aware,

they are known the world over quite simply as Pokémon.



For some people, Pokémon are pets.

While other people enjoy using them for battle.

We find ourselves coexisting in various styles.




Are you interested in learning about this Pokémon world?

I'll be your guide for a story of dreams and adventures.

Now, world of Pokémon awaits. Let's get started.



MAN: Gengar used Double-Edge.


MAN: Whoa. A nasty Poison Sting from Nidorino.

MAN [OVER TV]: Gengar immediately hopped back out of the way.

It's still standing.

WOMAN: Red, are you there? Red?

RED: Huh? Yeah.

WOMAN: I ran into Professor Oak and he gave me a message for you.

He wants you to go to his lab as soon as possible.

RED: Professor Oak?

He said he finally finished that thing

he was telling you about, so...


Unh, all right.



Are you all right?


Unh, yeah, I'm okay.

You should really be more careful.


All right. I'll see you later.


Finally, finally, it's done.


Blue.Oh, heh, hey there, Red.

Wait a second, let me guess. Did Gramps call you too?

Yeah. I heard it's done.

Sorry, but, uh, I'm gonna go in first.

Wait. I won't let you.


Ugh, get off of me, would you?

You're the one who pushed me.


OAK: What's all the ruckus about?

RED: Ah, professor.BLUE: Ah, Gramps.

BOTH [IN UNISON]: Is it done?Mm-hm.

This is the Pokédex.The Pokédex.


Yes, it automatically records all the data

on Pokémon you've caught.

It's a hi-tech encyclopedia.

Science is so amazing.Oh.

Red. Blue, listen. You'll each receive one Pokédex.

I want you to do something very important.

To make a complete guide to all the Pokémon in the world.

That has always been my dream.

It's been your dream?

You see the thing is, I'm too old to do it.

It's quite difficult to travel around

seeking all kinds of Pokémon.

So now I want the two of you to help fulfill my dream.

Can I count on you?Yeah.

Now, Gramps. You haven't forgotten your promise, right?

In exchange for us helping you out with this.

I haven't forgotten it.


OAK: As you can see, there are three Pokémon here.

I'll give each of you the opportunity to choose one.

The fire Pokémon, Charmander. The water Pokémon, Squirtle.

The plant Pokémon, Bulbasaur.

Now then, you may choose the one that you like.


Well, I don't need to be greedy like you are.

Okay, Red? You can go ahead and choose first.

Now think carefully before you choose.

No need. I've already decided.

Oh, Charmander. That's right.

It wasn't really a tough decision.

The thing is, my dad gave me the name Red

hoping that when I grew up, it would help me

have the passion and energy of a red-hot fire.

So now I've decided

that my first Pokémon should be a fire Pokémon.

That will help me live up to the name my father gave me.




It's my Pokémon.

I see, well...

Then, Blue, are you going to choose Squirtle

because its blue color is perfect

for someone with your name?Heh.

I would never choose my Pokémon for such a ridiculous reason.

But since Red chose fire, I'll choose water.



By the way, you realize you can give your Pokémon

its own nickname if you so choose.

RED: A nickname...

Okay, then, let's see.

No, I think I'll keep the name, Charmander.

Red, what do you say?Huh?

Shall we test them out? Ah, never mind.

I wouldn't want the memory of my first battle

to be against a measly beginner like you.

You're a beginner too, you know.

Maybe, but my ambitions are far greater than yours.

Now that I have this Squirtle, you'll see.

I'll become the best Pokémon Trainer in the whole world.

Well, Gramps, I gotta go.

All right. It's okay to aim high,

but don't forget my request.

Leave it all to me. I got it covered.

Oh, my.

He's your grandson, after all, professor.

Yes, well, the truth is, when I was young,

I was a serious Pokémon Trainer, as well.

Pokémon Trainer.


Well, Red.

I'm counting on you.Right.


Ah, unh, a Pidgey.

Charmander, go for it.




RED: Ember.

Ah, wait. Hold on.


RED: Huh?


Oh, great.

The data's not recorded unless I catch it.


I got this one. Charmander, Growl.


RED: Scratch.


That's so cool.

You're mine this time.


RED: You too.


You wanna try and battle against my Pokémon?


I've never seen that Pokémon before. Fine.



RED: What?BOY: Come back. Nidoran.

What's with you?

Trying to catch someone else's Pokémon?

You're a thief.What?

Thief? No, uh...

Look, where can I catch a Nidoran then?


Well, all right, since you won, I'll tell you.

"Welcome to Viridian City."

BLUE: You made it here quicker than I thought you would.

I mean you're pretty slow, so...


I thought it would take a lot more time

for you to figure out how to get here.

Blue.What do you say?

Has your Pokémon gotten any stronger yet?

Look, Blue.

My goal in this is not to try and make my Pokémon stronger.

All I really wanna do is complete the Pokédex.


Yeah, okay, I get it, but to complete the Pokédex,

you sometimes have to battle against strong Pokémon, right?

Uh, well, at least you have a good excuse

to escape from battle, if you wimp out.

What did you say?

Oh, come on, we both know it, Red,

the truth is you're not confident you can beat me.

And in case you're wondering, I won't lose to you.

No way, no how.

All right! I'll accept your challenge.

Squirtle. Go.Charmander.



RED: Charmander, use Growl.



What a wimpy voice. Use Tackle.

Uh, Ember.

You missed it.

Unh, calm down, take your time.



Use Scratch.

One more time, use Scratch.

BLUE: Tackle.

What's the matter? Use Ember. Get up. Hurry.


Ah, I don't get it. Why are you so slow?

Is that all you got? Bubble.

Don't just run away. Come on. Use Ember.

BLUE: I've got you. Bite.


No. Charmander, come back.

How weak. I've never seen such a weak Trainer before.

Though I'm way too strong. And awesome too.


You just attack and attack. So predictable.


I just...Look, Red.

You should just head back to Pallet Town already.

You'll end up getting hurt out here

and there's no way you'll be able to complete the Pokédex.

It's a waste of time.


Why, Blue and I, we both should be at the same level.



Clearly, the guy who used Squirtle is more experienced.

Uh, who are you?Tell me something.

Do you understand the type and characteristics

of your Pokémon?What?

Well, to begin with,

it's so obvious that you and your Pokémon are not in sync.

Not in sync? That's a lie.

His Squirtle responded quickly to its Trainer's instructions

and was able to dodge att*cks by using its own judgment.


Because the Pokémon and its Trainer are connected.

That Squirtle battles, clearly recognizing

and trusting its Trainer's power.

Its Trainer's power?

Pokémon won't connect with Trainers who have none.


The strength of a Pokémon

is proportional to its Trainer's power.

I see. Got it.

Hold on, where are you going?

Isn't it clear?

I'm going to find everyone with Pokémon

and challenge them to battle.

Are you saying you're gonna make

that weak and hurt Charmander battle even more?


You should take it to the Pokémon Center first, right?

Of course. I was just...

BROCK: The Pokémon Center in Viridian City

is the building with the red roof.

Uh, well, thank you.

If you really wanna learn the basics of battle,

you're gonna wanna visit the Gym Leaders.

Gym Leaders?

Gym Leaders are very experienced in Pokémon battles.

You could learn quite a lot from them. Though...

Though what?

Gym Leaders are only willing to battle with people

who really want to learn.

If you wanna visit the Gyms, then first think about this,

what battling Pokémon is really all about.

What battling is really all about?

OAK [ON SCREEN]: Hmm. You seem to be doing fine.

Once you have more than six Pokémon,

other Pokémon you catch

will be automatically sent to the PC.

I understand.What's wrong?

You look a little down.No. I'm just fine.

Okay, if you say so. But the journey is long.

Don't push yourself too hard.Right.

Red. I wanna thank you for waiting.

You'll be glad to know

that your Pokémon are completely fighting fit.

We hope to see you again.Okay, thanks a lot.

Pewter City, huh?

GIRL: Did you hear about the Gym Leader, Brock?

He quickly demolished a Pokémon Trainer

who was trying to defeat all the Gyms.


I heard that new challengers come to Brock's Gym

almost every single day.

That's because the Pewter City Gym Leader,

Brock, is super famous.

Gym, the Gym Leader.

What? Against Brock?

You wanna battle against Brock now?

You're a million light-years away from being ready for that.

RED: I was told to learn the basics of battle from Gym Leaders.

Listen, how long have you been with your Pokémon?

Five days.


And you wanna battle Brock now?

That's very funny. You make me laugh.

BROCK: He's my guest. I invited this kid.

What? Seriously, Brock?


Uh, what? You mean you're Brock?

BOTH: Don't talk like that to a Gym Leader.

That's right.

I'm the Pewter City Gym Leader, Brock.

And what's your name?It's Red.

Well, have you got an answer for the question

I asked you earlier?To be honest, no, I don't.


But... It's because I don't have one that I've come here.

All right then.

Have you got any Badges?Badges?

No, I don't have any.I see. Well, then...

I'll battle you with these two Pokémon.

With two?

My specialty is battling with Rock-type Pokémon.


Okay. I'm counting on you.


RED: Ember.

RED: Scratch.


RED: When I fought Blue, we were counterattacked at this point.

Should I wait and see what he's gonna do?

RED: Uh.What's wrong?

Charmander looks kind of worried there.


If you aren't gonna act, Tackle!


You let your Pokémon take that.

Argh. Use Scratch.

It's not very effective...

RED: Again, Scratch.

You don't seem to have learned anything.

RED: What?

BROCK: I'm pretty sure I asked you

if you understood Pokémon types and characteristics.


BROCK: Pokémon types all match up in different ways.

RED: Match up?

Fire-type Pokémon are weak against Rock-type Pokémon.

You do understand that, right?

Ugh, I don't get it. What are you trying to say?

Well, you do have other Pokémon available,

don't you?Huh?

If you try to battle only with Charmander,

it's too difficult to defeat Rock-type Pokémon.

I see.

BROCK: Battling while switching Pokémon.

It's a legitimate battling style.

Charmander, come back. Go Nidoran.


Double Kick.


RED: It's super effective.

Yeah. We beat a Rock-type Pokémon.

Come back, Geodude. Onix.


RED: Uh, another Rock type?

I told you. My specialty is Rock types.

RED: Double Kick.BROCK: Bide.

While using Bide,

Onix can't attack until after it's been att*cked two times.

What? Even though it may be defeated after two att*cks?

Onix be defeated? It won't. I believe in Onix.

Believe in? Double Kick.



It Held on.Well done, Onix.

Double the damage.


RED: Come back. Nidoran.

BROCK: By using the move Bide,

a Pokémon can return twice the amount of damage

that it has received.

Here's the next one.



Spearow. Come back. Rattata.


RED: Come back. Rattata.

That Pokémon is too fast.

Metapod. String Shot.


We've got Onix all tied up.

It won't work!

Oh, wow, check out Brock.

Yeah, he's getting really worked up.

String Shot. Tackle.

Metapod. Come back. ugh.

I've only got one Pokémon left.


Now then, starting to get what battling Pokémon is all about?


RED: I'm getting exhausted.

And I have no idea know why, not only that,

I feel as if I'm also taking damage.


That's it, I get it.

Pokémon are not tools for battle. They are our partners.

My Pokémon and I are battling together.

I can't believe I didn't even notice

such a simple thing as that.


BROCK: They're both almost out of HP.

It seems the next attack will decide this battle.


The first to land an attack will win.


Here we go. Scratch.


Their speed is identical.Will they tie?

No way. Why?

Metapod's string. But it...

I thought Onix tore off all the strings,

but there was one string left

and that string is what made Onix a split second too late.

Excellent job.

You mean that I won?

I've never seen Brock get this serious before.

And to top it off, the actually kid won.

Heh, not bad.

This is for you.


That badge is proof that you beat me, the Boulder Badge.

Brock, I, uh, thank you, thanks a lot, really.

You realize that you've just started

walking the path of a Pokémon Trainer.

It's not an easy path, to be sure.


I'll give you this too. It's TM.

A TM?That's right.

It's a Technical Machine containing Bide,

the move I showed you earlier. Take it with you

so that you can teach some of your own Pokémon

to use the move Bide as well.

This is great, thank you.

We'll meet again.Yeah.

LASS: Brock. I have a question.

Why did you accept his challenge so soon?

Because I found him quite intriguing.

When I asked him that question

he said he was still looking for an answer.

Professor. May I ask what the reason was

that you chose Red for this task?

Although he's clumsy, ever since he was a young boy

he's hated to lose. But he is honest.

And he will learn from those around him and grow stronger.

I believe he'll make a good Pokémon Trainer.

I only hope that Blue will grow along with Red.

Unlike Red, he's too good,

which makes him a little arrogant.

RED: I will get stronger, much stronger.

And I'll make Professor Oak's dream finally come true.

I will complete the Pokédex.
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