21x21 - Satoshi and Nagetukesaru! A Touchdown of Friendship!!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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21x21 - Satoshi and Nagetukesaru! A Touchdown of Friendship!!

Post by bunniefuu »

Another banned episode? This is the only thing I could find over on youtube... but please feel free to type up by hand and send in to me to replace here.

what's going on guys immense Timmy's

hereby review of the latest Pokemon Sun

and Moon anime episode episode 64 I

shall be Simeon touchdown a friendship

with a title now said foe Gary likes

everybody as I will now jump right into

this episode review

sylvie episode begins off a flash

walking down for marquee meeting with

the old lady who then discovers by

Litton has evolved an oval vistas a

small detail I like and respect Mussina

law as of course this old lady was

pretty much Linton's only friend back in

four days when it was a wild Pokemon so

to get as seen on screen FL learning of

its evolution it's a nice way to remind

the audience of their friendship and the

fact we're little evolved really nicely

done anime craters regardless apart

though the group of Pokemon known as

Basu me and then accidentally hit ash in

the face of her fruit as we're trying to

save it from another group of pacinian

this group having orange on their

forehead whereas the one throughout hey

ash had green on their forehead

but anyway but two groups friends start

to fight over the fruit in a game of

rugby however one of them gets knocked

out and when the fruit lands back to ash

he gives it to the orange for simians

which makes them happy and leave whereas

the green ones were left feel inside

officer Johnny fan comes running to ash

as she heard all this commotion antiques

were knocked up is Simeon with ash to

the Pokemon Center a couple hours later

is revealed that the persimmon will be

okay the next day Phil Aisha's telling

his classmates about this story when

he's passing round left back and forth

to Lana as a game which is just

brilliant and funny

however professor Kruk we fed over his

miss story and describes that the game

of Ruby is actually tradition for

prosimian basically whoever has the

fruit is now the boss of the whole pack

of the Simeon in fair home area and also

reveals that the orange forehead of the

Simeon afirma collar I learned or else

the green ones are from many Mele Island

Ashwin starts to feel bad when learning

this and

to go check up on her knocked up the

simian after school as he used to be the

boss before visa call of the simian

however when he got to the home area

with the help of Officer Jenny the one

who got knocked out who's now revealed

to be called tiny and his friends are

depressed about the situation I don't

want to fight back for the boss title

Ashe feels like he can't ignore them so

for next day he decides to become this

nightmare fuel so he can fight back

against we offer Island / Simeon to get

the boss title back for tiny he also

starts to act like a pursue me affront

the holiday at school which was just so

weird to watch oh I'll give more of my

Forte's invite later after school though

rush goes back to the persimmon home

area and tries to show tiny and the

office fight he is willing to fight for

them however we couldn't care less but

another pustynia bank comes up and wants

to play rugby with Vash mrs. wormwood

Papa simians friend start to join in the

fun too tiny and his friends noticed

what everybody is having fun and decides

to join in then performing a cool trick

to get four fruits high up in the air

after a shot throw it to them this

actually gets them motivated to try and

actually get the boss title back from

the akalabeth simians as we now have

this strategy that they did when the

economy simians arrived back to the home

area they do indeed challenge firm and

even Ashe decides to join in for game

with tiny and well in fee actual game

tiny steam was performing good at first

however via Cola once spent got the

upper hand which is where fee over

random Mellie Mellie / simians friend

decide to help tiny which when gives

tiny for chance to perform for trick

with his friends which won them the game

over although it was actually pretty fun

to watch first match really nicely made

regarding my foursome fight though we

call a person spent go back to their own

home after many many / simians friend

actually decide to give a sh for boss

title due to how he really wants to help

them which is a really funny and into

this episode it got even more funnier

infra pokey problem extra scene foe

we're over prosimians been charged to

Professor kukris house as fights where

ash lived ah brilliant with that story

now said though let's now move on

my overall thoughts of this episode

firstly for the story it felt like a

classic for episode you would find in an

office series of Pokemon due to how

simple the story actually was aka two

groups of Pokemon fight whether they be

the same species or not and ash decides

to help out so it's not for two special

however unlike the other episodes we

would find in other series this one

stands out more to me it's been because

obviously one is for newer episode and

two I just loved how he betrayed for

this Simeon Basu Mia when you first see

is the sign looks like a ruby Pokemon

and it even states it infant pokedex I

believe oh if you're Americans and

that's football to you I forgot to

mention that earlier on but hey better

late for never anyway to see the enemy

craters been make for pacinian fight in

a rugby Manor was just a great way to

show its characteristics through it's

designed to me we also saw office mana

in for home too which shows what that

overall lifestyle is and I really like

seen by to just overall see how vo

obsessed with rugby was just really nice

and of course like I explained earlier

the final rugby match was nice to watch

to finally for pisum years but rail in

this episode though let's talk about the

main pacinian tiny the Pokemon who Ashe

was actually trying to help the most by

getting its boss title back to me tiny

was just mad personality-wise a poor

from what I explained with the rugby but

you know what I will say that the anime

crater showed emotion through its eyes

very nicely we got nice close-up sh*ts

on them too which is how I managed to

identify this and how it feels and guess

if it greatest intention was to make you

feel sorry for tiny to when it was in

the sad state so really nicely don't buy

craters but yeah overall tiny to me was

just mad but it did have nice emotion


let's now move on to ashes character of

course like we saw he decided to dress

like Abyssinian in this episode Suika

blending with the overpour simians

and even act like them which made me see

ash in a weird way within this episode

but you've gotta admit it does show his

characteristics well

he cares for Pokemon deeply and goes to

any extreme just to help them which face

exactly showed in this episode or in a

more crazy manner however I can respect

it at least due to no an ash for all

this time hopefully if you found this

weird you can at least respect what the

craters were going for regardless about

though I do want to mention for some

people for Ash would catch prosimian in

this episode based on the first summary

and preview and I can see why however I

didn't want him to or did not expect it

to happen back in 2017 I did want it to

happen so what happened to my fourth

year well it's mainly because of poi

pole and a lowland sandshrew like I've

said multiple times on this channel now

recent merchandise suggests Ash will

catch bill so I'm confident he will

actually will and I believe me a better

choices for him anyway now plus finally

a previous show for the simians in

groups which ash usually doesn't take a

Pokemon away from its group and overall

it just looked like filler I forgive my

foursome but as I know somebody would

have commented if I thought ash would

catch or not catch prosimian or if I

wanted it to happen finally for this

story section Phil this episode did

contain quite a bit of comedy most of it

being ash getting hit in the face by a

fruit and him action like Abyssinian I

guess however although I don't like this

I can respect what the writers were

going for and we just got to keep on

remembering for the target audience for

this show is kids I warm it Phil I did

really like the snow moshav Ashkan in

the face by the fru-u-- it made it look

so epic all because of that one effect

and finally like I said him for

storytelling section I found for rubble

that game and overall episode ending to

be funny but that's just it everything

else I didn't really like with my faults

on this story now said Phil let's now

move on to be animation and music

aspects of this episode firstly for the

animation it was good for out the whole

episode however my favorite highlights

have to be for fast movements from

pacinian and ash in the final rugby

match it was really nicely made as

always I like the sunset for the army

crater show but you always look so


to fall and finally the episode did have

nice camera angles which I already

explained a couple so that's a while

safe of this section as for the music

aspects Phil it was nice in this episode

my favorite highlights mostly coming

from the final rugby match the Sun and

Moon wild pokemon theme and champion

theme they surprisingly fit and as

always or just so amazing to listen to

we've ever think I've said in this video

Fuu I've decided to give this episode a

rating of 6 out of 10

at best I think it may be generous or

the episodes not bad all together just a

classic filler or should I say slice of

life here and it's 4 nor so however let

me know if the comments down below what

you actually for this episode well I

love to hear but but pretty much wraps

up for this video now so if you enjoyed

them be sure to leave a like and

subscribe for future Pokemon content

here helps out a time for now missus

entity Mays signing out thanks for




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