02x10 - Stage Fight

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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02x10 - Stage Fight

Post by bunniefuu »

(Apparently this is a banned episode? This is the only script I could find off of Youtube. If you can find original or type up by hand- feel free to email it to me and I'll replace it here.)

hello and welcome to pokey sins


I'd never forgive myself they are

well-trained Pokemon I've never seen

Rocky but I understand that this is

referencing it I know where groups on a

thing yet but these two aren't in the

same group so they probably couldn't oh

shut up about Pokemon watching seriously

All Things Considered this is high

quality entertainment for a showboat is

it just me or does she look a lot like

Rebecca from the punchy Pokemon you know

who that episode that also had a him on

Jan relationship don't you I wonder if

you could give Kay a few pointers do you

have a minute Kay this is all quite

organic but ash here give you some

advice on getting along with

electric-type pokémon ash from peak she

didn't get on because he's an

electric-type are you sure you're up to

it he's a cramp trainer be calm tonight

that he gets on well with Pokemon how

does your stage fright doing Meowth why

are they doing this on the stage is

changed it from helping to dramatizing

you really knows what he's talking about

that's because he's repeating what broad

keys to tell him huh nice touch he never

had she's not wrong but her expression

is weird

3 The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

nice inclusion

come on ride you I know you can do what

Kay asked you to see grant trainer the

right you is a lot of personality

it was startled it's not his fault


the mutual fear is really well-founded

it's a natural mistake that could cause

this situation work out swinging a

massage no he doesn't is not the right

thing is the comforting thing but it's

not what'll actually help



it's a very touching story about fear

and connection shame it's solved simply

because she decides it is magically

solved just like that do as they say

this showboat is everything to us it's

our livelihood it's our home he was he

was fully prepared to sacrifice the boat

to beat them

why is peak she tied up to steal him as

well that's what a team looks like yes

making their Pokemon attack people

they'll be more of the same in store for

you I don't believe he could match the

mouth movement so well no way could they

match all of those else reaction

attacking a human best thing to use

against something with a fire move

wheezing from nowhere

are they miming the coughing I like how

they just blank Tracy

Pokemon League rules say only one at a



that seems ridiculously powerful that

weird expression just completely solved

right she's no longer afraid of anything


we can do it in the show because the

Pokemon practice the lines improvising

is almost impossible to lip-sync that

looks exactly the same as thunderbolt


electrocuting wet people the puns this

child's face this was actually

foreshadowed well played okay to take

Rogers place take Rogers place is that

what you want right you caught them

making a meal of this what no she has

the lines memorized you have no idea

what you're doing

bollocks could Peaks you've learned how

to do this so quickly

bollocks would they have let him try

self-aware joke but they're standing

behind the Pokemon how can they see the

lip flaps she says in front of a live

mic oh yeah such high quality I get that

down in action they've got ash filling

in but last time they have a fully

voiced play here they have standing in a

line barely dancing those people got so

ripped off star you can do that it just

keeps going


- 27 I almost saw this one being


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