02x33 - Viva Las Lapras

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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02x33 - Viva Las Lapras

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ So you wanna be a master of ♪ Pokémon

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one

♪ We all live in a Pokémon World ♪

♪ Po-ke-mon

♪ I wanna be the greatest master of them all ♪

♪ Po-ke-mon

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Po-ke-mon ♪

NARRATOR It's not surprising that

even after defeating the Orange Crew Leader

receiving the Winner's Trophy

and being honored in the Orange League Hall of Fame

Ash still can't believe his good fortune!

Ash, are you just gonna stare at that trophy all day long?

No, I think we'll stare at it all night long too.

Right, Pikachu?




What's the matter? What's wrong, Lapras?


ASH "Viva Las Lapras!"



Hey, guys, look it's a whole school of Lapras!


This is amazing!

I've never seen so many Lapras together!

I wonder, if any of these Lapras know your Lapras, Ash.


TRACEY 'Hey, you know,'

'this could be the school'

'Lapras was separated from before we found it!'


Well, looks like these might be friends of yours.



Here, drink this, Lapras.

ASH 'It'll make you feel better.'

Come on..


That Lapras is afraid to have

any kind of contact with people, at all.

No wonder, after the way

those guys on the beach were treating it.

That's too bad, especially because, it's just an infant.

- Huh? That's a baby Lapras? - Hmm.

TRACEY 'Big schools of Lapras pass by the island'

'this time every year.'

'This one must've gotten separated from its group'

'maybe during that last big storm we had.'


Hey, what do you say all three of us

try getting that Lapras back

with its friends where it belongs?

- 'Sounds great!' - 'Count me in!'


Guess we're finally gonna

get to meet all your old friends, Lapras!










What's wrong?

I don't know.

Why would you go and turn your backs on a friend like that?



Why are they attacking us?

Lapras are supposed to be friendly

and they hate to battle!


A Mist Attack!



They're gone.

I don't get it.



[seagulls squawking]

PROFESSOR OAK 'Yes, that behavior is unusual'

but I suspect, those Lapras were reacting that way

because they're afraid of humans.

But what would make them so afraid of people?

It could be, that some humans have been attacking them or--

What kind of person would attack those Lapras?

JENNY 'It's probably those Pokémon-poaching pirates.'

Officer Jenny! Did you say pirates?

This island is supposed to be a Pokémon no-capture zone

but we've had reports that pirates have been poaching

wild Pokémon just off shore.

Pirates, like Captain Hook?

Yes, but we call the lead pirate Captain Crook.




This is terrible!


Yeah, and I bet I know who's behind it all!

You mean there are others involved?

This is exactly the kind of dirty rotten scheme

Team Rocket's always coming up with!


So, tell me, what you know about this "Team Rocket" trio.

Well, officer, all I know is

they're three of the sneakiest

snakiest, lying-est, losers you'll ever meet.

JESSIE 'Who are you calling loser?'

JAMES 'But he's got the rest right!'

They're here?

JESSIE 'Prepare for trouble, as*ault and battery!'

JAMES 'And make it double but thanks for the flattery!'

To protect the world from devastation.

To unite all people within our nation.

To denounce the evils of truth and love.

To extend our reach to the stars above.

- Jessie! - James!

Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light.

Surrender now, you little Twerp or prepare to..


That's right.

I knew you were the real poachers!

You're wrong, kid! We haven't poached a thing!

I don't even like poached eggs!

Yeah, right, give me a break!

Sorry, we can't spare any!


If you really are telling us the truth, that'd be a first!

There's a first time for everything

and this time we're the victims!

Those briny braggarts bombed our boat.

Those seafaring scalawags smashed up our submarine!

It's flashback time.

[cannon firing]

JESSIE/JAMES/MEOWTH 'We're blasted out again!'


Well, I'm sorry you're hurt

but you can't say you didn't deserve it!

You're right. We had it coming!

Guess we are pretty crummy, ain't we?

This is no joke! We're victims!

In that case, you should come down to the station house

and give me all the details.

And while we're at it, I'll check out your file!

All of a sudden, I feel much better!

We'll be on our way, officer!


Good luck catching those Pokémon pirates!

MEOWTH 'Yeah, say hello to the Jolly Roger for us!'

Hey, come back here!

I hope they just keep going!




Lapras off the starboard bow ,looks like a school!

This should be a nice catch, Captain!

Alright, get the Poké Balls ready to fire.

We'll launch our secret weapons

and do us a little Pokémon-poaching!

Aye-aye, sir!

If the currents go our way

we can catch up with those other Lapras.


Yeah, but even if we do, Ash

how're we gonna convince them that, we're their friends

and not their enemies?

That's easy, Tracey, like this!

Is there something wrong with your face?

No, this is my happy-human face

and as soon as those Lapras see me smiling like this

they instinctively know we're their friends!

Maybe, we can just tell them we're friendly.

Yeah, Lapras are supposed to be really good

at understanding human speech.

A smile is understood in any language!

Come on, Lapras! Let's hurry!


Fire Poké Balls when ready, matey!

Aye-aye, sir!

[cannon firing]


Now, attack those Lapras with your poison sting

you no-good jelly-livered, jellyfish!




- Don't let them get away! - Aye-aye, sir!

[canon firing]



Look! The Lapras are straight ahead!

ASH 'What's going on?!'

It's those pirates Officer Jenny told us about!

But those aren't cannonballs! Those are Tentacruel!

Let's see what Dexter says.

POKEDEX Tentacruel, the jellyfish Pokémon.

Its potent poison stingers can quickly paralyze its victims.

Those pirates are forcing the Tentacruel to bully the Lapras!


I think I better get Officer Jenny out here!



Misty and I'll try to figure out some way

to protect the Lapras while you're getting Officer Jenny!

Be careful and hurry back, okay!

Okay! Let's go, Marill!


Alright, Lapras! Let's go!


ASH/MISTY/TRACEY Who's that Pokémon?

ASH/MISTY/TRACEY It's Electrode!


JESSIE 'Keep pedaling!'

We've got to catch up with the Twerps

so we'll be sure to have a ring-side seat

when those pirates swipe the docks with them!

I think you mean "swab the decks."

I'd just like to see them get stung by Tentacruel

like we were, and see, how they like it!

They'd be paralyzed and powerless!

Then we could just sail away with Pikachu!

Jessie, that's an absolutely fabulous idea!

Too bad she didn't have it!






Now, we got them outnumbered, poor devils.

Alright, poison sting!





Pikachu, you better use your Thunder Shock

and stop those Tentacruel before they start an attack!




ASH Pikachu, quit it!


I'd rather take my chances with the Tentacruel!


I forgot electricity and water don't mix!


JESSIE 'They drove the Tentacruel away!'

Hurray, for the Twerps!

It's Twerps one, pirates nothing!

Don't root for them! Root for us!

Sorry, it won't happen again.

How dare you attack my Tentacruel?

We had to do something to protect those Lapras!


Just wait until Officer Jenny gets here to arrest you!

You pipsqueaks ain't going to ruin my poaching!

Light the cannons and fire when ready!

Aye-aye, we'll send them all

right to Davey Jones' locker room!

[cannon firing]

Dodge them, Lapras!


If they keep sh**ting those cannons at us, we're in trouble!

They're not the only ones with big g*ns!


Poliwag, Goldeen, Staryu, I choose you!


I choose you, Squirtle!


Hey, Squirtle, do whatever Misty tells you!


Okay, use your Water g*n Attack!


Hey! Don't you attack my ship!



Quick, return their fire!

We're all out of cannonballs!

Then we'll use a scuzzball! Fire!



Nah nah nah-nah-nah!



Lapras, Water g*n the leader!



Well, now that we got their attention

let's get out of here!




We'll keep all the Tentacruel busy

so, you Lapras can make your getaway!





Faster, Lapras, they're gaining on us!


Well, those Tentacruel

are gonna catch up with them any second now!

But, Jess..

What is it? Can't you see I'm gloating?

- But-- - Just spit it out!

If the Tentacruel are catching up with the kid

and we're behind him won't they get to us first?


JESSIE/JAMES/MEOWTH 'We're blasting off again!'




Oh, no!

You should all be ashamed of yourselves!




If you know what's good for you

call off your Tentacruel right now!

Hmph. Try and make me!




Lapras, Water g*n Attack!



Tentacruel, use Supersonic Atta--

That's it! You're not giving orders anymore!



















You came.


You sure do have a nice mom!



JESSIE 'Untie us!'

How can you lump us in with these scummy, scurvy scavengers?

And to think I rooted for you!

That was very nice of you, Meowth.


I can testify to the fact

that we were both rooting for you Twerps!

I'll testify too!

Save it for the judge!

There're outstanding charges against you all!

She's not talking about your credit card!


Get away from me!

Now, you're all free to go whenever and wherever you want.




Just make sure you don't get reeled into doing

the dirty work for another boatload of bandits!

Be happy, Lapras, at least

you won't have me on your back anymore.


What was that? Whoa!




I know you're only kidding around.

Alright! Alright! Come on!

Cut it out! Quit it, will you?

Don't you think I'm wet enough already?



They're waiting for you, it's time to go.


Get out of here.


That was quick.



You're a real friend.


See you.




I hate to see Lapras go

but it belongs with its mom and all its friends.

I'm never gonna forget you, Lapras!

Thanks for the ride through the Orange Islands, Lapras!

We love you!



- Goodbye, Lapras. - Goodbye. We'll miss you.


NARRATOR As their voyages in the Orange Islands draw to a close

Ash and his friends bid farewell to a great Pokémon

and a great friend.

So long, Lapras. Smooth sailing.

ASH Don't go away. Pikachu's Jukebox is next.


♪ To protect the world from devastation ♪

♪ To unite all peoples within our nation ♪

♪ To denounce the evils of truth and love ♪

♪ To extend our reach to the stars above ♪

♪ Jessie

♪ James

♪ Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light ♪

♪ Surrender now or prepare to fight ♪

♪ That's right

♪ Team Rocket's rockin'

♪ Talkin' trouble walkin' trouble ♪

♪ Double trouble big trouble

♪ And trouble's gonna follow you ♪

♪ Team Rocket's rockin'

♪ Talkin' trouble walkin' trouble ♪

♪ Double trouble big trouble ♪

♪ We're gonna capture Pikachu

♪ Team Rocket's rockin'

♪ Talkin' trouble walkin' trouble ♪

♪ Double trouble

♪ Trouble's gonna follow you

♪ Team Rocket's rockin'

♪ Looks like Team Rocket is blasting off again ♪♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon World ♪

♪ Po-ke-mon

♪ I wanna be the greatest master of them all ♪

♪ Greatest Master

♪ We all live in a Pokémon World ♪

♪ Po-ke-mon ♪ Put myself to the test

♪ To be better than all the rest ♪

♪ So you wanna be a master of ♪ Pokémon

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one

♪ We all live in a Pokémon World ♪

♪ Got the power right in your hands ♪

♪ Po-ke-mon ♪
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