02x28 - Pokémon Double Trouble

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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02x28 - Pokémon Double Trouble

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ So you wanna be a Master of ♪ Pokémon?

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one?

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ I wanna be the greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪

NARRATOR Our heroes have reached Kumquat Island

a well-known luxury resort

that's also the home of the fourth and final member

of the Orange Crew, whom Ash must defeat to qualify

for the Orange League Competition.

One more badge to win, Pikachu.


BROCK This place is supposed to have great hotels

a beautiful beach and natural hot springs.

MISTY Yeah. So even if Ash loses and acts like a baby..

MISTY/TRACEY At least we'll be in a nice place.

What do you mean, "If Ash loses?"

Just once, can't you guys have a little confidence in me?

Ah, sure, Ash.

In fact, we have as little confidence in you as possible.


Thanks, Misty.

Well, Pikachu, we'll just have to prove

we're winners, then, won't we?


ASH "Pokémon Double Trouble"

'Come to the Kumquat Beachcomber, suites'

'double rooms reasonable prices!'

Rooms right on the beach with balcony!

Skip the rest! Try the best!

The Kumquat Hotel for the sweetest deal in town!

Come check it out and you'll check right in. Hurry, hurry!

[indistinct chatter]

Let's go! We better hurry, guys.

Or else there won't be any more rooms left.

Hey, I'm here for a big match, not a vacation.

Then you don't have to take one, Ash.

I bet Misty and I can have enough vacation

for the three of us.

- Huh. - Huh!

[chuckles] I was only kiddin'.

Come on, Ash, let's go down to the beach

and get a hot dog and maybe go for a swim.

Luxury at bargain prices. Hurry!


My boy.

Sonny boy! Sonny boy! It's momma wamma!


Come to momma wamma!

My son is back with his momma!

My son, my pride, my joy.

My heart, my soul, my light.

My star, my world, my love, you're home!


Excuse me, who are you?

Travis, you don't even remember your own mommy wommy.

Oh, my little pumpkin. Momma's here now.

Wait a second! Uh! I'm sorry, lady.

But my name's Ash and I already have a mother, okay?

Oh, my goodness. I could've sworn you were Travis.

Oh, excuse me. It must be what they call wishful thinking.



I guess your son must really look just like Ash.

Yes, he does and he even had his Pikachu with him

when he left on his Pokémon journey.

Good luck. Hurry back!

My Travis.

It sounds to me like the reason your son went away

was because he wanted to become a Pokémon Master.

Yes, that's right.

That's just what I did.

I thought so.

Yeah, your son must love Pokémon almost as much as I do.

You know, I think you and Travis are so much alike that I..

[girl screaming]


[all clamoring]

What is that?

[Jessie laughing]

JESSIE 'Prepare for trouble .'

Yes. And make it double.

JESSIE 'To protect the world from devastation.'

JAMES 'To unite all peoples within our nation.'

JESSIE 'To denounce the evils of truth and love.'

JAMES 'To extend our reach to the stars above.'

- Jessie. - James.

Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light.

Surrender now or prepare to fight.

That's right!

[Team Rocket laughing]

Team Rocket!

Oh, no!


JESSIE 'Our Robo-Rhydon is extremely dangerous'

'but it's environmentally safe.'

MEOWTH 'It's Pokémon powered.'

Robo-Rydon power on.


And what giant rampaging robot would be complete

without a devastating Hyper Beam?


Look out!

That's Weezing's Smog Attack!

What happened to the Hyper Beam?

I guess James never got around to teaching it that attack yet.


I should have known.

We'll just have to make the best of it. Full smog ahead!

[crowd screaming]

I just love this.

The smog is causing an absolute panic.

Yes, but didn't we come here to steal the Pikachu from that kid?

Yes, that's true, James.

But I've found something I'm actually good at

and I'm having a wonderful time.

I think you could use a hobby.

Hail the conquering Rhydon!

Alright! Hold it!


Attacking innocent people like this just isn't fair!


Well, of course, it isn't fair.

If attacking innocent people were fair

it wouldn't be any fun at all, now would it?

You're getting in my way.

Arbok, use your Poison Sting!



Quick, Ash, look out!

LUANA Alakazam, Reflect now!



Alakazam, great work.

Listen up! I'm only gonna say this one time.

Get out and never come back or believe me, you'll regret it!

- She's got a.. - Big mouth.

Please, ma'am, we know these guys

and they're pretty dangerous.

I can be pretty dangerous myself.

Just get out of my way, grandma!

I wouldn't call her grandma if I were you, you old witch!

Did she call me old?

Don't listen to her, Jessie.

Ah, what does she know about aging?

Yeah, that's right, Jess. She ain't an expert like you.

I'm not old! How dare you!!

They're probably planning something really rotten

so we better handle this.

That's very nice of you to offer, Ash.

But I think an Orange Crew Gym Leader

should be able to take care of this herself, don't you?

You're the Gym Leader?

I don't care if you're in the Orange Group

or the Grapefruit League!

James, launch an all-out Smog Attack immediately!

JAMES 'Roger.'


Alakazam! Use Psychic Attack!

Shut that robot's mouth!


James, what's going on?

The Robo-Rhydon's mouth is shutting.



Meowth, turn on the exhaust fans!

[coughing] We don't have any.

JAMES 'Why not?'

MEOWTH 'The Boss wouldn't cough up the money.'

Alright. It's my turn this time!

I choose you! Charizard!



Now! Use Take Down Attack!


Wow! Look, Misty. Charizard's listening to Ash.





Arbok's Acid just burned our

Robo-Rhydon a brand new belly button.

Ah! Can't you do anything right, James?

Apparently not.

Okay, Charizard! Flamethrower Attack!



Meowth, do something.

Get us out of here.

I can't. Our Rhydon's off.

JESSIE/JAMES/MEOWTH Team Rocket's blasting off again!

We did it.



- You did an excellent job. - Thank you, ma'am.

I wonder if I could ask you or challenge you to a Gym match?

Well, I'd be very pleased to have a match with you, Ash.

But I won't go easy on you.


GROUP Who's that Pokémon?

It's Dodrio.


This is where the Gym is?


It looks like a hotel to me.

It is a hotel, Misty, and the Gym is inside.

Hey, that sounds like the perfect combination.

Ash can have his match and we can have a good time.

BELLBOYS Good afternoon!

Chilton, would you kindly prepare

a deluxe suite for my guests, please?

Right away, ma'am.

Our own deluxe suite. Now, that's sweet.



The Trainers must come here

so their Pokémon can get into shape.

A Gym at the Gym.

And this is where we'll have our match.


This is the nicest Gym I've seen.

It's almost like a stadium.

To make things interesting

why don't we make this a Double Pokémon Battle

and we'll each use two Pokémon at the same time?

A Double Battle?

So what do you have to do to win a Double Battle?

It's simple.

If one of a Trainer's Pokémon team

can't go on battling any more

the other Trainer wins the match.

Oh, I get it.

You know, Ash, it sounds to me like battling

in a Double Pokémon match is almost the same as playing

a doubles match in tennis.

Well, in that case, we'll be able to ace this match.

One, two, three!


I have faith in my Pokémon and myself

'cause we're strong and tough enough to win.


Ash, that's the kind of attitude a Pokémon Trainer needs.


You know, the way you talk about Pokémon

is just the way my son Travis does.

We'll have our match tomorrow morning.

Until then, you can all have free use of the hotel.



I guess I should use Pikachu to start off with.

But I just can't figure out what my other Pokémon should be.

I'll do it tomorrow.

You know what? I bet she'll use Alakazam as one of her Pokémon.

And the strongest Pokémon I could use against

a Psychic-type would be a Ghost or a Bug-type.

- Probably. - Hm.

Without either of those, you're in hot water, aren't you?



Hey, Ash! Are you okay?


Uh, uh, cool me down.


Ash, you stayed in the hot tub too long.

ASH 'No kidding.'

At least you won't have to warm up for the match.



CHILTON 'This battle pits visiting Palette Town Trainer'

'Ash Ketchum against Kumquat Gym Leader'

'and Orange Crew member, Luana.'

'The challenger stands to win a Jade Star badge.'

The Trainers have agreed in advance that this match

will be conducted as a Double Pokémon Battle.

Well, Ash, these are the Pokémon I'm using.

Alakazam! And Marowak!


I choose Pikachu.

And I choose Charizard!


With Charizard's Flamethrower

and Pikachu's Electric att*cks, we can't lose.



Mm-hm. Let's see how well they work together.










Hey, what do you think you're doing?

You're supposed to battle them, not each other.

If they don't work together, Ash will never win his fourth badge.

Let the match begin!

Let's go! Alakazam! Marowak!


Go! Charizard! Pikachu!






Oh, great. Charizard's gonna barbecue Pikachu.



Charizard! Use your Tackle Attack now!

Alakazam, Psychic Attack. That'll stop Charizard cold.


Alakazam's using Psychic Attack.

It's working.

Pikachu, you have to help Charizard. Use Thundershock now!



Pikachu! Help Charizard!


Do something!

You can't win a Double Battle

unless your Pokémon work as a team.

Marowak! Use Bonemerang!



[gasps] Charizard!

Alright! Alakazam, use your Psychic attack!


Charizard! It's coming right at you. Do something!


- What's happening? - Charizard's going down.





It's about time we wrapped this up. Finish it!



Pikachu, if Charizard can't battle

we're gonna lose this match!

Then you've got to do something to help Charizard!





Alright. You did it, Pikachu!

Uh-uh. It's not over till it's over, I always say.

Go, Marowak!

Hit Pikachu with a Body Slam!


Oh, no!



Great catch, Charizard!


Pikachu and Charizard are working like a team.


Pikachu, jump up on Charizard's back and just let it fly!


Marowak! Bonemerang now!


Give them a Flying Thunderbolt, Pikachu.



It didn't work.

Yes, it did. It stopped that Marowak attack.

Go, Alakazam. Use Hyper Beam on Charizard!


Charizard! Quick, go up!



[gasps] Alright!

The Gym Leader's Pokémon Marowak and Alakazam

are unable to continue the battle.

'Victory goes to the challenger.'


Hm. It's all over.

We did it! We won!


You two were amazing.

I knew you could make a great team.

Congratulations, Ash.

That was an awesome ending, Ash.

You did a fine job, Ash.

Yeah. I mean, yes, ma'am.

And now, as Kumquat Island Gym Leader

and a member of the Orange Crew

I happily present to you this token of your victory.



Yes! My final badge. The Jade Star!




A badge from all four members of the Orange Crew.

And that means you can compete with other qualified Trainers

in the Orange League Competition.

That's to win the Orange League Trophy, right?

That's right.

But to get it, Ash will have to beat

the Leader of the Orange Crew.

That Leader must be pretty good, huh?

The best. Winning that trophy won't be easy.

Do you think Ash has a chance?

Only if you work together.


No sweat! We're a team, aren't we?


Please, Ash, if you happen to run into my son Travis

will you tell him I miss him and give him my love?

- I sure will. - Great to meet you.

And thanks for everything.


Have a safe trip and battle as hard as you can

for that Orange League trophy!

We hope you all enjoyed your stay here.



NARRATOR Our three friends are headed

toward their next big challenge.

The Orange League Competition.

But I wonder what happened to that other trio?

A poet once said, "No man is an island."

Well, you're no man, James.

You think maybe the Boss

will send somebody out to look for us?


What's the matter?

If the Boss finds out we wrecked the robot..

He'll wreck us.

MEOWTH I never thought of that.

JAMES 'Hey look, a boat.'

MEOWTH 'Help!'


JAMES 'What if it's the Boss's boat?'

MEOWTH 'Right. Help!'

ASH Don't go away. Pikachu's Jukebox is next.


♪ You've been such a good friend ♪

♪ I've known you since I don't know when ♪

♪ We've got lots of friends

♪ But they come and go

♪ Even though we've never said it ♪

♪ There's something that the two of us both know ♪

♪ Together forever no matter how long ♪

♪ From now until the end of time ♪

♪ We'll be together and you can be sure ♪

♪ That forever and a day

♪ That's how long we'll stay

♪ Together and forever more

♪ Together forever no matter how long ♪

♪ From now until the end of time ♪

♪ Together forever ♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ I wanna be the greatest ♪

♪ Master of them all

♪ Greatest Master

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ Put myself to the test ♪

♪ To be better than all the rest ♪

♪ So you wanna be a master of ♪

♪ Pokémon?

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪

♪ Number one?

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪
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