02x27 - Pokémon Food Fight

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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02x27 - Pokémon Food Fight

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ So you wanna be a Master of ♪ Pokémon?

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one?

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ I wanna be the greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪

NARRATOR A storm far out to sea has made the ocean too dangerous

to sail, so our heroes have been stranded on this island

for a whole week and the waves aren't getting any smaller.



Oh, may be we're all gonna be stuck on this island

for the rest of our lives.

Well, I hope you're wrong as usual

or else we're gonna run out of food

for ourselves and for our Pokémon.

Feeding the Pokémon shouldn't be a problem, Misty.

According to my Pokémon Trainer's guide here

there are dozens of wild plants on this island

that Pokémon love to eat.

Hm. It says these flowers are very delicious.

To Pokémon, I mean.

ASH/MISTY Mm-hmm..

Let's find out.



Is he in the guide?

GULLZAR So, just because you're bigger than I am

you think you can come here and pick on me, do ya?

You picked on the wrong kid 'cause I'm Gullzar

the greatest grass Pokémon Trainer

in the Orange Islands, so get lost!

I'm sorry, I was just looking for some

flowers to feed our Pokémon.

You think just because I grow some flowers in my hair

that you can come along and use my head

as a snack bar for your hungry Pokémon, do ya?

How'd you like to have a battle?

I always wondered what it'd be like to wear flowers in my hair.

Listen, we were just looking for something to eat.

We'll go look someplace else.

Oh, I see.

Now you wanna run away

'cause you know you won't be able to beat me.


Then I challenge you to a match!

It'll be my pleasure!

ASH "Pokémon Food Fight!"

I choose you!


Gloom, the Weed Pokémon.

Gloom gives off a very unpleasant smell.

While strong against Water-type Pokémon

Gloom is weak against Fire and Flying types.


Then, Charizard! Go!




Alright then. Use your Water g*n, Squirtle!



You should know better than to water a Weed Pokémon, Ash.

Use your head.

Yeah, well, how am I supposed to use my head

when my stomach is totally empty?

Guess your head takes after your stomach.

Mind your own business! Squirtle, return now!

I'll show her.

Charizard! Go!



I got the wrong Poké Ball.

Snorlax, return!

Huh? What's wrong now?

Your Poké Ball's broken.

So I guess you'll just have to battle with Snorlax.

That is, if you can ever get it to wake up.

Snorlax, we're in a battle. Come on.

You've gotta wake up.


ASH 'Please, Snorlax. We're gonna lose.'

Ah. That's it!

If you can't wake that thing up, we will!

Solar Beam, now!


Huh! This is gonna be bad!








Stop that!

Gloom, return!


Uh, nice Snorlax.


Hey, Snorlax, you're here for battle, not for breakfast.


My flowers! My beautiful garden is totally destroyed!


That was the lunch my mommy made for me.

My lunch is gone and now I don't even have my head flowers

to munch on.

Oh! Oh!



I'm going back home!

What about the battle?

Listen kid, I don't mind being beaten by a Pokémon.

But I'm not gonna stand around and get eaten by one.

Snorlax isn't gonna eat you.

And I wasn't the one who wanted to battle in the first place.

But now my Poké Ball's broken and I can't get it fixed

unless we can get to a Pokémon Center.

Well, you're pretty lucky.

There's a Pokémon Center a couple of miles from here.

'But the only way to get there is over that mountain.'




What do we do?

We got to figure out some way

to bring Snorlax over that mountain.

That's gonna be almost impossible, Ash.

Look at how big Snorlax is

'and look at how high that mountain is.'


Okay! Ready?

Uh, I'm ready!

Let's go!



It's working! It's working!



Uh, oh, we better take a break.

Ah! You can't rest now. We have a long way to go!

I don't need a rest, Misty, but Pikachu does!


Hm. Uh-ha!


I thought I might have one left.

Should we cut it up and all take a piece?

No way. This apple is gonna get us over that mountain.


TRACEY 'It's simple. We'll use the apple as bait.'

I'll run ahead with it

and Snorlax will be right behind.

Yes, wake up.


Snorlax wasn't supposed to eat the apple!

- I think I have an idea. - Huh?

What does a fisherman use when he doesn't have any bait

but wants to catch some fish?

TRACEY 'A lure.'

Yeah, we don't have to have real food

'cause as long as Snorlax thinks it's real

it'll follow us anywhere.

So we need a lure.

That's right and since Snorlax belongs to you, maybe..

Let me do it.

Then you'll have to look like something Snorlax likes.

The only thing Snorlax likes is food.



You look ripe.


Funny, very funny!

Come on, Snorlax, wake up.

We got a little snack for you.

Where? What snack?

You're the snack. Better run.

What do you mean I'm a snack?

Get me out of this thing.



Run up the mountain before Snorlax takes a bite out of ya!


This is amazing, Misty.

Who would've guessed something that big could run that fast?

Ash will have Snorlax over that mountain in no time now.

But Tracey, what if Snorlax catches Ash?


I'm apple sauce.





I think I broke my core.

That was incredible.

You made it all the way to the top.


I'm an apple for a day and I need a doctor right away.


Now we got to figure out a way

to get Snorlax down the mountain.

Hm? Listen.

Huh? A river!

MISTY 'We can make a raft and float down.'

TRACEY 'Great idea!'




Okay, guys, ready to shove off!

Next stop, the Pokémon Center. All aboard!


Hey, it feels like we're picking up speed.

We're headed for a waterfall, fast!



It's too late to turn around!

Ah! Well, it was nice knowing you!


GROUP Who's that Pokémon?

It's Marowak.

ASH 'Help, please, somebody save us!'

Help! Help!

Please, somebody!

Help! Help us!

Hey, why don't you just try standing up?


And you'll find the Pokémon Center right over there.


Alright, we made it!


Do you think everybody in this crowd's here

to have their broke Poké Balls fixed just like I am?

Nah, I don't think there are that many people

who are that dumb.

Oh, yeah?


I kind of like him. Don't you?

For your information, this island doesn't have an airport

or a seaport, so supplies get delivered by plane.

But this week's shipment's behind schedule

and these people are all out of Pokémon food.

[gasps] Maybe we better look around.

And find some of those edible plants.

Hey, I bet a Pokémon could eat for a week just off your head.

Are you gonna pick on me again?

Uh, sorry.


NURSE JOY 'May I have your attention, please?'

I've just been informed that the weekly shipment

left Valencia Island early this morning

and we should be receiving a fresh supply

of Pokémon food in just a few minutes.

[crowd cheering]

If you look in the sky, you should see the plane

flying over the Pokémon Center any second now.

Oh. You hear it?

It sounds like it's getting close.

Look, there's the plane!

Yeah, but if there's no airport on the island

how's the Pokémon food gonna get delivered?

Stand back for the cargo drop.

Hey look, it's a parachute!

JESSIE 'Target sighted. Sixty degrees at fifty meters.'

JAMES 'Woo-hoo. It's snack time.'

JESSIE 'Are you ready, Meowth?'

I'm so ready, I can taste it!

Let's grab something to eat, shall we?

- Huh? - Hey! Let go of that food!


Prepare for trouble but not for brunch.

We're about to steal this big box lunch.

JESSIE 'To protect the world from devastation.'

JAMES 'To unite all peoples within our nation.'

To denounce the evils of truth and love.

To extend our reach to the stars above.

- Jessie. - James.

Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light.

Surrender now or prepare to fight.

And I'm prepared to fight all night!


If you Twerps want this chow, you're gonna have to come

through the Mekkameowthinator to get it!

If we don't figure out some way

to get that food away from Team Rocket

all the Pokémon on the island

will have to go without anything to eat for another whole week!

Yeah, you're right.

Why don't make a deal?

We'll let all you Poké-Twerps have your precious Poké-food

back so your Pokémon won't go hungry

'and all you have to give us is your puny little Pikachu.'

That's not fair!


Why don't we let everyone decide?

That seems fair.

Either your Pokémon go without food for a week

or we give you this entire cargo box

crammed with delicious delectables

for your famished little Pokémon to feast on.

And all we get is Pikachu.

You'll never get Pikachu!



Uh. Don't worry, Pikachu.

I don't care how hungry those Pokémon get

they're not taking you away from me.

Back off!

You Trainers should be ashamed of yourselves

for even thinking what you're thinking.

I know you're all worried about your hungry Pokémon

but that's no reason to sacrifice

somebody else's Pokémon.


Gullzar may have leaves growing out of his head

but he just proved he has a really good heart.

Guess you can't judge a book by it's cover.


And the grass is always greener

when it's on somebody else's head.

So you're all going to cave in and stick together, are you?

Team spirit simply disgusts me.

Well, keeping food from hungry Pokémon

is what's really disgusting.

We want that food and we want it now!

Well, why don't you battle with Meowth and if you win

you and your little friends can have the food.

And if I win, you got to hand over that Pikachu.

I don't know, I never had a battle

against a Pokémon in a can before.


Then maybe you really don't care if those Pokémon eat or not.

You bet I care, Meowth. Let's get started!

Are you ready, Pikachu?


Pikachu, Thunderbolt Attack now!



That tickles.

Huh? Electric att*cks aren't gonna work!

We've short-circuited your strategy.

You see, electricity is absorbed by the lightning rod

'on the Mekkameowthinator's head'

'and released to the ground in its tail.'

So whether it's heads or tails

you're gonna lose the battle, Twerpo.


Now, I'll show you what this baby can do!

Power Swipes, on!






It's not fair. No Pokémon could win against that thing.

Well, I suppose, that means you're the loser, doesn't it?

And we won your Pikachu fair and square.









Snorlax woke up!

ASH 'And it doesn't seem happy.'

I've never seen Snorlax look like that before.

Snorlax must've realized that its friends were in trouble

and came to help out.

Oh, yeah? Well, you're not so tough, big stuff.

Meowth. Go!

I'll put my Fury Swipes in overdrive. Power on!

ASH Snorlax, look out!

I'll get you this time, Snorlax!


My claws. They're stuck!

I guess, I gotta hand it to Snorlax.

Alright, tough guy. Something new's headed your way.

Skull Bash now!


Not even a scratch?

You've got one w*apon left. Use the Turbo Body Slam.

Yeah, I almost forgot about that.

Alright, Snorlax, get ready for destruction!

Oh. Huh?


I don't want to get destructed!





TRACEY Ha-ha, that was great.

Snorlax won that round with navel power.

- Better finish them off, Ash. - Right!

Let's do it, Snorlax!


Tracey, look.

Wow, Snorlax is using its Hyper Beam Attack.

I knew that.

Go Snorlax, use that Hyper Beam attack!



JESSIE/JAMES/MEOWTH Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!


Snorlax, you saved Pikachu!


Okay, you big lovable lug!

Come and give me a great big hug!






I think Snorlax loves to eat

just a teeny bit more than it loves me.



We fixed your broken Poké Ball and it's just as good as new.

Thanks, Nurse Joy.

Snorlax, return!

I was all wrong about you, Ash.

You were really brave to battle that Meowth machine.

I'm sorry.

Oh, forget it.

I hope I'm lucky enough

to battle against you again someday.

It'd be a great honor.

Uh, yeah!


NARRATOR What started out as a stormy relationship

ended in a new friendship for Ash and Gullzar.

The storm at sea is over too.

And so, our heroes are on the way

to their next Pokémon adventure.

ASH Don't go away, Pikachu's Jukebox is next.


♪ To protect the world from devastation ♪

♪ To unite all peoples within our nation ♪

♪ To denounce the evils of truth and love ♪

♪ To extend our reach to the stars above ♪

♪ Jessie

♪ James

♪ Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light ♪

♪ Surrender now or prepare to fight ♪

♪ That's right ♪ Team Rocket's rockin'

♪ Talkin' trouble walkin' trouble ♪

♪ Double trouble big trouble's

♪ Gonna follow you

♪ Team Rocket's rockin'

♪ Talkin' trouble walkin' trouble ♪

♪ Gonna capture Pikachu

♪ Team Rocket's rockin

♪ Talkin' trouble walkin' trouble ♪

♪ Big trouble's gonna follow you ♪

♪ Team Rocket's rockin' ♪

JESSIE/JAMES/MEOWTH Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ I wanna be the greatest ♪

♪ Master of them all

♪ Greatest Master

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ Put myself to the test ♪

♪ To be better than all the rest ♪

♪ So you wanna be a Master of ♪

♪ Pokémon?

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪

♪ Number one?

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪
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