02x25 - Charizard Chills

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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02x25 - Charizard Chills

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ So you wanna be a Master of ♪ Pokémon

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one

♪ I wanna take the ultimate step ♪

♪ Find the courage to be bold ♪ Pokémon

♪ To risk it all and not forget ♪

♪ The lessons that I hold

♪ I wanna go where no one's been ♪

♪ Far beyond the crowd ♪ Pokémon

♪ Learn the way to take command ♪

♪ Use the power that's in my hand ♪

♪ Oh hey ♪ We all live

♪ In a Pokémon world ♪ Pokémon

♪ I wanna be the greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ Greatest Master ♪ We all live

♪ In a Pokémon world ♪ Pokémon

♪ Put myself to the test

♪ To be better than all the rest ♪

♪ Ungh ♪ So you wanna be a Master of

♪ Pokémon ♪ Do you have the skills to be

♪ Number one

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪ I wanna be

♪ The greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ Got the power right in your hands ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪

NARRATOR Today, our friends enjoy smooth sailing

and Ash is glad he only needs one more badge

to get in to the Orange League.


What's that?

- It's coming fast! - It's gonna hit us!


- That was a close call. - I don't think it's funny!

You could've hurt my Togepi.

Now apologize.


I'm sorry.

Please don't be mad.

It makes that pretty face of yours

look like a Tentacruel.

A Tent..

I only wish I could be that pretty.




Hmm. It's hard to believe, but some people

actually think Tentacruel are really nasty looking.

Misty, I think this guy is one of those people.

- You must be Ash. - Uh, yeah.

Hey, Ash, my name's Tad.

You just earned yourself a badge at the Trovita Gym, didn't you?


ASH "Charizard Chills."

TAD 'I'm trying to get into the Pokémon League too.'

I was at the Trovita Gym after you.

I overheard the Gym Leader mentioning your name.

He said you used pure power to win.

That's what you use when you don't have skill.

Oh, yeah? I won three badges, didn't I?

You know, I like to battle strong Pokémon Trainers

who know what they're doing.

'And from what I heard back on Trovita Island'

'you fit that description.'

So, Ash, why don't you and I have a match?

- What do you say, muscle man? - Huh?


Okay, Tad, I accept.


TAD 'Great. We'll land on this island up ahead'

'and battle there.'

MEOWTH 'Look. There's a boat comin'.'

What kind of losers would come here?

We came here, didn't we?

- Hey. - Huh?

MEOWTH 'It's the Twerps with Pikachu!'

- No way. - No way.

Is a two against two match okay with you?


Ash sure is confident.


This Tad says he likes powerful Pokémon.

'I wonder which one he's gonna use.'

Battle hard, Pikachu.

If we win this first one, we'll have the advantage.


Okay. An Electric type. Then I'll choose you.


Uh, what's that?

POKEDEX Poliwrath, the tadpole Pokémon.

Poliwrath is an excellent swimmer

and its powerful muscles

make its att*cks extremely effective.

What is it wearing?

Back home, they have a competition

to find the Trainer with the strongest Pokémon.

I won. Poliwrath beat every Pokémon around.

That's the championship belt.

Why's he using a water element like Poliwrath

against an electric element like Pikachu?

Be careful, Ash. This might be some kind of trick.



[thinking] It's still a water element.

It doesn't stand a chance against electric att*cks.

Pikachu, Thunderbolt Attack!


Double Team.


- Ah! - Hmm.


Pikachu, don't let them fool you. Quick Attack, now.



Alright, you got it!


- Oh, no! - Now, Hypnosis.



Now, Poliwrath, Water g*n Attack.


- Oh! - Oh!


Oh, Pikachu.

This guy is smart.

Instead of going head to head with power att*cks

he let Pikachu use its energy up and then lowered the boom.

MISTY 'Tad and his Poliwrath must be pretty experienced'

'to pull something like that off.'

There's no challenge in just matching up the Pokémon

by their elements.

But there's a lot to be said

for the element of surprise.

If you like surprises, you'll love this.

My secret w*apon.

- Ah! - Ah! He's not gonna try..

ASH 'Go, Charizard!'




Well, it's all over.

Don't use Charizard!

Why? Don't worry, guys.

Charizard's not gonna do anything.

Huh? Ash, that thing isn't even trained yet.

Are you sure that's the Pokémon you wanna use?

Sure, I'm sure. Right?

We'll show 'em. Charizard!


TAD You'll never get into the Orange League

using a Pokémon like that, Ash.

ASH What do you mean?

It may be powerful, but you can't control it.


Come on, Charizard. Get back here.

'I need you to win this battle.'

This is pathetic.

I guess I'll have to show you

how a real power Pokémon wins a battle.

Poliwrath, Water g*n.



Ah! Charizard!

Are you gonna battle now?


Uh. Just asking.

This is getting interesting.

Come on, Charizard. We're friends, right?

Let's show this guy..



Charizard's not listening at all.

I thought Charizard would get better.

But it seems like it's getting worse.

[groaning] Charizard, please.

Why can't we just battle together as a team?



Misty, it's not working.

That Poliwrath has skin like steel.


Its attack power is pretty impressive.

But even that Flamethrower won't stop Poliwrath.

Charizard, listen, you have to use

some other kind of attack now.


Charizard, try a Megapunch. Ah!



Charizard, that won't work! Try somethin' else!


I guess it's time to end this match.

Poliwrath, Ice Beam Attack.




Charizard! Charizard, hang on!

I'll get you out of there.


- 'Uh.' - Poor Charizard.

[Ash grunting]

TAD 'Poliwrath, return.'

'Charizard, are you okay?'


Charizard, just hang in there.

I'd be glad to have a rematch, Ash

when you learn to handle that thing.


JESSIE 'I can't believe it. The Twerp lost the match.'

Well, I certainly know how that feels.

Hey, guys, those kids will be stuck here

while they try to defrost that Charizard.

Come on. This is the chance we been waitin' for.

- Let's get to work. - Let's get to work.

You'll be, okay. I'll warm you up, Charizard.



Huh? Uh..

'Oh, it doesn't bother me.'

Why don't you take a rest for a while, Pikachu?



We gotta make sure Charizard is gonna be alright, Pikachu.



Whoa! Take it easy. Ah!

Okay, settle down.

- Huh? - Hold it.

But Ash needs help.


You gotta rest.

Huh? Charizard!

- Huh? - Charizard's out cold again.


GROUP Who's that Pokémon?

GROUP It's Caterpie.

You'll be okay, Charizard.

Yeah, don't worry. We'll get you warmed up, Charizard.

Charizard's still freezing cold.


I'll go for some more firewood.

Great. Thanks.

I'll get the blanket from my backpack.




You better massage Charizard through the blanket.

Your hands will be rubbed raw.

Maybe, but if I can help Charizard get better faster

I don't care.


I think Charizard feels a little warmer.

Hmm. But..


Come on, Charizard. You can't let your flame go out.


- Ah! - It's awake.



Charizard, you shouldn't try to get up yet.


After you warm up a little more

you can do whatever you wanna do.

You'll be strong enough to fly around.

You can even use your Flamethrower on me.

'But for now, you gotta take it easy.'



It looks like Charizard is feeling better. That's good.


It's still cold.

Just take it easy, Charizard.

We'll put more wood on the fire.


Here, have some cocoa.

Thanks, Tracey.

[Ash grunting]

ASH 'Look, Charizard.'

'I may not be the greatest Trainer in the world..'

Sometimes I don't do the smartest things

and I make lots of mistakes.

But I always try to do my best.

And I know I'm getting better. Ha-ha, I think.

We've been together since you were a Charmander and then

when you evolved into Charmeleon and all I want to do

'is be good enough for you, so we can battle'

'side by side as a team.'










I guess that rubbing really worked.



- Huh? - Huh?


What's that? Huh.



Ash, what's going on? Huh?

JESSIE 'Prepare for trouble.'

JAMES 'Make it double.'

JESSIE 'To protect the world from devastation.'

To unite all people within our nation.

To denounce the evils of truth and love.

To extend our reach to the stars above.

- Jessie. - James.

Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light.

Surrender now or prepare to fight.

MEOWTH 'Meowth, that's right.'



[Jessie cackling]

MEOWTH 'Tough luck, Pikachu. That's a shock-proof box.'

Captured, at last.

Now that we've finally got Pikachu

nothing can possibly go wrong.

Where have I heard that song before?


JESSIE 'Thanks for the Pikachu.'

JAMES 'The Boss will love it.'

MEOWTH 'Ta-ta, Twerps.'

[Team Rocket laughing]


We'll never catch 'em now.

They won't get away from me.

Ash, no. It's too dangerous!


Huh? Charizard.



Success at last.

- It's going perfectly. - Yeah.

- Huh? - Huh?



Wait, if you use your Flamethrower

you'll burn up Pikachu.

'Do you think you can break that drill?'




[chuckles] Pikachu.

You did it, Charizard.


Couldn't we win just once?

You haven't beaten us yet.

Now we'll cut you down to size.

[Meowth chuckles]







POKEDEX Rage, one of Charizard's most powerful att*cks.

'Rage Attack usually has a devastating effect'

'on its opponents.'

I can't believe it.


- Ah! Pedal faster! - I'm trying!

- Oh, no! - Oh, no!



Charizard, you're the hottest and the coolest.


MISTY 'Ash!'

That was so awesome, guys!

Well, Ash, it looks like Charizard

is finally on your side.

Yeah, I think we're gonna make a great team.


Congratulations, Ash.

Thanks, Tad. Thanks a lot.

I think I promised you a rematch.

If you're ready, let's have it now.



Ah! Okay, we're ready.

Come on, Charizard. We'll beat them this time.



Alright, Charizard, let's win this one together.

♪ To risk it all and not forget ♪

♪ The lessons that I hold

♪ I wanna go where no one's been ♪♪

Go, Poliwrath, Water g*n Attack.


Fly, Charizard.


It worked!

Charizard's finally listening.


Not bad.

Charizard and I are a team now.


You and Charizard may be a team

but you're not strong enough to beat Poliwrath and me.

Really? Well, we'll just have to see about that.

Won't we, Charizard?

Charizard, Ember Attack now.


Douse it with your Water g*n.


Charizard, Take Down Attack.

Poliwrath, use Megakick.


Ice Beam Attack.

Charizard, look out! Fly away!


Poliwrath, get ready to Body Slam it.

Steady and spin.


Use your Seismic Toss Attack.


- Ah! - Yes!

This can't be!


We did it, Charizard. We won!



- You were great, Ash. - You both were.


Ash, that was great.

I hope we get to battle again in the Orange League.


Me, too.

NARRATOR Though they battle in different places, in different ways

the dream of all Pokémon Trainers is the same.

To become a Pokémon Master.

Through his concern and commitment

Ash has earned Charizard's respect

and that brings his dream another step closer

to coming true.

This is gonna be so great now.

I'm gonna beat everybody.





MISTY Ash, Don't get Charizard mad!

TRACEY Yeah, Ash!

ASH Don't worry. I can take the heat.

[Ash laughs]

ASH Don't go away. Pikachu's Juke Box is next.


♪ Viridian City

♪ I'm on the road

♪ To become the greatest Trainer ♪

♪ And I won't quit until I'm number one ♪

♪ Gotta be the one ♪ The one the one

♪ We keep on tryin' ♪ Tryin'

♪ And then we try some more

♪ To stay together

♪ And find a place worth fighting for ♪

♪ Oh oh oh

♪ I'm on the road

♪ To Viridian City

♪ I'm on the road ♪ I'm on the road

♪ To Viridian City ♪ I'm on the road

♪ I'm on the road to Viridian City ♪

♪ We're on the road to Viridian City ♪

♪ Gonna meet my friends along the way ♪

♪ Come on let's play ♪ I'm on the road

♪ To Viridian City ♪ Come on let's go ♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ I wanna be the greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ Greatest Master ♪ We all live

♪ In a Pokémon world ♪ Pokémon

♪ Put myself to the test

♪ To be better than all the rest ♪

♪ So you wanna be a Master of ♪ Pokémon

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Got the power right in your hands ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪
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