02x20 - Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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02x20 - Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon?

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ So you wanna be a Master ♪ Of Pokémon

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one

♪ I wanna take the ultimate step find the courage to be bold ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ To risk it all and not forget ♪

♪ The lessons that I hold

♪ I wanna go where no one's been far beyond the crowd ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ Learn the way to take command ♪

♪ Use the power that's in my hand ♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ I wanna be the greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ Greatest Master

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ Put myself to the test

♪ To be better than all the rest ♪

♪ So you wanna be a Master ♪ Of Pokémon

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ I wanna be the greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ Got the power right in your hands ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪

NARRATOR With Ash fresh off a big victory

over Pokémon Master Prima

we find our Heroes passing through a quaint little village

as they head to the next Orange League Gym.

This sure is a quiet little place.

Yeah, kind of looks like it's from a history book!


MISTY 'You're right.'

'Just like in merry old England!'

ASH 'Yeah.'

I wonder if they had Pokémon Centers

back in olden times.

- 'Maria!' - Huh?


Maria! Oh, where are you?

Oh, excuse me, but maybe you can help me.

- Have seen my little Maria? - Who's little Maria?


Sorry, you're strangers here.

Maria's my Pokémon, a Nidoran.

- Nidoran? - Yes.

My Maria's this big

and she's a really pretty blue color

and she's got long ears and bright eyes

and the cutest little buck teeth.

She's smart and strong

and, oh, Maria's just the best Nidoran

in the whole wide world!

Uh, Nidoran.

POKEDEX Nidoran, male, the Poison Pin Pokémon.

Wait. That's a boy Nidoran.

Maria's a girl Nidoran. There's a big difference.

- There is? - Yes.

Okay, let's see.

POKEDEX Nidoran, female.

Its Poison Pin is quite powerful for its size

but its horn is smaller than the male's.

I never knew the male and female Nidoran were so different.

Oh, Maria's been running away a lot lately

and I just hope I can find her.

Don't you worry.

With us helping, you'll find your Nidoran!


ASH "Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon?"

ASH 'Here, Nidoran!'

'Where are you, Nidoran?'

Here, girl!

Why don't you try calling its name, Sherlock?

Oh, yeah. That might work.

Ah, Maria! Oh, Maria!





Where are you, Maria?

Come on out!

Yo! Maria!





Hey! Maria!

- 'Tony!' - Maria!

- 'Tony!' - Ton.. Ugh. Huh?

Tony! Where are you, boy?

- Who's that kid? - I don't know.

You haven't seen my Pokémon Tony, have ya?

What is it?

Oh, you're, you're not from here.

'My Tony's a Nidoran.'


ASH/MISTY Nidoran?

Yeah, a Nidoran. I'd say he's about this big.

Maybe a little bigger.

Kind of purply pinkish and he's got big ears

little buck teeth and a horn coming out of his head!

If you saw Tony, you'd understand

why he's the best Pokémon in the whole world!

'But lately, he's been running away a lot.'

I'll look it up again.

POKEDEX Nidoran, female.

That's not it. Tony's a boy Nidoran.

Uh.. Hm.

POKEDEX Nidoran, male, its horn is larger than the female's

and its Horn Attack is quite powerful.

Wow! Two Nidoran in one day.

- What do you mean? - 'Guys!'

- Huh? - Did you find Maria?

Not yet. No.

- Hey, kidnapper! - Kidnapper?

Why don't you admit you stole Tony because you're jealous?

Me? Jealous?

'You're the one who's jealous of my Maria.'

RALPH 'Why would I be jealous of your dinky Nidoran?'

EMILY 'Dinky? I wouldn't talk if I were you!'

Anybody who knows anything about Pokémon

could see that I have the best Nidoran!

Yeah, that must be why you stole Maria

so you could finally have the best one!

- You're a liar! - So are you!

RALPH/EMILY [grunting]

Hey, hey, what's the problem?

What are you fighting for?

It sounds like they're fighting over their Pokémon!


Hey, you find something already, Marill?

- It's my Tony! - It's my Maria!

RALPH/EMILY [laughing]

That's nice.


- Stay out of my way! - You stay out of my way!

- Tony! - Maria!


Looks like your Nidoran are okay.

Boy, they sure are friendly.

I'm gonna make some sketches.



Pretty obvious what's going on here, huh, Trace?

- It is? - It's as plain as day, Ash.

MISTY 'Those two are in love!'

Sure looks like love to me!


EMILY/RALPH [chuckling]



- Hmph! - Hmph!

What could you possibly see in that loser's Nidoran?

I'm glad I got you away from her nasty Nidoran in time!

You're much too good for his Nidoran!

I don't want you to ever see her Nidoran again!

I don't think they like each other.

CHEF 'Oh, we have lots of Pokémon Trainers here.'

'They're all friends.'

Well, we just met two of them

and they sure don't seem like friends to us.

You must mean Ralph and Emily.

TRACEY You know them?

Everybody in town knows about those two!

Not us.

Ralph and Emily have known each other

since they were little babies.

Nice kids.

RALPH/EMILY [humming]


- Hmph. - Hmph.

CHEF They've been competing

ever since they were old enough to walk

and catch Pokémon, of course.

For some strange reason

they always ended up catching the same Pokémon.

We have lots of Pokémon contests here in town

and it always seems to come down to a face-off

between Ralph and Emily.

This year, they tied for first place.

Ralph and Emily weren't too happy

but their Nidorans sure were.

It was love at first sight for those two.

Ah, their Nidorans are meant for each other.

But because Ralph and Emily are so stubborn

I'm afraid those Pokémon won't ever be together.

- It's a real shame. - Wow.

It's too bad those two can't get along.


MISTY 'I wish there was something we could do'

for those poor Nidoran.

Yeah, it's a real shame.

- Huh? - There goes a Nidoran!

I think it might be Tony!







- What are they doing? - Just listen to them, Ash.

They're both talking sweet-talk.

How do you know that?

Oh, I can just tell because..

...I'm a romantic!

ASH [choking]

I have a natural understanding of matters of the heart.

Yeah? How come?

You're not mature enough to understand.

I am too!

MISTY 'Well, someday you'll grow up.'


I already am grown up!



This ought to cool you off, Romeo!


RALPH 'Tony!'

Tony, what happened?

Oh, you're soaking wet!

Who does she think she is?

'Hmph! Don't bother with them.'

You should be home here with me!

ASH 'I can't believe it. They're next door neighbors!'

I guess that proves you can live close together

and still be worlds apart.

Mm! This is absolutely crazy!

Those two Nidoran belong together

and I'm gonna do something about it!

But it's none of your business.

Oh, yeah? Well, I just decided I'm gonna make it my business!

Don't you know that love is the most important thing

in the whole world?

Not more important than catching Pokémon.

Ugh. You're such a big baby!

I am not a big baby, am I, Pikachu?


- Hear that? - I heard it.

Me too!

- A male and female Nidoran! - A perfectly matched set!

Like a birthday present!

Two nice, neatly wrapped Nidoran!

Or like two stocking stuffers from Santa Claus himself.

Or like a pair of first prizes in the Pokémon Poach-Offs!

And I got the booby prize.

GROUP Who's that Pokémon?

GROUP It's Venonat.


Whatcha doing?

Writing identical letters to Emily and Ralph.

[chuckles] It's the perfect way to get those two together.

Do you think it'll work?

Of course, it'll work!

Ralph and Emily are both gonna get a letter.

A love letter from each other!


But couldn't you get arrested for mail fraud?


Those two are gonna wind up thanking me for this.

They're not mature enough to admit it

but they really like each other.

You know what? It's exactly the same thing with you and Ash!

- You must be crazy! - You must be crazy!

We're close to having a perfect pair of Pokémon!

All we have to do is convince those Nidoran

that the only way they can be together

is if they come away with us!

The Pokémon will learn a valuable lesson

a painful one.

'The heart always leads one to heartache.'

- Hmm? - Hmm?

Sounds like you've had some heartaches yourself.

JESSIE Well, I've had my share.

Ever since I was a little girl, I dreamed of finding love

but all I ever got was heartache.

I can't find anyone to love me

just because I'm mean and nasty and evil!


All in love's unfair.

Now I understand why she's such a nut-job!

Hm? How dare you! Ugh!

It's time to put our plan into action!

Aye-aye, ma'am.



Hey, how'd you like to be with your boyfriend?

And I'm talking forever here.


Hey, buddy, how'd you like to be with your little princess?

'I got connections, I can arrange it'

and I'm gonna tell you exactly what you gotta do.

You'll tell them they'll be going on a little honeymoon

but instead, you'll take them straight to the Boss.

Pretty dirty trick.

What good's a trick if it's not dirty?

Well, everything go according to plan, Meowth?

They ain't gonna do it, Jess.

They both said that even though they're in love

'they could never disobey their Masters'

'and run away from them.'

Ugh, I can't believe those pipsqueaks

are going to give up this chance to be stolen!

She sure has a unique way of looking at things.

We'll just have to go with Nidoran plan number two.

- Number two? - What was that?

- Nidoran-napping! - I was afraid of that!

[laughs] I made that up myself.

[chuckles] I'm sure my love letters will get them here.

I'm not sure.

I didn't leave a thing to chance!

I sent her a beautiful bouquet of flowers

and I sent him a remote control model airplane.

And as far as those two know

they sent the gifts to each other.

- He's here! - Huh.

EMILY/RALPH Why did you send me that stupid letter?


EMILY/RALPH And why did you send me such a stupid present?

- Is this your idea of a joke? - That's what I'd like to know!

Well, thanks a lot for sending me these flowers, Ralph!

- You know I'm allergic! - Ah!

I guess you think it's real funny

that I throw up in airplanes!


At least they're talking to each other.

- I can't stand you, Ralph! - I can't stand you either!

RALPH/EMILY [grunting]


I guess I was wrong about them liking each other.

The only thing they like is fighting.

- Your love letters didn't work. - Well, come to think of it.

I only said I'd get them together and I did!

[sighs] I give up.

[bell tolling]



A bride and groom! Oh, Congratulations!


JAMES On this, uh, sunny wedding day..

JESSIE There's a funny trick we'd like to play..

JAMES 'Our matrimony..'

JAMES/JESSIE 'Is a total phony.'

JAMES/JESSIE Now we'll take these Pokémon away!

- Tony! - They've got Maria!

You're no bride and groom!

JESSIE Prepare yourself for trouble, kid!

JAMES And make it doubler than you ever did!

JESSIE 'To protect the world from devastation.'

JAMES 'To unite all peoples within our nation.'

JESSIE To denounce the evils of truth and love.

JAMES To extend our reach to the stars above.

- Jessie! - James!

JESSIE Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light.

JAMES 'Surrender now or prepare to fight.'

Hurry up and cut the cake!


MEOWTH [laughing]

- Hey, wait! - Please come back!

Time to say ta-ta, toddlers!

Your Nidoran need a little time alone!

The lovebirds are flying the coop!



We gotta follow them!

- Poor Maria! - And my Tony!

If you hadn't been fighting, this never would've happened!

'You only have yourselves to blame!'

- Oh. - Hm.

I just hope you learned your lesson. Hmph!

Don't just stand there!

Huh? Those cans!

TRACEY 'They must've dropped from Team Rocket's balloon!'

Great! They'll lead us right to 'em!

JESSIE 'Stop wiggling around!'


Take it easy, we're just giving you a makeover!

You wanna be looking your best for the Boss, don't you?


Bet you didn't expect to see us!

Now give back their Nidoran this second!

- It's the Twerps! - How'd you find us?

You wouldn't have been so easy to follow

if you'd cleaned up your act!

We must have dropped the cans!

I guess I should've tied them a little tighter, huh?

I guess I should've dropped you off the balloon instead, huh?

- Maria! - Tony.

Not so fast! Arbok, attack!



Hey, look out!

- Tony! - Maria!

EMILY/RALPH Tackle Attack!



I'll stop them! Victreebel, go!


JESSIE James, will you get this thing off me?


Maria, use your Scratch Attack!

Tony, Tackle!



Oh, no!





Those two sure make a great team!

Yeah, they may not be that strong

but they really know how to battle!

Get in there, Victreebel!






Look, they're fighting for each other!

Maria's battling for Tony.

Tony's battling for Maria.


- Maria! - Tony!




Come on, don't let those little runts beat you!


Those two are a great combination!

- You're right! - They are!

EMILY/RALPH Fury Swipes Attack! Huh?


EMILY/RALPH Double Kick!



- Great job, Tony! - You too, Maria!


Turn on the Pokémon pick-upper!

- Right. - Right.


Power on!


Do something, Pikachu!


[laughs] Huh?


Okay, let her rip, Staryu!





We lost again!

- This time it was a.. - Doubleheader!

JESSIE/JAMES/MEOWTH Team Rocket's blasting off again!

Bon voyage.

Just remember what happens to anybody

who tries to mess around with Pokémon in love!

- Hey! - Huh?

You know, you two aren't much better than Team Rocket.

The both of you have such beautiful Nidoran

and now you can see how much they want to be together.

'Trainers ought to make their Pokémon happy!'

ASH 'Misty's right!'

- Yeah. - Yeah.

But how could I say goodbye to Maria?

How could I say goodbye to Tony?

TRACEY 'You don't have to say goodbye!'

You're next-door neighbors, right?

You could build a little house for them right in between.

Then you could be together every day!

- Huh? With Ralph? Huh? - Huh? With Emily? Huh?

- I guess we'll try. - I guess we'll try.

A truce!

Finally the two of you can live happily ever after!


Both of them just evolved.

They're a Nidorino and a Nidorina!

POKEDEX Nidorina, the Poison Pin Pokémon

the evolved form of the female Nidoran.

It emits supersonic waves from its mouth

to confuse its enemies.

Nidorino, the Poison Pin Pokémon

the evolved form of the male Nidoran.

Its highly developed horn is extremely powerful.

Wow! This is almost like a fairy tale!

- Maria! - Tony!

RALPH/EMILY [laughing]

I wonder how they evolved. From the battle or the kiss?

Tracey, you're a goof!

You think people change when they get kissed?

Guess we'll have to find out ourselves.


- Goodbye! - Goodbye!

NARRATOR And so with our Heroes' help

a near tragedy has a happy ending.

It seems the Nidoran and their Trainers

will live happily ever after

and all's well that ends well.

JESSIE Did he say all's well that ends well?

- I think so! - That has a familiar ring!


ASH Don't go away, "Pikachu's Jukebox" is next.


♪ Good Friends are those who stick together ♪

♪ When there's sun and in the heavy weather yeah ♪

♪ Through smile after smile that's how it will be ♪

♪ Just you and me till the end

♪ I will be with you

♪ We will go where our dreams come true ♪

♪ All the times that we had been through ♪

♪ You will always be my best friend ♪

♪ Oh till the end I will be with you

♪ We will go where our dreams come true ♪

♪ All the times that we had been through ♪

♪ You will always be my best friend ♪♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ I wanna be the greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ Greatest Master

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ Put myself to the test to be better than all the rest ♪

♪ So you wanna be a Master ♪ Of Pokémon

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Got the power right in your hands ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪
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