02x15 - A Shipful of Shivers

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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02x15 - A Shipful of Shivers

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ So you wanna be a Master of ♪ Pokémon

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one

♪ I wanna take the ultimate step ♪

♪ Find the courage to be bold ♪ Pokémon

♪ To risk it all and not forget ♪

♪ The lessons that I hold

♪ I wanna go where no one's been ♪

♪ Far beyond the crowd ♪ Pokémon

♪ Yeah learn the way to take command ♪

♪ Use the power that's in my hand ♪

♪ Oh hey

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ I wanna be the greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ Greatest Master

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ Put myself to the test

♪ To be better than all the rest ♪

♪ So you wanna be a Master ♪ Pokémon

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ I wanna be the greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ Got the power right in your hands ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon ♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon ♪

NARRATOR Today, as our friends continue on their quest

we find Ash admiring his Orange League badges.

ASH A Coral-Eye Badge and a Sea Ruby Badge!

I think it's really cool how all the gym badges here

are made out of seashells.

Yeah, it's kind of like a trademark of the gyms

in the Orange Island League.


Hey, I wonder how many more badges

I need to get into the Orange Island League.

You're half way there, Ash.

You need four badges to get

into the Orange Island League competition.

That's great. I'll be able to get two more badges easy.

I don't know, Ash.

I wouldn't be surprised if the next gym leaders

are tougher than the last ones.

Don't worry about that.

I'm a lot tougher Pokémon trainer than I used to be.

Huh? What island's that?

TRACEY 'Oh, that's Moro Island.'

Let's head there before it gets dark

and find a Pokémon Center where we can stay tonight.

ASH "A Shipful of Shivers."

ASH 'How are you, Professor?'

PROFESSOR OAK Ash, I'm fine and I see you're all looking well.

ASH Yeah, we're doing great.

PROFESSOR OAK 'Excellent! Where are you calling from?'

MISTY We're on Moro Island.

Ah, well, you timed your arrival perfectly then.

We did?

You mean you haven't seen the news?

- Huh? - "Treasure Found.

"Divers have recovered what they claim

"is an Orange League Championship Trophy

'"dating back over three hundred years'

'from a sunken ship off the coast of Moro Island."'

ASH 'The Orange League, three hundred years ago?'

And they even have the winner's trophy to prove it!

Of course, there are lots of studies to be done.

But, uh, they're certain that it's the real thing.

ASH 'Wow!'

You can see it if you'd like.

PROFESSOR OAK 'They have the trophy on display'

'at the Moro Island Museum of Art.'

- Alright, cool! - Yay!

I'd love to get a look at a three hundred-year-old

Pokémon League trophy!

TRACEY 'Let's go see it first thing tomorrow morning.'

- 'Yeah!' - 'Okay!'





Shh! Huh!

MEOWTH Maybe we can find out

from this museum guide book

where they're keeping that trophy.

♪ Meow meow meow ♪

I can't wait to get my hands on it.

And once we have that trophy

we'll all be big celebrities.

Maybe I'll even get my own television series.

Wouldn't that be exci--

Oh, yeah?

Don't you think if we go on TV with the trophy

they'll know we were the ones who stole it?


When we get our paws on this trophy

we bring it to the Boss as a present.

Then maybe he'll forget about our little mess-ups

and if we're lucky, he might even think

about giving us a nice juicy bonus.

- Huh! - A bonus?

A bonus!

JAMES/JESSIE Huh! A bonus! A bonus!

We're going to get a bonus!

[chuckles] It's bonus time.

That's the trophy, alright!

What are we waiting for?

- Hold it! - Hold what?

These museums put secret security stuff

around junk like this.

Then, what do we do?

Just leave it to me.


'I know how we can get it.'

Slowly, slowly. Please don't drop me.

Don't worry about that, just make sure if you fall

you don't fall and break that trophy.

- Ahh! - 'I don't want to fall.'

Alright, I'm calmer now.

Hold it there! Ah!

'I think we've got our trophy.'


Success at last!


I say we have an all night eat-a-thon to celebrate.

[panting] Good idea! Let's party hearty.


Hey! If you bust that, you can kiss our bonus goodbye.

The trophy's fine.

JESSIE 'Come on.'

MISTY Well, that must be the museum.

Yeah, but..

Why's everybody outside?

Excuse me, is something wrong?

The old Orange League Trophy we had on display here

has been stolen.


The trophy's gone?


JENNY 'It seems several people broke in last night and took it.'

The only clues we have right now are a couple of footprints

and this imprint of someone carrying the trophy.

MISTY 'Who'd do such a terrible thing?'


Oh, I really wanted to see

that old championship trophy

from the Orange Island League.

Yeah, and I wanted to make some sketches.

Aah! Hey, what's that?


It looks like a leg.

- Huh? - Huh?


I haven't celebrated like that since I lost my trust fund.

We ate so much and stayed up so late

I didn't think we'd come to for days.

Yeah, but there's nothing like

waking up after a good night's heist.

A heist?



We don't know anything about any championship trophies.

And if we did, a stolen one

certainly wouldn't be in this package!

Oh, they'll never think we took it now.

We should've known from the start

you were the ones who stole that trophy.

And you better give it back.

And you'd better prepare for trouble.

I'd suggest you make it double.

You take care of the motto, I'll take care of the trophy.

- Huh? - Huh?

ASH/MISTY/TRACEY Hey, come back here!


To protect the world from devastation.

To unite all peoples within our nation.

To denounce the evils of truth and love.

To extend our reach to the stars above.

- Jessie. - James.

Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light.

Surrender now or prepare to fight, fight, fight!

Meowth, that's right!

What are you wasting time with the motto for?

Take this and let's scram!

- Okay. - Oh, Okay.

Look, there's a boat we can swipe!


Okay, team, let's step on it!

JAMES/JESSIE Huh! This is a pedal boat!

MEOWTH 'That's why I said, "Step on it."'


Uh, they're getting away!


I choose you, Lapras!


Lapras, follow that boat!



We can't pedal this thing fast enough.

They'll catch us any second now.

We won't go any faster with you flapping your gums. Huh?

The current's pulling us out!

What's happening?

- It's foggy. - Perfect.

Those kids will never spot us in this soup.

TRACEY It sure got foggy fast.

It's getting really hard to see anything.

Where'd they go?

We can't just let them get away with that trophy.

A ship.

It looks abandoned.

Let's see.

[Meowth laughs]

MEOWTH Nobody here but Team Rocket.

This is the perfect place to hide out.

It's about time we had good luck.

Yeah, the chances must be a million to one

finding a ship like this.

That's right, Meowth.

The only other kind of ships you find floating around like this

are those old haunted ships, that..

Did I say..



Now we've done it.

We've managed to hitch a ride on the S.S. Spook Ship.

MEOWTH 'Lucky us!'


A ghost!

We're never going to find them now.

Yeah, maybe it's best if we head back to the island.

I guess.

- Hey, look! - Hmm?


ASH What is it?


MISTY 'It looks like a really old boat and it's falling apart.'

TRACEY 'I wonder if it's haunted.'

You mean with ghosts?


I hate ghosts.

Huh! Look, over there.

ASH 'Oh, that boat.'

TRACEY 'Team Rocket must be on board the ship.'

So what do we do now?

We'll have to get on that ship.

- Huh! - Yeah.

We have to get that trophy back.

I was afraid of that.


Aah! Thus must be the ship they raised

that had the Orange Island Trophy on it!

It's creepy.

Yeah, let's just find Team Rocket and get that trophy.


What's the matter, Misty?

Mmm. Don't you feel like we're being watched?

Well, I do have kind of a weird feeling.









GROUP Who's that Pokémon?

GROUP It's Gastly!


- Togepi! - Hey, Togepi!


- Come out wherever you are! - Please, Togepi.

- Please don't hide Togepi. - Togepi we're looking for you!

Hey, Togepi! Where are you, Togepi? Come on out, Togepi!

Hmm, nothing in here.





JAMES It's like a maze down here.

But if we can get up on deck, we can get off this thing.

Let's see, we fell through the top deck

then slid to the right..

So, how do we get back up?

Uh, uh.. Uh, well, uh..

Quit it! I'm thinking.

Why do you keep tapping my shoulder?

It wasn't me, Jess.

I've got my hands full carrying this trophy.

Yeah and I can't reach that high.

T-then that means, it was..


A ghost! Let's get out of here!

MEOWTH 'They're in stereo.'


Help, it's got me by the throat!



Hang on to it, James!


Let go of it, ghost!



That's our trophy! Huh.





Marrill, help us find Togepi.




- Oh! - Let's go!


TRACEY 'Come on!'

[screams] A ghost!


It's not a ghost, it was Togepi's shadow.

It did look scary.


Togepi, thank goodness, you're safe!


Huh! Look!

Togepi found two real live ghosts!

You better leave my Togepi alone.

Go, Staryu!




TRACEY 'It's Gastly and Haunter.'


POKEDEX Gastly, the Gas Pokémon.

Some researchers believe this Pokémon

is a multi-dimensional being.

Haunter, the Gas Pokémon.

After evolving from Gastly, this Haunter can learn

the Dream Eater and Psychic att*cks.



Go, Bulbasaur! Vine Whip, now!





They're not trying to scare Togepi.


What do you think they're doing?



Gastly and Haunter are playing with Togepi.

I think you're right, Misty.

But I wonder what Gastly and Haunter

are doing on a ship like this.

Maybe they just like spooky places.



ASH 'Aah! Hey look, there it is!'

The trophy!

Great, let's take it back to the museum.


That trophy belongs in the museum and we're taking it back!

Oh yeah? That's what you think, Twerpy!

That's right, we put a lot of work into stealing that thing.

Yes, you won't get it without a fight!

Victreebel, go!


Wait, not me. Them!

Go, Arbok!



Fight right, will ya'?


MISTY Togepi!


Victreebel, Razor Leaf, now!



Arbok, Tackle Attack!


Try it again, Arbok!





That's Gastly's Night Shade Attack, I got to sketch this.



Hey, what's that?

It must be Haunter's Confuse Ray!





I guess things kind of backfired on Team Rocket.



[grunting] Wait till I get those.. Huh?




Greetings. We are Gastly and Haunter.

Hey, what's Meowth talking about?

Haunter must be controlling Meowth somehow

so it can talk to us.

For centuries, we have guarded

the Orange Island League Championship Trophy

you see there.

Did you say centuries?

That's right.



What's going on?

MEOWTH Our master was the Captain of this ship.

This ship carried goods from one island to another

and it was always welcomed in every port.

The Captain loved Pokémon and especially prized us.

But one night we were caught in a terrible storm

and our ship sunk to the bottom of the sea.

From that day forward, we have guarded our master's treasure.

This Pokémon trophy he won in the Orange Island League.

Then a few days ago, humans came and took

our Master's prized possession.

That was when we took control of this ship

raised it and went in search of our Captain's treasure.

Wow, a real sunken ship!

And Haunter and Gastly raised it themselves. That's awesome!

MEOWTH 'Now the trophy is back where it belongs.'

I guess the Captain must of been

a pretty good Pokémon trainer to win that.

MEOWTH 'See for yourself.'

- Huh! - Huh!


ASH 'It's a Pokémon stadium'

Whoa! This must be a stadium

from the old Orange Island League!

I can't believe it!

This is totally amazing!


[crowd cheering]

Oh! It looks like they're ready for a Pokémon match.

Gastly, go!


Gastly, Lick Attack now!


Gastly, Night Shade now!




MEOWTH Yes. The Captain was a fine Pokémon Trainer.

And we were proud to help him win the championship.

I hereby issue a challenge to all worthy trainers.

Who dares oppose me next?

Will it be you, or you or perhaps you!

Yes! I'll battle you, Captain.

Huh? Uh..

We hope you will understand why we can never

allow anyone to take this trophy from here.

Sure, just because the Captain isn't around anymore

doesn't mean the trophy shouldn't still be his.


I think it's really great

that both of you are still so

loyal and faithful to him after three centuries!

The memory of our master will remain alive in us forever.

Now the time has come for you to leave this place.

We understand.

MEOWTH 'Goodbye, Togepi.'


Huh! Hey, what is this? Nap time!

- Huh! - Huh!

JESSIE/JAMES/MEOWTH Where's our trophy?

It's not yours!




- Uh-oh! - Uh-oh!



JESSIE/JAMES/MEOWTH We're blasting off again!



I guess they must be taking the Ship

to a place where nobody can find it.

I sure hope so.

ASH Bye, Gastly. Bye, Haunter!

Take care of that trophy!

That Orange League Trophy was pretty cool.

Don't you think so, Ash?

Yeah! I'll just have to win one for myself.

Just like the Captain.

[chuckles] Right, Pikachu?


NARRATOR With a new sense of wonder

our friends watch the haunted ship

as it slowly drifts into the night.

ASH Don't go away. "Pikachu's Jukebox" is next.


♪ To protect the world from devastation ♪

♪ To unite all peoples within our nation ♪

♪ To denounce the evils of truth and love ♪

♪ To extend our reach to the stars above ♪

♪ Jessie

♪ James

♪ Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light ♪

♪ Surrender now or prepare to fight ♪

♪ Team Rocket's rockin

♪ Talkin' trouble walkin' trouble ♪

♪ Double trouble big trouble's gonna follow you ♪

♪ Team Rocket's rockin

♪ Talkin' trouble walkin' trouble ♪

♪ Double trouble big trouble

♪ Gonna capture Pikachu

♪ Team Rocket's rockin'

♪ Talkin' trouble walkin' trouble ♪

♪ Double trouble big trouble's gonna follow you ♪

♪ Team Rocket's rockin'

♪ Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again ♪♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ I wanna be the greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ The greatest Master

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ Put myself to the test

♪ To be better than all the rest ♪

♪ So you wanna be a Master of ♪ Pokémon

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Got the power right in your hands ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon ♪
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