18x32 - Rotom's Wish!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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18x32 - Rotom's Wish!

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: Our heroes are back on the road to Anistar City, as

Ash dreams of winning his next Gym badge and getting closer to

entering the Kalos League.

ASH: The sun's almost setting, huh?


BONNIE: Camping! I know! Let's play Pokémon impressions again!

SERENA: Good idea!

Though I sure wish I could have taken a shower today

CLEMONT: It looks like rain.

SERENA: Oh, there's a hotel nearby!

ASH: Great. Let's hurry so we don't get wet.

BONNIE: Icky! It's so cold!

ASH: We're here!

SERENA: Thank goodness!


SERENA: Hey. What's this?!

SERENA: This-- is a hotel, right?


CLEMONT: I wonder if they're open for business

BONNIE: They sure can't clean.

CLEMONT: Bonnie!

ASH: Great! Someone's here!

CLEMONT: Excuse me. We'd like a room for tonight, please.

WESTON: Oh, customers Welcome.

Of course. I'll take you to your room.

WESTON: Now if you'll just follow me.

WESTON: Rotom?

ASH: Rotom?

WESTON: Oh, don't worry. It was nothing.

BONNIE: What's this?

WESTON: Oh. That?

WESTON: It's a picture of the day this hotel opened.

WESTON: Now, let's get you to your room.

WESTON: There. Good night.

BONNIE: Yippee!

ASH: Hey guys. Wanna have a Pokémon battle?

SERENA: Where, Ash?

BONNIE: It's pouring outside

ASH: Remember that picture on the wall?

They've got a b*ttlefield.

CLEMONT: You're right, they do!

BONNIE: Then let's go look for it!

ASH: Yeah!!

CLEMONT: Let's see Found it!

CLEMONT: It's down there. At the end of this hall!


BONNIE: Hurry, hurry!

CLEMONT: Settle down, Bonnie!

ASH: All right!


BONNIE: It's so dirty!

You're just a kid on a quest

To be the best of the best

Someday you're destined for power and glory

You know you're up to the test

There's only one way to tell this story

Be a hero!

Be a hero!

All the power is at your command

Face your fears and show you're a hero

The future of the world is in your hand


ASH: They're having a battle!

TRAINER: Pangoro, use Tackle!


MANTLE: Krookodile, use Dig!




TRAINER A: Use Hammer Arm!


MANTLE: Use Mud-Slap!

MANTLE: Hyper Beam!


REFEREE: Pangoro is unable to battle!

Krookodile is the winner!

REFEREE: And that means the victor is Mantle,

the hotel owner!

TRAINER: Pangoro, return!

MANTLE: As per our deal, I'll take your Pangoro.

TRAINER: Hold on! Not that

MANTLE: You don't like it? Then blame yourself for being weak.

TRAINER: I beg of you!

Pangoro's been my partner for twenty years!

GUY: All right, this battle's over

TRAINER: Give me back my Pangoro, please!

GUY: Come on. Hurry up

CLEMONT: They had a bet on a battle.

ASH: That's not right! Hold on a minute!

CLEMONT: Ash, wait!

ASH: You can't do that! Give his Pokémon back NOW!

GUY: Who is this guy?!

MANTLE: Look, kid.

The deal is whoever loses has to give their Pokémon

to the winner.

ASH: Come on! Doing that is wrong!

MANTLE: Maybe. But a promise is a promise.

Now let's talk. Pikachu


MANTLE: So. Here's the deal. I'll have a battle with you.

If you beat me, then I'll give that Trainer his Pangoro back.

Of course, if you lose, your Pikachu's mine!


ASH: No way am I doing that!


GUY: You scared?! Not like you have a choice, kid.

GUY: Yeah, kid! Prepare for battle!

CLEMONT: This is awful!

They're going to force you to have a battle!

SERENA: Oh no, Ash!


MANTLE: Why you

BONNIE: It's a Rotom!

SERENA: Rotom wants us to follow it!

CLEMONT: Then let's go!

ASH: All right!

BONNIE: Hurry up, Clemont!

MANTLE: After them, right now!

GUY: Those kids are quick. Where did they run off to?


ASH: We're safe now. Thanks, Rotom. You really helped us out!



SERENA: I wonder what Rotom is saying.

BONNIE: I sure wish we could understand it





BONNIE: It just turned on!

ASH: Did Rotom do that?


CLEMONT: I know. Maybe Rotom's trying to show us something.

WESTON: Welcome! And thank you all so very much for

coming to our hotel's grand opening ceremony.


SERENA: Look! It's Rotom!

BONNIE: So Rotom must be that man's partner.

WESTON: I'm Weston, the hotel owner.

If you'll look here, please

WESTON: My hotel b*ttlefield is open to the public,

so feel free to enjoy it as you engage in your Pokémon battles.

ASH: Owner, huh? Who is he? I've seen him before

BONNIE: I know! That's the man from the front desk!

CLEMONT: Yeah. I think she's right!

ASH: That's weird. So he was the owner?

SERENA: And now he's the desk clerk?

That doesn't make sense. What's going on?

ASH: It's that bad guy!

WESTON: I bid you welcome.

MANTLE: Real nice hotel you've got here. So if it's open

to the general public, let's have a Pokémon battle.

And the winner gets ownership of this place.

WESTON: I--wish you wouldn't joke like that

GUY: Wait. You think he's joking?

GUY: Look, when Mantle says something, he means it!

MANTLE: Now, now, now. Listen.

You just told us we're free to engage in Pokémon battles.

Was that some sort of lie?

WESTON: No, of course not.

MANTLE: If you're not going to battle me

I'll just battle your guests and take all of

their Pokémon instead.

WESTON: Please don't cause any trouble for my guests!

MANTLE: Well, okay. Then I'll battle you and your Rotom.

Or is your Rotom nothing but a little coward?

Or are you nothing but a little coward?

WESTON: W-what?!


WESTON: So if I win, you'll leave my guests alone and go.

Is it a deal?

MANTLE: Yeah. It's a deal. Krookodile, out here!

WESTON: Rotom! Rotom! Where did you go?!

MANTLE: It flew away. Just like a coward.

MANTLE: Looks like I win. It's a win by a forfeit.

CLEMONT: That's what happened.

ASH: That's why the owner changed. Now I get it.

SERENA: I see. Those thieves stole the hotel, too.

That's why Weston's the front desk clerk.

WESTON: Rotom! I swear I'm not mad at you!

Won't you please come back?!


ASH: That's sad. You're upset because you couldn't say you're

sorry to your partner. Is that right?



SERENA: It must've been hard for you all this time

BONNIE: Hey Clemont? Is there anything we can do?

CLEMONT: It's tricky, we can't change what happened in the past

unless we have a time machine or something like that.


CLEMONT: It looks like Rotom has some sort of idea.


ASH: Let's check it out!



ASH: You want us to go in?


ASH: All right. Let's do it!


CLEMONT: Wait a second!

Does this hotel really have ten basement floors?!

ASH: Uh I kinda think no...


SERENA: I'm scared! This is so weird!

BONNIE: This's gonna be awesome!

BONNIE: This is so much fun!

SERENA: Since when?!



ASH: What's this?

SERENA: The tenth basement floor?

CLEMONT: This is-- the ground floor.

SERENA: Hey, Ash! Isn't that

ASH: Those crooks. Stealing Pokémon again. Come on!!

ASH : Check it out! What's going on?!

ASH: "Who's that Pokémon?"

ASH: "It's Rotom!"

MANTLE: Or are you nothing but a little coward?

WESTON: What?!

ASH: Is this

WESTON: So if I win, you'll leave my guests alone and go.

Is it a deal?

MANTLE: Yeah. It's a deal.

CLEMONT: It's exactly like the scene from the past

that Rotom showed us on TV.

BONNIE: No way! Are you saying we went back in time?!

ASH: That means we know what happens next

MANTLE: Krookodile, out here!




WESTON: Rotom! Rotom! Where did you go?!

MANTLE: It flew away. Just like a coward.

MANTLE: Looks like I win. It's a win by a forfeit.

ASH: Hold it right there!

ASH: You haven't even started your battle yet.

No way you can win by a forfeit!

SERENA: Yeah, Ash is right!

ASH: You just give us five minutes.

We'll find Rotom and bring it back to have a battle with you!

WOMAN A: That kid is right, isn't he?

MAN: Yes. This doesn't count as a forfeit.

MAN: Let them have a proper battle!

MAN: Yeah, he's right!

MAN: You can't just claim victory like that!

MANTLE: Yeah, okay, okay. So get Rotom back here

right this minute! We'll try this again

ASH: Come with us, please?!

WESTON: Uh, right.

WESTON: So, who are all of you?

BONNIE: Don't worry about that.

SERENA: We just want you to listen to us. Okay?

CLEMONT: Right. You see, we're all on your side.

WESTON: What do you mean?

ASH: Rotom? Rotom? You can come out now.

ASH: This is your big chance to fix everything!

BONNIE: You can apologize!

WESTON: Rotom!


WESTON: It's all right. I'm just glad you came back.

CLEMONT: Here's the thing. You've got to beat him!

Your very future depends on it!

ASH: Do your best, Rotom!


WESTON: I know I let my anger get the best of me and agreed

to battle him, but we have little experience.

Rotom and I are going to lose for sure!


ASH: Don't worry. You guys have all of us!


SERENA: I'm sure we can come up with a plan.

BONNIE: Clemont will figure it out!

CLEMONT: Let's see Mantle uses a Krookodile, a Ground and Dark

type. Rotom's at a disadvantage as an Electric and Ghost type!

CLEMONT: Perfect!

CLEMONT: Rotom can use this!

If my plan works, you should win easily!

MANTLE: Time's almost up.

MANTLE: He's so scared, he ran away.

MANTLE: You came back! I thought you gave up.

WESTON: I'm here. But remember if I win, you promise

to never challenge people with shady demands!

MANTLE: You got it.

But remember, if I win, this hotel is mine!

WESTON: Agreed.

SERENA: Weston

BONNIE: Hope he's okay.

CLEMONT: I know he can win this! That is if my plan goes well

ASH: Rotom, you can do it!


REFEREE: Rotom versus Krookodile! A one-on-one battle!

REFEREE: Battle, begin!

WESTON: Rotom, Electro Ball!


MANTLE: Electric-type moves won't work on my Krookodile...

SERENA: Uh oh. I think he's completely forgotten about

the plan we made!

ASH: Try to relax, Weston!


CLEMONT: Aren't you forgetting something important?

WESTON: Oh. Yes, you're right.

WESTON: Rotom! The socket!



MANTLE: Frightened again, are you? How pathetic!


MANTLE: Time's running out. And it looks like the hotel's mine.


MANTLE: What's that?!

CLEMONT: Don't forget! Wash Rotom can use Hydro Pump!

WESTON: Use Hydro Pump!


ASH: YESS! That was a huge hit!


MANTLE: You said this fight would be one-on-one!

WESTON: Even if it changes form, it's still Rotom.

So this is a one-on-one!

MANTLE: Why you little Krookodile, use Hyper Beam!


ASH : Awesome!

CLEMONT: Despite the damage after a Water-type move,

Krookodile is still able to attack.

ASH: Krookodile's strong.

BONNIE: But will Rotom be okay?

SERENA: You ready? It's time to move to Plan B!

WESTON: Right. Rotom! The socket!


MANTLE: Now it's a refrigerator?!

CLEMONT: Remember, Frost Rotom can use Blizzard!

WESTON: Rotom, use Blizzard!



MANTLE: Pull yourself together, Krookodile!

ASH: Rotom! Great stuff!

MANTLE: Why you Now use Crunch!


ASH: Krookodile's tough!


SERENA: Listen to me! Plan C is up next!

BONNIE: Show him who's boss!

WESTON: Rotom! Next form!



MANTLE: What's going on NOW?!

WESTON: Mow Rotom! Leaf Storm, let's go!


ASH: You did it, Rotom!

REFEREE: Krookodile is unable to battle! So, Rotom wins!

MANTLE: Fine. Krookodile, return!

REFEREE: Which means the victor is Weston, the hotel owner!

WESTON: All right, you made a promise.

From now on, no more shady challenges!

MANTLE: Like I care. I'll just take it by force! Hey, fellas?

GUY: That's our cue!

GUY: Yeah. Don't be cute.

CLEMONT: They had no intention of keeping their promise

right from the beginning!

SERENA: Maybe changing past events isn't even possible!

BONNIE: Oh no!

CLEMONT: Ash, wait!

ASH: All right then! We'll protect your hotel together!

WESTON: Really? All right


ASH: Use Thunderbolt!

MANTLE: Sorry. I was bad. I'll do whatever you say. Okay?


ASH: Don't forget. Take care of that Rotom.

What an amazing Pokémon!


WESTON: Thanks so much!



ASH: Hey, are we back in the present?

CLEMONT: Let's check it out.

ASH: Right!

ASH: Hi there. Excuse me.

MANTLE: Welcome, dear guest.

MANTLE: Please allow me to open the door. Please step inside.

MANTLE: We bid you welcome!

SERENA: Wait a minute. What are you three doing here?

MANTLE: I've been working at this hotel for over ten years

now, since it opened. Back then, I was a horrible crook,

but the kind hotel owner graciously gave me a job!

ASH: Gave you a job?

WESTON: Now, ladies and gentlemen Greetings!

I welcome you to the celebration of our hotel's glorious

tenth anniversary! Thank you for attending.



ASH: Rotom!


ASH: Whaddaya think?

WESTON: My name is Weston, the owner. A pleasure!


TRAINER A: You're doing great!


WESTON: There's only one reason I stand before you today as the

hotel owner. It was a boy, his Pikachu, and his friends,

who appeared out of nowhere and then left without

saying their names. And all on our opening day.

SERENA: It sure looks different than before!

BONNIE: So pretty!


ASH: What's up, Rotom?

ASH: No way!

SERENA: It's us!

BONNIE: Wow. Amazing!

CLEMONT: So, it wasn't a dream

ASH: Pikachu? We really did travel back in time!


NARRATOR: Our heroes' journey back in time changed this

hotel's past into a much brighter present. Now, what

adventures await them in their future? Time will tell,

as the journey continues!

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