18x15 - A fork in the road! A parting of the ways!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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18x15 - A fork in the road! A parting of the ways!

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: Our heroes are continuing their journey to

Lumiose City without Clemont, who is already there to prepare

for his Gym battle with Ash.

BONNIE: I hope Clemont will be okay by himself.

SERENA: Don't worry about him. I'll bet right now he's busy

getting ready for Ash's Gym battle!

ASH: For sure.




CLEMBOT: Magneton is unable to battle.

So that means you are the winner, sir.

CLEMONT: That's wonderful! You finally learned it, Bunnelby!

CLEMBOT: Congratulations, sir.

CLEMONT: Are you all right, Magneton?


CLEMBOT: Your preparations for battling Ash's Pikachu are

proceeding quite smoothly.

CLEMONT: True, but the real Ash is more... uh dynamic.

CLEMONT: I've got the image of our battle in my mind, but...

Of course! Say Clembot, if I could digitize Ash's

unique battle style and then input it into you, my training

would be all the more realistic!

CLEMBOT: A most excellent idea.

CLEMONT: I'll make all the preparations right away.

Winning a badge from this Gym is going to be harder

than Ash thinks!

ASH: We've gotta get ready for our battle, too!

JESSIE: Pumpkaboo! Shadow Ball!


JAMES: Today's the day we catch Pikachu for sure!

ASH: Team Rocket!


You're just a kid on a quest

To be the best of the best

Someday you're destined for power and glory

You know you're up to the test

There's only one way to tell this story

Be a hero!

Be a hero!

All the power is at your command

Face your fears and show you're a hero

The future of the world is in your hand


ASH: Thunderbolt!


JESSIE: Already?!


JAMES: They made quicker work of us than usual,

didn't they, Jessie?

JESSIE: NO! It's broken!!


JESSIE: Change of plan, Wobbuffet. Come on.

Let's find the others.


JESSIE: James? Meowth?! Pumpkaboo?!?


JESSIE: Uh Where are we?

JESSIE: I'm tired and I'm hungry too!

Wobbuffet, do something right now!






JESSIE: Shoo! You smell like your freshness date's expired!


WHITE: Wake up! Are you all right?! Say something!

WHITE: You're okay. I'm so very relieved.

And your Wobbuffet's okay as well.


WHITE: My name is White.

I'm a doctor, so you don't have to worry about a thing.

WHITE: Let's see

WHITE: It looks like you were hit by Stun Spore as well...

WHITE: Eat these berries.




JESSIE: I'm cured!!

WHITE: So what's your name?

JESSIE: Me? I'm Jessileah.

WHITE: You'll catch a cold in those wet clothes of yours.

My clinic's not very far from here. We can get you changed.

JESSIE: Thanks.

WHITE: Follow me.

JESSIE: Coming!

JESSIE: This probably doesn't suit me.

WHITE: No, you look just fine!

JESSIE: You mean it?





JESSIE: You've got quite a garden out there!

WHITE: I planted each and every one. Since I'm the only doctor

in town, it's up to me to grow all the healing herbs and

berries I use in my practice.

WHITE: But, I'm an amateur when it comes to botany,

although I do the best I can.

FARMER: Hey Doc! I brought some fertilizer!

WHITE: Thank you. As always! You're a big help!

FARMER: Well, the very least I can do is lend you

a helping hand! Don't forget how you healed my Diggersby

back when it got sick.

WHITE: How are you feeling now?


FARMER: It's feeling right as rain, as you can see.

Well, see you later!

WHITE: Thanks again for all your help.

FARMER: Now take good care!

WHITE: Well, guess I should be off.

JESSIE: Off to where?

WHITE: My daily rounds.

JESSIE: Since you were kind enough to rescue me, would it

be all right if I came along and gave you a hand?

WHITE: That would make my day!

WHITE: Say ahh


BEATRICE: How's Bidoof?

WHITE: Its teeth seem to be just fine, but its gums aren't all

that good. So what happened?

BEATRICE: Some lousy Pokémon hunter left a trap out here and

poor Bidoof got caught in it.

JESSIE: A Pokémon hunter?

BEATRICE: Who are you?

JESSIE: My name's Jessileah and I'm the doctor's assistant.

WHITE: This is my old friend, Beatrice.

BEATRICE: Assistant? Wow

WHITE: So what happened next?

BEATRICE: You see, that awful cage was made out of solid

steel, but Bidoof used its powerful teeth to bite

through the bars!

WHITE: Well then that explains why its gums are so inflamed.

BEATRICE: If I ever find that mean Pokémon hunter,

we'll have some settling up to do!

WHITE: Hold on. You'd better leave that sort of thing

to Officer Jenny.

BEATRICE: Do you have any idea how long it would take

Officer Jenny to get all the way out here?

WHITE: That's no excuse for you to act up!

BEATRICE: No lectures! At least I'm not some mealy-mouthed

frightened weakling like YOU!

JESSIE: Calm down.

WHITE: Don't go sticking your nose into dangerous business.

You're not a child anymore. I think we'd better get going.

JESSIE: Coming!


BEATRICE: This grownup isn't afraid of anything!

So have yourself a nice DAY!



WHITE: It's coming your way!

JESSIE: Right! I've got it!

JESSIE: There! Gotcha!

WHITE: That was amazing!

Okay, hang on while I do an examination.

JESSIE: Right!

OLD LADY: Oh! You are a tough one, aren't you?

JESSIE: Thanks! I guess I am really something special

OLD LADY: I have to tell you a strong and capable

woman like you would make Dr. White a perfect partner

and a wonderful wife.

JESSIE: Me?! A wife?!

JESSIE: Well It would be the exact opposite of the glamorous

life of a celebrity I've always dreamed of, but... it would be

so peaceful! I do think we could be happy together.

JESSIE: Oh go on! You really know how to embarrass a girl

now don't you?!

WHITE: I think that Skiddo was so out of control due to the

effects of Poison Powder.

It'll be just fine if it eats this Pecha Berry.

OLD LADY: Oh doctor, thank you so much...

WHITE: Here.


BONNIE: Wow, I couldn't eat another bite!

SERENA: But we have macarons for dessert


SERENA: And Poké Puffs for Pikachu and the others!



BONNIE: Where's Dedenne?


BONNIE: Oh no!

BONNIE: Dedenne!


SERENA: Fennekin, Scratch!



BONNIE: Dedenne!


BONNIE: Dedenne's hurt! Whadda we do?

ASH: Serena? Is there a Pokémon Center?

SERENA: No. I don't see anything close by here.

ASH: That's bad.


ASH: We could really use Clemont's help!

SERENA: Oh. Here! There's a clinic in the forest!

ASH: Great. C'mon!

JESSIE: It's so quiet and peaceful here.

WHITE: It may be boring to someone from the city,

but I really like living out here in nature.

JESSIE: I really like it, too.

WHITE: Take a look.



JESSIE: Would you look at that face? Wobbuffet seems so much

happier here, leading a life filled with love.


JESSIE: What about me? What would make me happier?

I wonder Love? Or

WHITE: Something wrong?

JESSIE: It's love!

JESSIE: Nononono Uh I mean

I love to look at them all! The Wobbuffet...

WHITE: Of course. Cute, aren't they?




JESSIE: An Ursaring!

WHITE: Don't worry. It's fine.

WHITE: See that?



WHITE: That Ursaring was once a patient of mine.


WHITE: Hi there! How've you been all this time?


WHITE: Say hello to Jessileah. She's been helping me out with

all my medical work.

JESSIE: Nice to meet you.


JESSIE: I've decided. I choose love!


ASH: "Who's that Pokémon"?

ASH: "It's Wynaut!"

JAMES: We know someone like Jessie wouldn't just vanish

into thin air

MEOWTH: Hey, what's that?

JAMES: Jessie?

JAMES: In those clothes?!

MEOWTH: That's a weird get-up, even for her

JAMES: Let's take a closer look!

MEOWTH: Righteo!

ASH: 'Scuse

JESSIE: Twerps?!

BONNIE: Doctor, please help! Something happened to Dedenne

and it's in trouble!

WHITE: Of course! Please come inside!


ASH: I think it shocked itself when it got trapped inside

a strange cage.

WHITE: Sounds like the work of that Pokémon hunter.

ASH: Pokémon hunter?


WHITE: He's a bad guy who finds rare Pokémon and then sells them

to make a profit.

BONNIE: Is Dedenne gonna be all right?

WHITE : Don't worry. I'll drain off the excess electricity.

It'll be fine!


WHITE: Dedenne's fine.


BONNIE: Dedenne! Thank you so much!

WHITE: Sure. A few Oran Berries will help Dedenne

get its strength back.

JESSIE: I'll go get some from the garden!


SERENA: Awesome!

ASH: Wow you sure have a lot of berries!

JESSIE: There you go.

BONNIE: Thanks a lot!


JESSIE: The doctor says he doesn't have enough.

He hopes to grow every variety of berry that there is...


ASH: Wait. There's something about that Wobbuffet


ASH: I've never seen them before as a family!

BONNIE: Over there. What's that?

JESSIE: It's really nothing!

ASH: It's you!

JESSIE: My name is Jessileah!

SERENA: So that Wobbuffet is

JESSIE: I'm begging you! Please don't breathe a word about the

fact that I'm in Team Rocket. I'm groveling!

ASH: But why?

JESSIE: I've decided I'm quitting Team Rocket,

so I can live my life with Doctor White forever.

MEOWTH: Run that by me again?!

JAMES: Jessie. No!


MEOWTH: Maybe Jess ate a bad berry.

I'll go snap her out of it!

JAMES: Stop!

JAMES: Maybe she'll be better off.

MEOWTH: Did you eat a bad berry, too?!

JAMES: Listen. If Jessie's only trying to find a little

happiness for herself, maybe we shouldn't stand in her way.

After all that's what real friends would do,

wouldn't they?.

MEOWTH: Oh, James...

JAMES: Look. Wobbuffet's having a blast, too.

MEOWTH: Yeah, I get it. See, I've been in love before.

Believe you me I have.

And if Jessie and Wobbuffet wanna sail on that love boat

JAMES: let's not muddy the waters.

MEOWTH: We're outta here.


JAMES: Jessie...

JAMES: I hope you find happiness.

BONNIE: So, does that mean you're gonna get married

to the doctor?

ASH: Get married?

SERENA: Well, that is what two people do when they decide they

want to be together

JESSIE: Wow! I guess that's really what it means!

I think I'm going to get married!

MEOWTH: I just feel so lonely after saying goodbye

to Jessie...

JAMES: Quit your whining! You'd better get used to the

fact that from here on out, it's just going to be us!


MEOWTH: Looks like a run-of-the-mill trap to me.

JAMES: This must be the work of...

MEOWTH: That Pokémon hunter!

HUNTER: In the flesh!

HUNTER: Looks like I've found the greatest of all prey.

A talking Meowth!

MEOWTH: Ya gotta do better than that.

JAMES: We're the new streamlined Team Rocket.

MEOWTH: You bet!


HUNTER: Let's go, Rhyperior!


SERENA: Yeah! I'm going to give it everything I've got! I'll

show you how to tell the doctor everything you're feeling!

JESSIE: That's so uncharacteristically nice

of you, Twerpette!

JAMES: Doctor!

JAMES: Is the doctor in?



SERENA: What happened?!

BONNIE: You're a mess!

JAMES: Sorry, but would you mind helping me out?

ASH: What happened?

JAMES: Meowth and all our Pokémon were stolen...

JAMES: We were att*cked by a wily Pokémon hunter.

ASH: Pokémon hunter!? Doctor White was talking about him!

JAMES: Just for today, I want to rescue Meowth without asking

for help from Jessie.

SERENA: Then that must mean you already...

JAMES: Yes. I know I'm asking a lot from you but please.

Help me.

ASH: If that guy's a Pokémon hunter,

we can't just do nothing!

JAMES: Thanks a lot.

ASH: So where is he?!

JAMES: At the foot of the mountain. I'll take you!

JESSIE: A Pokémon hunter is holding Meowth and Pumpkaboo

c*ptive. So What am I going to I do? Just what?


MEOWTH: Will you take it easy, bub?!

We're Team Rocket, you dig?!

HUNTER: That big mouth of yours is quite a catch.

MEOWTH: Aw, how embarrassing.

Getting poached by a Pokémon comedian...

HUNTER: You're going to make me a fortune.

ASH: Hold on!


HUNTER: Who are you?

ASH: You're a Pokémon hunter and you've gotta stop! Now!

SERENA: Release the Pokémon you've stolen!

BONNIE: We're not kidding!

MEOWTH: So what are you Twerps doing here?!

HUNTER: They're just a bunch of foolish kids.


SERENA: Who's that Pokémon!?

POKEDEX: Rhyperior. The Drill Pokémon. Rhyperior launches

rocks or Geodude from holes in its palms. Its shell-like

covering can withstand a volcano's eruptions.

MEOWTH: James! Yeah!

JAMES: Just a second.

ASH: Pikachu, Quick Attack!

SERENA: Fennekin, Flamethrower!



HUNTER: Rock Wrecker, go!




HUNTER: Rock Wrecker, again!


WHITE: What? Pokémon hunter?!

JESSIE: That's right. And...

WHITE: Bea- trice!!


JESSIE: Beatrice?

WHITE: Beatrice!

BEATRICE: What's wrong? Why are you all worked up like that?

WHITE: All worked up? I was worried about you, of course!

BEATRICE: About me?

WHITE: It's the Pokémon hunter! Knowing you,

I thought you'd be in a big fight with him by now...

BEATRICE: Hey So you were worried about me.

WHITE: Of course I was worried!

You're very important to me so don't forget it!

BEATRICE: Wait a minute. Where did all this suddenly come from?

WHITE: Okay.

There's something I should have told you long ago...

JESSIE: Wobbuffet?


JESSIE: This is where we say goodbye.


JESSIE: You stay here and have a wonderful life.


MEOWTH: Piece of cake.

HUNTER: Don't move a muscle, talking Meowth.

HUNTER: I think it's time to teach you a lesson so you never

try to escape again!

HUNTER: What was that?!

JESSIE: Prepare for trouble, and that will be that!

And make it double, or I'll knock you flat!

JAMES: I know that voice.

MEOWTH: And how.

ASH: Jessie!

JESSIE: To protect the world from devastation!

JAMES: Don't do it!

JESSIE: To unite all people within our nation!

MEOWTH: But I thought you were gonna give up

evil- doing for love!

JESSIE: To denounce the evils of truth and love!

MEOWTH: Jessie!

JESSIE: Your turn

JAMES: You've got it!

JAMES: To extend our reach to the stars above.

JESSIE: Jessie!

JAMES: And it's James!

JESSIE: Team Rocket blasts off together at the speed of light!

JAMES: Surrender now or prepare for a unified fight!

MEOWTH: Meowth that's right!


JAMES: Where's Wobbuffet?

JESSIE: Back there. A loving home life is what Wobbuffet

seems to prefer now.

So why don't we blast off at the speed of light?

JAMES: Right! And that is why they call us

MEOWTH: Team Rocket!

HUNTER: Okay. Use Horn Drill!


HUNTER: You're finished! Rock Wrecker!



JESSIE: Wobbuffet!



HUNTER: Rhyperior?!


JESSIE: Wobbuffet, you were so happy back there,

so why did you come here? Go back now!


MEOWTH: You left them for us?

You're the best palley that ever was

JESSIE: You're a fool. A fool!

HUNTER: Okay! Fury Attack!


JESSIE: Okay. Go!

JAMES: Right!

ASH: Us, too!




JESSIE: Let's go!



JESSIE: Now, Pumpkaboo, use Dark Pulse!


JAMES: Okay, Inkay, Psybeam!


ASH: Pikachu, Thunderbolt!


SERENA: Fennekin, Flame thrower!



WHITE: You really defeated the Pokémon hunter?

ASH: It was all thanks to Jessileah.

SERENA: I'm sure Officer Jenny will be by soon.

BONNIE: Here. They're from Jessileah.

BEATRICE: Wow, they're so beautiful!

WHITE: They are

JESSIE: I'll always be a member of Team Rocket. And I'll always

have the greatest friends ever.

NARRATOR: With hearts united and overflowing with emotion,

Team Rocket and their balloon fly on.

Tomorrow will bring new adventures

CLEMONT: I've finished inputting all of Ash's battle data. Ready?

CLEMBOT: Cannot compute!

NARRATOR: as the journey continues!
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