18x14 - The future is now, thanks to determination!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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18x14 - The future is now, thanks to determination!

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: With Ash's fifth Gym battle win next on their agenda,

our heroes continue to make their way through the wilderness

of the Lumiose Badlands.

SERENA: Once we get through this area,

we'll be close to Lumiose City.

CLEMONT: Sorry I kept you all waiting.

ASH: No prob! You okay, Clemont?


CLEMONT: Hey Ash, are you sorry you weren't able

to challenge the Lumiose Gym?

ASH: Yeah, but back then, you decided that challengers should

be strong enough to have earned four Gym badges first, right?

CLEMONT: Well, yeah...

ASH: Since that's what you wanted,

I'll just come back when I've gotten four of them.


CLEMONT: If that's what you want.

ASH: One thing...

ASH: I want the battle to be against you instead of Clembot.

CLEMONT: Deal! I'll make sure I get stronger so I can give you a

Gym battle you'll never forget for the rest of your life!

ASH: That sounds good to me!

CLEMONT: Great! That's what we'll do!

ASH: When we get to Lumiose City,

let's have our battle right away!

CLEMONT: Sure! You've got it!

You're just a kid on a quest

To be the best of the best

Someday you're destined for power and glory

You know you're up to the test

There's only one way to tell this story

Be a hero!

Be a hero!

All the power is at your command

Face your fears and show you're a hero

The future of the world is in your hand


BONNIE: I'm really hungry!

CLEMONT: It's almost ready, Bonnie.

SERENA: All clean.

ASH: Make sure you eat a lot, buddy!


ASH: You know what they say.

You can't battle on an empty stomach.

CLEMONT: Of course Ash remembers the deal we made.

ASH: Froakie, you've gotta hang in there!


CLEMONT: Ever since I ran into Ash,

I've learned so much from him.

ASH: Please. So whadda you say?


CLEMONT: Is it enough if I simply have a battle

as a Gym Leader with him?

ASH: Are you okay?

CLEMONT: Am I good enough to have a meaningful battle?

ASH: Pikachu!




ASH: If one hit isn't enough, we'll just hit a bunch of times!




ASH: You can't stop me!


ASH: Electro Ball!


KORRINA: Aura Sphere GO!



ASH: Finish this with Thunderbolt!




CLEMONT: If only I could give something back to Ash,

as a Gym Leader

BONNIE: Clemont, it's burning!

BONNIE: Hard as a Rock type


CLEMONT: Sorry about that, Bonnie.

SERENA: That's isn't like you at all. You all right?

CLEMONT: I got lost in my thoughts

ASH: What's that?

CLEMONT: That's the Kalos Power Plant.

ASH: A power plant?

BONNIE: My big brother designed that place!

CLEMONT: Not exactly. I just helped with the programming.

ASH: I think that's so cool!

CLEMONT: The Kalos Power Plant collects the sun's energy

directly from space then transmits it down to our

planet's surface as microwaves.

CLEMONT: It's stored in a superconductor energy storage

ring, then distributed to Lumiose City.

ASH: Yup. That makes sense.

SERENA: Wow, Ash. You got that?!

ASH: Yeah. Science is so amazing,

which is why it makes sense! Right?

SERENA: I know. Let's go check out the power plant up close!

ASH: Good idea!

And maybe we'll come across some rare Electric types!

CLEMONT: It's possible!

BONNIE: Let's go!

ASH: It looks like a secret base!

CLEMONT: That's strange.

That antenna is usually pointing toward the sky

BONNIE: So do antennas feel sad, too?


SERENA: Maybe something happened

CLEMONT: Yeah could be.

ASH: We should go check it out.



ASH: Something wrong?


BONNIE: Dedenne's acting strange, too!


CLEMONT: Something's not right.



CLEMONT: Luxio?!


BONNIE: Dedenne?!


ASH: Pikachu, where are you going?!



BONNIE: Dedenne!

SERENA: What's gotten into those three?!

ASH: Let's follow them!


SERENA: Right!


ASH: What?!

SERENA: Look at all of them

CLEMONT: They're all Electric types, too.

BONNIE: Dedenne

CLEMONT: Electric-type Pokémon And they're all

gathering at the power plant.

ASH: Pikachu!

BONNIE: Dedenne!

SERENA: Hey wait!

SERENA: What do we do?!

CLEMONT: Maybe the power plant has something to do with their

strange behavior. It all happened so quickly!

ASH: We've gotta help Pikachu and the others.

ASH: Got any ideas on how we can do it?

CLEMONT: I think so. There are blueprints of this plant.

I've seen them before, though I only saw them once.

CLEMONT: The plant has giant air vents. That's how we get in!

ASH: Great!

CLEMONT: This is it

ASH: 'Kay. on out, Frogadier!


ASH: See those vents? I need you to stop their fans.



CLEMONT: Careful. Watch your head.

CLEMONT: The vents connect the whole plant.

CLEMONT: Somebody's down there. Oh no! They've been tied up!


JULES: Is somebody up there?!




JOLT: Who are you three?

JULES: Are you one of them, too?

ASH: One of who?

JOLT: This plant is under siege.

ASH: Wait. Somebody took control of it?!

JULES: Yeah, you got that right

A.C.: A trio of hijackers consisting of a man,

a woman, and a Meowth.

JULES: Not only that, the Meowth can talk!

ASH: A talking Meowth, huh?

JULES: Yeah, we let them in thinking they were in need

JAMES: Help us out, please

MEOWTH: We're lost, alone, and we're scared.

JESSIE: If we don't get some water, we'll shrivel up!


JOLT: Feel better now?

MEOWTH: You lugs are lifesavers.

JAMES: You've allowed us to get back to work.

JESSIE: All right, shall we begin?


JESSIE: There!


JOLT: What do you think you're doing?!

MEOWTH: Well we'll alter your programming and convert

microwaves into Pokémon control waves, dig?

JAMES: Simply pointing your antenna towards the ground

and broadcasting those Pokémon control waves

JAMES: we'll be able to catch a substantial number of

Electric-type Pokémon at once!

MEOWTH: Clear and to the point.


JOLT: You can't! You have no idea what that will do to the

Pokémon, so stop it!

JAMES: Quiet, please.

Now, Inkay, be a dear and shut their loud mouths.



JOLT: And then when we woke up, we found ourselves

locked up in here.

ASH: This has gotta be Team Rocket.

SERENA: That's why Pikachu and the others are acting

so strangely!

CLEMONT: It's because of the Pokémon control waves!

CLEMONT: So do you know where they are now?

JOLT: They must be in the power plant's control room.

JULES: You see the control room is right next to the

superconductor ring. I'm pretty sure they're still there.

ASH: Can you tell us how to get to them?!

A.C.: The route isn't complicated, but they've

locked every single door between here and there.

JULES: But, we might be able to open them

from the sub-control room!

JOLT: You just leave unlocking those doors to us!

ASH: That's great. Thank you.

CLEMONT: So the first door we go through is that one!

ASH: We'll force it open!

CLEMONT: All right, Bunnelby, let's go!

SERENA: You too, Pancham!

ASH: Hawlucha, use Karate Chop!

CLEMONT: And Bunnelby, Double Slap!

SERENA: Pancham, use Arm Thrust!


ASH: We did it!

ASH: Time to rescue those Pokémon!

ASH: "Who's that Pokémon?"

ASH: "It's Luxray!"

MEOWTH: This is keen. What a scene!

MEOWTH: It's like a whole universe of Electric types.

MEOWTH: There's a Pikachu!

You don't think that's the Twerp's, do ya?

JAMES: Well, if in fact it is, that means one thing

JESSIE: Those Twerps are a hop, skip and a jump from here!

JULES: Please stand by. We're unlocking the door now.

JOLT: We don't know what's happening inside,

so please be careful.

ASH: We will!

A.C.: Good luck to you.

ASH: Pikachu! Hey, Pikachu!

CLEMONT: No use. They're not reacting to your voice at all.

MEOWTH: Twerp time

JESSIE: I demand you Twerps BUTT OUT!

JAMES: You may think you're hiding,

but you're as obvious as your dumbness!

JAMES: And it's game, set and match for the team

in the driver's seat!

MEOWTH: We've got a mountain of Electric types

and that's pretty neat!

JESSIE: So get used to the taste of defeat!

JAMES: From this moment forward, the Kalos Power Plant is under

our control. Of course, that means one thing.

We're controlling Lumiose City as well!

JESSIE: And if you try to get in our way, we'll totally

turn the city into Panicville.

MEOWTH: Get a load of this.

CLEMONT: Not that

ASH: The city's power

SERENA: They shut it all off!

CLEMONT: Now what are we going to do?

BONNIE: What can we do?

ASH: All right. We'll do as you say.

MEOWTH: Good choice. You're not so dumb.

JAMES: With all of Lumiose City being held hostage,

all you can do is keep being Twerps.

SERENA: Hey, Ash! What now?

ASH: Clemont. Ready yet?

CLEMONT: Almost.

ASH: What?! You want to reverse the current?!

A.C.: That's right. Reversing the current will overload the

entire system and stop the flow of Pokémon control waves

for a short while.

JOLT: It's designed so we're able to reverse the current

remotely, like with the locks.

JULES: But still, it's going to take us a while to do it.

Wait until the superconductor energy ring in the central area

turns red. That's the sign it's ready to be reversed.

A.C.: And Clemont, when that happens


I'll reverse the current, which will overload the system.

JULES: Good. It's really the only way.

JESSIE: Don't let your guard down.

Let's be extra-certain they can't pull any fast ones.


MEOWTH: What's going on in that head of yours?

JESSIE: We simply force all of those Electric-type Pokémon

to attack the Twerps.

MEOWTH: Command waves So let's give it the gas!



ASH: All right. I've got this!

CLEMONT: Follow me, quick!


CLEMONT: It's too dangerous. Stop!

ASH: I can't let Team Rocket use these Pokémon No way.



ASH: P-Pikachu


ASH: I'mgonna get you out of here.

And I'm not gonna stop until I do!

JESSIE: No! Don't let the Twerp get close to Pikachu!

That's asking for trouble!

MEOWTH: I'll make it double


CLEMONT: Stop it!

SERENA: Clemont!


ASH: Clemont, no!

CLEMONT: Oh, Luxio

CLEMONT: Luxio It's me

JAMES: Don't be a hero!

JESSIE: Quick! Turn it up to eleven!

MEOWTH: Or even twelve!


CLEMONT: Luxio?!

JESSIE: Excellent! Keep it up!

BONNIE: Clemont, no!

ASH: We'll get you out of there


CLEMONT: I'm sorry It's painful, isn't it? It hurts, doesn't it?

CLEMONT: I'm here.

And I won't quit until you're safe and sound!


MEOWTH: What's with the red?

JAMES: It's pretty, but strange

SERENA: Look! The superconductor ring's color!

BONNIE: It turned red just like they said it would!

CLEMONT: Come on, Luxio! We can get through this together!

CLEMONT: Clemontic Gear, on!

CLEMONT: Just hang on! I'll act as a ground!

BONNIE: Clemont!

ASH: Clemont!

CLEMONT: All right, I want you to keep using Discharge!


MEOWTH: Whoa! What was that?!

JESSIE: Get busy and fix it, stat!

JAMES: As fast as I can



BONNIE: Dedenne!


ASH: Hey, buddy.



BONNIE: Clemont!

ASH : Clemont!

CLEMONT: Luxio I can't thank you enough

for everything you've done.



JAMES: We have ignition

JESSIE: So! Back to those command waves!

MEOWTH: With pleasure!



ASH: Is that what I think it is?!


BONNIE: It evolved!




CLEMONT: Look at that! Luxio evolved and learned

how to use Electric Terrain!

JESSIE: Is that allowed?!

MEOWTH: Oy. I don't feel good

POKEDEX: Luxray. The Gleam Eyes Pokémon, and the evolved form of

Luxio. Using the power to see through walls, Luxray can track

down hidden opponents, and even locate lost children.

CLEMONT: Good. Now Time to make our counterattack!

When Electric Terrain's in effect, Electric-type att*cks

get a power boost!

ASH: Everybody! Let's go!



JESSIE: You don't want to do that


JAMES: And even if you do, DON'T!




JESSIE: We're blasting off again!


CLEMONT: I'm truly sorry that some sections

of the power plant were destroyed.

JULES: Don't be. Not a problem!

JOLT: Because of you, Lumiose City is safe.

We're the ones who should apologize.

A.C.: We're using the subsystem to supply power to the city,

so everything is fine.

ASH: That's great.

CLEMONT: And I learned something else from you, Ash.

ASH: I didn't do anything. We were able to get all of

the Pokémon out of there thanks to you.

SERENA: He's right. You were really amazing!

BONNIE: Yup. You were so great!

CLEMONT: Well, thank you all.

It's nice to know you feel that way.

JOLT: I'm on my way to our main offices in Lumiose City to brief

them on what happened today.

CLEMONT: Would it be possible if I came

along with you to Lumiose City?

JOLT: Sure. If you want

ASH: Clemont, what are you doing?

CLEMONT: I think it's time I headed back to Lumiose City.

ASH: Then we'll go along.


CLEMONT: I'm just not satisfied with where I am right now.

I want to go home and work hard and train.

Before you come to Lumiose City gym.

CLEMONT: By the time you challenge the Lumiose Gym,

I'll be ready to give you a battle that you'd expect

from a Gym Leader.

ASH: I see. But still, I'm not gonna lose, no matter what!

CLEMONT: Serena?

CLEMONT: Will you look after Bonnie?

SERENA: You can count on me.

BONNIE: I'm not a little kid! I'll be fine!

CLEMONT: I'll be waiting at the Lumiose Gym.

ASH: See you soon!

Don't forget I'm gonna beat you and win my fifth badge for sure!

CLEMONT: We'll see. Since I'm not gonna lose either!

ASH: Take care! Can't wait for our Gym battle!


NARRATOR: Because of our heroes' bold actions, the Kalos Power

Plant is safely back in the right hands. Now, Clemont is off

to Lumiose City by himself for some time to reflect, while

Ash eagerly looks forward to his upcoming battle against Clemont

at the Lumiose Gym, as the journey continues!
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