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Ghost Babe (2023)

Posted: 11/30/23 05:56
by bunniefuu

[dramatic music]


[sign buzzing]

[horn honks]

[engine rumbling]

[upbeat jazz music]

The regular, boss?

Oh, Ms. Todd.

I'm a huge fan,

I love your work.


Well, thanks,

darling. Let me ask,

what's your favorite

movie of mine?

Uh, all of them?

[Thelma chuckles]

That's nice to hear.

-I appreciate the comp--

-Ms. Todd.

You're needed.

Let me finish my martini.


[music continues]

What do you want, Lucky?

I wanted some company.

Is that a crime?

Be gentle, you fool!

She's a star

and should be treated as such.

My apologies, Mr. Luciano.

Such a talent.

Look at this face.

It's like

she didn't even want it.

What are you doing here, Lucky?

Prohibition is over and the cops

are upstairs getting drunk.

New enterprise.

[mysterious music]

Have a little.

We don't agree

on anything anymore.

Where I come from,

we have a saying.

"If it's not broken,

don't fix it."

This spot works.

You've gotta

get with the times, toots.

Just like you with the talkies.

Yeah, well, there's

plenty of other places.

It doesn't have to be

in my backyard.

You're my lucky lady.

You're gonna give me trouble?

I made this face.

Who gave you your first part

in that movie?

[dramatic music]

[music increases]

I was wondering

if you were just going

to keep me here all night.

Sorry. I was just--

I was cleaning out my closet.

I found a moth's nest.

Do moths make nests, dear?

I don't know, just kiss me.

[jazz music]

I have something for you

I wanna show you.

Gray skies

Blue eyes

[mysterious tune]

A place in my heart

from the stars

You don't believe

in that silly stuff,

do you, sweetheart?

Well, whether

I believe or not, I--

I think it would look absolutely

stunning on you, don't you?

I have enough gifts

from the orients for one night.

And we can lust and fly

But I'll always love you

Until the end of time

You know it's right

The next ring I give you will be

around your finger, dear.


You know, you shouldn't have.


Through the times



all across the lane

Follow me

It's over 800 years old.

The woman said that

it had a protective spirit.

They are guardian lions.

[chuckles] Guardian lions?

She got one over on you,

you know that, right?

But I have to protect you,

Thelma, anyway that I can.

-I love you.

-...from the stars

By the way,

two first class tickets.

The luxury suite

on the SS California

leaves tomorrow.

We can be in Buenos Aires

in three weeks.

That sounds amazing.

But you know I'm under contract

-for two more pictures.

-[knocking on door]

Who's that?

It's a moth. Hide!

-You know it's right


[knocking on door]

[suspenseful music]

Mr. Luciano wants me

to escort you to the car.

He's afraid I'll get lost?

Ms. Todd,

-it's time.

-Let me get my coat.


Thank you for letting us

use your store room.

No problem.

Lovely necklace.

You didn't have

to get all dolled up.

Walk with me.

You know, I was thinking

about the girl you was

when I found you in that club.

Tap dancing?

I took you out

of a joint like that

and said you could

own a joint like this.



And you're a star to boot.

And who do you think

you have to thank for that?

You, Lucky.

Yeah, you see,

but I don't feel very thanked.

Maybe it's time

to give another girl a chance.

Let's go for a ride.

[car door opens]

[dramatic music]

I love a woman

that makes you chase her.








[crickets chirping]

Is she dead?

Doesn't matter!

[ominous music]

["Ghost Babe Theme Song"

by Dmtina and the Bumps]


You look like death, girl


with your pale complexion

A zombie

with a tough reflection

If you want

to love me, Ghost Babe

I'll go to hell

and back with you again

If you want

to love me, Ghost Babe

I'll give you all my soul

and all my sin

If you want

to love me, Ghost Babe

I'll give you all my soul

and all my sin

["Someday" by The Growlers]

Hang on for the ride

I think I feel

a change of tide

Just stay for one more night

One day

you're gonna be my wife

You'll never have

to worry again

I'm gonna be your man


Go, Shawn!

Oh, oh, someday

When tall boys

turn into champagne

When bologna

turns into steak

When I got gold

instead of change

When I can give you

everything you ever wanted

Instead of take



-[man] Come on--



I wanna put

your mind at ease

[Taylor chuckling]

Move it over, dude. I'm going

to make this crowd go wild.

-[Shawn] Bro, chill.

-[Taylor] Never!

...both be free

-Well, things ain't

so cool right now


Well, I promise

they'll get better

-[cheering and shouting]

-Find anyway somehow

That make you

wanna stay forever

He is so hot!

Awesome, bros! Sick!


When I got gold

instead of change

When I can give you

everything you ever wanted

Instead of take, oh someday


-Bro! What was that?


Dude, chill.

Dude, I could've gotten

hurt out there,

-why would you do that, man?


kind of in the middle

with my bro here.

I'll meet you

at the shack, alright?



you know you're

my best bro, right?

And best friends mess around

with one another

because they're

so cool with each other.

Are you saying

you aren't my best bro?

Of course, dude, but there's

hot babes on the beach

and you made me look

like a total barney, man.

Okay, bro. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry that I'm

the better surfer. [laughing]

Come on, bro,

I'm k*lling babes! [laughing]

[cheerful music]

-What's up, Radman?

-What's up, Shawn?

-What's going on, brother?

-Dude, Taylor being harsh, bro?

It's like one should acknowledge

it sometimes, you know?


[cheerful music]


No, no, no.

[video game chiming]



Well, it looks like somebody

messed with my controller

And I think

we all know who it is

It's my best friend

and roommate Shawn

Who knows

how to reprogram controllers


Guys, quit being babies.

-[beatboxing continues]

-I'm going out to grab the mail.

...what a douche.

Get out of here!

-I'm about to beat you.

-[beatboxing continues]

[cheerful music]


Whoa, dude! No way!

What? Did you find out

that Radman's girlfriend

was actually a man?

Who, Donald? I mean, Donna.

No, dude, shut up!

We just scored a free house!

Dude, she was the greatest thing

that ever happened to me, bro.

-We just scored free house.

-What are you talking about?

I guess my grandpa had a will,

and when he died,

he left his house to me.

-[Shawn] Wait, Grandpa Herman?


Didn't he criminally get banned

from your high school

for yelling obscenities

at the ref during

that championship game?

-I love that guy!

-Yeah, that's him.

He was a little crazy

from time to time.

But you gotta love

old Grandpa Herms.

Wait, where is this place, man?

It says here

it's located on the hill

overlooking the water

in the Pacific Palisades.

-What? Shit!

-We never really

went over there.

I heard about it as a kid,

my parents always said

it was a strange house.

Weird energy. I guess he bought

this spot when he was younger

and never decided to sell.


-Holy shit, guys!

Check out these pictures!

This thing is massive.

I just don't trust it, man.

Alien cover ups, UFOs,

Nephilim conspiracies.

This is-- a massive mansion

doesn't just fall

in our laps, dudes.

Bro, not like we have

a better option.

-Yeah, man.

-[deeply inhales] Right.

Let's do it!

Thank you, California Jesus!

That is so righteous


[echoing] You're welcome, bros.


[heavenly music]

Alright, boys. It's time

to start a new chapter.


-Let's do this.

[rock music]

Here we are.

Casa del babe.


Dudes, we have arrived!

Woah, this is

a super slayer lair, bros.

Do you guys think this place has

a fully operational

steam shower?

No. Definitely not, you idiot.

Maybe a bidet, though.

[scoffs] Dumbass.

It's like that house

in a BILLIONAIRE club magazine.

Am I-- am I right?

[rock music continues]


[gasps and laughs] Oh, my God!


[birds chirping]

[eerie music]

[sighs] We're in heaven, dude.

Damn right!

[rock music]

Welcome to paradise, boys.

Now, the staircase is oak,

but the fireplace

looks like mahogany.

It's all good construction.

I'll tell you one thing,

this place has a ton

of hardwood, boys.

Yeah, speaking of hardwood,

I got one right now.

Look at this.

Is this embroidery right here?

I cannot believe

how fantastic this place is.


[knocking on door]

What was that?

[birds chirping]

[light mysterious music]


-Who the hell could that be?

Dude, Taylor, don't answer it.

Dang it! I knew it was

too good to be true.

[knocking harder]

-Hi. Hey, fellas!

-Can I help you?

I'm Al, Al Patron.

I live around here.


-It's my neighborhood,

so to speak.

-[Taylor] Awesome.

-Just saw this car

parked in front

of this empty house.

I was wondering, uh,

are you the new owners?

-'Cause if you are, I wanna

welcome you to my neighborhood.



-Oh, well,

that's oddly nice of you.

Yeah, I'm Taylor.

That's Shawn and Radman.


Wait, so you're telling us

your first name is Al,

like Al Pacino,

and your last name

just happens to be the same

-as the greatest tequila

we never had?


-Sick! Cool!



-That's pretty cool.

Yeah. What about you, "Rad man"?



-That's rad, man!

-[Radman] Oh!



That is awesome!

-He's hilarious.

-You guys look like surfers.

If that's true--

I mean, are you guys surfers?

'Cause that would be

a crazy coincidence,

-'cause I'm a surfer, too.

-No way, man,

-you're a total barney.

Look at you know.


-No, I'm dead serious.

-[Radman] He's cool.

You've got a good eye, kid.

This is from Barneys.

But I like nice things.

I can afford them,

I'm not ashamed of them.

You know, you can be successful

and surf these days,

like my friend Kelly Slater.

-You know who Kelly Slater is?

-Th-- Yeah!

-The GOAT. The GOAT. Yeah.


-"The greatest of all time,"

Kelly Slater!

-He's a friend of mine.

-Oh, my gosh. Really?

-We're bros. Yeah,

we go way back.

I almost sold him a house

in this neighborhood.

-[Radman] Oh!

-But you guys know,

highest Richter scale.

-But, uh, yeah, we go way back.


That is righteous, man.

-Think he would

hang out with us? No.


Like, when I first saw

his suit, I was like,

"This guy is some kind

of mafioso,

like, under thing."

But I still kind of do.

But, dude, that is the m--

why don't you come surf

with us tomorrow, bro?

-[laughs] Yes!


I would--

I would like to do that.

Listen, uh--

-I don't wanna spook you guys.

I don't know if you know this...


...but some pretty horrible

tragedies took place

in this very house.

It was a long time ago, but,

uh... [deeply inhales] yeah.

The old Hollywood m*ssacre.

-What? Are you serious?

-Hollywood m*ssacre?

I'm dead serious. It's bad news.

-But the good news is,

I'm a licensed realtor.

-Oh, thank God.

-I can help you get out

of this haunted death trap...

-[Radman sighing] Oh!

-...and into a nice

new four bedroom mansion.

-[Radman] Thank you.

-Right on the beach.

-[Radman shouts] Yes! Yes!

What a blessing.

On the beach, even?

Thank you, man. Wow!

-What a coincidence that you

would be here. Oh, my gosh!

-Are y-- are you--

Are you a realtor or some,

like, con man, dude?

What? No, I'm your f-- neighbor.

I wanna be friends,

I wanna try to help you guys.

We're surfers, right?

-Yeah. Yeah.

-I mean, we look out

for each other. We--

I'm not some random guy

who drove by and saw your car

-and tried to sell your house.

-[chuckling] What?

-Oh, then what's

your address, bro?

-Look, I gotta go

to this twelve o'clock meeting,

I'm kind of late, so I gotta go.

It's great meeting you guys,

but just think...

-He's legit, bro,

-...about what I said, okay?

Think about what I said.

I wanna work with you guys.

You think Kelly

would hang out with us?

If you're with me.

Awes-- [sharply inhales]

-[ominous white noise]


[sharply inhales]

[birds chirping]


Close the door, Radman.

-Close the door.


[suspenseful music]


-This is an epic home

for our shred space.


Shred shit.

Oh, my God. Look!

Old screwdrivers. [chuckles]

Dude, look at all this porn,

it's surf porn.


-Terry Fitzgerald,

Rabbit Kekai...

-1970s? Oh, my God!

-...they're legit, man.

-Watch your fricking hands

there, dude.


These are like gold,

man, you better wash

and dry those things

-before you touch these babies.

-I just want to borrow

a couple of them, dude.

-Collector's items, dude.

-I don't care

about the stupid magazines.

[calm music]



Yo, Taylor,

come check this out, man.

-What is it? Oh.

-Some super old film reels.

They're legit?

-Yeah, they look legit.

-Oh! Check it.

Old projector!


Fricking nice, dudes!

Great score. You guys are...

-...k*lling it.


Yo, Radman,

what are you doing with those?


You know, collectio--

his-- history--

there's c--

surf collections we--

-[shouts] Let me sell it!

-[Taylor] Yo!



[whispers] This is sick.




Hey, Shawn, can you get

the number for the pizza, dude?

-Why can't you do it?

-[sighs] You're privy

to my schedule.

You and I both know

I don't have time for that.

Fine. But I'm picking

the toppings, dude.

The Radman cometh with beer.


-Ugh! What the hell are those?

-[laughs] Hefeweizen, bro.


Germany's finest, man.

Cost 41 bucks for a six pack.

I figured, look,

if we're living like kings,

might as well be drinking

like Bavarian kings!




[gasping] Decent. Oh, crap.

Well, don't just stare at it,

scrub it, you cooch!

[chuckling] Alright.



The Radman cometh with aid.

Hey, dudes, I got an idea.

Are you thinking

what I'm thinking?

We should watch those old movies

we found in the shed.

Mm, is that

what you were thinking?

Sh-- Yeah.

sh**t, let's do it.

[softly] Okay.

Wow, look at this thing!

Super prehistoric, huh?

-Take that mirror down

and plug this in there.

-Got you.

[soft whirring]

[gentle music]

-Whoa, who's the foxy blonde?


Damn, she's gorgeous!

The movie reel says it's

from 1931. Crazy to think

-that she's probably just

full Skeletor by now. [chuckles]



"By the power of Grayskull."

I would totally give her

a piece of the Radman.

Yeah, I'm sure you would.

Too bad she's probably

been dead for 80 years.


-On second thought,

isn't that usually

how you prefer

your ladies, Radman?


-No. Just your mom.


How old is she now, man?


[suspenseful music]


Great, we pulled a fuse.

It was a cold, dark,

wet, and rainy night.

You couldn't hear a cry

for ten miles in each

and every direction.

She pulls a large butcher knife,

then starts slashing

and gashing the bros!

It was one of the most horrific

and horrid slayings of our--

[Radman shouts]

Stop it! Please,

stop it! Please--

it's not funny, Taylor!



I'm just messing with you.

Seriously, what just happened?

This place has

some funky electrical issues.

You know what? We should go

explore our new hood.

Let's get out

of this house for a bit,

you scared little barneys!




This is our new spot, man.

[indistinct chatter]

[club music]

[thunder rumbling]

Sick! Dmtina is playing here

tomorrow night.

And I heard that chick is hot!

-[indistinct chatter]


Yeah, but that one time,

dude, there was a wave,

it was like ten foot tall,

you guys were going

through the barrel,

I came over the top and wiped!


-Boys, boys,

down the hatch, let's go.


-Cheers, man.







We're all getting drained.

-Dude. Dude!

-I can feel it. Especially me.

-Remember that--

-[both laughing]


-[Shawn] Guys, enough,

-down the hatch, let's do this.






-Alright. Let's score

-four drinks. epic!

-[Radman] Epic!



Here we go. Salud!







-Hi, I'm Radman.


How are you doing?




-Chug! Chug!

-Go! Time to go!



[bell dinging]


-[indistinct shouting]

[crickets chirping]


I drank so much,

I'm hallucinating.

[eerie music]


I feel gross.

Like I've been

at a rave or camping.

It's a--

pretty sure one of those girls

gave me gingivitis.

I'm gonna, uh--

-I'm gonna go.


[ominous music]

[music intensifies]

[muffled jazz music]

[jazz music]

Gray skies

Blue eyes

A place in my heart

from the stars

Fun times

Ocean vibes

This is a place in my heart

And we can dance all night

And we can lust and fly

[record jams]

[eerie music]


-...always love you


-Till the end of time

You know it's right

So hold my love so near


[muffled shouts]

[ominous white noise]


-Follow me

My dream

-[record plays in distance]


Gray skies

Blue eyes

[ominous white noise]

A place in my heart


-[ominous white noise]

[shouts in slow motion] Guys!

[Radman shouting normally]



Guys. [panting]

-[Shawn mumbling]


You know the girl

from the movie?

I've just seen her, but dead.

Like a force fiel--

it was, like, pushed me

underwater, bros.

-It was crazy.

-Yeah, dude. That's just

the depressants in your system

creating hallucinations

or something, bro.

No. I'm very fond of-- I--

I know that feeling, bro.

That is not it!


I'm scared.

[dramatic music]

Taylor, can I sleep

in your floor?

No way, man, you started

a fire in my closet last time.

Bro, I said I would never

do that again, bro.

I'm-- please, man.

Let me sleep in your floor, bro!

Okay, I'm gonna haunt--

I'm gonna haunt you then, bro.

That's what I'm gonna do.

And you know what?

I'm gonna whisper

creepy stuff in your ear.

And I'm gonna flick

the lights on...

[imitates clicking]

...all the time, bro. Whoo!

Hey, you already do that.

But dead, bro!

Gosh, darn modern

technology, huh?


-I'm not a fan of this.


Nobody believes the Radman.


They don't, don't

don't believe, Radman

They don't, don't

don't believe, Radman

They don't, don't

don't believe

[upbeat music]


Pigmy goats,

help me in this troubled time.


[goats bleating]




Oh, no, did you--





And when it rains,

it pours. [sighs]

[eerie music]

[goats bleating]

[music intensifies]

What's this, darling?

[bleating continues]

[soft splashing]

[ethereal music]

[ominous music]

[echoing whispering]

Help me...

[echoing whispering]

Find me...

[echoing growling]

[echoing screaming]

[suspenseful music]

'Sup, Taylor?

What the hell happened, dude?

Dude, you try to k*ll yourself?


What does that even mean, dude?

You're taking this

way too far, man.

-[gasps] Holy-gas-a-moly, bro!

-Look at this guy.

-We gotta take him

to the hospital, man.

-Yeah, what?

So we can get another $3000 bill

in the mail next month?

I don't think so, bro.

-Give me that sandwich. Radman!

-I just think we shoul--

-That's my morning sandwich.


-I'm taking--

-Radman! Dude...

-Okay, take--

-...I suggest

you fork over the sandwich

if you don't wanna look

like Taylor, dude.

How is the sandwich

gonna help a cut, bro?

I saw this ghostly chick

appear in the mirror behind me.

She was gnarly white, but hot.


She was kind of seductive,

so I-- I figured

that she wanted me, but...

[gasps] then it got real fast.

I-- I was in some kind

of crazy trance.

I was paralyzed. I--

I tried to yell but couldn't,

she was in total control.

Which I, I know

I might like in a chick,

but this was not

the ideal situation, bro.

[Radman sighs]


Okay, this is exactly

what I was talking about.

You guys never listen

to the Radman!

This chick is in that...

[stutters] the necklaces,

or something!

And if we don't act soon,

I feel like we're gonna be

adios, mofos, man.

I'm serious! [yells]

You guys, seriously,

you know, chill, dude.

-She's real. I'm getting

another sandwich--

-You okay, man?

Dude, seriously,

you guys really think

there's a ghost here?

Let's hold a sance,

let's hold a sance.

Why would we hold a sance,

bro? He's alive.

Dude, a sance,

not a vigil, you idiot.

-To summon spirits.

-Okay. Alright.


You good? Can you stand up?

["Empty Bones" by The Growlers]


Read this in a interior

decorating magazine,

so this should be dead on, man.

What we're gonna do is

just kind of put our hands

on our knees

and just suck air in.

-Dude, you trying

to burn the house down?

-Sorry, bro.

And when you breathe out,

really push all the, like,

negativity and, like,

you know, the day's,

the day's grind--

Ooh, I burned my finger!

Dang it, I'm doing it again.

Perfect. Just get that burn

over the fricking thing!

-There we go.

-Dude, settle it out.

Sorry, bro. Sorry, man.

Alright. No worries. No worries.

Um, and I've got everything lit.

So, um, I just wanna

breathe some air in

and exhale all of the bad stuff.

And maybe if we do that, it'll

invite her into this house, man.

I really wanna save this chick.

Thought she was already

in the house. I mean--


Join me, guys.

Get some "Oms" in there, okay?

[all chanting]


Excellent job, Taylor.

Keep it up.

[deeply inhales]

[all chanting]


[deeply inhales]


Where is the hot babe, dudes?

I don't know, man.

What if we, uh,

you guys wanna watch that video

and try to see if there's

something we missed.

Maybe there's something

we didn't see before.


-It's your call, man.

This is your guys' gig.

I met you...

Let's do it. Come on.

We'll watch the video. Come on!

But I forgot to ask

your name

Name, name

[soft whirring]

I kept you in my dreams

I kept you in my dreams

But it only seems

To feed the flame

Flame, flame

Oh, fill my empty bones

For I was a heavy stone

Fill my, fill my


Keep that in the back

of our minds, though,

'cause it's something.


Necklace is the key!

Guys, I seen one,

I saw-- I saw one--

I saw one in the tub!

I heard it!

What are you

talking about, dude?

-This is so bizarre,

dude, this is crazy.


There's something to it,

man. Necklace.

Neck-lace. Necklace.

Lace-neck. Lace-neck!

Dude, there's something here,

man, I can feel it!

Some kind of weird energy

in this house, bro!

This is beyond haunted.

What if she's trying

to send us a message?

From the grave.

[loud click]

[suspenseful music]

Check the room!

[loud squeak]

[softly] Wha-- Obviously,

what's been happening to us

is pretty insane.

What's this chick's name,


Thelma Todd.

It was printed

all over those film reel cases.


Thelma Todd? Let me look her up.




See? [whispers] Dead.

[music increases]

[soft whirring]


Oh, you guys are getting

really good at this. [chuckles]

Damn, this is

way out of our league.

We're gonna need someone

who knows how to talk

to spirits.

-Radman, see if there's

a psychic in the area.


Thelma, guys. Huh,

even got an address.

Radman to the rescue, huh?

[rock music]

Hey, guys, over here.


Come, come.

I've been expecting you.

My name is Bella

and I have a box

that has been waiting

for just the right time.

Never been

with a physics before, but--

I think there's been

some misunderstanding.

This is not

that kind of establishment.

[soft rattling]

Boys, there's much more

to this box than meets the eye.

This box once held

a very special necklace.

This is what you're looking for.

[mysterious chiming]


The lions.

Look closer.

-[softly] Oh!

-I can see her.

I can see everything.

She's running

to the woods. There's--

There's a rock, there's--

The rock!

Th-- the necklace

is in the rock.

After you find the necklace,

you will need

to perform a ceremony

to reach Thelma

on the other side.

I have written everything down

for you here.

It's called the lions.

So what, boys? I mean,

it doesn't mean anything.

I mean, do you really think

there's a ghost in the house

-trying to k*ll us?


Radman, you fell asleep

in the tub.

Taylor, you cut yourself shaving

when you were staring

at yourself.


-Bro, you wish! What about

the blood on the mirror?

You're just messing with me,

bro, I'm not buying that.

Well, don't think so highly

of yourself, alright?

We have to find that necklace.

[Radman grunts]

The waves are calling.


Whoa! The waves

are going off right now, bro.

Change... [stutters]

change of plans.

Let's go grab our boards

and crush this break!

For sure!

[Radman imitating guitar]

Guess what? I'm gonna call Al.

He's going surfing with us. Yep!

["Devil's Lips"

by Dmtina and the Bumps]

Kiss me

with your devil's hand

'Cause you're mine

mine, mine

'Sup ladies?

Back jumping

for another epic sesh!

You know?

You are the perfect disaster

The nightmare...

Hey, uh, I don't know

if you know this,

I pretty much own

this beach, I'm Radman.

Mucho gusto.

-Yeah, it's surfing. It's life.


Roger that.

Learn to surf!


To break your spell



[both screaming]

Uh, it was gone!

What's up, man?

Pardon me, I just had

to rearrange some things,

but, uh, I'm glad I could make

this happen for you guys.


-Surfing, bro.

-Surfing's the source.


We gotta have ocean conservation

and remove plastic

from the environment.

I've been saying this all along.


[chuckling] Oh!

Oh, my-- John?

I love surfing, Radman,

there's nothing like it.

Dude, exactly!

Now, you look ridiculous,

but, dude, it don't matter!

'Cause that's what it's about,

you gotta keep it up, bro.

Oh, my God.

We are the biggest fans.

We've seen North Shore

like a million times.

It's on constant rotation

at our house.

-Best movie ever!

-Dude, for real, dude.

Too bad this guy doesn't know

a thing about big wave riding.

-Please drop some knowledge.

-Oh, whatever! This guy

gets crispy waves

and eats it all the time!

He's the one that needs

some knowledge.

-You guys want me

to say anything?

-No, dude, please get a line in,

-dude, please drop

a line from North Shore.


From North Shore?

From North Shore,

like, as Turtle,

when he's talking

to Rick Kane? Yeah? Yeah?


"If we don't get

new wetsuits this winter,

we're all going to be cold!"


Uh, this guy's weird.

-Vaya con Dios!

-[Shawn] Let's get out of here.


How was it out there, dudes?

Pretty crowded in that

fricking party wave, huh?

Started off pretty sick,

but too many spongers

-are stealing waves

right now, bro. Yeah.


Bro, you won't believe

who we just met.

-The man, John Philbin!

-Dude, epic!

-He paddled up right next to us!

-It was sick, unreal.

Turtle? Bitching!

You know that guy?

We're bros. We go way back, man.

And you think you're the man,

then the man shows up.



-Uh, it's Philbin, bro.


John Philman!

Uh, let's go kick it

at the shack.

-Is it Philman?

-I'm coming!

The bank

does not service the loan.

The bank that created

the product

gives the service fee

to my company,

which services the loan

and we only charge 1%.

[birds chirping]

That's nothing.


-[Al] Alright. Listen,

I gotta make this business call,

but I wanna try

to help you guys understand

what a great deal this is, okay?

I'm not gonna

just leave you in suspense.

Yeah, I wouldn't worry

about that one, bro.

And if you put a bedroom

in the kitchen,

it's a four bedroom.

I'm in. They're idiots.

I hate surfers.

I'm gonna take them out tonight.

I'll make them disappear.

[ominous music]

Dude, what's taking

this cooch so long?

Trying to jack

some boards or something?



[Shawn shouts]

Holy crap!

Radman, Taylor, get in here now!


-Oh, what the hell happened?

Oh, look at his neck!

Yeah, look at his head!

I mean that's, uh,

that's a fin

stuck in there, right?

[Shawn] Dude, I thought you were

the only one who cut deep

like that, bro.


Uh, we gotta help this guy.

Let's get him down.

[eerie music]





-[Radman] Uh,

can we make him comfortable,

at least?

Can we put

his head back or something?

Oh, dude, he's pretty done, bro.



We're out. [sobs]

-Al don't surf.

-Al don't surf.

[suspenseful music]

[birds chirping]

Okay, so that just happened

and here we are and we're

the only three people here.

And you know

how this looks, right?

Well, we already know

that she has a thing for necks!

sh**t, guys, this is getting

serious. We're in real danger.

No more messing around.

We have to find out

what she wants.

And fast!

["Ghost Babe House"

by Phil Higgins]

Mm, yeah

Oh, the Ghost Babe house

Oh, yeah, yeah

-Oh, oh, oh yeah, yeah

-Yeah, come on, babe

-Oh, uh-oh

-Oh, oh, oh

Let's go, let's go

come on, bro

High Escaline

ride it real slow

-Real slow

-Look out, look out

we're coming

Till we be your friends

'cause we about to run you out


-Big seams, real flashy

got them diamonds out


-You see this rock

around my neck

Just watch it drip down

let's go, let's go

-Come on, bro

-Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah

Look out, look out

we got the keys

to the Ghost Babe house

Come party with us

let you bring your friends now

Let's go, I'm looking

for the hot date

-I'm trying to find

a new thing, yeah

-Oh, yeah

[suspenseful music]


Oh, it's crazy that

it's called Los Leones trail.

Why do you think it's

called that? Do you think it has

something to do with all this?

Well, legend has it that, uh,

people here heard the sound

of lions on this trail,

but I didn't know where it was.

I certainly didn't think

it could be true.

What is tha-- Man up, Radman!

We're gonna tackle this trail.

And we're gonna

find this necklace!

[eerie music]

[suspenseful music]

[soft rustling]

Man, the woods sucks, man!

-[sighs] It's useless.


You guys, Thelma's life matters.

-There's gotta be

something more to this.

-[Radman spitting]


I mean, we were brought here

tonight for a reason, right?

-[Radman sniffling]

-We were brought here

tonight to save a babe.

Not just any babe either,

the Ghost Babe.

Ice Cream Blonde starlet,

Thelma Todd.

She k*lled it

in over a 100 films

and ran Hollywood

like no one's business.

She was way too hot to go, bros,

and way too young

to have her light taken out.

Let's bring her back,

let's save this babe.

Let's party like it's 1935.


-[softly chuckles]

Let's do this.

-[eerie chime]


What the hell! [shouting]

What the hell? We're trying

to help this chick! [yelling]

Not cool, bro. Not cool.


-[screaming continues]

-Not cool, bros. Not cool.


Wait, wait, wait, wait!


[sniffs] Something's weird here.

-[groans] Oh!



-[ominous white noise]


-What's wrong, dude?

Is it your diabetes?

This is where Thelma ran.

She showed me this

when he shoved me

under the water in the tub!

This is it, this is the place!

This is the path, man!

-Bro, what are you

talking about?

-[softly] This is the path.



-What the f--

[mysterious music]

The rock!


-I found the rock!



It's time to save this babe!


This is really

the one too, right?


Of course, this is it!

-[all] Whoa.



[jazz music]

[inaudible conversation]

Gray skies

Blue eyes

A place in my heart

from the stars

Fun times

Come in. Come in!

Come in. Please, sit down.

...a place in my heart

We can dance

all night, we can...

My dear, you must listen

to me very carefully.

There is a dark storm


And your life

is in grave danger.

[suspenseful music]

Your life will be taken

tomorrow night.

This necklace is a necessity

to your future.

I'm sorry. Um, this is just

a bit hard for me to believe.

No offense, of course.

It is quite beautiful

and I've never seen

anything like it.

But I'm not gonna fall for it.

I know what I'm asking.

But please, trust me!

Both of our journeys

will be affected

by what is going

to happen to you!

She's just trying

to get us to buy it, Botan.

Please, take this necklace.

-Wear it!

-I came to have fun.

Not to listen

to this dreadful tale.

[calm music]

Uh, Radman,

what's with all the food?

Where does it say anywhere

that snacks are part of this?

Bro, you never walk

into a party empty-handed.

And when Thelma arrives,

I just wanna show

some hospitality, you know,

-keep it classy, man.

-W-- with cheesy snackums

and gas station wine?

I'm not so sure this setup

screams class, you greasy fart.

[scoffs] Bro!

I didn't see you guys

putting any kind of effort in.


Cheese Yum Yums is delicious,

just like the commercial says.

"They're delicious.

And now with 35% less cankles."

Yeah. All class

all the time, bud.

Just focus, please.

[deeply inhales] Om!

The letter reads, "Unveil

your spirit so you can be free.

We bring to you the necklace

that will reunite you

to your human form

to finish your destiny."

[whispers] Finish your destiny.



Alright, guys, listen.

Uh, we gotta hold hands

'cause we gotta complete

the circuit here.


-When she comes here, man,

it-- we have to create

a circle of trust.

Please, hands!


-Come on, dude.

-[deeply inhales]

[all chanting]


Lower, from the feet,

guys, from the feet.

Bring it all the way up.

[all chanting]


[deeply inhales] In your nose.

[all chanting]


A little deeper,

Taylor, no offense.

-[deeply inhales]

-[all chanting] Om!


[all chanting]


[all chanting]


[all chanting]


[all chanting]


[all chanting]


[all chanting]





What? That's it?

What's up with that? She just

takes the necklace and leaves?

Well, I guess it, uh, worked?


Okay, so she took the necklace,

but she's not here.

So that leaves us alone...

...with some fantastic Yum Yums!

[sighing] Oh, my God, dude,

enough with the snacks!

Have you tried them?

Have you tried them?

-They're the worst, man.

-[Taylor] Okay, okay.

W-- we did everything

we're supposed to do.

Should we go back to the psychic

an-- and at least

tell her what happened?

Well, hello boys.

I'm Thelma Todd.


-[Radman mumbles]

-It is so nice to meet you.

I've been watching.

And waiting. [chuckles]

I thought I was gonna be

stuck in this house

for an eternity.

[upbeat music]

What is that?


H-- Hello, Ms. Todd.

[Taylor laughing]

Woah! Woah!

Welcome back!

Okay, so, what's

the full story? What happened?

No offense, boys, but I've

been stuck in this house

since 1930-something.

-[laughs] And I would die...


...for a Cadillac Margarita

and a taco.


Of course. Let's get out of here

-and where do you want to go?

-[Thelma] Anywhere.

Look, uh, Dmtina is playing

at the bar tonight.

["Not That Evil"

by Dmtina and the Bumps]

It's late and I want

And I get what I want

Bring to me

Your heart on a string

What do you want, sweetheart?

Sweetheart? [chuckles]

Nobody has called me that

in a long time.

Cadillac Margarita on the rocks.

Could you make it a double?

-You got it.


So Thelma, this is our new spot.

It sure must be a shock

to the senses, huh?

Yo, Thelma, check it out,

these are my boys.

I'm gonna go shred

a tasty lick for you!

What's a tasty lick?

It's you that I need

Oh, thank you so much.

...that I feel

Lost at the start

And I will go

Where you won't go

Come with me

Be my enemy

All you need to know

is I'm not that evil

You can lose control

if you got no evil

[cheering and clapping]

-[woman] Oh!


[man shouting]

Thank you everyone.

If you liked that, you're gonna

drop dead over in this one.

That was so hot!


-I think you're really cute.

Oh, really?

Well, that's okay

I ain't much better




Botan! How could you do that?

Botan? I'm Shawn.

[sighs] You couldn't wait

for the one that you

really loved?

Woah, Thelma, you're tripping.

Before you do anything else,

I think you need

to know. I'm Shawn.

But you have his eyes!

If you want to...

Bro, where's Thelma going?

[groans] I knew you'd screw

this up, she was so cool!

-I was just doing my thing, bro.


Does anybody else notice

the dead chick?

Bro, enough

with the snacks, Radman!

I don't think anyone notices.

I'm kind of vibing

on that little brunette

at the bar now, though.

Oh, dude, she's stupid hot.

So, yeah, okay. Just wanted to--

Cool, cool, cool.

Cool, cool, cool.

-[Shawn] Okay, guys.


...see somebody

cheat Jack Jingle!

It's his word, you know, like,

freaking blew me away, man.

Also, a girl got decapitated.

-[woman] Aw!

-[Radman] Goo-- goodnight guys.

-Is this your room?

-It's right there, babe.

-Yeah? Nice.



[eerie music]


[rock music]

[muffled thud]

[gentle music]

[deeply sighs]

[softly chuckles]

[eerie music]

[panting] Hey.

Oh, gnarly!

[gasping] Wha--


What's wrong, Shawn?

You said you wanted her slayed.

Those were your words, not mine.

Slayed, not slaughtered, Thelma.

I'm starved.

Come on!

[rock music]

Come on.

Damn, that's cold!



I'm cheese-fighting, bro.

-[Taylor] Get off my belly!

-Freaking cheese fighting,

bro. You...

-[Taylor] Bro, y-- can't do the same move

over and over, bro!

-You're my sl*ve--

-Bro, stop moving the thing,

-move over and over, man.

Oh, watch this...

-Front two smash. we go,

watch this. [laughs]

-I hate your beard.

-I-- fight-- stop it, man!

-I own you.

That's actu--

that is actual cheating, bro.

Get back.

[ominous music]

Don't ask.

Oh, and, uh, Thelma's hungry.

So, you might not wanna

piss her off again.

W-- what do you mean,

"Don't ask--"

Ah! Oh, okay.

Let's blow this fart box

and go get some grubs.

Dude, Thelma needs a for real's

change of scenery, bro.

-Stop. Stop it, man.



-Respect the foot,

respect the foot.

Thelma! Wanna go have some fun?

["Bali Bandidos" by The Hydrant]

There's a biker in the town

He's known

as the lord of the bike

Riding in the island

of the God

With hundred guys

Fly with the wind

break the dark night

Scared the devil, ha, ha, ha

Kick some ass

with the whiskey on the rock

Bali Bandidos, Bali Bandidos

Run angles never, look back

Bali Bandidos, Bali Bandidos

Lord, riding, Lord

Young blond long haired lady

Hangs around in the bar

Waiting for the guy

to pick her up

She don't wanna be

in the car

Fly with the wind

break the dark night

Scared the devil, ha, ha, ha

Let's kick some asses

with the whiskey on the rock

Bali Bandidos, Bali Bandidos

Run angles, never look back

Bali Bandidos, Bali Bandidos

Lord, riding, Lord

Lord, riding, Lord

Lord, riding, Lord

[indistinct chattering]

Bella! Guys!

She's gonna trip out, man!

We gotta go see her!

[birds chirping]

But this is where it all began.

I'm not going in.

[gentle rock music]

[crickets chirping]

Thelma, if--

if it's not too much to ask,

will you please

tell us your story?

Are you sure you wanna hear it?


[sighs] Well, there was

always more to my death

than anybody

was willing to explore.

The mob wanted to use

my restaurant as a front

for illegal activities.

Racketeering was

a big thing at the time.

The country was recovering

from Prohibition.

People wanted to be free.

Have a good time.

[fire crackling]

I understood that.

We sold alcohol

at the restaurant,

but when it was legal.

I didn't need the police

looking for reasons

to shut me down.

The mob was willing

to take that chance.

The local mob boss,

Lucky Luciano,

stepped up and...

...took me out.

The police found me in... car, the engine running...

...and the garage door closed.

Made it look like

I k*lled myself.

It's just unbelievable.

Money was being made

hand over fists.

I watched the police payoffs,

sh-- shady bookkeeping,

the rampant extortions.

All from the powerless perch

of this house.

I couldn't leave.

It was infuriating.


...I learned I could fight back.



-So-- ugh, so what about Al?


Al's grandfather was one

of the top Italian mob bosses

involved in the cover-ups.

"I'll just try

to get close to you guys

to keep you off the property.

-Mask the scent."

-[Radman grunts]

I sniffed that guy out,

day one, man!

Like, there's this freaking,

gnarly energy out of this dude,

and I was like-- I mean,

I thought it was

kind of harsh to,

like, hang him

in the surf shed, but--

but now that I know what he did,

like, it's, like...'s like...'s justified, bro.

I'm not proud of these actions.

They were necessary.


In this moment,

I'm choosing my human form.

[mysterious chiming]

In this moment... [chuckles]

...I'm free.

[ethereal whooshing]


-Beat it, punks!


-You don't deserve this.

I'm gonna put you back

where you belong.

Finish him off, Thelma,

take your life back!


[flesh slashing]


[exhales sharply]

[joyful music]

[soft clinking]

Adios, Al!



That is one hot shot of Patron.

That dude is not dead,

man, he's...

...he's crispified.

I think I speak

for everyone here tonight

when I say that

you did not deserve this.

I mean, you're such a beautiful

and talented woman and...

...the world turned

its back on you.

You're not alone

anymore, Thelma.

Why don't I show you the cherry

on top of this bloody sundae?

[upbeat music]

There is some light that can

be shed from the darkness.

Oh, yeah? How's that possible?


-[Thelma laughs]

Well, I stood here silenced...

...for years.

I watched

as they used my restaurant

and manipulated the system

for their own gain.

Lucky for us, paranoid of banks,

they kept the vast majority

of their wealth...



Dang, man.

That money is cash?

I can get my tooth fixed.

Stano miedoso, bros.

So, uh, what kind of wealth

are we talking about here?



I've been broke, dudes.

I didn't want to admit it,

but the other day,

at Super Saver,

I stole some trail mix.

And, uh, an hour later, man,

some dude walked up

out of nowhere

and punched me

right in the face.

I'm like, karma.

Radman, you were fully

schwelping that guy's wife.

He was following you all day.

-Believe me,

that blow to the face...


...had nothing to do

with trail mix.

Are you serious, dude?

Oh, my gosh! I didn't

even know she was married!

[sighing] Oh!

It kind of makes sense now.

This is it. Stand back, boys.

Let this crazy blonde

have some fun.



-Holy golden light!

-[Thelma chuckles]


How much is there?

About a million or so.

A million dollars won't stretch

quite as far

as we think these days.


-We have to be, like,

Bill Ackman smart.

No, no, dude.

She said there was over

a million dollars in gold here.

That was in the '30s!

That means there's, like,

45.7 million dollars, dude!


-45-- I can get my tooth fixed!

I-- we can get

all the tooths fixed!

Oh, my God!


...real! It's real. It's real!

It's real! Look! [laughing]

Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh!

[screaming] It is real!


-[Radman] It is real!


-[indistinct shouting]


[mystical chiming]

["F.A.G." by g*ons Of Doom]

-[engine rumbling]

-[horn honking]

[engine revving]

-[Taylor laughing]

-Wow. That's incredible.

Check it out, dudes!

You said, "Do not spend

all your money in one place."

But I saw this bitching whip

and I could not

help myself, man.

Look! I just had to get it, man.

-Look at the license plates!

-Oh, man, he scored.

Now we'll-- [mumbles]

so I had it named after Thelma.

How freaking cool is this?

-[Taylor] Nice ride, buddy!


How can we ever

thank you, Thelma?

All of your pain and anguish

created a life that...

...we could only dream of.

I just wanna make sure you're

getting everything as well

and you're happy.


where did you get this?

Uh, this was left to me

by my great-grandfather.

I never met him. He died

the day before I was born.


I always knew there was

more to life than surfing,

bronzing on the beach,

and smashing guzzlers.

-I did not.


Guys, I think we were meant

to go through all this

to understand what we're

meant to do for this world.

There's a lot of trapped souls.

We've been blessed.

We need to save

what frees our souls.

We need to save the oceans,

my brothers.


I cut a check for 40 million

to have it cleaned this morning.

-Hope that's cool.



-And got a boat,

had it christened, look at this!

-Oh, my God! Rad!

-Look at that!


-That's rad, dude!

Yeah, man.

We're gonna sail

the seven seas, bros.

-For reals. Till we're

100 years old man.

-Let's do it, man.

-Bro, I'm so proud of you.

-Thanks, man.

You break my, my back

And I cannot get it started

Believe it, brokenhearted

I am still in love...

Is there seven or eight seas?

[birds chirping]

It kind of feels

like there's just one sea,

-but the land is within it.

-Bro-- love with you

I'm still in love with you

I'm still in love

Sometimes small things

Feel like big things

["Ghost Babe Theme Song"

by Dmtina and the Bumps]


You look like death, girl

That's okay

I ain't much better

Dressed up

in a Jacob sweater


You don't like sunshine


with your pale complexion

A zombie

with a tough reflection

If you want

to love me, Ghost Babe

I'll go to hell

and back with you again

If you want

to love me, Ghost Babe

I'll give you all my soul

and all my sin


You bite my neck, girl

For every time

I need affection

Trade the blood

of your possession


You show me culture

Oh, Susie Sue

in leather fashion

Now I look

like Marilyn Manson

If you want

to love me, Ghost Babe

I'll go to hell

and back with you again

If you want

to love me, Ghost Babe

I'll give you all my soul

and all my sin

If you want

to love me, Ghost Babe

I'll go to hell

and back with you again

If you want

to love me, Ghost Babe

I'll give you all my soul

and all my sin

[soft buzzing]

[jazz music]

["Not That Evil"

by Dmtina and the Bumps]

It's late and I want

And I get what I want

Bring to me

Your heart on a string

And I will go

Where you won't go

Come with me

Be my fantasy

All you need to know

is I'm not that evil

You can lose control

if you've got no evil

It's you that I need

You that I feel

Leave my heart

I lost at the start

And I will go

Where you won't go

Come with me

Be my enemy

All you need to know

is I'm not that evil

You can lose control

if you've got no evil

And all you need to know

is I'm not that evil

You can lose control

if you've got no evil

[music ends]