17x41 - Battling into the hall of fame!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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17x41 - Battling into the hall of fame!

Post by bunniefuu »

[Narrator] Professor Sycamore's Pokémon summer camp

is beginning its sixth day,

and our heroes have been battling

Tierno and his friends for entry into

the summer camp hall of fame!

With a rivalry both friendly and fierce,

the two teams are currently tied

for the lead, and to break that tie,

it's time for the final event,

the Team Battle Competition!


Wingull, Wingull!

Good morning, everyone!

Good morning, Professor!

It's already day six of camp,

which means we finally decide

who gets into the hall of fame!

So, get ready for

the Team Battle Competition!

[all cheering, chuckling]

Team battle, huh?


Everyone's so excited...

The Team Battle Competition

works like a tournament.

As usual, the competing teams

that take the top three spots

will receive points.

We have two teams tied for the lead

with points,

and those teams are Team Froakie

and Team Squirtle!

This is our final camp event.

So give it all you've got

and have fun!

[all cheering]


A team battle consists of several trainers

forming a team and battling

using various types of formations.

Now, today our team will be made up

of three trainers,

but it can be a five-

or even a seven-person team!

Wow, really?Pika!

It sounds confusing to me...

Have you done this before, Clemont?

Unfortunately, I've never had the chance.

But it sounds like you guys have!

That's for sure.

It usually happens whenever

a lot of trainers get together!

Yeah, she's right. The next thing we usually do

is have a strategy meeting.

It's fun to compare the personalities

and skills of Pokémon

while we decide on our formation.

You come up with amazing battle-combo moves!

It's fun to put those battle-combo moves to the test.

All right,

Serena and Clemont, we can't lose!

We'll win this competition and get into the hall of fame!

Pika, Pika!

♪ I wanna be the very best ♪

♪ Like no one ever was

♪ To catch them is my real test ♪

♪ To train them is my cause ♪

♪ POKEMON! [Gotta catch 'em all] ♪

♪ It's you and me ♪ POKEMON!

♪ I know it's my destiny ♪


♪ Yeah! You're my best friend ♪

♪ In a world we must defend ♪ POKEMON!

♪ Gotta catch 'em all Gotta catch 'em all! ♪


[Ash] "Battling into the Hall of Fame!"

Now, Pikachu, let's get it going

with Electro Ball!Pika!

Pika, Pika, Pika, Chu, Pi!

Fennekin, use Hidden Power!

Combine it with that Electro Ball!


All right, Bunnelby, dig!



It worked!Awesome, Serena!

That battle-combo move was cool!

Yeah! Serena could be

a great performer, no doubt!


Fur... Manec... Fletch...

Marvelous! Team Froakie

has now made it through this battle,

and that means... on to the finals!

[all] All right!



It's time for the final battle

against Team Squirtle,

who has already moved to the finals!

Yeah they did it!


I knew Team Froakie would get here!

I can see why everyone likes team battling so much!

It's exciting!Sure is!

I've got to agree, it's a lot of fun!

And now, before we get underway,

both teams will have their strategy meetings.

Won't be long now...

Time to put our plan into high gear.

Making it real for the steal!

So here's our plan...

Wobbuffet!Will you calm down?

Not yet!

This time I've come up with a savory strategy

as luscious as a well-seasoned

slow-cooked stew!

If we get our hands on Squirtle and the others,

Pikachu will surely come running to save them.

[Meowth] And if we use Squirtle

and its buddies as shields,

Pikachu won't be able to lay a paw on us.

We'll grab the load of them without a fight!


I'd like you all to get started

on today's menu, please?

And thank you...Yes, ma'am!

Our first-class cuisine must come to an end.

Parting is such sweet sorrow.

'Cause we're going back to our regular gig, dig?


Hello there, trainers!

All right! It's the camp cooks.

Kudos for making it to the final round!

How nice! Thanks a lot!

We owe you a lot for always making

such yummy food.

Oh, you've made me a happy chef!

Is there something we can do for you?

There is! Before the finals,

we thought we'd give your Pokémon

a complimentary health checkup!

But wouldn't the Pokémon Center

be the place to do that?

Nurse Joy's busy with the twerps--

What I mean to say is she's busy

with Pikachu and all the others!

We may look like just chefs...

...but we're licensed healthcare workers, too.

You are?

Having healthcare professionals

who can cook is awesome!

Sure is, all right!

I think you've said enough.

Okay then, thanks!

Your Pokémon, if you please...

See you later, Squirtle.

You too, Charmander.

We'll treat them like they were ours.

Off to the Pokémon Center!

[healing chimes]

Okay, here you go!

Pika, Pi! Pikachu!


We're all finished. Everybody's healthy.

That's great. Thanks a lot, Nurse Joy.

And now it's time for the final battle!

Yay, I'm so excited!

Nurse Joy!

We're here for our Pokémon!

Uh, that's confusing.


I'm afraid they're not here.

Ready or not, it's checkup time...

Squirtle! Char! Bulba!



Leech Seed, let's go!

Squirtle, Squirtle!

Stay calm. The best thing you can do

for yourselves now is relax.

A chilled Pokémon is a happy Pokémon.

Our chefs did that?


Guess they can do anything.

They might still be busy with the checkup...

Yeah, but it's been such a long time.

I think we should split up and go look for them!

Bun? Bun? By!

Hey, Bunnelby's pointing over there.

What is it, Fennekin?

Fenn!Bun, Bun!



They all sense something...

Quick, let's follow them!

Pika, Pika, Pika...

Hello? Chefs?

Boss alert! Return!

Cover up!

Oh, there you are!

I was looking all over for you.

Forgive us.

We're looking for vegetables for the kids.

[Fennekin] Kin!

What's this?


Where are the Pokémon?

Well, well...No need to grouse.

Pikachu in 'da house!

"Who's that Pokémon?"

"It's Meowth!"

[Meowth] That's right!


Trespasser! Get away now!

Your nose is getting out of joint!


Is there something in there? Bun!

Fennekin, Kin!

What have you done with all of our Pokémon?


Hey, cut it out! Leave our veggies alone!

What's going on, Fennekin?

Oh dear. Something's got to be wrong!

Both Fennekin and Bunnelby

are sure something else is in there!

Pika, Pikachu!

Now you're just making things up!

Nothing in here but fresh veggies.

And if you keep messing with us,

there won't be any veggies tonight!




[Shauna] Bulbasaur!

[Tierno] Squirtle![Trevor] Charmander!

Those are Pokémon, and no matter what you say,

they're definitely not vegetables! Pi.

What are you think you're doing with them?

Prepare for trouble, we don't think, we know...

And make it a multi-kidnapping show.

To protect the world from devastation!

To unite all people within our nation!

To denounce the evils of truth and love!

To extend our reach to the stars above!

Jessie!And James!

Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!

Surrender now or prepare for a frantic food fight!

Meowth, that's right!


Team Rocket! Not you again!

Team Rocket?

They're bad guys who try to steal people's Pokémon!

Does that mean you're not real chefs?

I'm sorry, ma'am, but this is our day job.

But you don't have to pay us for today.

These are the tools of the Team Rocket trade!

What did you say?No way!

And now we go into act two!

Pumpka! Pumpkaboo!

Don't move a twerpish inch!

Not if you wanna keep these lugs safe!

You cowards!

Well duh, we're bad guys!

If you want to save your friends,

Pikachu, let's make a deal.

Join up with Team Rocket.

We keep it real!

Wob, Wobba, Wob!

Pika. That's gotta be a joke!

Bulbasaur, hang in there!

Charmander, use Flamethrower!

You've gotta rip that vine apart!

We've got to get them out!

[Jessie] Aww, what will you do?

They all look rather sleepy to me...

'Kay, Pikachu. Over here on the double!

Pikachu!We'll get everyone

out of there safely, no doubt!

Go, Bunnelby!


'Kay, Ash, now!Right!

Froakie, go!


Fennekin, you too!

Kin, Kin, Kin...

Okay, Inkay, Psybeam!

Pumpkaboo, Shadow Ball!Pumpka...

Quick, Froakie, use your Frubbles, now!


Use Scratch, Fennekin!


All right, Froakie, Use cut!


Now, Pikachu, wrap it up with Thunderbolt!

Pika! Pikachu!

We were really on a roll...

At least cooking brought us in

some extra funds.

Too bad we didn't bring them!


[all] We're blasting off again!



Oh, what a crying shame.

And to think they were such talented chefs...

Glad you're okay!

Thanks to all of you.

We owe you so very much!

And now it's time for the finals.

This is gonna be fun!

Now teams, are you all ready

for our final battle?

On my whistle, let's go!

[whistle blows]



Here we come.

Use Quick Attack!Pika!

Not so fast...

Charmander, use Flamethrower!


All right, Fennekin,

protect Pikachu with Flamethrower!


Pi, Pi, Pi, Pi!

Pi, Pi, Pi, Pi, Pi, Pi!

Use Rapid Spin on Pikachu, go!



Now, use Water g*n on Fennekin!

Squirtle! Squirtle!

They don't waste a step. Squirtle can move!

Now, Chespin, use Vine Whip on Squirtle!


Dodge that!Squirtle!

Use Flame Burst on Chespin!


Ches!Pika! Pi...

Pikachu!You just saw

Flame Burst's additional effect!

You see, Flame Burst can cause damage

to multiple targets!

Now, Razor Leaf!




They're gonna try to finish this.

They're really strong!

Squirtle, Squirtle,Look at Squirtle's

rhythmic dancing.Squirtle...

Just like it did before!

They're using it to mount their attack.


Man, are they good at that.

Looks like Squirtle's steps

have them not knowing what to do next.

It's all in the moves.

What can they do?


We've gotta break their rhythm.

But how?

Bulbasaur, stand by for Solar Beam!

Saur! Saur...

We've gotta do something

to buy a little time until

that Solar Beam's all charged up!

Well, all right, Squirtle!

Aqua Tail on Fennekin, let's rock!


Fennekin, use Hidden Power!




[Sycamore] Fennekin's unable to battle!

Fennekin, return!

Now, Charmander, Flamethrower!


Dodge it, Pikachu!Pika!

We're all charged up! Use Solar Beam!

Saur!Pikachu, dodge it!

Pika, Pika!

Now, Chespin, Vine Whip!


Pika, Pika!

That was some combination!

I thought we had a direct hit!

Pikachu! Thunderbolt on Charmander!



[Sycamore] Charmander is unable to battle!

'Kay, return.

Thanks, Charmander. Get a good rest.

Don't worry, I'll get them back for you!

Use Rapid Spin!


Ash, now it's time for us to wrap this thing up!

Use Vine Whip!Chespin!

Yeah, all right, Pikachu!

Use Electro Ball!

Pika! Pika, Pika, Pika, Chu, Pi!

Squirtle, dodge it, quick!



Bulbasaur! Bulbasaur is unable to battle!



Pi, Pika!

Nice combination, guys, but we're not done!

Aqua Tail!



Pikachu, Use Thunderbolt!



[whistle blowing]

And that's the end of it!

Team Froakie is our winning team!

And that means...

You'll be in the hall of fame!

Fen! Chespin! Congratulations

Pika!to Team Froakie!

Now let's give a big round of applause

to our runners-up... Team Squirtle!


Hall of fame! Hall of fame!

We did it, yay!

Yeah but, Fennekin...

[Ash] Don't worry, Serena!

Fennekin may have lost today,

but you can always use that to get stronger!


Fenn? Fennekin!

You were so awesome, Squirtle.


Don't worry, Squirtle.

It's okay to cry!

Nice battling, Bulbasaur.

Bulb, Bulbasaur!

We'll get you back next time!

Okay, Ash?


Pika, Pikachu!

We've got a great surprise for you...

On our summer camp's final night,

these fireworks

will help us celebrate our week of memories.


Hey, Tierno?

Thinking about our last battle...

Can you show me your battle style again?


You mean the way it moves and grooves?


I've never seen a battling style

like that before.

If we can learn how to battle like that,

I think we'll be a lot stronger.

No doubt!

See, I'm gonna be challenging the Shalour Gym.

I'm sure your battling style

would be really effective at

a Fighting-type Gym like Shalour.

A gym battle, I get it, yeah.

Why don't you show him?

Moving and grooving like you do in battle is so cool!

Not to mention a rhythmic battling style like that

is really one of a kind.

As far as I can see, by doing those dance steps

and constantly moving around,

it creates such smooth transitions

between attacking and dodging!

That's right! See, it started out

when I was thinking about how to make moves flow better

when a Pokémon uses them,

and I came up with this way to do it.

Squirtle, Squirtle, Squirtle, Squirtle...

Incorporating dance steps in our battle lets us read

our opponent's movements and makes it easier

for us to make them battle at our pace. Squirtle!

[both] Oh, wow! Awesome!

And to tell the truth, I also had Tierno

teach me some dance moves as well.

I'm trying to use it as part of my performance.

You're kidding me!

That's so cool! I wanna see!

Okay, Ash. I'll teach you how to move and groove.

Thanks a lot, Tierno!

Okay, everybody. Come on out!


You've gotta move it, too.

Whaddaya mean me?Yeah, you!

The most important thing is for trainer and Pokémon

to become one.

It won't work unless

you're moving and grooving together.

I guess...Pika!

Pika, Pika!

Squirt! Squirtle, Squirtle, Squirtle!

Pi, Pi, Pi, Pi...Yeah!

Ready to rock!

First, the basics, 'kay?


Wingull, Wingull!

Campers! I hereby announce

that the official closing of this season's

Pokémon summer camp is upon us!

Everyone, give yourselves a round of applause!


I sincerely hope from the bottom of my heart

that the experience all of you marvelous trainers

gained as you competed alongside your Pokémon

will be truly memorable, as well as invaluable!

May your journeys be rich, and full.

And keep traveling onward and upward

along with your Pokémon!

Hey Ash! Make sure you work on everything

I showed you last night!

You bet!

I hope you follow through.

I'm a little worried.

Come on. I'll be just fine!

I guess it's time to go.

Yeah, you're right,

though it's never easy to say good-bye...

Serena? See you at the Pokémon Showcase!


See you then!Dedenne, Dedenne!

Of course, we're all rivals now.

For sure!

Later! Take care!

Let's battle again soon!

Pika, Pika!

[Narrator] And so, the curtain comes down on

Professor Sycamore's Pokémon summer camp,

where Trainers and their Pokémon

strengthened their bonds by competing

and interacting with others.

Will Ash be able to use Tierno's unique battling style

to help him win his Gym battle against Korrina?

The answer to come, as the journey continues!
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