17x30 - The cave of trials!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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17x30 - The cave of trials!

Post by bunniefuu »


[announcer] On their way to Shalour City for Ash's next gym battle,

our heroes meet gym Leader Korrina

and her partner Lucario.

Korrina agreed to let our heroes

accompany her to Geosenge Town

to witness Lucario's Mega Evolution.

Now, they've arrived in town

to search for the Mega Stone known as Lucarionite.

So that's Geosenge Town.


We're here, Dedenne!


[Serena] What a cute town!

So we're supposed to find the Mega Stone here, right?



What's wrong?

[Clemont] Are you all right?

[Korrina] Finally, I'm here.


[all] Whoa!

Yup, we did it!

We're in Geosenge Town, Lucario!


We won battles in a row.

Now, it's time... time for you to Mega Evolve.

'Kay, let's go!

Hey! Hold on, Korrina!


♪ I wanna be the very best ♪

♪ Like no one ever was

♪ To catch them is my real test ♪

♪ To train them is my cause

♪ POKEMON Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ It's you and me


♪ I know it's my destiny


♪ You're my best friend

♪ In a world we must defend ♪


♪ Gotta catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all ♪

[all] POKEMON!

[Ash] Korrina, I know you're here for Lucarionite,

but do you know where to find it?

Not a clue.But if you don't know where it is,

how are you going to look for it?

Grandfather told me that if we came to Geosenge Town,

we'd figure it out.

And my grandfather's really smart!

Figure it out?Pika!

I guess Ash and Korrina are the types

who like to just jump into things.

That's why you two get along.

Look at all these beautiful stones!

[Clemont] I guess lots of stores here sell Evolution stones.

[Bonnie] I want one, I want one!

I just got me a Sun Stone!

Come out, Helioptile!


Heliolisk!All right!

Helioptile evolved!


Hey, Clemont, how did your Helioptile evolve anyway?

I evolved Helioptile into Heliolisk

with a Sun Stone as well.

Oh, yeah, Ash, I was wondering--

isn't Pikachu gonna evolve?

Evolve? You see, Pikachu doesn't actually wanna evolve, right?

Pika!Wow, okay.

Now, let's hurry and find that Lucarionite super quick!

I suggest we all split up and search every store in town.


[merchant] Sorry, but I'm afraid not.

Are you serious?

Nah, never heard of it!


No, I'm very sorry.

Perhaps one of these might interest you instead.

[Ash] Hey, Clemont, did you have any luck?

[Clemont] I'm afraid not.

Every single shop owner I spoke to

said they had never even heard of Lucarionite.

Hold on! My grandfather told me

that we'd find the Lucarionite right here in this town!

Well, I suppose that unless Lucarionite

was very difficult to find,

we would have heard about the Mega Evolution

of lots of Lucario.

So that means...

I'd say it must be a very rare stone.

It seems awfully hard to find.

So then how do we continue our search?

Now I remember what Grandfather told me.

[Korrina's grandfather] Now listen, Korrina.

When the time comes, you will understand what you need.

And then, you'll both be ready

for Lucario's Mega Evolution.

It's not going to be easy.

That's part of your training, too.

That's right.

We can't lose heart now!

What's right for me-- finding it by ourselves

will make Mega Evolution possible!


That's the spirit!

Sure is.

Too early to give up!Pikachu!

But we've still gotta figure out what we're gonna do.


[McGinty] 'Scuse me, young lady!

The name's McGinty.

I'm a photographer.

How about I take a picture of you all as a souvenir photo?

It's what I do, and I know you'll be very happy with it.

Souvenir photo?

Oh, boy!


That's a great idea.

Since we're all here together,

then we'll have a nice picture as a memento.

You think so?

Let's go for it and take a group photo.

Why not?Pika!

All right! We're in Geosenge Town,

and I want to show Grandfather

that we made it all the way!

Okay, line up over there.

[Bonnie] 'Kay!

Now, squeeze in just a wee bit more.

Hey, come on, Clemont, don't you know how to smile?

[Clemont] I am smiling.

Okay, give me some big smiles, everyone!

I got it!

Now, we'll print this up right away.

Please make it quick, okay?

Do you, by any chance, know anything

about locating Evolution stones?

Evolution stones are out there,

in a cave that's hidden inside of that mountain.

Wow, a mountain cave?

And sir, do you know anything about Lucarionite?

I need to find it right away!

Lucarionite, eh?

I don't think I've ever heard of that before.

Thank you.

Although I do remember hearing about a cave

where it's possible to locate a special kind

of Evolution stone.

You mean it?Please tell us where it is!

[Bonnie] Where, where, where?

If you go even farther into the mountain

than the cave I already told you about,

you'll find a small entrance to another cave.

That's where it is.

That might be just what we're looking for!

[Ash] Maybe.

Let's check it out, Korrina!

You know, it's said that terrible things can happen

to people who are not worthy enough to enter.

Terrible things?

Or an adventure.

I can't tell you for sure,

but there's some evidence that terrible things

really do happen there,

and that's why the people from this town

never, ever venture into that cave!

Well, I think you must be wrong.

It can't be a cave that's as scary as all that!

You're wrong! I know this is it.

Just you wait, Lucarionite!

I'm gonna find you in a flash!

Come on, let's go!Car!

But wait! You forgot your photo's not quite ready yet!

Oh, guess you're right.

Well, isn't that interesting?

If we can get to that cave first,

we'll be able to lay claim to the Mega Stone first!

And pinch Pikachu in the process!

Another rung on the ladder to success!

And, we'll be praised by the Boss, no less!


Here, your picture's all done!

[Ash] Wow! It looks awesome!

Thanks a lot!


Thanks! What a great souvenir!

I can keep it forever!

Yup! I can't wait to show it to my grandfather!

Don't you think he'll just love it?


[Ash] Serena, we're going!


It worked out just as we planned,

didn't it, Gurkinn?

[Jessie] Okay, bring them a little more to the center.

[Meowth] How's that?

It's perfect!

Those clueless Twerps will never know

there's a cave lurking back there!

Now, they'll do what they always do.

They'll take the wrong way, of course.

And while they run around like wackos,

we'll be in the cave.

Mega Stone, ho!

And when they finally do show up,

we'll swoop down on them like Flying types!

Catching Pikachu will finally be on our resumé!

[all] Yay!

[Korrina] So this is where they mine Evolution stones.

I can't wait to get a closer look!

We'd better concentrate on Lucarionite, first.

Yes, you're right.

Didn't Mr. McGinty say there was a cave

located even farther back?

Farther back, right?

Come on, let's go!


Slow down, Korrina!

Pika, Pika!

[Jessie] Oh, please, there's nothing scary in here.

What a silly thing to say.

Terrible things can happen to people

who aren't worthy... duh.

A real duh!

I can guarantee that Lucarionite

is just waiting quietly

to be found and cared for by Team Rocket.


What, Wobbuffet?Wob, Wob!

Hey! It looks like some sort of a doorway!

And it's begging for us to open it.

So let's.

[all] Who's that Pokémon?

It's Blaziken!


[Ash] That was a dead-end.

Wonder if we went the wrong way.

[Serena] I thought we were just supposed to go straight ahead.

[Clemont] It's possible we may have missed a turn or something...

I wanna find that cave!

I wanna find that Lucarionite right now!

What is it, Lucario?

What's up?


[Korrina] Look at that!

[Serena] There's a pathway in there!

[Clemont] It's no wonder we didn't see it!

[Bonnie] Maybe someone hid it on purpose!

Whatever, I say the thing that really counts

is Lucario found it.

Yup, great, Lucario!

Feel something?

I wonder what Lucario's sensing this time.

Danger, maybe?

Hard to say.


[Ash] Look, it's a cave!

[Bonnie] We found it!

[Korrina] Lucario, you're amazing!

How did you know?

Lucario must've sensed the Lucarionite.

I've got it!

It's got to be somewhere inside this cave!

Pika?Like Grandfather said.

He told me Lucario and I would find the Lucarionite together.

That's it, right?

[Ash] Amazing.Pika!

Yes, but we won't know for sure

unless we go in and find out, right?

Okay, let's go!



[Serena] It's pitch black in there!

In that case, I say Clemontic Gear, on!

[Ash] Way to go, Clemont!

Uh-oh! What was that sound?

[Ash] What's in there?

[Clemont] A g-- ghost?

[Bonnie] Don't be silly!

[Jessie] Why does this happen to me?

[James] Or me?

[all] We're blasting off again!


[Serena] Was that...

[Clemont] Team Rocket?


They must've snuck in ahead of us?

They're so sneaky!


The Lucarionite!


I think there's something back there.

So what?

We can't just run away!

We've gotta get the Lucarionite now!

We're right behind you, Korrina.

[Ash] It could be dangerous-- keep close.

[Bonnie] Protect us, 'kay, Pikachu?


[Serena] Something's growling back there.

[Clemont] I'm sure it's just the wind.

[Ash] What's that?

♪♪ [tense orchestration]

[Korrina] Lucarionite!

Check it out!Pika!

Is it really?

It's beautiful![Serena] I knew it.

[Clemont] It's like the Lucarionite was calling out to Lucario!

Great! Now, Lucario will be able to Mega Evolve!

Let's go, quick!


What's that?Pika!



Are you okay, Lucario?

What was all that?

Hold on.

[Pokédex] Blaziken, the Blaze Pokémon.

Blaziken leaves its opponents charred with its fiery punches.

[Clemont] What's a Blaziken doing here?

[Ash] Maybe Blaziken threw Team Rocket out of the cave!

Help! I'm scared!

Is it mad?

I see!

If we want the Lucarionite,

first we're going to have to defeat Blaziken

in a Pokémon battle!

I think you should stand back.

This is the last hurdle before Lucario can Mega Evolve.

I hear you.

Good luck, Korrina.

Pika, Pika!

Thanks, but there's no way we're gonna lose now.

Hello, Blaziken!

My name's Korrina.

I challenge you for the Lucarionite

so Lucario can Mega Evolve!

Battle begin!

Lucario, Power-Up Punch!


Pika!There's their first attack!





Lucario, dodge it!

Blaz, Blaziken!Car, Car!


Blaziken moves so fast!

It sure is one tough opponent!

Use Metal Sound!


Yes, awesome!


Watch out!


What a Flamethrower.Pika.

I know, Blaziken's a Fire and Fighting type.

It's not a good matchup.

And along with Blaziken's speed...

so strong!

You're right!



Oh, no! I can't watch!

We have to stop this!

[Ash] We can't!

Why not?

Korrina said this was her battle!

We've gotta stay out of it!

Isn't that true?

You won't give up, right?

Ash gets it.

He totally understands.

That's right!

We'll never give up!

No matter who we're up against in battle,

we'll never turn and run the other way!

Right, Lucario?

Please, get up!

You can do it!


Yeah, get up!

Come on!

Pika, Pika!



All right!

Lucario, Power-Up Punch, go!


Car, Car!

All right! Way to go!




Blaziken can't move, so speed won't help it now!

We're almost done.

Lucario, let's finish this up!

[Gurkinn] Enough!

[Gurkinn] You have won.

Hi, Korrina.


[all] That's your grandfather?

Yes, they call me the Mega Evolution guru.

I'm Gurkinn.

Mega Evolution guru?Pika?

And he's Korrina's grandfather as well?

So what is he doing here anyway?

You battled nobly, Blaziken.

You may return.

What's going on?

Does all of this mean that Blaziken

is your Pokémon, Grandfather?

That's right.

But why all of this?

I knew that you would complete your training

and make it here successfully,

so I thought I'd give you this final trial myself.

And you overcame it beautifully, as I knew you would.

You passed this final test with flying colors!

Well done, Korrina, dear,

and you as well, Lucario.


Now, go forth, and take what you've earned!

We've finally got the Lucarionite!

[Ash] Mr. McGinty!


We came back!

Well, it's nice to see you.

Did you find what you were looking for?

Yup, we sure did!


Sorry, Mr. McGinty.

You took such a nice photo of us,

but I'm afraid mine got burned up.

I see.

Well then, we'll just have to print you out another one.

Really? Thanks a lot!

Say, it looks like it went well.

Your granddaughter really is something special.

She's my granddaughter.

Of course she is!

[Serena] Wait, do you know Korrina's grandfather?

Actually, he asked me to help you out

in your quest to locate the Lucarionite.

That's right.

So you knew from the beginning?

Pika, Pika?

Sorry, kids.

[Clemont] Then what's up with that story

about something terrible happening in the cave?

I made it up.

Made it up?Pika!

If someone unworthy of the Mega Stone

had gone inside the cave,

Blaziken would have driven them off,

so it wasn't a total lie.

Like Team Rocket.


Now, Korrina.Yeah?

As proof that you overcame your trial,

the Lucarionite is yours.

I'm giving it to you.


Good for you!

Lucario too.Pika, Pika!

Wonderful!It sure is!


You're so nice, thank you!


[Gurkinn] Okay, Korrina.

Are you ready?

Ready, Grandfather!

Here we go, Lucario!


Now, Lucario, Mega Evolve!

We'll finally get to see another Mega Evolution!

[Clemont] I can't wait!


[narrator] After overcoming many obstacles

and winning a hard-fought battle against Blaziken,

Korrina has finally obtained Lucarionite.

Soon, Lucario's Mega Evolution will be revealed

as the journey continues!

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