17x22 - Going for the gold!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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17x22 - Going for the gold!

Post by bunniefuu »

We'll be able to see it from the top of the hill.

All right.Pikachu!

Smell the ocean.

Feels so nice.

It's always great to get to the shore.

This says how beautiful Ambrette Town is.

That's the ocean, Dedenne.


All right, Froakie, I choose you.

Check out the ocean.


[all laughing]

Froakie's a Water type.

No wonder it's so happy.

Yeah. This would be a great spot to train.

But there's still somewhere I wanna go.

Where's that, Serena?


Ambrette Aquarium.



It's got lots of Water-type Pokémon

from all the different regions.

That's it.

I've wanted to go since forever.

Sounds like fun.

I'd like to go, too.

Pika, Pika!

I wanna go! I wanna go! I wanna go!

Then let's go!

♪♪ I wanna be the very best

♪ Like no one ever was

♪ To catch them is my real test ♪

♪ To train them is my cause

♪ Pokémon

♪ Gotta catch 'em all

♪ It's you and me

♪ Pokémon

♪ I know it's my destiny

♪ Pokémon

♪ Yeah! You're my best friend

♪ In a world we must defend

♪ Pokémon

♪ Gotta catch 'em all!

♪ Pokémon


[Ash] Going for the gold!

[announcer] Continuing their journey

to Cyllage City,

our heroes have decided to visit Ambrette Aquarium

where they can marvel at the many Water-type Pokémon

on display there.

Welcome to Ambrette Aquarium.

I'm sure you'll enjoy all our aquatic displays.

Can't wait to see them.

Our aquarium is the perfect place

to see many different Water-type Pokémon.

You're a keeper.

Wow! Hey, I need you to take care of my brother, please.

Bonnie, I told you to stop this a million times.

This is so embarrassing.

I hope you'll think about it, please.

Have a nice day.


Wow! So many.


They're beautiful.

A Gorebyss. Wow!

It's a pink Pokémon, and it's totally cute.


That scared me!

That's a Relicanth.

Did that scare you, too, Dedenne?


Cool. A Stunfisk.

Pika, Pika!



You mean Wooper.


Too cute!



They're beautiful.

Aren't they pretty, Dedenne?


It's like we're all underwater.

You never get to see

Water-type Pokémon from this angle.

What a treat.Yeah, right?

Hey, what's that?

It's a Mantine.


It's gigantic.

Whoever designed this aquarium

sure knows a lot about Water-type Pokémon.

For sure.


And, now, here's a group of Piplup

out for a little stroll.


Cutie pie!

Whoops! Wrong way.

The Piplup are really friendly, aren't they?

Pikachu and I know a Piplup who's really something else.



Hey, it's a Magikarp.


[Pokédex] Magikarp, the fish Pokémon.

Because all Magikarps seem to do is splash around,

some consider them weak.

But they're actually a hardy Pokémon

that can survive in water no matter dirty it is.


They do splash around a lot.

You know, many Magikarp live in the bay here.

Uh, who are you?

Just a friendly observer.

Of course, there are many different types

of Pokémon in the world,

but Water-type Pokémon are surprisingly

the second most common type.

I never knew that.

Pika, Pika.

See, there are so many different types of Water-type Pokémon

because they have adapted to the many different environments

that are found in the ocean.

Man, that's cool stuff.

They can see outside.

Uh, see what?


I meant this.

A Magikarp statue.

And it's gold-colored.

It's so big!

It's a statue of the giant golden Magikarp.

So, why did they make a statue for it?

This Magikarp represents a dream for a lot of people.

If you'd like to learn more,

I suggest you speak to that gentleman over there.

You see, he's the aquarium's curator.

I must be going now.

He has great stories to tell.

Thanks very much.

Well, let's go!

Dig it!

Swiping and selling that gold statue

should make us beaucoup de bucks.

Don't count our millions just yet.

It's probably just gold-plated.


If it was solid gold,

it simply wouldn't be out here unprotected.

If that's true,

why would they have a statue like this

hanging out here in the first place?

Perhaps there's a real giant gold Magikarp

splashing somewhere out there.

It behooves us to make it ours, then.


Yes, a bite!


It's a big one, that's for sure.


Excuse me.

Do you run the aquarium?

Why, yes, I do.

My name is Rodman.

Nice to meet you.

I'd also like you to meet my partner, Clauncher.

Clauncher, Clauncher.

It's a Clauncher.

[Pokédex] Clauncher.

The Water g*n Pokémon.

Clauncher fires compressed water

from the arm g*n on its right claw

and damages foes from the impact from the water.

Whoa. Pikachu.

We were curious about

that giant golden Magikarp statue.

Oh, that statue's amazing, isn't it?

As a matter of fact,

I'm trying to catch the real golden Magikarp right now.


There's a real golden Magikarp?

According to local legend, yes.

So that explains why that amazing statue's on display.

The legend's been around for years.

Long ago, people spent lots of time free diving here.

One day, a free diver was shocked by a Starmie

while underwater and came very close to drowning.

Suddenly, a mysterious, giant, golden Magikarp

appeared out of nowhere

and carried the free diver to shore, saving his life.


Apparently, the giant, golden Magikarp

has been spotted in this same area several other times.


You see, the mayor is a very friendly man,

so when I told him about the legend,

he installed that golden Magikarp statue

for the aquarium.

My dream is to catch it for the aquarium

so children will have the opportunity

to see it up close.

That way, everyone will enjoy the aquarium even more.

After all, the purpose of an aquarium is to educate

and entertain, don't you think?

Sounds really awesome to me.


Pika! Pika. Pika.

Claun. Pika.

Well, well, well.

It's a legend.

Where there's smoke, there's fire,

I always say.

Which means if it is real--

We'll swim in success.

Then Operation Catch the Golden Magikarp

is underway.

Oh, I just had a big brainstorm.

Pedal to the metal.

[all] Full speed ahead!

I got a bite!

Wow, this could be it!

The golden Magikarp.

It's a big one!

Karp. Magikarp.

[all groaning]


It's just a regular Magikarp.

Karp? Magikarp.

Whenever I catch a regular Magikarp,

I always release it back into the ocean.

I know! I'll help you catch it.

Me, too!

I'd like to help, too.

Well, looks like I've got myself a fishing team.


No doubt I'm going to be the one who catches

that giant golden Magikarp.

We'll see about that.

You can do it, big brother!

Pika pi!

Oh. Uh...

What's the matter?

I've never fished before.

Oh, yeah? No prob. I'll teach ya.

Oh, please!

First, bring your rod all the way back, like this.

Then fling it as far as you can.

Throw the lure.

Like this?Farther.

How about this?!

Now you cast the lure with all your might.

Nice one!

You definitely have potential.

Wow, you think so?

Hello, there.

It's really nice to meet you.





[all] Who's that Pokémon?

[all] It's Clauncher!


[Serena] What's that?

A bite. Reel it in, quick!

I'm trying!

Could it be the giant, golden Magikarp?

[both] We'll give you a hand! Pull!


Cor!Whoa, it's a Corsola!

It's so cute.

Yeah, Corsola.

Serena, why don't you battle Corsola and catch it?

If you wanna catch it,

you should battle it right away.


'Kay, Fennekin, come on out!





La la la la.

You shouldn't have run away like that, Fennekin.

You should've battled instead.

Fen, Fen, Fennekin.

Well, it was all a bit sudden.

Next time, for sure.


Claun... cher?

Wanna play?

Clauncher! Clauncher!





Ne ne ne ne ne!

Hey, stop fighting, both of you!

Dedenne! Stop it now!



Ne ne!


Ne ne ne ne.

Clauncher, now you know better than to attack

an aquarium patron's Pokémon.


Clauncher could be a bit friendlier, I guess.

It originally lived in the aquarium,

so anyone who visited us here could watch

and interact with it.

But Clauncher didn't like being looked at that way.

It lost its appetite,

and I could tell it was getting sadder and sadder.

So I decided to make it my Pokémon instead.

Fortunately, it's fine when it's just the two of us.

I see.



Ne ne ne.

Oh, you.

Ne ne ne.

Bonnie, I told you Dedenne's Nuzzle was dangerous.


Sorry, my brain's numb.

There. Our giant, golden Magikarpbot is complete.

That big lug gets three stars!

The real golden Magikarp will think it's a friend

and approach it, and then...

[all] Gotcha!

Hey, Clemont, what are you making there, anyway?

All done.

The future is now thanks to science.

Clemontic Gear, on!

Its name?

"The No Need For Water-type Pokémon Food

Chinchou Model Magikarp Magnet!"

Your names are pretty boring, but they say it all.

A sound wave inaudible to people

will omit from Chinchou's antennae

all the way down to the bottom of the ocean.

That sound wave has a naturally soothing effect on Magikarp,

so they'll be attracted to

and gather around my wonderful device!

And that' when we'll reel them all in.

Wow! Science is so amazing!

You're a genius!

Ah, shucks, you flatter me.

Let's get to it.

Power on!

[sound waves humming]

[Serena] Do you really think

that thing will work?

[all gasping]

[Serena] Is that a Magikarp?

[Rodman] I don't think so.

[Red] It's a Sharpedo!


Shar! Shar!

It didn't work in a big way.

It shouldn't have attracted them.

Just Magikarp.

You would think that glorious golden Magikarp

would be all over us by now.

Heads up! Did you see that?

It was giant-size!

Catching time...

[all cry out]

We swiped a Starmie instead!

Then let it go!I'm trying!

Fishing's kinda boring when you don't get any bites.

But isn't it nice to relax with nothing to do,

with all the time in the world

to feel the delightful ocean breezes?

All done.

The future is still now, thanks to science.

It's time for take two.

Clemontic Gear, on!

Its name?

The "This Time It Will Attract Only Magikarp

For Certain Lanturn Model"!

Your names are still pretty boring,

but they do say it all, like them or not.

You sure it's going to work this time?

Yes. I just ran extensive tests on the Magikarp in the aquarium

and discovered which sound wave they prefer.

This improved model will emit a special sound wave

down to the bottom of the ocean,

basically the same procedure as the Chinchou model.

It's amazing that science is so amazing!

Let's get started, then.

You're sure about this?

Golden Magikarp, come to me.


[sound waves humming]

Nothing seems to be happening.

I've got a bite!

Yeah, so do I!

I seem to have a bite, too!

All right! You can do it!

Hey, I've got a bite!

[all straining]

[Jessie] We're being pulled backwards!

Meowth, what's up?

You got me.

Pedal to the metal times !

[all grunting]

So heavy.

Mine's heavy, too.

I've never caught something like this before.

Me neither!

Hang on, Clemont!

It's too big for me to hold onto!

Pika, Pika!


It's huge!


Could we have caught it?

[all] We did!

It's the golden Magikarp!

Amazing! It really does exist!


We really caught it!

We really caught it!

Excellent! My new device worked.

Great job, big brother!


All right, Pikachu, are you ready to battle it?

Pika, Pika!

Pika?No way!

Prepare for trouble! No way, you say?

And make it double. No way! No way!

To protect the world from devastation!

To unite all people within our nation!

To denounce the evils of fishing hooks!

To extend our denouncing to twerpish crooks!


And James!

Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!

Surrender now or prepare for an aquatic fight!

Meowth, that's right!


[all] Team Rocket!

Can't you see we're trying to catch the golden Magikarp?

Get yourself in someone else's way for a change.

Those guys are always messing everything up.

Well, who are those guys?

They're bad guys who steel people's Pokémon.

Let's grab those g*ons' Pokémon

and show them no one gets in Team Rocket's face!

Beginning with Clauncher!

Down we go.


Claunch! Claunch!

Speedy Pokémon!

Change up.

Let's set our sights on Dedenne!

Ne ne ne ne!

Dedenne! No!

Help Dedenne, Pikachu!




Ne ne ne!


Ally oop, Pumpkaboo!

You too, Inkay!

Use Shadow Ball!


Look out, Clauncher!

Dodge it!

Inkay, Psybeam!


Now use Water g*n!



Crabhammer, let's go!


Now use Bubble Beam!


Pika! Pika, Pika!

You've got it, buddy!

Thunderbolt, go!Pika.


[all] We're blasting off again!

Thanks! That was so nice of you to rescue Dedenne!

Clauncher may be a bit ornery,

but it has a strong sense of justice.


[all laughing]

Guess it's time to call it a day.

I'm sorry for all the trouble you had to go through.

And that we weren't able to help much.

Thank you for lending us your fishing rods.

You kids go on and keep them.

I'm certain they'll come in handy someday.

Wow, really? Thank you so much.

We'll take good care of them.

We appreciate it.

[water splashing]



Was, was that it?


The legend is really true!


Yes, it's true!

All right!

It does exist.

Happy! Happy!

Everybody's happy!

[all laughing]

Gotta go.

We'll be back.

Good. And I will have caught the golden Magikarp

by the time I see you next.

[Serena] We look forward to it.

Ne ne ne ne.


[announcer] Although our heroes

were unable to help Rodman catch the golden Magikarp of legend,

they've once again been reminded

there are countless wonders they have yet to discover

as their exciting adventures continue.
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