Miracle on 34th Street (1994)

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Miracle on 34th Street (1994)

Post by bunniefuu »



-Ask him.


-Ask him!



-Look at him, Grandpa. Ask him.

-Ryan, that's enough.

Um, I'm sorry. He, uh-- Heh.

He thinks you're Santa Claus.


I am.


Merry Christmas.

Uh, Merry Christmas.

Nuts, I should have got his autograph.


Dashing through the snow

In a one-horse open sleigh

O'er the fields we go

Laughing all the way

Bells on bobtail ring

Making spirits bright

Oh, what fun it is to laugh and sing

A sleighing song tonight

Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells

Jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh

Hey, jingle bells, jingle bells

Jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh

What is the problem?

Your Santa Claus is wearing a topcoat

and a fedora.



That's not my Santa Claus.

Right. Now, throw it out

and bring it up right up high...

...and down she comes!



Just in the wrist, you see.

It's really quite simple, you know,

when you get the knack of it.

Now, then, why don't you....


Okay, pops, come on. It's my turn.

Now, uh, give me the whip.

What have you just been drinking?

I had a little something to keep me warm.

Give me the whip.

-You are intoxicated, sir.

-Yeah, and you are a pain in the butt.

Let me tell you something.

You are a disgrace.

Do you have any idea

how many children are watching you...

-...and you're drinking?

-Just give me the whip.

Let me tell you something, young man.

When you put on this suit,

you represent something...

...that has a great meaning and significance

to people all over the world.


Now, I could overlook

your poorly manufactured jacket...

...or even your ludicrously unbelievable beard.


-Or perhaps your phonily padded tummy...

...but I will not tolerate public drunkenness.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

-Hey, can I get a cop over here?

-That's a very good idea. Officer!

Hey, wait a minute, you.

Mrs. Walker. Mrs. Walker. Mrs. Walker.

We need your help here! Ah!


If you're not with the parade, sir, get back up

on the sidewalk with everybody else.

I need to see whomever's in charge, in order

to alert them to this man's drunken condition.

-Kiss my--!

-Don't! Easy! Take it easy!

Gramps, come on. Hey, come on.

Let's go for a little walk, huh?



That man's a degenerate.

It's time to go to work,

right up in the old office.



A little drafty there. Heh-heh.

Hey, uh, let's just watch the parade, okay?

Come on.

Okay, now, settle in here now. Whoops.

Oh, my God.

If this darn costume fit.... Ugh.

Okay, we'll show this guy how to do it.




Ho, ho, ho!

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.



Sir? Sir, excuse me.

-Hello. I'm Dorey Walker.


Director of special projects

for C.F. Cole's department store.

It's my pleasure.

As a matter of fact,

I was looking for you a few moments ago.

There's no doubt you saw

your Santa Claus is inebriated.

I know. He has created such a terrible problem.

Millions of children are watching here

and on television...

...and they're expecting to see Santa Claus,

and right now we don't have one.

That is a terrible problem.

Would you do it?

Would you be our Santa Claus?


-Well, do you have any experience?

-Well, just a little.

-Great. I'm sure you'll be fine.

No. Isn't there someone else you could ask?

Sir, the parade has started already.

It's you, right now,

or else there is no Santa...

...in the Cole's Thanksgiving Day parade.

Well, might I perhaps have a moment

to think about it?

Don't worry about a thing. Just be yourself.


Now Dasher, now Dancer,

now Prancer and Vixen.

Now Comet, now Cupid,

now Donner and Blitzen. Hey!



Merry Christmas.


Merry Christmas.

This Santa Claus is fantastic.

-Did he sign a contract?

-No. There wasn't any time.

Myrna's gonna have him sign

after the parade.

She'll have him fill out his employment papers

and he'll start work in the morning.

The only condition he insisted on is

that he be able to wear his own Santa suit.

He has his own Santa suit?


Well, if it's horrible,

we'll make him wear one of ours.

I'm going home.

You're not gonna watch

the rest of the parade?

No, I think I've had quite enough

for one day, thank you.

-I will see you in the morning.

-Okay. Chin-chin.


Merry Christmas.



Mom, I'm still at Mr. Bedford's.

We can see the parade from his window.

So put on something comfortable

and come on over.

P.S. Mr. Bedford put the turkey in the oven.

He said you forgot to sew up

the turkey's bottom.

The stuffing will fall out.

But he told me not to say anything...

...because he loves you,

and he wants to kiss you...

...and he thinks you're the most beautiful

woman in the whole world!

Do you know how much it costs

to make this parade?

Uh, a million dollars. Two million dollars?

One point six, and it's probably a big mistake

because some guy's gonna buy Cole's...

-...and turn it into a junk store.

-That's not gonna happen.

Two big banks just came in and rescued Cole's,

so you'd better check your sources.

But Cole's has to pay them back, plus interest.

If they don't sell a lot of stuff at Christmas,

you can forget about it, pal.

Oh. Well, I think you should ask Santa Claus...

...to give Cole's an interest-free loan

for Christmas.

What do you think about that?


-That's a good one.

-You know what? It might happen.

I mean, Santa Claus,

he does some pretty amazing things.

Bryan, you know what? I know.

-You know what?

-The secret.

What secret?

Santa Claus.

I've known for a long time.

He's not real.

Says who?

My mom.


I believe you have something of mine.

About 4-foot tall, brown hair,

talks like she's 64 years old?





Ungh. Mwah. Heh-heh.

-So, what do you think?

-It's a good one.

-Yeah? Did Santa Claus come by yet?


-Is it Tony Falacchi again?

-No, Tony had to leave.



-It's the pressure.



But you know what? I got this new guy...

...and he really looks like the real thing.

Maybe he is.


-Are you still coming to dinner?

-Am I still invited?


-Then I'm coming.

Honey, would you run home

and put the camera stuff away?

-I'll put the stuff away. You keep watching.


Let her finish watching the parade.

Come on. Santa hasn't even come by yet.

Well, as soon as Santa does come by,

I would like for you to come home, all right?

Sure. That's the end of the parade anyway.

There's nothing else to see

except guys cleaning up horse poop.

And that doesn't thrill me at all.

Hello! Merry Christmas.


MAN [ON PHONE]: Hello? Yes, sir.


I've been watching the parade.

It looks bigger than last year.

What is the crowd estimate?

Well, sir, cops say over a million.

Last year it was about 750.

Have Marketing come up with a giveaway,

something free.

I don't want a crowd

outside Cole's in the morning.

I hate to say this, Mr. Landbergh.

But Cole's has got one hell

of a Santa Claus this year.

If I didn't know better,

I'd say he was the real article.

Keep an eye on this, Mr. Duff.

These small, seemingly insignificant

sentimental anachronisms...

...can be surprisingly potent.

I don't want my plans damaged

by an elderly cherub in a red suit.

I'm on it, sir.


BRYAN: There we go.


-Happy Thanksgiving.

DOREY: Happy Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving.

You know, this is kind of like TV.

Except I'd need a brother and a dog.

And Bryan would be the dad.

-Mr. Bedford.

-He said I could call him Bryan.

Only if it's okay with your mom.

It's fine.

Bryan would be the dad, you'd be the mom...

...and we'd need either a kind of fat person

who's our cook...

...or a neighbor who's always at our house.

You know, that's not very interesting.

Why don't we talk about something else?

-For the chef.

-In the loosest sense of the word.

In every sense of the word.

The vegetables are catered.

So was dessert.

-Thank you, Susan.

-You're welcome.

Do we give blessings in this house?

Not unless my grandparents are here.

Would you mind if I did it?

It's kind of a tradition with me.

Oh, fine.

We give thanks for the food before us

and the closeness of the people we love.

We pray that these gifts

we so gratefully receive...

...will be shared with those less fortunate

than ourselves.



All right, let's eat.

I slaved all day.

They really outdid themselves.







You have a very nice name.

One of my elves is married

to a fellow called Daniel.

-Do you know what you want for Christmas?


I want a Peter Polliwog patrol frog

that swims and blows up.

Gosh, that sounds great.

Psst. No. Can Mother have a word

with Santa, please?

Yes, of course. Just a minute.

Don't make me look bad.

Them things cost 70 bucks.

He just looked at them.

I tell you what. Shopper's Express

have got them on sale at $34.99.

With a $5 rebate,

now, that's reasonable enough, isn't it?

Yeah. Thanks.

But let me ask you a question.

Since when is Cole's

sending customers someplace else?

Oh, I don't think it matters

where the toys are sold...

...as long as it makes the children happy.

I'm sure the people in this store

believe exactly the same as I do.

Yeah. Yeah, that's the spirit.

Thanks, Santa.


-Thank you.

-Merry Christmas to you.

-Merry Christmas.

Now, then, young man,

if you're a very good boy...

...and do exactly

what your mommy tells you...

...you're gonna have a Peter Polliwog

for Christmas.


-Bye, Santa.


Bye-bye, Daniel. Merry Christmas.

Come on, then. Come on.

Right. Heh. Up here on my--

That's it, on my knee.

Now, then, what's your name?

-You the boss?

-I'm general manager of the store.

My kid just asked Santa for a barf g*n

and the Santa said he'd get it for him.

I hope the boy likes it.

They're over there by the elevator.

-And they're 90 bucks without batteries or barf.

-Prices do go up.

Apparently not at Bargain Village,

52.50 and they throw in the batteries.

I find it hard to believe

Cole's could be undersold by that much.


-Where did you get your information from?

From your Santa Claus.

We don't have them, but if you go out of here,

turn to the right and then two blocks down....

Excuse me?

Your Santa's telling everybody

where to go shop.

If you don't got it or it's too expensive here,

he's sending people...

...to where they can get it

and at the right price.

-You're serious?


Madam, will you excuse me for a moment?

You tell your Santa Claus

that he made a Cole's shopper out of me.

I'm coming here for everything

but toilet paper and bananas.

Any store that puts the parent ahead

of the almighty buck at Christmas...

...deserves my business, and you can tell

Mr. Cole that his Santa Claus...

...ought to get a raise.

You want me to go with you

to the chairman...

...and pitch an idea

that you got from Santa Claus?

If Cole's doesn't have what you're looking for,

we'll find it for you...

...even if it means

sending you somewhere else.

How does that sound?

It sounds like a great way

to go out of business.

You know that house in the country

where we do the catalog sh**t?

-You wanted to buy it.


If this works,

we're probably looking at a bonus.

-And if he hates the idea?

-We're no worse off.

If we don't turn this store around, we're all out,

from the chairman to the janitor.

Let's do it.


I like it.

It's bold, it's fresh,

it will drive Victor Landbergh nuts.


It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Soon the bells will start

And the thing that will make them ring

Is the carol that you sing

Right within your heart

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas



Why didn't you think of this?

Now, if this campaign is successful

and I know in my gut it will be...

...Cole's is gonna make a lot of money.

Now, the more money they make...

...the harder it is going to be

for me to buy them out.

Now, I want something done about this.


When I call your name,

it'll be your turn to talk to Santa.

So wait right here.

Okay, go ahead.

This seems like

a pretty pointless exercise, Bryan.

I know, but I just thought

as long as we were here...

...might as well stop by

and say hello to the old guy.

-Look at him.


Let's just say for the sake of argument

that there is a Santa Claus...

...and that you don't believe in him.

Is it worth the risk that you might not get

anything for Christmas this year?

Well, I didn't believe in him last year...

...and I still got everything

I asked my mother for.


-You get a free candy cane?

-I'm trying to limit my intake of sugar.



You can go see Santa now.

Okay, come on. Go ahead.

SANTA: Nice to meet you.

CHILD: Bye-bye.


Bye-bye, darling.


-Hello, sir.

-Oh, how do you do?

Would you like to come and sit on my knee?

Good. Up we go.

There we are.

Now, then, what's your name?

-Susan Elizabeth Walker.


-What's yours?



Well, I have lots of names.

Uh, Kriss Kringle, Santa Claus,

Father Christmas, St. Nicholas.

If you were in Holland, I'd be Sinterklaas.

Or in Italy, La Befana.

I have to speak many languages because,

of course, I travel, as you know, a great deal.


That's Russian.


That's Swahili.

My mother's Mrs. Walker.

She's director of special events for Cole's.


-She runs the parade.


-I know how this all works.

You're an employee of Cole's.

That is true.

-But you're a very good Santa Claus.

-Thank you.

Your beard's stuck on real tight.


Usually the store Santa Claus

whiskers are too loose.


-But yours look realistic.

That's because they are real.

You give them a tug. Whoo!


-Are you convinced?


SANTA: Good.

-This isn't the regular Santa suit, is it?

Oh, no. This is the real Santa suit.

-It's very nice.

-Mm, I agree. It's lovely.

Gold buttons, gold thread.

It's as real as me.

-Well, you ask your daddy if I'm real.

-I don't know where he is.

Well, he's, uh....

That's my friend, Mr. Bedford.

I don't have a dad anymore.



-Well, now, what can I get you for Christmas?

SUSAN: Nothing, thank you.


-My mother buys my gifts.

If I don't want something too stupid

or dangerous or.... Hi, Mom.


-Good morning, Mrs. Walker.

-Hi. It's nice to see you again.

Thank you, thank you.


You've taken enough of this man's time.

There's a very long line of customers

and they do come first.

-Nice to meet you, Susan.

-Nice to meet you too.




If I felt that it was important

for her to see Santa Claus...

...I would be more than happy to take her.

I didn't see any harm in her saying hello

to an interesting old man.

Well, there is harm.

I tell her that there is no Santa Claus.



So you bring her down here and she sees...

...thousands of gullible kids

and she meets an actor, a very good actor...

...mind you, with a real beard

and a beautiful Santa suit...

...sitting smack dab in the center

of a child's fantasy world.

So who does she believe?

The myth or the mom?

Listen, I just got some mistletoe.

Why don't we go back to my place

and try it out?

No. I don't think so.


I'm here. I can help.

All you have to do is ask.

Well, actually, there is one thing.

Would you mind taking Susan home?




The reason I haven't been to see you is,

heh, I'm working at Cole's.


All I have to do is to be myself.

There you are. Heh-heh.

That's it. Very good. Very good.

JACK: Excuse me.


-Good evening.

-Good evening.

-My name is Jack Duff.

-How do you do?

Very well, thank you.

This is Alberta Leonard.

-How do you do?


Nice to meet you both. I'm Kriss Kringle.

Well, Mr. Kringle, we're with

Shopper's Express, the department store.

Oh, yes!

You've got the Peter Polliwog on sale.



Yes, we do.

We want you to be our main Santa Claus.

We have over 7000 stores worldwide,

but you would be the number one guy.



Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you,

but the people at Cole's have already hired me.

In fact, I've signed a contract.

-If you would excuse me, it is getting a bit late.

-Could we give you a ride?

That's very kind of you, but I can walk.

I mean, it's probably out of your way.

-Where are you going?

-114th Street.

The Mount Carmel Senior Center.

-We're going right by it.

-It's on our way.

Well, thank you so much.

Uh, bye-bye, Prancer.

Bye-bye, Dancer.

So, tell me, Santa, how does one guy...

...get to every house around

the world in one night?

Ah, yes. Well, now,

that is a vexing question, isn't it?

But you see, if you could slow time down...

...so that a second became a year,

a minute became a century...

...and an hour became a millennium, well,

you could manage it quite easily, couldn't you?


Mind you, I remember before--

Well, 100 years ago,

before the population expl*si*n...

...I could manage to deliver all my goods

and have enough time left over...

...for a late supper, a nap and a round

of golf with the Easter Bunny.

He winters in New Zealand, you know.


Thank you so much.

Thank you both very much indeed.

And Merry Christmas to you, Ms. Leonard.

Merry, Merry Christmas to you, Mr. Duff.

-Same to you, sir.

-Thank you very much. Good night.

-He's completely out of his mind.

-Imagine Cole's having a guy as nutty as that.

-He could become a problem for them.

-I know what you mean.



The Easter Bunny.




Nice to meet you. Bye-bye now.

-You don't think he's nuts, do you?


Well, he believes he's Santa Claus.

Absolutely believes it.

Maybe that's why he's good at it.

What difference does it make?

Have you looked at our stocks?

They're through the roof.

Sales are up 70 percent over last holiday.

In a week, this company has turned around.

And we could go the other way

just as fast if this guy does anything wrong.

-What's he gonna do?

-We don't know.

If the fate of the entire company rests

on one very unstable old man...

...I think you're celebrating

our return just a little too soon.


I'm not worried.

Hello, little one. How are you?

Come. Well....

She's deaf. You don't have to talk to her.

She just wanted to see you. Thank you.


You are a very...

...beautiful young lady.


What's your name?


That's a beautiful name.


Now, I tell you what.

Do you know "Jingle Bells"? Yes.

[SINGING] Jingle bells, jingle bells

Jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride

On a one-horse open sleigh

Heh-heh. Very good.

Darling, what would you like for Christmas?

A doll and a bear?

Well, you shall have them, Sami.

I wish you a Merry Christmas.

Yes, darling.

Thank you. Thank you.

Bye-bye. Bye.

What are you doing out of bed?

Something's driving me crazy

and I can't sleep.

-Well, what's on your mind?

-Santa Claus.

Mr. Kringle? Why? What about him?

He talked sign language with a kid today.


That was considerate of him.

It's weird how he knows

so much about toys and kids.


-He speaks Russian and Swahili.

Well, he must be quite a learned man.

He looks exactly like every picture

of Santa Claus I ever saw.

Yes, I know. That's why I chose him.

You're positive

he's not the real Santa Claus?

I thought that we talked about this.

You understand what he is.

What if we we're wrong?

That would be extremely rude.


Well, we're not wrong, sweetheart.

But all my friends believe in Santa Claus.

Well, most children your age do.

How come I don't?

Because you know the truth and truth is one

of the most important things in the world.

To know the truth

and to always be truthful with others...

...and, more importantly, with yourself.

And believing in myths and fantasies

just makes you unhappy.

Did you believe in Santa Claus

when you were my age?


-Were you unhappy?

Well, when all the things that I believed in...

...turned out not to be true,

yes, I was unhappy.

Would it be okay

if I thought about this some more?

Do I have to not believe

in Santa Claus right away?

Come here.

You have the right to believe

whatever you want to believe.

Now, I've told you the truth, but if I am wrong,

I would be glad to admit it.

I'll tell you what.

You ask Mr. Kringle...

...for something

that you would never ask me for...

...and if on Christmas morning

you don't get it...

...you will know once and for all

the honest truth about Santa Claus.

-That's a very clever idea.

-Thank you.

-Now, you think you can get some sleep?


Yeah? Give me a kiss.

-Good night.

-I love you.

I love you.

-Good night.

-Good night.


Christmas, Christmas


Well, it's Christmas time, pretty baby

And the snow is falling on the ground

Christmas, Christmas

Well, it's Christmastime, pretty baby

Barkeep! Reload on this.

Hey. Hey! Can I get another beer?

Boy, that Cole's,

they dealt me the high hard one.

I did a good job for them last year

and this year, they gave me the:


-The royal fist.

-So they just gave you the shaft.

They didn't have any grounds

on which to dismiss you.

That broad that runs the parade every year,

one of these college kids...

...with a 3-ounce brain

and 50 tons of attitude....


She hires some wacko,

right off the street, to take my place.

-Some wacko? Tell me about him.

-The old man? He's a loon.

-I mean, we got thousands of them in this city.

-I'll say.

Never had one of them take my job, though.

Hey, Tony, did you have any contact

with this old guy?

Contact? The guy came up on the float

and got right up in my face.

-So he got aggressive with you?

-He had a cane.

He tried to whack me over the head

with the cane.

-He tried to whack you with a cane?

-Isn't that what I just said?

Tony, this'll make you feel better.

I've got a little job I want you to do for me.


What, uh--?

What kind of job you have in mind?

You'll see.


Just be yourself.

Don't even think about the camera.

-You'll be just fine.


I must confess I don't quite know

why they're making such a fuss about me.

Well, this is the holiday season

and you're Santa Claus, right?

To many, yes, but to others

I'm just an old man with a white beard.

Yes, but you're still the symbol

of the season.

You think I'm a fraud, don't you?

-I think fraud is a bit too strong of a word.

-But you don't believe in me.

I believe that Christmas is for children.

Well, your daughter doesn't believe

in me either.

I don't think that there's any harm

in not believing in a figure...

...that many do acknowledge to be a fiction.

Oh, but there is.

I'm not just a whimsical figure who, uh...

...wears a charming suit

and affects a jolly demeanor.

You know, I'm a symbol.

I'm a symbol of the human ability

to be able...

...to suppress the selfish

and hateful tendencies...

...that rule the major part of our lives.

If you can't believe...

...if you can't accept anything...

...on faith...

...then you're doomed

for a life dominated by doubt.

I like you very much, Mrs. Walker.

You're a fine woman.

And you know...

...I think you'll make an excellent test case

for me, you and your daughter.

If I could make you believe...

...then there'd be some hope for me.

If I can't, well, I'm finished.


Shall we go?

Five, four, three, two, one.

I'm Kriss Kringle and I'm at Cole's

department store in New York City.

Good morning, America.


No, Mr. Kringle's time is extremely limited.

Sorry. Mr. Bedford's on line three.

No, he can't do private sessions.

Can you hold for just a moment?

Yeah, hang on.

Hi, Bryan. I have the mayor's office on hold.

What's up?

If I can arrange a really,

really good babysitter for tonight...

...do you wanna do some shopping

and have dinner?

Well, I'm not sure what I'm....

I don't know if I can get Celia tonight.

I'll take care of it. I'll see you at 7 o'clock?

Well, I'm not sure what....

Okay, fine. Seven. Bye.

KRISS: Whoa, back.

BRYAN: Who is this one now?

This is Dancer. He's a bit slow.


KRISS: Not very good with his food.

Poor old Dancer. Heh-heh.

Oh. Good evening, Mrs. Walker.

Good evening, Mr. Kringle.

Nobody at school's gonna believe

this one, huh?

Well, if you have to have a babysitter,

who's better qualified?








Pretty, isn't it?

There really has to be something

you want for Christmas.

I'm very good at keeping secrets, you know.

Come on, tell me.

Oh. What's this?



That's what I want for Christmas.

A house, a brother and a dad.

That's all I ever want.


If you're really Santa Claus,

you can get it for me.

If you can't, you're just a nice man

with a white beard like my mother says.

Oh, Susan. Heh.

Just because every child

doesn't get his or her wish...

-...doesn't mean there's not a Santa Claus.

-I thought you might say that.

Did you? Yes.

-Well, a house is a very big order.

-And very expensive.

And a baby, well, I mean, a baby takes,

uh, almost a year to, uh....

Nine months. More if the lady's late.

Less if the baby's a preemie.

Right. Heh.

And a father, I mean, uh...

...no one can give anybody a father.

If Santa Claus really can make reindeer fly,

and go up and down people's chimneys...

...and make millions of toys,

and go all around the world in one night...

...he could get somebody a house

and a brother...

...and a dad, right?

Right. Right, yes, I suppose he could.

I don't think I'll ever get those things,

so it's no big deal.


Well, um, perhaps I could keep this paper,

could I?


-Well, good night, little angel.

-Good night.

-Good night, Susan.

-Good night, Mr. Kringle.

A family for Christmas.

I don't think so.

No, really. I mean....


-See, that wasn't so bad, huh?

-I had a great time.

You need to get out.

That's what your problem is.

You need to forget work, forget all those things

that you have to do and come out with me.

But you understand why I didn't.

Sometimes I think I do,

sometimes I think I don't.

Well, you are a very patient man.

Most guys are gone

after a few months of me.

-Oh, so you admit that you're rough on men.

-No, I'm not just rough on men.


Yeah, I admit it. I'm careful.

At this point in my life,

I really don't need to be disappointed.

Do you want one

of your Christmas presents early?

I got you a Christmas present

and I wanna give it to you.

-What is it?

-Do you want it early?

Well, yes.


What is it?

Open it.

It's an engagement ring.

If I've given you a false impression...

...of this relationship, I'm very sorry.

Are you serious?

Have I ever given you any sign

that I wanted to marry you?


Then tell me, whatever possessed you

to make such a presumption?

You know, I've done everything I could

to try to make you happy.

I love your daughter like she's my own,

I loved you...

...getting nothing in return,

never asking for anything in return.

I put my faith in you.

Well, if that's true, then you're a fool.



-Good evening. Taxi, please.



-Mr. Bedford.


-How was your night as a babysitter?

-Oh, ho-ho, very pleasant.

-Yeah, Susan's a good kid.

-Oh, yes. Delightful, delightful.

Well, how was it?

-I gave her an engagement ring.

-Oh. Oh.

She didn't like it very much.

Mmm. Well, perhaps your timing

wasn't particularly good.


Not at all.

She's.... She's, um, a sad sort of person.

It's a pity, really.

I mean, she's very kind.

But she's terribly careful

about her emotions.


What I know about Dorey is pieced together

from fragments of a dozen conversations.

She was married in college,

he had a drinking problem...

...and right after Susan was born, he took off

and hasn't been heard of since.


She's filled with these-- These bitter thoughts

and the worst part about it...

...is that she's dragging Susan

into this with her.

Ah, yes. Well, Susan is struggling with it.

But I get the feeling she really does want

to believe in me, you know?

She's a good girl.

She's loyal to her mother's wishes.

I can't fault that.

But of course, if I can't convince the mother...

...I have no hope of convincing the child.

Tooth Fairy told me that.


-Well, your cab's here, Kriss.


I always wondered what guys who have

to return engagement rings...

...say to the sales clerk at the jewelry store.


Now I don't wanna know.

I'm sure in your line of work, you can find

some lucky guy to give this to.

It's very generous of you...

...but I don't think this ring will

ever fit anyone other than Mrs. Walker.

-I'm sure you'll find somebody.

-I'm sorry.

-It's okay. I'll get over it.

-And Susan?

Well, I know what you want

for Christmas now.

I'll see what I can do.

-Good night.

-Good night.


Bye-bye. Bye-bye.


WOMAN: Come on,

it's your turn to go up now. Go ahead.



-What do you want for Christmas?

BOY: A bike.

Excuse me, sir.

Could you please step aside?

This is for the children.

Hot little helper you got here, huh, Santa?


She the one that puts

the, uh, twinkle in your eye?


Hey, kids, you see that guy up there?

He's not really Santa Claus.

He doesn't even live at the North Pole.

He lives in a nursing home on 114th Street.

You know what he is?

He's a big, fat fake.


Yeah. Just a fake!

Ho, ho, ho.





-Hey! Goofball.


Yeah, you, numb nuts.

What is a guy your age

playing this game for, huh?

I mean, are you just a lonely,

pathetic mental case?

Or does it go a little bit deeper than that?

Is there a darker side to this?

Tell me something,

you sorry, old cr*pple, you.

You got a thing for the little ones, huh?

Huh? Huh?!

Because they ain't much good

for nothing else, are they? Huh?





Hey, stop that man! Quickly.

Get the cane away from him.

I didn't intend to injure him.

He baited me, he provoked me.

-Save it for the cops, sir.

-He's badly hurt.

Wait a second. You're Cole's Santa Claus.

Cole's Santa Claus?




He said the most terrible....

MAN 1: Clear the way, folks, please.

MAN 2: All right, folks.

Show's over. Please, step back.

MAN 1:

Take it easy now, sir.

WOMAN 1 [ON TV]: You might want

to clear the kids out of the room...

...before we read this next story.

It appears that New York's most famous

Santa Claus has a mean streak.

The centerpiece of C.F. Cole's big holiday

ad push is behind bars this morning.

WOMAN 2 [ON TV]: --plans regarding

a replacement for Mr. Kringle.

The spokesperson did say, however,

that for at least the remainder of today...

...there will be no Santa Claus

at the 34th Street store.


--without any apparent provocation...

...struck him repeatedly

with a walking stick.

Police arrived within moments

and arrested Kringle.

WOMAN 3 [ON TV]: --planning to take

your children to the store today, take note.

There will be no Santa Claus

at the 34th Street store.

C.F. Cole's competitors are having

the last laugh this morning.

KRISS: I'm not just a whimsical figure

who wears a charming suit...

...and affects a jolly demeanor, you know.

I'm a symbol.

I'm a symbol of the human ability...

...to suppress the selfish

and hateful tendencies...

...that rule the major part of our lives.

And if you can't accept anything on faith...

...then you're doomed

to a life dominated by doubt.

Get me Bryan Bedford on the phone.



-I know. I saw the papers.

I want you to help him.

He's at Bellevue,

and I don't know what's happening.

But he's alone and he shouldn't be.

What's Cole's position?

Do the attorneys have an opinion?

This isn't about Cole's.

This is about a man...

...who has had

something very wrong done to him.

Somebody you care about.

Somebody you believe in.

Come in.

Your Honor,

do you have a moment for Ed Collins?

Heh. Send him in.


How are you, Eddie? What can I do for you?

-How are you?


Just the commitment papers

for the Cole's Santa.

-Oh, boy, that's a shocker, huh?

-The press is having a field day.

-"Age unknown." Old man, is he?

-Very old, Your Honor.


-Am I going to have to read all this?

-No, it's a slam dunk.

The guy's out of his mind.

We'd like it over quick.





-Oh, yes.

-Right there.

Well, justice will have to prevail, of course.

Oh, of course.


Yes, justice will have to prevail. As always.

Money makes the world go round, Eddie.

Ha-ha-ha. Yes, it does, Your Honor.

It sure does.

By the way,

Mr. Landbergh wanted me to tell you...

...that he's very well aware of your, uh,

reelection campaign coming up this spring.

-Tell him I would welcome his support.

-Will do.


Come in.

-A Mr. Bedford's here to see you.


He represents Mr. Kringle.

Send him in.

Your Honor, there seems

to be some undue haste in this case.

I wish to protect my client's rights,

as I'm sure you do.

-Mr. Prosecutor, this is, uh....

-Bryan Bedford.

Ed Collins.

If Your Honor please, I request a formal

hearing where I may bring witnesses.

You can sign

the commitment papers now if you like...

...but I'll bring in habeas corpus

this afternoon.


We'll have a hearing.

-Thursday morning, 9 a.m.?

-Thank you, sir.

-Mr. Collins.

-Mr. Bedford.


I thought you said

the old man didn't have an attorney.

What difference does it make?

It's gonna be a hearing, not a jury trial.

You're the only one

that has to be convinced.



Have a good day, judge.

Wanna know something, mister?

I don't believe it.

This guy ain't dangerous.

He may be off his rails a little bit,

but he ain't no thug.

And if he wants to call himself Santa Claus,

then God bless him.


Hello, Kriss.

Hello, Mr. Bedford.

What brings you out

on a miserable day like this?

A friend in need.

You failed your mental exam on purpose,

didn't you?


Why would I do a thing like that?

I don't know.

Maybe you've served people long enough.

Maybe you've given all you have to give.


Then why did you do it?

The charges against you were dropped.

The man you hit suffered no injury.

You could've been out of here

if you'd passed your exam.

I disgraced myself.

I read your transcript, Kriss.

You defended your honor.

You stood up for the dignity of every child.

That isn't a disgrace.

That's decency.

If I'm dismissed as a crazy old man...

...then the good name of Santa Claus is spared.

That isn't true.

If not for you, there is no Santa Claus.

You are him.

Crazy or not, here or gone,

you're Santa Claus.

Only if the children believe that.

And what kind of Santa Claus

were they believing in anyway?

They can't look to me anymore.

Not after knowing what happened

the other night.

Well, think about the other night.

A man was there to photograph the incident?

The man you hit was the man you replaced?

The cops told me this, Kriss.

The cops believe in you.

A lot of people do.

-More will when we're finished.

-Finished with what?

We're going to court.

There's a hearing Thursday

to decide if you're to be committed.

I'm going to defend you.

Together, we're gonna prove

that there is a Santa Claus...

...and that you're him.


I'm ready, counselor.

Now, we have a few days

to distance ourselves...

...from this scandal

and restart our advertising.

Uh, Mrs. Walker, we are in conference.

I have just read your press release.

You are all such a bunch of cowards.

-You really don't deserve to run the store.

-You are entirely out of line, Mrs. Walker.

We have spent millions telling people

that we are the store that cares.

Well, what is it that we care about?

Profits? Ourselves? Our jobs?

Well, what about one of our own

who needs us now?


Well, what am I to do?

The public perception of Kriss is

that he's out of his mind, he's dangerous.

We have to change that.


If we stand with Kriss...

...if we challenge the rumors

and the scandal sheets...

...if we force the truth, we'll win.

He's going into court

with the best attorney in the city...

...and he's going to prove

that Kriss is not crazy.


For the sake of the whole company...

...I think that all of you should decide...

...about whether or not

you believe in Santa Claus.


Bring up two. Go.

For the last 75 years,

Cole's has invited Santa Claus...

...to meet and greet the children

of New York City in our 34th Street store.

Cole's believes in Santa Claus...

...and we will stand by him.

He has done nothing but serve the children

and the families of New York City...

...and the world.

We invite you to join with us and ask

yourself this one simple question:

Do you believe in Santa Claus?




Yes, sir


WOMAN: Oh, yeah

CHORUS: Joy to the world

Joy to you and me

WOMAN: Joy to all the children

CHORUS: Joy to you and me

-Joy to all the people

-Joy to you and me

-Joy to all the teachers

-Joy to you and me


And wonders and wonders


And heaven and heaven

And nature



-How you doing?

-Well, I have to confess, I'm a bit uneasy.

You'll be fine.

All you have to do is to tell the truth.


Who's that character in the gray suit?

-That's the prosecutor.


Anything I should know about him?

Yeah. He doesn't believe in Santa Claus.



All rise.

Oyez, oyez. Let all those who have business

before this court come forward.

The honorable Justice Harper presiding.

Draw near and you shall be heard.

You may sit.

Your Honor, in the matter of Kriss Kringle,

the commitment papers are on your desk.

With your honor's permission,

I'd like to call the first witness.

Mr. Kringle, would you please take the stand?

It's okay.


Good morning, Judge.

How's that grandson of yours?

The parade.

He thought I looked like Santa Claus.

-Oh, oh, yes.


Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth

and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

-Yes. Don't I put my hand on a Bible?

-No, sir, you don't.

Oh. Well, then, I'll put my hand

over my heart instead. I do.

I do.


Sit down, please.


-What is your name?


Heh. I'm so sorry.

I didn't introduce myself.

I do beg your pardon.

You're Mr. Collins.

I'm Mr. Kringle. Kriss Kringle.



-Kriss Kringle.

-Yes, double K. Heh.

Tell me, Mr. Kringle, do you believe

that you are Santa Claus?

-Well, would I be here if I didn't?

-Just yes or no, Mr. Kringle.

Do you believe that you are Santa Claus?

Yes, of course.


Santa Claus?


State rests, Your Honor.

Mr. Bedford, do you wish

to cross-examine the witness?

No further questions, Your Honor.

-You may step down, Mr. Kringle.

-Oh, thank you.

Mr. Bedford, in view of your client's statement,

do you still wish to put in a defense?

Yes, Your Honor.

I should like to call my first witness.

-Can you tell us your name?

-My name is Daniel Lowry.

And what'd you get

for Christmas last year, Daniel?

-Um, a bike, and, um....

-And who gave you the bike?


BRYAN: What's his name?

-Santa Claus.

-Are you sure he's Santa Claus?


-How can you be sure?

-Because he looks like Santa Claus.


Any other reasons?

-Um, he's very nice.


And he works at Cole's

and he's got elves.

Tell me something, Daniel.

Could that man be Santa Claus?



-Why not?

-Because Santa don't got a grumpy face.




No further questions.

Uh, Mr. Collins, do you wish

to cross-examine the witness?

No, Your Honor. No questions.

-Do I have to go to jail now?


Heh-heh. You can go back to your seat.

Your Honor,

I should like to call my next witness.

Mrs. Rebecca Collins.




Do you swear to tell the truth...

...the whole truth and nothing but the truth,

so help you God?


-Sit down, please.

Do you have children, Mrs. Collins?

I have two.

-How old are they?

-Four and 7.

-Do they believe in Santa Claus?

-I object, Your Honor.

On what grounds, Mr. Collins?

As the court knows, the witness is my wife.

Mr. Bedford is deliberately harassing her,

solely in order to embarrass me...

...and expose private matters to the court.

Your Honor, I'm merely attempting

to establish that Mr. Collins...

...like so many others, has taught

his children that there is a Santa Claus.

Objection overruled. You may continue.

Thank you, Your Honor.

Mrs. Collins, do your children believe

in Santa Claus?


-Did they come to this belief naturally...

...or were they introduced to it

by a family member?

Um, it was a family member.



And your husband?


Your husband told your children

that there is a Santa Claus?


On more than one occasion?


Um, yeah.

Mrs. Collins, have you taken

your children to see...

-...a department store Santa Claus this year?

-Yes, we have.


-At Cole's.

-So your children have met Mr. Kringle?

-Oh, yes.


-And they accepted him as Santa Claus?


Did the question of Mr. Kringle's

authenticity arise at any time...

-...before or after your children met him?

-Uh, yes, it was after.

BRYAN: And did you deny or confirm

that Mr. Kringle is the real Santa Claus?

You're under oath now, Mrs. Collins.

Um, well, actually, my husband confirmed

that he's the real Santa Claus.


No further questions, Your Honor.

Thank you, Mrs. Collins.

Merry Christmas.

Mr. Collins, do you wish

to cross-examine your wife?


I object.

This is irrelevant and immaterial,

to say nothing of being ridiculous.

Mr. Bedford is making a mockery

of this court.

He has not even established that there

is such a person as Santa Claus.

Your Honor, I would ask Mr. Collins if he could

offer any proof that there is no Santa Claus.

Your Honor,

I'd like a recess until tomorrow...

...so that I might adequately prepare

to meet Mr. Bedford's challenge.

-Mr. Bedford, do you have any objections?

-No, Your Honor.

This court stands in recess

until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.


He bought it.

I knew if I got him angry enough,

he'd take the offensive.

There's no way in a court of law we can prove

that Santa Claus exists or that you're him.

Haven't you given Mr. Collins

the opportunity of proving that I don't exist?

Exactly. You see, he'll go too far.

Our best defense is

to let Collins hang himself.


Oh, I see.

But you have to promise me one thing,

you'll speak only when I tell you to.

-Oh, you have my word.

-Good. Come on.


I, uh.... I just wanted to thank you

for everything that you're doing for Kriss.

I was in the gallery.

I don't know if you saw me.

-I still have a long way to go.

-I think you'll do it.

I hope you will.

I have a few tricks up my sleeve.

Um, about last week.

I'm sorry. I mean it.

I'm really, really sorry.

I was just....




No permanent damage.

-Well, I....

-Uh, yeah, I have to go.

-I have to pick Susan up from school.

-How's she doing?

She's good. She's good.

I think she misses you.

Tell her I said hello.


Oh, indeed there was.

St. Nicholas,

otherwise known as Santa Claus...

...was a fourth century bishop

in Myra Lycia, Asia Minor.

Dr. Hunter, what is the church's position

on St. Nicholas?

He's a recognized saint.

But isn't it true that in 1969, Pope Paul VI

eliminated the official celebration...

-...of the feast day of St. Nicholas?

-That's correct.

-It was made an optional memorial day.

-They downgraded it.

In essence, the church walked away

from St. Nicholas.

Now, doesn't it also stand to reason that

they would walk away from the derivative...

...diluted secular figure of Santa Claus?


I presume so.

Thank you, Dr. Hunter.

But the Church has not made it clear

what its pos--

No further questions.



It's all right, Kriss.

He's just trying to get under your skin.

Colonel, have you ever been

to the North Pole?

Yes, sir.

In 1972 and again in 1984.

-Did you explore the region?


Did you ever find any evidence of dwellings,

animal pens, barns, workshops?

No, sir.

ED: No evidence whatsoever?

-None, sir.

Tell me something, colonel.

In your opinion,

would it be possible for an individual...

...like, uh, Mr. Kringle over there,

to create a settlement...

...in that inhospitable region

large enough to manufacture...

...at least one toy for each and every one

of the earth's 1.7 billion children?

No, sir.

But there isn't any way in which the gentleman

can have seen my workshops.

They're invisible.



Kriss, sit down, please.

But Mr. Collins is completely mistaken.

My workshops don't exist

in the physical world.

-They're in the dream world.

-Let me be the lawyer.

I always thought

that was completely understood.

Your Honor, with the court's permission,

I'd like to call my next witness.


Mr. Collins, what is this?

This is a reindeer, Your Honor.


HARPER: I know that,

but what's it doing in my courtroom?

I'd like the court to see

Mr. Kringle make the reindeer fly.

He's baiting you.

He wants you to lose your temper.

He wants you to act crazy. Remember that.

Mr. Kringle, we're waiting.


Well, hello.


Well, I would greatly like to oblige,

Mr. Collins...

...but I cannot make this reindeer fly.


-I didn't think so.

-He only flies on Christmas Eve.


Yes, of course, Mr. Kringle.

No further questions, Your Honor.

Well, in that case,

would somebody please remove the wit--

The animal from the courtroom?

Your Honor, the state of New York

has absolutely no desire...

...in laying waste to a popular myth,

but this case is not about mythology.

It's about the mental competency

of a man, that man, Kriss Kringle.

Now, everyone in this courtroom...

...if they were entirely honest with themselves...

...would have to conclude,

based on the evidence...

...that Mr. Kringle, regrettably, is insane.

Now, as a sworn guardian

of the laws of the state of New York...

...as a citizen and as a father,

it is my wish that Mr. Kringle...

...who masquerades as Santa Claus,

a figure of benevolence and generosity...

-...but who does so solely for profit--

-That's not true!

Your Honor.

Mr. Kringle will refrain from comment,

or he will be removed from the courtroom.

Sit down. Sit down, Kriss.


Your Honor...

...I was not aware that Cole's department store

was a charitable institution.

If it is, I'm more than willing to apologize

to the court and to Mr. Kringle.

I didn't think so, Your Honor.

As I was saying before I was so rudely

interrupted, it is my wish, Your Honor...

...that Mr. Kringle be placed

under the care of the state...

...so that the children of New York

will no longer be put at risk.

Hey, you big jerk!

Mr. Kringle's the nicest man in the world.

He'd never hurt anybody!


Order. Order!

-Sit down.

-Order. Order.

I have nothing further to say, Your Honor.

Kriss, sit down. We're almost through.

It's okay.

Mr. Bedford, do you wish

to make a closing statement?

Your Honor,

a lot of people believe in Mr. Kringle...

...including millions of children.

If you rule against him,

you won't destroy anyone's belief...

...but you will destroy

the man they believe in.

Mr. Kringle is not concerned for himself.

If he was, he wouldn't be here.

He is in this regrettable position...

...because he is willing

to sacrifice himself for children...

...to create in their minds a world far better

than the one we've made for them.

If this is, as Mr. Collins suggests,

a masquerade...

...then Mr. Kringle is eager

to forfeit his freedom...

...to preserve that masquerade,

to subject himself to prosecution...

...to protect the children's right to believe.

If this court finds

that Mr. Kringle is not who he says he is...

...that there is no Santa Claus, then I would

ask the court to judge which is worse:

A lie that draws a smile...

...or a truth that draws a tear?

I rest my case.

HARPER: I shall render my opinion

on this matter at 12:00 noon tomorrow.

Until that time, this court stands in recess.



-Hello, judge.

I appreciate you waiting for me. Sit down.


How did I get on this case?

I don't wanna rule against your client,

but I can't see how...

...given the facts, I can do otherwise.

A man who believes himself to be someone

he isn't is, by definition, disturbed.

He isn't dangerous. He isn't a threat.

I can't sit up on that bench as a representative

of the state of New York...

...and declare that there is a Santa Claus.

I can't make that argument,

as much as I'd like to.

Believe me, Mr. Bedford...

...if I had a way out of this, I'd take it.

I'm sorry.

It's all about money, isn't it?

You know what destroyed Kriss Kringle?

Power, greed and this.

Anger and recrimination may soothe your soul,

but it won't help Mr. Kringle.

He doesn't need a bitter epilogue

from his attorney.

He needs a miracle.







All rise!

You may sit.

Having heard the evidence in the matter

of Kriss Kringle, I, Judge Henry Harper...

...a representative of the state of New York,

must regrettable rule on this day...

...the 24th of December, in the year--


Would it please the court

if I gave you a Christmas card?

I probably won't get another chance

to see you...

...unless I get arrested, which is very unlikely,

since it's Christmas Eve...

...and I'm going to bed

uncharacteristically early.


-Thank you very much, young lady.

-You're entirely welcome.

-And, uh, Merry Christmas.

-Merry Christmas to you.

What were you doing?

Merry Christmas.

I'm not gonna be needing that.

The young lady who just approached

the bench...

...presented me with this Christmas card

and this.

It's a one dollar bill.

It's gonna be returned to her shortly.

But by presenting me with this bill,

she reminded me of the fact...

...that it's issued by the Treasury

of the United States of America...

...and it's backed by the government

and the people...

...of the United States of America.

Upon inspection of the article,

you will see the words "in God we trust."

Now, we're not here

to prove that God exists...

...but we are here to prove

that a being just as invisible...

...and yet just as present exists.

The federal government puts its trust in God.

It does so on faith and faith alone.

It's the will of the people

that guides the government.

And it is and was their collective faith

in a greater being...

...that gave and gives cause

to the inscription on this bill.

Now, if the government of the United States

can issue its currency...

...bearing a declaration of trust in God

without demanding physical evidence...

...of the existence or the nonexistence

of a greater being...

...then the state of New York, by a similar

demonstration of the collective faith...

...of its people, can accept and acknowledge

that Santa Claus does exist...

...and he exists in the person of Kriss Kringle.


Case dismissed.


Case dismissed! Santa Claus wins!


All charges have been dropped.

Kriss Kringle is free.

-Hey! How about that?


You're right, Kriss.

It's all about the children.

Heh-heh. Yes.

-Congratulations, counselor.

-Thank you.

-Merry Christmas, Mr. Kringle.

-Merry Christmas to you, Mr. Collins.

Thank you.

Uh, my children wanted me to remind you...

-...not to forget to stop by the house tonight.

-Oh, I won't forget. I promise.

We live in Stamford.

31-33 Brompton Road. Big white house.

Yes, yes, yes. I know it well.

Yeah, well, heh, anyway, Merry Christmas.

Oh, uh, Mr. Collins, I hope you've taken

down that old television antenna.

I ripped my pants on it last year.



Pardon me, folks. Pardon me.

Well, Kriss, you're free.

-You made a believer out of everybody.

-Oh, not everybody.

There's still a few I have to convince.

-One in particular.

-Excuse me.

-Way to go, Bryan.

-I'm so happy for you.

-Thank you very much, Mrs. Walker.

-You did a great job, sweetie.

You kicked that guy's bottom.


Well, she saved the day.

-Congratulations, Bryan.

-Thank you, Dorey.

-Have a Merry Christmas.

-You too.

Well, I'll let you go.

Merry Christmas. And good luck.

Merry Christmas, Mrs. Walker.

And a Merry Christmas to you,

young lady, and thank you very much.

Merry Christmas, Mr. Kringle.

Merry Christmas, Bryan.



Excuse me.

Coming through here. Excuse me.


Again, thank you so much.

I shall never forget you.

And in all my travels past...

...and all my travels yet to come,

I'll never find a better friend.

Thank you, Kriss. Merry Christmas.


Merry Christmas to you, Bryan.

Hey, you wanna share a cab home?

Home? Not tonight.

I'm going to be somewhat busy.


That's right.



This is going to blow up in my face, isn't it?

I lost bigger than I ever thought I'd win.

There was a lot of pressure, sir.

I mean, who knew what the judge

was gonna do...

...when he was faced with having

to put Santa Claus in the nut house?

He isn't Santa Claus.

What the hell is the matter with everybody?

There is no Santa Claus!



-Is somebody getting married?

-Not that I know of.


Did you arrange this?

No. You did.

-Oh, I did?

-You didn't?

-I didn't. Did you?

-I didn't.

-You did. I know you did.

-Oh, no.


Yes, you did. You did, didn't you?

I did not.


Are you ready?

-For what?

-To get married.


Oh, my gosh.

I have something to tell you.

What'd you get for Christmas?

I don't care what you asked Mr. Kringle for.

Susan, that is not

why we are going to the house.

We're going to the catalog house, right?

That's the house I told him I wanted.

I showed him a picture of it, and he took it

and he said he would get it for me.

-Well, a house is a pretty big gift.

-That's what Mr. Kringle said.

Honey, we are going to the house

because it snowed...

...and it's very pretty, and because

Mr. Shellhammer wants to take photographs...

...for next year's Christmas catalog,

which, I think, is awfully bold of him.

-It is a holiday.

-That's just an excuse.

Mr. Kringle did all this.

I'm very sorry, Mother.

You have it perfectly wrong.

I knew it.

-Well, where is everybody?

-You got a bonus.

-What do you mean?

-Our name's on the mailbox.

I got a call last night from Mr. Kringle,

who said...

...you and your husband

were looking for a house.

He was quite insistent.


-Did you get married?

-Yeah, last night.

-I can't believe it.


-Was this planned?

-Uh, no.

I can't believe it.

Mr. Kringle wanted to be here,

but, uh, he's overseas.

Mr. Kringle.

Oh, the house is for sale, fully furnished,

and I'm sure you can afford it now.

Oh, we all get our bonuses,

thanks to you and, uh, Mr. Kringle. Heh.



I knew it.

Oh, thank you, Donald.

I don't know what to say

except Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas. Oh. Heh. Chin-chin.

This is the house I asked Kriss for

and he got it for me.

And he got me a dad.

And the third thing,

I guess I'll just have to wait for.

But he'll get it for me, won't he?

If Kriss said he'd get you something,

I bet it's already on the way.

I guess there's no doubt about it.

He's real.

I'm going up to look at my new room.

Excuse me.



What else did you ask Mr. Kringle for?

A baby brother. See ya!


You better watch out

You better not cry

You better not pout I'm telling you why

Santa Claus is coming to town


He's making a list

And he's checking it twice

He's gonna know

Who've been naughty or nice

Santa Claus is coming to town

Now, look here.

He knows when you are sleeping

And he knows when you're awake

He knows if you've been good or bad

So you better be good for goodness sake

Girls and boys, you better watch out

And you better not cry

You better not pout, I'm telling you why

Santa Claus is coming to town

Oh, here he comes. Look at him.

Yeah, Santa Claus is coming to town

That's right.

Yeah, Santa Claus is coming to town

Oh, play it.

Oh, look out there, now.

I tell you, Santa Claus is coming to town

Let me take this one more thing here.

He knows if you are sleeping

Yes, he knows when you're awake

He knows if you've been good or bad

So you better be good for goodness sake

Oh, hey, you better watch out

And you better not cry

You better not pout, I'm telling you why


The man is coming to town

Y'all hear me? Listen to this.

Santa Claus is coming to town

Y'all better be good now

if you wanna get what you want.

Santa Claus

Yes, he's coming to town

Just one more time

Hey, now, Santa Claus is coming to town

Look out.
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