Borrowed Hearts (1997)

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Borrowed Hearts (1997)

Post by bunniefuu »


Come help, please!

What should I do?

Excuse me.

You're excused!

I need
a bigger kitchen.

Okay, okay...

That looks
about it.
We're almost there.

Here we go!

the cranberry sauce.

Here we go!

Happy Thanksgiving,

Happy Thanksgiving!

All right,
hands together.

All right...

We thank everything on mother
earth put here by the creator.

- We give thanks for our lives...
- Zoey!


Here we go!

Give me your wine glass,
why don't you?

You wanna trade?...

Zoey, come on--
we're gonna be late.


Bye, girls!


Bye, Bridget!

Thank you!

Hold on.

Hi, Sarah, I'll bring in
those baby things next week!


Good morning!Hey!

So, how'd
the house-hunting go?

Check it out.

Zoey doesn't know yet--
don't want to get her hopes up.

Over this?

Who's your realtor--
Herman munster?

it's a better neighbourhood,

and a better school
for Zoey.

You might improve the picture
with a man in there.

Yeah, that's all I need
right now.

You know,
if it has tires or testosterone,

it's trouble.

You got that right.

What did the credit union
say about a down payment?

About ten thou.


I guess I'll just
have to moonlight for a while.

Well... if it isn't

our fearless leader

The man goes through more women
than a manicurist.

Now, tell me
you'd kick a specimen

like that outta your bed.

Nah, he's not my type.

Too cute or too rich?

Too perfect.


I'm not looking.

Then you're dead, girl,
and you don't even know it.

You're kidding me!

She tells you after
you spent the weekend together?

Can you believe it?You must've felt
so used.

Did you meet
the wee monsters?
No, they're
with her ex.

So, you told her
you don't date women with kids.

You don't do the crime,
you don't do the time, sammyboy.

If this deal
goes through,

how many employees
are we gonna need to keep on?

40... 50?

More like 20,
maybe even 15.

Everything but final assembly
will be done in Mexico.

That's a lot of layoffs.

Don't see people,
see dollar signs.

That's what
your old man would do.

Well, at least they'll get
severance pay and unemployment.

Oh, yeah, absolutely!

Hell, I wish
someone'd pay me

to sit around at home
and do nothing.

7-2, buddy.

Sam, women
are like peaches.

on the outside, boy,

all pink, smooth
and ripe.

But on the inside,
brown and ugly

and rotten!

Joanne dumped you, huh?

Like a bucket
of dirty water.


Miss Russell?

You have
a telephone call.



this is Zoey's mother.

She did what?

Why do I even bother
to play this game?


Yeah, just a second...

It's for you.


Great, put him on.

Senor del campo--
great to hear from you, sir.

I've been hearing
nothing but wonderful things

about your meeting
with Mr. Herbert.

I'm looking forward
to meeting you myself.

You're coming here?

No, that's terrific.

In fact, I insist
you be my guest.

My family?

What family?

it's Dave here.

Well, how are you?

I can't wait
to see you again.

Well, great-- I'll have a limo
waiting for you at the airport.


Senor field's family is looking
forward to meeting you too, sir.

Okay, great.

Well, adios--
or, hasta Las Vegas!

Okay, bye bye!

What family?...

When I got back
from Mexico,

I told you I had to Polish
your image a little bit.

By giving me a family?

Sam, wake up--
smell the cafe con leche.

This Javier del campo guy
is real old country.

He only wants
to do business

with solid family men with
old-fashioned values, comprende?

Fine, so--hey, you should
be thanking me, buddy.

I saved
a $50 million deal!

What happens when del campo
wants to meet the field familia?

No problem-- he's only coming
for a couple days

and uncle Dave's
got that all taken care of.

Oh, no...

I'm sorry, mommy.

They had to call me
away from work for this.

Do you know
what that costs?

How could you put that...
Thatin Mrs. Travis's desk

when you know
she's afraid of animals?

No one's scared
of whiskers.

Mrs. Travis was.

And who
told the principal

that her father was gone on
some secret government mission?


Zoey, you've got to stop
making up these stories, honey.

It was better
when daddy was here.

Well, he's not here.

And we have to accept
that he may not come back!


Zoey, don't do this!




Someone in this family
doesn't want

her Christmas presents.

Zoey Russell,

get down this instant!

Thanks, Bridget.

I'll be back at 5:00.

If angels
are really invisible,

how do you know
if one's there?

When you hear music
and there isn't any,

an angel's there.

But if they're invisible,
how can I see them?

You have to look
really hard

because on earth,
they wear their wings inside

so they can look
just like you and me.

I bet an angel
could bring my daddy home.


If the angel
thought it was a good thing

for both you
and your daddy, maybe.

But remember--

you have to be
a good little girl

to be lucky enough
to have an angel hear you.

That means

not giving your mommy trouble

with school
and not climbing that tree!

I promise--
I'll never climb the tree again!

If there's
an angel listening,

please bring my daddy home

and get us a house
like my Dollhouse

for us to live in together.

Except for today,
I've been a verygood girl.

How was she?
Good, good!

Hey, Zoey,
you ready?



I have a treat for you!



Thanks, Bridget.

See you tomorrow.Bye!

Zoey, remember--
listen for the music.




Hi, honey,
I'm home!

Hi, honey.

What's for dinner?

How should I know?

Ask the servants.

Dad, can I have a car
for Christmas, please?

Stop! You're hurting me!

You're losing the reality.

You're a loving family--
where are the hugs and kisses?

You're his wife--
you know what's for dinner.

And you sound
spoiled rotten.

I'm playing
a rich dude's kid...

What do you expect?

I expect father knows best,
not family feud.

Let's go,
from the top.

You think I'll demean myself
like this just for a deal?

Wait a minute-- not adeal,
Sammy boy, thedeal.

The deal
you've busted your hump for

ever since your father said
you'd be lucky to make janitor!


what's for dinner?

just so you know,

my agent said nothing
about making dinner.

I have a staff,

And, while we're at it,

if you expect me
to sleep with you,

it's an extra hundred a day.

Yeah, and if you wanna
spank me, it's $150.

If that was really my son,
I'd have drowned him at birth.

This is supposed to be
my family?

Get them out of here.

Del campo's
coming tomorrow!


You guys were terrific,
and I liked your interpretation.

He's just looking for something
a little more, uh, Brady bunch.

♪ Sleigh bells ring♪♪ sleigh bells ring♪

♪ are ya listening?♪♪ yes, I am!♪

♪ In the lane♪♪ ha, in the Lane ♪

♪ snow is glistening♪♪ so, it is!♪

♪ A beautiful sight,
We're happy tonight ♪

♪ walking in
a winter wonderland♪♪

Oh, Zoey...

Aren't the lights
just beautiful, huh?

Mommy, stop!

What is it?

What is it?!

It's my Dollhouse!

Zoey, no!

Zoey, wait!


Sam, I will find
another family!

What do you think, Dave,
they're just gonna walk in

off the street?



Oh, wow!



Zoey, where are you?

Come here... Zoey!

You can't just
walk in here.

Come on, Zoey!

I'm so sorry--

she didn't realize...

the door was open.

I know that's no excuse,



Ha, what an amazing--

you know,
of all the houses in the city,

here we are in yours.


We shouldn't be here--
come on.

this is my Dollhouse!

No, sweetheart, this house
belongs to someone else.

Now, come on.

No, this is where
we're supposed to be!

You look familiar.

Yes, Mr. Field,
I work for you.

Oh, really!

I'm sorry--
this won't happen again.

Ha, look at them!

Now, thatis a wife.

And a kid
you wouldn't want to drown.

At least they look real,
and ordinary.

We're going now.

No, wait, wait!

We need
to rent a family

to help us
do business with somebody.

Now, it's a couple of days,

everything absolutely open
and above board... honest.

What do you say?He's kidding, right?

I'm afraid not.

Oh, I get it--

your mother's
coming to town?


No, no, no...

An important business associate
is flying in from Mexico.

And if you like us, Mr. Field,
is there an option to buy?

This is serious business,

Kathleen Russell.

You'd be helping field industries,

And loyalty to the company
has its own rewards--

gentlemen, my daughter and I
are not for lease-- excuse me.


But that is
my final offer.

A thousand bucks a day.

You don't even go to work,

And all we have to do
is pretend to be your family?

That's all.

Ha, do you really think
you can pull this off?


Three thousand.

Out of the question.

I wish you luck.



Not so fast.

I need to discuss this
with my daughter.

Zoey, listen to me--

mommy, take it!

Ha, I guess
we have a deal.

I now pronounce you
man and wife!

Psst... thank you.

Hey, Zoey... you know
how you like to make up stories?

To pretend?

You don't like it
when I pretend.

Yes, but this
is different.

You see,
Mr. Field is mommy's boss

and we're doing him
a big favour.

Oh, good...

You're here.


park their car
out of sight, would you?


So, is everybody um,
clear on the program?

Don't worry, Mr. Field,
we won't disappoint you.

May I make a suggestion?


Your house is...
It's lovely,

but it doesn't exactly
look like a family lives here.

In fact, it barely
looks like you live here.

It is a little cool,
isn't it?

Exactly, but perhaps
if you threw some toys around

and had a cheery fire
blazing in the fireplace...

Great idea--
that's a great idea!

Some family photos?

I brought these.

Let's not
get carried away.

No, she has a point--
it sets the scene.

Yes... I mean,
take this tree.

It is stunning,
but did a designer do it?


Yes, I thought so.

Wait a minute.

You're not gonna mess
with my tree?!

It's just
if I was really Mrs. Field,

I would put up
some old-fashioned ornaments.

Make it look like
a family decorated it, together.

Isn't that the point?

She's brilliant--
just do whatever she says.

Kid, come here.

Do you think you can remember
to call Mr. Field "daddy"?

I think
I can handle it.


Thank you, Sally.

Zoey.what do you think?



They certainly
are a challenge.

Yes, dear?

Does your face hurt?

Excuse me?

It looks so tight.

Why don't we all
go upstairs?

This had better work.

It's a piece of cake.

Now, look at this hair--
it's horrendous.

Can you do something?

Can you give it some life,
some colour?

Stunning sable.

No fur.


The black?


How long
you been married?Eight years.

Where'd you go
on your honeymoon?France and Italy.

Who drives you
to school?
My daddy.

Your favourite
family vacation? Disney world--can we really go?

Course not!

With apples
and with popcorn?


This for this?

Two wreaths...
Two plants.
Yes, ma'am.

When do I get home
every night?

You don't
usually come home.

Um... um...

Annie!6:00-- you never miss dinner
with your family!

Good... what's my wife's
favourite food?

Um... um...

Come on, it's...
Find out what it is.

Any questions?

We are not paid
to have questions, sir.

He's here--
he's here!

Okay, people,
let's make this work.

To your stations.

Del campo's here!

Del campo's here.I know.

Where are Mrs. Whats-her-name
and the kid?

Zoey, Kathleen,

Zoey, right.

Don't let him in yet--

Oh, the ring.

Your ring.

Come on!


All right, all right.

No, that's
the wrong finger, Dave!


all right.

Good evening, sir.

Good evening.

Thank you, sir.

And who may you be?

Hawthorne, sir.


A relation
to the famous author?

I fear not, sir.

Senor del campo!

Welcome to the casa
of senor field!

Well, thank you,
senor Herbert.

It's a pleasure
to see you again.

Senor del campo--
finally we meet.

It is an honour,
senor field.

Ah, your family!

Senor del campo,
I'm Kathleen field.

It's a pleasure
to meet you, sir.

No, the pleasure
is all mine, senora field.

And this is my--


Mucho gusto
de conocerlo, senor.

Hablas espanol--
you speak Spanish?

Uh-uh, my mom
taught me that.

Most charming.

But I thought
you had a son?


Well, Zoey is such
a little tomboy.

Ha, right!

Let's have a drink
in the living room.



Oh, thank you.

A son?

You have a lovely home;
Warm and inviting.Thank you.

did you hear that?

Your trip?
Could not
have been better.

The flight was wonderful

and the weather
was lovely.

Thank you.

You are a very
lucky man,

to have such a lovely wife
and charming daughter.

Very lucky.

So far.


Look at that--

Bravo, that is a--

are you gonna eat that
all in one bite?

Senor field, thank you so much
for opening your home to me.

It is our pleasure, sir.

What is it--
what're you looking at?

You have hairs
in your nose.
So do you.

Do not.
Do too.

Grow up.
You first.

I would like to propose a toast
to my lovely hostess.

Well then,
to my... wife.

If I may, how long
have you two been married?

12 years.
8 years.

8 years--
you're right.

Seems longer.

It is always

fascinating to know
how couples first met.

How did you
meet your wife?
Uh... that's...

You tell this one, hon.

No, you tell it
so much better...

Oh, really?

Well, maybe I do.

An angel
got them together.

An angel?

He didn't look
like an angel,

because on earth
they wear their wings inside.

But he was an angel

all right.

I see...
And what did this angel do?



He told my mom
that she was going to meet

the man
she'd fall in love with,

but my mom
didn't believe him,

'cause she doesn't believe
in angels.

One day, my mom
was at this restaurant

just standing there,

waiting for a table,
and she heard someone

walk up
behind her,

and she thought,
"it's him."

Not, it's him:
The man I'm supposed to meet,

but, it's him:

The man I'm supposed
to fall in love with.

And it was him--
my dad, I mean.

They fell in love
and got married and had me.

And we lived
happily ever after

in this house.

What a romantic story!

Did it really happen
like that?


That was absolutely it.

I know another one!

it's getting really late.

I think
you should say--
good night!

Terrific idea.

Typical married couple,
always completing

each other's sentces.

Come on,

say good night
to senor del campo.

Buenos noches, senor.

Good night, Zoey.

Good night...

Good night, Zoey.

What a precocious child!

Isn't she, though?

Good night,

Good night,
senor field.

And thank you
for a most pleasurable evening.

You are most welcome.

You have
a fascinating library.

Well, browse,
take a book to bed.

Thank you.

Sweet dreams, kiddo.

Goodnite, mommy.


Good night, sir.

That was very smooth.

Del campo
was watching.

What would he
have thought?


Oh, could I go
to my room now?

I'm sure it's okay.

Good night.
Good night.

He's still there.


You'll sleep here

I beg your pardon?

In fact,
you can even have my bed.

I'll crash
on the couch.

I don't think so.

Suit yourself, but trust me,
the bed's more comfortable.

My daughter may walk in here
in the middle of the night

and find us together.

I can't share
your bedroom.

Miss Russell, may I remind you
this is a business transaction.

And I'm a single mother
with an impressionable daughter.

If she walks in here
and finds us together,

you'll wish
you never had a family,

rented or otherwise.

Would you go
to bed already?!


and just where do you propose
that I sleep?

In there?

In the dressing room?


That's fine...
May I, at least,

have my pillow?

That's not my pillow.

Is there
anything else you need?

No, no, no,
you don't!

I want in there

while it's still night.

May I at least
have something to sleep in?

All of my things
are in the other room.

Good night, daddy.

I know you'll be here soon.

Good night, Mr. Del campo.

Are you all right
in there?


Is my bed comfortable enough
for you?



Good night.


♪ Mexican-style instrumental

Thank you very much!

It's time,
I know you've waited,

and here we are.Yummy!

You like that?Please.

Taste-- it goes excellently
with that.

Yes, very good.

Oh, Jesus!

Aye, yi, yi, yi!

Good night, sir!

Good night.

Oh man...
There's no angle on this!

I don't suppose
you fellas

feel like calling off
that double-or-nothing?

I didn't think so.

Oh, geez!



I couldn't make that one again
if my life depended on it!

Let's settle up
over drinks, on me.

Big deal.
Big deal.

Hey, Jerry!

Where the hell
you been hidin', buddy?

The tour ain't nearly been
as wild and crazy without you.


Okay, okay!

Where to?

The bus station.

Where you headed?


It's time to go home.

Good evening, sir.

we did it.

Thank you, sir.


This is a really big toy
for a little girl.

And you know
what big toys do?

They break things.

I'm not gonna
break anything.

Mr. Del campo?
Dave took him
to the airport.

Good, we're ready to go--
Zoey, get your coat.

But mommy,
we can't leave!

what did I tell you?

Now come on, please.

Thank you, Zoey,
you were very good.

Any time.

She was--
she was great!

As were you, Mrs...

Thank you.
You're welcome.

Mr. Hawthorne?Yes, madame?

We're going-- would you
put my bags in my car, please?

Thank you.

How did it feel,
being a family man?

Completely terrifying.

Good evening, sir.

Great news, everybody!
Senor del campo's staying

until negotiations
are completed!

Of course, that would require
extending my visit

another 2 weeks.

I wouldn't dream
of imposing

on your hospitality.

No, Sam is only too happy
to have you stay.

Su casais mi casa,
We're happy
to have you.

Aren't we, darling?


Will you excuse us,

My wife and I
need to talk to the cook.

Oh, senora field,

I noticed your luggage.

Are you
going somewhere?


No, that's just...
Old stuff for goodwill.


take care of that,
will you?

Yes, sir.

Our deal
was for two days!

I'm not any happier
about this than you are.

Five thousand.

Are you crazy?

All right-- but you stay
as long as it takes.


Mr. Field,
whatever happens,

I need to be sure I have a job
to go back to when this is over.

You'll be
taken care of.

You can call me Sam.

Paragraph two--
fix that, too,

so it doesn't read
like I said...

Left foot, green!

And the amendments
for section three--
right hand,

Okay, this is--

Okay, left hand, blue,

Right hand, yellow,

Right hand...

Over here...

Left hand, yellow.

Here we go!

Right hand, red. can do it!


I win, ha!!

Come play with us!

Oh, no,
I don't think so.

Why not?

I'm not good
at games.

It's not about skill--
it's about fun.

There's much more to life
than just work, senor field.

Popcorn's ready!


Mommy, you play
and I'll spin the wheel!

Oh, I don't think so.

What's the matter?

Afraid you'll have
a little fun?

Left foot, red!

Left foot, red.

Watch this...

Got it.

Right hand, blue.

Right hand, blue.

That's it?

That's it?

Gimme an easy one.

Left hand, red!

Left hand, red--
that's easy.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!


Right foot, red.



Oh, no!

You guys are funny!

I won--
I won!

They're not home,
Mr. Russell.

Ah, Bridget--
you're a sight for sore eyes!

It's good to see you,

So, when are they
gonna be back?

I'm not certain.

Well, where are they?

Look Bridget, I know I shoulda
been back here a lot sooner.

What's it been--
two, three months?


Six months?

All right, you got me.

Look, I just... I wanna spend
Christmas with my little girl.

Has she asked about me?

Kathleen gave me an address...
For emergencies only.


Oh, hi.

could you do me a big favour

and not touch anything?

I'll take those clips--
thank you.

You don't like kids,
do you?

There's nothing wrong
with kids.

Just like there's
nothing wrong with broccoli.

Some people have a taste for it;
Some people don't.

Do you like broccoli?


Me neither.

Dinner's almost ready--
where's Mr. Del campo?

Choo! Choo!
Dave took him
to a restaurant.

Look, do you think
you could keep her out of here?

This is not a play room

and this
is not a toy, okay?

She won't bother

Could you tell me something--
how do you get her to listen?


from now on
this room is off-limits.

It's not that hard.

Thank you.

You cut up my cigars!

They're bad for you--
Mr. Hawthorne told me.

These are
Cuban cigars!
Don't yell at her!

Do you know
how much these cost?

Put that down!

Give me that!

That's terrific.

Why is it that everything
you touch gets broken?

You're not my daddy!

This little arrangement

does not allow you
to discipline my daughter!

If you'd teach her some
boundaries, she'd know better!

that's great advice

from a man
who renteda family!

Could you
leave me alone now?

I'll do even
better than that.

We quit!

It's my fault
we had to leave.

None of this
is your fault.

I'll be right back.

I know... whoa!

Wait, wait, wait!
I know I was a jerk.

Just give me a chance
to apologize.

To Zoey.


Mr. Field is here

and he has something
to say to you.

Will you
talk to him?

I'm sorry, Zoey.

What do I have to do

to get you to forgive me?

A pony would be nice.

A pony?

You're a heck
of a negotiator.

I could use you
with del campo, ha.

Look, I'm really sorry, Zoey.

I was--dumb?

Yeah, yeah... real dumb.

Can you forgive me?

I guess so.

I didn't mean
to mess up your desk.


That's okay.

It's just water.

Can we go back
to the house now?

We can go now.

All right!
I'll get dressed.

That was very nice
of you, Sam.

Don't let it get around--
it could ruin my reputation.

So, we'll stay
until del campo leaves.

you're saving my neck.

Your neck
isn't my concern.

I have plans
for that money.

Are you the artist?

Very good!

I mean,
it's terrific.

You ever thought
of doing this professionally?

I wanted to study
in Paris,

live abroad for awhile.

But... I got married,

had Zoey...

Jerry left...
And everything changed.

It couldn't have
been easy for you

to walk out
like that tonight.

for Zoey now.

I'm ready!

Let's go home!

Is this what you're
looking for?

Yes, thank you.

Excuse me...


Do you live here?

I work here--
what do you want?

I need a little information
about the occupants.

Are you
from the police?

Yes ma'am...

I knew this would lead
to trouble.What would?

All the lies
about the woman

and the little girl
being his wife and child.

Tell me about
your employer.
Mr. Field?

He owns field industries.

Field industries,

Ho, ho
merry Christmas.

Hi Santa.

Merry Christmas.

Hey, I bet
that one's donner.

It's donder.


Donner are the people
who eat each other.

We studied it in school.

Ha, right...
Like you'd know.

I'm right!


Infinity is forever--
you can't have double forever.

He, he!

She's right, you know...
It's donder.

I hate that kid.

You rented her.

I hope you're
not too cold, senor.

You're not used
to this kind of weather.

Oh, I find it
very invigorating.

I enjoy watching your wife
and daughter having so much fun.


Thank you.

Whoa, ha!
Mommy, mommy...
He's an angel!

Are you
a good little skater, Zoey?


I think your father
needs a little help.

Senor del campo
told me to help you.

Oh, he did,
did he?

I can't skate.

Yes, you can.

My mommy taught me
and I'll teach you.

I couldn't do it when I was
a kid, and can't do it now.

There's no need to be afraid;
I'm right here... come on!

It's not a good idea--
no, i-- Zoey!!!

But Mr. Del campo
said so... here, here!

I'm gonna fall down
and make a fool of myself.

I'll catch you,

I promise.


Cross my heart
and hope to die,

stick 1,000 needles

in my eye.

Now, just keep your ankles
real straight...

That's good...

Now, skate!

You're getting
the hang of it.

I am most impressed
by your husband's business,

he has achieved
great success.

Sam is a very
ambitious man.

There's nothing
he won't do to get ahead.

Shall we?


an excellent skater.

So assured
and in control.

As in all things,
I've noticed.

I've been on the ice
since I was this high.

Zoey can't believe
that I never fall down, ha!



Perhaps it is best
not to be so self assured...

Life has a way
of surprising us.

Come on!
You can do it!

You did it!

You really did it!

Yeah, I did,
didn't I?

Watch me!

Excuse me...

Care to go again?


you know...

I think I'm gonna--
just sit this one out.


I think
we're cramping your style.

Why do you say that?

Oh, come on.

Tell me you didn't want
to skate with her.

She's not my type.

Oh, ha...
Not your type?

Not really.

You don't trust easily,
do you?

I used to.

Mom, come skate
with me.

I think Zoe needs me.

Watch this!

Tah dah!Hee, hee.


Whooo! Ha, ha!

So, did you
have fun tonight?

Yeah, I taught Sam
to skate.

I saw!

Very impressive.

Good night sweetie.


Zoey would like you
to tuck her in.

Who's this?

That's my dad...
My real dad.

Where is he?

He's in astronaut school.

That's why him and my mommy
got divorced.

'Cause he had to go

so far away to do it.

I didn't know that.

Did your daddy
give you that toy?


Can I tell you
a secret?

Promise you
won't tell mom?

Cross my heart
and hope to die.

My mom gave me
a birthday present

and said my dad sent it.

And I know it
was really from her.

How do you know that?

I'm seven
but I'm not stupid.

My mom said:

It was from him so I wouldn't
think he forgot about me.

Don't tell her I know 'cause it
would make her feel bad.



I don't care
about presents.

I just wish
he'd come home for Christmas.

I don't know what I did
that was so bad

that he didn't want me
no more.

Any more.

Any more.

But there's gotta be a reason
why he doesn't come to see me.

I know I'm clumsy
and I drop stuff.

Daddy calls me

Do you think if I wasn't
so clumsy he would've stayed?

Oh no, Zoey,

everybody drops stuff;
It's not a big deal.

Maybe I'm just
not lovable.

Of course you are.

Zoey, some people
are just really good

at loving other people.

You know?

And some people
don't know how.

Nobody ever showed them.

Like I showed you
how to skate?

Yeah, sort of.

Did your dad love you?

It didn't always feel
like he did.

Why not?
Were you bad?

I wasn't...

Good enough--

at sports.

That was important
to him.

He was a star
of his college baseball team.

Your dad should've loved you
even if you couldn't

do stuff perfect.

Can I tell you
a secret?


I remember one time
I was about your age and my dad

was trying to teach me
how to catch a ball, you know?

And he kept
throwing the ball

and I kept missing it.

Mostly because the glove
that he gave me

was too big for my hand;
It kept slipping.

He kept looking
more and more mad.

And he threw
one last ball,

he threw it really,
really high in the air.

As I watched it come down,
I prayed to god to catch it,

just one time--

did you catch it?

It hit my glove...

But I couldn't
hold onto it.

The glove slipped,

I dropped the ball.

What did your dad do?

He just
looked at me.

And then...

He walked away.

And that was it
for "catch".

It wasn't your fault,
it was the stupid glove!

He should've got you
a glove that fit!

You know, Zoey,

I never told anybody
that before.

Oh, don't worry,
I won't tell.

Cross my heart and hope to die

Stick 1,000 needles
in my eye.

Yeah, yeah!
You'd better get some sleep.

Night, night.


Good night, Sam.

Good night.

Oh, hi.

I thought you
could use this.

Oh, thanks.

She's a bright kid.

Ha, a little too bright,

If you don't mind my asking:
Where's her father?

Who knows?

Jerry is--

well, he's something
of a con artist.

A golfer who couldn't stay
on the tour.

He left six months ago
without saying good-bye to Zoey.

So, she keeps thinking
he'll come back.

Does he
ever see her?

He phones
now and then.

The last time
was a few months ago.

He said
he would be passing through

and that he
would stop by.

She fell asleep
waiting by the window.

What happened?

He never showed up.

After that,
she started...

You know,
having some problems.

You should make him
see her.

You can't make someone
be a parent.

You, of all people,
should understand that.

I just haven't met
the right person, that's all.

Look, Sam...

Ahem, I don't know
if you realize it,

but Zoey is--

she's becoming
very fond of you.

I wouldn't encourage it.


Because you're just passing
through her life, too.

I feel bad enough about
putting her in this position.

So, please,
just let us do our job

and leave
when it's finished

with no hurt feelings.

All right?

Good night.


What are you doing
in Mr. Del campo's room?

Look Annie!

I knew it all along--
he's an angel!

Don't be silly.

The blanket has feathers,
that's all it is.

It's from his wings,
you'll see!

If everything checks out,

we should be able to draw up
the contract by next week.

Of course,
that's Christmas--

that's no problem,

You're welcome to share
the holiday with us.

But, don't you have--?

There's only my son
and his family.

They're in Hong Kong
until the new year.

He has business
there.Excuse me.

Do Kathleen and Zoey
know you're here?

No, but I'm seeing them after
I find out what you're up to.

What do you mean?

Lemme help you...
You and Kathleen aren't married,

she hasn't moved out
of her apartment.

So, why are they
living with you?

Kathleen's helping me out
with a business transaction.

Ha, don't hustle
a hustler!

So, how does it feel to be
in the middle

of closing the biggest deal
of your life?

I don't see how this
is any of your concern.

What concerns my wife
and child concerns me.


What would Javier del campo say
if he knew

they're not your family?

I think he'd say "ay, caramba!"
And hightail it back to Mexico.

How much do you want, Jerry?

I just need a little something
to tide me over

till I get back on the tour.

Somewhere north of $10,000,
south of 20.

Let's make it 20.

You'll have it the day after
Christmas on one condition:

You don't contact Kathleen
or Zoey until then.

If I want to see my family,
I'll see 'em.

Not until after Christmas

or we have no deal.

Okay, okay...

Call my office.

Leave your address
and phone number.

I'll contact you.

A pleasure doing business
with you, Sam.

Why didn't you say good-bye
to Zoey?

I couldn't.

You'll find most of the terms
of the agreement are outlined--

well... Mexican
wedding-cake cookies!

Senora field,
they're perfect!

Thank you.
Thank you!


Ahem, anyway...
Where were we?

The contract
of sale--

sale?... I thought this
was a merger.

Well, not exactly.

Don't worry about it, darling,
it's just business.

You wouldn't understand.

I think even my dense,
little female brain

can tell the difference
between a merger

and a sale.

Will production
move to Mexico?

Oh yes,
of course.

That means most employees
will lose their jobs.

Are you certain
that is not a problem?

Oh, well--
no problem at all.

Because we have
a referral plan;

they'll be fine.Just fine?


Could you ask Annie
for some more coffee

to go with these
delicious cookies... dear?

Certainly... "Dear".

Oh Annie, the gentlemen
would like more coffee.

And put some arsenic
in Mr. Field's.

The deferred
purchase price--Mr. Field,

you're wanted on the floor...
Culpepper says it's urgent.

He wants something
done right.

Excuse me



Mr. Field,
it's not my fault.

It happened in an instant.

Once it started,
it was like a revolt!

There you are! I knew you
wouldn't want to miss this.

The ringleader.Loosen up.

Miss Russell,
what is going on?

It's real nice of you
to throw this bash for us.

Carly's a single mother.

Like most women
working here.

Pleased to meet you.

The pleasure is mine.

I want to thank you,
Mr. F.

In six months, I'll have saved
enough of my hard-earned money

to go to nursing school
at night.

And it's all thanks to you.


Over there
is Sarah Quincy.

Her baby's due
next month.

She really should be
at home, resting.

But she and her husband bought
a new house and need 2 incomes.


Susan Epstein's been here
since the day the plant opened.

In a way, she has as much
invested here as you do,

ha, come with me
will you please?
been working--


Okay, you've made your point--
now I'll make mine!

Let me explain
how business works.

It's a fast track: You either
run in front or get run over.

I wanted you to see them before
you take away their security.

There are plenty of jobs
for people like them.

You can't begin to understand
what it's like out there.

I know what it's like,
being there once.

I worked my way up
and so can these people!

You've forgotten what it's like
to live for each paycheque.

You've never stared into
a child's face who's too worried

to ask questions.

For a lot of these people,
this job is the only thing

that stands between them
and welfare!

We can make of ourselves
anything we want.

It's called
free enterprise!
Is that
your father talking?

This has nothing to do
with my father!
it does.

You want his approval so badly,
you can't see he failed

at what matters.

What would you
know about that?

If you don't watch out, you'll
make the same mistake he did.

Now we're getting into
your area of expertise!

What do you mean?

You're so terrified
of repeating your mistakes

you won't let
another man near you.

Ha, that's absurd.

Is it really?

You just can't accept that
there might be a woman out there

who doesn't want you.

Tell me
you don't think about me

when you're lying
in my bed at night.

Tell me you're not
tossing and turning--

and wondering...

I do wonder, Sam.

Sometimes I feel
so close to you, it scares me.

Because I've already
been with a man

who would sell out
his family and friends

for a deal.

What are you saying?

That if I make this deal
with del campo,

you're walking away?!

Wasn't that the plan
all along?

Yeah, no!

One thing has nothing to do
with the other!

Of course, it does.

Who's to say
if a better deal comes along,

I won't wind up
like one of your workers.

Ha! That's good,

god, you are the most impossible
woman I have ever met!

I can see now why your husband
walked out on you!

Tell me then...

Why did he walk out
on Zoey, too?


♪ For he's
a jolly good fellow,♪

♪ for he's
a jolly good fellow♪

♪ for he's a jolly good fel-l-low♪

♪ which nobody can deny.♪

♪ Which nobody can deny,♪

Thank you.
♪ which nobody can deny.♪

♪ For he's a jolly good fellow...♪♪

Mr. Field?

I was hoping to leave
a little early.

I still have to get
a few last-minute presents.

Of course, you can--
good night.

Merry Christmas.

Good night.

Merry Christmas.


I forgot presents!


I think it goes
this way.

How did you
know that?

Ah, I've done this
sort of thing before.

Yeah, well...
That's enough, Mr. Dinosaur.

You tired?


Putting people out of work
must be exhausting.

Ha, look...

I'll do
whatever it takes

to help those people
find other jobs.

I'm not throwing them out
with two weeks' notice.

I'll even provide
placement services.

I appreciate that.

And I'm sorry
I lost my head.

I didn't mean--
it's okay.

I was way
out of line.

I've never seen
so many presents.

Del campo
will be impressed.

They're not
for del campo's benefit,

they're for Zoey's.

I don't know...

I just wanted to give her
a nice Christmas.

Thank you.

That's very thoughtful
of you.

I remember my dad.

He was a milkman
so, we didn't have much money.

But, every Christmas,
I would get one big gift.

One year, I got this
elaborate paint set.

I just went crazy--
I painted everything.

I even painted the cat!

It was the best
Christmas ever.

What was yours?

This one.

My mother...

She used to put my pictures
up on the refrigerator,

she even framed
some of them.

She was proud
of me.

Made me think
I could be an artist for real.

You still can.

That's the dream, but...

Right now,
I have to think about Zoey.

You're really gutsy,
you know that?

I don't have
a choice.

There's something
I want you to tell you.

The only reason
I avoided starting a family

is because I was afraid
I'd be a lousy father.

I've seen you
with Zoey,

you'd be
an excellent father.

I look at you now

and, and I see--


Mommy, mommy...
I'm scared!

I'd better go up.


Coming, honey.

It's Christmas!

Wake up, mommy,
it's Christmas!

Wake up!

Wake up, it's Christmas!

Merry Christmas...

Senor del campo,

it's Christmas!

Wow-- look at
all those presents, huh?

Aren't you excited,

I guess so.

For a little girl
who has so much,

you don't seem very happy.

But, I thought--how do you know
you didn't get

what you wanted, if you haven't
opened your presents yet?

Good point!

Who's opening
what first?

Mine first!
Open mine first!

Oh, for me?

This is
for you.


Did you wrap this

Very impressive!

What've we got here?

It fits you--
I made sure.

You wanna know how?

I borrowed one
of your regular gloves

so I'd know
the right size.

This one won't slip around
on your hand.

I'll bet you can catch
every single ball with it.

Don't you like it?

It's the best gift
I ever got.

Thank you, Zoey.

Now, I wonder
what this can be?

Oh, Sam!

Oh, it's beautiful!

But I can't--

of course you can.

It's been a dream
of yours.

See what we have here...


This is wonderful!

Ha, it looks like Santa
forgot something...

He's here, he's here!

Ho, ho, ho!

Merry Christmas!

And this is one hell
of a Christmas, right?


Thank you. Feliz navidad,sir.

Senor Herbert!

Well, feliz navidad,

prospero ano nuevo y felicidades.

Right... I got you
a little something here

for signing
the contract.

Thank you.

Oh, it's beautiful.

Gracias, senor.

I happen to have
the contract with me.

Why don't we
sign it now?

So we won't have to wait
till tomorrow.

Very well.


It's right there.

Ho, ho, ha!


You know,

I never do business
on Christmas day, ha.


It'll wait.

Um-- I'll go
get breakfast.

Senora field,

look above you.

Since you're both standing
beneath it,

are you not supposed

to kiss?


Please excuse me,
senor del campo.

There's something
I have to do.



Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!

God, it's good
to see you!

I missed you.
Me too.

How pretty you look!

You look just like
your mommy.

Hi Kathleen.

I got a present for you--
I'll show you.


When did he come back?

A couple of days ago...
Sorry, I should've told you.

That's not her father!

Senor field--

who was that gentleman
with Zoey?

That's Zoey's real father.

I've got some explaining
to do.

That is beautiful.

Me, you
and mommy.

I'm curious, senor--

why do you tell me
this now,

when everything you wish for
is within your reach?

I don't know.

I think you do.

It was stupid,
pretending to have a family.

You weren't pretending
all the time.

When you try to decide
what is important,

always think with the heart,
not the head.

The heart is wiser.

Wait a minute!

Wait one minute!

We still have
a signed contract.

Yes, we do.

So, it's up to you,
senor field.

Do you still want
to go through with it?

I did not think so.

Well, I have no
further business here.

Vaya con dios.

Wait! Senor!

You didn't meet

Let it go.

Sam, we have
the signed contract!

Let it go.

What are you

How long
are you staying, Jerry?

I've gotta be leaving

I've got this
great opportunity.

It could get me back
on the tour.

You're gonna be so proud
of your ol' man.

Before you leave this time,

you'd better say good-bye.

You're leaving?

Afraid so, honey.

I'd stay
if I could, but--

you can never stay.

Zoey, you're still
the best thing in my life.

I love you, darling.

But you and your momma,
you deserve something better.

Someone who can be with you
every day, honey.

And I think
you might have found that.



You'll always be
my special girl, honey.






Zoey, get down!


Come down right now!

Come on, Zoey!

What is she doing?

I want to see daddy.

I'll get her!


Oh, my!

Hang on, I'm coming.

Zoey, I'm right here.

My fingers are cold!
I can't hold on!

Oh, my god!

Listen to me Zoey,
I'm going to catch you!

All you have to do
is let go!

No! I'm scared!

I won't drop you.

Trust me!

Just do as he says.

I love you, Zoey.

And I'm not going to let
anything happen to you.

Right now!!



You did it!

You didn't drop me!

Ha, yeah...




Thank you.

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