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Born Into a Dream (2023)

Posted: 11/27/23 15:30
by bunniefuu
[upbeat salsa music]

ANNOUNCER: I want my movie.

[dramatic music]

[suspenseful electronic music]

[whimsical music box melody]

[bird cawing]



Go ye and seek the

book of wisdom.


Go ye and seek the

book of wisdom.


Why am I always

last in these dreams?

Can I go back in?

No, absolutely not.

Go ye and seek the

book of wisdom.

Why are you following me?

I'm not following you.

You backed up into my space.

You sound absolutely insane.

And what is that ridiculous

outfit you're wearing?

Do not ever speak

to Cesar of Dreams

that way, or I will have your

head on a silver platter.

The only thing

I'm gonna have is

my foot crushed against

both of your mouths,

dashing and bleeding.

This man needs taking to

the dungeon and chained up.

No, no, no.

I just wanted to see what

he's doing in our dream.

I have no idea how I got here.

The only people that

I know are you two.

Why do you say that?

I entered the same time you did.

Look, just stop following me.

Render unto Caesar

what is Caesar's.

[suspenseful electronic music]


Somebody's been here.

I know you're out there!


I thought I told you

to stop following me.

What do you mean?

You're following us.

It's obvious

that you're lying,

or these dreams are

dictating our thoughts.

Don't you take the hint?

I don't want to be around you or

anyone else, including myself.

I don't need any fire

friends, so run along, you,

and whatever this

strange creature

is this dream put upon us.

(SINGING) Invited to follow you.

Listening to the madness.

Give me that

chicken, you glutton.

I'm hungry.

Mr. Hungry insulted Cesar

and called me a creature.

I have low blood sugar.

I didn't mean to be mean.

I'm just hungry.

It's just because of this--

this curse.

What curse?

Why the hell are

we in this dream?

She's a real stiff one,

that Queen of Dreams.

I wanted to end my existence,

but she stopped me and put me

in this horrible dream.

I was going to off myself

for various reasons.

I just want to go back to my

city and find the Green Witch

and slaughter her!

(SINGING) Listening

to the madness.

Invited to follow you.

Listening to the madness.

Look, I don't want to be

here any more than you do.

But I know if we don't find

that book of wisdom, none of us

can leave this dream or

none of us can go home.

(SINGING) Invited to follow you.

Listening to the madness.

Maybe it's better in

this dream than to go back.

I was done with myself anyways.

Cesar, would you

like some chicken?

[both laugh]

You eat like an animal!

What are you, a peasant?

[both laugh]

Dream chicken is really good.

Chicken is good all the time.

What the hell?

Did you just come in

from the last raindrop?

Why are you eating

a dead chicken

and how do you know my name?

Your name is Rain Drop?

Don't tell me you're a vegan.

I am indeed.

You're indeed what?


Or your name is Rain Drop?

Both are correct.

I assure you, if you keep

eating dead chickens,

their family will get you

in this dream-- if not

in this one, in a nightmare.

Look, beggar, I did not came

here to negotiate with you.

You used the B-word

in front of him?

I came here to warn you.

I've been sent by

the Queen of Dreams.

There, in that

forest, the Kazmen,

it's a dark deadly soul.


This can't be happening.

I want out of this dream.

We do not have time to argue.

If you do not find

the Book of Wisdom,

the Kazmen will, and

they might spell trouble.

I must disappear now.

I can't speak anymore.

She's gone.

She disappeared.

You're smarter than you look.

How did I end up

getting surrounded

by a bunch of mental cases?

I just want to get out of here.

I simply want to

go back to my life.

Even if it was a living

hell, it was at least real.

I mean, come on, Rain Drops?

One thing we agree upon.

Look, we have to be smart.

We have to band together

like Rain Drops told us to.

Otherwise, we can't go home.

How the hell are we going

to find this book of wisdom

when we're surrounded by

the strangest creatures?

What is your name?


Tell us, Americano,

what is your story?

We all have one.

And believe me, I think

that the only way to save us

is the Book of Wisdom.

It has the answers for us all.

Ah, maybe.

I have to tell someone.

It hurts to keep

one's thoughts alone.

I had a lonely path for so long.

I promised myself I would

not make the same mistake

as my parents did.

I chose chastity and

I chose celibacy.

I wanted to find my soul,

but one day I woke up

and my heart started hurting.

You had heart issues?

No, Sherlock, I

was heartbroken.

Be kind to Cesar.

Remember, I have a serpent and

it is a very powerful serpent.

I'm not afraid of a serpent.

I got the crystal

from the gates above.

Go on.

What happened?

I woke up and I was so alone.

I felt empty and sad.

And then one day

I went out and I

saw this green-eyed, pale skin.

And she smiled at me

and asked for my name.

And then I said, my

name is Americano.

Hey, I saw you around

the neighborhood.

You're such a handsome boy.

And I love your eyes.

I only want a warm embrace.

Come with me.

Your chastity is a

horrible way to live.

Do as I say and you will

never be lonely anymore.

I will be the one to cure

your soul with my embrace.

Do not look above

for the answers.

Look below.

That is where I come from.

I think I love you.

If you must.

[sobs] It hurts.

It hurts.

It hurts.

It hurts!

She cursed me.

The Green Witch of the

mountain, she cursed me.

The only way it could be

removed into the pit is to--

is to--

Tell us, Americano.

She must have what?

She must have what?

She must have a pure

and kind soul to remove

this curse once and for all.

It's all so

strange, these words.

They make sense, yet they

are followed by riddles.

Don't you know?

That's what they call me,

The Prince of Riddles,

the Prince of Loneliness.

How can such a fair prince

have such a low sense of self?

Those are the riddles.

Once we find that Book of

Wisdom, we'll find the answers.

But you, Mitro, how did you

end up here in this dream?

It is Cesar's turn.

And he I serve.

No, Mitro, say your piece.

I want to know as well.

In the future zone, I

was to be the greatest

warrior in all of wrestling.

It was my dream to be the very

best like no one ever was.

My mother, she was

so proud of me.

Years of training,

years of discipline.

I did not drink.

I did not smoke.

I did nothing but train

to try and be the greatest

wrestler of all time.

My mother was devastated.

She spent all her

earnings on my career

and I had to win the fight.

We made a deal.

We bet all the funds we had to

buy a home in a trailer park

with the money if I won.

But sadly, I let my

poor mother down.

My son, Mitro!

[cheering, yelling]

That's my son, Mitro!

[crowd yelling]

Come on!

Come on!

MAN: Give him the hammer!

Give him the hammer!


gentleman in front

looks like he eats

ninjas for breakfast.

[crowd yelling]

MAN: Give him the hammer!

[crowd yelling]


That's my son, Mitro!


Get up, you idiot!

That's my son Mitro!

[dramatic music]

You're my son.

I believed in you, and you lost.

You lost and I believed in you.

You're my son, and you lost.

And I believed in you.

I had to find

my mother's money.

It was all she had.

The only way I

could do it was to--

was to--

Wake up, Mitro.

You were telling it was to?

Was what to, Mitro?

Was to-- to sell the serpent

staff, for it is the only way.

It is very valuable,

very mystical.

My grandfather, he would

come in one day at home.

And he had this book filled

with verses, the page.

He would sometimes shout

it out loud in gibberish.

It was about an old

man with a staff

and tales of these witches

with a cane as well.

The old man with the white

beard came in with the staff,

dropped it on the ground, and

it turned into a giant snake.

It ate all of the smaller

snakes and returned back to him.

Exactly what I saw when

the serpent was handed to me

by the Gatekeeper of Dreams.

This is what I saw.

Americano, you may be

the Prince of Loneliness.

But I am the King of

Poverty and Suffering.

ALL: Blessed are

the poor in spirit,

for they shall inherit

the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are the poor in

spirit, for they shall

inherit the kingdom of heaven.

And you, Cesar, I

serve you in this dream.

But tell me, what is your story?

Maybe we should go to sleep.

We're all tired.

Are you out of

your freaking gourd?

Go to sleep?

I went through the gates of

hell to tell you my story.

Look, I'm sorry, Cesar.

Just please tell me your story.

I want to know.

It was a warm summer night.

My father, well,

it was our empire--

not like in Rome,

not in this dream.

In Seguin, Texas--



--my father, he owns a

little Mexican restaurant.

(SINGING) Have you

ever met Miss Lindy?

She's the gal with

the bright red hair.

Now she stands out

from all the rest.

You'd know her anywhere.

Well, she's mine.

Yeah, she's mine.

Well, I love that little girl

with the bright red hair.

Well, Miss Lindy--

Can I get you anything?

Just a tea or something.


love that little girl

with the bright red hair.

Cesar, come here son.

(SINGING) Have you

ever seen Miss Lindy?

She likes to dance all day.

Can I get a tea?

Yes, papa?

What can I do for you?

Hey, take care of that

beautiful lady over there.

Her father is the

mayor of this city.

And I don't want to get

a bad health report.

(SINGING) Well, I love

that little girl--


Man, papa, she's so beautiful.

She gives me butterflies.

With a girl like that,

she goes for the bling.

She ain't gonna give me no

kissy-koo without no gold.

I know.

I tried to make her look at me,

but she doesn't even see me.

Like, I really like--

Put this on your neck.

You'll get some attention.

I paid a fortune for this.

(SINGING) Well, Miss Lindy.

My Miss Lindy.

Well, I love that little girl

with the bright red hair.

Have you ever seen Miss Lindy?

She likes to dance all day.

Thank you.

Hey, wait a minute.

Sweetheart, that is a

beautiful medallion.

Is that real gold?

24 karat.


Well, after this, why don't

we go to the Dairy Castle

and go get some ice cream

when you get off work?

Of course, I'd love that.

Say 8 o'clock?

Sounds good to me, honey buns.

(SINGING) And when

Miss Lindy smiles

at me, oh what it makes me do.

Well, she's--

[upbeat rock music]

Oh, no.

No, thank you.

I'm good with my water.

I love this ice cream.

I could tell.

Oh, you're-- Hold on.

You're looking at me

different from earlier.

Are you OK?

I mean, yeah, I'm OK.

I just-- where's that--

that beautiful

medallion you were

wearing while you were working?

Well, I don't like to wear

it in this particular part

of the neighborhood.

Oh, well, I mean,

that's too bad.

I just thought, you know,

like, since we're dating now,

like maybe you would want to,

I don't know, gift it to me.


Well, I thought you liked me.

I guess you liked my gold

medallion and my money more.

Right on the

money, honey buns.

Come on, you can't be

this much of a dumb-dumb.

I mean, no offense, but like,

look at you and look at me.

I am to die for.

I mean, I put the

H in hot sauce.

And you, well, you should

have brought the medallion.

I mean, at least you

knew I liked that.

[laughs] Stop being so

dramatic, honey buns.

Like, maybe we can negotiate.

Like, let's work something out.

What do you think?

That's not a

nice thing to say.

You only like me for

my golden medallion.

This is just horrible.

Honey buns, stop being

such a drama queen.

This is the worst

night of my life.

You know I care about you.

Honey buns, where are you going?

Honey buns!

Don't ever call

me honey buns again.

I hate money.

I just hate it.


Sorry, papa.

[sobs] I'm sorry, papa.

I'm sorry!

I'm sorry, Cesar.

Hey, you.

Who are you?

What are you?

I'm the Queen of the Forest.

I seek freedom.

And you seek the mystery

of the Book of Wisdom.

I feel it in your spirits.

You seek forgiveness

from your mother.

Will she ever forgive you?

No, I don't think so.

If you don't feel it,

it won't become alive.

Feelings create all life.

Feel it, Mitro.

How did you know my name?

I know all names.

It is my duty.

Do you know my name?


Your name is hard to live

up to, something you've

been doing your whole life.

Do you think your papa

will ever forgive you

for losing that gold medallion?

She knows my name.

She knows our stories.

Please, Princess of

the Forest, tell me,

will I find the gold medallion?

Tell me, is it in

the river of life?

I have to give it to my papa.

Only your search

for the Book of Wisdom

will solve the mystery

of the whereabouts

of what the gold

medallion means and is.

I feel your pain.

It is as deep as the forest.

Let out your anger.

Let out the resentment.

Americano, do you not see

what is in front of you?

Get out of my way.

I don't want to have anything

to do with your magic.

It's a light that shines darkly.

All we want to find is the

Book of Wisdom and to go home.

Your tricks don't

mean anything to me.

You're just another witch to me.

Americano, do you

not see who I am?

Do you not understand

the mystery?

Look into my eyes.

There's no way I'm

gonna look into your eyes.

It's just another curse upon me.

Let's go, guys.

Just a pretty cunning little

princess that's gonna probably

turn us into frogs soon enough.

If you do not believe,

Mitro, if you do not feel,

Cesar, if you do not

forgive, Americano,

you will never find

the Book of Wisdom.

Go yes now follow the monk

who travels the great river.

He has the map to

the Book of Wisdom.

Go ye now and find your path.

[sitar melody]

Guys, guys, come!

Come listen!

Where's the monk?

Where's the monk?

Monk of the River,

are you in there?

Are you the monk that the

Princess of the Forest

spoke of?

We need the Book of Wisdom.

We demand to see

the Book of Wisdom.

You are Mitro the great.

I am not great.

I lost.

I am the King of Losers.

I am the King of Poverty.

I am nothing but a figment

of your imagination.

I want to return to my mother.

My father was k*lled.

Everyone was taken

to dream limbo.

We are no longer a tribe

anymore, the great blonde tribe

of Rubius.

We were destroyed by the Kazmen.

I wanted to k*ll them all.

What happened?

Why are you here?

How did you survive?

The sky monk, he came

down and taught the rest

of my tribe great wisdom.

We honor him now.

He is in that cave.

He is filled with

power and wisdom.

Do not dishonor his presence.

Ye all seek the

Book of Wisdom.

Look toward the sky.

Look at the river of life.

In the sky is the power.

In the trees is the power.

In the river is the power.

The power of him who was

yet to come who created

she who was yet to come.

You seek the Book

of Wisdom, yet you--

you are consumed by resentment

toward the mayor's daughter.

You lay awake at night

conjuring spirits against her.

She has a past you

do not understand.

What you see in her

is a shiny false gold.

But she uses real

gold to hide her pain.

Your pain is no

different than hers.

You plan revenge.

How can you seek

the Book of Wisdom?

Mitro, Mitro, your

struggle has been so long,

your pain so deep.

You thought winning

could restore your self.

You thought your ego could

restore your empty soul.

Well, your father left you.

Your mother became

both mother and father.

You both could have

lived very peacefully.

You chose your ego.

How can ye seek

the Book of Wisdom?

I feel your pain,

your loneliness.

You seek the Book

of Wisdom, you do.

And you will find it.

How can I seek

the Book of Wisdom?

I am the King of Loneliness.


You are the King

of Unforgiveness.

You must forgive yourself.

The Book of Wisdom

can only be opened

by she who has yet to come.

The Book of Wisdom is not here.

He threw away the book.

How am I meant to break

this witch's curse now?

Help us.

I want to go see my papa.

I want to see my mother.

Go ye seek the Book of Wisdom.

[dramatic music]

[sitar melody]

The book!

Cesar, Mitro, run

towards the trees

and meet me at the small island.

I'll be running

with the current.

We'll meet at the

eternal fire at sunrise.

This book will never be found.

We will.

We ill find it.

Why do they toy

with our minds?

Why did they throw the book?

We will never find it.

Come on, let's go.

Why am I always suffering?

Why does this

always happen to me?

Who are you?

Hey, man, it's 25 Cents.


What's up?

Man, you like the rest of us.

Everyone suffers.

We all must suffer.

Creatures suffer.

Animals suffer.

Every creature is

just suffering.

And suffering is in the Book

of Wisdom, which you just lost.

Angels also have their bad days.

I mean, I'm like kind of like

a guardian angel here, man,

but we'll just

keep it like that.

I don't have time for

your rhymes and riddles.

I need to find the truth.

I need the result of my hope.


Nah, man, that book is gone.

Two doves just picked up

the book from the water

and took it to the

castle to be stored, man.

Man, classic.

I appreciate your help, I do.

It's just, Mitro

and Cesar, they've

been struggling in this dream.

This dream is just so enduring.

One day you will

realize the wisdom.

Man, y'all must be hungry

from that long trip,

you and your boys, man.

Have some raindrops.

How did you know I was hungry?

Man, it's my duty to

know this dream, man.

I run this joint.

Now, those things will

fill you up like turkey

dinner on rice, man.

And make sure you give one of

them to your boys over there.

Because I know they

might be hungry too.

Because that'll fill

them up real nicely.

[flute melody]

What do you want?

Why are you playing for me?

Wait, did you see

the Book of Wisdom?

Why did that crazy monk

throw it into the water?

I want out of this damned dream!

[drum beating]

Stop drumming!


Who are you?

What do you want from me?

[drum beating]

[suspenseful electronic music]

To be or not to be,

that is the question.

Whether it is nobler in the mind

to suffer the slings and arrows

of outrageous misfortune.

A wise man wrote that.

But an even wiser man said,

blessed are the merciful,

for they shall obtain mercy.

Are you merciful, Americano?

Do I know you?

You look familiar.

I see you've had the

fortune to meet Sagrada.

Sagrada, stand your

position, please.

Wait, dad?

I remember you when I was young.

I knew you died.

I remember.

Is it really you?

One never knows in

this dream what is truth.

And even truth may

not be the truth.

Yes, I died.

It was even a shock to me.

It was in the prime of my life.

And all one has to do in dream

limbo is contemplate one's life

and be guarded by Sagrada

until the beams of light

stand on the right.

I often thought how

much you meant to me.

When I was little, you

told me don't be afraid.

It made me felt safe.

(SINGING) Listening to madness.

Trying to follow you.

Listening to madness.

I, uh--

I feel their presence.

I feel the Kazmen.

Can't you protect him, Sagrada?

Can you not protect my son?

It is forbidden.

Run, son!

The Kazmen!


A dream within a dream.

Where's Mitro?

I don't know.




We gotta save him.


[non-english speech]

Are you insane?

They are way too

powerful for us.

We must think our

way out of this one.

I'm not afraid to

die for a friend.

You can't be a coward.

I'm not a coward.

I'm just smart enough to think

our way through this dream.

I want to save Mitro.

I don't want to die

here by his side.

You better think

of a way to save him.

I have a snake.

I remember, remember

what Mitro said

to make the snake come alive.

If you're not right, Cesar,

then I will render unto you

which is Caesar's, all right.


[non-english chanting]

I think I remember.

I think I do.

What the hell do

you mean you think?

Do it now!

Go ye and protect

the mystical warrior.

Go ye and destroy the evil

Kazman, ye serpent of desire.

No, wait.

I'm not going out

without a fight for Mitro.

He's our friend.

He needs us.

I thought you didn't like him.

I always admired

fellow warriors.

I remember it now.

I remember.

You got one second.

He-- he asked me

to say it with him.

Only two souls can unite

the wise as serpent power.

Go ye and destroy

the evil Kazmen.

BOTH: Go ye and protect

the mythical warrior.

Go ye and destroy

the evil Kazmen.


Things that occurred.

Let me go now and

I'll k*ll you all.


[non-english speech]


Get him, baby!



[non-english speech]

[non-english speech]

[indistinct speech]


You said it, Mitro.


Hold on a second.


It's OK.

Son, wake up.

You've been asleep

for hours on end.

We need to talk.

I know you think I'm mad at you.

I'm upset.

I'm upset at your


more than anything.

How could you do

this to our family?

We worked so hard for

everything we've obtained.

I'm sorry.

I know you're asleep.

I had to say that.

Sleep all day if you must.

I know you looked everywhere

for the medallion.

I wanted to say

something else to you.

I'm just not ready to.

Sleepy head.


Mitro, did you

notice Americano,

well, he never mentioned

his father or his mother.

I feel sad for him.

All he mentions is

that curse that he got

from that woman who hurt him.

We've got to help him.

There's gotta be a way.

It's only the right thing to do.

He is a fellow warrior.


How do we help him?

We help him by

asking questions.

What would I do for a coffee?

I don't even drink coffee.

But it'd be a great

time for it right now.

Oh yeah.

I got these raindrops

from 25 Cents.

He said it'll fill us up.

Hand one to Mitro.

How do you know

you can trust him?

What do you think

these are made of?


Isn't he one of you people?

Don't you trust him?

Hey, what do you

mean by "my people?"

I'm just saying,

you look mystical.

He looks amicable.

Not all little

people get along.

We can be pretty

damn mean sometimes.

Bet on that.


Yes, we know with

you and the Kazmen.

Here, I'll be your guinea pig.

Oh my goodness.

This is so amazing.

It's like-- it's like--

It's like what?

It's like-- it makes me--

it makes me want to dance.

You know that dance?

Not that again.

That's some weird malarkey.

[sitar melody]

This raindrop, it makes

me just feel like if I had

just eaten a feast for a king.

I'm Cesar the great.

I'm Cesar the great!

Are you nuts?

I'm not having that raindrop.

No, I will do it.

I am Cesar's warrior.

Come on, fellow warrior.

It's fun.

There is a time to fight

and a time for flight.

Come fly with us.

Eat the raindrop, Americano.

Stop the mopey hero crap

and have fun like us.

I'm not gonna dance around

like a bunch of morons.

You guys look like

flower children.

No way.

Eat the raindrop, Americano.

You'll be happy like us.

You won't be hungry anymore.

You won't be hungry anymore.

Americano won't

eat the raindrop.

Americano is a scared boy.

Americano is a scared boy.

I'm not afraid of anything.

Eat the damn raindrop.


the damn raindrop.

Eat the damn raindrop.


Eat the damn raindrop!

The wind of the west is upset!



I'll eat the damn raindrop.

I'm starving anyway.

Oh, not you again.

You always appear with your

sitar and cause trouble.

Piss off.

[upbeat rock music]

[flute melody]

What in dream

hell is going on?

Wake up!

I said wake up!

[groans] My head.

My head hurts.

What are you doing?

Sleeping all day?

You all are on a journey

to seek the Book of Wisdom.

I'm feeling a

little bit queasy.

Would you turn down

the volume a bit?

I will do nothing of the sort.

I am the queen of this dream.

And you will do as I say.

You all look like a

bunch of teen dreamers

high on raindrops from

the mystical creatures.

Wait, how'd you know?

They gave you some raindrops?


We danced and danced

like a bunch of monkeys.

You know you

can't trust 25 Cent.

He gets dream points for that.

Now he will be smiling,

knowing he will receive gold

and treasure rocks

from the dream demons

simply for pulling

one over on you.

I thought he was supposed

to be one of our guides.

Well, yes, he is

one of your guides.

But he's also a

mystical creature

that loves to play jokes.

It's what he does.

It's his soul makeup.

He thinks it's fun.

We had fun for a bit.

You think this is fun?

You have two moons to

find the Book of Wisdom

and learn your dream

knowledge or you will not

be able to go back and wake up.

If you do not complete

the dream knowledge,

you will not ever be

able to return home.

Unless maybe you like it here,

you want to stay in the dream.

I mean you do love

Sandhu's beautiful music.

Believe me, he plays

all millennium long.


I want to go home to my dad.

He needs me.

I gotta work in the restaurant.

My mama, she can't

do it on her own.

She needs me to

take care of her.

She has a bad heart.

She needs me in the real

world, not in this dream.

I need to break this curse.

I want my spirit back.

Did you not hear what I said?

Two moons.

You do not have time

to sit and chat.

Go ye and seek the

Book of Wisdom.

I never thought being in a

dream would be such hard work.

How do you think I feel?

I get tired after 20 paces.

I don't like that

Queen of Dreams.

She's mean.

I miss my mother.

She always made those

amazing chicken pies.

Raindrops and burnt chicken

just ain't cutting it for me.

It was nice being in

this dream for a while.

But then I started to see things

I never thought I would see.

I started to feel

things I never felt.

I said things I

would be afraid to say.

I love that woman in

real life so much.

I was head over heels.

You know, I was the most

voted in my spelling class.

I felt good about it till one

day I met that shifty little--

Witch, I know how you feel.

With all due respect,

Cesar, remember

what the sky monk said.

She had a pain like yours.

I wonder what he meant by

you seek the Book of Wisdom,

yet you are angry at her?

I don't know why he doesn't see

why we are angry about things.

Maybe that's why we're here.

Maybe that's precisely

why we're in this dream.

What do you mean?

Don't you get it?

We're in this dream and

seeing thoughts that we

would never see to think anew.

We have to see things

of our thoughts

in this dream that

manifest in this world

and see them differently and

think deeper thoughts about it.

It makes sense to me.

I mean, the sky monk

made sense to me,

even though I didn't

understand him completely.

There's something inside of

me that he said that makes

me want to stop hating.

I even wanted to forgive her.

Blessed are the merciful,

for they shall obtain mercy.

That sounds familiar to me.

Where did you hear it?

My dad told me.

Your dad?

I thought--

He was in a dream, a

dream inside a dream.

He told me the truth may not

be the truth within a dream.

Especially a dream in a dream.

What happens if

we're in a dream inside

of a dream inside of a dream?

This is all madness.

You are all now on the right

path to the Book of Wisdom.

Oh no, not you again.

What was in that

raindrop that you gave us?

What's the big idea?

I don't know where you're

getting that big from, mister.

Look, little

brother, you might

be able to pull the wool

over these bigger folks,

but you won't get

one over on me.

How much did they pay

you to get us high?

Who paid what?


The Dream Demons, the

Queen of Dreams told us all.

How much they pay you?

I still have a banging headache.

But you danced the night away.

It was fun, right?

Look, buddy boy--

Don't call me no boy.

I'm a grown man, dude.

You better put some

respect on my name.

25 Cents, the Queen of Dreams

told us we have two moons left.

And we have to find

the Book of Wisdom.

If we don't find

the Book of Wisdom,

we're gonna be stuck

here eating raindrops

that Jimi Hendrix left behind.

Jimi who?

Never mind.

Look, can you lead us the way?

Even a hint will do enough.

It is forbidden, man.

It is forbidden?

Why is everything in this

dream world forbidden?

I gotta get rid of this curse.

I just want to hug my mother.

And I just want to get back

and find the golden medallion

to give it to my poor dad.

Dude, man.

Come on, give back my

bag of jewels, man.

Hey, fella.

Come on.

Hand it over.

Hey, I thought you

didn't get any jewels

from the dream demons.

Hey, big fella, come on.

Hand it over.

You see those castle

tops up there?

That ain't a castle.

That's a theme park, right?

It's not even

open in this dream.

You need to go down the slide

to get to the other dream, dude.

The new Americano shall seek the

Queen of the Forest, a chance

to get a cure for your curse.

Come on, let's go.

Man, a brother can't get

no respect around here, man.


This must be the kind that

small monk had spoke of.

His family must have

all been k*lled here.

This is sad.

This is a tragedy.

I think he was

lucky to escape alive.

The Kazman leaves no prisoner.

Everyone dies.

Are we dreaming or is this

our reality and when we wake,

we enter the real dream?

One never knows, do they?

The truth may not be the truth.

What did you say?

Never mind.

Hey, we gotta go and look

for the Book of Wisdom.

That little rascal 25 Cents

led us here to nothing.

It's not so bad.

I mean, I had a

good time dancing.

Stop the fun and games.

I have to stop this curse.

I'm sick and tired of

hearing about your curse.

We're all cursed.

We're all here.

We're all suffering.

You guys are always

arguing over nothing.

I was just trying to keep it

real till we get that book.

Nothing is real here.

Everything is disjointed.

I just wanted to have

like a light moment.

The anger that you

have toward that girl,

I mean, it's understandable.

But you take it out-- you

take it out on everyone.

You must make a change.

Try and push yourself.

Cesar, I serve you.

But can't you see, he is

suffering deep inside.

No, it's fine.

I just-- I want to smile.

I want to dance.

I want to live.

And I used to be so

carefree with my heart.

And then I let that

witch enter my heart.

And I trusted her so.

Americano, I

know what you mean.

I understand you.

I had the same

thing happen to me.

Maybe she wasn't a witch.

Maybe she was a narcissist.

Americano, look, we all

have our sufferings.

We all entered this

dream for a reason.

I think we entered this

dream to help each other.

We must all guide each

other to the Book of Wisdom.

I've grown to like you, Cesar.

Your words are rare and

kind, they make sense.

And you're a kind soul.

But no matter what poetry,

no matter what art,

it doesn't come to the mind

that that witch's curse is

still upon me like a dark cave.

Americano needs the cure

of she who is yet to come.

We all know it.

But look what you did.

You had it in

front of your face.

The curse could have been gone.

[whimsical music]

Now y'all gotta deal

with my big brother.

Americano, we've been sent

by the Queen of the Forest

to speak with you.

She has heard your call for her

in the spirit of the forest.

What the hell?

She heard my call

from all the way here?

Man, you must be joking.

That girl is a spirit reader.

She heard me calling?

I didn't even scream it out.

How would she know?

She reads the spirit like

an old dog chasing a bone.

What the hell are

you talking about?

I'm not gonna go see

that queen again.

There you go again,

messing it up for all of us.

Come on, Americano,

think about all of us.

Friends for eternity.


All right, already.

Let's go see her.

What's your name?

Big Daddy. 'Cause

I got it like that.

I ain't going up that thing.

Man, what you talking about?

You have one moon left.

It's freaking nightfall.

So I think you should scurry

your big butt up there, Cesar.

Come on!

[whimsical music]

Queen of the Forest,

why are you in the dark?

Why are you alone?

You have no subjects?

No guards?


What are you talking about,

there ain't no guards?

Man, I'll turn you

into Caesar salad.

I'm always alone.

Where is that

creature Americano?

Did you bring him with you?

Yes, I'm here.

I'm in your realm.

None of you cared enough

to ask me any questions

about my dream entrance.

I have never seen

such selfish men.

You were in my presence.

I gave my advice to you

all and not one of you

asked how and why I am here.

She's right.

We were all selfish when

we entered the dream.

It was all about me, me, me.

Queen of the

Forest, can you please

forgive our selfish hearts and

give us the Book of Wisdom?

I wonder if any of you deserve

to see the wisdom in the book.

Americano, do you still carry

around all that anger with you?

Queen of the

Forest, I am so sorry.

Forgive me.

You have given me what I should

have given you, kindness.

You have learned.

You have.

You see, Americano,

I too entered

this dream as a cursed queen.

I had a boy who broke my heart.

We are both heartbroken.

We both gave our souls

to the forbidden craft.

There is a presence in

this world and the world

you come from.

If we upset the presence,

we suffer the consequences.

We deserve all of our suffering.

Do you not understand?

We bring our suffering

to ourselves.

You were cursed too?

I'm so sorry.

You must feel really hurt.

I learned that we mustn't

think about ourselves,

but we must learn about others.

That is what I learned.

The Book of Wisdom,

it is upon us.

Come on, man.

You gotta wait for the

queen to say what's up.

The presence of this

world and yours is happy.

He gave the book to the doves

and they dropped it upon us.

You may look now.

Mitro, seek and ye have found.

The Book of Wisdom.

It is upon us.

It's blank like an empty void.

The book is empty.

You see, you must

go back to yourselves.

You must heal yourself.

You must cure your own soul.

For it is you who enters

the presence alone and one.

Ye seek outside of

yourselves the answers.

All the answers are

within your spirits.

The whole time they

were here within us?

You've learned, Cesar.

What else have you learned?

What do you feel about the

woman in red, her selfish heart,

her desire for money?

Queen of the Forest,

I have learned.

I have learned to forgive her.

Something must have

happened to her.

The medallion, the

gold medallion.

The presence is

happy, so very pleased.

Mitro, you, what

have you learned?

I have learned, my queen.

I have learned to put

my mother before myself.

She is getting old and for

years and years, she has toiled.

She worked very hard.

And all I cared

about was winning.

And that was our downfall.

The presence is also

pleased with you, Mitro.

Go and lust for power no more.

It is not winning that causes

laughter, it is learning.

What else have you

learned, Americano?

I have learned not to bring

the daughter of misfortune

upon me.

And daughters who w*r

against the presence

who are taught to

charms and spells,

I will not allow my soul to

be enticed by their trickery.

I have learned to embrace

kindness that you given me.

I will not match anger

that was bestowed upon me.

And I will not

project it on others.

The presence is so

very happy with you all.

Your curse is broken.

Listen, your curse is gone.

[thunder rumbling]

It's gone.

I can feel it.

Tell me, what can I

do for you in return?

Yes, long ago, I

missed the entrance

back to the Queen of Dreams.

I passed too many moons, and

thus I stay here for eternity.

Unless-- unless I--

Tell me.

What is it?

What do you need?

You don't have to do this alone.

I'm ready to go home.

Please, listen.

I must knight one who

is of a pure heart.

Then my curse will be broken.

I will be able to

have one moon to enter

back to the Queen of Dreams.

How can I be your knight when

I lost my sense of innocence

because of that witch?

Come on, man.

Are you kidding?

Come on, B. Do your thing.

You must believe

you can be pure again.

You can be whole again.

The presence knows

when you forgive.

You must forgive Americano.

You are pure again.

Stand with me, please.

You must forgive yourself.

Remember, like the

small monk said.

All is forgiven.

All is in the winds of forget.

All is forgiven.

I-- I forgive myself.

I do.

[yells] [laughs]

Go ye to the dream tunnel.

Tell me.

Tell me what you've learned.

Come with us!

[non-english speech]


The moon is near!

Where's Mitro?

He has already gone back home.

Hurry, the moon is near.


Come now!

Mitro, what's wrong?

Are you all right?

Are you OK, son?


It was just a dream.

I think I'm ready to tell you

what I wanted to tell you.

OK, papa.

What is it?

I forgive you, son.

It's OK, papa.

I love you.

That's OK.

Thank you.



Mitro, what's wrong?

Are you all right?


Mother, I had a dream,

a very strange dream.

Son, I was crying all night.

Can you please forgive me?

I was so angry that you

lost, but not at you.

I was angry what we

did to ourselves.

Mama, don't worry.

It is I who am sorry.

I was wrong.

I was only thinking

of myself, my ego.

All I wanted to do was

win, win, win at all costs.

I didn't think about

you in the process.

Mother, please forgive me.

No, it is I that

wants forgiveness.

I was so mean.

I was so unforgiving.


Mama, let's

forgive each other.

Where did you get that?


What are you writing?

I'm just writing something.

I have a deadline tomorrow.

Can I tell you something?

Go ahead, son.

I had this dream.

It was so heart-aching.

And I was happy when I awoke.


Son, you can tell me anything.

I'm your dad.

Come on.

You were dead.

It was so vivid.

Well, we all gotta

die sometime, don't we?

But it was a dream.

Can I ask you for a hug?

Of course.

Come here.

It was just a dream, son.

It's all right.

Thank you for being my dad.

It's my duty, son.

Now look, go ye to the

pub and have a good time.

Enjoy yourself.

Did you just say ye?

You never say ye.

I'm writing an old

story about the old times.

It was just a joke.



Good night, dad.

Good night, son.

(SINGING) Invited to follow you.

Listening to madness.

Have a good time!

[upbeat rock music]

[suspenseful electronic music]

(SINGING) Invited to follow you.

Listening to madness.

Invited to follow you.

Listening to madness.

Invited to follow you.

Listening to madness.

Invited to follow you.

Listening to madness.

Invited to follow you.

Listening to madness.

Invited to follow you.

Listening to madness.

Invited to follow you.

Listening to madness.

Invited to follow you.

Listening to madness.