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01x14 - Episode 14

Posted: 11/27/23 12:43
by bunniefuu
You said earlier that you wanted roasted sweet potatoes.

Shall I go get you some?

All right.

I'll get it.

Who is it?

It's been awhile.

Have you been doing well, son?

Look how handsome you've gotten.

You look so young for your age, just like your mother.

It seems like you resemble me more and more as you get older, doesn't it?

Oh, it's freezing.

How long are you going to make your mother stand out here in the cold?

Let's go inside.

Are you going to let your mother freeze to death in this terrible winter?

Hey, where are you going?


Why did you bring me here?

Why did you bring me here instead of letting me into your house, my son's palace of a house?

How did you find out where my house was?

Why does that matter?

I asked how you found out where it was?

Is there something wrong with a mother visiting her son's house?

That bitch who lives with someone else's precious son thinking that he's hers, she's a crazy bitch, right?

You moron.

Why are you living like this?

What reason do you have for living like this?

You have your whole life ahead of you, so why?

Why are you doing this for that insane bitch?

Are you glaring at your mother?


Are you offended because I called that crazy bitch crazy?

What else would I call a crazy bitch?

Are you homeless?

Do you really have no place to stay?

No, I don't. What are you going to do about it?!

I'll find a place for you to stay, so stay here for now.

Take me with you.

I want to go to your house, too.

Is your mother not allowed to go to her son's house?

I'm your mother, your mother!

You haven't forgotten who your mother is, have you?

I said I'm your mother! I am!

I'm not sure how and in what context the word "mother" is used, but

didn't you give that up and left a long time ago?

Three years ago, when you joined hands with someone else's man, who had a wife and a child, and left Sancheong,

"Love is everything to me. I don't need anything else."

"My children are useless to me."

Wasn't that your decision when you left?

Three years ago, when I put your shoes on for you and sent you on your way

When I ignored all the ethics, consciences,

the hurt that others would receive and plugged my ears,

when I sent you on your way like that,

"From now on, I'll never see this person again. This is the end."

That's what I was thinking as I sent you off.

During the last three years

you never contacted us and

you hid so well that BooSan and I could never find you. When you did that...

"Yes, she's no different from our fathers, who abandoned us."

"She's indeed someone who only cares about herself."

"She's just like our fathers, who

don't even want to know how their children are doing."

"All right, then we'll close that chapter of our lives."

"We'll close that chapter cleanly for her."

That's how I gave up and closed it.

Did I do something wrong?

There should be some alcohol in the fridge.

Get a can of beer if you can't sleep.

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Are the results out for the patient in Room ?

Yes, just a moment.

Excuse me, could I see Intern Han JiWan?


Do you know where Ms. Han JiWan is?

Oh, JiWan is...

KangJin oppa...

You're such a slacker for an intern...

Is this where you come to blow off work every day?

What brings you to our hospital?

Just because...

I was passing by.

I'll sit here for just three seconds, then I'll go.

Something happened?


But it seems that something happened.

Really, it seems that something happened.

It's been three seconds.

I'm going.

Do you know this is the first time?

That time you just left doesn't count.

You coming to meet me at the hospital like this,

Do you know this is the first time?

If you want to sleep, go inside.

If you doze off in the cold, your mouth will get stuck twisted.


KangJin Oppa!

Cha KangJin!



Did you sleep here?

You slept here instead of in your room?



You stayed up all night, didn't you? Good work.

Get some sleep now.

Have a good day.

"I'll sit here for just three seconds, then I'll go."

"It's been three seconds."

I'm going.

"Do you know this is the first time?"

Do you know it's the first time you came to visit me?

"If you want to sleep, go inside."

"If you doze off in the cold, your mouth will get stuck twisted."

I knew you could do it, WooJung!
I knew you'd do something really big.

Hey, have I ever told you? Her older siblings went to college for her parents donated horses and buildings,

but she got into a prestigious Japanese university second in her class all by herself.


Stop there.

WooJung, we feel so awesome, right now. How about a congratulatory kiss with this oppa?

Why do you keep overdoing it?

Did something good happen?

Our WooJung got another project for us.

What a cute puppy, cute puppy.

Oh, you know, the one we gave up on before.

You remember, that one..
-The Cheongdamdong corporate building from Sekyung.

Yes, yes, that one. WooJung got that one back from that fussy old guy.

Isn't this a crazy ability?

Our praiseworthy youngest. She should get a shattering compliment from the representative, right?

But...we gave up on that because there
was a problem, didn't we?

You know, the mother of that family...

Why'd you suddenly stop talking?

It's nothing. I'll be back later.

If it's not urgent, could you at least give her a compliment before you go?

Hey, WooJung was waiting

with fresh mascara on, to hear your compliment.

That lady checked out last night.

"What happened?"

"Hyung, don't you miss Mom?"

Oh, KangJin!

Where's BooSan?


Look straight into my eyes. Don't even think about lying.

You met up with Mom, didn't you?


Where is Madame Cha?

I don't know.

I really don't know.

Only Miss Shin saw her that day. I didn't.

Really. I didn't see her.

I haven't forgiven Mom, yet, Hyung.

Where is Madame Cha?

I don't know...

How would I know? I don't know.


You guys said you don't miss your mom. You said you didn't even remember her, huh?

You were saying all sorts of crap not knowing your mom was listening. Why look for her all of a sudden?

What are you talking about?

When you were at JiWan's hospital, waxing musical about how you didn't want to see your mom,

she was listening, okay? You ingrates!

Why was my mother at JiWan's hospital?

Is Madame Cha sick?

What does that have to do with you?

You have your mother, that crazy woman.
-I said, is Madame Cha sick?!

Herniated lumbar disc.

Ugh, I don't know! Ask JiWan for the details.

This is for you, pretty oppa. Enjoy! Bye!
-Thank you.

Next time you're here, I'll give you lots of free stuff!

Yes, this is Madame Cha at the Road Cafe.

Oh, yes, Chief Seo.

One minute, let me write this down.

Four cups of coffee,

two cups of citron tea, medicinal herb tea...


I knew you were going to do this, I knew it!

What's the use of pouring time and money into curing you?

You're undoing everything as soon as you're out of the hospital.


Do you think you're Mazinger Z or something?

Do you have iron arms, iron legs, and rocket fists?

Do you know how bad it is for your herniated disc to stand for a long time in the cold?

Whether I make bean paste out of adzuki beans or pick my teeth with a telephone pole

What's it got to do with you?

I have to make living.

Go mind your own business.

If you end up in the hospital again because of this, you'll only ruin our hospital's image.

Then you feed me.

Support and feed me so that I don't have to work.

How should I support you?

Should we go eat, first?

Don't you hate me?

I do hate you.

They say you should give the one you hate an extra rice cake.

Are you putting up with me because I'm KangJin's mother?

Yes. Be thankful to him.

You'll get sick from rage.

Thanks. You're like a cat being concerned for a mouse.

You two can't be.

Your insane mother, even if she recovers,

Does it look like she'll approve of you and KangJin?

If she regains her sanity, she'll object to it even more.

Who's Cha KangJin?
He's Cha ChoonHee's son.

I'm also opposed to you, two.

I have a lot of nerve, don't I?

Because of whom did all this happen?

If I weren't an old lady, you would grab my hair, right?

But still, it doesn't change anything.

Because I am KangJin's mother.

I'll only think about my son.

I'll think only about my son's future and happiness

No matter how many times I think it over, times or even times, you have an ill-fated relationship.

If heaven gives a warning, understand it

If possible, avoid it

Does love feed you?

Can I ask a question?


So, do you regret it then...

only loving one person in your entire life?

I asked, do you regret it?

That my father, Han Junsu, is the only one
you loved in your entire life?

Yes, I regret it, I do.

I regret it extremely deeply. So what?

So, I will regret it later then, too.


Later.. in the far future...just like you.

I'll hold a deep regret like you and will reflect about it.

But I'm not going to do it, now

Afraid that I'll regret later,

Running away scared, I won't do that, now.


Mrs. Cha, eat your stew before it gets cold.

You eat a lot.

You're the only person who can put KangJin back in his rightful place.

Go on your own way, first

So, KangJin will go on his own way, too

I'll pay for the meal.

Don't you dare intrude

someone else's business, again.

Have a cup of coffee before you go, oppa.

Oppas in black coats, please have a cup of coffee.

Have just one cup.

Street coffee shop, here!

If you buy cups, I'll give you a won discount.

This is a street coffee shop!

This is a street coffee shop!

"You two can't be."

"I also oppose your relationship."

[Ms. Cha ChoonHee / Packets]

Your hands are completely frozen.

You should be wearing gloves.

Yes, I see.

That's why you came to find me at the hospital.

Finally, everything's becoming clear all at once.

It must have been really difficult for you to see your mom.

It was hard for me, too. So, how hard it would have been for you?


But, when you were having a hard time, I was the one that you thought of, wasn't I?

In that moment, you had nowhere else to go, but to me.

You wanted to find rest with me.

Cha KangJin! You've been uncovered!

You’ve been discovered! You are finished!

We will have an OX quiz, now.

Please answer O for correct and X for incorrect.

When you said you could continue to live like this, you were lying.


I knew it.

When you said you could endure the way it is now, you were lying.

This also O?

I knew it.








Please answer O for correct, X for incorrect.

Which is it? O or X?

I'm tired. I'm going to bed.

Turn off all the lights on the first floor before you come upstairs.


Massage therapy is a treatment in which we push and pull with our hands to readjust parts

that are out of alignment, opening up the meridians and acupuncture points to decrease the patient's pain.

This patient's sacrum is rotated to the right, so...

See, the left leg is shorter, isn't it?

I'm correcting the twisted pelvis.

Han JiWan!

Are you watching properly?

Yes, of course!

Business fee of million won?

Oh, that? Literally, business fee.

What business fee?

Why did I not know our company's sales were so expensive?

Uh, Park TaeJun will be here any moment, okay?
So let's talk about this later...

Explain now.

That...WooJung said she needed it for something...

The Cheongdam-dong villa project. I spent it on that.

Did I do something wrong?

To get that project, it was a given that
we'd need to invest at least that amount.

Did you lobby with the fund?

You're so rigid, Representative.

In this case, that kind of fund is just an unspoken rule.

Lee WooJung, is that how you are?

After all, your business was bribing someone to end a long relationship, so you could get one project?

How does that make us any different from Beomseo?

Doesn't that make us the same trash as Beomseo?!

No..that's..of course.

I don't want to hear you. Shut up!

Get the money back and cancel the project.

I really...

Seriously...why am I crying like some beggar?

The animal kingdom is so mysterious.

The Great Lee WooJung can be pounded like this.

Are you laughing at me?

No, I am not laughing at you. I'm just...


Because it seems that even Lee WooJung is just human, after all.

Getting scolded by her boss, she cries and feels bad.

I feel a little sorry for you, that's all, because it happened to be Cha KangJin who scolded you.

That's right, hit me where it hurts.


I did feel a little angry because he scolded you so much, honestly.

It's strange, but I felt angry.

Let's go back.

Okay, so first, we need to brainstorm some good concepts.

So... Since this is brainstorming, I'll speak frankly.
Why does the building only have to be for studying?

People could play as well.

Cramming the center full of only educational and cultural programs would make it boring.

And our farmers and fishermen can't easily take resort vacations, either.

Wouldn't it be better to provide relaxation facilities as well?

Youngest, youngest...

Ah,'re definitely from Seoul.

For shame! What do you city rats know?
You think rice grows on rice trees!

Our guest is out of coffee, okay? Get him a refill.


Aren't you speaking too harshly?

Regardless of what rank Lee WooJung has here, she was our superior before. Aren't you being too rude?


No...well, it's just...I'm friends with her...

Is this an informal occasion?

Watch what you say from now on, please. She once was the boss I served.

I feel very uncomfortable to hear that.


Lee WooJung.

Can't you just give her to me?

Park TaeJun!

You really overdid it in several ways, today.

I know.

Why did I do that, I wonder?

Should we have the beltfish too?

No, I don't like fish. Meat, meat, bulgogi.
- You don't like fish? Meat? Meat?

Okay, I got it.

Maybe she hurt her tongue, not her arm.

Oh, that's good.

Water, water.

He's feeding her water too, huh? Shouldn't she be able to drink water by herself?

Aigoo...she says the water's hot. She wants him to blow on it.

She must have burned her whole mouth.

Why's he blowing on her lips instead of the water?

That's nothing. Earlier, I saw him carrying her in on his back even though she only hurt her arm.

Her left arm was just fine. She could use a fork.

Bye, Professor.

Thank you for today.


At the school to find files for the section chief. But very hungry, about to collapse.

I know you're done with class, so would like you to come to the cafeteria. JiWan.


What's wrong with your arm?

Did you hurt it?

Yeah, I guess it's a little bit broken.

I'm hungry.

Wait. I'll get some water.

Man, why is this so hard? I'm starving.

The library is over there. Let's go. see...

Fine, it's not hurt! It's fine!

I saw another guy feeding his girlfriend and giving her water, so I played a prank! Happy?

Well, but...I didn't intend for it to happen...

Didn't KangJin come to see you?

But still, he came all the way to our cafe to find you.

He came all the way to our cafe to find you.

Excuse me, who are you?

And who are you, young lady?

I work here.

I'm KangJin's...

KangJin's mom.



I'm KangJin's friend, JaeHyun.

I met you when we went to Sancheong, when we were in college.

Nice to see you again.
-Have you been well?



I happened to stay in your daughter's hospital and I heard about you.

That's why I came to find you at the school, too.

I see.

So I was passing by and suddenly thought of you, so I decided to stop by. I was curious how you were doing.

How long are you going to make me stand here?

Aren't you going to give me a cup of tea?


This is nice!

Is this your room?


Whose room is this?

My son's.

Can I look inside?

Your house is really nice.

Is that because your son is an architect?

I guess.

Oh, I'm so flaky.

I'm ironing when a friend is visiting after a long while.

No, don't turn it off. Just keep going.

I don't have anything to do, so I'll just watch you.

Will you?

Whose dress shirt is that?

My son's.

I've never ironed one.

My son's dress shirts,

I've never ironed them.

Give it to me. I want to try ironing it, too.

It's okay. I can do it.

I said give it to me.

I want to try ironing it, too.

I'm okay!

It's my son's. I can do it.

I can do it well, too. Let me try it!

It's my son's! Don't touch it.

What, is it going to wear out because I touch it? Huh?

Give it here.

No! No!
-Give it here!

I don't want to.

Fine, have it.

You have it. Take everything!

Aren't you going back home?

Please leave, ChoonHee.

Please leave my house, ChoonHee.

Before JiYong's father gets home, leave, please.

Are you that scared?

Are you so scared that I'll tempt Han JunSu into running away with me?

JiYong's father...

isn't the kind of person who'd follow, just because trash like you tempts him.

"Trash like you"?

Did you just say "trash like you"?

Do you think you and JiYong's father are well-matched?

Are you so unaware of your place?

When he didn't meet you at the train station, it wasn't because I stopped him.

JiYong's father decided not to go.

He didn't have the courage to run away with you, to run away and live with you!

JiYong's father decided by himself not to go,

and came to me that day. Do you know that?

I think you're confused, Cha ChoonHee, but

JiYong's father won't be shaken at seeing you, now.

To him, you don't exist!

I think you're the one who's confused,

Seo YoungSook,

I left Sancheong with Han JunSu three years ago.

Long after the point you remember up to.

Han JunSu and I left together.

Stop lying.

It's not a lie!



Call your father!

Call your father, JiYong!


Han JunSu is dead!

Han JunSu is dead, he is.

It was because of me that

you didn't see him die, because of me.

Come to your senses, Seo YoungSook!

Stop running away and come to your sense, please!

Take hold of your senses, and

say "You evil bitch! You deserve to die!" and grab my hair,

slap my face,

and get all the hurt and anger out.

Don't bother other people,

just me.

Take all your anger out on me.

Please, please come to your senses,

and you...

My son, who you think is JiYong,

My KangJin, let him live normally,

and let your poor daughter live normally, too.

Those poor kids, who can't even breathe because of us,

let them live as they want to live.

Please, let's do that for them.

I'm begging you like this.

I'm begging you like this.

YoungSook, please...

Hey, JaeHyun. I'm in the library. I'll call you back later.


Why did my mom collapse?

She was fine. I talked to her earlier on the phone.

My mom came to the house, apparently.

Mother's gone.

Hey, drink this, unni, okay?

KangJin, JiWan, and all the employees are searching for her, so they'll find her soon.

Could something...

could something have happened to her?

What could possibly have happened?

I didn't know she was that weak.

I really didn't know.

She went crazy because she's weak.
Would she be crazy if she were strong?

KangJin will k*ll me.

What should I do?

You have to run away, unni. Run away no matter what.

How was your waffle class?

Aren't you going to greet your mom?

Why did he get so old?

Did you get old because I hurt your feelings?

Yes, I shouldn't have come back.

I shouldn't have appeared in front of you guys.

I'm a crazy bitch, I am.

Are you running away? To where?

Do you think I'll tell you where I'll go, and run away?

From now on, you guys can stop caring about where I go or whether I live or die, and live happily.

Get some skin treatments.

Your skin used to be nice, at least.

Don't go.

Don't go!

You're a man, but you're so are you going to survive in this rough world?

You need to be stubbon to the end! You should say "What kind of mother are you."

And you should hate me and resent me to the end.

I don't know.

I don't know such thing.

Don't go mom...

Stay by our side.

Don't go anywhere.

Don't go...

I filed the police report.

Yes, I'll look in the area around the house, again.

Yes, thank you. Thank you for your hard work.

It's okay. Don't worry so much. My mom isn't that weak.

I told you to not worry.

Nothing happened to my mom. You can bet on it.

I'll look around one more time. You wait here.

She might come back.

Don't feel too sorry, please.

It's not your fault, your mom's, or mine.

This kind of thing just happens in life.

Let's stop blaming ourselves.

It's not my fault that my brother JiYong died, or yours.

It just happened because we were living life, and we had some bad luck.

It's not our fault.

None of it is our fault.

It's not our fault.

Are you home?