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01x09 - Episode 9

Posted: 11/27/23 12:37
by bunniefuu
Han Ji Wan!

Ji Wan ah.

Ji Wan ah.

Han Ji Wan.

Han Ji Wan!

Han Ji Wan!

Considering how my brother died...

How can I meet Kang Jin oppa again?

I'm planning to really fire you this time.

That's the only way Team Leader Cha can be saved.

I was scared I might start to like Kang Jin oppa once again...

Because of me,

Ji Wan's brother died.

She fell sick because it was hard for her to accept you.

Her sadness...

Your mere presence...

has struck her body.

Don't you understand it will cause JiWan suffering and hurt?

Do you not get it?

You let go. You stop.

Ji Wan can't let you go.

That fool... Even if it kills her, she can never let you go.

year later

It doesn't hurt at all. You see me laughing, don't you?

I'm telling you, this is piece of cake.

Here. Since I gave you a demo,

you have to do it as well.

You must think I'm some sort of fumbling amateur,

but even if I don't say it because it would sound like I'm bragging,

I got a scholarship this semester as well.

This seems even more like I'm bragging

so I didn't want to say this,

but I'm the best out of all the medical volunteers who came here.

Grandma, you got lucky.

I understand.

Then go ahead.

I really won't make it hurt at all.

I promise.

Even if I seem weak on the outside, I'm actually very strong

I've always loved doing laundry,

so my nickname's Human Washing Machine.

So don't feel sorry, and if you have laundry that needs to be done,

just set it out. Got it, Grandma?

Can I help you with that?

How did you find this place?

I asked the Cafe boss.

So, can I help?

Call? (Ok?)

Call. (Ok.)

Will you congratulate me?

Remember how I told you about the Natural History Museum Development Contest

last time?

I got the first place.


There will be a formal announcement in two days,

but they let me know beforehand.

The director there is a senior of mine.


That's really great.

It's all thanks to you.

I didn't really do anything...

We should hang this up now.


One, two, three!


Now I can breathe.

If the construction project is handed to us,

it's only a matter of time before I get back up on my feet.

I can repay all my bank and private loans now.

and I can fulfill everything I had planned out.

What's wrong?

I don't know. I think something went in my eye.

You can't keep rubbing it like that.

Sit down.

If a stranger saw us, he would think we were really close.

How is it?

Is it still bothering you?


I think I'm better now.


It's my birthday in two days.

Wouldn't you like to have a meal with me?

It's not just any day..It's my birthday, after all.


Let's have a meal together.


could we have meat?


You want to have lunch here?

Do you know how expensive this place is?

Ah, just come. Come.


It's just lunch...

Let's just go to the eatery

in front of our company.

I have an appointment with a client soon.

The Chairman is waiting for you.


Lee Woo Jung's father.

The Beomseo Group President.

He is waiting to meet his daughter's beau.


If I told you the truth, you wouldn't come.

so I fibbed a bit, you rascal.

Let's see here, Cinderella.

Staying true to your household, at least your hairstyle is awesome.

Woo-jung said she'd k*ll me if I didn't bring you.

You heard about the rumor that she's into you, right?

She apparently told the chairman flat out.

That if he's against her dating you as well,

she'll immigrate somewhere else immediately.

That she's going to live by herself and
never come back to Korea.

When you become his heir, don't forget me.

From college until now, I was as loyal to you as a wife...

you can't forget that, alright?

The guest has arrived.

You're here, dear?

Come and sit down.

I have a meeting with a client in minutes,

Pardon my rudeness, but I'll speak to you from here.


I don't know what your daughter told you about me,

but we're not involved in the kind of
relationship the company rumor implies.

And in the future, there will never be anything more than a boss-employee relationship

between us as well.

Cha Kang Jin.

So whatever you might hear about us in the future,

please just ignore them.

I apologize again for the inconvenience.

I have something to attend to, so I'll take my leave.

Cha Kang Jin.

How could you speak like that in front of...?
You pompous bastard!

Good job!

That was a brilliant concept.

Didn't know you had that in you.

You're definitely a level above Park Tae Joon.

I think my father was actually pleased with you.

... for some reason. My goodness. Is he getting old?

My goodness.

Is he getting old?

Is my apology still not enough?

My apology wasn't enough?

Should I apologize again?


"That day's kiss was my mistake."

"Don't misunderstand." You've told me this
over a hundred times.

Team Manager Cha, aren't you a man?
Don't you have any ambition?

Fine. I'm mean, aggressive, and old.
On top of that, I'm not that pretty.

Let's say that I have no charm as a woman. But...

If you have me, you can have BumSeo.

That incredible BeomSeo Group can be yours.
If you just close your eyes, and if you have me...

There was a chance that I could have liked you.

If I met you first, I might've liked you as a woman.

I think I must have.

What does that mean?

Not as a daughter of BumSeo group, but just as a woman, you're beautiful and charming enough.

Not that part...

The part about if you met me first, you might've liked me.

That means, you have a woman?

Do you already have someone you love?

What kind of woman is she?

If I try harder, is it possible for me to take you from her?

If I try harder and do better, is it possible for
me to take you from her?

Is there even a % chance?


The way I see it, there's no other man like
Team Manager Park.

He even set up his own office once he left the BeomSeo Group.

He's such a capable person so he must quickly be able to stand back up.

You should just accept him already. Even the heavens would be touched by his kindness.

Look at Team Manager Cha. I thought he was so great, but then he started dating Director Lee Woo Jung.
Now he's cut off all ties with us for over a year.

Well, in fact, to marry into a rich family,

I guess he does need to watch his activities...

I'm going to make some delicious Kimchi Buchimgae(vegetable pancakes)...
Would you like some, along with some rice wine?

These days, I have no strength in my body.
I hurt everywhere and I'm losing weight.

So I came to get some hurb supplements. Not to see you,
Han JunSoo, but to get some hurb supplements.

Why? Can't I pay to get hurb supplements? In a free country?

"Is this the only clinic around here? Go somewhere else. Sancheong is full of clinics."

...would be what he would say... this cold hearted man.

Isn't there something nice I could say?

You say you don't want us to acknowledge
each other until we die?

You're doing a one-man show.

Then why did you do that? Stirring my heart when I was bearing with it so well.

Why would you take me to Seoul? Why did you ask for a date?

If it wasn't meant to work, why did you give me hope?

You jerk!

How is it...

that we don't even run into each other by chance?

I want to see you. I'm going crazy.

(Looking for a person - Name: Han Ji Wan -
Age at the time: - HS Year )

You're home.

Was there any phone calls from who saw the ad in the paper?


Do you still hate Ji Wan that much?

Ji Yong didn't die because of Ji Wan.

Ji Wan was so shocked that she said that her brother died because of her.

and that she pushed him into the water,
but that was Ji Yong's fate.

That was as far as he was meant to live.
It was Ji Yong's own fate.

I'll make some tea.

Let's get it delivered.

Let's order some coffee, which we haven't had in awhile, delivered from the tea room.

Coffee delivery ?

Say that again?

Myung Eui clinic, so Han Jun Soo's clinic, called for a coffee delivery?

Yeah. They asked for only cups. They

also asked that you deliver it yourself.

Repeat that.

Myung Eui clinic really asked that I deliver the coffee myself?

That's what I said. On top of that, the doctor called himself.

How many times must you ask?

Coffee delivery is here.

Leave cups here and give one to Nurse Jo.

I thought you weren't going to acknowledge me until you die?

Why did you call me all of a sudden?

It must be time for me to die, I guess.

That's my wife's spot.

That's where my wife will sit.

If you're here for a coffee delivery, serve the coffee and leave.

Honey, are you outside?

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My wife drinks it black.

Why did you just make it without asking?

Make another one.

I said to make my wife another cup.

Do you not hear me?

How can you run a coffee shop when you can't even get customer's taste right?

Don't you think it would be better for you to run a bar?

Han Jun Soo.

It being your stock-in-trade,

Don't you think it's better to do the same
work your mother did?

How can you say that to me...

Han Jun Soo, how can you...

You keep saying that you're like this because of me.

Don't kid yourself.

You were always like this.

Your fate was decided like this for you.

No matter how hard you try to change it...

You can't...

That I didn't go with you to Seoul back then...

That I didn't get on that train with you...
I find it lucky.

Everyone kept telling me to get my head on straight.

They said Chun Hee and I weren't compatible.

I'm grateful they held me back.

Isn't there anyone out there?

Is there no one out there?

Is there something wrong?

I'm sorry, but...

There's no toilet paper.

Can you call for someone, or...

Do you have some tissue by any chance?

Tissue. Let me check.

I found some.


Thank you!

These beggars...

They don't even refill the toilet paper on a regular basis.

They say the tenderloin steak here is good today. Is that alright with you?

Excuse me, we would like to have the steak from before then.

You must be busy. Thanks for making time.

Happy Birthday.

This is a necktie.

If you don't like it, you can exchange it.

Why would I exchange it?

Wow, the color's k*ller.

I'm going to wear this everyday.

Actually, I'll try it on right now.

The client says he's going to be about minutes late.

I think this punk is two-timing us.

Just come. We'll talk...

Come quickly.

As usual, you can't tie a tie.

Come here, I'll do that for you.

Honey, here.

Here, honey.

It's really cold outside, isn't it?

My honey's face is all frozen up.

What do we do?

I really picked out a good one.

It suits you perfectly.

It does.

Can I order another one?

These are files we'll need when we meet with the client in a short while.

Please look them over.



Say that again.

BeomSeo Group did what?

You didn't hear wrong?

Are you sure?

What kind of amazing connection did you use?

How did you bribe them?

I am certain I was the winner of the Natural History Museum building design contest.

But overnight, BeomSeo became the winner all the sudden.

What kind of dirty deeds did you guys do?

Why don't you lower your voice, Mr. Park Tae Joon.

You filthy scums! You're a big company but you use lobbying and bribery to get what you want.

Bastards... Are you even human?

People are looking at us right now.

If you don't want to get kicked out, please be quiet.

Do you know how hard I worked to win that?

Do you know how hard I worked for the past year preparing for it?

Let's go somewhere else.

Your company's got everything. Even without this project, you guys don't have trouble making a living.

So even without bribing or stealing like this...

As to whether we used bribery, lobbying or our own merit, how do you know?

Do you have a proof?

The best people in our company prepared for that project.

We don't necessarily need to use bribe or lobby. We have more than enough to win over you...

What did you say, you bastard?

Do you have an inferiority complex?


Isn't this a little childish of you?

When Park Tae Joon wins, it's merit.

When a big company wins, it's lobby and bribes.

That's such childish thinking.

You really!

At this rate, we will be throwing punches at each other soon.
Instead of just watching, why don't you tell your partner to stop?

I think he would listen to you.

Drink this.

You must be hungry. Do you want something else to eat? Just tell me, and I'll make it.

Sandwich? Waffle? Pasta?

Where are you going?

I'm going to find out exactly what happened.

I was thinking of proposing to you again.

If this project went well and I become more proud,

I was going to officially propose to you.

With you.

I wanted us to start over.

I was going to.

We look forward to it.

Thank you. Let's meet again.

It's done.

You worked hard.

Is it true?


The lobby and bribes Park Tae Joon said, is it true?

You didn't even know, and you took my side earlier?

Why does it matter if it's true or not?

Is it true?



Why would BeomSeo go that far...

Why does someone who has must steal from who has one?

That's the world. Do you think Africa's jungle is the only scary place?

This place is scarier, you innocent person.

Park Tae Joon...

Wasn't he someone for whom you loved
enough to put your life on the line?

Do you think love exists in this world?

I don't. I think that's only a pretense.

That's why I think you'll come to me one day.

Because I don't believe in your love.

Thanks for everything today, honey!

Let's go.

At this rate, we will be throwing punches at each other soon. You should stop your partner.

Instead of just watching. I think he'll listen to you.

Tae Joon.

The phone you dialed is turned off. After the beep, you will be connected to voicemail. There is a charge.

Oh no!

Team Manager Park's in trouble!


Team Manager Park...

Was taken to the police station just now.

Police station?

That's right.

This morning, he went to BeomSeo...

And said he'd destroy everyone.

He said he wouldn't take this and threw everything off the desks and made chaos.

It must've been terrible.

What is this with all this vandalism and v*olence. . .

They said he was taken to the police station.

What in the world's going on?

Excuse me.

Oh, hello.

What happened to Tae Joon?

He didn't want to just sit around and take it,

so went there to make a complaint at least.

Just because he has less power and connections,

He couldn't just sit back and take it.

We can just tell the police.

BeomSeo used lobby and bribes. We can tell them that.

How can we do that without an evidence?

The person who initially told Park TaeJoon that he had won is now speaking differently.

Then, what will happen to Tae Joon?

He's done for.

If this had only gone well, he could have paid back his debt and get back on his feet.

He's completely done for.

I have to hurry and find a lawyer.

Tae Joon.

Tae Joon, please look at me.

I'm done for.

Park Tae Joon is completely...

finished, it seems.

In the end...

Only to end up here...

did I make such a scene and

did I struggle?

Really childish!

Like someone said...

Pak Tae Joon is really childish.

I'm going to do it.

If Tae Joon can't, I will.

How Tae Joon was wronged...

I'm going to discover all the nasty, mean, and cowardly deeds you guys did.

I'm going to find every single judge involved in the competition, one by one.

No matter how many days it takes or how many people were involved.

I'll go to the press, I'll contact citizen organizations,

I'll make a post on the internet, one-person protest, everything I can,

and even what I can't. I will do it all.

Rascals like you should never be left to go on.

Just because you have some power and money,

Abusing and walking all over the weaker and less powerful should never be left to go on.

If rascals like are left to go on,

you think it's okay to do so and you don't realize your faults,

and you'll make a second victim, and the third...

I'm going to do it!

I'm going to do everything!

Jae Hyun.

Oh, KangJin.

Did you come here to buy a camera?

This time when I go to the Gangneung
construction site, I'd like to go with something new.

You buy one too. Yours is so good either.

Shall I?

They have so many new products here.

The latest models are all here.

Do you think they'll cut down the price if we buy two?

If I became Beomseo Group's son-in-law,
what position would you want to be in?

You've decided?

Punk, you did good.

Needless to say, you should, unless you're a fool.

Should I buy you a camera?

Just because.

Jae Hyun, so...

Yeah, just say, just say.

From A to Z. . . .

I want to learn overall of Beomseo Group's conditions in advance.

Will you help me?

You're the closest among the closest to the president.

Ah, you punk, really. . .

Are you already putting your brain to work?

You know what is the point after all.

How smart you are!

I said from A to Z, right?

From Beomseo's shady places to sunny places.

Like the last Natural History Museum Project...

Who is in charge of lobby?

This is a walnut flavored waffle, a strawberry flavored waffle and a peanut flavored waffle. . .

I made all of it myself.

Please try it.

You shouldn't have bothered to make it for us.

In the future, please just think of me as your son.

And just think of Jin Gyeong as your daughter-in-law

Mom herself said before. . .

"If you really like Ji Wan's mom, go and become her son."

Honestly speaking. . .

If I had not been my mother's son but had been born in this house, I would have been so lucky.

I was always jealous.

Perhaps. . .

Since my mom has my older brother anyway, I can just come live here...

Stop it. Stop.

To us, raising a pig would be better.
Are we crazy to adopt you?

We could at least eat the pig after we raised it.

Hey, are you saying that I'm not even better than a pig?

Jo Jin Kyung! I'll go and make myself cry!

I'm sorry, but I have a headache.
So can you leave, Bu San?


Then, enjoy your waffle. I'll be going.

That hurts! That hurts!

Hey, you think I'm pulling like this to tickle
you? It's supposed to hurt!

Cancel what you said about me not being
better than a pig, right now!

I can't cancel it, why?


Then, well, I'll tell my brother about you getting drunk and peeing on the side of the road.

Fine, fine. You're better than a pig.
You're much better, Cha Bu San.

Hello, Doctor.

Yes, well.

Then, goodbye.

Is your mother well?

Yes, these days my mother became a totally different person.

She always drank a soju bottle before she went to bed at night, but she doesn't do it anymore.
She says she also got rid of all the empty bottles rolling around.

Nowadays she doesn't put on crazy makeup anymore, doesn't really go to the teahouse,
and she always used to stay
in her room, but I saw her sit by the river bank today.

By the river bank? Why, when it's so cold?

Hmm? I didn't know either so I asked her,
and she says she's waiting for the water to get warmer.

How can the river get warmer in this winter?

Will our neighborhood have a hot spa?


Why are you out here?

Why are you out here by the river in this cold weather?

I came to die. Why do you ask?

Your son also died in this river, right?

I spread my mother's ashes here too.

This river has a pretty deep relationship with us,
now that I think about it.

You and I also met for the first time here.

I almost died of drowning in the water when you saved me.

At least it won't be lonely if I die here.

My mom is here, your son who resembles you is also here, and unforgettable memories lie here as well.

Let go!

I'm really going to k*ll myself! Let this go!

Why don't you change your repertoire now?

You don't have anything to play with except for a person's life?
When are you ever going to mature?

Were you shocked because of what I said?

Then you should be even more resilient and live even better just to show me.
You should be forgetting all about me and living an even better life.

- What am I? Exactly what am I...
- My everything, why?

Han Jun Soo, you mean everything in my life and you're the reason for my living. So what?

I believed that, at the very least, I had a hair's worth of presence in your heart.

The half of half of half of half of how much I liked you and missed you,

At least that much I expected you to be the same.

I no longer have a reason to live now.

Cha Chun Hee...

I, at least learned Korean, so I know my "topic".
(Referring to her "worth" which looks the same)

Just because you asked me to run away with you, that I'll live forever with you and have sons and daughters.
I honestly wasn't greedy enough to think that.

Just... "Let me live just a little bit with Han Jun Soo."

To go somewhere where no one would know that I'm a barmaid's daughter,

To hold hands however I wanted,

To make a meal together and eat,

To wash your clothes with my own hands,

And then...

to send you back to be the husband for
the oriental clinic household, you rascal.

I, at least learned math, so I know my "fractions". (Referring to her "situation" which looks the same)

That I don't deserve a great guy like you,

That I shouldn't even dream of a great guy like you,

That if I try to live with a great guy like you as a couple,

I'll go crazy and won't live according to my own fate.

I know much better than you, you rascal.

Han Jun Soo?

Han Jun Soo?

Han Jun Soo?


What are you talking about?

Cha Kang Jin visited who and is doing what?

Is that bastard crazy?

What is this?

It's information on the lobbying funds for
the Natural Museum project.

They passed over million dollars over three times through the secretary of Senator Kim Hyun Woo.

So what?

Please return what we took from them.


Because that's stealing.

The project that we stole away using bribery and lobbying,

please return it to its original owner, Park Tae Joon.

What is the relationship between you and Park Tae Joon?

What if I can't return it?

If I say I can't return it, what will you do?

I'm planning to think about that starting now.

I could send this information to the media.

The meaning behind what you're doing right now,

do you have any idea?

I am aware.

We have met before, right?

Your name is...?

It's Cha Kang Jin.

Do you know what you have done now?!

Do you understand what enormous thing you've just done, you chicken head!

I said do you think you'll come out of this alive.

It doesn't matter to me.


It doesn't me.

You're k*lling yourself to save Park Tae Joon?

Do you not remember who Park Tae Joon is?

Did you forget what he did to you?

Previously, in order to get you kicked out, he...

It doesn't matter.

Explain why you're doing this.

No matter how much I squeeze my head, I can't understand, so explain it, you bird head!

Stop it.

It's fine.

Stop it.


Han Ji Wan, go.

Yes, we've started.

Yes, we've got his computer and his files. We'll bring all over except computer files for the project.

I'll bring them all over if they are suspicious. Yes.


What do we do, Kang Jin? You're in big trouble.


What's wrong?

They think you gave the plans for the Kunming Project to another company for money.

The Internal Investigation Team is here making a fuss.

They took your computer and all your things.

They say you're a spy for another company.
But there's no way you could be.

The officials are probably coming for you now, so flee for the moment.

I'll text you the number, so go straight to the lawyer. Okay?

Do you know what you just did?

Do you understand what enormous thing you've just done, you chicken head!

Who did you just dare to cross? Do you think you'll come out of this alive?

I said do you think you'll come out of this alive.

I know you're in there. I heard it from the security.

I have something to say. Open the door.

None of the contest judges want to meet me, as if they arranged it.

When I barely manage to find them, they make all kinds of excuses.and avoid me.

Did you already cover that far? Did you already bribe even them?

How far? How far have you guys placed your fingers?

Fine, let's do it. Let's see how far I can go.
Let's see how far you can go. Let's see.

Are you eating your meals?

Sure, we'll go as far as we can, but you're
probably too frail to go up against us.

You look like you'll break from a push from one finger.
Who do you think you're messing with?

Go eat and sleep a lot. Prepare yourself more and then, come back to fight.

I'm sorry, but...

I'm not afraid of you at all.

Is it because of Han Ji Wan?

Stupidly k*lling yourself to save Park Tae Joon was for this friend standing here now?

The woman you said you love...

Could it be...

this girl?

Even if you're released and put on probation, you're already a whistle blower.

There's not one company who will accept you in Korea.

You're done for now.

Help him. The only person who can help is you. I'll do anything.

Get away from him. Don't even appear in front of Cha Kang Jin anymore.

I'm going to get married. I'm going to marry her.

Han Ji Wan is Park Tae Joon's woman.

Are you moving?

It's all my fault. I shouldn't have come back here.

I shouldn't have come back to SanChung.

Is it Ji Wan?

I'm sorry, father.

Honey, Ji Wan came back.

Why did you come back? You could never have come back forever. Why did you? Why?

What do you think about marrying Park Tae Joon? So that Cha Kang Jin

can never see or dream about you again. What about just getting married?

I can do it. I'll marry... Park Tae Joon.