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01x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 11/27/23 12:30
by bunniefuu
I am Han JiWan, Park TaeJun's fiancee. We were going to have our engagement ceremony today.

[Groom Park TaeJun / Bride Han JiWan]

I like you...

I said I like you...

Just like how you like me,

I like you too.

I don't like you!

I never liked you.

Don't lie.

I'm not lying.

I really hate people like you.

People who are mean, selfish, rude, horrible!

Your mom is a cafe madame who seduces men!


My mom said,

"People have to stick with their own kind."

I shouldn't even associate with people like you,
my mom said.

I must have gone crazy for a little bit.

I'm a crazy bitch.

Don't worry about it, just go.

If I can't find it by the end of today,
I won't even come out of the water.

I thought that you didn't study and just loafed your time away, but...

you're smart, my JiWan.


You can do it.

Yes, my JiWan can do that...

Keeping our Oriental medicine clinic...

Keeping the clinic, succeeding our father...

Didn't we promise?

I'd go to a (Western) med school and you to an Oriental one,

then we'd build a Western/Oriental hospital in Sancheong,

we would give poor people free treatment...

I don't remember.

I don't.

"Don't cry for the moon about JiWan."

"It'd be a blessing if she even managed to graduate from high school."

"If a flake like JiWan became an Oriental doctor, she would k*ll many people."

I don't remember how many times my mom laughed at me like that!

You've been sulking, huh?

Hey, that's because you did such stupid things and she was annoyed at the time...

You broke the promise first!

You broke it!

And only died...

That's why I'm asking you.

To keep the promise I broke.

For you to keep my promise to Mom and Dad instead.

I don't want to.

I don't.

I don't want to!

If you want to keep it, then you keep it, oppa.

Come back alive and keep the promise.

You keep it first!

What do you expect from me?

Who cares about whatever or whoever I become?

I'll live as I want to live.

Making Mom and Dad unhappy,

making them embarrassed, miserable, foolish,

Just like I've lived so far,

I'll live like a fool, an idiot, a moron, a silly and crazy bitch..!


Give me a cup of alcohol.

Just give me one drink.

Open the door!

Sell alcohol to me, please!

You can't break down the door just by doing that.

If you keep coming here after hours to yell for alcohol,

I'll add a % tax and % service charge to your drinking bill(s).

Han JiWan.

Whenever I see this, I feel that your name is really good.

If I have a daughter someday, I'll name her JiWan.

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You've heard about me, right?

The things that my company's employees whisper about when they come here...


How much have you heard?

That the woman you're dating is a director of your company,

and a daughter of the Beomseo Group family, and the CEO is very opposed to you dating her.

and spews all sort of insults and threats to break you two up.

So you, Team Leader,

drink every day because it's hard for you.

Our employees have apparently briefed you on my life.

Oh, I'm sleepy.

Ugh, they think they're so great because they're rich.

They're just talking crap because they're so absorbed in their wealth.

Why should you put up with all that humiliation when you don't lack anything?

You're capable, smart, handsome, you have a great personality...

"Ugh, I've had enough! I'm going to meet a woman who's a thousand,

ten thousand times cooler than your daughter!"

Yell that with confidence at them and just break up with her. Whatever.

Hey, should I introduce you to my boss' niece?!

She came here a little while ago, and she's prettier than Miss Korea,

from a good family, and she's a judge, a judge!

It's hard to find a girl like that. You should meet her once.

Forget that girl. What about you?

Ah, Why am I so sleepy?

If I break up with my girlfriend, will you accept me, Miss Han JiWan?

What? Accept what?

If I break up with WooJung,

if I really finish with her,

I said, will you accept me?

Letting bygones be bygones,

will you accept me?

Shall I bring you a glass of ice water,

so you can get your lost mind back?

My mind is just fine right now.

You don't have any interest in me?

You've never thought of me as a man?


But I am...

I am interested in you, Han JiWan.

Did you think there was no meaning at all behind how I came here after hours to beg for alcohol?

Think it over, then.

Should there be a "ㅆ" in "갖다 드립니다"?

I don't think it's the "ㅆ."

Oh, I know how to write.

What was it...?

It's not "갔다 드릴게요," but "갖다 드릴게요."

Not the "ㅆ," but the "ㅈ."

You slept during Korean class, didn't you?

Even middle-school kids know this stuff...

Let me check it over before you hand it in to the teacher,

instead of humiliating yourself.

Wait a minute, please!

Your tie color really suits you, Team Leader Cha.

Have you had breakfast yet?

No, I'll eat two bowls at lunch.

I'm sorry. I should have served you, but I had to go somewhere, so I was late...enjoy your meal.

Smells good. Thank you!


You went all the way to Sancheong and didn't get any sleep?

Is this place self-service?

Hey, boss! I'll be back later.


On your way to school?


I'll be back later.

That Director Lee you humiliated yesterday.

She's really let herself go since she broke up with Team Leader Park.

What, you're not interested?


so, those two were dating

then broke up. The girl totally went off her rocker,

and the guy
- The guy...

a week later, he says he's engaged.

To another woman, no less.




met a wonderful man, and tomorrow

we're getting formally engaged.

I want you to be there, Mom and Dad, but

Right now...

Right now, I...

I don't feel up to seeing you two.

I'm sorry and thank you.


You're doing well, right?

If... you have time tomorrow.

Would you come to my engagement ceremony?

What have you done!

What the hell have you done!

Where are you? Where are you?

I'm coming now.

I'm going there right now.

Where are you?

Lee WooJung!

Can we switch cars?

I can't remember where I parked mine.

It could be a floor above, or below. I'm kind of in a hurry.

Oh, JaeHyun.

I'm sorry, but can you go to the engagement ceremony for me?

Engagement ceremony?

Team Leader Park TaeJun's engagement ceremony, today.

I don't know if it's gastroenteritis or what, but I haven't been able to get out of bed this morning.

Please go for me and sign my name.

There probably won't be many people there because they're all scared of Lee WooJung.

Ok, I got it.

Sorry, JiWan.

Something came up so I won't be able to make it to the engagement ceremony.

Let's have the engagement ceremony later.

I'm really sorry.

I'll call you later.

I am Han JiWan, Park TaeJun's fiancee. We were going to have our engagement ceremony today.

I just got a message from TaeJun, and something urgent came up,
so we need to postpone the engagement ceremony.

Next time, I'll greet you looking even prettier.

Next time we'll dance and sing for you.

Thank you all so much for coming such a long way.

I'm sorry... Thank you.

I'm sorry... Thank you.

Um, what should we do with the guests' food?

We had it all prepared...

Don't worry. I'll give you the money.

No, it's not about the money...

but it's food for people

and we can't sell it or throw it out. It's a shame, a shame...

Please give it to me, then. I thought I was going to starve, but it all turned out well.

I'll eat it. Please give it to me.

Wasn't that food for the guests?

Psh, you're eating it all yourself.

It seems delicious.

I work with Team Leader Park TaeJun.

We live in the same corporate officetel.

I'm the leader of Design Team ,

Cha KangJin.

Do you have indigestion?

Do you want some medicine?

Do you...

... know me?


Why did you do it?

Were you really thinking of k*lling yourself?

Are you stupid?

Did you... go through with the engagement?

I asked you if you went through with the engagement.


That's a relief

Will you kiss me?

Snow White, who ate the poisoned apple, awoke when her prince kissed her.

You're acting so aloof.

I don't want to wake up

If you revive me again, you're going to die.

It's all right. I don't need a ride.

Don't worry about it. Someone will pick me up.


Team leader Park?

Yes, TaeJun.

You said you were sick.

Didn't you say you were so sick that you couldn't come to the engagement ceremony?

I am sick. I'm horribly sick.

But I thought I'd feel a little better if I worked out. Ow, my head.

Where's Director Lee WooJung?


Park TaeJun skipped his engagement ceremony to be with Lee WooJung.

How do you know that?

Did I tell you that too?

Ah, my head.

So, what are those two going to do now?

Do, do what? Whatever.

That whole engagement ceremony was probably Park TaeJun's scheme to get Lee WooJung back.

The ceremony was a scheme?

I found out only three days ago that JiWan was Park TaeJun's fiancee, and

something definitely seemed to be up.

Why, out of all the beautiful women in the world, that girl?

Something is going on.

You know that girl?

You know Park TaeJun's fiancee?

Zoom know, that waitress.

Zoom In?

Oh you know, the cafe next to our office building.

That one time, we went there for curry rice...

Yeah, they sell tea and food during the day and alcohol in the evening...

Oh! My head

Oh! My head! It hurts again, my head.

Anyway, could it be a brain tumor?

Not there, but

you lied and said it hurt there, yesterday.

You said it was enteritis.

Are you up now, TaeJun?

Did you eat this morning?

Park TaeJun! Where are you?

You think you can just call and say sorry, I can't make it to our engagement ceremony?

Do you think I'm that easy? You wanna die?

I told you over a hundred times that I didn't want a ceremony...

but you bullied me into it, remember?

Do you know how confused and embarrassed I was, how I wanted to die, you bastard?

Why don't you come back if you're done with whatever you were doing, TaeJun?

I feel really sick.

I have a fever, a stomachache, a headache, and a heartache...


had something happen.

I met someone...

It was so hard...

TaeJun, please come back.

Please come back to me, please.

Lee WooJung!

Once we get back to Seoul, let's go straight to our house.

Let's live there together.

Our house. Park TaeJun and Lee WooJung's house.

It must be kinda dusty since I haven't been back there for awhile. I should call the housekeeper and tell her to clean it.

What are you saying?

I went behind your back to get a house for us.

I bought a bed, and some pots, and two each of bowls, spoons, chopsticks...

Once it's done, what could my father possibly do?

I'd just been shopping for the surprise party when you called.

"Let's break up. That's what I decided."

"I'll never change my mind."

Do you remember?

I think it was around here.

Five years ago, when we came here together for the first time, you yelled into the ocean.

"I love you, WooJung!"

"Till the day I die, I'll love only you!"

"Till the world ends

you are the only woman for me!"

"No matter what happens, I'll never give you up!"

You came back, so it's all okay.

It's all okay.

Hanok Village in Hyoja-dong is based on utilizing the beauty of Korea to the fullest extend, so

really emphasize the patterned brick texture on the exterior walls...

and put in some right-angled window panes...

Please wait a minute. I'm sorry.

Yes, this is Cha KangJin.

It's Park TaeJun.

I called you because I have a favor to ask of you.

I think you're the only person in the company who can solve this problem...

What is going on?

I was supposed to have a final meeting with a Chinese developer today, but

I was out in the countryside, so I couldn't keep the appointment.

That team seemed to say rejection and go on their way a little while ago,

so I need you to buy some time, so we can reschedule the meeting for tomorrow.

I'm sure you know that this project is a life-or-death matter for the company. Please do me this favor.

Could you confirm their seat numbers on the : KTX to Busan?

Oh, my sketchbook...

The fishburger is the best thing at that burger place, so

be sure to try it next time.

Who are you?

What are you doing right now?

I know. What should I do?

I'm just going to borrow this.


What are you doing? Who are you?

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Oh, BooSan!


What's wrong? Is something the matter?

Cha BooSan.


When did you come to Seoul?

This morning.

Today's my father's birthday.

Have you been in contact with your father?

No, by myself...

He doesn't treat me like a son or even like a human being,

and he often underestimates me,

but I just lurked here by myself.

Whenever I missed him.

This cake...

is his birthday present. I made it myself.

"Just take it and eat it yourself"

my father told me.

Hyung, you eat it.

It's made of fresh cream, so if you don't eat it today it'll go bad.

Share it with the people at work.

If I were as cool and successful as you...

Would my father have accepted me as his son?

What did my mom have me for, anyway?

Didn't she get an ultrasound or anything?


BooSan, you try it too.

No, it's okay, I have to go back down before mom starts looking for me.

You want to go on the bus with that swollen face?

It is that strange?

What a problem.

What an unmanly face.

Aish, what's this?

You're a man, but you're crying over such a little thing.

What was Mom thinking, giving birth to such a girl?

Hey, you've really done it now...

Come here, come here.

Cha KangJin!

I'm not okay.

Ah, don't do that, don't do that, don't!

Thank you, hyung.

Hyung, you're not going to find your father?

You're successful enough to go proudly to your father, now.

So I was wondering, what kind of person is your father?

Hyung, who is your father?

Personally, I think this outfit suits you much better than that other one from last time.

You bought me this not long ago.

Yeah, that's why I'm saying...

Next time we go into the city, let's get that dress you hesitated on last time.

That really suited you well. Okay?

Because of you... tomorrow

I'll be happy

Not the face, not anything else, no, no...

Honk as much as you want.

I won't move.

I've made my bed today.

You'll never make it another step until you let Miss Shin out, so

if you really want to recruit her, k*ll me first.

Ugh, really.

Do you own me? Huh?

I mean, if you were me, and they offered you a , won raise,

wouldn't you go?

I wouldn't! I wouldn't!

Why would I betray our loyalty because of , won?

Why did you change so much?

After all I've done for you.

You're right, I'm ungrateful.

Yeah, I'm an ungrateful bitch, so get out of the way!

I won't move, you bitch.

To build a welfare state

and to create a just society

I can't let someone like you go that easily.

Get out of the car. Get out now, you idiot!

I know nothing but love~


I really wanted to let it go for my mom's sake, but I can't today.

Get up.

You're not getting up?

Hey, want me to rearrange all your bones from skull to knee?

That's right!

Go ahead and rearrange them, you bastard.

I've actually been having trouble sleeping because of my bad joints and aching body.

So let's see you cure me.

Rearrange my bones!

If you can't do it, I'll put you in soy sauce and pickle you.

Wow, this old witch won't back down even a little.

I'd love to just... POW!

Just what? Just what?

You're gonna hit me?

Hit me! Hit me then!

You bastard who should die in crap-water!

A gangster is beating me!...

It's time for us to get on the bus.

We need to go now.

Someone, help... help me!

Let's just go.

Don't get involved in other people's business.
Help! Help!

Help me! Help me...

Let's go.

Hey, stop hitting her! Stop it!

Don't hit her! Don't hit her!

Hey, don't you even have parents, you bastards?

I won't go to Yong Cafe, you gangster bastard!

I don't want to take the bus.

You drive me to Seoul.

I have an appointment with a patient a little later...

All right. I'll take you there.

Let's move.

To Seoul... or to anywhere.

I told you we can't

Why not?

You can't leave because of who?

- ChoonHee?
- JiWan.

Because of our daughter, JiWan.

We have to wait for her. We can't go.

Who cares if that little brat comes back or not?

JiWan is our child too!

She came out of your belly just like our JiYong.

It hadn't even been a week since JiYong died,

when she disappeared. All she left was a letter saying she was going to Seoul.

No matter how young and immature she was,

she didn't even think of the pain her parents were going through.

She can only think of herself.

She must have suffered a lot too.

She'd been suffering after her brother's death.

Are you really not worried about JiWan?

You don't wonder where she is or what she's doing?

I don't wonder at all.

JiYong must be looking down from the heavens,

beating his chest and crying,

because of her astoundingly stupid life.

Medicinal herbs'

efficacy, shapes, colors, and qualities cannot be figured out with your mind.

You must feel them with your body.

You must touch them, draw them, stare at them, and try eating whichever ones you can eat.

Don't be afraid of the fact that there are over of them.

One does not become a doctor of Oriental medicine using one's head, but through effort and heart.

You want a blanket?

- I wasn't sleeping. I felt a little sick...
- You're on leave...

but you begged me to let you audit this class. What kind of student are you?

Stand up.

Recite the properties of this herb.

Ginger is warm and good for removing bad smells, cleaning vigor,
gastric opening, and remedying vomiting and moist coughs.

Do you have enough money to come back next semester?

Yes, sir, I'm working hard on that.

Your sunbae [more senior student], Han JiWan,

Passed her university qualification and entrance exams by a hair,

and the only Chinese characters she knows are her name and the numbers , , , so she failed.

She even took a leave of absence because of money troubles, but she never gave up.

She threatened professors so they'd let her audit classes,

went to bed clutching herbs, and studied until her reference books became dog-eared. So now, she is a good student.

Han JiWan.

The five herbs in front of you, recite their properties.

Why? You don't know?

Senior! Senior!

It's alright, let her be.

She's putting on a show because
she doesn't know the answer.

Han JiWan, stop acting and get up.


I'll get up after minutes because I'm embarrassed.

Alright! You have a really high fever.

Somebody must be terribly sorry.

I'm going to faint when I see Park TaeJun. I'm
going to tell him that I got drenched in the rain...
had indigestion, couldn't sleep,
and couldn't eat because of him.

He'll be so sorry that he won't know what to do.

Should I get pneumonia as well? So he won't even be able to look me in the face?

Look at my dark circles. I lost so much weight.

Park TaeJun must be dreadfully sorry.


Are you sleeping?


Are you drinking?

Do you think I always drink?

Sing me another song.

Do you know "Mokpo's Tears?"

Do you know "Crumbling Love Tower"?

What about "Love is the Seed of Tears"?

You'll get sick. Stop drinking and go to sleep.

If your mom asks you to sing, then sing, you bastard.

Some wretch has her husband sing her a lullaby every night.

He doesn't even rest until she falls asleep.

That wretch's husband...

... buys her pretty clothes every season.

And even though he sees a person,
in front of him, being beaten to death...

... he'll just stand watching... all because
his wife said she doesn't want him to help.

He doesn't even try to help.

That wretch's husband...

Are you that great?

Just because you've lived in the States and in Seoul, your mom is nothing to you?

You're ashamed of me, huh?

Because of me, all those incredible girls run away from you

and you think, "What the hell kind of mother is that," right?

If it wasn't for me, you...

Amidst flower winds of buying and selling love

You try to protect

the pure light on your own

Don't cry, Hongdo

Your Oppa is here.

Keep to the path of a wife

You saw the moon shrouded in clouds, didn't you?

The world is the clouds, and

Hongdo is the moonlight

For my love which the heavens have faith in,

the wind blows the clouds away

One hour.

Let's wait only one hour and then leave,

Han JiWan.

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Are you awake?

Why am


I guess we must be deeply connected somehow.

Thank you for your car.


Why are you here?

I couldn't ignore her sleeping in front of your door, so I brought her here.

She seemed really sick too.

Your fever's still really high.

I think it might be best to take her to the hospital.

Oh, are you busy?

Aren't you wondering what I did to you after I brought you to my bed?

Am I such a pushover to you?

I'm your colleague's fiancee.

I was worried, but you're a lot more cheerful than I thought.

Who are you?

The day of your engagement ceremony, I was with TaeJun.

Hurry and push me. You k*lled me once, so you can k*ll me again, right?

Now, don't go anywhere. Just stay with me.

Don't do this anymore.

Fine, leave, go!

I'll let you go, so leave!

Go, I don't want to see you again.

You think you can hold on to him by risking your life?

I'm going to try, no matter what it takes.

Stay with me today.

I think I'm going to tempt you.

Don't you know who I am?