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01x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 11/27/23 12:15
by bunniefuu
The closet will get stuck.

Your closet's tall, and might get stuck on that banner.

[Director Han JunSu and Mrs. Seo YoungSook's oldest son, Han JiYong, has got a scholarship at SNU. Congrats!]

Ah, should we get off and raise that somehow?

Is there another road?

BooSan, sit up.

Wake up.

Hey, lift it up a little more. A little more!

How can you be so weak?

Why do you always ask me?

Ask hyung (older brother) to do it.

Lift me up. A little more. A little more.

A little more.

Hey, stay still. Don't move around.

It worked.

Go up there.

That's high enough so it won't get stuck.

Just go, brat.

Hey, hey, a bit slowly!

A little more. A little more.

Stop, stop, stop, stop.

Stop, stop. Stand still.

You thieves!

You bad people!

Why are you cutting it?
Why are you cutting my brother's banner, you bad people!

- Mom, are we "thieves"?
- Hey, thieves! You're dead meat!

You've been caught! You're dead meat!

Ah, really.

Are you hurt?

Can you walk?

Thank you.

Hyung, mom says to hurry and get in.

Then, you're with those thieves? You bad hat!

Thieves! Catch the thieves!

Here are thieves! Thieves who cut my brother's banner!

Catch the thieves! Catch them!

Catch these thieves! Thieves! Thieves!

Is "thief" the only word you know?

You've been calling us thieves this whole time...

Look up what "thief" means in the dictionary.

We're not thieves.

You're worse than a thief.

Why did you have to cut my brother's banner? Why?

What do you guys have against my brother's banner to cut it down?

Mom, hyung said he's not coming.

Crazy boy.

Just go.

I'll make you another one.


What my mom cut...

That banner, I'll remake it.

I'm going to report you to the local police.

I'm going to lie and say you guys pushed me and tried to k*ll me.

I'm going to put all the blame on you all.

Piggy, your mother, YOU!

You trio? You're all dead!

It hurts.

Get on my back. Let's go to the hospital, just in case.

If I see you just once again, you're dead!

Hyung, hyung.

Hyung, we've been fooled again. Mom lied again.

Raise it a little more.

Mister, it's drooping a bit on the right.

Okay, got it.

Okay, a little more. Raise it a little more.

How do I look?

My lipstick is a k*ller, huh? Sexy, right?

Didn't you say you were going to open a Soondae stew restaurant?

Pine-eating caterpillars should eat pine leaves.

If they eat anything else, they'll die.

Oh man, this time the left side is crooked.

Didn't you say we're going to live a decent life here?

I was planning to.

But I don't want to live properly.

I don't feel like it.

Ahh, you're really...

Now the right side's crooked.

You can't even get that straight? Is looking handsome everything?

Oh, younger president!

Are the opening preparations coming along well?

You know my old man was crazy for renting you
this place dirt cheap, right?

I know. I know.

I am so very grateful to you and the elder president.

Your cool sunglasses are smudged.

While you're at it, could you clean my shoes too?

I got out of my car for a sec to buy cigarettes
and some dog shit on the road...

Oh my. I wonder what kind of dog did that rudely.

Nice shoes. Are they made of cowhide?

Wipe your own shoes. My mom's not a shoe-shiner.


This rascal... How dare you talk down to me?

Who is this rascal? Is he your son, madame?

Hyung, I have to hurry and get to school.

Give me a minute.

Hey, you, come over here.

What did you just say? Come over here!

You must be the younger brother.

Are you in high school? Sancheong High School?

What grade and class? My son's also... Sancheong High...

Hyung, let's hurry and go!

Have you eaten?

Would the handsome young master like a glass of milk?

You're so annoying.

You said you didn't eat breakfast.
Have a glass of milk before you go.

I don't want to. It's dirty.

-If you don't want milk, I also have yogurt.

I don't know! I'm going first.

You have really sucky taste...

Ah, let's go together. I'll give you a ride.

I'll come again. You little rascal, you're dead meat.

Drive carefully, younger president!

Go ahead, go ahead.

Drive safely!


Why did you clench your fists?

So you can cause trouble again? So you can hit people again?

Should we do it again?

You getting expelled from school, getting banned from the village...
You want to try all that all over again?

Didn't I say this was the last place?

If we can't make it work here, then I told you that you, me and BooSan will have no choice but to swallow pills and just die!

Still, I'm not pouring drinks anymore.

You hate it to death, so I'm not doing it.

In my own way, mom's trying all kinds of things to try to live, you rascal.

Your lipstick color's horrible. It makes you look like a bar girl.

I didn't go this morning. I set myself straight.

But you went yesterday morning.

I saw you in front of JongSeok's house.

It was because I forgot for a moment.

I forgot for a moment that JongSeok and I broke up,
so I asked him to go to school together..

Of all the things to forget, you forget those things?

That's not it... It's only been three weeks since we broke up, so reality hasn't set in yet.

I'm warning you again.

JongSeok's dating me now.

Don't linger near JongSeok anymore.

From a girl to another girl, it's bad even for my pride.


Even if it's not JongSeok, you have tons of guys who like you.

And so?

Why did you leave those other guys and seduce a guy who's already got a darling?

Who's my darling?

Are you my darling? By whose choice?

People who date all say it like that.

We weren't dating. I was just wandering for a while.

So I could date YoonJu Sunbae.

Don't come to my house again to ask me to go to school together.

Let's go, Sunbae.

Hey, I'm sorry, but can you throw back that ball?

Cha BooSan, hurry and come.

Hey, hey, it's you again?

And I was thinking it was so quiet for a couple days.

You rascal.

Go over to that teacher.

Is everyone eating properly?

Yes, everyone's eating well.

Okay, you (the class president) are taking care of him well, right?

I'm Cha KangJin.

Ah, transfer student?

Why have you moved schools so much?

You've moved four times in the last a year and a half.

And what is THIS?! Dropped out twice...

...and was held back a year?!

It only says "dropped out," but isn't it really "expelled"?

Reasons for being expelled and held back:

One: Created a posse of bad kids

and contributed to causing unrest at school..

Two: Beat someone up. Three: Habitually cheated.

Four: Scholastic abilities are supremely inadequate to receive high-school education.

Which of those is it?

If multiple-choice is too hard for you, shall I give it to you in free response?

Aren't you going to answer?

Do I sound like the neighborhood dog?!

It's...number two.

You must be proud.

You must be proud to have beaten someone up, you bastard!

Ohh...I'm going crazy!

What kind of grudge does the vice-principal have against me

to put this gangster kid in my class?

Aghhh, really

I'm going to go crazy!

You know those faxed documents that came from Offices of Education? The principal wants them sent to him quickly.

Within an hour.

Fax? What fax?


I was going to turn crazy anyway,

but all parts of the country are helping me completely lose my mind!

I can't possibly do all this in one hour!

And it's all in English too...

"Despite a percent jump in the average, amo...amoument that loscal stit...sta...s..."

Arghh, going crazy!

Where's my English dictionary?

Our class president.


Take him to class for now.

The class that comes in last for the exams coming up will be ours.

You'll DEFINITELY lower the class average.

Expelled and held back...

You must have been too busy to go to school properly...
Have you even learned Korean properly?

Do you know your ABCs?

Ow, my head...go, go, go.

Does any teacher have an English dictionary?

Teacher Choi! Your English dictionary...

Despite a percent jump in the average amount...

...that local, state and federal governments spend per pupil,

the percentage of high school students who graduate has actually dropped,

from . percent to . percent.


"Despite the fact that the local and federal governments...

increased their spending per pupil by %...

the percentage of high-school students who graduate...

...has in fact decreased from . % to . %."

Go on!

The Minister of Education says that

in order to get real results from public education reform...

First place!

At your previous school, you placed first in the school in the practice exams...


Fi...first place!

First place! At every school you attended!

How can this be?!

Wow...this makes no sense.

Oh, expelled, no, dropped out, and even held back...

...but first in the school, seventh in the country?!

How does this make any sense?!

Are you...a genius?


I need to go to the bathroom. I'm about to burst!'re always so...

Put on your shoes/slippers.

You hate yourself sometimes too, right?


ALWAYS. hours a day.

When your mom came to bring you underwear, she came with a face mask on.
She must have been totally embarrassed.

I even met her like making a secret contact with a spy at a doghole.

What's the doghole? How did your mother's position become like that?

I heard that while your brother was in high school she went around confidently declaring,
"I'm the top student, Han JiYong's mother!"

My mom told me that when she calls her, "JiWan's mom," she doesn't really respond.
But, when she calls her, "JiYong's mom," she responds really well.

I feel like dying right now without you fanning the fire for me.

Why don't you bring a dish pan filled with water, so that I can stick my nose in it and die?!

I just feel sympathy for you as your best friend.

As long as I've lived, you're the only one I've seen who's had nothing ever work out,
or break her nose each time from falling backwards.

You think you're the only one? It's a first for me too.

Why did I have to be seen by that guy of all people...

Oh yeah.

Did DiCaprio see you pee as well?

What Caprio?

The hottie who transferred to the rd year, nd class.

Because of that guy, all the girls at our school are going crazy.

If a fan club was made right now, there would be at least members.

The new student in our class, Cha BooSan, is his brother.

You know, the one who untimately contributed to your peeing incident?

You really didn't see him?

I heard he was there when you were being punished and peed in the teacher's room.

That guy is THAT GUY?

Aja! I'll be back.

I was solving this math problem when I came across something I don't know.
I've never seen this type of question...

Here, this one. Will you teach it to me?

Are you really asking because you don't know?

Of course. Why?

This one's the problem that the teacher solved for us earlier?

Oh... it wasn't this problem.

Sorry, I got it mixed up for a second.

If there's a question you don't understand, ask the math teacher. I'm not very good at teaching others.

I didn't ask you because I don't know.

The problem was just an excuse. I'm interested in you.

YoonJu Sunbae!

What are you doing, in our classroom?

I came because I missed you.
Because I just saw you, but wanted to see you again.

My mom made sandwiches. Let's eat together.

I just ate lunch earlier.

You can eat some more.

It's the bacon sandwiches that you like. Let's go out.

Oh, it's Madame Cha's son.

You know him?

Yes. His mother runs a cafe(/teahouse) in my father's building.

Old women that flirt really disgust me.

Not knowing their place, acting vulgar and dirty.

Who's flirting?

Just someone.

Sunbae, I think I've developed a love illness for you.

I just think of your face all day long.

What kind of sandwich is it?

The kind you like, bacon.

You eat first.

Why are you like this... you go ahead.

Try it.

It's good.


I'll open it for you.

Looking for me?

Why do you keep staring at me?

Why do you keep staring?

You said you weren't interested in me.

I'm not interested in you, but...

you keep catching my eye.

Strangely, I end up staring at you.

If it bothers you, you avoid me.

It's hard for me, so...

you do it.

You can not look at me.

I'm Madame Cha of SanHo Cafe!

Hello, elders.

SanHo Cafe at the police office intersection. Delivery service is available even if you order just one cup of tea.

Stop by. We'll treat you well.

You really have to come okay?
If you're kidding with me, I'm gonna cry.

Of course we will drop by.

Have your fill. Enjoy it.
- Thank you.

Are you ChoonHee by chance?

You're ChoonHee, the daughter of SoonShim at Ninano Bar in the town, right?

Yes, I'm ChoonHee.


I recall that you kept yourself busy, went to girls' commercial high school and were working at the post office
saying that you didn't want to live like your mother.

You can't fool your blood.

Make sure you stop by! I'll be waiting!

Eat well.

I'll stop by after having a game of Janggi(Korean Chess).

Just you wait.

Just you wait.

Hello! It's SanHo Cafe.

Hello. SanHo Cafe, at the police office intersection.

We deliver even one drink, please support us.

Thank you.

Your opening promotion gift is only this measly thing?

When Yong Cafe opened, they gave cigarettes as well.

What a pretense.

It's not! They really gave it out with two cigarettes included.

It's so obvious that your smiles are forced.

They weren't forcedly smiling.

That's one of my pieces. They were smiling too much I had to ask them to tone it down a bit,

saying "If you smile too much, your family portrait will lose the dignity."

Their oriental medical clinic is prosperous,
they have lots of money,
and the son goes to Seoul National University,
with a scholarship.

The siblings are so close. The household has nothing to be jealous of.

He got himself a great wife. She's a lucky one. Lucky!

Go often to the Yong Cafe then!

Don't come to ours.

Hey hey, didn't I tell you to be careful with that?
If even a drop falls, it'll get ruined.

Finish that up and go.

It's not me!

I didn't do it, officer.

I'm gonna go crazy, seriously.

That young miss said that she saw you pouring hydrochloric acid all over the portrait.

When did you see me doing it?

Did you really see me doing it?

I saw, when he went to the bathroom.

Do you have evidence?

Do you have evidence that I did it?

This woman is definitely the criminal!

From the first time she came into my photo studio,

She looked at this picture, calling it pretense, forced smiling, etc.

She kept trying to provoke a quarrel!


I'm telling you it's not me

I said it was not me! Why do you not believe me?!

Are you ignoring me? Are you looking down on me because I'm a cafe madame?

Officer, call my son, KangJin!

My son will enter the College of Law at Seoul National University.

When my son comes, I'll throw you all into prison for false accusation.

So call my KangJin, officer.

Sancheong High School's second grade...

I don't know what class of what grade. Anyhow, call the school and call him.


I said call him!

I can pay the phone charge,

so call Sancheong High School just once!


You're Cha ChoonHee, aren't you?

Director Han, you're here! Aigo.

Director Han, this woman,...

This crazy woman did this to your family portrait.

Don't be so rude.


You shouldn't say bad things about people without any evidence, Mr Park.

Let's go. This isn't where you should be.

ChoonHee is my friend.

She's not someone who'd do that. I know well.

How would you know? What do you know about her?

How she's lived, what kind of things she's been doing, how would you know?

JiYong's father...

You called me here because you couldn't take care of one picture, Mr. Park? Do you think I have that much time?

I don't care about the picture. Deal with it yourself without contacting me.

Let's go.

JiYong's father.

Let's go now.


JiYong's father!

Yes, I did it. What will you do about it?

You pretending to be happy was so hideous and ridiculous,

so I did that to the picture.

So what are you going to do about it?

Gonna throw me in jail? Try me!

Try to throw me in jail!

Honey, what's wrong with you?

She came back after years. You shouldn't be like this.

Please stop the car.

Please. Stop the car.

Let's hurry and go eat dinner. I'm hungry.

I didn't even have lunch.

Let's take a picture.

A family picture. Let's take a family picture too.

What is this, exercise in the moonlight? Why take a picture in the middle of the night when everyone else is asleep?

Cha BooSan! Hey, open your eyes.

Hold on...

Let's take it with your dads too.

Since it's a family picture, let's have everything just like others have it.

Goodness, they don't have fathers

Who doesn't have fathers in this world!

What's that? Are you telling me they are their dads?

Ok, I'm taking it.

Hold on.

Smile brightly

Rip your lips (Smile)

Ok I'm doing it for real now

Look here~ Now,

one, two, three!

So, what I said then was...

KangJin Oppa! How could you do this to me?

You moved my heart so much, and gave me such hard times,

How! How can you be that girl's boyfriend!

I heard all the senior girls are in shock!

Song YoonJu, that fox.
She dated Park JongSeok just a month, then dumped him.

Is that why she totally trampled your heart and stole him?

I'm going to get revenge.


We can't leave people like that alone.

If they make other people cry tears, they should know that they'll have bloody tears.


I'm going to steal Cha KangJin from Song YoonJu.


And as soon as Cha KangJin falls for me, I'll dump him.

Someone who flirts with a girl who has a boyfriend, out of all the girls that like him, I need to teach that bastard a lesson.

Who? Who's going to dump the great Cha KangJin?

[Please forget the past,
everyone makes mistakes.
The beautiful memory at the dropwort field.
Cha KangJin ♥ Han JiWan]

Hello, KangJin oppa! I am Han JiWan from st year rd class

We saw each other a few times here and there, but you didn't know my name, right?

When we first met at the dropwort field, I realized we were meant for each other.

I realized that finally, a person I waited for has come.


Oppa. Do you believe in past lives?

Our destiny may have been sad lovers who loved each other, but split up because of some misfortune,

Or perhaps a tragic couple who couldn't elope because of the parents and the world's opposition.

[Fresh eggs and milk that I like. Enjoy.
Han JiWan.]

Oppa. You also feel it, right?

Please forget the past, everyone makes mistakes.


I'll be waiting for the day when you finally recognize me.

I'll never be exhausted!

From st year, class , Han JiWan.

English subtitles provided by the fansub team on Viki
Please don't make hardsubbed videos with these subtitles.

[SanHo Cafe]

Oh. Younger President.

What is...this alcohol for?

He got here awhile ago, and he kept bugging me to bring him some alcohol...

Hey, Cha baby,

Come here and pour me some.

You don't look very happy, younger president?

Did something bad happen?

Because of some moron...

our youngest is neither eating nor going to school, just whining and crying...

it hurts my feelings so much that I can't help drinking.

Oh, that's what happened.

Then of course you should have a drink.

It's only today, okay?

Next time, dr*gs at the pharmacy, checkup at the doctor's office, and alcohol at the bar, okay?

Go home, fix the light later.


Don't go yet. Come here and have a drink with me.

All the high school kids drink these days.

How many men have you undone this ribbon for?

Hey, what are you doing?

You must be drink!

Why? You know you like it.
Stop it!

Why are you doing that? Ack!

Ooo, madame Cha!

Not the body of someone in her s!

It's a 's body!

Younger President!

You really go too far with your teasing!

What are you looking at, you idiot?

You've probably seen it enough times.

He didn't touch me. His hand(s) just... KangJin!

KangJin, no, he didn't touch me!

This... This kid... Madame... Madame Cha...

Just let it go...let it go, KangJin!

I told you I'm okay! Told you it doesn't matter! Don't be stupid!

Your mom is a barmaid!

I'm not anyone in any high position! It doesn't matter who touches me! I'm dirty!

I've already done enough!

Even if Younger President touches me, it's not a pity and I've lost everything to lose already!

Hurry, let go of him already! Let go!

Come on! Let go of this!

You're going to k*ll a person!

Let go of him already!

Are you okay ?

Are you okay?
Are you okay, younger president?

Should I bring you some water?

You're okay, right? Right?

I'm sorry... I'm really sorry.

That bastard..

From now on, consider your life as over!

Forgive him, Younger President.

He's only a kid.

I'm begging you like this. I'm really sorry.

What should I do? Should I kneel down?

If I kneel down, will you forgive him?

I'll kneel, Younger President...I'll kneel down...

We have a baseball bat at home.
The one that my older brother used to use.

Bastards like that should be beaten on their foreheads with a baseball bat!

...or would he die if we do that?

Well, there's also a way to make him crap blood until he feels like dying.

Uh, Chelidoni Herba or Arisaema amurense...

Well, see, they are kinds of medicinal herbs.

and if you just steal a little bit from our traditional medicine clinic and put it in his coffee

Or there's also a herb that'll make him laugh like a crazy person until he collapses

Oh...what was it called again?

Oh yeah, Scopolia japonica! It would be great!

You're just going to go?

You're going to go and leave that bastard alone?

You should BREAK HIS WRISTS so he doesn't do that again

and you should BREAK HIS LEGS too!

If that doesn't work, a jump side kick!

What kind of son are you?

Is she...not your real mom? what I'm saying is

you seem way too patient.

If you're patient with those guys, they'll think it's okay to do that stuff

and they won't realize they did wrong... you know me?



You said we were lovers in a past life.

Oh, that was...see, that was...

So what, you recognized me right away, but I haven't recognized you yet?

No, well...actually, yes.

Even though I don't feel anything?

If we were lovers in a past life, shouldn't I feel something?

You and I weren't lovers in a past life, or anything like that

nor will we now, or ever, have any kind of relationship. Ever.

I'm telling you to stop sticking your nose in other people's lives and bug off! I a car engine? To bug "off"? [in Korean = "turn (yourself) off"]

But I was just so heartbroken

so heartbroken that...


Ugh...I can't stand it. I can't stand it!

Mom! Gimme a Cheongsimhwan [calming pill]!

You think you've put up with a lot, don't you?

Compared to what I've put up with, it's nothing, you idiot.

I put up with countless men saying I should put you guys in an orphanage so I could move in with them,

I put up with selling coffee instead of alcohol even though it makes less money because you don't like it,

I want to self-destruct so someone can see
and feel sorry for me all their lives

... but I held it in.

To save a little on rent, I took out my liver
and bladder (my pride) and I've flirted, groveled,
and put up with cheating, meanness and arrogance...

But you can't even control that temper of yours?

Are you the only one with pride, the only one with a temper?

Back then...

I should have finished everything after drinking a gourd of soy sauce.

What does having kids mean to me as a barmaid, huh?

Just hampers me all my life.

This crazy bitch.

Ah, this insane bitch.

Crazy bitch.

Crazy bitch.

[Bad guy's car]

[Leave the earth]

Should we go to the city to watch a movie?


Do you think there'll be a lot of
people there since it's Sunday today?

Oh, Oppa...The car!

What's this?

Which bastard did this?

Which bastard drew on my car?!

Come out, you bastard!

That bastard is my father's kid! Why?!



Mister, you ARE a bastard.


Why that little brat!


You bother weak people just
because you think you have some money! .

How could you do that to his mother in front of him?

How could you do that to his mother in front of him?

If I was KangJin ..

You would've died by my hands!

You're dead!

Madam, you made her do it, right?!

You were the one who ordered that
thug girl to throw cow dung at me!

You told her to write "bastard" on my car didn't you?!

Younger President must be here again!

What? A dog excreted cow's dung?!

What're you talking about all of a sudden?

Don't play stupid.

You were the one who told her to!

You were the one who ordered that brat!

What did I do?!

What brat?

I'm going to destroy everything!

I'm going to destroy your cafe and everything!

Why would I tell her to do something? Why?

It really wasn't me! Who is she?

Then who was it?!

You're driving me crazy!

- I really didn't tell her...
- Hey, did you tell that girl?

- No he didn't.
- What! Now he's ignoring me?!

You want to start something?!

No, that's not it, Younger President.

KangJin won't do anything like that in the future.

That bastard.

Did you do it?


Did you do it?

What... What?


His car.



Why would YOU?!

Because you can't do it.


He is a bad jerk. Really, really bad.

Everybody in town knows that.
I'm not saying anything wrong.

He's a bastard, so his car is a bastard's car too.

You know everything, but you're holding it in.

You know everything, but you can't do anything about it...

Tell him you don't know me. Tell him that I have nothing to do with you

and that you've never seen me before.

I knew it. You were the one who told her to, weren't you?

No! KangJin doesn't know anything. Really!


I thought this up all by myself.

There are a lot of people in town that want to beat you up!

KangJin has nothing to do with this!

This brat still hasn't come to her senses.

Why don't you come to your senses yourself?

You really...!

He's running away by himself?

Hey, stop right there!

You weasel!

You brat.

That didn't hurt at all.
Hit me again. k*ll me!

You really want to die?!

Hit me! Hurry up and hit me!

Hit me again.

Why I oughtta...

Hit me. I said hit me.

Ahhyoo! Ahhyoo!

I like you.

Just like how you like me,
I like you too.

You have secrets from your brother now?

He went barefoot.

I don't like you.

... Save me! Save me...

He dropped a pendant in the water...
I'm going to return it to him when I meet him.

Because of you, people almost died.

Where are you? Lee WooJung!

I am Han JiWan, Park TaeJun's fiancee. We were going to have our engagement ceremony today.

Something urgent came up...

I'm the leader of Design Team ,

Cha KangJin.

I met someone...

It was so hard... TaeJun.

Come here.

Come here, please.

JiWan, why are you here?