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01x05 - Heartache

Posted: 11/27/23 11:52
by bunniefuu
I think she's here.


- Hi. I've been texting you all day.
- Sorry!

- Yay!
- There are my crazy little guys!

Do you have any chocolate?

- You can't have chocolate right now.
- But, Momma!

You think
you'll still make your choir thing?

I'm not really worried about that.

We've been to five of those already,
so I don't care.

I'm more worried about being late
for our reservation at Maaemo,

or did you forgot about that?

Oh, God...

Oh, sorry!

It's fine.

We only have three boys
and never get time to ourselves...

- Hi!
- Oh, hi!

- Hello.
- There's the little pooper.

I've changed his diaper,
but he went down for his nap a bit late.

- Did you nap a little?
- Don't worry about it.

- I'm sure we'll make it.
- Great. Now you're pretending to be chill.

You were as pissed as I was
five minutes ago.

- OK, have fun.
- Enjoy yourselves! Bye-bye!

- Have a good time!
- Later.

I'm frozen! And it's cold!

Keep moving around. Do the hokey pokey.

- What's that?
- The hokey pokey?

♪ You put your right arm in
You put your right arm out ♪

♪ You put your right arm in... ♪

OK, never mind. Tord, take this.
Watch a cartoon or something.

- What?
- You know my passcode, right?

How do you work this contraption?

Come on!

Auntie, you got a snap!

- Who is f*ck Boy?
- And we're done playing now.

Phone... Phone!

Oh, God..

Is he your boyfriend?

No, we... We're just friends.

Just friends?

I don't know. Don't ask.

Why are you just friends?

Sometimes grownups meet
and like one other a whole bunch,

but not enough to be together.

So, we're not like your mommy and daddy,

but technically blood flows down there

to the genitals and stuff.

They get bigger
and make good pals with each other.

- What are genitals and stuff?
- I don't want blood down there.

Your willy.

Do the willies play hopscotch together?

- I take it Mommy hasn't talked about this?
- No.


How about we forget what I said

and leave that
for your parents to sort out?

Is Willy coming with you for Christmas?


That was the last target!

I can't believe she missed that.

She won't qualify now.

- Are you OK?
- Yep.

- Are you cold? Hungry?
- I'm good.

Mom baked for us.


Excited for Christmas?

Not really.

I'm not surprised.

finding a boyfriend is not easy.

You broke up?

No, there never actually was a guy.

What do you mean?

I basically made him up.

Why would you do that?


Mom and Maria were nagging me incessantly
about getting a boyfriend, so I kind of...

- So, you improvised?
- Basically.

Mom just wants you to be happy.

- We all do.
- Yeah, no, I understand.


the world seems to have transformed

into a place for only families
and couples,

as if being alone is the worst thing ever!

Yeah, I get that.

But overall, you're alright?

Oh, yeah...


It's nice to have companionship, though.

- It sure is.
- Like your marriage.

- Don't repeat that to Momma!
- I wouldn't dare.

But I think you should...

you know, talk to her,

before she finds out.


Well, that's just my opinion.

- Hi!
- You do what you want.

- Hi!
- Fancy seeing you here!


This is my dad Tor.

- Hi, Papa Tor.
- A pleasure!

- I'm Stein.
- Stein. Very nice.

- Can I sit here?
- Go ahead.

- Nice to see you again.
- I feel like I need to apologize.

Do you mean for the ski trip
or the little fistfight?

Both, really.

A fistfight, huh?

I think "fight"
might be too strong a word for it.

More like two boys shoving.

- Shoving is alright.
- Shoving is alright!

Full disclosure:
I was pretty hammered that evening.

So, I wasn't my best...

my best self, either, to be honest.

You were popular that night.

God! Yep.

- Want some?
- Thanks.

Are you a biathlon fan?

Yeah, I love it. I was a biathlete.

- Oh, yeah?
- I was on the junior national team.

- Oh.
- Not to brag...

I never even made it to the top.

It's still cool. Yeah.

- I used to do the ski jump.
- Oh, yeah?

Yep. But I hurt my back
in the Junior World Championships.

And that's all she wrote, as they say.

That's an extreme sporting merit.

- Want me to top you off?
- Please do. That's good.

Come on!

Some for you?

- Work is calling me.
- No. Really?

- Yeah.
- Do you want a ride?

You're drinking Dad
and Reinertsen's moonshine,

so probably not!

I've only had a little sip.

Dad, I feel bad. I'm sorry.
Bente says it's a crisis, so I...

- It really is a crisis.
- What else is new?


Well, have a good shift.

See you.

Come on!


- Well...
- OK, later.

- It was nice seeing you.
- Yeah, same to you. I've got to...

- Yeah!
- Have a good day!

- Is it OK if I sit here?
- Yeah, be my guest.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.


What's going on?

You've been nagging me,
saying I should shape up.


I'm having a visitor later.

The girl I told you about.

I thought I might kind of...

get a little swole, you know?

Yeah. So, what changed?

Well, sometimes...

it's maybe not so lame to ask for help.

So, you're really going to...

Yep. I want to do the Trasopp Clinic
for four weeks.

I figure it's a start.

Then we'll see...

how it goes.

Thank you.

Hey, Johanne.

I was wondering if you could
possibly give me a quick update

on the endocarditis?

- Oh, Sebastian?
- Yes.

I'm considering sending him home
with a prescription

and have him come in
for IV treatment maybe every other day.

I'm figuring out how to free up some beds,
make some space...

OK, we shouldn't discharge him
considering his history.

I doubt he'll bother showing up here
every other day,

so I think you should keep him here
till he's done.

Don't discharge him too early, please.

OK, I think we often discharge people
a bit prematurely.

People just get sicker

and then they end up
coming back here anyway.

So, the inevitable result
is that patients are sicker for longer

and it's harder for us to get them well.

Make sense?

- That's smart.
- I try.



Is this a joke?
Don't tell me you work here.

- Yes, as a matter of fact.
- Of course.


Well, hello again.

Yes, yeah. Always a pleasure.

That night... escalated quickly.


At least you could never say
I'm not passionate.

That is definitely true.

But what happened this time?

- Paintball.
- OK.

You got hit by a paintball in your face?

We wear a mask, you know?

So, no, I wasn't hit in the face.

- No, OK. It... It looks...
- Could you please turn the light off?

It's literally k*lling me right now.


- I have something else to say.
- Yes?

My finger...

Remember when that guy broke it?

Of course. How could I forget?

They put ice on it...

and my life changed in that moment.

I met someone.

Her name is Inga.

She is my girlfriend now.

Stop. Wait, no...

Inga, as in my friend Inga?

My lady Inga.


So, us two...

The two of you...

like, together now.


- Well, I'll be damned.
- It was magical.

Yeah, I'll bet.

I am single and pathetic no more!

Sorry, no offense.

None taken.



are you sure it's OK with you?

I know you and he had a...
had a thing once.

Oh, God! I'm so happy for you.
It's cool, really. It's...

I'm glad!

Once he's discharged,

he wants to take me to an escape room,
or whatever they're called.

- Cool. I bet that will be fun.
- Right?

I'm really looking forward to it.

Enough about me. Anyone in your life?

I don't know. I guess, sort of. But...

Tell me.

I don't know.
I feel like I'm robbing the cradle.

So what if you're a bit of a cougar?

That's him right there.

- Girl, wow! What a smoking hottie.
- Uh-huh.

Look right there. His birthday is today.


Do something for him.

Send him a card, a present,
or something nice.

Yeah, I can bake him a birthday cake.

The way to a man's heart
is through his stomach!

- It's true!
- Imagine...

We're both now all boyfriended up.

- Perfect!
- Perfect.

Alright... A cougar cake for... Nah.

A love cake.

A little love cake.

- I am baking a cake.
- Cake? What cake?

What's the occasion?

Today is Jonas' birthday,

so I thought I'd whip him up
a little love cake.

OK, so you're invited to the
birthday party of your little f*ck Boy.

Hey, no more "f*ck Boy."

He's actually a real human being
with a real name he'd want us to use.

So, you're invited
to the birthday party of young Jonas?

Well, on Facebook,
there was an invitation. Kind of.

- Romance is still alive and well.
- Yeah.

I just figured he baked for me,

so he'll appreciate me
returning the favor.

That's ballsy.

How ballsy? Like, too ballsy?

Hey, it's like they always say:

nothing ventured,
no boyfriend for Christmas gained.

So, do you have a recipe in mind?

Wait, never mind.
I've got it in my mind's eye.

If you can get water and eggs,
a lemon, too...

- Let's go.
- Lemon?

Have faith, little one.

There we go.

So, for baking
an "I have feelings for you" cake,

then the cake we make
has got to be heart-shaped.

Wait, a heart shape?
Isn't that a little much?

Put your heart on the table.
He made you come, like, five times.

I think, at minimum,
the guy has earned at least a heart.


You're so right.

We need, like, a baker's drink.

- Yes, love it!
- I am on it.


What ever happened to that guy Stein?
Sporty Stein, the lost Spice Girl...?

Wasn't he putting the moves on you
at the Christmas party?

Well, I actually ran into him today
at the biathlon thing.

Nice! And then?

Stein is nice but kind of pathetic,
like roadkill or a wounded puppy.

A wounded puppy?

- What do you have against dogs?
- I just don't want to date one.

You know that nice and safe
can be a good thing, don't you?

If you find a guy with 35
out of the 100 things you want,

maybe that could be good enough.

A perfect match isn't easy to find.

If I'm being honest,
I don't think it even exists.

I get it. But he just
reminds me too much of...


My father.

I really miss mine.

I'm so sorry.

Do you want to talk about it?


- OK, you. Let's toast.
- Yeah.

What is it for?

This toast will be for putting my heart
onto a cake.

- To hearts!
- Cheers.

One, two, three, one, two, three!



Is that for me?

Happy birthday.


Look, me and Eline...
It doesn't mean anything.

- You shouldn't say that.
- Say what?

That you aren't an item.
It's going to hurt her feelings.

We feel each other up,
we dance a little...

We're just messing around.
It's not a big deal.



time to be brutally honest,
as you young ones say.

Yep. Out with it.

You're so much younger than me,
but I don't care.

I like you.

What is it?

I don't think it would be so smart.


I'm leaving for Bali

to get my bachelor's, after Christmas.


It's just not good timing to...

to begin something right now.

But what about, like, later?

I'm saying that you're...
You know, you're...

- Call me old.
- I'm trying to say you're too good for me.

Why do you say that?

Johanne, you've got a job.

You're so...

You're in control of your life.

We're in different places.

I could be in a place like Bali.

I know, but...


brutally honest...

maybe I've been
more than a little stressed

when I think about the fact that you're...

over 30, and...

might want to have children soon.

I don't want you as my baby daddy!

I'm sorry.

I like you, but it just wouldn't work.

Why do you have to be so great?

Why did you have to be so great?

♪ In this holy night ♪

♪ Promise me a tomorrow ♪

♪ And I can hear your voice in the dark ♪

♪ In this holy night ♪

♪ Promise me a tomorrow... ♪


♪ Promise me a tomorrow ♪

♪ Promise me a tomorrow ♪

♪ Promise me a tomorrow ♪

♪ But I can see a fire in the sky ♪

♪ In this holy night ♪

♪ Promise me a tomorrow ♪

♪ And I can hear your voice
In the dark... ♪

A beer and a Fernet. Thanks.

Starting strong.

What's going on?

He dumped my ass.

Twelve years younger than me
and he dumped me.

I baked him a f*cking love cake.

God! Why am I crying over a 19-year-old?
I'm so pathetic.

I can't believe I was so dumb.

Have one.

f*ck him. He sounds like a douchebag.

Yeah. Yeah, f*ck him.

Oh, God. No.

Hey, hey.

Hey, look at me.

He's not worth it.

You're better than that.
You deserve way better.

You're just saying that.

No, you're the full package:


you even bake, and, honestly...

you can drink us all under the table.

So, what happened?

Nothing, really.
That's the problem. Nothing happened.

I've tried to be open
and disgustingly positive.

I said yes to all the guys
who came my way.

I took a retiree to a naked spa

and f*cked a 19-year-old,
because, why not?

And nothing came out of it.
Nothing has happened with anybody.

But what is it that you want?

I've no idea.

I've no idea.

I think I, kind of, want a boyfriend,
but I'm not sure of what I want,

and I may have to settle...

No, Johanne.
You don't have to do anything.

You men might not have to do anything.

You can basically, sort of, sleep around
and be the cool bartender,

and no one cares.

OK, I'm going to let that one go.

You know what I mean.

You don't have to listen
to all the nagging, like,

"You still have no kids
and aren't married?

Don't forget the clock in your lady bits
is ticking along,

counting down the seconds until doomsday."

Mom keeps going on
about how great my ex was.

He was. He was my hero.

- I'm just messing with you!
- What the f*ck?


That was probably too soon, I'm sorry.


Oh, God.

My poor baby! Hey, you.

I'm glad you texted.

He dumped you?

Brutally and humiliatingly.

Sorry, girl. But I told you
you shouldn't have trusted that guy.

He's basically a child bride.

I mean, he is!

Thomas, Jeanette needs a drink.


He's just a dumb kid.
He's so not worth it.

You didn't know him.

He know he must be a dumbass because
he dumped one of the coolest women I know.

Isn't that the truth!

You know what?

My dear, lovely, weird,

funny, crazy, most unpredictable,

naive and romantic friend
in the entirety of planet Earth?

- Yeah?
- Well...

My family is with the in-laws,

so let's get hammered, OK?

- OK.
- OK.

- Let's do it!
- Cheers!


Oh, f*ck!

OK, we need to get this one in the taxi.

No, wait, wait!
Hello, I've got the kick sled.

- Let's find you a seat.
- OK.

- Oh!
- There we go.

That's mine. Whee!

Oh, no. Lookout!

Move forward.

OK... Dad!


Dad, what...?

Come on.

Turn around.

- I said, turn around!
- OK... Johanne?

Come on. Let's go.

♪...but December will warm you
Or so I was told ♪

♪ Well, it's still cold ♪

♪ Unless you have someone to hold ♪

♪ Hurts to admit it
But no one will visit ♪


♪ Not even Santa will spare me a minute ♪

♪ O holy night ♪

♪ I'm alone tonight... ♪

Go away.

♪ I've got friends... ♪

Oh, f*ck no. No, no.

Oh, God.

And one, two, three...

No. One, two, three...


And Saint Johanne then rose from the dead
on the third day.

She's now heading towards the kitchen.

She is about to take her place

at Jørgunn, the almighty roommate's,
right-hand side,

where she'll drink some holy water
and recover.

Then she'll rise again
and go to her disciples.

You're hilarious.

What time is it?

It's almost ten.

Your phone went off, like, 1,000 times.
Your father.

Something might have happened.

Yeah, you could say that.

Was it that bad?

No, I don't want to talk about it.

No, OK.

What have you been doing?

Well, I thought the candlestick
looked boring on its own,

so I made a decorative
little candelabra thing.

Isn't it great?

More like, I don't know... a fire hazard.

Seriously, those made
the "top ten causes of house fires" list.

Was "Operation f*ck Boy Love Cake"
a success?

Oh, no. I really can't talk about it.

- You serious?
- Mm.

Oh. OK.

Do you have guests?

No, but based on the evidence,
it would seem you probably do.
