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01x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 11/27/23 11:21
by bunniefuu
A private high school secluded in
the mountains of Gangwon-do.

The days winter vacation began.

students who received a letter filled with hatred.

I got it too.

'The night that Jesus was born, I curse you.'

Who sent the letters?

Tainted and being called the monster in the corner...

False hopes ridiculed.

Who is the one who had his only medal taken from him?

You should remember quickly what you did to the monster.

Did you remain behind?
I heard it was the English teacher.

Are you hiding something?
Do I look like a fool?

-It was self-defense.
-Teacher! Teacher!

A school hidden by snow.
Everyone who hides darkness.


The story I'm about to tell is about my fight with a monster.

[Episode ]
[What a Young boy meets as he strays from the clear road.]

I had to become a monster myself for days to fight it.

[ - : AM]

Are you okay?
You fell hard.

Take a look at my butt for me.
I may have a new birthmark.

Why is it so slippery?

The snow melted slightly yesterday and has frozen over again.

Snow piled on top again too.

I'm agile, so I didn't get hurt much.
The doctor hurt his arm.

-He can't even move.

Ouch... I hope both sides of my butt are all right.

Are you hurt?

Yeah, I think I need to put it in a sling.

Shouldn't you go to the hospital?

If I want to, I will have to get on a helicopter.

I don't think it's that serious.

-What about breakfast?
-I'll eat later.

Have you seen the teacher?

No, not since last night.

Where's the teacher?

He's not here.

-Is he still in bed?
-Maybe he slipped and can't move.

Or the monster in the corner ate him.

Do you think he found out anything?

-Are you worried?
-Not as much as you.

What's with him? Geez...

-How many nights until school starts?
-Will we still be alive by then?

Hey, Angel.
I don't believe in hitting people during meals.

Cooperate with me.

You were on the floor crying your eyes out last night...

'Help me, mom. Save me, aunt!'


Why did you call all your uncles and aunts?

What did I say last night?

You cried for Aunt Seon Hee and Uncle Chul Su.

How dare you?

-Jo Young Jae, stop it.
-Let go!

I'm going to k*ll him. Let go!

-Jo Young Jae!
-That psycho hit me.

You didn't do anything when he hit me. Let go!

-What's wrong with you?
-He lied.

Do you even know who I am right now?

Jo Young Jae. The Plague.

He's crazy.
His mind keeps coming and going.

He should've been expelled.

He's on dr*gs at this hour.

-Is he on dr*gs?
-No, I threw them all out.

He's a little different to when he's drugged out.

Can you tell the difference?

Yes. Just about...

Then other people must've known too.

-Others? Who?
-The teachers.

You said Yoon Su had a fit after taking dr*gs at the school trip.

The teachers must've seen it.

-He's not here.
-Where has he gone?

Is our school this big?
I haven't seen Mi Reu around either.

He said he's going home early in the morning.

-I don't think so.

I didn't see any footsteps in the snow outside.

The teacher and Mi Reu are both here.

Kang Mi Reu!

-What's this?
-He's dangerous, isn't he?

-When did you find out?

If you put this on auto,
you can see where there's someone moving.

Where is that?

Park Moo Yul!
I'm so happy to see you!

-Why are you in here?
-How should I know?

He knocked me out as soon as he saw me and left me here.

-The teacher?

Take a look at this.

If it was anyone else,
they'd already be dead.

I thought my heart was going to burst.

How can such violation of human
rights occur in an OECD country?

So open this door for me.

We know what the teacher's like. Tell us the truth.

What did you do?

I didn't do anything.
Ask him yourself.

Before that, open this for me.

-We haven't seen him.
-Maybe he went out.

-In this snow?
-He's dumb and strong.

There were no footsteps outside.

Tell us what you did last night.

I swear...

I didn't do a thing.

But I think he was up to something.

Don't you want to know what that was?

Hey! You can't leave me here!

Park Moo Yul! Buddy!

Leave me some food then.
I only had a piece of bread.

Are they going to starve me to death?

Did Kang Mi Reu lie?

-I don't see that scene.
-It's strange.

The cameras only record when there is movement.

The teacher left the staffroom at : p.m.

Where did he go after that?

He disappeared.

Or someone erased the data that was recorded.

Park Moo Yul.

-I want to talk to you.
-I want to talk to you too.

Kang Mi Reu is at school.
I think something's happened.



How can you just leave me here?

The teacher locked Kang Mi Reu in the
detention room and disappeared?

I told him about the letters just before that.

What do you want to show me?

-I saw this last time.

[Susin High Storage]

Look at the teacher section.
The employment qualifications.

Our school pays a high salary,
but the standards are high.

years minimum experience.
Must speak a foreign language.

Most have a doctorate.

The P.E. teacher doesn't fit any of the criteria.

Because he played sports.

The art teacher came right after graduating university.

Art and music are temporary staff.
The P.E. teacher is permanent.

Since the nd half of last year.

In other words, not long after the school trip.

Our unqualified P.E. teacher became a permanent employee.

Do you know who recommended him?

-Yoon Young Sub.
-Who is that?

The school donor president and Yoon Su's father.

[East Hall (Male Student's Dormitory) Lobby]

Yoon Su's father?

How do you think the story goes?

The P.E. teacher knew that Yoon Su took dr*gs on the trip.

I heard he was the one who came back with Yoon Su.

-We need to find him.
-We've looked everywhere.

There's one place left.

The teacher's dormitory.

-That's off limits.
-We'll make up an excuse.

I'll go alone if I have to.

-Is it possible?
-In theory, yes.

[Professor's Dormitory]

If electricity of over , volts flow,
the door lock becomes faulty.

You should step back.

Where is the P.E. teacher's room?

I gave it to him yesterday.

What about this?

He received a letter too.

'You silenced me.'

[You kept your silence about the things you knew.]

When you talked about Yoon Su and the letter,
he remembered.

Who was with Yoon Su at the trip and who the monster is.

He called someone to confirm it and Kang Mi Reu saw him.

So he locked Kang Mi Reu up...

-Why are you smiling?
-It's amusing.

Amusing? This situation?

Yes. Don't you find it amusing?

What? A group visit this time?

Pay me for the group tour.

Was the P.E. teacher calling someone last night?


I don't know...

Anyway, it was an important call.

It was too late for a chat.


Doesn't this scene seem familiar?


Think hard about it.

-'The Silence of the Lambs.'

-How can you say that?
-It's fun, isn't it?

When he was on the phone, next to him...

The student record was open.

Did you see?

Are you sure?

Is it one of us?


What do you want?


Young Jae, Jo Young Jae.
Think before you speak.

Tell me whose name you saw.
Then I'll open this door.

Do you think I'm a fool?

Do what ever you want.

But my memory becomes faint as time passes.

I may forget that name.

[We cannot find this page.]

-Wait until the teacher gets back.
-If he doesn't show up?

-Another teacher will come.
-You want to wait until then?

Anyway, we can't.

We can't set him free.

Think about it.
He could have something to do with the letter.

He could be an accomplice.

Then he will have a motive to hurt the teacher.

The last person to see him is the major suspect.

The teacher practices judo.
Kang Mi- Reu's no match for him.

That doesn't matter if someone hits you on the head.

-Anyway, there are of us.
-Have you seen Mi Reu fight?

When he gets mad, he's the devil.

The of us? of us would be no match for him.

Let's go with the majority.

It's better than talking about the same thing repeatedly.

Who's for opening the door?

Hey! Wait a minute!

We should ask the others too.

Angel, Kang Mo, and Eun Sung.

Just give up.

We're all dead now.

Whose name did you see?

Kang Mi Reu, you promised.


You expect Mad Mi Reu to keep his promise?

Kang Mi Reu, whose name did you see?

I didn't see any names.


Calm down and follow me.

What are you looking for?

Park Moo Yul, that stupid fool.

Why would he trust Mad Mi Reu?


Are you sure?

[Susin High School]

I was eating cream bread last night.

-Are we good then?
-What will you do?

I'm going home.

Before the teacher returns.

Kim Jin Soo?

- st year, class . Same as me.
-Do you remember him?

-Not at all.
-That's Choi Chi Hoon!

-Don't die on me.


Pervert Jin Soo.

The one who was said to be gay?


There was a rumor that he hit on a guy.
Was it Yoon Su?

He took a leave in January.

January? What day?


Right after the winter vacation?

Was Pervert Jin Soo ill?

-Did you give him that nickname?
-That's what everyone called him.

[ Winter Break Log]

[Class Vacation Log]

What are you looking at?

Last winter vacation's records.

The teacher said students remained last year.

Do you know who it was?

Seo Dong Jin and Kim Jin Soo.

-Kim Jin Soo?
-Look at the records.

Last December th, : a.m.
An ambulance came here.

-Does it say why?

January th, Kim Jin Soo deceased.

'After days, walk up the path by zelkova tree.'

'Under the clock tower, you will see someone dead.'

He meant that he would die.

We didn't receive a letter. It was a su1c1de note.

Last year's su1c1de note.

-Then who?
-It must be his closest friend.

[Transfer (Temporary absence from school)
Entering Grades th rank
Middle School Graduate Grades st place in students.
Best Friend Yang Kang Mo ( st year class)]

Revenge for a friend's death. It makes sense.

But it happened last year. Why now?

-To wait until the school was empty.

Why not tell the school or his parents?

What if the principal knew?

The donor president's involved.

An unqualified teacher became permanent.

So Cameraman Yang decided to get revenge himself.

But why did Yang Kang Mo send a letter?

What does he want from us?

'Someone died because of you.'
He wants to make it known.

-That's right.
-He's waiting to see how we react.

He's recording it all on camera.
We've reached our conclusion!

-But something's strange.

Why can't you make up your mind? Just go and ask him.

If we hit him a few times, we'll find out the truth.

-You don't know much about Kang Mo.

I've seen Kang Mi Reu smash his camera in the past.

He fought back against Mi Reu then,
although he got beaten afterwards.

Anyways, Jo Young Jae.
You can't even look at Kang Mi Reu in the eye.


-Where are you going?
-To think for a while.

What's with Choi Chi Hoon?

Does he think Cameraman Yang is above me?

I left him alone because he's smart,
but he is so clueless.

Should I hit him a few times to teach him a lesson?

Who knew Kang Mi Reu's work would help us out so much?

-What's Choi Chi Hoon thinking about?
-How should I know?

I'm sorry.

When I look at Choi Chi Hoon, I can understand Kang Mi Reu.

[Susin High School
Donor Yoon Young Sub
Date . . ]


Don't glare at me. We're friends.

Since when were we friends?
Is that so?

Do me a favor. Don't tell the others.
It's embarrassing.

Friend... That's a nice term.

So Cameraman Yang, tell me.

Who are your closest friends?

If he's hurt, you feel pain.

If he's been hit, you want to hit those who beat him.

If he dies, you want to get his revenge.

Jo Young Jae!

I want to talk to you.

We're going to just keep watch on him.

Until when? Until he's old and dead?

What will you do if you talk to him now?

We have nothing on him besides him being close to Kim Jin Soo.

If something happens,
you take responsibility then.

[Susin High Recording Studio]

[Susin High Recording Studio]

Yang Kang Mo!

Eun Sung wants to see you.

I feel locked up for some reason.

We know who wrote the letter.

Really? Who?

Kim Jin Soo.

His nickname was Pervert Jin Soo.
Do you remember?

Of course he remembers. It's his best friend.

Who says we were friends?

Kim Jin Soo! He already confessed.

He wrote about his passionate friendship with you.

-Don't lie.
-Evidence number .

It's in the student records.
Read it when you get the chance.

Here's how the story goes.

Kim Jin Soo was very quiet and couldn't fit in at school.

He got hurt by the innocent jokes that his peers played on him.

Every time that happened,
he would've told you, his only friend.

You did your best to comfort him, but unfortunately...

Kim Jin Soo died.

-Come on. You know about it.

Did Kim Jin Soo die?

Are you all right?

Stop acting shocked. Just confess now.

To what?

You sent the letters to get your friend's revenge.

Jo Young Jae! You have no idea about friendship, do you?

Friends are those who have been close for years.

Equal with no feelings of sympathy or pity.

-Stop talking nonsense.
-You read about his friends.

Why not look through my records?

See who I wrote down as the person I dislike the most.

You were one of the candidates too.

It was very close.

You didn't like Kim Jin Soo?

Of course I didn't like him.

He was the only one who totally treated me like a disabled person.

Is it tough? Be strong.
You're really great.

That sounded like, 'You're a st tier disabled person.'

'Be strong, deaf boy.'

What was worse was that he felt he was superior to me.

I know everyone else did too.

But no one made it as obvious as he did.

Cold-hearted Cameraman Yang.

Even so, you're being a little harsh on a dead person.

You followed me around and hit me,
but I preferred you over him.

Only by this much.

Why did you hang around him then?

He kept following me around, until I told him to get lost.

We have another piece of evidence.

Evidence number .

Even my mom didn't take this many photos of me.

Kim Jin Soo stalked Eun Sung, didn't he?

Goodness! Friends have the same hobbies.

If you have the same hobby, your friendship grows stronger.

Pervert Jin Soo and pervert Kang Mo. Bravo!

Confess your crime and let's settle this.

Kim Jin Soo was not my friend.

These photos have nothing to do with the letters.

This is why I hate human rights.
We have evidence and he still lies!

Let me pound on him. Is that okay?

If I'm on the suspect list for taking photos of Eun Sung...

You should be right next to me.

Often when I took photos of her...

Very often, you were around.

-The Plague!
-How dare you?

What are you doing?

Didn't you hear that I wanted to see you?

I gave him the message.

The doctor's temperature is high. It's over °C.

The internet and phones aren't working anymore.

Is it because of the snow? It was on the radio.

What? We're totally trapped then?

If his temperature exceeds °C,
his brain functions will be ruined.

Do you know why I have a hearing impairment?

My mom had a terrible fever when she was pregnant with me.

Watch Kang Mo and see what he does.

Did you take some medicine?

Yes, hours ago.

-Take the ice off him after minute.
-Where are you going?

To the library to see if there are any useful books.

Cameraman Yang, that idiot!

How did he get into the security room?

-With the batteries.
-So much for the latest technology.

-What did he do inside?
-There are no security cameras.

-How long was he in here?
-Not long. seconds?

The security computers are fine.
Only communication computers are down.

Where is Choi Chi Hoon?

Are you afraid?

We're stuck. Secluded in the mountains with boys.

The teacher's gone.

Why? Are you going to attack me?

I guess it doesn't mean anything to you.
You tried to k*ll yourself.

Do you still want to die? Will you do it again?


Why? If I'm going to die, should you and I...

You're cute sometimes.

Shut it.

-Do you still like me?
-Still? What do you mean by that?

Jo Young Jae, maybe you were born as a kind person too.

There's a reason why you've turned out this way.

But I will never know what that reason is.

You're just a loser to me.

What are you trying to say?

That's the tragedy between us.

The tragedy among all human relations.


It won't get past the st screen. What could be wrong?

Just the communication computers?

This is so interesting.

The smartest boy and the most obedient boy break in here.


How did you know we were here?

You are acting fishy.

What's going on?

The phones and internet aren't down because of the snow.

-The computers were faulty.
-Someone messed up the system.

This was in the cooler.

It can't happen naturally, so someone placed it in there.

Can you fix it then?

Main board, graphic card, CPU... They're all broken.

Yang Kang Mo?
You said the phones were down from the morning.

[Student Rest Area]

He went into the security room a little while ago.

-He must've gone to check.
-Why? He knew the phones were down.

Anyway, he did it!

Kim Jin Soo's friend, Eun Sung's stalker.

He also broke into the security room.

-Who else could it be?
-There's someone else.

The teacher?

Our sins that are written in the letters are nothing major.

It's just personal, but that's not the case with the teacher.

If he's found out, he'll get fired or even go to jail.


What would you do if you were him?

It's common.

Tell a big lie to cover small ones.

Commit a big crime to cover up petty crimes.

Let's go. Let's all go outside.

I don't care if it's the teacher or Cameraman Yang.

It's simple.

What about the doctor?

He can't go outside.

There's nothing we can do here.

It's better if we go out and call an ambulance for him.

-Don't you think so?
-I'm not going.

Even if highway is operating,
it'll take over hours to get there.

It's already dark.
Imagine how low our body temperature will fall.

We'll freeze in under hours.

It's better than spending the night with a crazy man.

How about you?

I don't like walking long distances.

I can't walk in the dark alone with a guy.

My mom wouldn't like it.


-You're all loony.
-Just wait until the morning.

Once the doctor's temperature drops,
we'll leave early in the morning.

Let's all spend the night together.

The physics teacher was on duty last year, right?

-Where are you going?
-To look for something.

Take someone with you.

I'll go.

Where are the photos that Yang Kang Mo took?

In my room.

Go to the sick room.

It's better for you to not look at them.

Why? Are they racy?

Do you really want to see them?

They're photos of me.

Beasts that can't be understood...
Boys who are years old.

What did he do with these? Did he masturbate?


He's crazy! I'm going to k*ll him.

I'll get rid of them.

Wait. Listen to me.

Yang Kang Mo!

Don't get the wrong idea. I came to talk to you.

I hid because you came in here with Eun Sung.

-You were holding that?
-For self-defense.

From who?

You said the phones were down because of the snow.
It's ridiculous.

Take a look outside.

Do you see any power lines? No.

All the power lines are underground.

So the snow couldn't have affected the phone lines.

It means that there's something wrong
with the communication computers.

Why didn't you say so earlier?

You were all suspicious of me. What could I say?

I wanted to make sure first.

We can't assume that the computers broke down naturally.

If someone broke them, they're planning worse things.

I came here to warn you.

[Girls Dormitory]

Will you be all right?

If I'm not?

Will you wait here?

Lock the door.

I'll come and get you. Wait for me.

I could fall for you.


-If something happens...
-I will blow, you'll come running?

Lock the door.



[Susin High School Office]

The physics teacher keeps memos on the calendar.

December th, : a.m. East wing, Kim Jin Soo found.

Do you have the letter?


Jo Young Jae tainted Kim Jin Soo and made him pitiful.

Yoon Su turned him into the monster in the corner.

The teacher silenced him.

Eun Sung ridiculed his false hopes.

Park Moo Yul took the only thing he had and put it around his neck.

He held out his hand and Yang Kang Mo let go.

I deleted him from my eyes.

Did you transfer here?

What? Yes...

Did you take Kim Jin Soo's place after he left then?

I guess so.

I can confess that I had some expectations.


Not adult or child. An in-between age with desires of escape.

It may not be as adventurous as Huckleberry Finn or Nanook.

But I had some hope about escaping from reality.

It was the last time that we could believe in adventure.

Up until now, we were more excited than afraid.

Eun Sung.

But we had forgotten.

No matter how bright a voice you tell it in, breaking away from reality is dangerous.

Over there...

Over there...


The boy must be cruel in order to survive.

Huckleberry Finn and Nanook ended up meeting the devil too.

[White Christmas]