Babes in Toyland (1997)

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Babes in Toyland (1997)

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ when you've grown up,
my dears ♪

♪ and are as old as I

♪ you'll often ponder
on the years ♪

♪ that roll so swiftly by,
my dears ♪

♪ that roll so swiftly by

♪ and of the many lands

♪ you will have
journeyed through ♪

♪ you'll oft recall
the best of all ♪

♪ the land
your childhood knew ♪



[Train chugging]

♪ toyland, toyland

♪ little girl and boyland

♪ land of love and laughter

♪ once upon a dream
come true ♪

♪ for childhood's joyland

♪ mystic merry toyland

♪ just believe
as children do ♪

♪ and toyland is there
for you ♪

[brakes squealing]

[Train chugging]

♪ toyland

♪ toyland

♪ toyland

♪ toyland

♪ little girl
and boyland ♪

♪ it's the land of love
and laughter ♪

♪ once upon a dream
come true ♪

♪ dreams come true
in toyland ♪

♪ toyland, mystic,
merry toyland ♪

♪ just believe
as children do ♪

♪ and toyland is there

♪ for you

[train whistle blowing]

[Cave groaning]

[Caboose squealing]


[Train chugging]


[Brakes squealing]

[Lamb bleating]


[Whistle blowing]

[Bell ringing]

Tickets! Have
your tickets ready!

Tickets for
the toyland express,
ho, ho!


(Spoon giggling)

Home from
the honeymoon?

Time to settle down and raise
a few place settings
of your own, huh?



[Mr. Dumpty scatting]



Oh, no! A sky is falling!

Hey! Get down
from there, kiddo.

Well, you could fall.
And crack your, uh,
your, uh...

Oh, you know.

Whatever people have
instead of shells.

Well, hello there.

I bet you babes
are headed for toyland.

Yes, sir.

Woofy and I can't wait.

I can.

How much longer,

Oh, not long.

From here on in,
it's non-stop.



I bet it's a cow!

I bet it's a giant
prehistoric lizard.


Hey. Hey, you!

Don't you know
the difference

between a train track
and a sidewalk?

(Mr. Dumpty)
Tom, Tom,
the Piper's son. Ho!

Hi, Mr. Dumpty.
Good brakes.

Hey, uh, can I
hitch a ride?

Thomas, you should have
been back days ago.

The whole town's upset.

And Mary is
worried sick.

Well, I was
on my way home

and making
great time when--


She is, huh?

Well, anyway, I was flying
over the goblin forest,

when someone shot down
my hot-air balloon.

Goblin forest?


You're lucky you
didn't land in one
of their stew pots. Ooh!


Well, climb aboard.

We've gotta
get you home, Thomas.

Time's a wastin'.

[Train whistle blowing]

(Mr. Dumpty)
All aboard! All aboard!

Hi, folks. Nice day.

Oh, a window. Yeah.
This'll fit right here.

[Tom whistling]

Hi. Nice haircut.


[Train chugging]

(Mr. Dumpty)
I'm okay. No harm done.

How're you doing?
I'm Tom.

I'm Jill,
and this is
my brother Jack.

Huh! Jack and Jill!

Nice to meet you.


Do you live
in toyland?


Does a bear like
his porridge just right?

I'm only the, uh,
chief executive toymaker
of the whole place,

that's all.

Uh, uh, you know,
I don't like to brag.


Since when?

Yeah, you're right,
Mr. Dumpty.

What the heck.

They got a huge factory
with big machines

and 100s of workers
report to me.



And I'm a very close
personal friend

of Santa claus.


And I know
the easter bunny.

Well, the big man himself

gave me
his entire toy order
for this Christmas.

Here, Jack. For you.


Oh. Ok.
I'll save it
for later.

Mr. Piper?

What's toyland
really like?

I bet it's not as good
as people say.

Yeah, you're right.

It's better!

[Train whistle blowing]

See for yourself.

Jack, come on.

[Jill grunting]

(Mr. Dumpty)
Now arriving
at toyland station!

Toyland station!

[People chattering]

[Robots beeping]

Tom. Tom!

[Lamb bleating]

Look. It's Mary
and her little lamb.

Hey, Mary.

Mr. Dumpty wired ahead.

Thank goodness
you're ok.

You, uh, were going nuts
without me, weren't you?

I was going nuts

without Santa's toy order.

Oh. Yeah, right.
Right. That.

Presenting the biggest
toy order

toyland has ever seen.

Let me see.

Are you sure
you weren't worried
about me?

Just a little,


Not in the least.

But you should worry
that there are only--

3 days till
Christmas Eve.

Thank you.

Oh, Mary,
this is Jill and Jack.

Pleased to meet you.

You gotta be
the most beautiful lady
in the whole world.

And you are
a very sweet
little girl.

Are you
Tom's girlfriend?

I'm his boss.


But I think
she'd rather
be my girlfriend.

Oh, right.
When cats play fiddle.

♪[violin playing
bridal chorus]


[Tom laughing]

What do you know?
He's playing our song.

Come along, Mr. Piper.

As papa used to say,
it's toy time.

Be right there, boss.

Is somebody
picking you up?

We're supposed
to live with an uncle,
one we never met.

He probably
doesn't even know
we're comin'.

Oh, I could take you.

(Mr. Dumpty)
Oh, no, you won't, Thomas!


You heard Mary.

Get to that factory
on the double.

I'll take
these babes home.

Hey, you guys,
stop by the factory

and I'll give you
the chief executive
toymaker tour.

Great. We'll be there.

Tom's nice.

Why doesn't Mary
like him?

Oh, she's crazy
about him.

Everybody in toyland
knows it but her.

[Train whistle blowing]


(Mr. Dumpty)
Ok, kids. Follow me.


I'm finally going to
see toyland.

Big deal.

[People chattering]

[Car horn honking]

There he is!

[Bicycle bell ringing]


[All chattering]

[Seal honking]

[Unicycle squeaking]

[fl*sh popping]

Kind of grabs you,
doesn't it?


Oh, it's wonderful.

Well, sure.
Whoo, it's toyland!

♪ toyland, toyland

♪ little girl and boyland

♪ land of love and laughter

♪ once upon a dream
come true ♪

♪ childhood's joyland

♪ mystic, merry toyland

♪ just believe
as children do ♪

♪ and toyland is there

♪ for you

my sausages!

I'll get you!


Oh, oh, oh.


♪ toyland

♪ toyland

♪ little girl

♪ and boyland

[Jack and Jill laughing]

♪ childhood's

♪ joyland

♪ mystic, merry

♪ toyland

♪ just believe

♪ as children do

♪ and toyland is there
for you ♪


[Both sighing]

[All cheering]

Wow! What a number.

Now, let's get
you home.

What's your
uncle's name?

Uncle barnaby.

Uh, barnaby crookedman?


[Thunder rumbling]

[Crow cawing]

Oh, no!

And I thought
the orphanage was
a dump.

[Crow cawing]

Maybe it's nicer
on the inside.

That's the spirit,

But don't count
your chickens...

[Children screaming]

(Mr. Dumpty)
Down, boy!
Keep your trap shut.

A-Are you sure this is
uncle barnaby's house?

Get away. Get away.
No solicitors.

Oh, open up, barnaby.

I've brought someone
to meet you.

It's US, uncle barnaby,
Jack and Jill.


are "a Jack and Jill"?

(Mr. Dumpty)
Your nephew and niece.

[Both gasping]

They've come
to live with you.

Oh, I've
a much better idea.

Toss 'em
in the river.

Not so fast, barnaby.

These kids are
your family now.

You are all
they've got.

And didn't you get
a copy of the letter?

I never read mail.

Might be good news.

Here, uncle barnaby.

[Barnaby grunting]

"Parent's gone."

"Only living relative."

"Nowhere else to go..."
Blah, blah, blah, blah.

Oh, how very touching.

[Door slamming]

What do we do now?


"Enclosed you find money,

to pay for their keep."


Welcome home.

[Coins clinking]


Scramble, egghead.

Beat it.



Oh, dear.
Those poor kids.




Don't touch that!

[Alarm bell buzzing]

[Scat yowling]

Oh! Oh,
i-I'm sorry.

If you children expect
to remain in this house,

you had better
listen and learn.

I detest fun,
I appall laughter,

I despise noise,
I abominate music,

I anathematize candy.

But above all,
the one thing
I truly hate

the most

is toys!


[Meowing angrily]

[Scat screeching]

Ha! That's enough.

[Both gasping]



Oh, I suppose
I have to store you


This way.

Whoa! Look.


You won't be
needing dinner.


we--we are hungry, sir.



Great. He's gonna
starve US.

What a jerk!

Don't make him mad.


Uncle barnaby.
Uncle barnaby?

[Scat meowing]

When may I have
woofy back, please?

Never. No toys
in my house.

Better keep
on his good side.

Now, here we are.

Your, uh, accommodations.

[Rats squeaking]


Now, get in there.

And don't disturb
the rats.

They were here first.

Uncle barnaby,

good night.

Off, off.
Good night.


Got it.

Uh, down.


Now, one peep
before morning,

and I'll feed you
to the goblins.


[Scat screeching]


Hang on to him,
will ya?

I don't want to have
to do that again.

Thanks, Jack.

[Bell ringing]

Home, sweet home.


[Bell ringing]

[Telephone ringing]

Hello, Tom Piper here.

Tom, it's Mary.

Oh, yeah.
I've been looking
over this toy list.

There's a lot here.

There won't be a Christmas,
if we don't come through
for Santa.

We're not gonna
let Santa down because

I'm not gonna
let you down, Mary.


Whoa, Mary? Whoo-hoo.

Oh, oh.
You're gonna
need this to, uh...

How can you work
in this mess?


Don't touch anything.

It's all organized.

Really, Tom,

you get more like papa
every minute.


My goodness.

It's a wonder
we get anything done
around here.



What was that?
Don't worry,

everything's under control.

Remember, it's toy time.

[Jack coughing]

It might be ok.

Hmm, with some curtains.

Come on. It stinks.

It's not like
I wanted a mansion.

Just some place nice

with someone
who loves US.

You know.

A family.

♪ in my heart

♪ there lives a dream

♪ it stays
though I may roam ♪

♪ it's a dress of lace

♪ soap to wash my face

♪ and a comb

♪ wish we had a home

♪ home means lots of stuff
to eat ♪

♪ a yard, a dog, and me

♪ and a tree house,
you bet ♪

♪ add it up you get

♪ what I want
the most ♪

♪ to be a family

♪ papa built a factory

♪ he valued
more than gold ♪

♪ and it frightens me
that this legacy ♪

♪ that I hold

♪ needs someone more bold

♪ boldly I will
go beyond ♪

♪ what I know
has been done before ♪

♪ take this old factory

♪ show what it could be

♪ with a new toy line

♪ that I'll design

♪ this is what I dream

♪ I've a dream
inside of me ♪

♪ it'll never die,
me and my dream ♪

♪ dream

♪ that I hold
so tenderly ♪

♪ you must believe

(Tom and Mary)
♪ our dream is made
of a secret ♪

♪ you've been longing

♪ from the start

♪ a dream is simply
a wish ♪

♪ made from your heart

♪ wish we had

♪ mom and dad

♪ now, that's a family

♪ holidays

♪ in the summer times

♪ sounds wonderful

♪ be in charge

♪ keep it large

♪ I can make magic

♪ make a wish
and close your eyes ♪

♪ and dream

♪ I've a dream inside
of me ♪

♪ it'll never die,
me and my dream ♪

♪ that I hold
so tenderly ♪

♪ you must believe

♪ and hold to your dream

♪ as dreamers do

♪ when your dream
will come true ♪

♪ in my heart

(Jack and Jill)
♪ lives inside of me

♪ I have a dream

♪ dream I wish

♪ come true

Now that I've done away
with Tom Piper

and Santa's order
with him,

Mary will simply
have to sell me
the toy factory.


Are you listening to me?



I'll buy it
and savor it

and then destroy it.


[Birds chirping]

Beautiful day.

The children would enjoy
playing outside.

Keep 'em in!





[Birds chirping]

[Barnaby chortling]

[Baby cooing]


[Baby wailing]




Oh, that barnaby.
I'd like to clean
his clock.

Whoo! If I were
a few years younger,

and of course,
not an egg...



[Mr. Dumpty groaning]



(Mr. Dumpty)
Great. I think
I sprung a leak.


Nice, kitty.
Pretty, kitty.

Won't you let US by,
so we can go
to the toy factory?


Get out of the way,
you stinky old
bag of fleas.


[Both exclaiming]

Hey, I know.

No! Woofy!

Oh, Jack, give him back.
Jack, stop it.




Come on and get me,
you chicken.




What's the matter?
You a scaredy-cat?






Come on.

Dumb cat.

[Both laughing]

Oh, come, come,
my dear.

I am offering
far more

than the place is worth.

Even your father
could've seen that.

Mr. Barnaby,
the factory is not
for sale.

Papa built this factory.

Without it,
there wouldn't be
any toyland.

Hmm, how true.

Which makes the thought

of the old factory
closing down,

doubly distressing,
doesn't it?

Why would
we close down?

No toy orders
from Santa claus.

It--it's all over
at toyland,

that Tom Piper
never returned
from the north pole.

I even heard the goblins
had him for dinner.

Oh, really?
And how did I taste?

Uh, just stay
out of this, Piper.

And since Santa's order

uh, is the mainstay
of your business, it--


Hey, how
you doin'?

Barnaby, this meeting
is over.

[Coins jingling]

Take your money
and get out.

I'll take that
as a no.

But when I return,

it won't be
with an offer,

but an ultimatum.


I've never seen
so many beautiful toys.


Yikes! Uncle barnaby.


What's he doing here?



Boy, that was close.
Come on.

Hurry. Before
uncle barnaby sees US.

Hey, Jack, Jill.

You guys ready
for the executive tour?

Come on.

Whoa! Let's go!


♪ ding-dong,
all the day long ♪

♪ our factory
sings this song ♪

♪ we make toys
for girls and boys ♪

♪ our factory
sings this song ♪

♪ this is it,
our factory ♪

♪ wheels and gears
♪ fill your ears

♪ what you hear is music

♪ it's a fact,
our factory is making toys ♪

♪ for girls and boys

♪ the hum of gears

♪ is music to our ears

♪ pick it up, pick it up,
pick a little package up ♪

♪ pick it up, pick it up
and go ♪

♪ hurry up, hurry up,
hurry up the tempo
hurry up, don't be slow ♪

♪ it's a symphony,
this factory ♪

♪ the song
with a simple melody ♪

♪ a rhapsody
for you and me ♪

♪ the song
that we all can sing ♪

♪ ding-dong,
all the day long ♪

♪ our factory
sings this song ♪

♪ we make toys
for girls and boys ♪

♪ our factory
sings this song ♪

♪ we can really swing
down in packaging ♪

♪ with bows
of ribbon and string ♪

♪ lovely maids,
charming babes ♪

♪ they're the most
delightful things ♪

♪ all together we work
in Harmony ♪

♪ like a family,
we would do it free ♪

♪ a rhapsody
for you and me ♪

♪ a song
that we all can sing ♪


♪ ding-dong,
all the day long ♪

♪ our factory
sings this song ♪

♪ ding-dong

♪ ding-dong,
all the day long ♪

♪ with bows
of ribbon and string ♪

♪ lovely maids,
charming babes ♪

♪ hurry up, hurry up,
hurry up the tempo,
hurry up, don't be slow ♪


[Machinery rumbling]

[Clock ticking]







[Gears clunking]

[All exclaiming]

[All gasping]

♪ ding-dong,
all the day long ♪

♪ our factory
sings this song ♪

♪ oh, yes, we,
we all agree ♪

♪ and sing infallibly
that our factory sings ♪

♪ sings our song


[All chattering]


Who is that?

You like it?

It's, uh...
Uh, it's very, uh...

It's something I came up with
while I was talking to Santa,

and he went for the idea
in a big way.

He did?

Well, if he wanted
a huge, gigantic,

amazingly large
toy soldier,

he sure got one.

[Clearing throat]
Well, actually,

he wants 1,000 of 'em.

1,000, in 2 days?

Tom, that's impossible.

Well, come on, Mary,
the impossible jobs
are the most fun.

I appreciate
your enthusiasm,

But there are only
so many hours in a day.

Jack and I could help.

There, you see?
Job's gettin' easier
by the minute.

Now, I figured
you two for toymakers.


Ok, first,
we'll retool
the big press.

Little boy blue
can make the horns.

And puss will
handle the boots.

I knew you'd figure it out.
We make a great team.

Hey, kids,
thanks for helpin'.

I really like them.

Just wish
they got along better.

Don't let their problems
concern you, my dear.

You have something
far worse to worry about.

Put me down, would you?

[Jill shrieking]

If I ever catch you
near that toy factory again,

it's straight
to the goblin forest,

where you'll be


Goblinned up.

But, uncle barnaby,
what have we done?

Yeah, what's the matter
with you?

"What's the matter?"
But what impudence!


There's nothing
the matter with me.

I'm not the problem.

I'm never the problem.
It's everyone else.

♪ I live in a land
of nincompoops ♪

♪ I curse them,
every one ♪

♪ so feverishly devoted
to their laughter
and their fun ♪

♪ I never had fun
or laughter ♪

♪ and you see,
I turned out fine ♪

♪ that's why my little scheme
is so divine ♪

♪ ooh, what a crooked man
is barnaby ♪

ah, yes.

♪ there's nobody more
unscrupulous than he ♪

oh, thank you,
so much.

♪ we agree that
he's a miserable gent ♪

♪ they say his very soul
is bent ♪

♪ each winter I'm filled
with nausea, imagining... ♪

♪ ...The toys

♪ constructed
in frightening quantities ♪

♪ for screeching
girls and boys ♪

♪ this holiday
they'll discover ♪

♪ only the rug
beneath the tree ♪

♪ because I'll destroy
that blasted factory! Ha! ♪

♪ ooh, what a crooked man,
is barnaby ♪

[hissing affirmatively]

♪ it's kind of as if
he is morally askew ♪

[purring affirmatively]

♪ true affection tends
to make him very ill ♪

♪ for hatred is
his greatest thrill ♪

♪ oh, yes, I'll crush
the toys to rubble ♪

♪ burst their silly bubble

♪ make this jolly land
a place they long to leave ♪

♪ I'll fill the streets
with quicksand ♪

♪ Santa's sleigh
with bricks ♪

♪ and I'll have myself
a merry Christmas Eve ♪

[scat shrieks]

♪ the clock is ticking,
my little factory ♪

♪ your days are numbered

♪ I'll rid them
of every plaything ♪

♪ oh, it thrills me
to my bones ♪

♪ no red rubber balls,
no dainty dolls ♪

♪ no tiny telephones

♪ if I did without
such rubbish ♪

♪ why shouldn't everyone,
n'est-ce pas? ♪

♪ we'll live
in a toyless world
at last, hurrah! ♪

♪ hit it, boys

♪ ooh, what a crooked man
is barnaby ♪

♪ indescribably

♪ there's no point of view
more venomous than his ♪

♪ you're so quick
to notice ♪

♪ 'tis no lie that
he's a truly nasty guy ♪

♪ he never had a toy,
that's why ♪


♪ ooh, what a crooked man
is barnaby ♪

♪ undeniably

♪ there's nothing as warped
as his philosophy ♪

♪ not even remotely close

♪ we can gravely see
why he's his only fan ♪

♪ what a slimeball!


♪ that barnaby is

♪ a crooked man

[Knocking at door]

[Footsteps approaching]

Go away, go away.

Good evening,
captain, sir.

I am Rodrigo,
and this me mate,

I'm the big one.
We're answerin' your ad.

Ad? What ad?

[Metallic clanking]



"Single crooked male,
50-ish, cruel, scheming,

"seeks 2 vicious cutthroats.

Object: Robbery, sabotage,

oh, yes.

[Giggling nervously]

Well, you do seem
rather vicious,

in a malodorous
sort of way.

There you go.
Thank you, captain, sir.


For whom
have you worked?

Ah, black eye, the pirate,
give me this here hook.

Actually, it was
more like a trade.

He--he got my hand.

So, what do you want
US to do, captain?

What, you wanted
the larceny?

Oh, I'm good at that.

You--you wanted
the theft?

Oh, I'm sneaky,
I'm really sneaky.

You wanna-- you wanna
fillet a particular
person's gizzard?

Oh, that's my favorite!
The gizzard's my favorite.

Shut up your mouth!

Yes, i--i think
I may be able to
use you, after all.


That should do it.

It's pretty high.

Come on, it's easy.

I hope uncle barnaby
doesn't hear US.


[Jill shrieking]

[Both screaming]

[Laughing menacingly]

[Blowing a raspberry]


[Jack laughing]

Hope we're not late.

Tom and Mary
are gonna need
all the help they can get.





[Rodrigo grumbling]

Mary, well, what do
you think about,

uh, Tom?

Tom who?

You know.

I think he's
a goofball genius

who doesn't take
anything seriously,

who has bad taste
in hats.

Mmm-hmm. Mr. Dumpty
said you liked him.

[Jill giggling]

[Both exclaiming]

[Rodrigo muttering]
This should do it.


[Both chattering]

[Monkey wrench screaming]

[Gears grinding]

[Machines hissing]

[All chattering]


[All exclaiming]



[Both bleating]

What is it?

Ok, let's take
a look down--

hey! There's
a monkey wrench
jammed down here.

[Pressure Gauge whistling]

Can't reach it.

I can do it.


We have to take
the whole machine apart.

But the deadline.

I'm little.
I can get in there.

Hey, you're right.
Let me give you a hand.

Jack, Jack, come on, Jack.

You can do it!

Ok, Jack,
now you be careful.


It's down there.
Can you see it?

Come on.


Hurry up, Jack.
I don't know how long
I can hold you.

A little bit further.


Tom, the machine!

It's-- it's about
ready to blow!

Hurry, Jack!


[Alarm buzzing]


Hurry! Hurry!

Got it!

[Machine whistling]

[All cheering]

3 cheers for Jack!

Congratulations to the new
chief executive toymaker!

3 cheers for Jack!

[Machines whirring]

[Siren wailing]

All right, everybody,
it's toy time.

What do you think?

[Rodrigo and gonzargo

I think those sheep
put that wrench in there.

And I'm gonna
tell Tom.

We can catch 'em.
They're just sheep.

Hey, you sheep! Stop!

[Both screaming]
The police!



Hmm. Whoa.




There they are, over there!
Hey! Wait!

(Jack and Jill)


[Gonzargo bleating]

[Both exclaiming]

That ain't the police!

That's nothing
but a couple of kids.

Well, rod,
it could be a disguise,
you know?

I mean,
we ain't really sheep.



[Gonzargo yelling]


[Rodrigo screaming]


Wait! Woofy.


[Chuckling diabolically]


[Gonzargo screaming]

Oh, not again.

[Jill shrieking]

Uncle barnaby!

What did I tell you
about leaving the attic?

[Rodrigo and gonzargo
chattering angrily]

Why aren't you
at the factory?

Did you do the job?

Oh, yes, sir.
Yes, captain, sir.

Oh, we done-- we done
a good bit of sabotage.

Then these two spoiled it.

I'm gonna
tell Tom about you.

Children should be seen
and not heard.

Better yet, never seen
or heard from again.

Can--can we fillet
their gizzards?


Take them
to the goblin forest.

[Both gasping]

Ok, captain, sir.

Y-You think
those goblins'll eat US?

With 2 plump,
juicy children around,

why should they bother
with a couple of gristly
mouthfuls like you?


G-G-Good thinking,
captain, sir.

All right.
Come on, you.

Move it along,
little goblin chow.




(Mr. Dumpty)


Oh, my gosh! The kids.

They're taking them
to the goblin forest.

I've gotta tell
Mary and Thomas.

[Mr. Dumpty screaming]


I think we're actually
gonna finish in time.

It might mean
we work all night.
You with me?

Nothing could
drag me away.

[Mr. Dumpty screaming]

Alert! Emergency!

It's-- it's Jack and Jill!

♪ it didn't take long
for the downfall ♪

♪ of poor little
Jack and Jill ♪

♪ now, isn't it sad,
gonzargo? ♪

♪ too bad
about that hill! Ha ha! ♪

♪ we're off to
the goblin forest ♪

♪ and I'm glad
you're looking glum ♪

♪ 'cause, oh, oh, oh, oh,
the worst is yet to come ♪

♪ oh, oh, oh, oh,
the worst is yet to come ♪

ah, these kids
don't look so good
around the gills.

♪ the forest is crawling
with goblins ♪

♪ they're deadly,
they're quick ♪
♪ they're tough

♪ they're passion
is mass destruction ♪

♪ I think they breathe
fire and stuff ♪

♪ they chew up
unlucky children ♪

♪ like so many
pieces of gum ♪

♪ oh, oh, oh, oh,
the worst is yet to come ♪

♪ oh, oh, oh, oh,
the worst is yet to come ♪

you couldn't take US
to such an awful place.

I could, too.
Couldn't I, rod?

I'll bet
you're both phonies.

And this is
your first job.

Shut up your mouth!
Tell them, gonz.

♪ on the isle of iggadig

♪ a pirate captain
paid US big ♪

♪ to finish off

♪ a serpent from the sea

♪ with 80 hands

♪ once the town
of jelly roll ♪

♪ was bothered
by a dusty troll ♪

♪ we bashed his face in

♪ for a handsome fee

♪ gee ain't that
a lovely ♪

♪ memory

oh, how I love
to reflect.


♪ you be very afraid,
little kiddies ♪

♪ you babes,
be filled with gloom ♪

♪ no dollies
or dancing flatware ♪

♪ in the forest
of your doom ♪

♪ you'll wish you were
back at the attic ♪

♪ in the dark
without a crumb ♪

♪ oh, oh, oh, oh,
the worst is yet to come ♪

♪ oh, oh, oh, oh,
the worst is yet to come ♪


♪ your nerves are jarred,
your heart beats hard ♪

♪ like a kettle drum

♪ you're hearing shrieks
and eerie squeaks ♪

♪ where is that one
coming from? ♪

♪ it's worse
than we imagined ♪

♪ gonzargo,
stop sucking your thumb ♪

♪ oh, oh, oh, oh,
the worst is yet to come ♪

♪ oh
♪ oh

♪ oh

The worst is yet to come.






No, no, no, no, please.
Not woofy. Please!

[Jill sobbing]
Please, no!

[Creatures screeching]

Gosh! I hope
we're not too late.

[Jill shrieking]

Jill! Come on, Tom.

Ah, Mr. Dumpty.
Working the night shift?


Why aren't you out there
looking for Jack and Jill?

Oh, are they missing?

Oh, you're not crooked.

You're twisted.


Oh, thank you so much.

Uh, Mr. Dumpty,
I'll have that key.


Oh! Oh, no. Woofy!


Jill, come on.
We'll get out of this.

No, we won't.
We're all alone.

Mmm. Tasty.

[Both moaning in fear]

Don't eat US, please.

No. No.
Mr. Goblin king,

we take you
to the toyland.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Right. You eat
everybody there.

It's, uh, very good.
Isn't it good?

Oh, yum, yum.
Yum, yum, yum. Yeah, yeah.

You'll take US
to the toyland gates, hmm?

We can do that.

Yeah. You gonna
like them.

It's very nice, very...

Nice and sweet.

Yeah, sweet!

Not like US.

You live there, hmm?

No, just passin' through.
Yeah, yeah.

No good.
You must live there.

That's the rule.


You live there, yes?

You will take US.

Back off, you wart-faced,
slimy lizard!


He said back off!

[Tom yelling]



Kids, run!

[Tom grunting]

Why don't you pick on
someone your own size?



Kids, run!


This way! Hurry!

Jill, are you ok?



No! No! Lights, no!


[Goblins screaming]


Mary. Ok.

[All chattering]

Hurry, kids. Come on.

Hurry up.

[Both groaning]
Give me the key,

you cholesterol-laden

No, no, let go!

Dumpty, do you
ever ponder

the fragility of an egg?

Now cut that out!

Imagine what might happen
if you were to find yourself,

oh, let's say,

atop a high wall?

You could

have a great fall.

And all the kings horses

And all the kings men

Could never put
humpty dumpty

together again!


Please, barnaby.




Oh, scat.

He's all broken up.

That makes two of US.

Stay out of my factory,


We know all about
your little plan.

I--I'm sorry,
captain, sir,

I think we spilled
the bean.

But, t-the goblins.

The goblins!

You've lost.

Oh, no, not lost.

Never lost.

Not barnaby crookedman.

I never lose!

[Gonzargo groaning]

Tom, let him go.

We've still got
toys to make

and not much time left.

Tom, I really didn't
think we could do it.

Nah. I did.

You weren't worried?

Not in the least.

Not even a little?

Not as long as
you believed in me.

Good night.

[Both laughing]

♪ she's very sensible
and strong ♪

♪ someone i'm
a friend to ♪

♪ we never disagree
for long ♪

♪ though we pretend to

♪ he can be charming

♪ and he's bold,
a bit too clever ♪

♪ no good at doing
what he's told ♪

♪ but he would never

♪ let me down

♪ I have always
tried to be ♪

♪ ready for my destiny

♪ it was right
in front of me ♪

♪ and now I know

♪ it's you

♪ so much
I've been working for ♪

♪ love was easy
to ignore ♪

♪ lately, I've been
wanting more ♪

♪ and now I know
it's you ♪

♪ just like the music
of a simple childhood song ♪

♪ far too familiar
to be heard ♪

♪ now my mind
plays the melody ♪

♪ my heart knew
all along ♪

♪ and I'm listening

♪ to every word

♪ looking deep
into your eyes ♪

♪ I begin to recognize

♪ a dream I've had
my whole life through ♪

♪ the sweetest one
I ever knew ♪

♪ a kiss would make

♪ my dream come true

♪ 'cause now I know

♪ it's you


[Drums pounding]



[Alarm blaring]

Tom, it's the goblins.

It's impossible.

Who led them here?

Welcome to toyland.

[Goblins chattering]

(Goblin king)
Goblins. Goblins.


[Goblins chattering]

[Goblin king laughing]





[Cow mooing]

Oh. Oh.



These are good boxes.

Shut up, will you?

How come I get
the small box?


[Goblin laughing]

I can't. I can't.






Let him go!

[Baby gurgling]


[Both chattering]

Spit. Spit. Spit. Spit.

[Both spitting]

Don't spit at me,
spit at the flame!

A-A-At the flame, yeah.

[Both spitting]


To the factory.

[Goblin king laughing]

[Goblins chattering]



[Mary screaming]

The factory.

Mary, wait!

No! Don't!




Mary! Mary!


Where are you?

[Lamb bleating]

[Goblin laughing]



Mary, give it up.
It's out of control.

[Goblin grunting]

I'm afraid it's hopeless.

Wait. What about
the soldiers?
Your soldiers?

Great idea.

Wait till you see
what they can do!

[Trumpet blowing]

[Trumpet blowing]

[Trumpet blowing]

[Propellers whirring]

[Toys squeaking]

[Goblins yelping]

[Both gasping]

[Goblins snarling]

[Goblins shrieking]


[Playing trumpet]




Yeah. All right!

[Goblins chattering]


You call this

you gluttonous





You dare insult me!

Oh, not me. No, no.

I'm-- i'm--
I'm just a gristly,
old, crooked man.

you don't want me.

Take these 2
savory little morsels.


[Jill screaming]


No, please. Wait.

[Goblin king laughing]
Uncle barnaby.

No. Can't we talk
this over?


[Both screaming]




[Goblins chattering]


[fl*shlight clicking on]




And to think
I trusted you,

you pathetic ogre.


[Goblins chattering]

Uh, uh, gentlemen, uh,
let me, uh, rephrase that.

Scat? Scat!

You traitor, where are you
when I need you?


Jack, Jill.

Some assistance
here, please.

And this is the thanks I get
for taking you in?

[Goblins chattering excitedly]


And don't come back,
or I'm gonna fillet
your gizzards.



Oh, no. Tom!

Wh-what is it, Mary?

Poor Mr. Dumpty.

Can anyone put him
back together again?

I can think of someone.

I don't-- I don't know
if I'm good enough.

Tom, you're the best.


[Bells jingling]

Ho, ho, ho!

[Santa claus chortling]

(Mr. Dumpty)
Pardon me. Excuse me.
Egg coming through.


Oh, Thomas!

[Metallic clanking]

I feel better
than ever!

And now,
you're stainless.

Ho, ho, ho, ho!

[Scat's teeth chattering]

[Scat groaning]

Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!


Mr. Santa claus.

Could I take care
of her, sir?



All clear.
Let's move it out.

Left. Left. Attaboy.
Good, Rudolph.
Eyes front, dancer.

Ouch. Still a little sore.
Oh, boy.

All right, boys!
You're cleared for takeoff!


Bye, Santa!


See you next year.
Have a good trip.

Bye, Santa! Thank you.

Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho.

Merry Christmas!

Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho.

[All gasping]

[All chattering]

See you, dumpty!


♪ toyland, toyland

♪ little girl and boyland

♪ just believe
as children do ♪

♪ and toyland is there

♪ for you
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