How the Gringo Stole Christmas (2023)

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How the Gringo Stole Christmas (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

[soft music playing]

["Jingle Bells"

by Ale Rojas playing]

[Claudia] It's four days

before Christmas,

and it's 70 degrees.

[chuckles] Only in East L.A.


East L.A. may be thousands

of miles from the North Pole,

but it doesn't lack

Christmas spirit.

["Jingle Bells" continues]

[speaking Spanish]

[in English] I'm not dirty,

I'm clean. I spread love around.

[Bennie] I'm dreaming

Of a brown Christmas

Just like the ones

in Mexico

Just like every w*tback

in town [laughs]

I miss the cockfight season

[Claudia] In the North Pole

they have little helpers

that do all the hard work.

In Los Angeles,

they're called Mexicans.

There's many stories

about Christmas,

but here is a tale that has

never been told before,

and, perhaps,

will never be forgotten.

With borrachos drinking

And police lights blinking

And you don't have

no ID to show


Christmas music playing]

Daddy's little girl is coming

home for Christmas!

[distant honking]

- [music playing on videogame]

- [roars]

Big thanks from all of us

here at Area 51 Studios.

We hope to be bringing

Alien Zombie Wars

to a galaxy near you.

[Toby] Leif, what can I say?

You've exceeded every one

of our expectations.


Not only will this satisfy

every youngster's innate ADHD...

- [text alert]

-'s gonna bring

people together

through some internalized

rage tendencies,

some fantasies to fulfill

right there.


Hey... Leif?

You still with us?

Oh, I'm sorry,

Toby, I, uh...

I gotta go. Um...

I'm afraid it's an emergency.

We were just about

to discuss the contract--

- [call disconnects]

- [soft music playing]

- [chuckles]

- To the woman of my dreams.


I would like to spend

my hard-earned airline miles

and Christmas bonus,

thank you very much,

Alien Zombie Wars,

to fly her

to the land of dreams.

For this holiday season,

we're going to the spectacular,

- romantic paradise...

- [phone ringing]

- ...of... oh!

- [phone vibrating]

- Um... it's okay.

- [ringing stops]

It-it's just my dad.

He just...

Somehow always has

a sixth sense

to call at exactly

the wrong moment.

- Okay...

- You were saying?


For the best girlfriend

a geek like me

could ask for...

you have won

an all expenses paid trip

- down to...

- [phone ringing]

[phone vibrating and ringing]

- ["Jingle Bells"

playing over phone]

- You hear that?

[laughs] That's you when you

were five years old

at the St. Francis

beauty pageant

before you became

a big shot in New York.

Hey, so guess what?

You're gonna have a chance

to sing your favorite

Christmas song again,

because I am having

my first annual

Mexican Hispanic American

Chicano Christmas

and we're so happy

that you're coming home

to spend Christmas

con la familia!

- Do you wanna get that?

- Um...

[Bennie indistinct]

Yeah. Mm. I'm sorry.

Um... I'm just gonna talk

to him real quick, okay?

It'll take, like,

two seconds.

- Okay.

- Yeah? Okay?

- I'll be back.

- Love you.

[Bennie laughing]

[music continues over phone]

What-- who said I was coming

home for the holidays?

And, Dad,

I'm an assistant editor.

I-I've been working

at the magazine

for barely two months.

Feliz Navidad

[hums melody]

Feliz Navidad

Okay, Dad? Dad?

Christmas is in like...

Okay, you can't just spring

a 3,000 mile trip on me

at the last minute.

[stammers] I have

to talk to my--

My boss.

No, no, no, here's

the beautiful thing.

- I already called your boss

and I told her...

- You did what?!

...about all the things

you used to do

when you were little,

how we knew

you were gonna be big

in fashion,

and you were dressing up

los perritos and having

a fashion show

and you were nine years old,

and I told her that, you know,

you wanted to come over here

to be with your family

and she said that they are

gonna be closed

between Christmas and New

Year's, and she didn't mind

if you left a day early!

- Feliz Navidad

- [clears throat] Okay.

Um, Dad, I'm gonna have

to call you back, okay?

And here's your room.

[speaks Spanish]

Oh, he said hey!

[speaks Spanish]

- Bye! Mm-hmm.

- [Bennie speaking indistinct]

Mm-hmm. I'm hanging up

now, okay?

- I'm hanging up.

- I can't hear you. Huh?

- Bye-bye.

- Hurry up--


[Claudia] Oh, no.

Can you believe him?

Did you hear that?

He wants me to go spend

the holidays with them.

- He--

- I know. [chuckles]


Well, do you wanna hear

something amazing?

That's exactly where I was

planning on taking us

for the holidays.


To spend them

with my family

in East L.A.?

That's your idea

of the "ultimate

romantic paradise"?

No, well, I know

how important family

is to you,

so actually

what better gift

to a girl who lives

so far from home?

- [needle scratch]

- You're kidding, right?

- I'm totally joking, yeah.

- Oh, okay, I was gonna say.

- 'Cause that's crazy.

- I'm actually...

I'm not joking. Look,

I got the tickets.

- What? No, you didn't.

- Yeah.

- No, you didn't.

- Yeah, I did.

Um... I mean...

I mean,

I do miss them.

But, babe,

I'm not gonna wish

spending Christmas

with my family upon anyone.

Look, I just wanna

make you happy. You know?

Would spending the holidays

with your family make you happy?

[quietly] Yeah.

- We're doing this?

- Yes.

- [whines] Are you sure?

- Yes!

- A hundred percent?


- Yeah.

I mean, call your dad back

and tell him you got

a new boyfriend or...

- Um...

- It's like he doesn't know

I exist, so...

It's okay, don't worry.

- My Dad loves surprises.

- [knocking]

I hate surprises.

Take this check,

take that gift,

give it to your mom.

[speaking Spanish]


[Mexican accordion music


[Claudia] Merry Christmas!

Feliz Navidad!

Happy 25th.

No matter how you say it,

you can't help but to say it

with a smile,

but this year,

Christmas will come

in a different

shape and form,

one that I could've

never imagined,

one that would change

my father's unwilling heart


- [sighs]

- [speaking Spanish]


[accordion music continues]

Am I the first White guy to set

foot in this neighborhood or--

No. No, no, no.


Most of the police

are White.

I mean, I'm sure

your dad's gonna love

you bringing home

a gringo boyfriend.


my beautiful gringuito!

My father is an equal

opportunity boyfriend hater,



[whimsical music playing]

[Lucky] Hey, look,

it's mini-Mario Lopez.

Hey, what's up, ese?

What's in the box, eh?

I'm hungry.

Me, too! Hey,

throw me a bear claw!

Hey, fool,

you're on a diet,


No carbs, ese.

That's right, ese. You know

how much I love conchitas.

- Hey, what color, fool?

- Don't tell nobody, homie,

but the pink one, ese.

Ah, that's what up, fool,

that's what's up!

- Want some right now?

- Let's-let's go.

[doorbell rings]


[speaking Spanish]

[in English]

Javier de la Torre,

at your service.

Of course you are.

You must be Carmencita.

[both speaking Spanish]

[Tita in English] Who is it?!

Home delivery services.

How are my favorite ladies

on the block doing today?

[both speaking Spanish]

[in English]

I just stopped by to bring

you ladies some pan dulce.

Thought it would be good

with your cafecito.

[speaking Spanish]


[in English] I'm running late

for an appointment.

Big remodel in Brentwood.

Well, we're open 24/7.

- [laughs]

- [speaking Spanish]

[in English]

By the way,

- you ladies

should be arrested.

- Why?

I heard it was against the law

to look so beautiful.

[speaking Spanish]

[in English]

I dated a guy

like him once.

You dated someone

that looks like everyone.


[speaking Spanish]

[in English]

and he text me back.

[speaking Spanish]

Porque he should be

calling me.

- The lawyer from last night?

- No, no, no. That was Hector.

This is Fernando,

the computer programmer.

You need a computer

just to keep track.

- Okay, so, but-- pero...

- That's not a bad idea.

We miss you.

So, when are you arriving?

- [Tita gasps]

- Mm-hmm.

[speaking Spanish]

[in English]

Okay? Okay, hurry. Okay.

You guys, guess what?


Mi Claudita

is on her way!

[speaking Spanish]

Check it out.

My suegro's here.

That's my suegro,


[scoffs, in Spanish]

Hey, when did you guys

get out?

Hey, vato, what's up?

What's that?

You got the cramps?

Hey, do what my mother-in-law

does. She lights a candle

at night.

What'd you say, ese?

Hey, don't be disrespecting

the homeboy, ese.

You guys disrespect

this neighborhood

every time you stand out here.

Don't you guys work?

[stuttering] Y-y-y-yeah,

and-and Casper's working

on his probation,

I'm working

on a new s-s-song,

and Lucky's working

on a tasty,

- delicious

mal-mal-malt liquor.

- That's right.

That's what you guys need,

more shit to make you stupid.

[Casper] Hey, Bennie,

word on the street is,

your daughter's coming home.

Yeah, she's

real fine, ese.

Don't talk about my daughter,

man. Don't look at her.

Hey, clmate, homes.

I bet you

she's all telenovela style.

Them homegirls be hotter

than two lizards

sleeping on a rock

in the middle of the desert.

The trash is Tuesday.

Let me go inside

and I'll get you some aspirin

for your cramps, eh?

What the hell

does that mean, fool?


[rapping in Spanish]

Quick, vato.

What's three plus four

minus one,

divided by shut

the fudge up, homie?


"Shut the fudge up"?

Hey, homes,

what the hell was that?

I told you, ese,

I quit bad words

cold turkey.

And now, I'm

a born-again cholo,

so shut the fudge up,


- I don't get it.

- But how can you

be born again?

Ow, my head hurts.


- Whoa.

- [door closes]

Save that pose for later.

Ay, Bennie,

you broke my Zen, hombre.

I think you should be

more concerned

with breaking your back.

It's yoga, Bennie.

You don't break your back.

You should try it, so maybe

you're more flexible in life.

No, no, no.

Where I come from,

if they catch you in a position

like that, you'll get beat up.

Where do you want me

to put the presents?

[speaking Spanish]


Ay. Ay.

Gordo, we need

to get a new tree.

[speaking Spanish]

[in English] It doesn't even

feel like Christmas,

it doesn't smell

like a real tree.

Oh. Espera.

[chuckles] Look at this.

Uh, "Wild forest pine.

Bring the essence

of the forest into your home."

- [laughs] Ay, Benicio.

- [laughs]

Don't waste it. We need it

when you go hacer caquita.

Okay, well then,

you know what? I'm gonna get

a real Christmas tree.

A traditional Hispanic,


Christmas tree.

- Okay, and how's that?

- Because Claudia's coming home,

and as a family

we're gonna have

a traditional Hispanic Mexican

American Christmas, so...

and it's gonna be the best

Christmas ever, you know.

Uh-huh. And when did you

think of this

and why am I

the last one to know?

Because you always say no.

- What's going on, Bennie?

- Nada.

[speaking Spanish]

[in English]

What's going on here?

Is something going on?

[speaking Spanish]

[in English]

What you thinking?

[speaking Spanish]

Mi gordito,

you really miss your baby.

Is that what this

is all about, eh?

This is where she belongs.

- Where?

- She's so far away,

you know,

[speaks Spanish] I mean,

what's wrong with L.A.?

We could see her

on the weekends.

Remember when we used

to go out and--

[speaking Spanish]

[in English]

Not always about you.

She landed a big job,

she's got her new gig

in the fancy magazine,

what she wanted.

Can we be happy for her?

Can we or no?

- Yeah, no, I'm happy for her.

- You know, yeah.

I just wanna show her

that I can plan the best

and most Feliz Navidad

that she's ever had.

Okay, well that's good.

Oh, you drive me crazy.

- Oh! [laughs]

- You drive me crazy!

[speaking Spanish]

Ay, I love you,

my yoga mama. Mira!

- Hey, watch this.

I'm gonna do it, too.

- Qu?

[both speaking Spanish]

[Latin hip-hop playing

on boombox]

[Casper] Hey, vatos!

What's that fool doing?

[Lucky] He's bringing

Christmas to the streets, eh?

[Mighty] Hey, Bennie,

what are you doing, fool?

- Christmas ain't over yet, eh?

- Merry Christmas.

Don't smoke it.

Hey, follow me, homie.

Hey, go check it out, homies.

I got your back.

Damn, that tree

is jacked up.

Hey, that's what's up, ese.

I could take this

to those disadvantaged,

underprivileged kids, homie.

You mean

h-h-h-homeless kids

or orphans?

My kids, vato.

I'm taking this home.

Vmonos, fool,

before he changes

his mind, ese.

[Lucky] Hey, have you ever

smoked a-a Christmas tree


- No, man.

- Well, you see,

it was flying reindeers

and dancing gingerbreads,


Forget your kids.

Let's smoke that, homie.

Let's go, homie. Come on.

Watch out, homie.

Let's go, fool.

Hey, don't be starting

to smoke without me, ese.

Who got the lighter?

Who got the lighter?

[all yelling]

Mini, we already got

a mini vato.

[Latin hip-hop playing]

Come on, m'hijo.

Try to stay sober

this year. Vamos.

- Feliz Navidad!

- [yelps]

- Ah, you're home!

- [laughs]

Oh my God, you're home.

I missed you so much.

- I know! I missed you so much!

- Oh, my God. Look at you.

- I have something to tell you.

- I have something

to tell you, too.

- Uh-huh?

- You're daddy's

little girl forever.

[squeals, laughs]

- I'm so glad you're home.

- No. Okay, Dad.

You'll have to let go.

I can't breathe.

- Come on.

- [exhales] Okay. [laughs]

I have a surprise for you.

Come back from New York,

[speaking Spanish]

- [squealing]

- Yeah!


[speaking Spanish]

[squealing and laughing]

[speaking Spanish]

[in English]

Too much tofu in New York?

[Gabbie speaking Spanish]

Um... ahem.

- [Claudia chuckles]

- [Bennie speaking Spanish]

Um, okay, uh...

Ahem, Mom, Dad, this is

my boyfriend, Leif.

Leif, Mom and Dad.

- Your boyfriend?

- Mm...

Un gringo?

[speaking Spanish]


[speaking Spanish]

- It's--

- He meant to say hello.

No, no. That's fine,

I just wanna

hear it from him.

Mr. Sanchez,

it's a pleasure

to meet you.

Pleasure to make

your acquaintance.

[speaking Spanish]

- Leif. Mucho gusto.

- [speaking Spanish]

I'm Gabbie,

Claudita's mom.

Nice to meet you,

and this is Carmencita,

y la abuela Tita.

[both speaking Spanish]

- Welcome to the family,


- Ay! Welcome to the family.

Mr. Sanchez,

thank you so much.

I am so excited.

I've never been

in a Mexican home before.

- [Carmen laughs]

- This is crazy!

[laughs] A Mexican's home.

- [Carmen laughs]

- [mutters]

"A Mexican home."

Okay. Okay.

Family meeting

in the Mexican home right now!

- Ooh!

- [overtalk]

I mean, "a Mexican home."

[speaking Spanish]

What does he think?

We sleep on chile?

[speaking Spanish]

- [Mighty] That fool is mad-mad!

- [Lucky] Last time

I saw him that mad

was when I took

his lawnmower, dog.


Got the white boy

in the back.

Look at him.

He's looking at us.

Not even her type,


Thought she was into cholos.

[Lucky] I don't like

the way that fool

looked at me, dog.


So, you wanna go bang, ese?

- [Casper] I'm ready, fool.

- Come on, man.

Let's go jump him in.


I'm serious.

Think he has money?

[bottle cap clinking]

[suspenseful music playing]

Did you know about this?

Did you know?

No, I didn't know anything.

[speaking Spanish]

- Since when?

- [laughs] Shh, he's gorgeous.

- You see?

- How come you didn't tell me?

I-- uh-- [stammers]

I wa... I wanted it

to be a surprise.

Yeah, that wasn't a surprise.

That was an ambush.

You think we were surprised

when the Americans

went and invaded Mexico?

And afterwards all the Mexicans

are hanging out,

"Mira noms,

wow, what a surprise!"


[speaking Spanish]

- You're overreacting

like a little bit.

- [laughs] Don't worry.

[speaking Spanish]

Don't be rude to him.

[Bennie] Hey, hey,

he was rude to me first.

I wanted a Brown Christmas,

not a White Christmas.

Okay? I wanted

a traditional Christmas,

con las abuelas,

los tos, las tas,

tamales, and all your cousins

playing in the street,

hurting themselves,

as, a Mexican Christmas.

How about you just--

you give him a chance

before you start

judging him, okay?

Give me a chance.

[speaking Spanish]

What's un chance?

Is that his dad's name?

Next thing you know,

we'll be carrying water

como pendejos.

What time

does the movie start?

[speaking Spanish]

[Gabbie laughs, speaks Spanish]

Hey, nothing

that a tequila

can't fix.

- Leaf.

- It's Leif.

Uh, yes, yeah, I know.

Make yourself at home, hmm?

Mrs. Sanchez, I know

this is a surprise.

- See, Mr. Sanchez,

he called Claudia...

- Yeah.

...invited her home

for Christmas.

- That's the only--

- Yeah. No, no, no,

don't worry.

You don't have

to explain yourself.

The most important thing

is that you're both here.

I just wanted

to surprise him.

Well, you did surprise him,

m'hijita, you did.

You even surprised

la Tootsie aqu.

You even surprised me.

Why are you keeping secrets

like that, huh?

- Baby, come on.

- Have a seat, Leaf.

- Uh, it's Leif.

- [laughs]

[speaking Spanish]

- [Claudia] Stop.

- Gracias.

[speaking Spanish]

[Tita shushing]

[both speaking Spanish]

Okay. I have to have

a serious talk with Dad.

And I have a date

with a chela.


Uh, Coachella?

Ah [coos]...

A chela.

What do you want to drink?

What do you want to drink, eh?

[Gabbie speaks Spanish]



it's gonna be okay.

- Yeah.

- [muffled music playing]

Hey, is that fool

checking me out or what?

- [sighs]

- What's up, ese! What's up?


- Mm.

- [Leif sighs]


I feel like I'm starting

the next

Mexican American w*r here.

I'm sorry, babe.

I-- I'm sorry!

- [playing melody]

- Oh.

I'm surprised

my crib still isn't in here.

You know, Claudia,

if this is gonna be an issue

with your family,

I feel like I should

probably just go.

- What? No.

- Yeah.

Come here. Come here.

It's not my family.

It's my father.

He just needs

to get to know you

in the same way

that I know you.

I love you.

- I love you, too.

- [Gabbie] Ay, ay, ay!

[speaking Spanish]


[wincing] I think I strained--

I think I strained my back.

Ah! I go get the Vicks.

It's good for broken backs.

Okay, you breathe...

y ah vas.

You breathe...

No, esprate.

- Ay, ay, ay...

- [Gabbie wincing]

[all speaking Spanish]

- [in English] Is that better?

- No, no, no, no.

[Tita] You have

to breathe it in.

- A ver, a ver, how about now?

- S. Uh-huh. It's not helping.

[speaking Spanish]

I have to check

the expiration date.

[back cracks]

[speaking Spanish]

- Hey! Mam! You okay? You okay?

- No, no, no. S, s.

[speaking Spanish]

- Slow down. Okay, okay, okay.

- [speaking Spanish]

- Relax, slow down...

- [speaking Spanish]

Slow down...

- Hey, just...

- Remember the yoga?

- I do.

- Don't break--

don't, uh...

- I know what I'm doing,

- Baby, be careful,

please. Okay?

- Deep breaths, please.

- Okay. S.

No, you're not

gonna crack me.

I have kidney stone.

Don't crack me.

- I got this.

- Be careful, baby, please,

- [speaks Spanish]

- We're gonna move you

this way, okay?

- Okay. A ver.

- Let's go slowly.

- Baby, be careful.

- And she's doing so good.

- A ver... ay...

- Just breathe...

- What the--

- [barking]

- Qu pasa? No, no...

- What the--

Ay, que pas? Dad!

- What is this?

- Okay, he was just helping--

Oh my God, he was

just helping Mom with--

with-- with an injury from yoga.

[sighs] Don't you think

you're overreacting

a little bit?

[Claudia speaks Spanish]


since when do we judge people

by the color of their skin?

Hey, this isn't

about the color of his skin

or the lack of color

of his skin. All right?

I like gringos.

All right?

Because of them, we have

this amazing house

in this great country.

We have food on our table.

I mean, I love their food.

Pizza and hot dogs.

I mean, there's no taste,

like eating cardboard.

[speaking Spanish]

[in English]

How about, in front

of all these witnesses,

you make a promise...

that you're gonna

give him a chance?

Just get to know him.

Yeah, of course.

- [Bennie groans]

- Ay.


- [bells jingle]

- [whimsical music playing]


Are you feeling better?

You need to apologize

to Leaf.


[speaking Spanish]

[in English]

You know, he actually

fixed my back.

[speaking Spanish]


He used to work

con los estos...

[speaking Spanish]

[in English] Anyway,

I feel better.


[speaking Spanish]

Y so maybe your handyboy

can help us with this aqui.


[both speaking Spanish]

- [in English] It's how they

did it in Mexico.

- It's a Christmas tree?

[speaking Spanish]

[in English] Yeah!

[speaking Spanish]

Listen, does nobody care

about tradition around here

except me?

It's Christmas Eve.

You know where they're at?

[speaking Spanish]

eating tofu, con ese gringo.

[in English]

That's why Chicanos

are losing their roots.

First, we lost California,

and then Arizona,

and then Texas,

and then New Mexico.

New Mexico, they don't even

consider themselves Mexicans.

They consider themselves

New Mexicans.

How could you be

a New Mexican?

You know how?

Because all old Mexicans

are dying

and the new ones

are coming over,

and where are they

Christmas Eve?

Eating tofu con un gringo!

That's why!

[speaking Spanish]

Am I doing everything wrong?

[speaking Spanish]


Pero you're changing

the subject.

You're gonna go

and apologize to Leaf.

- Leif.

- [speaking Spanish]

[lively Latin music playing]

[music volume decreases]

Hey, vatos.

Ch-ch-ch-ch-check it out.

I think he-he--

he's mad at something.

Yeah, the foreigner.

[Casper] Say what, fool?

You're from Puerto Rico.

I'm mad at your mom

for having you.

Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa,

let me school you

real quick, ese.

That is US territory,


- No, it's not.

- Yes, it is.

- No, it's not, fool.

- Yes, it is.

Hey, you put pineapple

on your pizza?

Oh, yeah. I love pia.

You see? That's

where you're confused.

And soon your ass

is gonna be singing

country music in Spanish

at a rap concert.

- What's that mean, ese?

- [Mighty laughs]

Says a jealous

German-looking Mexican.

[groans, chokes]

[laughs mockingly]

[speaking Spanish]

- What's up, homie?

- Hey, don't be judging

no book by the color

of the sleeve, homie.

- All right, what?

- [groans]

Sleeve? These are sleeves.

- Right here, homie.

- That's a highlighter.

Yeah, I could tat you up

real quick, homie.

Look, boom, tatted.

What's up, Highlights?

- [laughs]

- Hey, don't panic, fool.

- I'm Hispanic.

- I guess he's organic.

Hey, forget you fools.

Put the music back on.

[music volume rises]


- Seor Sanchez!

- [groans] Ay, my eyes!

[groans, coughs]

Hey, give me the bull.

Ah te va el bull.

Oh, hey, hey,

hey, hey, hey.

- Ah te va el bull.

- Don't get too close.

Watch out, watch out,

watch out, watch out, watch out.

[speaking Spanish] Ahem.

You okay?

[clears throat]

- I got you.

- I want to say something--

say something to you.

Uh, s, seor Sanchez?

- Can you do me a favor?

- S.

- Can you stop

calling me that?

- What?

Seor Sanchez.

You know what?

Just call me Bennie instead.

Sure thing. Yeah.

Hey, so, Leif,

I wanted to, uh,

I wanted to apologize to you

for earlier today. I mean, I--

Oh, no, no, no, no,

no, no, no, Mr--

Seor-- Mr. Bennie,

- it's really-- it's-- it--

- No. No, man, listen, I--

I mean, I thought,

you know--

you looked like--

Aww, crap.

[speaking Spanish]

Look at this bush!

- [in English]

What a mess! [sighs]

- Oh, here--

Here, I'll just--

No, it's all messed up.


You know, I could, uh--

I could help you with that.


[distant barking]

I know my way

around a hedge. Yeah.

- Really, huh?

- Yeah.

All right, don't go

nowhere. Hang on.

[footsteps depart]

White boy is risking

his huevos, eh?

- Ah. Let's see.

- Yeah.

- All right.

Good luck. Ahem.

- Okay.


All right.

["Vals de las flores" playing]


Damn, homie!

I ain't never seen

anything like this

in my life.

Wow! [laughs]

White boy gets down, eh?

[music continues]

- Bring it in.

- Oh, yeah. Let's go.

Hey, he's

a damn fool, ese.



[Lucky] Yeah, I think

I know why that homegirl

- fell in love with him, eh?

- [sighs] Mr. Bennie.

[Casper] Grass, homie.


- Thank you.

- [sighs]

Yeah, here you go.

Any time.

Did that White boy just teach

that Mexican how to landscape?

Look, Bennie's speechless.


Hey, fools,

and what's next?

They gonna valet park

our lowriders, o qu?

Hey, he better be careful

with this thing, fool.

- Palabra.

- He ain't touching

my car, fool.

[music ends]

What do you think?

Um, I mean, I like all of it,

except for the flags.

- What--

- What's wrong

with the flag?

Dad, it's Christmas,

not Cinco de Mayo.

Red, white and green.

Jesus was Mexican.

[speaking Spanish]

I never told you?

His real name is Jess,


- Ay...

- He'd ride around on a mule,

lived at home

until he was 33.

- Mm-hmm.

- Swears his mom was a virgin.

Your ta Concha,

she has seven kids

and she swears

that she's a virgin.

Now, either she's lying

or one of those kids

is a Messiah.

Okay, Dad,

I love him.

And your to Gustavo,

when he was locked up

in county, said

he found Jesus there.

- Everybody loves Jesus.

- Dad!

I am trying to explain

something to you here

so we can have a real talk,

but you're not really

listening to me.

Is there a way

that we can meet

in the middle?

We need to have a talk,

you and I.

Wh-- Do you see this?

You're not even paying

attention to me.

Father-daughter talk.

Dad, what father-daughter talk?

When people talk to each other,

they also listen

to what the other has to say.

That's what a talk is.

Father-daughter talk.

Come on.

[both speaking Spanish]

- Dad... Dad!

- [speaking Spanish]

[speaking Spanish]

[in English]

Dad-- Are you not

gonna get my door?

Uh, okay.

Wow, you changed.

Cmo que change! See,

in New York City,

there's gentlemen.

- Wow.

- Gracias.

All right, after you.

[indistinct chatter]

This is fun.


Okay, you know what, Dad?

I wanna go home.

Go-- no!

W-we-- we just got here.

What-- this is

your favorite place.

What? No, it's not

and it never was.

Cmo que never was?

What-- what is this?

Dad, I'm hungry.

I want actual food.

[tropical music playing]

Ay, qu rico!

[speaks Spanish]

Hola. Hola, Leaf.

Hi, Leaf, come here

and dance with your ta.


- [Gabbie speaks Spanish]

- [Carmen humming melody]

There you go.

Oh, no, no, not like that.

- No?

- Oh, no.

Feel the music. Yeah.

Mm-hmm. [speaking Spanish]

[speaking Spanish, hums]

[speaks Spanish]

Okay, come here.

[Carmen speaking Spanish]

Vente, Leif,

don't listen to her.

No, she's okay. [laughs]

She's the non-recovered

party girl of the house.


- Ay, so yeah...

- Wow.

[gasps] Have you

tried the tamales?

- Yes, yes, I have.

They're great.

- Yeah? Uh-huh.

Although I don't find

many places

that make them back east.

Yeah, uh, you're in

for a treat this year,

porque la Grandma Tita here,

she's making her world famous,

one-of-a-kind chicken tamales.

- Uh-huh, oh yeah. Yeah.

- Oh.

You'll know what's good.


- That sounds great.

- Yeah.

- [children chattering]

- [liquid pouring]

Dad, how come you never liked

any of my boyfriends?

You didn't even like Gabriel,

and he was actually a good guy,

and he came

from a good family.

Wait, well,

who's that? Elmo?


El mojado! [laughs]


He was not a w*tback

and you called Immigration

on him.

Don't exaggerate,

all right?

All I did was yell "La migra!"

and that kid took off.

Hey, he ran across country

so fast,

if they had a border Olympics,

he would've won gold. [laughs]

Pap, that's not funny.

Mira, Joaquin,

Frankie, Antonio.

It's like I could never

have a boyfriend

because you would always

just make it so hard for me.

[mascot clucks]

[speaking Spanish]

Hey, well, you--

Thank you. Back to the--

back to that cage.

Um, you were too young

to have boyfriends.

[speaking Spanish]

[in English]

What's your excuse now?

Well, at least they're Mexicans.

What about Javier? I know

he's a little bit of a playboy,

a little Don Juan thing going,

but you know what,

he's always been

really nice to you.

I am a strong,

independent woman

who is capable of making

her own choices.

You see, that's exactly

what I'm talking about,

because you're getting

to the age that--


Have you and Leif...

[sighs] I can't even believe

I'm gonna say this...


Has he taken

your chanclas off?


[speaking Spanish]

I am 23 years old.

I did not come here

for you to tell me

what it's like to be

sin chanclas.

[continues speaking Spanish]


Mira, well-- Hey,

I've known you your whole life.

He's known you two months.

[speaking Spanish]

[wolf whistle]

Hey, beautiful.

- Javier?

- [laughs]

De la Torre?

[Javier sighs]

Would you look who it is?

- Mm-mm.

- [laughs]

- Hi. Oh!

- How are you?

Your mom told me you were

coming home for Christmas.

I just did not think your dad

would bring you back

to this place

on your first day back.

[sighs] Yeah, you and me both.

And he thinks I'm the one

who still hasn't grown up.

Can you believe that?

I mean, you look

pretty grown to me.

So what do you think

of my girl?

Wow, she is really pretty.

Not as pretty as you.



So, where can I take you?

[sighs] As far away

from here as possible.

Your wish is my command.

- Hm.

- After you.

- Gracias.

- Mm-hmm.

[Javier groans]

Let's get some tacos

de asada, yeah?


[tropical music playing]

Can't I do anything

to help out?

I feel like I'm just sort of,

uh, standing around.

- No.

- You are just standing around.

Get to work.

- S, seorito.

- [laughs]

A. Seorita.

Oh, that's right.

Uh, a, girls,

o is for boys.

- S. [laughs]

- Seorita. Seorita.


You are disculpado. Hm.

Now, everybody in this family

helps out with the cooking.

I used to be a chef

in Mexico.

Mm, and a very good one.


Wow, now I really

can't wait to try

your world-famous

chicken tamales.

You have to start

with fresh, m'hijo.

That's the secret.

Now, Leaf,

go into the kitchen

and get the chicken

out of the stove, please.

- S, seorita.

- [laughs, gasps]

[speaking Spanish]

[chicken squawks]

[gasps, in Spanish]

[chicken bawks]

Where's the chicken?


in Spanish]

[both laughing]

- [Claudia, in Spanish]

- [laughs]


You're stupid.

Hi, baby.

Hi. Hey.

You must be Leaf.

- I--

- You're a lucky man, bro.

[Claudia chuckles]

This is Javier.

I just told him

everything about you.

I'm sure you did.

He's just an old friend.

By old friend,

you mean friend

or friend-friend?

- Hmm?

- Have you ever seen

Claudia dance salsa?

- No.

- Ay, stop it.

My friend,

you are missing out.

Stop it.

There's goes

that F word again.


Don't worry, huerito.

She'll show you.

I'll see you around.

It was nice to meet you...

- Twig?

- Epa, Leif, I told you.

[Javier, in Spanish]

Is there something

I should know about?

Because if I don't know,

I don't know, but if I


Yeah. Actually, there is.

I knew it.

Damn, he's handsome.

- And he can dance, too?

- What? No, no.

- He's just an old friend.

- How long have you known him?

He's just an old friend.

I told you.

My Dad, he took me

to that cheese place.

Where is your dad?

Probably still playing

at Cheesy Chuck.

It's because of me,

isn't it?

Um, yeah, of course it is.

You know, at first,

I didn't think this was

such a huge mistake,

but now I'm really

starting to think it is.

You know, I'm sorry

I don't speak Spanish

- or know how to salsa.

- [sighs]

You know, your dad

would probably be more happy

if you were

with that Javier guy

instead of me.

Ay, ay, ay. Es que you men

are impossible.

Between trying to please you

and please my father,

I just feel like I can't win,

so why do I even try?

- I just--

- Where are you going?

I-I don't know.

I don't know.

Wait! [speaking Spanish]

That was so sweet!

- What?

- Cario!

I've never heard you

say that before.

Well, I mean, maybe I could say

something right, you know.

Well, yeah,

for once. [laughs]

- [barking and whistling]

- [Lucky] Aw.


they're watching.

[salsa music playing]

You should teach me

how to salsa.

Oh, you want me

to teach you how to salsa?

You're gonna start

with your feet like this, eh?

Okay, you know what?

Forget about your feet.

- Like this?

- Let's work on the hips.

- Okay. Like this?

- Okay, a little bit. Just--

Forget about your feet.

Let's work on the hips.

- Okay.

- Okay. Uh-huh.

- [speaking Spanish]

- I like that.

- Okay, hold my hand, baby.

- Like this?

[laughs] No, my love,

move your hips.

- How about this?

- Okay, forget about the hips.

How 'bout you just twirl me

and then you dip me, okay?

Okay. Okay.

- Do what? Wait, wait.

- Twirl and then d--

- Baby!

- Um, I'm okay!

- Seriously?

- What are you guys doing?

- I-- Oh, God, how long--

- Oh, I didn't mean to do that.

I-- how long have you been

standing there?

When did you get home?

Long enough to see Mr. Leif

doesn't know what he's doing.

We were just--

we were just having fun, Dad.

We were just dancing.

Dancing. Where I come from,

you see a guy moving like that,

you call him a pinguino.

- Let me show

you how it's done.

- Here we go.

- Here, give a little

spin here, comes back.

- Mm-hmm.

When you get more advanced,

you can spin her again.

She comes to you, hi,

and she comes back.

As, just like that.


- All right,

now it's your turn.

- All right.


No, no, not with her.

With me.

- [both] What?

- Come on. Yeah, come on.

Hey. You have to feel it,

all right, pinguino?

Right here. You have

to feel it. Do you feel it?

- No.

- Then you do a nice little turn

- and come back. Okay.

- [chicken clucks]

[Mighty] A bailar!

- It's all

about confidence, okay?

- Okay.

All right, I got you

right here.

- Okay.

- Nice and ea-- Ah!

- Ah!

- [chicken clucks]

[in English]

Then I go into a bridge.

And tight, tight, tight.

[TV trainer speaking Spanish]


- Oh.

- [gasps, speaks Spanish]

What happened?

[scoffs] I was at Cluck-Y-Cheese

with Claudia to have

a father-daughter talk.

[scoffs] She hates

that place.

Why does everybody

say that?

Bueno, y how was it?

[repeats question

in Spanish, laughs]

- What do you think?

- [laughs]

Now I know

where the brown eggs

come from.

[clucks like a chicken]

[sighs] Entonces what happened?

We got in a little argument.

[Gabbie clicks tongue]

Where is she now?

Now, she's outside

dancing salsa

con el gringo.

Oh, well, that's good.

That's great.



[Gabbie sighs] Ay...

And all I wanted was

to have a perfect Christmas.

- Ow, ow...

- [chicken clucks]

[speaking Spanish]

[soft music playing]

- [Leif sighs]

- [Claudia] Okay, baby,

so my Aunt Carmen is

in the guest bedroom,

but make sure

that you don't go in there,

because otherwise

you'll be dancing

to cumbias all night, okay?


But I'm sure Tootsie here

wouldn't mind you being

her little bed buddy,

right, Tootsie?


Well, at least tomorrow

is Christmas Eve, you know.

I mean, what could

possibly go wrong then?

Mm, just a few

Mexican ticks.

- Yeah.

- [Claudia chuckles]

[sighs] I'll see you

in the morning.

If not before then.

Oh. [chuckles]

- [sighs]

- [dog pants]


[dog whines]



- [bells jingling]

- [soft music playing]

[videogame music playing]

- Let's go, baby.

Come on.

- Woo!

- Okay, I'm trying, baby.

- That's my baby girl.

[speaks Spanish, squeals]

- [Claudia] Get her away

from the remote.

- [Carmen] Oh, yeah.

- You're doing great.

You learning?

- She's doing fine.

- What's this nonsense?

- Oh! [laughs]

It's actually a prototype

from Leif's new game

that he built. Ooh!

He actually

even sold it

to a big company.

- So, you play games

for a living?

- I design them.

[laughs] Oh, yes!

Score, huerito! Woo-hoo!

So, pushing buttons

so some space idiotas

can k*ll each other

is your idea of a game?

[both speaking Spanish]

Hey, let me tell you something.

A game isn't played

in someone's living room.

- [girls] No, no. No. Ay.

- [videogame music out]

A real game is played

on a field 120 yards long

and 80 yards deep,

and it's called football.

Do you mean soccer?

That's what you gringos

call it, okay?

Football was invented

by my Aztec ancestors

700 years ago.

And you know what they did

to you if you lost?

- Uh, sent you

to the locker room?

- No, man.

They sacrificed you

to the gods.

Ripped open your chest

and they pulled out your live,

still beating heart.

- My God.

- On that field,

you became a man,

an hombre, un patrn.

- Oh, like the tequila!

- Not like the tequila.

Patrn is a boss.

Claudia said

that you're a captain, man.

Are you a captain?

Mm, I was the captain

of my high school debate team.

Oh, debate!

Wow, sounds muy macho.

All right, captain.

It's time for you to play

the game of the gods.

[speaking Spanish]

Meet you on the field

in half an hour.

- [Carmen gasps]

- She knows where it is.

In-- in the park?

Ay, no.

[suspenseful music playing]

Ay, ay, ay...

Afternoon, huerito.

- Hey.

- [Javier chuckles]

Did you get a good

night's rest?

I hear you're

quite the local celebrity.

No, man, Claudia's the one

who's the rock star.

So you and Claudia,

you, uh, know each other

quite well, huh?

[scoffs] Like brother

and sister, amigo.

You know, she does

a really good in and out.

You should have her

show you sometime.

- Excuse me?

- Uh, it's a salsa move,

where you bring the lady in,

and then you lead her

right back out.

Here, let me show you, Leaf...

[speaking Spanish]

- Come on.

- Have a good game, huerito.

[laughs] Twig.

- Sorry, babe.

- [Bennie] Let's go, y'all.

This is a very dangerous

game, okay?

So you're gonna have

to follow my lead.

[Bennie] Vmonos.

[music playing]

Where'd you go, potty?

- [speaks Spanish]

- Qu?

Heads or tails?


I knew you were

gonna pick tails.

- Ah! Aguas!

- [Javier] Eso!


Get ready to have

a long day there,

One Direction.

Your starting position

is right here. Okay?

- Right here?

- Yeah. You got it, baby!

Come on.

- Portero!

- What do I do?

- [Mighty] Get the left side

of the field!

- [all speaking Spanish]

Oh, this dude's got nothing,

homie. Let's go.

[Claudia] Baby,

don't use your hands!

- Foul! You can't

use your hands!

- [Javier] He fouled!

Google it!

- Baby, you can't

use your hands, babe.

- Okay!

- You used your your fist.

- That was illegal.

Ha! That wasn't

the only thing illegal here.

- [Lucky] Hey,

give me some Vicks!

- No problem.

I have my Vicks.

- I was protecting myself.

- From what?

- From the ball.

- From the soccer ball?

Get him a helmet.

[Javier] Come on, stay alert,

stay alert!

[Casper whistles]

[Gabbie] Let's do this!

[Casper] Watch out,


watch out, fool!

- Why are you running, fool?

- [cheers]

- [speaks Spanish]

- That's right!

- Why you move?

- Goal!

[all speaking Spanish]


[Casper] What are you

looking at, ese?

[Carmen speaking Spanish]

[Casper] El Mighty,

you're coming

to work, ese.

I think you k*lled him, fool!

["Jingle Bells" playing

slowed down]

Oh, ouch.



[back cracks]

[song continues]

Snow in East L.A.?

What are these fools

doing out there?

Why isn't Grandpa

here with us?

Oh, come sit down, sweetie.

Why are you asking

that question?

Well, grandma said

the reason why he isn't here

is because he went

to the North Pole.


Actually, son,

he went south to Mexico.

'Cause all he ever wanted

was a Mexican Christmas.

Uh-- there's Christmas

in Mexico?

- Mm-hmm.

- Of course, sweetie.

Christmas is everywhere.

If there's Christmas


then why isn't he here?

And also,

why is he in Mexico?

Well, because he complained

so much about living here

that he went back to Mexico.

Mm-hmm. And he lived

happily ever after.

He has a lot

of Mexican friends.

Is he happy?

He loves it.

He even has a burro.

I'm confused, Mom.

Scoot in a little bit,

yeah, sweetie? Let's eat.


Ho, ho, ho, ho.


I'm sorry if I woke you up,

Mr. Sanchez.

[muffled chatter]

Is that all

you're sorry about?


Are you okay?

My head hurts,

no thanks to you.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to.

Leif, what are you

doing here?

It's because of Claudia.


I know what it's like

to be young,

and I know

what you want from her,

so please, don't make me out

to be some pendejo, okay?

Is that how you felt

about your wife

when you first met her?


Okay, for once,

can you just please be clear

about what you're trying to say?


Mr. Sanchez...

I would like to ask

for your daughter's hand

in marriage.


You know, I don't wanna

say the cliches,

like our love story began

in a single glance

and, you know,

it was at that moment

that I knew... [chuckles]

that I had encountered

my soulmate.

[sighs] But that's exactly

what I'm saying.

Mr. Sanchez.

Are you okay?

[party sounds muffled]

[flute playing]

[party music playing]

- There you are.

- Hey, hey.

I was looking for you.

You're gonna miss the piata.

Oh, well, I was, um,

talking to your dad.

Oh, is-- is he okay?

Did he wake up?

Yeah. Yeah, um,

well, sort of.

Sort of?

He was a little unresponsive.

- Unresponsive. What--

- No, um--

what do you mean

by unresponsive? What--

I asked your father

if I could have

his permission--


- D-Dad?

- [whines]

Dad! Dad!

Is this what you mean

by unresponsive? Dad!

All righty.

Let's get this--

How are the tamales, Tita?

Is that question rhetorical?

[speaking Spanish]


[Tita laughs]

[speaking Spanish]

- Hey.

- Qu?

[speaking Spanish]

[speaking Spanish]

- Ay!

- [laughing]

[hits echoing]

- [tropical music playing]

- [indistinct chatter]

[woman] Over here, m'hijo!

You okay?

We all gathered here

for what we thought

was gonna be

a traditional Mexican

Latino Chicano Christmas.

But because of this gringo

right here...

[all] Aw.

...I lost my self-respect,

my dignity,

and I've been humiliated

in front of my family.

But since it's Christmas,

a time to be joyful and merry,

I've come out here

with a pasted-on smile.

It's a season to be

happy and joyful,

just to tell you, cabrones,

Merry Christmas!

Feliz Navidad.

Not on my tradition.

Not on my Christmas!

- Your Christmas?

- [all gasp]

[guests murmuring]

What do you mean,

your Christmas?

Dad, Christmas is supposed

to be for everyone,

and you have done

every possible thing

to destroy it.

[Leif] Perdneme,

seor Sanchez.

What did you say?

You know what I just said.

Now, you-you hear it,

but you don't listen.

- Which is...

- Um--

...exactly why Claudia's more

than kind of upset with you,

in case you haven't heard.

What gives you the right

to speak to me like that

in my own house?

Speak to you in what way?


It won't matter

which way I speak to you,

because you hate

this gringo.

[all gasp]

You know,

yet I've done everything

to not only be good

to your daughter,

but to be good

to your entire family.

You know, and not even

because I had to,

because I wanted to.

You know, I danced

the salsa for you guys.

- Yeah.

- [laughs] You know?

I played soccer.

Oh, sorry, I'm saying

that wrong. Football.

I almost got k*lled

by a chicken, man,

and I trimmed

your hedges for you.

And I showed you respect

by asking for Claudia's hand

in marriage.

- [gasps]

- That was out of respect.


Yet you show absolutely none

to your own daughter,

but this isn't

or shouldn't even be

about me.

It should be about her.

If you truly loved her,

you wouldn't treat her

this way.

- [scoffs]

- [Gabbie] A ver...

Excuse me.

A ver, he-- um--

he asked you

for Claudia's hand

in marriage

and you didn't tell me?

You didn't te-- I mean,

maybe he got a concussion, no?

[speaking Spanish]

[Claudia] Is it normal to, uh--

to not be able to breathe

properly right now?

[speaking Spanish]

Okay, okay, this is

a season to be merry,

- not to get married.

- Happy holidays.

[speaks Spanish]

W-- what, hey.

Don't leave.

Don't leave until we open

these g*dd*mn presents.

[speaking Spanish]

[in English]

You got the party

you wanted, no?

[speaking Spanish]

[in English]

I hope you're proud

of yourself, eh?

[speaking Spanish]

[loud music playing]

Damn, vatos!

The-the-the-there goes

the n-the-n-n-neighborhood.

You're the wrong guy to be

saying that, ese.

No, really, ese.

There goes the neighborhood.


Why they look all sad?

Because the party wack, fool.

We weren't invited.

- I would've gone. Shh.

- That's right, ese.

Wait, wait,

where are you going?

Guys, don't go.

The party--

[Tita speaking Spanish]

[Carmen in English]

I don't know!

The party's gonna be great!

[Tita speaking Spanish]

[Latin hip-hop playing]

[soft guitar music playing]


your father doesn't like me.

Because I'm, you know.

- I've ruined Christmas

for everyone.

- No, you didn't.

- Yes, I did.

- Babe, my family got

the best present this year,

and that's you

as my husband.

When I saw how close you were

to your family,

I knew I could never propose

without your father's


Look, my dad,

he was just surprised by you,

that's all, okay?

You know that's not all.

I mean, you--

you yourself said your father

liked surprises.

I don't even know

what he likes anymore.

Well, we know

he doesn't like gringos.

Babe, my father doesn't care

if you're white,

or red or green.

I'm sure he would mind

if I was green.

[exhales sharply]


My father finds a reason

to not like someone

and then he just

sticks to it,

even if that's not

really the reason.

Just admit it.

This whole thing was

a huge mistake.

Well, what do you mean?

What thing? Like--

like us?

Your father, he--

he had different plans

for Christmas.

You know, probably had

different plans

for your life.

You know, I know how close

you are to your family

and that's why I wanted

to spend Christmas with them.

No, no, Leif.

Leif, please,

don't go.

Leif. Leif.

I'm sorry.


["Heart Breaking"

by Lakford playing]

[Lucky] Hey, perrito,

stick around!

You guys can make

this work!

True love prevails, eh?

[song continues]

[Casper] You think

I have a chance with her now?


Hey, you know what?

This for you, homie.

Gonna miss you

in the hood, huero.

Peace out, homie.

[Casper] Man.

I actually liked

that fool, dog.

[song continues]

You know, any dad

would love to have

a son-in-law like Leif.

[speaking Spanish]


["Heart Breaking" by Lankford

continues playing]

Well, merry freakin'

Christmas to us, huh?

[song continues]

- Have a good one.

- Thank you.

[airport P.A. indistinct]


Hi, m'hija.

Your presents

are out there

waiting for you.

I mean, we could o--

we could open them all


like we used to do

when you were

a little girl.

I'm not a little girl

anymore, Dad,

whether you wanna

accept it or not.

[sighs] Okay.

That little girl

in those pictures

is my daughter.

No, no, Dad.

I'm your daughter,


Aqu mismo, eh?


Not everything

is about you.

You know, why--

Why can't it be a boy

from the neighborhood

like Javier?

I mean, he's handsome.

He's smart.

He's got a good job.

He loves his mom,

- and goes to church

every Sun--

- And is gay.

He's gay? [speaking Spanish]

Yeah, Dad,

that's a thing.

Whether you know it

or not, eh?

I should've known

because he would dance

without music, and not...

Man, should've seen it.

Aparte que even

if he wasn't, I wa--

that's not who I

fell in love with.

And you should be able

to understand that

because I make

my own decisions.

And now you won't even get

the chance to get to know him.

You broke his heart

and mine.

No, don't say that.

Don't say that.

He had nothing

growing up, eh?

His parents were poor.

He had to wash dishes,

mow lawns, park cars.

He worked hard for everything

that he had,

just like you did.


- What's that?

- [speaking Spanish]

He reminded me

a lot of you.

No, no. No, no, no,

no, no, no.

That kid wasn't that bad

after all, wasn't he?

On Christmas morning...

I wanted a bike like all

the other little kids.

And when I came down

to open my presents...

- Mm-hmm.

- wasn't there.

My dad got me

a pair of handlebars

and then he told me

that one day, you know,

he'd get me

the rest of the bike

that I could put

the handlebars on.

And he promised me

training wheels.

And he never got me

the training wheels.

[sniffles] My poor dad,

he worked so hard.

Never got anywhere.

And one of the last things

that he told me

was that Christmas was

for family.

And that's all I wanted to do,

was have a nice Christmas

like the ones

we used to have in Mexico.

- Ay.

- With the family

and... [sobs]

training wheels.

[sniffles] How'd he know?

How'd he-- how did he know?

Well, because I--

one of these days

that you went to work


I took them shopping...

Santa style. Yeah.

But how did he find

the exact ones?

We went to Olvera Street.


And you should've

seen him, eh?

Ooh, that kid?

He wouldn't stop

until he found them. Yeah.

Just because he wanted

to make you smile.


You know what you gotta do,

amor, right?

You got your training wheels.

Now go out there

and be a father to her.

[bells jingle]

I wanted to tell you

that-- [clears throat]

that I was wrong.

In the business that I'm in,

you see a lot

of beautiful flowers.

Like, s-some are very rare

and delicate roses,

some of them I planted

with my hands.


And it's my job to protect

the roses from the weeds.

I thought

that it was my job

to protect the rose

from being hurt.

I thought that Leif

was another weed

that was trying

to keep my rose

from blooming,

but I realize now

that my rose

has bloomed

into this incredible woman

and that Leif is now

your protector and not me.


And that, you know,

also papi wants

to say is that--

uh-- that he--

he was-- [speaking Spanish]

He was the weed.

He's been the weed.

And that you

and Leif are roses.

- Yeah, roses.

- Yeah.

And that we, as a family,

[speaking Spanish]

we have to protect--

somos un garden.

And we have to protect

the roses.

And-and that you know,

you make us so,

so proud every day,


[speaking Spanish]

because he's the coolest

and the sweetest boyfriend

in all of East-- East L.A.

Leif, pero mm. Mm-hmm.

We got a plane

to stop! [laughs]

But, whoa, Clau,

you cannot get him back

dressed like that.

- [Bennie] No, that's true.

- Okay. [laughs] Okay.

- [Carmen speaking Spanish]

- [in English] Let's go!

Come on!

- [alarm beeps]

- Hurry up!

[lively music playing]

[speaking Spanish]

[in English]

Oh, man, what the hell?

[both speaking Spanish]

[in English]

What about the vatos?

[speaking Spanish]

- [in English] Hey! Cooper!

We need a ride!

- I got you.

- [Mighty] Let's go!

- [Bennie] To the airport.

[Casper] Got you, fools,

I got you, G.

I got you.

Let's go, ladies.

You guys will fit.

Hey, no tips.

I'll accept a kiss.

Let's go. Come on!

- Amrrense! Here we go!

- Hit it!

Woo! [laughs] I want

one of these bedroom.

Make 'em bounce.

Make 'em bounce

higher, homie.

Make 'em bounce.

- [Casper groans]

- [Carmen]

This is really cool.

[speaking Spanish]

I popped my tire, fool.

- [Bennie] Ay, what?

- My bad. Sorry.

- Now what?

- Sorry, guys.


Sorry, man.

- Yo!

- [horn honks]

Y'all need a ride?

- [speaking Spanish]

- [whistles]

[Javier speaking Spanish]

Uh, take it back to the bottom

of the ocean where it belongs.

We'll go steal a car.

We'll meet you there, homie.

[Lucky] Your little homie

learned that in prison.

[lively music continues]

[indistinct chatter]

Gate? [speaks Spanish]

- [Claudia] Oh, okay. Okay.

- [Gabbie] Sorry!

Okay. Ay, mira,

I think it's over there.

[speaking Spanish]

[Carmen speaks Spanish]

I have to stop

my son-in-law from getting--

Well, not yet,

but getting on the plane.

I mean, he's my fiance.

I mean, not really.

It's not like he proposed to me.

I mean, he did propose,

- pero mi pap nunca told me.

- You have your boarding passes?

You can just

pat me down so I can go in.

I'll tell him

all about it.

- [speaking Spanish]

- Ma'am, don't touch me.

[continues in Spanish]

[in English]

My son-in-law,

he cannot go on the plane.

- Mm-hmm.

- So, can you help us with that?

[Carmen speaking Spanish]

- Did she say dangerous?

- [Carmen] No, no, no, no.

[overtalk in Spanish

and English]

You know, can you guys

please step aside?

Can you please--

Please, guys, step aside,


[both speaking Spanish]

Oh, no, no, no.

[all speaking Spanish]

- Ah est. No! No!

- [Carmen] Wait, wait!

Where are you going?

[speaking Spanish]

[all exclaiming]

- [screams]

- [crowd] Oh!

Whoa. [groans]

- Damnit.

- Hey, man,

I'm just trying to keep

my future son-in-law

from leaving.

Can you please tell your dad

to stop doing that?

It's the second time.

I was center cornerback.

East LA had

the Fighting Fails. Ow.

Does this mean I can have

Claudia's hand in marriage?

[sighs] Think I'm getting

arrested for nothing?

[guard] Keep your hands

where I can see 'em!

- Baby...

- [Claudia] Aw.

- Will you marry me?

- [handcuffs click]

Yes... [laughing] yes,

a million times, yes.

[Claudia chuckles]

Ay, bueno,

I'll put it on myself.

It's okay.

Oh, fool.

[sighs] I'm sorry.

You've got nothin'

to be sorry about.

No, man, I should've been

myself from the beginning.

You know,

I was such a poser.

I was pretending

to speak Spanish

and I ruined Christmas.

Are you kidding me, man?

You saved Christmas.

My daughter loves you.

You made my Christmas

the best ever.

Welcome to the family!

Merry Christmas.


Ay, pero where are you

taking him? Epa!

Where are you taking him?!

Hey, you should see

what we do for New Years.

- Hey, where y'all going?

- [Carmen speaks Spanish]

I'ma go this way.

They got tamales,

so I'm gonna go eat.

I'm out.

- I'm gonna go with Leaf.

- I think his name is Leif.

- No, it's Leaf.

- No, it's Leif.

It doesn't matter, fool.

Let's go.

["Dulce como sandia"

by Jian Xavier Salas playing]

Leaf, right?

Is it Leaf or Leif?

Leaf, he's a swell guy.

["Dulce como sandia" continues]

Yeah, yeah, a lot of people

will say Leaf when it's--

when it's Leif.

This family,

it's a taken a lot of,

ahem, a lot of correcting.

That makes a lot of sense.

They're-- they're, um,

like best friends.

- [laughing]

- Whoa. Okay.

[speaking Spanish]

Thank you for being

such a good, um, friend.

I mean, his skin

is so perfect and--

[song continues]

That makes a lot of sense.

Does know Bennie

that we're here?

I just realized,

Bennie's house

is pretty nice.

[gasps, speaks Spanish]


[speaking Spanish]

The only thing that matters

in this world for a couple

is performance, you know...

and that kid looks

like he can perform.

He's about, what, 5'6", 5'7"?

I don't really see much there,

pero hey, he must be

a nice guy, right?

[song continues]

[speaking Spanish]

Babies... no, esprame.

Cut that out.

[laughs] Cut that out.

["Dulce como sandia"


- Y t?

- What?

- You wanna marry me?

- That's Bennie's mom's, dog.

- Put that back.

- You're never gonna

get married, dog.

You know, maybe I should talk

to Leif about, like,

creating a video game

with the vatos, and maybe,

you know,

we can incorporate the car

and then-- and maybe

they can make some money

and finally not be across

the street living in their car,


["Dulce como sandia"

by Jian Xavier Salas continues]

I was thinking a video game

based in East LA

would be ama-- would sell.

And they--

where they drive around

and maybe steal a car--

each other's cars,

Put in, like, good music.

[music continues]

Tootsie doesn't see color,

doesn't see race,

doesn't see if they have

fur or no fur,

pero she is kind of blind.

[music continues]

I'ma show up to the wedding,

and I'ma--

- I'm gonna wedding crash it.

- You can't do that, my boy.

You can't do that, my boy.

It's against the rules, my boy.

- Yeah, you gotta

respect love.

- You gotta respect--

- Respeto, homie.

- All right, I'll respect.

You gotta get her

before they get there.

Does that make any sense?

To, like, the chapel.

- [music continues]

- [all] Hey, hey, hey, hey...

[speaking Spanish]

[in English] Let's take a

picture of--

that's for you.

Photo, photo, photo.

- That's for us.

- [chanting] Photo! Photo!

[camera clicks]

[Claudia] I guess I was wrong.

This was not the story

about how the gringo stole

my dad's Christmas...

but how my gringuito

saved our Christmas.

Feliz Navidad a todos.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

["Dulce como sanda"

by Jian Xavier Salas playing]
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