Christmas on the Alpaca Farm (2023)

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Christmas on the Alpaca Farm (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

- Fantastic.

- Oh, good morning, Jess.

I'll take your things.

- Let the countdown

to Christmas begin!

- No, you know,

I think I'm okay,

but I appreciate it.

Thank you.

- Great sweater.

- Oh. Oh, thanks.

- Is that alpaca?

- Yeah, it is alpaca.

Good eye.

- It's kinda my thing.

- Oh.

- Uh, that's me.

- Oh, that's you, huh?

- Uh, not the model.

The sweater. I designed it.

- Oh.

Impressive. Looks cozy.

- It's Sutton's first line of

alpaca Christmas sweaters.

- Oh, okay.

- Anyway, uh,

we sourced the wool from

a wonderful place upstate,

Flannery Farm.

- Flannery Farm?

- You wouldn't have heard

of them. They're small-time.

But hopefully not for long.

- Well, that's very

admirable of you.

You know, putting a small-time

farm on the map like that.

- So, you have a great look.

A little more rugged than

a lot of the guys we see.

- Uh... what...

I'm, I'm sorry, what?

- You're a model, right?

You're here for the casting?

- A model?


No, no, no, no.

- Oh, I'm so sorry.

I just assumed because

you're so ha--

- Uh...

- Mr. Flannery.

- Yes.

- I'm ready for you.

- Thank you.

- Mr. Flannery?

- Andrew Flannery.

- Andrew Flannery of...

- Mm-hmm. Flannery Farm.


- Hmm.

- But hopefully not for long.

- Hmm.

- This is uh, very impressive.

Excuse me.

- Nice one, Jess.

- Ah, fierce outfit,

Christmas sweater queen.

- Thanks, Celeste.

I meant it, excellent job

on those decorations.

- Oh, thank you.

Now all that's missing

is the snow.

- No snow for me this year.

My Christmas will be


Piazza's decked in lights,

panettone, pasta.

- Oh.

- My whole family's going to

Rome for this Christmas reunion.

I wouldn't miss it

for the world.

- Oh, wow.

I wish I had your life.

- Celeste, what are those?

- I'm just the intern

taking flawed sweaters

to the recycling.

- What's the matter with them?

These aren't flawed.

: Flawed?

- Oh no.

- You can't see

what's wrong with it?

- It's a beautiful

Christmas sweater.

- And how does it feel, Jessica?

- Like luxury alpaca wool.

It feels like joy.

Like being surrounded by

your loved ones,

being full of eggnog

and turkey dinner.

It feels like Christmas.

I know the yarn size is wrong,

it's not the same as

the sample sweater

from the mode photoshoot.

- Clearly!

- I looked into it and

the mistake was on our end.

We ordered the thicker wool

from Flannery Farm.

But it's still

a beautiful sweater.

Why don't we just market it

as a different,

more cozy Christmas sweater?

- Jessica...

is this from our men's wear line

or our women's wear line?

- Women's wear, Gwen.

- Exactly.

A line that produces elegant,

feminine clothing

that the Sutton woman may wear

to her job as head curator

at that award-winning gallery

on Mulberry.

Perhaps upstate for Christmas

with the family.

Her sweaters, our sweaters,

are made of thinner yarn.

Maybe even lace weight.

They're light, they're draping.


- It may be a heavier yarn,

but it's still

a high-end sweater.

- It was a fun experiment, but

we're going back to cashmere.

- What?

- I just told Mr. Flannery

and obviously, he was not happy,

but his farm simply

cannot meet our demands.

I need a replacement


- There are hundreds of these.

That's a terrible waste.

- Welcome to the world

of high fashion.

Donatella, I'll have

to call you back.

Is the building on fire?

- Christmas sweaters

should be sustainable.

When people wear

my Christmas sweaters,

I want them to feel

the spirit of Christmas,

including the love and care

that went into every detail.

I wanna have a positive impact

on the world

through what I create.

That's why I chose Flannery Farm

to support local, sustainable,

and hardworking farmers.

- Hardworking farmers

that can't meet the demands

of a luxury brand.

- The world is changing, Gwen,

and I will be on the right side

of that change.

- What are you saying?

- I'm saying you need to keep up

with the times.

- Keep up with the times?

- There's a competition

for emerging designers,

it's called Runway to Christmas.

- I know of it.

- The winner gets a cash prize

to create their own line.

Their collection will be in

every Clemington's

department store worldwide.

- You are the top

Christmas sweater designer

at the hottest label

in New York City.

Are you willing to risk that?

This competition

is mere weeks away.

When will you even

find the time?

- You're right.

I quit.

- You quit your job?

Without consulting

your best friend first

and right before Christmas?

- So, I guess you're coming in.

- For this gossip?

Uh, yes, I'm coming in.

Babe, what are you gonna do

for money? This is New York.

It doesn't pay for itself.

You can come work with me.

Ooh! Oh, my gosh,

please come sell houses.

- I'm not gonna become

a realtor, Dina.

I have a career that I'm very

good at, thank you very much.

I just need--

- A job?

- An opportunity.

And I may have found it.

It's called Runway to Christmas.

It's a fashion competition

for new designers.

It'll put me in Clemington's.

- The Clemington's?

Basically, the chicest,

most luxury department store

in all of Manhattan?

- And Milan. And London.

And Paris.

- When do we start?

How long do we have?


that is the thing.

I have to create and design

a six-piece collection and write

a manifesto explaining why

the collection embodies

the spirit of Christmas because

the fashion show is

on December 24th.

- Of next year?

- Of this year.

- Ugh! Jessica!

That's in like,

less than six weeks!

- It'll be a challenge, yes,

but nothing's impossible, Dina.

You know how I am

with a deadline.

- But what about Christmas

with your family, in Italy?

- But this is my dream, Dina.

Ever since I was a little girl,

I've dreamed of creating Jessica

Hilliard Christmas the label.

- And you will.

If anyone can make this

absolutely impossible

thing happen,

it's my amazing, talented,

superstar best friend.

Now, what can I do to help?

Do you need a design studio?

I'll get you a design studio.

- Actually, I need

an alpaca farmer.

- Ooh, I don't rent those.

- I happen to know one whose

schedule just freed up.

He owns Flannery Farm,

that gorgeous wool I sourced

for that experimental alpaca

line that Gwen just kiboshed.

- Mm-hmm.

- If I wanna meet

this crazy deadline,

working with a farmer that does

everything on site

is literally my only option.

- But um, what's with

the suitcase?

- Uh, they're not answering

my calls but uh,

Flannery Farms is only like,

two hours away.

- That's my girl.

Oh, rats.

I gotta go. Sorry, babe.

Um, the Property Pals

are launching

their sparkling wine tonight.

- Ooh!

If this is your dream,

you do whatever it takes

to make it happen.

- Hey, this is Andrew Flannery

from Flannery Farms.

Please leave a message.

- Hi, um, Andrew.

This is Jess Hilliard calling...


You guys gonna help me

win the competition?

I'll take that as a yes.

: Give me that carrot.

: Come on! Come!

: Oh, that looks

like a nice carrot.

I'll take it,

thank you very much.

: No, carrots

aren't for reindeers.

- This reindeer likes carrots

and if you don't give it to me,

I'm gonna throw snow instead.

- No!

- Hi there.

- Hi!

- Uh, I'm Jess.

What's your name?

- I'm Georgia.

- Hey, Georgia, honey, why don't

you go on and grab a snack?

I'll be in, in a second, okay?

- Can't I just stay here?

- Just go in and get a snack.

I'll be in, in a second.

- I don't think I ever

officially introduced myself.

I'm Jess Hilliard.

- I remember you.

- I left you a few voicemails.

I mentioned a competition.

- Yeah, it's a shame you came

all the way out here

before I had a chance

to call you back.


I'm not interested.

- Can I just have five minutes

of your time?

- Look, I think it's great

that you quit Sutton,

but I just don't think

this would be uh,

a good partnership.

- I'm sorry for what happened.

It... really,

it's... it's why I quit.

- They broke our entire contract

because we're not big enough

to replace the orders overnight.

We were counting

on that business.

I had to lay off all my staff

right before Christmas.

- I didn't know that.

- Now you know.

- What if I could help?

- What's this?

- A little gift. You should

really start decorating.

Christmas will be here

before you know it.

- Well, I love Christmas

as much as the next guy,

but I was a little bit busy

supplying fleece for

hundreds of sweaters

that are in the trash now.

- I'm going to create a line

of Christmas sweaters

that is sustainable

and high fashion,

and imbued with

the spirit of Christmas,

and I'd like to use your wool.


Wool comes from sheep.

- Oh, in fashion,

we just call it wool.

- Wouldn't be the first time

fashion got it wrong.

- Fine, fleece.

- Jessica--

- Jess.

- Jess, there have been many

before you who have come here

claiming to be different

than the others,

and before I know it,

they are blending our fleece

with synthetic and slapping

a big sustainable sticker

on the even bigger price tag.

Or breaking a contract whenever

it suits them,

with zero regard for what

that might mean

to small-time guys like us.

So, I'm sorry.

I'm not gonna compromise

my family's values

and honestly,

I just don't trust you.

- You can trust me.

Let me prove it to you.

- This is cedar.

The alpacas can't eat it.

It's toxic.

- Oh, I...

I didn't realize.

- I wish you the best

of luck, Jess.

Merry Christmas.

- Thank you.

Gorgeous, isn't it?

- It really is.

- I knit it myself.

- You did?

- Mm-hmm.

My family's been harvesting,

spinning, and dyeing the fleece

since 1955.

- Your family...?

- Christine Flannery.

- Jess Hilliard. So, that

would make Andrew your...

- He's m'little brother.

You know him?

- I just came from the farm.

We were gonna collaborate

on something,

but it looks like

that's not gonna happen.

- Yeah, it's a real shame.

That farm's our family legacy

and it just breaks my heart.

- What do you mean?

- Oh, he didn't tell you.

Andrew's put the farm up

for sale.

- Oh, no.

- Yep.

It means a lot to our community.

We've employed local craftsmen

for over 60 years.

But we're trying to look

on the bright side.

Change can be good.

- Of course.

- After our parents retired,

Andrew took it over

with his wife, Emily,

but unfortunately, she passed

away a couple of years ago.

- I'm so sorry.

- He's handling it.

He was doing the best he could

raising his sweet Georgia and...

keeping the farm afloat.

- I'll take it.

- Ah! Wonderful.

- Nanaimo.

Does that mean this yarn came

from this particular alpaca?

- That's right!

Nanaimo's fleece makes

the softest yarn.

- Ah, that's so cute.

Ah, I'll take this too.

- Fabulous.

- Christine, what if I told you

there's a chance I could help

save Flannery Farm?

- What do you mean?

- I'm entering a competition

that offers a huge cash prize.

If you could help me convince

Andrew to take a chance on me,

I promise I would split

the prize with him

and I can guarantee enough

orders to keep the farm going.

- That's a pretty big promise.

- The winner gets a contract

with Clemington's.


- I'm in.

Keeping the farm in the family

would mean the world to me.

What can I do to help?

- I work for a company

that broke Andrew's trust

and now that I'm on my own,

I really need to get it back.

- Ugh. Andrew's big on trust.

I mean, he can be

pretty set in his ways.

- I don't think he believes

I genuinely wanna help.

- Hmm. And he's not big

on accepting help from others.

I offered to stop by

with Christmas decorations just

yesterday, and he shut me down.

And he's out all day today!

I have half a mind to drive over

there and put them up myself.

- Yeah, I brought him

this gorgeous Christmas wreath

and he just gave it back to me.

- Oh!

Eh, he does the best he can.

For Georgia. But...

between you and me,

I don't think Christmas has felt

the same at the farm

since Emily passed.

- Did you say he's out all day?

- Hmm.

- Whoa!

- What?

- Aunt Christine,

it's beautiful!

Jess! You came back.

- I did.

- You did.


- I believe the words you're

looking for are "thank you"?

- Thank you.

But what is all this?

- It's Christmas.

And Christmas is about helping

one another out

when they're in need.

- Uh-huh.

: Hey, uh Georgia,

help your aunt out with

these decorations, will ya?

- Okay!

- Christine told me

you have to sell the farm.

- Uh-huh. She did.

Yeah, I actually just got

an offer on it. Good one too.

- Before you accept that,

can you please just hear me out?

- Okay.

- It's clear this place means

a lot to your community,

to the legacy of your family,

to you.

I'm asking you to give it

one last chance.

If we win this competition,

I promise I will split

the prize money with you

and I can guarantee enough

orders to keep the farm running.

- I can't make a decision--

- And...

you'll get to spend

this Christmas,

and many more Christmases here,

on your beloved farm.

You don't give up, do you?

- I really, really don't.

- Look, I can't even afford

to hire my farm hands back.

- That's where I step in.

- Excuse me?

- I know I don't exactly scream

Old MacDonald,

but I work hard.

I will learn. We only need

enough fleece for me to create

six pieces for the competition.

- Jess, I don't think

you understand.

This is very grueling

work to undertake.

I mean, there's things

I don't even have time

to show you how to do.

- Great.

While you do those,

I can focus on bringing

a little Christmas joy

to Flannery Farm.

- Christmas joy?

- What do you say,

Mr. Flannery?

- Please, Dad?

- What do you have to lose,

baby brother?

- Let me prove myself.

Just give me a tiny window

to do that

and I will bring my A-game.

- Okay, look, I have

until Friday

to accept the offer on the farm,

so you have that long to show me

that this could actually work.

100% sustainable.

Farm raised, local fleece,

no blends.

Can you promise me that?

- No blends. I promise.

- Deal.

- Yes!

- You won't regret this.

- Are you okay?

- Okay.

Does anyone know of

a hotel around here?

- Why doesn't she stay

in the guest house?

- Oh, that's okay.

- Nonsense.

Hey, uh, Georgia, why

don't you show Jess around?

- Okay!

Follow me, Jess.

Thanks for decorating our house.

- Of course!

- Are you just gonna stand there

or are you gonna help me

with this planters?

- How did you get involved

with this?

- Uh, I always find a way.

- Yeah, you always find a way.

- You deserve a second chance.

And I know you don't wanna

leave the farm, Andrew.

I have a good feeling

about Jess.

She's... she's really...


- You mean stubborn.

- Hmm, it takes one to know one.

- Ha-ha-ha.

- Good morning!

- Hmm. Morning.

- Wow.

Georgia, did you make these?

- I did.

- That's a beautiful

Christmas tree.

Where are the rest

of the decorations?

- Sorry, Georgia, honey,

I told you I'd bring them

from the attic.

Must have forgotten.

- That's okay, Daddy.

We have lots of time

before Christmas.

- That's very true.

And in the meantime,

some candy canes for you.

- Daddy, can I?

- Honey, it's 7 a.m.

- Please, Dad.

It's Christmas.

Just one.

- Okay, just one because

it's Christmas.

- Thank you, Daddy!

And thank you, Jess.

- Yeah... thank you, Jess.

You want some porridge?

- Oh.

Yes, please.

- There ya go.

- Thank you.

- Welcome.

- Why aren't you with

your mom and dad?

- Uh, because I wanna be here

on the farm helping you guys.

It's okay, though.

There's always next year.

- You deserve a candy cane.

So, when does work start?

- Two hours ago.

- You're not gonna work

in that outfit, are you?

: Come on, you're good.


Much, much better.

- I'm not convinced.

- Well, you will be once

you're wrestling an alpaca.

- Pardon me?

- You know, the trick is...

you gotta outsmart

the little fellas.

I know they look cute,

but they can be feisty.

And sometimes, they kick.

Sometimes, they spit.

- Spit?

- Yeah.

Fortunately for us,

they like food.

- Don't you, girls?

Yeah, see that?

Pull that like that, okay?

There ya go.

Okay. They can be

really quite lovely.

Just gotta gain their trust.

Come on.

You're good, you're good,

you're good. Come on.

Come on. Take it more.

Come on. Come on, girl.

There ya go.

Good girl. Good girl.

- Okay. Oh.

- Good girl.

Yeah, that's good. Yeah.

- Okay.

- Yeah, just close it up.

You're good. Come on.

You're good.

- All right.

- Come on.

All right.

You wanna give it a try?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

Oh! Okay.



- Okay, okay, okay.

- Sorry.

- Um...

- There's something wrong

with that one.

- All right...

maybe we should just go

shear Buttons first, huh?

You just hold that for one sec.

I'm gonna lock up.

The best part of the fleece

is called the blanket

and it comes from the barrel,

the trunk of the animal.

Come on, old girl.

- So, how many of these guys

do we have to shear?

- Well, you want six sweaters?

Well, we already have

some fleece,

so we'll start with Buttons here

because she's got access

to the heated barn.

Normally, the shearing takes

place in the warmer months.

You're a good girl. Oh, here.

- Oh.

Thank you for your fleece,


- Now, very important because

this could be dangerous

for you and the alpaca.

You need to hold her steady.

I don't wanna hurt her

with the clippers, right?

So, here's what you do.

Take your hand.

Here, right here.

Right where the lead is.

Feel that?

Then, you wanna take

your other hand,

put it on the back of her head,

very, very gentle.

- Mm-hmm.

- And just don't let her move.

- Yeah, sure. Easy.

There you go, Buttons.

Shh, shh, shh.

Good girl.

- Oh!

- What happened? Are you okay?

- It spit at me!

Oh, it's gross.

- Right. Uh...

Look, you know, Jess,

I'm... I'm happy to do this.

I'm used to it.

And uh, those guys out there

really need some water

in their trough.

- Done.

We want water in the trough,

I'll show you water

in the trough.

Where's the hose?

- Well, the hose is out there.

- Excellent.

- But the hose is frozen, so

you gotta go to the other side

of the barn to get the water.

10 buckets will do it.

And that'll keep you busy

for a little while.

- 10?

- Or you know, I can do it.

It just means

you're not gonna get the fleece

as quickly as you want it.

- No, I can do it.

I came to help. I should

have an appreciation of

what goes into my product,

shouldn't I?


Bucket #10.

What are you doing?

You're dirtying all the water!

You're supposed to drink it,

not bathe in it.

Shoo, get outta here.


Oh, you spilled the water.

Now I have to start all over.


Nine buckets of water to go.

Bucket #10.


Ugh, I can't sketch,

I can barely move.

: No! Ugh!

: Georgia?

- Uh...

do you know if a rag

has eggs in it?

- I'm pretty sure it doesn't.

Hey, how about you get down

from there and I'll help you.

- I wanted to surprise

my dad with dinner.

- Where is your dad?

- He found a hole

in one of the fences.

- He's still working? It's late.

- He used to have help

for these sorts of things,

but now it's just us.

But it's okay.

I can help too, even if

he won't, like,

let me do the hard stuff.

- I tell you what.

Why don't you help me

make a shepherd's pie?

I make it every year

for Christmas.

It's the most cozy,

perfect dinner.

- You know how to cook?

- I love to cook.

But there is no chef

without her sous chef.

- That's me.

- Okay.

First step, sous chef Georgia,

is to grab me as many

potatoes as possible.

- Okay.

- Hey, Georgia.

- Hmm?

- What's the name of

that little white alpaca?

- Oh, that's Florence.

- Huh.

Well, Florence doesn't

like me very much.

- Then, maybe you should try

my super secret trick.

- You have a trick?

I will try anything.

- It's baby carrots.

Alpacas love carrots.

- Hmm.

- Well, what do we have here?

- Welcome to

Chez Jess and Georgia.

May I take your coat, sir?

- Yes.

- Ahem.

- Thank you,

matre d'.

- Sous chef Georgia.

- My apologies,

sous chef Georgia.

- Hands up.

Thank you.

- Fancy.


- Morning!

Alpacas are fed.

Water bowls are full.

Stalls are clean.

- That's... uh, wow.

Thank you.

- Of course.

Now, let's get to work.

You're, um, three minutes late.

- Okay, well uh,

maybe we should get a start

on dyeing the fleece.

- Perfect.

- Okay.

- The carrots are our little

secret. Right, guys?


- Okay, at Flannery, we've

always used a very special dye.

It's a mix of acid and fibre

reactive dyes,

which is perfect for alpaca

because it doesn't fade

even when it's washed

in extremely high heat.

- Look.

I may not be an expert

alpaca herder,

but this is my arena.

This is where I shine.

- Right, but have you

dyed fleece before?

- No, not fleece exactly,

but I've been around many

a mixing of colours

for my Christmas sweaters

at Sutton.

- Okay. The thing--

- As a matter of fact,

I dyed some fleece this morning.

- What time did you get up?

- Early.

Really early.

- Yeah, I bet.

- Wanted to make

a bit of a mauveine.

- You mean mauve.

- No, a mauveine,

it's a bit of blue,

a splash of red,

a splash of white.

It should be ready now.

- Jess, these dyes

can be very finicky.

And it takes some

getting used to.

- Andrew, dyes are dyes.

Okay, well, it's...

- Well, if that's mauveine,

mauveine must be French

for pretty gross.

Look, why don't we just start

from the very beginning

of this process, okay?

- Mm-hmm.

- This way.

Now, there's a real art to this,

you know.

Uh, I learned it from my mom

and she learned it

from my grandmother.

Here's what you need to know

to start. This is the treadle.

Get your foot here.

This gets the wheel spinning.

- Mm-hmm.

- Watch.

See that?

- Mm-hmm.

- This is the bobbin.

This is the mother of all.

- Mother of all.

It's a funny name.

- Right. So, I've already got

a starter thread here for you,

so what you're gonna do is

take some of the roving,

which is the fleece

with your left hand.

You'll pin it right here,

and eventually, you're

gonna feed it through

with your right hand,

but you're gonna wanna fan it

back here, kinda make a Y shape.

It's all about the wheel

and getting the rhythm.

- Okay, so I use the treadle

to get the wheel going.

Right hand feeds the roving,

left hand draws back.

Got it.

- You wanna give it a try?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

Here you go.

- Okay.

- Yeah, you just...

just find the rhythm.

- Okay.

- Yeah, there you go.

- Ooh!

- There you go.

- Foot is on the treadle.

- You really wanna

find the rhythm.

- Yeah, no, I'm doing the pedal,

feeding the roving.

- Uh-huh.

- Huh, nothing to it.

- Just not so fast, Jess.

- Okay.

- Yeah, just, ju-- watch out!

- Oh, my gosh.

Please, tell me

this is an easy fix.

- Yeah, these parts are

not easy to replace.

I'll... I'll see if

I can fix this, okay?

- I'm so sorry.

What are you getting up to?

- Not much.

- I thought you were working

on your snowman.

- Snow woman.

All done.

- Does that mean you're free?

- I think I can make

some room in my schedule.

- Good.

I need your help with something.

- Okay.

- Let's go.

Nice shot.

- Thanks!

What do you think?

- It's the most beautiful

Christmas tree ever.

- What's your dad cooking

over there?

- Mm! What is that?

- Lasagna.

Just a thank-you dinner for two

of the hardest working ladies

I know.

Includes you, Jess.

- I'm so sorry I broke

your spinning wheel, Andrew.

- Don't even worry about it.

I'll get at it tomorrow, okay?

- So, what's all this for, then?

- For everything.

- Mm! This lasagna's delicious.

- It looks incredible.

- Georgia, honey, don't you have

your big Christmas pageant

coming up at school soon?

I didn't see a flyer in your bag

or anything like that.

- No.

- Want me to call the school?

Find out what's going on?

- No!

- What was that about?

Something's up.

She, uh...

she hasn't been the same

since Emily passed.

I thought maybe it was just

part of the process and...

things would get easier

for her with time.

This past month,

things have been different.

Little explosions like that.

I just, um...

I wanna get better at this,

you know? I just...

I just wanna be a good dad.

I don't know.

- Would you let me

speak with her?

I can tell Christmas

means a lot to you.

It means a lot to me, too.

Can I tell you something?

I miss my family so, so much,

and I wish we could

all be together for it.

- It's okay to miss your mom,


Your dad misses her too

very much

and I know he's doing

everything he can

to make this Christmas

extra special for you.

- He can't.

- Why is that?

- Every year, there's a special

Christmas pageant at school.

And every year, my mom

would make me a costume.

It was so fun.

But last year, my dad forgot

and I went with no costume.

- Oh.

Georgia, that must have been

really hard for you.


I'm an expert at all things

Christmas fashion.

What would you think about me

making your costume this year?

- Like, a special costume?

- The most special.

I think there's some

dinner waiting for you.

- I'm not very hungry.

I'm kind of sleepy, actually.

- It is late.

- I'd like my dad to read me

a bedtime story.

- I'm sure he'd love that.

- What do you got going on here?

- Oh, it's some sheep's wool

I bought from Christine's shop.

I'm making Christmas blankets

for the alpacas

in exchange for all

the wonderful fleece

they're giving us.

- Well, I think the alpacas

will appreciate that very much.

- Oh, I forgot to tell you.

Christine agreed to help me

knit my Christmas sweaters.

She is a lifesaver.

- Yeah, that Christine.

She's something else.

She's the best knitter

in Elora, you know,

so you're in good hands.

Tomorrow morning, we'll spin

enough yarn

to get you started

on your sweaters.

- Thanks, Andrew.

- No problem.

- Why do you wanna keep

the farm?

Aside from it being in

your family for decades.

- I love what I do, you know?

I love working with

my hands to...

create a product that... that is

such high quality, you know?

That it might bring satisfaction

or happiness to someone.

What about you?

What do you want?

- In work?

- Yeah.

- Um...

I started making

Christmas sweaters because

I love how the holidays

make people feel.

It's the most magical

time of the year.

But I now realize if I want

my sweaters to be authentic,

they have to embrace

the same qualities of Christmas:

celebrating community,

spreading joy.

I have to build a business that

gives instead of takes away.

I've... I've been living

my life with blinders on.

- Come on. You're

too hard on yourself.

- I should be!

I'm terrified I'll miss out on

this opportunity and...

I'll never make

a difference in the world.

- Well, I think you're already

making a difference with

what you're doing.

- Look at us, the picture

of holiday cheer.

- I'll tell you something else,


Something that's really been

keeping me going

the past few months is

thinking about the...

the sky over Flannery Farms

on Christmas morning.

- Oh, Jess, you gotta see it.

It is just the most

beautiful blue.

Deep, and endless, and clear.

And it's the thing

I'll miss the most if uh,

Georgia and I have

to leave here.

- Sounds magical.

- So, you, you told me all

about work, but...

...what do you, uh,

what do you want from life?

- I wanna fall in love.

- Oh.

- Eventually, I may want

a family of my own.

It's hard to imagine that when

everything I have

has to go into my career.

Do you hope to fall

in love again?


- Yeah, I do.

I should hit the hay.

Night, Jess.

Get back to your, uh...

- Thanks. Yeah, I...

I got work to do.

- Mm-hmm.

- I've been thinking

about this all wrong.

- Okay, and what do you mean?

- Well, this line is supposed

to encompass the joy

of Christmas, right?

- Mm-hmm.

- So, naturally,

my mind went to the stark white

of a fresh snowfall,

the joyful red on Santa's coat,

the deep green of

a Christmas tree.

But after hearing your story,

I want you to help me

recreate Flannery Blue,

the colour of the sky

on Christmas morning.

It just sounds so perfect.

- Okay, I'd love to.

- Take a seat.

Okay, um, close your eyes.

- I'm not closing my eyes.

- Just trust me.

It's Christmas morning.

You wake up cozy in your bed

and you feel the light

on your skin.

The house is quiet,

everyone else is asleep,

so you sneak downstairs.

You put on your winter boots,

your coat, and your hat,

and you step outside.

The cold hits you.

It's fresh and it wakes you up.

Your heart is full of love

and you're at peace.

You look up at the big

open sky above you.

What do you see?

- It's, um...

it's bright blue,

but deep at the same time.

It's like...

it's like every shade of blue

exists within it.

And um, there's other

colours too.

It's gold, pink.

- I don't know, it's...

it's just beautiful.

I'm probably not doing

a very good job describing it.

- Open your eyes.

Am I close?

- Yeah, you nailed it.

And you know what?

So much better than mauveine.


All right.

Oh, hey!

- Gingerbread cookies?

- Did you make these?

Where did you find the time?

- I needed a mental break

and I had a craving.

- Hmm.

- Who, uh, are these fellas?

- Well, I was hoping

you'd help me light 'em up.


- Sure.

- You just gotta start

by untangling these.

- Wow.

- Oh, I'm sorry,

is this too much work for you?

I'll just put 'em away.

- Take the cookies.

- Okay.

Mm, these are good.

- Do you wanna trade?

- No.

It's tangled there too.

- Okay!

Still not enough lights.

- Well, you didn't get 'em

all untangled.

Something I have to tell you.

I know I said I was

gonna wait till Friday,

but I made my decision.

- You have?

- Yeah.

I'm declining the offer

on the farm.

- Hmm.

- You're a hard worker, Jess,

and it's great having you here.

I believe in you.

Even though you broke

my spinning wheel.

- I believe in you, too.

- Maybe we should go inside

and I'll start dinner.

- Sure.

- Okay.

After you.

- What's this?

- It's a mannequin thingy.

Christine let me take

one from the shop.

I thought it would help in

your putting your sweaters


- It will. Thank you.

- I like that.

- Ooh, while I have you here,

can I get your opinion

on some of my designs?

- You want my opinion

on your designs?

- Of course, I do.

I... only have two weeks

to get all this done.

I could use all the

help I can get.

- Okay.

- So...

this first one here

is cute and simple.

It's... it's giving

"the week before Christmas

and the girls have snuck off

for a holiday weekend away."

We're talking aprs-ski,

winter wonderland,

cozy walks vibes sweater.

- All right.

- What?

- It's just very specific.

- Just wait.

- Oh, I like it.

- Thank you.

This is the "I'm off

to see the tree lighting

at Rockefeller Centre

and I just know my ex will be

there with his new girlfriend,

so I have to look both

cute and effortless, and like

I'm absolutely thriving,

which I am" sweater.

- I have been there.

- So, I'll save you one

in your size?

- Yes, please.

What else you got?

- Right.

Ooh, I love this one.

This is the "it's my office

Christmas party,

but after making

enough small chat,

I sneak off because my boyfriend

got us impossible dinner

reservations at Chez Bartrand,

and I've been dying to try

their escargot" sweater.

- And it's, um,

a hypothetical boyfriend?

- It is.

- Oh.


these are amazing, Jess.

You're really good

at what you do.

What else you got?

- Are you sure?

We could be here all day.

- Fine by me.

Snowflakes falling,

angels in the snow

Yuletide calling through

the white winter glow

You don't know

how happy I would be

If you would just spend

this Christmas with me

Together we could

build a happy home

Without you

I feel all alone

Everything would be

happiness and glee

If you would just spend

this Christmas with me

Ooh, ooh, oh

- I've just finished

my fourth sweater!

: Oh, no, babe,

you only have like

four days left.

- Thank you, Dina.

I'm keeping track, believe me.

Four out of six is good.

Like, really good.

Especially now that Christine

is helping with

all the knitting.

- That's fantastic.

- Of course,

I couldn't have done it

without Andrew

and little Georgia

cheering us on

these past few weeks.

- I'm so happy it's working

out for you, babe.

- I'm actually getting kinda sad

I'm gonna be leaving soon.

- I bet.

Sounds like you're getting

pretty cozy up there.

- Dina, it's a professional

relationship. That's all.

- I'm just saying, stay open.

You never know where

love will pop up.

Remember Zoltan?

I met him at a gas station

and that lasted several months.

- There's nothing

to stay open to.

I leave in a week.

Besides, falling for someone

who lives on a farm

is not part of the plan.

- So, what is the plan exactly?

- The plan is to become

a world-renowned, sustainable,

luxury fashion designer.

Work first, love... when I can.

- How romantic.

- I gotta go. Love you.

- Your well-watered plants

and I miss you.

Stay open!

- Ugh...

: Georgia!

I'm gonna get you!

- Bring it on!

- You're gonna regret that!

- Yeah? Oh, got ya!

I'll get ya again!

- Can we look now?

: Go for it.

- Wow!


These are beautiful!

- What do you think,

Mr. Flannery?

- Well, I think you have truly

outdone yourself, Miss Hilliard.

- Well, I couldn't have done it

without the best alpaca farmer

in the country.

- Right.

- And what do you think

of the blue?

Just like Christmas morning?

- Yeah. I'd say so.

- So glad.

So, the only thing left to do

for the competition is

to take photos of

the collection.

I was thinking

I could model them,

but I was hoping you could play

photographer for the day?

- You trust an alpaca farmer

to be your photographer?

- I do.

- Well, I'd love to, then.

- And I just have one tiny

other favour to ask of you.

- Okay.


- Nothing, I...

I told you,

you'd make a good model.

- I feel ridiculous.

- You don't look it.

- It's pretty comfortable.

- Oh, really?

- Yeah.

- You'll be shocked

to learn it's made with

100% sustainable alpaca fleece.

- Huh.

Alpaca, huh?

You know, I could've sworn

it was cashmere.

- Alpaca is the new cashmere.

And guess what? It's local, too.

- Hmm.

- Some farmer has

this incredible farm.

You gotta see it.

Thanks for doing this.

- You owe me.

- I do.

- Mm-hmm.

- Now, let's win ourselves

a competition.

- Okay.

- I'll go first.

I will show you how it's done.

- Yeah, good idea.

- So, we have a chance

at winning.

- Okay.

- Uh, how does it look?

- It's good. Maybe...

a little forced.

- Oh, he's a director now.

- Just maybe, I don't know,

look in the distance

like you see Santa.

Yeah. Okay.

- Yeah, I'll try that.

- I'll try that, for sure.

- Um, maybe Santa's

not that far.

Maybe you're just really

happy to see Santa.

Yeah, that's good.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

- Let me see.

Oh. Andrew, I actually

really like that.

- Uh-huh.

- Now, let's see if

your modelling skills

are just as good.

Okay, we're gonna need

to loosen up.

- Why are we even here?

What do you mean?

- You're too stiff.

You have to shake like this.

- You want me to do that?

- I do.

- Can you show me one more time?

- Yeah, no problem.

Can you do it?

- No way I'm doing that.

- Why not?

- Because it's silly.

- Is Rudolph the Red-Nosed

Reindeer afraid of being silly?

- That's not fair

and you know it.

That was for Georgia.

It was different.

- And this is for the farm.

Bigger, please.


: Bigger! There ya go.

- That's all you're getting.

- Oh. Now you're nice and loose.

Give me a smile.

Hubba, hubba. Model alert.

- I'm leaving.

- I'm serious.

Look at this.

- I look good.

- Okay, don't let it

get to your head.

We're just getting started.

- Okay, what are we

doing now exactly?

- Just a his and hers.

The two of us together.

It's the look how cute you

and your boyfriend can look

on Christmas morning shot.

Not that... we're...

- Yeah. I got it.

- You know what I mean.

- Can I help?

- You can have a seat, please.

- Okay.

Perfect. And now I'll set

the timer and come join you.

- Okay.

- When does it start?

I... but I wasn't even ready.

It's okay.

Just pose for the next one.

Pass me that present

and pretend to give it to me.

- Okay.

Um, what now?

- Um...

- Oh, maybe, um,

I could put my arm

around your shoulder

like I'm keeping you warm

next to the fire?

- That's a great idea

and I'll put my head

on your shoulder.

- Okay. Yeah, that works.

- Yep.

- Um... now what?

- I don't know.

- Okay, that was not 10 seconds.

- Just... just keep

switching it up.

- Switch it up?

I am switching it up.

- What are you doing?

- I'm switching it up.

I'm switching it up.

- You're not switching it up.

- Okay, uh, here.

You give me the present.

- You're afraid of it.

- I'm afraid of it. Look, it's--

- Well, let's see

what this does.

- Thank you. It's empty.

- Oh, nice. Nice one.

- Very generous.

- Very photogenic.

- Don't need any of these.

These are pretty good.

- Mm-hmm.

- Well, it's because you have

a professional model here.

- Okay, I told you

exactly what to do.

- Right.

- It took a lot of work,

but yes, you look good.

- Wasn't that much.

- Okay, moving on.

- That's my favourite.

- Well, I look good

in all of these.


It's uh, something.

- Ah.

- Well?

- Submission complete.

Andrew, we did it.

- You did it, Jess.

Shall we celebrate

with some cake?

- The only way I like

to celebrate.

I can't believe I'm sending

this off to New York tomorrow.

- I can.

- Mm.

- Mm.

You know, I gotta say,

and this is not just

because I made it,

this is really bad.

- So bad.

- I'm so sorry.

- It's very dry.

- Do you have any of those

gingerbread cookies left?

- I think so.

- Hey, these new pictures

we got on the labels.

See? Aren't they cute?

- So cute.

- Right? Yeah.

Oh, hey! Hey, how did it go?

- The package will be

in New York City

by tomorrow afternoon.

Just in time for the deadline.

- Yay!

- Get in here, Dad.

- Okay.

Way to go, Jess.

Really, you must be so proud.

- Well, I couldn't have done it

without my two

favourite helpers.

- But... does this mean

you have to go home now?

- Well, sweetie,

you know, Jess--

- I don't want you to go!

- Actually, I still have one

more job to do,

the... the most important,

most special job.

That's why I wanted

to meet you here.

- What?

- You don't think I forgot

all about your Christmas

pageant, do you?

And so,

if it's okay with your dad,

I thought

I could hang back

a little longer

while I make the costume.

Besides, I don't have

anywhere else to be

until the jury makes

their decision.

- Daddy?

- Um... I think we'd be

very lucky

to have Jess stay

a little longer.

- Thank you, Jess!

- Oh, you're so welcome.

Hey, Georgia.

See those beautiful pieces

of fabric over there?

- Mm-hmm.

- Choose your favourite one.

- Okay!

- Hey, Jess!

- Christine!

- Hi!

- Thank you so much

for all your help.

- It was my pleasure.

What brings you in here?

- I'm gonna be making Georgia

her Christmas pageant costume

this year.

- How sweet.

- Jess, can you help me

decide? There's so many.

- Of course, I can.

- News in town is you took

the farm off the market.

- Yeah, sorry,

I meant to tell you.

We've just been really busy,

you know.

- I bet, yeah.

- What about the green?

- I like it.

- You two seem to...

work well together.

- Christine.

- I'm just saying.

You deserve to find love again,


And any woman would be lucky

to have my baby brother.

Warts and all.

- What's happening here?

Are you going soft on me?

- Hmm.

Take it or leave it,

but that woman...

: Yeah.

- ...she's one in a million.

- Dad, come help us choose.

- Okay, hun.

- Which one?

- We're thinking this one.

- Where is she?

- Are we a little impatient

this morning, Mr. Flannery?

- We are excited and yeah,

we're maybe a little bit

late for school.

- Can't rush fashion.

- That's not what you said

when you first got here.

- Touch.

- Uh-huh.

- Ladies and gentlemen--

- What is happening? Wha...

who are you talking to?

- Just go with it.

- Okay.

- Ladies and gentlemen,

may I introduce you to the one,

the only, Georgia Flannery!

- Wow! Amazing. I love it!

Honey, you look so good!

- Thank you.

I'm Santa's magical alpaca.

- Yeah, you are.

I love it. It's amazing.

- I do, too. Thank you, Jess.

- Thank you for letting me

do it. I had so much fun.

You truly are

the most special girl.

- We gotta get to school, kiddo.

Truck's warmed up for you.

Go on out there

and I'll be there in a sec.

- Okay.

- All right.

Jess, I don't know what to say.

- So don't say anything.

- It means more than you know.

Um... I'm just not very good

at expressing myself.

- You're better than you think.

She would be so proud

of you two.

Andrew, truly,

you really are the most

incredible father

and I know how hard this is

doing this all on your own,

but you're doing it.

You're giving her

an incredible life

and no matter what happens

with the competition,

no matter where you end up,

you'll continue

to surround her with love.

That's all that matters.

- Um, I gotta get her to school.

Um... maybe when I get back

I don't know, maybe you'd like

to go for a walk with me?

- I'd love that.

- Okay, good.

- Go. I'll be here.

- I gotta go.

All right, I'll see you

when I get back.

- Sounds like a plan.

- All right.

- Hello, Jess speaking.

- Uh, Jessica Hilliard.

- Yes?

- This is Beverly Clemington


How are you?

- I'm well, thank you.

How are you?

- Fabulous!

I wanted to be the first

to congratulate you

on being the winner

of this year's

Runway to Christmas competition.


- I what?

- You want me to repeat that?

- I won? I really won?

- Yes! You really won!

You're an incredible designer

with a very special vision.

- Thank you.

Mr. Clemington, this... you,

I mean, I'm...

I'm sorry, I'm speechless.

- Well, then,

allow me to do the talking.

Your runway show is

in just 10 days,

so you get yourself ready

to introduce your line

to some of the most influential

people in New York City.

And we'll be sending you

your cash prize in the mail

so you can be expecting that

any day now.

Get ready, Miss Hilliard,

your life is about to change.

- Thank you.

Thank you. You have no idea

how much this means to me.

- Oh, and uh, one other thing,


We have to make a small

adjustment to your line

before we start carrying it

at Clemington's.

- An adjustment?

- All right, hun, have

a great day at school,

and I'll see you this afternoon

for your pageant.

- See you!

- See ya.

- Uh, Daddy?

- Yeah.

- There's something really

special about Jess.

- You think so, huh?

- Yeah.

- What do you find

so special about her?

- A lot of things.

How much she loves Christmas

and how nice she is.

- Well, I would say, I agree

with all those things.

- But...

the thing I like most...

- Mm-hmm?

- how when she's around,

you're happier.

- Georgia, honey, I am sorry

if I have been...

Things have just--

- That's okay.

It just makes me happy.

Like you used to be

when I was smaller.

When you were happy because

Mom was still here.

I love you, Daddy.

- I love you more.

- I think you should tell Jess

that she makes you happy.

She's been so busy.

She may not have even noticed.

- When did you become

such a little adult?

- I'm still a kid,

just a smart one.

- Yeah, you sure are.

All right, go on.

- Okay, see you later.

- Oh!

- Hi!

- Hey.

I wanna tell you something.

- We won.

- What?

- We won. We did it. I...

I just got off the phone with

Beverly Clemington himself.

Andrew, we saved your farm.

- Oh, my God.

- I can't believe it.

We really did it.

There's just, um...

there's just one small thing.

- What is it?

- Please don't be mad. Just...

um, just let me get it all out.

I have a plan.

- Okay.

- So, in order for them to carry

my line in Clemington's


because of the size

of the order, and it's big,

like really big, like you can

hire your staff back and more,

even you can--

- Jess...

just say it.

- They're gonna need to blend

your fleece with something else.

Something more cost efficient,

more readily available.

And they'll be dyeing

and spinning the fleece


at one of their factories.

- You've gotta be kidding me.

- It's just way too big

of an order.

We don't have the means

of doing this ourselves.

- We'll hire people.

- We're talking big time here,


Thousands of sweaters.

- So, tell them to make

an exclusive line.

Less pieces, better quality.

Local, sustainable

alpaca fleece.

Jess, we had a deal.

- I know.

- So, you lied.

- I didn't lie, Andrew.

- Yeah, you did. You lied.

- This isn't ideal

for me either.

I think I was nave. I thought

I could change the world

of fashion overnight,

but it doesn't work like that.

Look, I'm sorry.

- You're sorry.

- I just need to get in.

Once I'm in, I can start making

real change from the inside.

I will. I promise you.

- Yeah, you made me

a promise before.

Look where we ended up.

See, Jess, the thing is

I thought you were different.

- I am.

- No. You're not.

You're not.

- Why are you so upset?

I'll be getting that cheque

any day now.

You'll have plenty of money

to hire your staff back

and keep this farm alive.

I'll still need you.

I still only wanna make this

with Flannery fleece.

- Yeah, but you can't because

you're gonna blend it

with who knows what.

I don't want your money, Jess.

It was never about that.

- It isn't about saving

the farm?

About employing your community?

Allowing Georgia to stay in

the home she loves so much?

- I do what I do

because it matters.

I want my work to matter.

Do you understand?

And I don't want my daughter to

think money can buy happiness.

- So, you just want me

to give up on my dreams?

On this opportunity.

- I don't want you to do

anything you don't wanna do.

But I gotta sleep at night.

You can keep the money, Jess.

I'm selling this place.

I'll have a lonely Christmas

without you

Red and green

but I'm just feeling blue

Baby, without you here

I just don't feel

that Christmas cheer

My friends say

I didn't need you anyway

- Hey. There you go.

No more kissin' on mistletoe

I just don't feel

very ho, ho, ho

All alone in

this big, cold bed

No sugarplums dancin'

in my head

No Yuletide carol,

no deck the halls

I'd have a merry Christmas

If you'd answer my calls

- So, we'll have

the videos projected

as soon as the music starts.

Come in.

And then again, at the end

when I come out

to say a few words.

We'll chat soon. Okay.

Bye, Joseph.

- Who's Joseph?

- My lighting designer

for the fashion show.

You know, the one in three days?

- I'm just asking.

Joseph's a handsome name,

that's all.

Oh, babe.

You got this.

The fashion show's gonna

blow everyone away.

- It's not that.

- Oh, is it the hat?

- Why are you wearing that hat?

- I lost a bet. Don't ask.

My clients actually like it.

You know, I might keep it.

Who knows? Could be my thing.

Okay, come on.

Tell Santa what ails you.

Uh-oh, you've got it bad, huh?


it's only been a week.

And if it helps, all that

country air makes you look like

you've had like

a thousand facials.

- It just caught me by surprise.

I've always planned to work as

hard as I can now on my career,

on my dreams, thinking

you'll have time for love,

for family later.

- And you will.

- What if it's messier

than that?

What if love doesn't follow

some perfect life schedule?

How do you know when

it's the kind of love

you walk away from because

it's not right,

or the once-in-a-lifetime love

you drop everything you're doing

and run towards because

it could be more spectacular

than anything

you've ever planned for?

- You'll love other men, Jess.

You weren't ready to let

someone in before,

but now that you clearly are,

watch out, Manhattan.

Maybe this guy just

wasn't the one.

- He hates me.

- He doesn't hate you.

You just didn't see eye to eye.

There are so many wonderful men

out there

just ready to sweep a woman

like you right off your feet.

You just say the magic word

and Zia Dina will light

your phone up

with eligible bachelors.

With no kids.

- That's the thing.

I really liked spending

time with his daughter.

It felt right. I...

I really miss her, Dina.

- Because you're not a troll.

You have feelings. Think of

that experience as a gift.

It showed you that

you really do wanna be a mom.

- You're right.

She was a gift.

And Andrew was a gift.

I just wish it hadn't

ended so badly.

I, I think...

I think I betrayed them both


and what about my big, grandiose

statement about wanting

to make a difference? Doesn't

accepting this prize money

make me no better than

the Gwen Suttons of the world?

- Oh, oh, nah, nah, nah.

You're spiralling.


We are not going to sit here

and beat you up

when we have something so huge

to celebrate

and something so exciting

to look forward to.

In three days, Jessica Hilliard

is going to premiere

to the entire world.

And Jess Hilliard is going

to change the world

from the inside out.

That's it.

I've had enough.

Take this boring old outfit off

and put on something gorgeous.

I'm taking you out.

- Ugh!

- Come on.

- It's not boring.

: Andrew!

Are you watching

that French toast?

- Here you go.

- Is Georgia not joining us?

- Nah, she's still mad at me.

- So am I, actually.

It's December 24th.

Isn't Jess's fashion show today?

- Christine, I am not gonna

compromise our family's legacy.

I won't do it.

- I understand.

- Okay.

- But...

this is bigger than the farm.

This is about love.

I keep thinking how she's all

alone for the holidays.

It's not right.

- Yeah, I know.

- Mom and Dad always said that

Christmas was about giving

and being with family.

And you and I are both

old enough to know that

family's the most important

thing in the world.

Hey, it's worth fighting for.

What are you still doing here?

- Georgia!

Georgia, honey!

Come on, get your coat.

We can still make it.

: Woo-hoo! Come on!

Hurry up, let's go!

- Half an hour, everyone.

- Rachel, I'll just fix

your crown.

- Ooh! Jess!

This is actually happening.

I'm so excited for you!

- Oh, it's happening all right.

Thank you so much, Dina.

- Okay, everyone, we need to

see those accessories on, stat!

: Miss

Jessica Hilliard.

Beverly Clemington.

A pleasure to meet you.

- Mr. Clemington.

- Ah, ah. Beverly, please.

- Pardon me.

Thank you, Melinda.

You're ready for

your accessories.

It's an honour to meet you, sir.

And thank you so much

for selecting me.

You can't know just how much

this means to me.

- Well, it was an easy decision.

Your sweaters are

absolutely stunning.

The entire team was

just blown away.

- So was I.

It was a magical experience.

- So, my dear, how does it feel

to know your very own designs

are about to be sold in London,

Paris, and Milan?

- About that. Would you mind if

we talked a little business?

- Of course, darling.

- Hurry, Dad, hurry!

We're gonna miss it!

- Who are you?

- Um, we're here to see Jess.

- Okay, and who are you?

- We're her family. Duh!

- Andrew Flannery.

- Uh... ah, right at the top.

- Has it started yet?

- Um, I think you just made it,


- Oh!

- Uh, $5 each.

I'll take them all.

- Okay.

: Sorry. Thanks.

: Oh.

Oh baby, please come home

I got the fire warm

Sitting here waiting up

I got something just for you

- Dad, look! That's your farm.

That's just Santa Claus

We're singing deck the halls

But it don't feel right, no

It's not Christmas

without you

All the presents nearly

wrapped under the tree

All I'm missing is

You here next to me

They say it's Christmas

They say it's Christmas

But it's not Christmas

without you

They say it's Christmas

- It's the Flannery Blue!

They say it's Christmas

But it's not Christmas

without you

- Woo!

- Woo!

: Thank you.

Thank you.

This collection was

a true labour of love.

Not only was it designed

to embody Christmas,

a season of hope and joy,

but its production forced me out

of my comfort zone

and gave me the gift of seeing

fashion in a new light.

For several weeks, I had

the privilege of working on

a family-run farm who sees

the product

literally from head to tail.

I saw firsthand just how much

time, energy, and love

goes into crafting a garment.

What a fitting experience for

a celebration of Christmas,

to see something in a new light,

as if for the first time.

Like a child

on Christmas morning.

Like falling in love.

So, it is with immense pride

and utter joy

that I make this announcement.

Clemington's has just

graciously agreed

to launch their first

experimental small run

of 100% sustainably sourced,

pure alpaca fleece.

Making Jessica Hilliard

the first of what I hope

is a continued Clemington's

tradition of small batch

luxury fashion.

Thank you.

- Ooh!

Thank you so much, guys.

Excellent job, everyone.

I truly could not have

done it without you.

Well done.


- Jessica.


- Pardon me?

- Exquisite work.

I may be the ice queen,

but I do know how to pick 'em.

I knew you had it in you

from the very start.

- Thank you, Gwen,

that means a lot.

You taught me everything I know.

- Well, not everything.

It was your instinct

to go sustainable.

I clearly couldn't see it.

Maybe I'm aging out of the game.

- Oh, no, of course not.

You will always have

your finger on the pulse.

- That's why I'm committing

Sutton to being

completely sustainable

in one year's time.

- That's fantastic, Gwen.

- Well, I guess I'm...

how did you say it,

"keeping up with the times"?

I don't suppose I could

tempt you back into the fold?

- Thank you, Gwen, but

I love working for myself.

And a smaller brand makes it

easier to make decisions

with my heart.

- Worth a shot.

I'll see you around,

Jessica Hilliard.

- What did that woman

say to you? Do you want me

to go after her?

- She said she loved

my collection.

She says I've inspired her

to go sustainable.

- That was Gwen Sutton, correct?

- I know. How amazing.

- Well, if it's all so amazing,

why do you look so sad, sweetie?

- I don't know.

I thought this was

all I ever wanted.

But... something is not right.

Something's missing.

- Let's go out and celebrate.

- I don't think

I feel like going.

- Oh, Jess, come on!

It's Christmas Eve.

You love Christmas.

- But this year's different,


I'm sorry, I'm just not

in the mood to celebrate.

- Jess!

- Georgia, you made it?

- That was amazing!

Like, totally, totally amazing!

Wow, Jess, I'm so proud of you.

- Thank you, Georgia.

- Uh...

- Hi.

- Hi.

- Oh.

These uh, are for you.

- Thank you.

: Why don't you

come with me and we'll try on

one of those big princess

skirts from the show.

- And the crowns too?

- Yeah!

- Oh, yes, please.

Daddy, can I?

- Yeah, of course.

- I'll take that.

- Thanks.

- Do you wanna follow me?

- Okay.

- You don't have to take

the contract if you don't want.

But it's yours if you do.

And I really want you to.

Flannery Farm deserves

a second chance.

The community deserves it.

You deserve it.

So, I hope you can put aside

whatever feelings you have

about me and just...

just don't be so darn stubborn

and take the contract,

won't you?

Is that a yes?


I'm sorry I let you down.

- No, you didn't.

- Are you still mad at me?

I'm not mad at you.

I'm mad at myself.

For not letting you in sooner.

For not trusting you.

I was, uh... afraid of change.


I was a little bit

afraid of you.

You are talented,

and intelligent, and driven...

and you are completely


And I can't lie

to myself anymore.

Jess, I wanna be with you.

And I know that being

a partner with you will need

trust, and compromise, and...

and it means opening

myself up again.

But I also know...

that I wanna be by your side

through it all.

So, will you come back?

Because it doesn't feel

like home without you there.

- Home?

- Yeah.

It's become home

for you too, hasn't it?

- I don't know where my home is.

- It's very clear in my mind.

Home for me is wherever you are.

- Okay, Georgia.

Open this one first.

: Whoa!

- Your first sewing machine.

I had the same one

when I was your age.

- It's perfect.

- Aw.

I'm so glad you like it.

- Maybe one day, I'll be

a famous designer like you.

- If that's what you wanna be.

Something tells me you're gonna

do amazing things, Georgia.

Whatever you put

your mind and heart to.

- Okay, my turn.

- What is it?

- I'm gonna build a new barn.

Double decker.

So, upstairs we can have

your office,

where you work

and take your meetings.

Then, downstairs,

we'll have a showroom.

Then, when folks come

and visit the farm,

they'll feel the love that

we put into what we do.

And then, they'll leave with

a Jessica Hilliard original.

I know it's not the fancy shop

on 5th Avenue or--

- It's... better.

- All right, everyone,

time for a family picture.

- Get in here, come on.

- All right, we got 10 seconds.

- That wasn't 10 seconds!

- I know, it was so fast.

- Just, just...
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