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Porno (2019)

Posted: 11/26/23 13:20
by bunniefuu
- Yes, big daddy, give it to me.

- Give it to me, daddy. Yes.


- Dude, c'mon.

- We're gonna be late.

Shut up, Todd.

What if they see us?

I can't get in trouble

for this again.

- Ok! Fellas, let's go.

- Hustle up.


And now we pray.

Dear Lord,

we thank you for this day,

and for another opportunity

to serve you.

Please order our steps, oh Lord.

Be a lamp unto our feet

and a light unto our path.

For the devil dwells

just below our feet.

We ask that you

watch over Todd, Lord.

Let him not fall

into temptation.

For if one of us falls,

others are sure to follow.

Lord, we ask that you

watch over Ricky

as he rejoins our flock,

and seeks a new purity

in your forgiving light.

Finally, Lord, we ask

that you guide Chastity

as she takes on the mantle

of Assistant Manager.

Ease her journey, Lord.

And let her know

that no amount of makeup

can conceal her love of Christ.

We ask these blessings

in Jesus' name. Amen!


Okay, team.

Let's have a great day!

Get busy, folks! Get busy!

Who's there?!


Dang it, Chaz!

I told you no horseplay

in the projection booth!

I was just bringing you

your drink!

Shhh! Whisper.

- I asked for no ice.

- I forgot.

It's the same thing every day.

I never drink ice!

I hate this heavy metal crap.

It's not heavy metal,

it's hardcore!

It's hardcore.

Why does everyone call you

"Heavy Metal Jeff?"

No one calls me that!


Dude! We gotta watch

Encino Man tonight.

I hear that Pauly Shore guy

is a real cut-up.

"Heyyyy, buuuuuudy"

- I don't know.

- Dude, come on.

Ricky and Chaz are going to vote

for girl baseball.

You gotta back me up

on this one.

Dude! Madonna's

in a league of their own.

Did you hear about that book...

called "Sex"?

She wrote it.

Can you imagine?

I wonder if she's, like,

doing it inside.

Or if it's mostly just boobs.

Exactly! That's why

we have to watch league.

Locker room scenes.

But, Abe, it's PG.

- There's boobs in Jaws.

- That's PG.

Yeah, but no... nips.

Just the essentials...

Front door... concessions

supply closet.

Copies of everything are in here

just in case you misplace yours.

But you won't misplace yours

now, will you?


Want a belt chain

like boss man's?



What's up?

How do you think Ricky's doing?

Great! He's, uh...

I mean, um... it's really good

to have him back.

It is, isn't it?

- Yeah.

- He's making awesome strides.

Critical strides.

I think it's important

that we support him.

A little bit of patience goes

a long way, don't you think?


Don't lose those keys.

What movie are we

watching tonight?

Not that stupid caveman movie.

Sean Astin used to be cute,

but he grew up... weird.

I'm not watching

A League of Their Own again.

- You already saw it?

- Did you sneak in? Ricky...

- No! I went yesterday...

- with my mom.

You didn't go with Jasmine?

No. She hates baseball.

- Hmm. Some girlfriend.

- Can't wait to meet her.


Jasmine's awesome.

She's really on fire for God.

I smell cigs!

What the... hey!

Do you want to show up to heaven

smelling like an ashtray?

You missed some trash.


The work you guys put in

this week just has me fired up.

I'm so proud of all of you.

So we get to do

Friday night movie club?

Yes, sir! Just as soon as

you guys sweep the theaters,

you can put in

whatever movie you want.

- Which one is it?

- I gotta go load the projector.

- Encino Man!

- The other one.

I'm not sure we've all had

a chance to really discuss...

No! Pick now, or I'm outta here!


I love your passion.

I love how you're

communicating directly.

But you have to remember,

when you feel like things are

getting outta control... CBTL.

Right. C-B-T-L.


Uh, what's CBTL?

- Christ... Bears...

- The... Load.

Decide amongst yourselves,

put it to a vote.

Jeff will play

whatever movie you choose.

Make sense?

You have my word.

Jeff, I'll be back at midnight

to give you a ride home.

Chastity! The theater is yours.

Have fun, team.

Come on.

Do you guys hear that?


I don't remember selling

that guy a ticket.

I don't think

he watched the movie.

Someone would have complained.

I can smell the booze on him

from here.

What should we do?


What's that guy doing?

Are you guys going to tell him

to leave or what?

Well, you're in charge, right?


Excuse me, sir?

We're closed.

I'm sorry... you have to go.


Dang it! COME ON!


What is that?

- See, kids?

- That's why I don't drink.

Guys, what is

this hole in the wall?

- What does it look like, dink?

- It's a doorway.

Wait, Jeff, did you know

this was here?

Nope. Never seen it before.

Well, what should we do?

That creepy old guy

is down there.

We should call Mr. Pike.


No. No, wait.

Uh... Let me think.

- Sorry, kids.

- The longer we wait,

the more torqued up

this hobo's gonna get.

We only have one option.

We gotta take out the trash.

Did you see the way he

just... burst through that wall?

It was like he was possessed.

Telltale signs.

Of possession?

Addiction, Ricky.

First it controls your body.

Then it controls your soul.

Guys, where are we?

Is this a basement?



Are we in another theater?

What was that?

Was that him?

Okay. Let's split up.

You guys check that side,

we'll take this one.

You see him: Bear tactics.

Raise your arms and yell.

Herd him back to the stairs.


Do you guys feel that?


What happened in here?

It looks like there was a fire.

Maybe that's why

this was closed down.


There's another room.



Maybe the cans

saved some of these prints.

Let's start digging.

Aw, man.

What's that?

Ricky! Ricky, are you guys okay?

Wha-what happened?

Guys, look!

Let's rock.

Did you throw him out?

Nope. The door was swinging

when I got up here.

Where do you think he went?

Roaming. Searching for a fix.

He thinks he's doing the dr*gs,

but brother,

those dr*gs are doing him.

- Alright, kids.

- The show's over.

Now... what are we gonna watch?

How about this one?


You found this in the basement?

- What is it?

- Not Encino Man.

- I'm in.

- No way!

I'm not putting this junk

in my projector.

- C'mon, man.

- Don't be such a narc!

Shut it, perv!

If this was locked up

downstairs, it was for a reason.

You want to get in trouble


Dude, we're not

gonna get in trouble.

Ricky's in.

I'm in too.

- Four against one!

- We're watching it.

No way! You guys

are gonna have to k*ll me.

Mr. Pike told you

to play whatever we choose.

And we've chosen.

Rules are rules,

Heavy Meta Jeff.

That's not my name, dingus.

You gave your word, Jeff.

You don't want me

to tell Mr. Pike

that you broke your word,

do you?

Is this an art film?

I don't know, dude.

I do not know.

Oh... my...

Hey, what the frick?!

- No! That's it!

- Show is over, folks.

- C'mon, man.

- It was just getting good.

I am not breaking my edge

for your European titty movie.

Don't be such a prude, Jeff.

No. He's right.


- This is pornography, Chaz.

- This is a sin.

- It's not pornography.

- It's art.

I feel weird.

Yeah, me too.

You bet you do.

You see, the science of porn

is well known.

The human brain,

when aroused by erotic images,

dumps chemicals

into the bloodstream,

which send the viewer

into full throttle

"give me more" mode.

- You know, that's...

- that's right.

And we may think

that we're just being curious,

but that will turn

into an obsession.


what would Mr. Pike think

if he caught us doing this?

Oh, he'd definitely blame me.

I'm the one that's supposed

to be responsible here.

No. I'm the one who brought

the print upstairs.

This is my fault.

And Ricky's right.

If we let ourselves

fall into temptation,

who knows what it'll lead to?

Some of us know

what it will lead to.

Right, Todd?

Wait, where's Todd?


You little perv!

Todd! Open the door,

Todd! Open it!


Real smooth, dingleberry.

It's jammed.

- I didn't do anything.

- I just hit 'Play'.

It's not a VCR.

You can't just hit 'Play'.


This is why amateurs shouldn't

mess with serious equipment.

Well, we're all beefed

if Mr. Pike comes back

and that dirty movie

is in the projector.

No. I cannot get in trouble

for this again.

My dad will send me away.

Todd, don't worry about it, man.

It's gonna be fine.

If I have to call

the repair guy,

I'm gonna tell him

who's responsible.

What the heck, dude?

I got it.

You moron!

Get that filth out of my booth!

That was the craziest

thing I've ever seen.

I know.

Do you think that's how

all pornography is?

I don't know.

We definitely shouldn't have

watched it, that's for sure.

What is this place?

It's fine.

It's just a bunch of old junk.


Let's just put this away

so we can get

the heck out of here.

It was right over there.


Okay, let's go.

Can I ask you something first?


You never wrote me

a letter this summer.


- You said you would write me...

- from camp?

Oh, uh, yeah... um...

Look, it was just...

really intense.

- I'm sorry.

- No. No, it's no big deal.

I mean, it's not like

I checked the mail every day

like some dope.

- Chaz...

- Really. It's totally cool.

Trish's cousin Alex

visited for a few weeks

and he brought all these

mix tapes with him. Goth music.

And we pretty much

just drove around

in her mom's Aerostar,

pumping jams.

It was amazing.

Your dad let you do that?

I don't have to ask

permission for everything.

I didn't ask if I could

wear this eyeliner.

I didn't ask if I could listen

to The Cure. And, and...

I didn't ask

if I could kiss Alex.

I just did those things

because, who cares? Right?

It's not like someone's

out there missing me

or wondering what I'm doing.

Alex, huh?

Was he a good kisser?

You're such an idiot.


Mr. Pike's going to

explode my nuts

if I can't get this fixed.

Explode your nuts?

- Is that a thing?

- It happens, man.

My dad was in 'Nam.

He says he saw it all the time.

Cheese and rice!

I can't believe that degenerate

broke my projector.

Lay off him, man.


You seem like a good kid.

But Todd is a verified pervert.

You shouldn't be

hanging out with him.

Who died and made you

role model?

Didn't you drop out of college

and move back in with your mom?

You think you know

everything, don't you?

But listen up.

'Cause maybe you'll learn

a thing or two.

That college

was sucking away my money

and pumping me

full of secular propaganda.

With all the dough I'm saving

living at home,

I'm gonna buy

a brand-new drum kit.

Then I'm going to

get my band back together

and we are gonna thrash

harder than ever.

Yeah, I'm sure God loves

your crappy heavy metal.

It's not heavy metal.

Besides, what are you

doing with your life

that makes you

so special, anyway?


This is a... weird movie.

Something's not right.

"The demon can only be

summoned or dispatched

"via the sacred instruments...

"Only in its true form.

It's true form."

What is that?

It's a book.

Look, Chaz... I'm sorry.


Hey! Don't be like that.

I just don't get

what's going on with you.

Growing up, all you talked about

was baseball.

Leaving town,

playing for the majors...

If that's not what you want,

then what do you actually want?

What does that look like to you?

I don't care about that book.

Talk to me.

What is that?


Let's get out of here.

Wait, I thought

you propped this open.

I did.

I promise.




Who's out there?


Stop messing around. Open up!


Ten foot... hole?

What the




Where's Todd? I mean,

he should be back by now.

He's probably wankin' it,

thinkin' about that titty movie.

He'd never do that.

Todd's a spaz,

but he's not a perv.

The cops found him in a tree

with a pair of binoculars...

- You don't know that.

- Peeping on some lady.

It was in the paper, bro!

Facts are facts.


Shut up.


Come back here

and pick this stuff up.




Wait up, man.



Dude, you're gonna have

to give him mouth to mouth.

He's breathing, you cretin.


You okay, man? What happened?

I-I saw her.

You saw who?

Well, who'd you see, Todd?



He peed his pants.

Abe, I don't think

it's pee, man.

It's not.

What are you talking about?

- The woman...

- The woman from the film.

She was here.

I saw her...

Her hooters, man.

- And everything else.

- Yeah, right.

The only naked lady

you've ever seen is your mom.

My mom's dead, freak.

Prove it!

What was that?

What the...

Careful, Heavy Metal Jeff.

Don't break your edge.

Forget it, loser.

I'm not popping wood

for this trash.

Dang it.

You find anything back there?

Calm down, I'm looking.

What the heck?

Who's there?


What? What happened?

Were-were-were you

just in there with me?

Was that you?

- What?

- I... I saw... I saw, um...

I touched your, uh...

Chastity, stop!

I don't want you.


I mean

because of Jasmine, you know.

And Mr. Pike, he said...

Ricky, shut up!

I think someone's

in here with us.


This is what I saw in there.

- Abe!

- Let us out!



Clearly, you saw one of

these titty posters

and you thought

it was a real woman.

All these porn chemicals

running around in your brain,

giving you hallucinations

and whatnot...

It's totally typical

of satanic takeover of the mind.

It's not porn chemicals.

I saw her.

You believe me, right?

Maybe you got confused?


Abe, please.

I saw her bush, man.


Look at this photo.

Who does this look like?

It's that old boozer.

But, when was this taken?

- Abe, Todd.

- Todd.

You guys hear that?

Get us outta here.

- Help! Abe! Open up!

- Help! Jeff! Todd!

What were you two

doing in here so long?

We got stuck.

Didn't you a-holes hear us

screaming and pounding?

Screaming and pounding, huh?

Shut up, Todd.

Shut up, everybody.

We gotta get out of here.



Someone took my keys.

Did you lock us in here?

No, I left them in the door.

Okay, that's it, knuckleheads.

Turn out your pockets.


There are copies

in Mr. Pike's office.

It's the woman from the film.

- She's here.

- What did you say?

Todd! Shhh.

- No, no, no.

- We gotta get outta here.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

I can't let you do that, buddy.

It's a violation

of employee policy

on destroying company property.


It's in the handbook.

Alright? Use your head.

Okay, guys.


There ain't no movie woman.

If you ask me

it's that creepy old dude.

I think he used to

own the place.

And now he's back.

Under the influence,

and a perv to boot.

Someone like that

is capable of anything.


it's time to ante up.

Forget that.

Let's get the keys

and get out of here.

The lady from the film is here,

I'm telling you.

It just sounds crazy, Todd.

Why can't you

back me up on this?

Just this once.

Right or wrong,

I always stick by you.

You two losers sound

like an old married couple.

- Shut up, Heavy Metal Jeff!

- Shut up, Heavy Metal Jeff!



You put that dirty movie

on again?

No way!

We put it back

where we found it.

Nope, I'm outta here.

- Office!

- What was that?

Was that the projector?

Oh no.

Dope fiend with a fistful

of keys and nothing to lose?

It's grandpa's party now.

Barricade that door.

What's in here?

A r*fle.

Are you serious?

That's what Mr. Pike told me

when I was training.

He was showing me

around the office

and when I asked him

what was in the cabinet...

- He pulled out a g*n?

- I don't buy it.

No. He didn't pull it out.

He just said

I never had to worry

because he was watching out

for everybody.

What... what was that?


Where's Todd?

He didn't come in here with us?

Well, he's still out there.

- Move this stuff!

- Wait, maybe it's Mr. Pike.

It's not midnight yet!

It's hobo fever.

Let's smoke this junkie.

What's this?

What is this for?

To clean his g*n?

What g*n?


- Whoa.

- What is it?

We shouldn't have

opened this cabinet.

This is... is private.

Give it. I want to see.

Give it to me.

I don't get it.

Wait, what?

Oh, my gosh.

What? Abe, hook it to the TV.


Do it.

What the H?

Turn it off.

Turn it off now!

Mr. Pike was filming

customers in the ladies room.

- It can't be.

- This just can't be.

There are so many tapes.

Shut up, Chaz. It's not true.

Did you do this? Hm?

Or your little friend?

No. I've never even

been in here before.

What kind of a joke is this?

Guys, look.

Give me that.

No way.

This doesn't make any sense.

This doesn't make

any kind of sense.

No... it all makes sense.

Mr. Pike's a liar.


Mr. Pike is full of bull crap.

I mean, what's all that

crazy junk downstairs?

What are all these tapes?

He's not a liar.

Oh, yeah?

Why'd you go to camp

this summer?

What does that

have to do with anything?


Aren't you a little old

for camp?

I'm just...

I'm not supposed to

talk about it.

Why not?

Didn't you find it


How do you know about that?

Mr. Pike.

He told you?

He said it would fix things.

That it would take the burden

of h*m* off you

so you could be free

to live a normal life.

You're gay?

But... but

you're, like, an athlete.

She's lying.

Shut up, Chaz.

I'm lying?

I'm lying?

Who do you think told Mr. Pike

that you were having

lustful thoughts about men?

Girls playing baseball

gay guys playing baseball...

what is going on, man?

It's not true. It's not true.

Chaz just can't stand it

that I am in love with Jasmine

and not her.

There is no Jasmine.

What in the Lord's name?




Where are you guys?


It's okay, man.

You can still beat this.

I was an addict too.

My vice? Nicotine.

It took me months.

Even after I found my edge.

But I haven't smoked in a year.

Mr. Pike helped me quit.

He helped me find God again.

He's no perv.

And neither are you.


C'mon, man.

There's no cryin' in baseball.


Alright now.

Enough's enough.

He's here.

- Mr. Pike!

- Mr. Pike!

- Mr. Pike.

- We're in your office!

He can't hear us.

I'm comin' in... guys?

Something's not right.

It's her.


What is he doing?


Oh, my.

Todd was right.

Is this really happening?




Oh, yes.

What is that?


that's unbridled perversion.

No, no, no.


Oh, no.

Mr. Pike! Oh, God!

Oh, my god! Oh, my god!

He's still alive.

He's still alive.

We have to help him.

We have to help him.

We have to help him.

Come on!

Wait, wait, wait, wait.


I'm the only one

who can handle this.

Lock the door, sit tight,

don't move 'til I say,

"all clear."

Read me?

Are you sure?

I have the bat.


Mr. Pike...

Put him down, you godless beast.







Ah! My nut!

She got Jeff!


She... exploded... my... nuts.

It's just like in there...

Hey. Hey, hey. No.

Stay with me.

Hey! Hey!

Stick with me here, Jeff.

Okay... alright...

- No.

- Let me help you.

I did first aid

for the baseball team.

But Ricky...

- Look, Jeff...

- you're bleeding out.

Are you sure it's a good idea?

I mean... you know...

Because you're a gay dude.

Do you think

I'm going to get turned on

by your exploded testicles?

Is that how you think

being gay works?

Honestly, man...

I have no idea.

We have to find Todd...

Before that thing does.

I know he's your friend, man.

But there's no saving him now.

You saw what happened

to Mr. Pike.

Mr. Pike...

It's a pervert's fate.

No, he's not a pervert.

It wasn't his idea to peep

on that lady in her bathroom.

It was mine.

Todd didn't want to,

but he did it

because I asked him.

He climbed that tree with me,

and then...

The lady caught us, and Todd

just... couldn't get

down the tree fast enough.

You know, 'cause

his hand.

- And I ran away.

- Abe...

He didn't even

want to be there and I ran.

I left him and he got caught

and never said a word.

Why are you saying all this?

He's not the pervert, Chaz.

I am.




It's all done.


Take these.


They're pain K*llers.

I use them when

my shoulder flares up.

My life is poison-free, Ricky.

You know that's non-negotiable.

You consume

at least a 144 ounces

of caffeine-free diet coke,

every day.

Pain is temporary

honor is immortal.

What are we up against here?

It's called a succubus.

Sh-She's a handmaiden

of the Evil One

whose profane thirst

in unquenchable.

She inflames the loins...

and ravages the soul.

Once under her spell,

her supplicants become prisoners

of their own wicked desires,

for all eternity.

Let me see.

Yeah... that's the one

that popped me.

No one is safe.

I saw her in the basement

she kissed me.

Was it sexy?

She was a man.

Oh, Jesus.


When we watched that movie

we unleashed a sex demon.

See, kids?

That's why I don't watch porno.

Abe, we have to

destroy the film.

That's how this

whole thing started,

that's how we'll finish it.

Come on, it's

still in the projector.

No. I have to find Todd.

We've seen what she can do.

I can't abandon him.

Not again.

Abe, you're brave.

But remember...

Don't let it tempt you.

I couldn't hold my edge.

That's how I lost my nuts.

That's how Mr. Pike

lost the whole package.



You guys ready?

Let it burn.

Guys, why is there no smoke?

So he looked and behold...

The brush was burning with fire.

But it was not consumed.


We need to pray. That's-that's

the only way that we beat this.

Count me out.

Give me a light.

Jeff, are you sure?

I believe in nothing now.

Lord, forgive us

for the abomination

that we have brought

into our lives.

Please cleanse our souls

and let us be released from

what our iniquity has wrought.

Let this foul,

malevolent force be cast

back into the darkness

from where it came.

I'm so sorry, Ricky.

I always wondered

how Mr. Pike knew.

I mean, I thought

I was hiding it well.

A-A lot of guys wear

earrings these days.

I didn't know you were

going to give up baseball.

He told my parents, Chaz.

I-I was trying to help you.

Did you pray for me to be fixed?

Guys, stop it.

Mr. Pike is a fraud.

This place is a den of filth.

God has abandoned us.

All we have is each other.

We have to find Todd.

Did you see that?

Did you... did you see that?

Abe, your pants.

It's-It's Todd...

He's in there.

Todd? Todd!

Holy crap! Is he dead?

No, wait. Look.

He's still moving.

It's the creepy old man.

Jeff was right.

He was behind this whole thing.

Oh, man...

He's bleeding.

I see you've been

touched by the demon

same as me.

Oh, I have been touched by her,

but not the same as you!

Don't you touch him!

Todd! Are you okay?

What have they done to you?

I got knocked out.

This guy cut his penis off.

I don't know why.

Nobody tells Todd anything.

You've seen his pictures, Todd.

You saw his posters.

He's a smut peddler.

He unleashed the monster

that k*lled Mr. Pike,

and now he wants to turn you

into his own

personal pleasure pony!

- What?!

- What do you want?


I want the same as you.

Out of this place!

You see...

This was mine... yeah? All mine.

Before they drove me out...

Before they burned

my archive... my face...

This was my pleasure palace!

And I the Lord ...Lord Beekman!

Oh, but we must be quick now...

The hour of unity approaches.

You were kind enough

to conjure her.

Now I have arranged

the sacred instruments.

The mortar...

the bells... the knife.

I provided the ounce of flesh.

And this... this degenerate

holds the final ingredient...

Virgin blood.

Stop cutting me! Please!

Not one step further.

Or I'll let him...

Like a goat.

Blood of virgins.

Purity... and light.

Stand back, children,

and behold!

They will never

separate me again

from the Goddess of the Flesh!





Where are we?

I think we're in the same place.


You're okay!

Are you okay?

Why am I in my street clothes?

Where are Chaz and Ricky?



Maybe they're upstairs?



Is it morning already?

No way.


It burned me.


- Help!

- Hey, help!

Help! Help us!

Help us! Help!



Did you see that?

This... is no bueno.

Uh, guys?

Todd... your hand.


f*ck yes.



Oh, boy.


What should I do?


True form...


What was that?

It's a book...

We unleashed a sex demon...

It's called a succubus...

What does that look like to you?

I don't care about that book.

The mortar...

the bells... the knife...

I have arranged

the sacred instruments...

She kissed me...

True form... true form...

true form...

The sacred instruments.

The demon can only be

summoned or dispatched

via the sacred instruments

when it's in its... true form.

What'd you just say?

Chaz, what's going on?

I have a plan.

For what?

For getting our friends back.

Man, what is going on right now?

Real wrath of god-type stuff.

Fire and brimstone

coming down from the skies.

Rivers and seas boiling.

Forty years of darkness.

Earthquakes, volcanoes, the dead

- rising from the grave...

- Whoa, whoa, wait.

Is this from

The Book of Revelations?


I think we have company.

It's working.

What is that?

I don't know.

What are we gonna do?



What's up, p*ssy?

You must be stoked to be

in the girls' bathroom.

You come in here to

lick the toilet seats or what?

No. It's not-It's not him.

He's, like, possessed

or something.

- Nah, dawg. I'm not possessed.

- I'm f*cking free.

And now, you're going to die

d*ck less in the girl's shitter.

Just like that fuckwad Mr. Pike.

Hey, watch your mouth,

Demon Todd.

Hey, f*ck you, poser!

What did you call me?

A poser. A crybaby.

A momma's boy who got

too scared at college

and came running home

with his tail between his legs.

You know what I would've done

for a crack at all that

free porn and booze

you ran away from

at that college?

I would have given

my right f*cking hand.

But now I don't have to.

Once I'm done with you two,

I'm gonna saddle up

and strap in for an eternity

full of f*cking


and gettin' my knob slobbed

by that sexy-ass demon chick.

We have to k*ll Todd.

Come at me, bitch.


Are you ready?


Should I do it?

Ricky! What are you seeing?

What's it like?


Give me... a few more minutes...

No, wait! You can't hurt him.

Regular Todd is still

inside him. I know it.

Look, Todd...

I know you're in there.

Regular Todd is dead.

There's only Demon Todd now.

- Move over, Abe.

- No, no, no, no, wait!

Abe! We're in trouble, man!

Regular Todd,

if you can hear me,

I need you to know one thing.

I love you, man.

You always get my back.

And you never complain

when I don't get yours.

You're the best friend

a guy could have.

I realize that now.

And if I die here today,

I'll be glad I got to spend

my last few moments alive

with you.

There's nobody else

I'd rather spend them with.

Come here, man.

Don't do it, dude!

Oldest trick

in the f*cking book!

My nuts!


Ricky, I'm going to do it now.

I have to change it back

to its true form,

or you can't k*ll it.

No, wait.

No, I have to.

If you go all the way,

the demon will k*ll you.

Hold on a second...

- Ricky! Ricky, I'm gonna do it.

- I'm gonna do it!

No! No! No!

- Please!

- Oh, boo hoo.

Abe's trapped in Hell world.

I'm going to rip off

your ding-dong

and feed it to you

like a baby bird.


Let's get those pants off,

big boy.



Aw, sh**t.


I'm sorry I grabbed

your junk, dude.

I feel awful.

- It's okay, buddy.

- It wasn't you.

Thank you for coming after me.


Guys! Oh, you're back!

See. Your plan worked.

Ricky, what happened to you?

Oh... I...

We k*lled her,

or trapped her

back in the film, at least.

Someone has to watch over it.

Make sure nobody

ever sees it again.

Abe... what if you get,

like, tempted or something?


So... what do we do now?

Let's get the heck out of here.