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11th Green, The (2020)

Posted: 11/26/23 13:18
by bunniefuu
Hi, Nelson.

Nelson, are you back yet?



Yeah, hi.

No, there's no emergency.

He's gone, he's dead.

The name is Rudd.

Nelson Rudd.

My name?

Larkspur, Laurie Larkspur.

So on the surface,

Chetco's bold announcement

may seem like a win-win

for consumers, for industry

and for the environment.

But there's a deeper, and for some

more troubling question.

Has the company violated national security

by incorporating classified technology

into its design?

Is it using those secrets

to gain an unfair competitive advantage?

A number of aerospace and

defense insiders tell us

that anti gravity planes and discs

have been a reality for

more than half a century.

But given the draconian secrecy

surrounding the programs

in which they exist,

we may never know the truth.

One thing is certain.

By making its announcement,

Chetco has let at least

part of the genie out of the bottle.

And we who stand to benefit can only hope

they don't recork it.


And that was Jeremy Rudd

with his weekly science update.

It's a hole in the

dam and it's gonna get bigger.

They can't make it go away.

If it cuts into Exxon Mobil's profits

they'll find a way, trust me.

You know, if the people

really wanted all this stuff,

anti-gravity planes, and free energy,

I assume one needs the other?

I would say.

Flying saucers don't fly on gas.

Who ah, whoah, back up.

Who said anything about flying saucers?

Same principle.

And my report never mentioned

them, thanks very much.

Mention flying saucers

and you're a crackpot.

Immediately, okay?

Full stop.

When is that gonna change?

I mean, is this or is

this not why we exist?

To cover what the corporate media won't?

I'm not sure it's the

right question to be asking.

What if the real question is

what should the people know?

Oh my god.

How much do they really wanna know?

I mean, if all this

stuff about UFOs is true,

and I believe that some of it is,

if our government has

treaties with aliens,

I mean, who the hell

is ready to hear that?

I'm not sure that I am.

What does that mean for

our so-called civilization?

I've never known

you to be an apologist

for a cover-up.

Well, when it comes to

aliens, I may well be.






Can you email me your contact,

wait a minute, who are you?

Larkspur, like the flower?

Yeah, J.Rudd at,

The People's Digest.

Thank you.

Yeah, I appreciate your call.

My father died.

Oh, Jesus.

The old lion's gone.

No fuss, just a massive coronary.

So sorry.

You didn't get a chance to reconnect.

Oh, that was my fault.

He tried more than once.

They want me to go out

there and settle the estate.

Whatever that means.

Who's they?

Oh, the trustee, lawyer

and my father's assistant.

Good morning.

It's Jeremy Rudd.

We're very sorry for your loss, sir.

Thank you.

Are you familiar with

our guest guidelines?

Ahh, no.

Jeans and denims are prohibited

in all public areas.

So is cellphone use.

Exercise attire in the gym only.

Okay, thanks.

Mrs. Delmonico's expecting you.

I circled the house on the map.

Take care.

You have a good day.

Solid bronze doors, like a fortress.

Oh, your father was

treasured by this community.

And what did he do to make himself that?

Well, he was just a peach to be around.

Considerate, cheerful.

Cheerful, my father?

Oh, his Christmas parties

were the highlight of the season.

He invited everyone.

Staff from the club, friends

of friends, his helpers

all mingled here with the elite.

Like who?

I'm just curious.

I mean, this very house was

built for a great president,

as I'm sure you know.

Yeah, he must

have been great advertising.

The club has never needed

advertising, Mr. Rudd.

And General Eisenhower

was a lot more than that.

I had the pleasure of

meeting him when I was young.

My father was supposedly

an Air Force liaison

to his National Security

Council staff after Korea.

Youngest guy in the room.


tells you a lot, doesn't it?

Like, what?

That they trusted him, obviously.


What a gem of a house this is.

Now some people prefer the fairway views

but I'm sure you'll agree

that the vistas from Valhalla

Heights can't be beat.


Excuse me, Jeremy?

Blue flower.

I could have met you at the house.

I haven't quite settled

in over there at Valhalla.

Thanks for coming.

What's in the box?

His ashes.

That was fast.

I can show you where

he wanted them scattered.

I also brought the permit to dispose.

Ah, you need a permit?

You can't just scatter

human remains anywhere.

How would anyone know?

I didn't make the rules.

Do you mind if I sit down?

Please, come on.


Sure, that'd be great.


I've put quite a dent

in their Glenmorangie.

Here, take mine, it's fresh.

It was your father's favorite.

So, you worked for him, what, every day?

Yeah, whenever he needed me.

He also had a housekeeper.

Well, sounds

like a good gig for you.

It was.

He was definitely independent

but he valued company.

For example, going to the theater.

A lot of good theater

out here at Palm Desert?

Do you always write on this?

Oh, yeah, it was a bad habit.

Now unfortunately I find it prudent.

I hear you.

Who the hell wants to get hacked?

And my notes are always with me

or stored off-site, never on a computer

even if it's air-gapped.

Smart man.

Well, I have the mailbox keys for you

and all the security codes.

All the sheets in the

house should be clean.

Don't be offended, I brought my own.

I like them starched.

Your father did, too.

Tell me you didn't know that.

I didn't know that.

Or maybe I'm forgetting it.

I do remember quite vividly the blue paper

in which the sheets came

wrapped from the French laundry.

We made kites out of it.

Well, I'll leave you to your writing.

It's nice to meet you.

And you too.

Thank you.

Wait a minute.

Good God, I don't want this around.

Can we scatter it?


Where are you taking

me, Laurie Larkspur?

What's with all the questions?

It's my default position.

So what do you do when you're not

assisting retired Air Force generals?



A lot of oldsters in this town

that can barely push a button.

Your dad was one of them.

You helped him with his computer?

Don't you need some sort of clearance

to see that stuff?

I wasn't allowed to open any documents.

That part of his life was off limits.

Ask no questions, know what I mean?

Yeah, it all seems pretty loose to me.

I would have asked questions, Laurie.

I live right over there

behind those mountains.

The high desert.

For what its worth,

you're all running out

of water equally fast.

This it?

Something you wanna say?

I'll save it for the memorial.

Just, goodbye Nelson.

Goodbye, my father.

Goodbye, all my fathers.

20 years, has it really been that long?

Hmm, we've had some contact.

Some years back he threatened

me with a libel suit

if I used his name.

In a piece I wrote on

biological weapons development.

And you used his name?

Oh yes I did.

And he, they retaliated.

Whoever "they" are.

Retaliated how?

Suffice it to say, I try not to drive.

If I have to rent a car like out here

I know exactly what to

look for under the hood.

Sounds like an ordeal.

I don't mean to scare you.

Do you tend to do that?

No, I'm normally perfectly congenial.

And I'm a very good cook.

I'll cook for you

sometime if you're lucky.


As long as you know that

your reputation precedes you.

Which reputation is that?

The whole

kit and caboodle, buddy.


Thank you.

Oh, boy.

Nos No Una Nos Abeo Una.


To the guy who saw it coming

and left it for us to clean up.


Welcome to California!

How's your game, General?

Could stand improvement.

What'd you sh**t today?

Mmm, I haven't been out yet.

I'll let you know when I am.

Well, what'd you sh**t

last time you were here?

If it weren't for the 11th green,

I'd probably have shot an 88.

Where's Mamie?

Well she'll be out soon.

It's a bit early yet. You

know how women can be.

There she is.

Thank you so much for coming.

You are making us feel so welcomed.

Yes indeed.

- And it's great to...

- Oh, thank you.

Where is this from?

Oh, it's part of that side

that Moaney collected in Chicago.

Of course it is.

How many are we tonight?


Just what I like.

Delores, we're fine for now.

But you'll heat the oven at four?

Yes, Mrs. Eisenhower.

Thanks, Delores.

Seasoning is making me hungry.


How was lunch?

Just well.

Except I hardly felt like

going back for another nine.

Well, you'll just sit in the car

as long as you need to.

Believe you me,

that's just what I did.

Any calls?

Yes, but they'll wait.


I better do Washington

before it's too late.

Now why'd I know you'd say that?

Mr. Secretary, I'll

tell you the same thing

I told you last autumn,

you don't want to be in

Vietnam the next 20 years.

And you got Congressmen

saying these things publicly,

it's just making it harder.

We realize that, sir.

Well, untie Westmoreland's hands.

General, this is only partly

concerning Indochina.

That's the official reason

for my call of course.

General, have you heard of the town

of Kecksburg in Pennsylvania?

Sure, it's a couple hours from my farm.

There was an incident at Kecksburg

some months ago.

A crashed object.

A disc?

It was acorn-shaped.

Big acorn.

It's a curious shape.

What's also curious, General

is that the craft

apparently contained a map.

The map apparently contained a marking

that could be interpreted

as your farm in Gettysburg.

I'm sure that

was a misinterpretation.


I don't have all of the details.

I was simply asked by the special group

to request your clarification.

You think they were coming to visit me?

Why else would

they have your address?

Figuratively speaking, sorry.

Mr. Secretary, I've

made it resoundingly clear

I want nothing to do with that group.

Is there any room to interpret

your position as less than categorical?


And if the President wants my advice,

have him pick up the phone and call me

like he always does, huh?

General, I'm

sure you can appreciate

that President Johnson has no role

in the group at this point.

Which is precisely why I

want nothing to do with it.

Good evening, Mr. Secretary.

I'm just conveying a request

Not that dirty business again.

Give him credit for being relentless.

I'm gonna close your blinds.

Thank you, darling.

Now, you think you can relax?

I can try.


You never do needlepoint in this room.

Change of pace.

You're like a vision, divine.

Well, somebody slept well.

I declare, something smells scrumptious.

I hope it tastes half as good.


I got your jacket and slacks.

That's fine, Moaney.

I'll dress myself.

I'll leave them

in your dressing room, sir.

Thank you.

You buy this in town?

I did.


Oh, it suits you well.

Very je ne se quois.

Oh, two hours till guests.

Plenty of

time to mount an offensive.

Honey, you're already dressed!

Don't you worry.

Now who's that mysterious stranger?

No idea.

Hmm, come on, let's go.

Hello, hi.

Oh, Thalia, what a lovely dress.

Hello, Mamie.

Very good.

Good lord, this is like a pound.

I'm gonna k*ll these old boys.

Trust me, these boys like 'em big.

Well, then I'll oblige 'em.

On your orders.

I used to grill with

Nelson all the time.

Oh yeah?


And did he


It's okay, don't worry.

Your dad has plenty of pants

like those in his closet.

I think he was a 36.

Well, I'm a 34, thank you.

I can barely walk in the

son-of-a-bitch's room at this point

to tell you the truth.

What are you so afraid of?

How should I know?

Might do you some good to find out.

Listen, Blue Flower of Valhalla,

office hours are over now.


Burgers, ladies and gentlemen.

- All right, burgers!

- About time.

Who wants another transfusion?

Should I mix up a batch?

- Absolutely.

- Yes sir.

Very good.


'Ike's Transfusion'

is the official name.

I'll show you.

I just learned.


For this crowd, more vodka.

Equal parts Welch's grape

and some good brewed ginger ale.

Drop in a lime wedge.

According to the bartender

at the clubhouse,

that got Ike through his winters.

Then it must be good.



I see you two have met.

Larry Jacobsen.

Jeremy Rudd.

I'm glad you could make it.

I was deeply saddened

to hear about Nelson.

He was like a grandfather

and a brother to me.

I had just flown down to

Groom Lake from Vegas.

It was my first time at the Ranch,

still my post-doc year.

Nelson sits me down the very first day

to read me into my compartment.

"You know, Larry", he says.

"You seem like a normal

guy like the rest of us.

"And at some point a normal

guy is bound to be drunk

"at a party.

"And he is bound to have

an urge to come clean,"

"just share everything."

"And I want you to know,

we really don't care.

"We won't hurt you.

"But in fairness, you should know

"that we will k*ll your

wife, your children,"

"your mom, your dad, your

miniature f*cking pony."

"And your best friends one by one."

"But you'll be okay."

He was ready to k*ll me.

My first day, he was

gonna k*ll me.

Nelson was nothing if

not quick on his feet.

Good example.

We were down at Quantico

for a security conference.

We had just played a fast

nine holes on the course.

We run in to the outgoing Vice President,

this was a few years back.

I congratulate him.

And I point out with my usual tact,

well sir, the fact that

a colored socialist

has the self-preservation instinct

to appoint an ex-Marine Commandant

to be his National Security Advisor,

doesn't that give you hope?

At which point the Vice

President turns to Nelson

and asks, "I didn't just hear the General"

"refer to the new President

of the United States"

"as a colored socialist, did I?"

Without missing a beat, Nelson comes back.

"No, Mr. Vice President.

"The General has been unusually flatulent

"on the course today."

"That must have been what you heard."

And with that,

I need another Transfusion.

Yeah, of brain cells.

Allow me to stir you one, General.

I'm sorry,

it just came out that way,

now it just comes out that way.

Well I may live to regret my words

when I wind up leading the next

issue of the Peking Digest,

your esteemed broadcast.

Actually it's The People's Digest, sir.

Another memory lapse.

And you and the socialist go

back a long way, don't you?

That expensive prep school in Hawaii

that daddy sent your

ungrateful little ass to.

From what I hear,

the socialist isn't taking

your phone calls these days.

Is that another example

of his self-preservation instinct?

General, I daresay the

legend of your bellicosity

has not been overstated.

Gentlemen, I think we

need some more music.

Nor has the legend of your error-ridden

wildly inventive, some

might say treasonous,

I definitely say limp-dicked reportage.

All right, thank you.


Who ah, whoah, whoah, boys!

Oh, for Christ sakes.

We're not cavemen!

You feeling cold at all?


Can you open your mouth?

Sort of.

You might want to put

some pressure on this, okay?

The hell was I thinking?

Probably the same

thing we're all thinking.

That man was head of Air

Force Intelligence Command?

That's a real eye opener.

You know, if I may say so,

he is someone to regard with caution.


I can tell you that he an

a couple of the other guys,

they took quite an interest

in your Chetco Aircraft piece.

You think my father saw it?

Can't say for sure, but

they're a tightly knit bunch.

So I gather.

Maybe you can explain some

of his mission patches to me?

I could try.

NRO has to win the award for creepiest.

You tell me what a three-headed serpent

wrapped around the globe means, huh?

I have no idea.

Like ancient cave drawings.

Decipher a whole civilization.

What, NRO?

National Reconnaissance Office.

You know they managed

to keep their existence

secret for 30 years?

Now this one's a little more obvious.

TENCAP, Tactical Exploration

of National Capabilities.

There's some

wiggle room in that phrase,

National Capabilities.

What's with the alien face

and all the weird chevrons?

Oderint Dum Metuant,

that must have something to do with it.

My Latin's a notch down

from my Swahili, do you...

I believe it relates

to Emperor Caligula.

Let them hate so long as they fear,

some such nonsense.

I see you take shorthand.

I'm impressed.

I'm impressed you can

read it upside down.

Well it's spookery 101.

What about the inverted triangle?

You know, I'm gonna get you a doctor.

No, nope, I don't do doctors.

You're about

as stubborn as your old man.


I'll fetch you some

ice at least, how about that?

It may come as little comfort

to learn from this quarter

the esteem in which your father was held

by many in the armed services.

The only time I met him was once with you.

This must have been first

half of our senior year.

He was visiting from the mainland.

You asked me to ride out

to Hickam Field with you.

There was no mistaking how

much his political views

diverged from yours, and

by extension from mine.

I can only imagine it was never

easy to be that dude's son.

But he was nothing if not fascinating.

Humbly, I pray, old friend

that his passing may

allow you in some measure

as the view from these

digs has allowed me,

better to reconcile all the perspectives

that weave humanity's tapestry.

Golf or music, Mr. President.

Let's do golf.

My game yesterday was a shambles.

Wake up call?


Oh, sounds good!

About an hour before dinner.

Roger that.

Thanks, Ben.


We invite you to lie back,

relax, breathe deeply.

Inner serenity is the key to performance

in the outer world.

Whether you seek a better game of golf

or a greater sense of

oneness with the universe.

These binaural beats will help you

to get in touch with

deeper levels of awareness.


Glad to see you again.

Oh we were just finishing.


Your usual win, General?

Remains to be seen.

No matter.

Come here.

Could use some advice.

One lame duck to another.

Intention always gets

you answers, doesn't it?

When it doesn't get you into trouble.

What's it, 50 years since you died?

This thing's become a monster.

I thought I spelled it out.

You did.

Its deep state's only getting deeper,

all because of a handful of dastardly men.

That's one way of looking at it.

But not yours.

You see, this is why I need

your perspective, General.

Who are those dastardly men?

Ask yourself that.

And why is it they hold any sway?

Ask yourself that, hmm?

The Justice Department has indicted

five top executives and engineers

of Chetco Aircraft Corporation

under the Espionage Act.

This comes just one week

after a Federal Judge

found those same individuals

in contempt of court

for refusing to comply

with an injunction issued

earlier this month.

Both actions arose after Chetco announced

it would manufacture what it calls, quote:

'The world's first electrogravitic

performance enhancer

for commercial airliners, the Ipotane.'

I thought this might go differently.

Can you record something

analyzing the indictments?

I'd rather wait

on a long piece I'm doing.

I think the Atlantic might

take it at 6,000 words.

That's great, but I need analysis now.

What about the White House?


I don't have POTUS's cell phone.

I don't think he has one anymore.

He's gonna have to take

questions sometime, yeah?

Ah, good point.

By the way, what the hell

happened to your face?


Oh, yeah.

It's an odd world, let me tell you.

We had a little get-together

the other night.

Lot of drinking, kind of

a wake without a body.

Who's we?

A few of the old man's cronies.

The girl who worked for

him did the organizing.

She's a good kid and we've hung out a bit.

Not a good idea, you're vulnerable.

She's part of the story somehow.

Which story?

I'm getting the feeling

it's all one g*dd*mn story.

I'm reading Larry Jacobsen's book.

You read it?


You said you loved Tesla tech.

Not by way of his lying mouth.

You seem to know a

thing or two about him.

Yeah I wish I didn't.

He tried to hit on me at

a UFO conference once.

I didn't realize you

go to UFO conferences.

Yeah I've been to a couple.

I don't really advertise it.

It's nothing to be ashamed of.

Then why are you making the case?

I'm just curious.

Yeah he was there giving

one of those insider talks,

trying to titillate people

with disinformation.

Why'd we invite him to the memorial?

We didn't.

He just showed up?

Well he was your

father's protege, kinda.

I assume that story he told

you about Area 51 was true.

Did my father confirm it?

Not to me.

I knew they worked there together, but,

On what?

Don't know.

Why don't you ask Larry Jacobsen?

Oh I will.

I doubt he'll tell me.

All I know is he's a spook

and they themselves don't

know when they're lying.

I find these people and what they do

disconcerting to say the least.

Welcome to your father's world.

The hell is that?

Hey there.

Welcome, thanks for stopping by.

Thanks for having us.


Let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you.


Excuse me, who is the artist here?

Ah, good question.

Luckily for you, the price reflects it.

Reflects that it's unsigned?


It's unsigned, but that

is a gorgeous painting.

I really love it.

How much?

Are you seeing this?

Who the hell painted this?

Some local.


Definitely wasn't Nelson,

I can vouch for that.


Maybe somebody in the clubhouse knows.

So you're taking that back

to the rambling brownstone?

Damn right I am.

It's brick, actually, bricks tone.

You should come visit.

Plenty of room.

You know I've never

been east of Flagstaff?



So many places that I wanted to visit.

What's stopping you?

It's complicated.

But I'll get around to it.

When you do, that'll be

hanging in your guest bedroom.

Wanna eat?


It's hard to get the hair right.

It's even harder to keep it straight,

I'll tell you that.

At least you have

something to keep straight.

You know what I miss most

since we left the White House?

Having a barber right there

whenever you need him.

That's right.

What about a n*gro cowboy?

What would he do if there

wasn't a barber around?

He'd cut it himself.

Think so?

Or take some

pomade from his saddlebag,

slick it down, it gets too long.

That's right.

You know, speaking of cowboys,

Mr. Zanuck sent over

his new western picture.


Yes sir.

In case you feel like a movie tonight.

Maybe tomorrow.

I might take a tablet.

Didn't sleep well.

General, if that new picture's anything

like Mr. Zanuck's last picture,

you won't need no sleeping tablet.

That's right.


V. Forrestal becomes America's

first Secretary of Defense.

Now that the long battle for

unification of the services

has been won,

the former Navy Secretary has this to say.

The National Security Act of 1947

constitutes the most decisive step

taken by the United States

in the foreign nation of

a national military policy

since the foundation of the republic.

It is a law which

represents an accommodation

between many divergent points of view.

But it is a workable law.

It is a step which will

help to maintain peace.

But if w*r ever should come again

it will help us to deal with

it swiftly and effectively.

America will be safer because of it.

They should have called it

the 'Flying Saucer Mayhem Act'.

What Forrestal had to deal with,

I mean, Navy's intransigence

all through then,

the unification battles,

strikes me as outright insubordination.

Of course it was, the backroom boys.

One thing for sure about them,

those dastardly men you complain about

is their tendency toward insubordination.

They're always gonna find a way

to do their own thing their own way.

Boy do I know that.

Navy had a lot of backroom

boys, I'm sure you knew that.

They weren't about to

give away their planes

to some upstart Air Force.

And they sure as hell

weren't gonna give away

their piece of the saucer pie.

Saucer pie?

Meaning round craft, ET's

operational hardware?

The gadgets.

They were meaningless at first.

We didn't understand how

they worked, nobody did,

not even the Germans we brought over.

So, gadgets led to agreements

with the ETs.

No, no, no, you're

getting ahead of yourself.

In '47 we had a monopoly

on the most powerful

gadget on earth.

And Truman wanted to keep it that way.

The shockwave

will arrive shortly.

But from what I understand,

didn't the visitors show

up for the most part

to keep us from using the b*mb?

They had

an eye on us after Japan,

that's for sure.

And they were willing to show us

how easily they could disable anything

with a nuclear warhead

that we tried to send up.

But the public didn't know this.

How were you planning on

dealing with the public?

That was always the

elephant in the room.

One thing for sure, you

couldn't tell the public

the whole story.

Because we didn't know the whole story!

The backroom boys didn't

know the whole story.


The visitors helped us.

They gave the public a mystery.

It was all about

acclimatization, Mr. President.

Controlled acclimatization.

Oh, looking better, my friend.

Oh yeah?

Much better.

And, I brought you a gift.

You know, some men are

embarrassed to buy makeup.

But this stuff can cover

just about anything.

Straight out of Hollywood.

Oh, thank you.

You doing well?


Doing what, dare I ask?

This and that.

That's what I get for asking.

How's the big essay coming?

It's coming.

Oh, touch.

That Chetco story didn't

play out like I thought.

You want coffee?

I'd love one.

I mean the whole,

it's impossible to report on.

It's all speculation.

Nobody's ever even seen

this g*dd*mn airplane

of theirs, the Ipotane?

I have.

No one outside the black world, I mean.

Didn't realize you had company.


You're his golf date?

I'm not saying there's much I can say

about Chetco necessarily.

Well, I wish you would.

You've got nosebleed

clearances, don't you?


clearances can be a curse.

Laurie's here organizing

my father's papers.

Princeton's taking them.

Yes, I know.

Unfortunately, all the

good stuff's locked away

in special access programs.

Born secret, forever secret,

no mandatory declassification date.

Well that's f*cked up, excuse my French.

Oh, I'm with

you a hundred percent, buddy.


Take my word, he's not gullible.

You may end up giving

away your crown jewels

without even knowing it.

You have no idea how

miserable I can make your life.

And you have no idea what

Nelson told me about you

and your family.

You're so lucky Nelson

didn't ask too many questions

about you, cunning little vixen.

Go f*ck yourself.

And there it is.

You having coffee, Laurie?


I've gotta go.

I have a client.

See you later.

Yeah, sure, thanks.

Thanks again.


You've seen the Ipotane?

You fly in it?

I have flown in it.

I haven't piloted it.

That's what I meant of course.

You might wanna see this.

It's conventional at first.

Then, at cruising altitude,

the jet engines ionize

their exhaust in such a way

that it creates an electrostatic charge

across the leading edge of the wing.

15 million volts of

performance enhancement.

Think of it as creating

a sort of gravity well

that pulls the plane into it.

Yes, in that sense it's

very much like a classic

flying disc. A round craft, if you will.

You and Lila, I can't

talk about flying discs.

How does it maintain its lift?

By shielding itself from gravity.


That's the other problem

with reporting on this.

Well it's only a problem if you're stuck

in the old physics.

Are you stuck in the old physics?

Well I don't want to be.


Because we can't get very far if you are.

Images, Mr. Rudd.

Images can go a long way

toward clearing things up.

Okay, I'm attentive.

Do we have the tee off at ten?

Your dad charged me with

safekeeping this stuff.

I like to think he trusted me.

Was he expecting to go somewhere?

You should really have the key.

It's technically yours now.

Do I want the key, Professor?

I think you might.

What the hell is that?


I planned a little showing.

Shall we?

25 offshoots or suckers

during the first 10 or

15 years of its life.

It usually requires from five.

It's the best

date shake I've ever had.

It's the only date shake I've ever had.

No one ever leaves

here without saying that.

That was my father's?


Thank the stars everything

still works around here.

After it's planted,

it requires an additional

eight to 15 years

Patrick Air Force Base, '58.

ICBM launch test.

It's a huge 48-inch lens.

And the m*ssile is heading

east across the ocean.

14,000 miles an hour, into subspace.

If you look in the upper

right corner of the frame,

a luminous object traveling

even faster appears.

And it directs a beam at the

m*ssile in several places.

This is a charged particle

beam of some sort,

completely disabling it.

Disables the guidance system?

It shut off the yaw gyro.

There was no warhead on

the m*ssile, of course.

But if there had been, we

have every reason to believe

that the arming and fuzing mechanism

would have also been disabled.

Un-f*cking believable.

And no one was hurt.

Have they declassified this?

You've gotta be kidding me.

Well, there's more.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

Mr. Rudd.

No, you're gonna force me to sign

some sort of inadvertent

disclosure agreement.

I am not gonna force

you to sign anything.

Relax, please.

Is that ours or theirs?

Well, if 'by

theirs' you mean the Russians.

I don't mean the Russians.

This is Ma it land Air

Force Base, February '55.

You can verify the date from the edge print

of the original negative.

That's straight out of the camera.





There, there.

You need a Xanax?

Hmm, no.


This can be an emotional experience.

What happens next?

Well therein lies a

vast tale, my dear friend.

Your father.


Like a few of us in the organization,

believed that it was time

for this to be made public.

This belongs to you, my friend.

This is bullshit.

More than once,

things almost went differently.

You think

Project Shamrock's the only

time b*mb we're sitting on?

I'll take your word for it.

And I'm flattered you'd think

I'd have any sort of pull

with my fellow congressmen.

You don't need pull, Jack.

You have the Speech or Debate Clause.

You can bring it up on the House floor

and they can't prosecute you.

No, but they can

censure me, vote me out.

Or worse.

Realize that all the security apparatus

of these United States could

wind up in the shitter.

Sure you want me to hear this?

You've got a lot more to lose than I do.

This country's got a lot to lose.

And I won't let it happen.

Not on my watch.

For the love of Mike,

won't you read some of this

into the Congressional Record?

Is this related to

what we discussed in Germany

two years ago?

Those balls of light?

Related, I presume.

But a lot has happened since then.

Read the Estimate.

Forrestal had

a Jesuit's secretiveness.

But what the backroom

boys didn't count on,

he also had a Jesuit's

annoying sense of morality.

He could think this thing through.

He realized it would be impossible

to keep this secret forever.

Drink up, Jim.

Mr. Secretary, if you don't mind.

You're a hero, Jim.

That's how Josephine and

the boys will remember you.

That's how the country will remember you.

They'll name a ship after

you, maybe a college.

What would you think of that, pal?

Time's running out.

If you don't take care of this,

you know what's gonna

happen to Jo and the boys.

It's too short.

You're a hero, Jim.

And you have my word.

No harm to Jo and the boys.

Forgive me.

Did you realize what had happened?

I knew he was overworked, confused even.

Later I got more information.

The question was, who was next?

Could it be Truman if he changed his mind,

decided to spill the beans?

I can't imagine Truman ever anticipating

an indefinite secrecy about ETs.

That's right, I don't believe he did.

You had men, good men,

having reactions within themselves

that they couldn't control.

They couldn't even begin to understand.

It may be hard for you

to fathom, Mr. President,

but 'w*r of the Worlds'

was still a fresh memory

to those men.

The safest kind of wildlife.


There's kind of an angle to this.

Why would they put a bench?

Sorry, stay over there.

Don't be so close to me.

Back off.

Caudiciforms, non-cacti succulent plants

with the large bulbous bases.

You knew that.

He's all over us,

- this guy.

- Yes.

He scared me.

We might have overstayed our welcome.

Do we owe you any more?

Not at all.

Did you...

Do you know this person?

Oh, in that picture?

No, I don't know the person, but,

Do you mind if I see it?

My parents knew him.

Love to show it to you.

He was known only as 'Swami'.

For nearly a decade he could be seen

meditating beneath the

serenity of the cacti.

You say your parents knew him?


He used to visit the garden.

When his time in the desert was over

he disappeared as mysteriously

as when he arrived.

You never asked my father about the photo?

I think he thought of it as good luck.

Like this guy

was his guru or something?

No, like a rabbit's foot.

Like 'Swami's got my back.'

I think he's said that once or twice.

'Swami's got my back'?!

No, that's the kind of photo a guru gives

to a devotee.

Honestly I think

he thought of it as a joke.

Like the little pink

tea cozy that belonged

to Mrs. Eisenhower.

I'm not familiar

with Mamie's tea cozy.

I'll point it out to you.

It's in the kitchen.

So are you saying the

photo might have been there

before my father bought the house?

Could have been.

I know a lot of the furniture was.

Oh, here we go, there you are.

Nope, don't turn around.

They've been there for a while.

Hey there, fellas.

Get out.

Get out!

Get on!

You okay?


That was interesting.

You've seen that car before?


- Oh god.

- It's all right.

Let's get out of the road.

It was no longer about

humanity's readiness.

It was about opportunism and turf wars.

Inconceivable amounts of money

funneled into defense contractors

who became guardians of the secrets.

False signals were transmitted,

one agency misled another.

And by the time my successor took office

and began to dissect the components,

so much could be hidden

from the president, you see?

But he had his resources like you had.


right, but the backroom boys

had more of 'em.

Whenever I ask about any of it,

the ET Industrial Complex, if you will,

the briefing I get

is like a puzzle.

They're leaving me to fill in the blanks.

But they give you just enough,

just enough to convince you

the secrecy needs to continue

and often they don't

give you the true reasons

for the secrecy.

Yeah they mix it up with the big tease,

that's for sure.

You gotta laugh, though.

I get invited to this room

at Fort Belvoir, right?

Who's the briefing officer,

Major General so-and-so.

Odd looking guy, dark glasses,

a lot of flags on his uniform.

Now he's got the tickets, let me tell ya.

All of them.

The scope tells us the unit has reached

a zero-value crossover point.

I will now switch in the

clamp feedback system

for self-powering

while simultaneously

disconnecting the external current

that powered the device

during its startup phase.

I will now add a load.

What's it doing?

Generating electricity, Mr. President.


Out of thin air?

You could say that.

It is self-powering a hundred percent

of its loads and losses.

It will continue to do so indefinitely,

subject only to mechanical shaft wear.

You know we don't grant patents

on perpetual motion, right?

And a few other things that

defy the laws of physics?

I'm well aware of that.

This, and other devices like it

have existed on your plan

They've existed for well

over a hundred years.

Why is it locked up

in a place like this?

When it could be out there

in the world, doing good,

getting us off oil?!

It'll happen when you're ready.

When I'm ready?

When the world is ready, Mr. President.

Who is he to say when

the world is ready?

Then come to find out,

every president for the past 40 years

has been given the same briefing

by the same briefing officer,

the same damn box.

And I bet you the fellow

looks just like he did

40 years ago.

Hold on, it gets better.

Later, the guy's name turns up on a list

of non-terrestrial flag officers.

You'd met your first spaceman.

Let me tell

you, that blew my mind

more than the box.

But did that not

strengthen your resolve

to lessen the secrecy?

It certainly confirmed the situation.

Wait, who are you?

This is Lars.

Our nickname, of course.

It's about time you two met.

Lars is the fellow who came to visit us

at Ma it land that day.

How do you do, sir?

Mr. President.

Your resolve.

I'm afraid, like a lot of things,

I had to check it at the door.

Next time you have him tailed,

try not to get me k*lled.

Be that as it may,

make sure your alternative media darling

doesn't wind up with keys to the store

wittingly or unwittingly.

Why do we care?

He keeps notes or recordings

of what Larry Jacobsen tells him?

He keeps notes on everything

including me, I'm sure.

Get them.

Will that help me get

out of this arrangement?

And here comes

the fashion statement.

Oh my god.

Nope, nope.


- No, no, no.

- Yes.

He's tall.

So when did he change?

He's a man who got divorced,

didn't see his family much.

He'd fly back from the mainland

a couple of times a year.

He just got bitter or something.

'Cause he didn't

wanna leave paradise.


Or his beautiful son.

I doubt I had much to do with this.

Oh, really?

I loved your hair.

Somehow I avoided the crew cut.

All right, what other

embarrassing things have you seen?

Well that's it as far as the movies go.

There's a couple of snapshots.

You mind if I work?

No, I don't mind if you work.


Sir, I have White House.

Deputy Chief of Staff Kat Rollins

calling for Mr. Jeremy Rudd.

Okay, thank you.

Sir, this is not a secure call.

All right, I understand.


How you doing?

Oh, thanks, that's sweet of you.

I had no idea he was

so well liked, frankly.

There are making a stop

on their way back from Hawaii.

Ma it land Air Force Base,

near where you're staying.

Ma it land?

I didn't see that on the public schedule.

Just got added.

Some remarks to the guys

and gals in uniform.

Oh, brother.

And how would that possibly interest me?

Chief just thought

you might like to be there.

Oh, okay, why didn't you say so?

Think we're calling

to thank your sorry ass

for the Chetco headache?

Hey, it is not my fault no one else

is reporting on it.

I'd like to know how it got to this point.


Off the record, if you want.

Why didn't anybody stop them sooner?

Asked and answered.

We're trying to stay out of Chetco.

Is he gonna declassify

and end this whole mess?

You know more

about this than I do.


Can I bring a guest with me?

Send me the

details and I'll find out.

All right thanks, her

name is Laurie Larkspur,

like the flower.

Aw, get her social

security number if you can.

- Make it easier.

- I'll try.

Thank you.


In 1944,

Churchill gave me a talk.

He said the 'high cabal'

intended to keep all this secret

for two generations.

Now at that time, this

seemed reasonable to me

given all the trauma the world

had suffered during the w*r.

But eight years later, once

they gave me the presidency,

a lot was changing.

I was warned.

I was warned that the saucer business

could turn in a very ugly direction.


I take it you're gonna tell me

what I need to know about

these damn visitors.

There's more of them, that's for sure.

Biggest year so far.

They're at all the tests.

We got a report last week

they disabled the fuzing

mechanism on an A-b*mb.

Now that's troubling.

Very troubling.

It's bad enough they overfly the Capitol,

bad enough the public sees them,

knows there's not a damn thing we can do.

Public finds out they

can shut off an A-b*mb?

You betcha.

They're gonna ask why can't

they just as easily fire one.

What do I tell 'em?

Nothing, of course.

That's easy for you to say.

I'm in a press room, some

reporter wants to know.

He's got a right to know.

Like hell he does.

They can see these

things with their own eyes!

They can see 'em but

they're not gonna believe it

until we tell 'em to believe it.

Sounds like quicksand.

It's called cognitive dissonance.

And it's how we control this information.

g*dd*mn your psychological

ops, it's still quicksand.

We need time.

We need time to develop

more leverage with them.

The ones we can

- speak with anyway.

- Ah, f*ck.

It's still quicksand.

For crying out loud,

how do you develop

leverage with a spaceman?

You'll get no argument

from me there, boss.

In fact, you need to know,

I'm leaving the group.

My seat's gonna be vacant.

What perfect timing.

Honestly, I have no other choice.

I'm gonna have to leave it right there.

My advice, if you want it

is get your own man into that group.

Your brother maybe.

Let me tell you, it'll

be a cold day in hell

that my brother leaves academia

for your flying saucers.

You can take this

thing with the visitors

any g*dd*mn way you care to take it.

But if you try to clean up this mess,

God forbid you try to

make any of it public,

the group will be one step

ahead of you at all times.

If I'm not mistaken, Beetle,

most of those fellows wear the uniform

of this country.

Trust me, they don't answer to it.

I find that hard to believe.

At the very least, you'll never get it

straight from them the

way Truman did at first.

Nah, and if you try,


laugh right in your face.

And they'll remind you that any connection

between them and the White House

is paper-thin at this point.

They're gonna learn

fast that I mean business.



Don't ever forget Jim

Forrestal meant business.

They will lie to you.

They will thr*aten you if they need to.

And how you choose to respond

could damn well determine history.

I felt the way that I felt

the first time I set foot

in a concentration camp.

I wanted to react, I wanted to react

in the way any normal

American would react.

But I couldn't.

I couldn't because I knew too much.

I knew the way things really work.

And knowing the way things really work,

I knew that I had work to do.

I feel like we're being set up.

You know, why not just send

the footage anonymously?

So they can make it seem

like you did something

illegal to induce the

disclosure, that's why.

No, this fell into my lap.

Yeah, it looks otherwise.

I realize that, but

think about what it means.

We've had access to

anti-gravity technology

for what, more than 60 years.

This footage, believe me.

It illustrates that beautifully.

Hello, Earth to Jeremy.

The whole thing then becomes

about proving it's authentic.

Okay and in the process, you

just throw the credibility

and your reporting on Chetco

- out the window.

- Lila, Lila.

This stuff is credible,

specially when the forensics

check out, believe me.

I mean, it may be unbelievable

but I guarantee you it's authentic.

It's a distraction, for Christ's sake.

Hold on.

Hey, come in.

I'm on with Lila.

Who's in the room?

Did you get her legal opinion?

Lila Parnell, Larry Jacobsen.


How do you do?

My huge pleasure to meet the engine

behind America's finest newscast.

Okay, very kind, Professor.

Be careful, he's a flatterer.

To answer your

question, I'm having lunch

with a lawyer in half an hour.

Well allow me to save you some money.

It's highly unlikely the

government would charge you.

You know, you're a bonafide news outlet.

You're adding value to the information.

There are strong First

Amendment precedents.

No criminal intent on your part.

If, on the other hand, Mr. Rudd chooses

to retain his father's memorabilia,

he could be seen as a co-conspirator.


In the theft of classified

government property.

I didn't talk to him for 20 years.

How is that conspiracy?

Well, given the facts and circumstances

it might not be hard

- to build a case.

- No, no, no, no, no.

Gentlemen, I need to get going.

If I may say so,

you need to see the footage.

May I send a plane for you?

A plane, for me?

No, there has to be some other way.

I'm afraid not.

That all sounds very

cloak and dagger, Professor.

You know, we do have a secure drop box.

Don't kid yourself

what's secure, Ms. Parnell.

Ah, right.

I'll get back with you.

She winked at me.

What do you think that means?

Probably that she likes you.

Or she's afraid.

Hopefully her lawyer

doesn't make her more so.

I can't play golf today.


No, it's more important

that you get your bearings.

I thought I had 'em.

Take that with you, please.

As you wish.

I'm not gonna

help you carry it, even.

You know what makes me sad, my friend,

if I may call you that?

You know, if you don't use this film,

we'll offer it to another outlet.

And of course they'll take it.

And of course, they'll

sensationalize it to death.

And then what?

It becomes another act in the circus,

another pipe in the mighty Wurlitzer

I guess you'd say.

Without your discernment,

without your analysis,

without what I know is

your commitment to honesty,

then this just disappears into folklore.

No more or less fondly remembered

than, say, the alien autopsy hoax.

Which, by the way, wasn't one of ours.


I have to assume you have no idea

who this Laurie Larkspur is?

Wait, Kat?

What number is this?

It's a phone booth.

And be glad it is.

Do you know who she is?

She's my father's assistant.

She helps old people fix their computers.

Haha, that is priceless.


Your Laurie works for

the Department of Energy's.

Office of Intelligence

and Counterintelligence.

Ask me how she got the job.

You of all people should know the case.

Are you sure you have the right person?

She was an activist

charged three years ago

under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act

for trying to hack DOE.

That's some wild story about UFOs

preventing a nuclear

disaster out at Tonopah.

That was her?

She was looking

for evidence proving it.

Real name is Beatrice Ward.

Did they convict her?

It was never tried.

Energy got the charges suspended

so they could hire her

under a new identity, of course.

Well if they hired her,

they must know about the case.

I'm sorry.

I suggest you be very careful

what you share with her.

And by the way, the Air Force

doesn't want her anywhere near Ma it land.

Neither do we.




Assistant interviews continued.

Laurie Larskpur, 2:15 p.m.

2:15 p.m.

In Silicon Valley I was a cog

in a very big machine.

Sure, the perks were great

but I wanted my own business.

So when my mom got sick

and I had the chance to help

her and move to the desert.

Well, with all of the

retired residents out here,

this is a very strong market potential.


So would your IT needs represent

a big part of the job?

Oh that's part of it, yes,

I'm hopeless with computers, but,

I still write longhand.

Most of what I'm doing right now

is writing my memoirs.

I'll make no bones

about it, Miss Larkspur.

Is it Miss?

Yes, but I prefer Laurie.


There is a social aspect of the job.

I'm looking for someone

who's at home in groups

and even older ones.

I'm looking for a gal, frankly,

who's not drawing Social Security.

I won't ask you to do

housekeeping or cooking

or crack my back for that matter.

Well good, 'cause I wouldn't do that.

But I would like

someone who's flexible enough

to want to step out for

dinner once a week or so,

maybe even take in a show.

That sounds great, actually.

What about your dad?

Is he out in this neck of the woods?

My dad and I actually haven't spoken

in quite some time.

In all honesty, General,

he did some stupid things.

Which is why I haven't really

stayed in touch with him.

One would think he would be

very proud to have a daughter like you.

Why is that?

Well, you're obviously

a very together young woman.

Your background check is flawless.

And you're certainly a caring person.

What I was saying was with

the retired folks, they,

Tell the truth.

Right after you were inaugurated,

how quickly did you sprint from the podium

to wherever they keep

the files on Area 51?

'Cause I know you looked.

'Cause I would look.

I - I - I gotta tell you.

I - I didn't sprint right

after putting my hand

on the bible.

You see?

I mean there were other

more important things to do

before running to chase after, you know.

But I will tell you that, uh, uh,

I have seen some stuff.

But I'm really not at liberty to say.

Oh, okay, but that is saying.

No, no.

That is saying something.

My wife has taught me this.

I know that one too.

But I'll tell you, I'll tell you.

The reason I'm not able to say anything

is because the aliens

don't want us to know.

No, no, really, really.

They don't want us to know their secrets

till they WANT us to know their secrets.

It'd ruin their plans.

It's the story of the century.

The press won't take it

past the giggle factor.

It's like the ships are on the horizon

and everybody's waiting to

be told that they're real.

And then when you try and

tell them that they're real,

they complain that you're

feeding them disinformation.

If that's not cognitive

dissonance, I don't know what is.

The answer is in one word, fear.

The same fear that allowed Mr.

McCarthy to do what he did,

same fear that allows

Congress to fund every w*r.


It's what let the backroom

boys steal history.

Given their bloodlines,

they assumed it was theirs to steal.

As a student of history, I'm curious.

Why didn't you stop them, General?

Oh, I had hoped.

I had hoped maybe I could outflank 'em.

Obviously I wasn't able to do everything

that I had in mind when

I got into the office.

You know, but that's our democracy

and that's the way it works

and that's the way it's supposed to work.



How you doing?


Gonna be a beautiful sunset.

Do you wanna hike?


Let me just throw my shoes on.




I had an unsettling

phone call yesterday.

A friend of mine from the White House.

Oh yeah?

President's giving

some remarks up in Ma it land.

And now I'm personally invited.

So what's so unsettling?

Well, he just

added it to his schedule

out of the blue.

I don't know what he's gonna say.


Yeah, I'm done with suspense.

Aren't you?

I mean, my father dies, I come out here.

The Chetco piece blows up.

People get indicted for what,

trying to make the world better?

My father's young assistant

wants to hang out with me.

My new best friend's a spook

who also wants to hang out.

You know he's not reliable.

Yeah I don't know

what's reliable anymore.

Why are you hanging out with me?

Well if you have to ask

What are you doing with me, Laurie?

You know, paranoia's your

least attractive trait.

I'm usually pretty good

at separating the real

from the not.

It's what I do.

I'm not doing this.


Can we have a real

conversation then, Beatrice?

Would you just talk to me?

Get off me.

Beatrice Ward?

I'd love to know if anything was real.

f*ck off.

Hi boys.

How we doin'?

There we go.

Bye bye!

Good luck!

For the record.

Department of Energy, previously known

as the Atomic Energy Commission.

These are the geniuses that maintain

the Nevada Test Site.

Over a hundred nuclear tests carried out

above ground at that site,

radiological experiments

conducted on United States

soldiers and citizens

at that site.

A site, part of that

site called Water town,

also known popularly

as Area 51, Groom Lake.

Home for 70 years of special

clandestine projects.

One or more of which had their origins

in technology recovered from

extraterrestrial objects.

Well nowadays, it's hard

to separate the ET hardware

from the you know, our own,

but I imagine they like it that way.

This is technology.

Propulsion technology, energy technology,

antigravitic technology that literally

could save the planet.

But what's the rush?

What remains to be seen is

whether anyone in certain

circles has the courage

or the wherewithal to

declassify this information

and stop this f*cking

idiocy once and for all.

The clock is ticking.


We come to you

now as we share a concern

with many civilizations

at the very dangerous

undertaking now unfolding

on your planet.

My dear Mr. President,

you are at the helm of a

great ship riddled with holes.

We commend you, your steady hand,

your love of all that

is good in your people.

But your people's love of competition,

their love of leading

others to the precipice

may also lead to the end

of your civilization.

We humbly offer now at your request

the knowledge we have gained

of how to harness limitless energy

that does not poison your planet.

We can help lift all

the people of your world

in a cradle of prosperity.

To do this, the people of your world

must choose to rise as one.

Mr. Ambassador, those

are beautiful sentiments.

But we have seen very recently

our civilization turned to barbarism.

We simply strive to maintain a balance

that prevents another w*r

of unthinkable destruction.

It is what you would

call a losing battle.

Our world was once very much like yours

with factions keeping

one brother from another.

We have evolved into

what you would think of

as a unitary consciousness.

A collective that aspires

to greater realms of service by combining

the abilities of many individuals

in the service of the All.

You and your people

are part of that All.

You see, for some time now

we have chronicled your evolution

from several different

time frame points of view.

Including your future.

From now, we observe a deep transition

occurring in your civilization.

From the future of now,

we see you slowly enjoying

the changes you've made.

What's not to like about this guy?

Have that dialogue, Mr. President.

The public wants that dialogue.

Can I take Lars with me?

Would that you could.

Would that I could have.

Lars, unfortunately, can't

answer the hard question.

And it's as relevant

to you as it was to me.

How do we, humanity, get through this

with our power intact?

And I'm not talking about might.

Our visitors made it clear it couldn't be

about having a military advantage.

It's about every individual's power

to forge his own destiny.

In other words,

how do we make the people feel

like they're a part of some

creative evolutionary process

as opposed to being

jerked around like puppets

by a conspiracy of bankers,

bluebloods, the media.

Fill in the blank.

Fill in the blank.


With the greatest possible respect,

the idea that our people

would ever just accept

the notion of a genetic

intervention throughout history

Mr. President, your

bellyaching is exactly the excuse

we used over and over again

to justify the secrecy!

The idea that these

beings are among us now

influencing world events,

tipping the scales of power,

Get over it, we're

all cosmic mutts here!

It doesn't make us any less as a people.


I mean, you're not even

physiologically incarnate

at this point.

Neither am I.

And yet our concern

has never been greater.

Nor our love.

What I was compelled to remind myself

with gratitude every day.

What the people will one

day remind themselves

with gratitude is how more than once

without ever tipping a hand,

without asking for a thing in return,

Lars's people and others like them

quietly stopped us from blowing

ourselves to kingdom come.

My dear Mr. President.

The many voices you hear in

the conduct of your leadership

often seek destruction.

They seek the cessation

of humanity's progress.

They seek only their own enrichment

through the domination of

others and your Earth Mother.

This you have seen in many guises.


You can't make this stuff up.

How the hell did he learn our language?


Outlying campus.

Mr. Ambassador.

That's Ike.


What am I seeing now?

What you would call your future.

It's glorious!

Glorious, did he say?

And it can be glorious.

Surely someone

can authenticate his voice.

No, that's him.

I'll get an expert to

go on camera, it's him.


Shit, where's my drink?

Oh you're gonna wanna be sober for this.

We ask you now to

listen to your own heart

and know that it beats with

the heart of your people.

And all that is good in your people.


Can I

Can I surmise you're on board?

What if my puddle jumper goes down

on the way out of here?

Well, I can have it

sent by armed courier

if you don't mind the spectacle.

I'll manage, Professor.


You were right.

If we don't do this, who will?

I'll leave you here.

You know, I don't do,

When the hell are you coming back?

You sorta need to be there.

Next week, after POTUS's

remarks up in Ma it land.

What's your gut telling you?

You think this is part of our story?

Could be, if he has the balls.

Why else would Kat want me there?

Just to be clear.

We go with the story regardless

of what the lying SOB says.


Be careful.

Yeah, keep me posted.

All loaded, Mr. President.

Shall I take your gym bag?

Not yet.

Damn, I don't wanna leave this place.

I don't blame you.

What's the weather like at Ma it land?

Dry and windy tomorrow, sir.

Anything else for now?


Wheels up in an hour, sir.

Roger that.

This breakthrough technology

is often inaccessible

due to the secrecy of the

Special Access Programs

in which it is developed.

It might as well exist in another world.

In fact,

it might as well exist in another world.

That is why, effective today,

I have issued an executive order

that immediately declassifies

certain breakthrough

energy and propulsion technology.

This will in no way undermine our ability

to control the military

application of this technology.

What it will do is enable inventors,

talented, eager men and women

to build upon and improve the technology

for the benefit...

To build upon and improve the technology

according to established law

for the benefit of humankind.

As long as there are folks like you,

then I'm confident that

our nation will endure,

and hope will overcome fear.

And I'm confident that

better days lie ahead.

Thank you very much, everybody.

God bless you.

God bless the United States Armed Forces.

And God bless the United

States of America.

Nelson Fenimore Rudd

may have had no intention of disseminating

the film he stole.

But even if the friendly

spook had kept it secret,

the general had to have

known that somebody, someday

would find it.

I like to think that my father knew

we'd find it sooner rather than later.

I like to think somehow that redeems him.

That his faithful

service to the deep state

was guided by the knowledge that one day

the truth would widely be known.

Yeah, yeah.

Hey, Rudd.

Mr. Rudd?

Miss Larkspur is here to see you.

No, thank you.

I'm sorry

ma'am, he's unavailable.

Jeremy, please,

just give me five minutes.

Wait, is she alone?

Yes sir, I believe she is.

Send her over.

I just want you to know that

I had no choice with them.

They were ready to send

me away for 15 years.

Well you must

be really dangerous then.

And for what it's worth,

Nelson knew my whole story.

Well, that

makes one Rudd who knew it.

All he said was

tell them anything they wanna hear

because it's not gonna make a

damn bit of difference anyway.

I need to leave for the station.

Use this. For the Chetco story.

Don't you dare give that to me.

It shows that it works.

That it was definitely

borrowed technology.

So is my

smartphone, they tell me.

It's all true, Jeremy.


If one more lying person says that to me!

It's all true.

I'm sorry that the

President let you down.

I wanted him to declassify it too.

Well, can you blame him?

He wants to see his kids grow old,

he doesn't want to contract

some rare form of cancer,

he wants a big advance on his memoirs.

You could have a word with him.

I'm not sure he's

taking my calls right now.

Write your story.

I'll help you in any way that I can.

Did aliens really stop

whatever the hell that nuclear

disaster was out at Tonopah?

Of course they did.

Well at least the Enquirer got it right.

General, what do

you think will be the outcome

of Operation Junction City in Vietnam?

What do I think it'll be?

You're asking the wrong man, son.

Well if anyone

can predict, you can sir.

From what I understand,

we're trying to crush the

Ninth Division of the Vietcong

and I'm sure the rest is classified.

All I know is we've got some very capable

fellows working on it.

Yes, sir.

The 1st and 25th Infantry Divisions.

I'll be one of them soon.


No, sir, I got drafted.

I report next week.

Make us proud.

I'll do my best, sir.

That's all you can do.

But let's end this thing soon.

That's my hope, sir.

Well everybody, Mamie and I

have a big country to cross.

I wanna thank you for being here

and see you next year!

Thank you for coming.

Amtrak Southwest

Chief, bound for Flagstaff,

Albuquerque, Kansas City, Chicago,

and points east, now

arriving on Track One.

Evening sir, I am

your sleeping car attendant.

Looks like you're about

the only one getting on.

Can I take your bags?

Yeah, thanks.

I brought my own sheets.

I hope you don't mind.

You guys don't starch them anymore.

The smell of the starch helps me sleep.

I know that sounds crazy, but,

No, no, it

doesn't sound crazy at all.

Believe me, I wish we still starched them.

Follow me, please.