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Intentions of m*rder (1964)

Posted: 11/26/23 08:31
by bunniefuu

Oh, no...

Kinu, come and help!

The priest may have said to do this

but it's too cold for it today...

Kinu, carry this to the shrine.

Go inside and lie down, dear.

You have a rest,
and I'll bring Masaru soon.

They say the reason the master has no heir

is that he was cursed by a white snake.


But I think it's the late master's dead mistress

who's haunting the family.

Stop it.
He'll start worrying again.

Do you want it here?

That's good.

It's Matsu the mistress,
I'm sure of it.

It's Matsu's curse

that k*lled the late master's wife.

Riichi, why not move in with me
as soon as you get back?

Well, it's not so simple, mother.
It's not convenient.

I'll come to see you.

No, I'll come here anyway
to collect money for my eggs.

You needn't do that.
Get Sadako to do it for you.

What if the money's short?

She forgot
your change of clothes.

I can't leave it up to her.

Here comes mother!

What took you so long?

Sorry, I ran all the way...


What's this?

I said "undershirts."

- Oh, did you?
- You made a mistake again?

I'm sorry.
I'll run back and get them.

Don't bother.
It's too late.

Good evening, Mr Takashi.

Off to Tokyo University?

Proud delegate to the
National Council of Libraries?

I'm going skiing at Zao.
See you.


You tell things
even to him?

- No, I don't.
- Then how did he know?

Who is he?

A student who's renting
a room next door.

- Sadako.
- Yes?

- Where are you going?
- For a platform ticket.

Don't bother.
Masaru only came for the noodles.

My boss is having
a house cleaning tomorrow.

- Go and help them.
- Yes.

Don't worry about Masaru.
He'll come to stay with us.

Bring back some sweets
from Toraya's for your father.

And something for me too.

I will if you
get rid of the white mice.

Then I don't want anything.

Aren't you cold?

Let's go to Grandpa's house.

Sorry, Mother.

Don't bother.
You don't have to do that.

Masaru, be good.

- Don't eat too much.
- I can take care of him.

Yes... thank you.

Mother, please don't get rid
of my white mice.

Dried sardines...
30 yen...

130 yen...

Television... repayment...

1800 yen...

Sadako, you're spending
too much on food.

But you and Masaru
aren't strong.

You need a lot of building up.

Because you're uneducated.

Riichi always feels ashamed.

"The same applies to Aiko.

"I don't think that smoking
is good for the health.

"But why is it all right
for a man to smoke

"and it isn't for a woman?

"This question involves
a large number of issues

"The question..."

When you're in Takayashiki

you obey Mrs Takahashi,

Your grandma Matsu
lived there.

She was the mistress
of the previous master.

So you're somehow related.

The present master is
a merciful man.

Help the family
and do as you're told.

They're the only people
who'll take you now.

Be a good girl and
please your mother in heaven.

Uncle, I want to go back to Tokyo.

Don't talk stupid.

Your mother's dead.
Where could you go back to?

Here she comes.

Exactly as you predicted it.

Why did she come?

She came, because her family
needs money like the devil.

Even if this means, that something
will happen to her.

Show me the little cat.

Where does she come from?


- Hey!
- Yes...

Give me your money.
No noise!

Give me the money.

In the drawer...


Don't look!

If you see my face
I'll k*ll you!


- You want to get k*lled?
- Help...

I'll k*ll you...

I'll k*ll you if you want...




What are you doing?

Go away!
Little bastard...

You look exactly like Matsu!

Nobody will know
if you don't talk.

Nothing happened...

A dream...

It must have been a dream...

I must die...

- Master Riichi...
- No.

You didn't take it
this morning either...

- Sadako...
- No...

- I love you...
- No, don't...

You shouldn't...

- Sadako...
- No, you shouldn't...

Why not?





Can I come in?

Can I?

Who's there?

Who's out there?


Scum! Thief!


If you come again,
I'll call the police, idiot!

You old bag!

You were waiting for him,
weren't you?

Keeping the light on this late.

No, it's not true...

Your grandmother was
our father's mistress.

Your mother
was a bar hostess.

And she had
a bastard child... you.

I don't want you to become
a slut like them, understand?

- I understand...
- Liar!

You opened
the window for him!

- No, I didn't...
- You're lying!

I didn't open the window...

Because of a grandma
I never met

I'm always getting scolded...

Honey, I'm sorry.

I must die...


I must die...

I must die, come what may...

I'm going to see Masaru,
then die.


Grandma bought me a jacket.

Is that right?

Masaru, did you have fun
at Grandma's place?

Your tummy didn't get upset?

What's wrong, mother?

I just fell down.

Wipe Masaru's nose.

Why are you crying?

He was only away
for two days.

Are you criticising me?

I paid the deposit for you.

You have to pay the rest.

I said you could wear it
until we got home, Masaru.

Take it off now.

What happened to the door?


I was going to fix the time
when I slipped...

The clock fell...

Get it fixed.
It looks terrible.

I'm sorry.

I hope...

you're not giving Riichi
wrong ideas, are you?

About moving to our place.

It'll take no longer to
the library than from here.

And the rent will be half
what you pay here.

And think about
Masaru's education.

He'll get a proper upbringing
only if he stays with us.

You should persuade
Riichi yourself.

I'm sorry...

I brought some pesticide for you.

What? Show me.

No, no.
It's a dangerous chemical.

It's called "Bordeau."

The tiniest drop
could k*ll you.

- Any sweets, mother?
- Okay...

Not before you wash your hands
after being outside.

My friends don't wash
their hands...


Don't copy the children
from around here.

You're not strong.

Go on...
There you go...


How long before you
put out this washing?


It's a sunny day.


You're late today.

I have a terrible headache.

That's unusual for you.
Not enough sleep?

I didn't get enough,
that's for sure.

The old man and her
kept me awake all night

with all that noise.


I really hate my old man.
He's insatiable.

Oh, hello!

Is she visiting you?

Oh, yes, the knitting machine...

Make your husband buy it.

It's years end
and we must clear the books.

I'd buy it for you

but the old man's retired now
and his son's so stingy.

I would like it

but my husband's
against it.

Just talk him into it.

Are you finishing
Sato's jumper?

Knit some more
and get money for the machine.

- Sadako.
- Yes.

Sadako, Grandma wants you...



The little mouse ate
the big one!

He must have been hungry...

Masaru... listen...

Masaru, don't fall asleep.

I need to talk to you, Masaru.

Listen, Masaru.

If I decide to die,
will you die with me?

Yes, I'll die...

- Really?
- Yes.

After I die,
I can go to school, can't I?

No, you can't go anywhere.

- Do you want a biscuit?
- No.

I'll tell Riichi...

If he doesn't forgive me,
I'll k*ll myself...


Who is it?

I'm from the library.

Isn't Mr Takahashi back yet?

No, not yet.
Is there something...?

There's a bit of trouble
at the library...



- Hello, Dad.
- Welcome home.

I got this vacuum
cheap from Mr Watanabe.

Oh, good.

You didn't go to help
at his house, did you?


Why not?

Maki's wife and
everyone else did.

Don't you care
what happens to me at work?

Of course I do...

Then why didn't you go?

I... had things to do...

Don't lie!

Why can't you at least
do what you're told?

Bring that thing over here.

Really, nobody is as unlucky as me.

A wife who watches TV all day,

and I'm buying her
a vacuum cleaner.

Plug this in.

You use it like this.

Let me have a go, Dad.

What happened to the door?

Your mother told me to put
new paper on for the New Year.

It's none of her business.

Can we afford it?
Show me the household book.

And this... Haven't you given
the knitting machine back yet?

Well... I will tomorrow...

You'd never learn to use it.
Give it right back.

Look, you overspent again.

Why is the electricity bill this high?

You watch TV all the time.

I don't watch TV much.
But the fridge...

We don't use a fridge in winter.
Turn it off.

Don't use the vacuum too much.

It's second-hand
but it's still new.

Unplug it at the power point.

- Dinner?
- No.

A woman came to see you...

Does she work
at the university?


She said there's a problem
at the library...

I know.

While I was away, Maki got
the nod as head librarian.

They're making a fool of me.

He's the son of a peasant.

You can't rely on anyone.

Nobody can trust anybody.

That bloody student next door
is at it again...

Are you asleep?

What happened to the cord?

It was broken...
I got it fixed...

What was wrong?

I had no idea
so I got an electrician...

Why did you get an electrician
for a thing like this, stupid?

- How much did he charge?
- 100 yen.


you know...

Out with it.

If I...

If I had an affair,
what would you do?


What, like a real woman?

Go ahead,
if you think you can.

But I...

You wouldn't go and
help the Watanabes...

Doing nothing but watch TV
is making you more stupid.

No... please don't...

- Masaru may wake up...
- It doesn't matter.



"Eros and Civilization"...

"Eros and Civilization"...


About Maki's promotion...

It's not officially decided.

Watanabe's disliked him since
the thesis incident last year.

He's also a relative of yours.

So, he doesn't want to
recommend Maki so easily.

I heard quite a bit
about it today.

So I wanted to tell you
all about it...

It's been such a long time
since you last came to my flat.


please don't forget to drop by
on your way home.

It's not what you think.

Someone, help!


If you go to the cops, I'll tell
your husband everything.

Bitch, look what you did to me!

I'll burn you!

k*lling someone is
nothing to me.

Mrs Takahashi...

Mrs Takahashi...

Look, if you want to scream,
go ahead.

Mrs Takahashi...

I'm from the appliance shop.

Anybody home?

You like me, don't you?

Idiot! Who would?
How dare you!

I'll tell them!

I'll tell them everything
about the other day.

You want that?

It's not...

I love you.

You love me too,
don't you?

Why should I, you jerk!


I'm a jerk...

But I'll die soon...

I want you
to be nice to me...



Your Yoshiko missed you so much.

Tell me...

Is it true Sadako's not
registered as your wife?

It's not true...

You know...

I had the abortion
for your sake alone.

And here I am
so unhappy...

I should have had the baby...

Cut it out.

I am your wife.

We've been like this
for ten years.

I've known you much
longer than Sadako has.

Haven't I?
Isn't that so?

It's me, your Yoshiko...

who's your real wife, you see...

That hurts...

Mrs Takahashi!

What's this cloth here for?

Mother! Are you home?

She's home.
I hear some noise inside.


You've walked me far enough.


- It'll be dark and dangerous.
- It'll be all right.

See you.

Wait, Riichi...

I bought this...

It's for Masaru.
It's a good book.

It's none of your business.
My neighbour saw us.

It doesn't matter, does it?


I want to raise Masaru

as my own child.

I see. Thanks.

So, you know...

And also...

I'm home.

Good grief...

One of the staff kept asking me
for help all the way home.

What a nuisance!


isn't that a new door?

- Here's a present for you.
- Welcome home, Dad.

That's a good book.
Read it carefully.

What's wrong?

Are you sick?

Mr Watanabe insisted
we go for a drink.

It's been a hard day.

It's all right.

Get dinner ready.

Why is the knitting machine
still here?

Hisako suggested
I use it to do small jobs.

It would pay the power bill...

It's bloody noisy next door.

What's the matter?

Did something happen?

Why are you looking like that?

Hurry and get dinner ready.

Why was I smiling?

Excuse me...
Can I...

Please excuse me.

Hisako! Bitch!

Run, Hisako!



You whore!

You and that bastard!

You don't pay me!
Stop acting like you own me.

I'm making my own living!
Nobody can tell me what to do.

Bitch! When did you start
screwing that kid?

Stop! Stop it!
This is not your home!

That's right.
Look, it's not your house!

- Sorry to disturb you.
- Let's go.

Hurry up, Hisako.
We've got to talk.

Terrible fight, wasn't it?

He found out
she was cheating...

They should fight
at their own place.


They broke the fence.

- What happened, mother?
- Nothing.

I'm sorry...



Aren't you ashamed?

Hiding in a stranger's house...

Get me a rag.


Go home.

I said go home!


Don't bother.

After all... you see...

It's wrong to bring trouble
into someone else's house.

Don't bother.
Get dinner ready now.

If I tell him,
everything will be ruined.

I can't tell him.
I can't, even if I die.

But... if that man
comes back again...

- May I help you?
- Show me some locks.

We have many kinds over here.

- Sadako!
- Yes.

You'd better watch him.

They seemed
more than just colleagues.

She must be a librarian.

They're always after him
for advice.

That wasn't it.
I knew that when I saw them.

Why don't you do the same?
Who cares?

You can make a living
from knitting.

Sadako, get me a screwdriver.

See? He's worried
about what I'm telling you.


- Sadako...
- You'll get cut...

- I don't care.
- Wait. I'll make the bed...


No, darling...

Madam, is the food
all right like this?

It's fine.

Nowadays, young wives are lucky.

They won't marry
unless they can wear tabi.

That's right.
Our generation is the worst-off.

When we married,
we could never wear tabi.

Now we have to buy tabi
for our daughters-in-law.

It's democracy.

Mother, the beans are ready.

Then fetch some eggs.

That wife of my son doesn't
wear tabi, democracy or not.

- Isn't Sadako registered yet?
- No.

Isn't it about time?

You know, it's not that simple
if you're the family head.

Sadako, you must come to visit
Matsu's grave on April 20.

It's 50 years since she died.

Was she really my grandma?

Of course.

The mistress and everyone
say you're the image of her.

If you keep on neglecting her
and don't visit her grave

sooner or later
you'll end up like Matsu,

cursing this family.

Wasn't she the
last master's mistress?

- That's right.
- Leave it. I'll do it.

This family took Matsu's baby
away and it broke her heart.

She'd wander around here
every night.

She finally hanged herself.


That daughter of Matsu's
was your mother.

That this family has no heir

is Matsu's curse.

Even now,

on the night of the anniversary
of her death,

you can hear her foot steps,
click, clack...

Stop it, Kinu.
You always try to scare me.


Scream if you like.
I want to talk.


- Let's go.
- To a restaurant?

We're going home!

Train fare, 15 yen...

Spring onions, 30 yen...

Payment on the TV set,

1800 yen...

This looks good on you.

A more reddish one
would have been better.

- But then again...
- What did the man do then?

- He followed Sadako outside.
- Then?

I followed but
lost them after a while.

You're lying.
Don't tell me rubbish.

- It's not rubbish.
- Yes, it is.

With your eyesight,
I can't trust you.

I can see things clearly
that are close to me.

I told you this for your sake...

Fool! Stop talking nonsense.

Are you trying to destroy my home?

I'm not...

You are.

I rang but no one answered.

Please, won't you
come to my place tonight?

I'm thinking of moving
nearer your house.

Don't be an idiot!

I love you.

First do this.

Then turn the dial towards you.

Pull the lever.

- Turn it back. That's it.
- But on the old machine...

Not on this one.
This is what you do.


It doesn't look right...
I do this?

- And then...
- No. Turn it this way.

- And...
- And turn it again that way.

That's it.

- Look. See?
- I see.

- Oh, you're home.
- Hello, Dad.

Hello, sir.

My inhaler.

It's dangerous,
leaving scissors here!

I was saying
to Mrs Takahashi...

To be honest,

I've missed too many
of Mr Watanabe's lectures...

If you could talk to him for me...

I hate favoritism, I won't do it.

- Go home.
- Oh, man!

Go home!

Was he here all day today?

No, just a little while.

Where did you go today?

To the department store...
the wool section first.

I asked about the knitting job.

Then in the bargain basement
I bought Masaru a coat.


You didn't meet anyone?



- Well?
- Truly, I didn't meet anyone.

Dad, look what Mum bought for me.

Did you go to the
department store too?


Did you meet someone?

I don't know.

Does the student
come here often?

Sure does.

- Doesn't he, Mum?
- Yes, sometimes.

Take it off and put it away.

- Mrs Takahashi.
- Yes.

Saving deposit, please.

- What?
- Saving deposit.

Well, what a smart coat
you're wearing!

Sorry I've come so late.

No one was home
during the day.

I'm sorry. Here you are.


Right. See you next month.

Thanks. Goodbye.

Show it to me.

28,000 yen...

You've been hiding this
for three years.

Why is that?

The account is in your name.
It's all my money!

I'm sorry.


I made that money
from my knitting jobs.

The household book...

The calculation looks wrong.


8,560 minus 5,220 is...

isn't it 3,340?

I know that!

What's this?

You've put lipstick on?

Look, mother.
This is awful.

My mouse is dead.


you asked me
something strange before?


About having an affair
or something...

I didn't say
anything like that...

You've forgotten already?

You did say that.

Did I say a thing like that?

Wasn't I talking about
something on TV?

Three months pregnant,

so since about mid-november.

So the sooner, the better.
Do you want it done now?

How much would it cost?

4,000 plus 500 for extras,
so 4,500 yen altogether.

Sorry for the delay.

The 12.50 train for Tokyo
is running three minutes late.

It will arrive shortly.

Three months pregnant.
The sooner the better...

Is it that guy's baby?

I haven't got pregnant
for six years...


I followed you from Sendai.

I didn't have a chance
to speak to you.

Are you pregnant?

Is it mine?

Tell me. It is, isn't it?

I know everything.

That's why you came
to a doctor so far away.

That's right, isn't it?

Isn't it?



Will you run away with me?

If we stay on this train,
we'll be in Tokyo.

I don't know
what will happen.

But even for a short while,

let's live together.

Let's go to Tokyo.

In Tokyo, we can manage.

Well? Come with me.

I know... We can take your kid.

I like kids. They like me too.

Stop it!
Stop talking about my kid!

It makes me sick to
hear you talk about my son.

The baby is not yours!

It's my husband's!
His and mine!

Go away, right now!

You promised you'd stop
bothering me. Go away.

Go away!

I'm done for...

I can't stop
thinking about you.

No matter what you say,
I can't help it.

- Come with me!
- Let me go!

I'll k*ll you.

What's wrong with him?

The ampule...

in my pocket...


Looks like he's going to die.