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Rocco and His Brothers (1960)

Posted: 11/26/23 07:54
by bunniefuu
Wake up, come on. We're in Milan.

Get up, Luca, we're here.

At last!

Come on, Mama.

Are you tired?

Rocco, the basket.

You got everything, Mama?

- Tired?
- You're sure you have everything?

- Where's Vincenzo?
- I don't know.

- Why isn't he here yet?
- Maybe he's outside.

Why isn't Vincenzo here?

- Why isn't Vincenzo here?
- I can't see, you look.


Want me to look for him?

- Don't get lost.
- I won't.

There's nobody here.

How beautiful!

- Ciro, look how nice it is!
- Big, isn't it?

Rocco, what a city!

Look at all those shops and the lights.

It's like daylight.

Excuse me...

What's the nearest stop to this address?

- It's the last stop.
- Last stop?

Last stop, end of the line. At Lambrate.

- Lambrate?
- Get off at Lambrate.

- He's my son.
- Your son?

- The oldest.
- Ah, the oldest.

We're going to visit him.

Let's toast the fiancés!

Best wishes! All the best!

One always ends up drinking
too much at these parties.

Here we are!

Thank you, thank you.

They've decided on their own.

Parents don't count anymore nowadays.

Well, we had to start sometime.

Besides, I don't feel
like going back down there.

I want to raise my family here.

Why don't you get married as well?

Me? Only my sister's dumb enough to do that!

He's worried about supporting us,

but we'll manage on our own.

- That's right.
- Right, Vincenzo?

Thank you.

- We're not looking for anything.
- Oh, Lord! Please...

That'll be Aldo.

I'm off to the cinema. Bye.

- Have fun!
- Bye, everyone!

- Bye, Ma.
- Bye. Have fun.

Thank you.

Always the cinema!
He lives on bread and movies!

It's a fixation with him.

I went along too, on Sunday
and immediately fell asleep!

Good evening. Do the Giannellis live here?

I'm Mrs Parondi.

Vincenzo, come and see who's here.

- Come in, come in.
- Thank you.


Oh, my son, my son...

Hey, Luca, how are you?

Rosaria, dear Rosaria!

And your family? Oh, God bless you!

This is Rosaria, everybody.

So these are your brothers?

- This is Luca.
- Hello.

- Simone. This is my fiancée.
- Hello.

- Rocco...
- Hello.

- ...and Ciro.
- Hello.

Leave everything here and come inside.

Come in.

Come inside.

It's Vincenzo's mother!

What along trip. Offer her some wine.

Come on in, boys! Come on in!

Offer them some wine, they must be freezing.

Handsome boys, aren't they?
The picture of their mother.

Ginetta, pass the biscuits around.

Really handsome boys. You must be tired.

It's true, they're all so similar.

They must be exhausted after such along trip.

- What a nice surprise!
- What's in there?

What misfortune we've had, my dear son.

But what is this? Aren't you
in mourning for your father?

No... well, it's just that...

This is Ginetta. I wrote to you
about our engagement.

You arrived just in time
to give us your blessing.

Marriage? You're rich enough to get married?

Especially now, with your whole family
dependent on you?

- If only you'd written to let me know.
- We did write!

Yes, but that was when Papa had just died.

I told you then,
"First I have to find them a job"

It's not that easy here in Milan...

- Have a seat, please.
- Make yourselves comfortable.

- Tell us about yourselves.
- Let's hear all about you.

Just make yourself at home.

- Ah, he's shy!
- You're just probably tired.

- No.
- No? That's youth for you!

It must be cold for you in Milan.

- No.
- Help yourself to some candy.

And what have you got there?

- Oranges.
- Oranges?

Amelia! Oranges from our hometown!

- Would you like one?
- Thank you.

Oh, the smell! The smell!

Thank you.

Listen, Rosaria, I thought
you'd come for their engagement.

And Vincenzo said nothing
because he wanted to surprise us.

But my heart's too heavy
to think about parties.

But listen, you came here
Straight from the station?


So where are you going to sleep
tonight? we've no room here.

My son won't leave us out on the street.

He'll take good care of us.

Listen, Rosaria. I'll be frank with you.

I can understand you being
worried about your boys,

but I have my daughter to think of.
She comes first!

She turns up just like that
and ruins everything!

- Mama, what are you saying?
- Your mother's right.

- You don't understand.
- I'm nobody's fool!

- Don't shout!
- Mama's right!

Let's get out of this house! Rocco! Simone!

- Mama, no!
- You're all crazy!

- Come to your mother.
- I'm not crazy. I understand, all right.

They want to keep you
from helping your mother.

They've no respect
for your dead father! Heathens!


- Let's get out of here!
- No, no.

- Quiet, you, you're one of them.
- Mama...

- Let's go, boys. Bring this.
- No, please...

God will punish you, for He judges everyone.

No, wait. They didn't mean to offend you.

- Gina, come on.
- Let go of me! Let go!

- Leave her alone.
- I'm not afraid of you!

Go on, get out of my house!

Hear that? What are you waiting for? Come on!

Get out and stay out!



Eh? Who is it?

It's Vincenzo. Let me in.

What's wrong?
What are you doing here so late?

I'll explain later.

Hurry up! It's cold!

So what are you doing here at this hour?

To get some sleep, if possible.
It's almost dawn already.

Let's hear it then, what have you done?

Nothing. I can explain everything.

Down, boy, down!

Come on in.
You're not afraid of the dogs, are you?

There's wood, a stove, all the comforts.

So let's hear your story, then.

My whole family turned up unexpectedly,
like an earthquake!

And then they started arguing
with my future in-laws.

I had to give up my room,
my fiancée and everything.

For you, a room and a fiancée
are one and the same?

- It's no joke.
- No.

How can I support my whole family?

Where will they stay?

I found Somewhere for them for tonight,

but tomorrow, God knows!

What's the problem?
Milan's full of empty houses.

Apartment buildings are sh**ting up
like mushrooms!

- And what about the rent?
- Listen to me,

do what all you Southerners do.

- Know what I mean?
- Not exactly...

You rent a public housing apartment

and if you can, you pay,
but after a few months you stop paying.

- How?
- Just a moment...

A month later, they evict you.

- How can I...?
- Hang on...

Then you join the other evictees
where you pay nothing

and there's central heating,
electricity, etc.

Milan's community would never leave
anyone on the street.

- Couldn't we go Straight there?
- No, you have to be evicted first.

- I see.
- That's the secret, understand?

- Good night.
- Don't be such an idiot.



I'm Mrs Parondi, open up!

- I'm coming! Hold on!
- Open up.

I'm coming.

- What's the big rush?
- Is this the place?

- There you go.
- I'm Rosaria Parondi.

Yes, Parondi, it's over there.

- Downstairs, on the lower level.
- Come on.

Good morning, Signora Maria.

Did you see those dreadful people?

- Where are they from?
- Lucania.

- Lucania? Odd name! Where's that?
- Down South.

Oh, there? The land of layabouts!

Wake up!

Ciro, it's snowing!

Rocco! There'll be work for everybody.

Simone, it's snowing!

What's happened?

Look out the window. Today there'll be work.

Snow... It's sticking to the ground.

Luca, look, it's snowing.

- Snow!
- Get up.

Get moving or we'll be too late.

The Milanese don't like their streets
covered with snow.

Come on, sleepyhead, get up!

Look, it's snowing! Look!

Simone, dear, get up.

Look, it's snowing. How wonderful!

There should be work for everybody.

Look, your brothers are almost ready to go.

Get up, get UP!

- Get a move on, Rocco.
- We're coming.

Simone, come on!

Rocco, you've been ill,
so wear one of my shawls.

But it's a woman's.

They can tease all they want.
Listen to your mother. Put it on.

I'll get the breakfast on.


Come on, Simone, we're working today.

- Luca!
- Luca, stop it, you'll make us late.

- Don't fall.
- Off you go!

- Hurry up, boys!
- Ciro! Simone!

- The coffee's almost ready.
- Here I am.

Eat your eggs. They're fresh and healthy.

Come on, the coffee's nice and hot.

Put in plenty of bread.

Make some for your brothers too.

Oh, thank God,
there's work here for everybody!

The Lord is merciful, he sent us the snow.

- You wearing my sweater?
- Yes.

Good. Simone, dear, hurry. Come on!

- Poor thing, he has to go to work.
- It's freezing.

You even left the window open!
You get the hot flushes, not me!

Hey, come on, the city's
waiting for us, you layabout!

He'll never change. Finish your coffee.

I'll get lunch ready. Luca, bring my bag!

- Yes, Mama.
- No, I'll get it.

- Luca, where's my bag?
- It's here, under the bed.

- I'll get it for you.
- Hurry up!

Come on, here are your coats.

Rocco, cover up well. Don't take
any chances, you've been sick.

Here, everything's ready. Come on, hurry!

Hey, lazybones, I'll help you with your coat.

Cover up, you loafer.

God bless this city. Happy now?

Thank you, Rocco, my angel.

- Ah, this coffee's boiling.
- Come on, Ciro.

Hurry! It's stopped snowing.

There's enough for a day's work.

Don't forget your hats, boys. Hurry it up!

Dear God, you can't be late!

Hurry, Mama's kicking us out.

- Be quick!
- Coming, Mama.

Move, I'm freezing here.

- Give me a kiss.
- Ciao.

- Ciao, Rocco, God be with you.
- Ciao, Mama.

Come on, Ciro. You be careful.

Come on, Vincenzo! Work well.

By all the saints, if you don't
come back with money,

you're no longer the sons of Rosaria Parondi!

- Ciao, Mama!
- Good luck!

- Simone!
- Yes?

- Are you coming too?
- Where?

- To the delegation.
- Where's that?

I don't know.

Simone, Rocco, hurry!

- Ciao.
- Did you see him?

Yeah. He's gone now. How are you?

- You haven't been around.
- I know...

- Ciao, Ginetta.
- Ciao.

I can explain. Let's go Somewhere
where we can talk.

Ginetta, I can't come to your house anymore,

and you're always chaperoned...

- Our families are against us.
- Families!

- What chance do we have?
- I can only hope.

- You're a born optimist.
- Ciao, Ginetta!

- Ciao.
- We'll manage.

We've got a place now.
Mama says one must take a woman

without having to ask anyone's permission.

"Take her"?

What's wrong?

A real man takes the woman he wants,
without asking permission.

With me, you have to ask every time!

- Of course I'll ask...
- Ciao.

- You whore! You miserable bitch!
- Shut up! I'm going! I'm going!

- What's going on?
- Shh! Quiet!

It's my father. We don't get along.

Who are you? You live here?

Wish I could,
but they don't want me. Hear that?

Yeah... But why not?

Oh, it's the same old stupid story...

- know, a girl's honour and so on.
- I know.

They think it's so important.
What's a poor girl to do?

Can you imagine if all girls like me
suddenly disappeared?

Just imagine it!

Yeah. There'd be nothing but men left.

To do what?

- Hear that?
- What will you do?

Run away. What else?


Come inside. Maybe my mother has
something warm for you to wear.

You're very sweet.

I'm what?

You're sweet.

Let's go.

- Where?
- Right there.

Come in.

- Is that you, Vincenzo?
- Yes, Ma.

- Were they shouting at you?
- No, not at me... this poor girl here,
she's in a bit of trouble.

Do you have something she can cover up with?

- A girl?
- Yes, Ma.

- Where is she?
- Here, look.

- Sorry, if I'm disturbing you.
- Well, close the door, it's freezing!

Come in. I don't know what I can give you.

There's your father's old coat.

Whatever, but hurry, she's shivering.

Let's see.


Good evening.

- Good evening.
- Good evening.

You're all brothers?

Yes, we're all brothers.

It's much colder down here.

You're Milanese?

Well, Lombardy. From Cremona, to be exact.

Like the mustard!

You're Southerners, right?

You're working here?

- Today we shovelled snow.
- Good for you!

He brought us here. we've been here a month.

Work's hard to find.

That's why we shovelled snow today. Sit down.

Thank you so much.

Big boys like you should find work
immediately, if that's what you want.

- Your family?
- Yeah, I'm in the middle.

Oh, yes, you're in the middle.
And that's you, right? And this one...

- That's Rocco.
- Which one?

- Him.
- Oh, yes, that's Rocco.

That's the other brother.
Oh? And who's the boxer?

"Vincenzo". Who's Vincenzo?

He's the boxer,
but he's got no feeling for it.

Why not?

It's a shame.
I have a friend who's a champion.

- Really?
- Yes.

He was just a nobody and now he's rich.

He made piles of money.

And his car... I swear he drives
a car as long as a bus!

Better than shovelling snow.

You see? You see?

He's against us trying out.
One of us could be champ.

- What's there to lose?
- Yeah.

You're right.

If you're so convinced, then try it!

You don't need his permission.
You heard what the lady said.

Rubbish! My great career's
already come to an end.

They pay you 2,000 lire a fight
if you're lucky!

Because you're not a real champ.

You don't become one overnight.

Maybe Simone and Rocco just might.
They're stronger than you.

One smashed up face in the family is enough!

The guy capable of knocking
Simone out hasn't been born yet.

Mama's right, Simone's stronger.

I almost forgot, here, put this on.

I couldn't find anything else better.

Thank you. I'll bring it back tomorrow.

Wait, it's my friend, the Sergeant,
who lives in this building.

- Good evening.
- Good evening.

Could you take her home?
She's had a fight with her father.

- You can change in the bathroom.
- Thanks.

She's all we need!

Vincenzo, come here and close that door!

Here! What's got into you, bringing her here?

You don't even know her.
She could be a whore!

- She's beautiful.
- Beautiful?

She had goose pimples, the weakling!

You know nothing about women, you boys.

She had goose pimples because she was cold.

No, she's anaemic, she's got Northern skin!

- She's gone.
- Gone? With my coat?

She went out the window.

Run off? She's a thief.

Her dress.

You're kidding.

I'm sorry, I bothered you for nothing.

Don't worry.

- Good night.
- Good night.

- Disappointed?
- Me? I don't care.

You worry about yourself.
And wash those lentils.

You see, Ginetta is not
the only girl in the world.

Time to eat, boys. The soup's ready. Come on!

Rocco, come and eat.

Maria Donata

What beautiful flower this is

Let me give it a kiss

Oh, it's your mouth, your nose

My love's a rose, a rose...

Turn round.

Your right!

Hold it! Keep your right up.

- Hold on, I'll be back.
- What's up?

- What are you doing here?
- Just watching.

Sorry, Merli! They're my brothers.
It wasn't my idea...

Combi, have them get changed!

Parondi, get your ass back in here!

You heard him? Move it!

Well? Get a move on!

What are you waiting for? Move it!

- Wait a minute, you.
- You talking to me?

Yeah, you with the cigarette.

Put some shorts on and hurry it up!

These Southern hicks...
They wanna box and smoke too!

Get changed.

- Where are you from?
- Lucania.

- Where's that?
- Oh, along way from here.

- You came up here to box?
- Why not?

- It's tough!
- We'll do our best.

Silence! Shut up!




- Vincenzo, where are you?
- I'm up here!

- They've come to evict us!
- At last!

Mama doesn't know what to do. You coming?

I can't.

Tell Mama the City Hall
will give us a place now.

She's no need to worry.
Do like I said, go on!

Again! Again!

Where you going? Come here!

Come here! Jab! Jab!


Ciao, Duilio, how's it going?

Fine, fine. He's new?

Yeah, three months. He's slow, but solid.

- Go take your shower.
- OK.


Not bad.

Teeth like a wolf, but nicotine-stained.

If you want to box, cut out the cigarettes.

No of fence, but if he stays here,
he'll get nowhere.

Got a minute?

Hey, Duilio, don't start taking
my best recruits now.

You'll see, you'll be going with him.

Cerri's Gym, where the champs work out.

Let's hope they release me.

But even if they don't... I'll go anyway.

They think I've got the goods.

- They never wanted Vincenzo.
- True.

- What about you?
- I guess I don't have the goods.

Wait, I'm going to shower too.



Military service?

I was rejected because of an injury.

We'll get round that.
Are you willing to work?

To work?

In Cerri's Gym.

To get yourself into shape.

We're forming a stable of newcomers.

You're not that young,

but we'll see how you get on.

Coca-Cola! Beer! Chinotto!

Knock him down!

Go on!

And now, a light heavyweight match,
two rounds of three minutes each

between Parondi from Lombardy

representing the Aurora Club of Milan.

- I'm leaving.
- Sit down!

Parondi, you traitor!

- They're mocking me.
- Ignore them. Worry about Simone.

They're Ginetta's brothers.

And Vitolo,
representing Virtue Club, Lucania.

Go, Vitolo, teach him a lesson!

Quiet! Quiet!

The Parondis are all traitors!

And our referee is Mr Ferri, from Genoa.

Seconds out.

Round one.

Parondi! Parondi!

Come on, Simone! Come on!

- Bluff!
- Cut it out!

He's faking!

Ladies and gentlemen,

by a knockout in the first round,

the winner is Simone Parondi.

Excuse me... Hello, everybody!

Bravo! Well done!

And what's this?

Nothing. Anyway, the other guy
didn't even go the limit.

How modest. "Didn't go the limit"!
You're a champ!

Purple... the colour of Champions
and showgirls.

I'll train him myself.
I know exactly what he needs.

We'll eat out tonight to celebrate.

I'll be waiting in my car. OK?

- Sure, thanks.
- Ciao!

- Good evening.
- Simone!

- There's a fight going on outside!
- A fight? Where?

Come on! Quick!

Traitor! Traitor!



Come away.

Come on!

- Come on, move it!
- Vincenzo!

- Vincenzo! Let me go!
- Come away!

Alfredo, wait! We have a score to settle.

- I've already settled everything.
- Not with me, you haven't.

- Please, Vincenzo, enough.
- Shut up and go home!

- Move it!
- Ginetta! Ginetta!

I said, go home!

- Leave me alone!
- Ciro!

Leave me alone!

Traitor! Traitor!

- Remember me?
- Yes, of course.

Well, then...

- You coming?
- I'm coming.

So, you decided to box, eh?

A good idea, I'd say.

It's a good profession, boxing, isn't it?

Taste good?

If I'm not mistaken, you box

the way I put out.

- For money.
- No, I box with feeling.

With feeling, eh?

Well, I work with feeling too.

- And your brother?
- Which one of the four?

The oldest, the one who called
the police that night.

What a day that was!

First it snowed, then my father...

then running away.

I never could stand the police.

Even as a kid. You can imagine now!

I'm tired.

I'll sleep and you disappear.

- No.
- What do you mean, no?

You will, because I'm telling you to.

I like sleeping alone.

That's the reason I took this place.

When I was little, my father was sick,
and was in hospital for along time.

My mother and I ended up
staying with an uncle.

After the w*r, houses were hard to find.

I remember how we were all together...

all crammed into one room.

Just like your house.

In the summer, when school was over,
we'd play in the courtyard.

I was big for my age

and didn't like kids' games.

So I'd just watch.

There was a man... He was a dentist...

We began meeting.

After that, I started
spending the night at his place.

A great improvement, as now
there were only two of us in bed.

- How old were you?
- Thirteen.

It's not true, it's not true
what I said about the dentist.

I had a happy childhood.

It was later on that the trouble started.

Please, I'm so tired.

I already told you to go.

What is it?



- I'm over here!
- Coming!

- Well, then, Luca?
- Here...


These are the notices for night school.

They were free but you need
an elementary school certificate.

I have one.

- Here.
- What's that?

Stop wasting your money!

Simone gave it to me.

Ah, Simone! Did he go to work this morning?

He was sleeping when I left.

He never works mornings.

Yeah, and who knows what work he does?

He's doing something good.
He gave Mama 2,000 lire yesterday.

- And what are you doing?
- I'm delivery boy for the grocer nearby.

As soon as I turn twenty, I'll show you all!

- Yeah... ciao.
- Ciao, Luca.

Are you sure you know how to read?

Everything's in such a mess
since you've been here.

- No, not this one.
- It is. Look!

- No.
- It's always been a mess here, Rocco.

- No, it hasn't.
- Give me the receipts, and I'll check.

- They're all mixed up.
- Let's see...

The boss said she's got a headache.

She probably didn't sleep
last night, poor thing.

Can't you at least remember her name?
She's related to the boss.

Rocco's only been here a month.

A year wouldn't be enough time, huh, Rocco?

He's our "Sleeping Beauty"!

Ida, give him a kiss, that might wake him up.

- No, my boyfriend would k*ll me!
- I'll do it.

Oh, God! A customer!

- Hello? Signora Ubaldi?
- Who's he?

My brother, Simone.

Tell him to come round the back or clear off.

The boss doesn't want relatives visiting.

- Good morning, ladies.
- Good morning.

Wow, very nice. That's something I could use.

Rocco, you never said
it was such a nice place.

You hang your clothes there and...

Can't you read? You come in,
undress and go out brand new.

That's exactly what I need.

- How fast can you do it?
- It's expensive.

Hey, I can pay!

What's going on here?

They said they could give me
a make-over in five minutes. Is that true?

- You want proof?
- Yes.

- In the booth. Take care of him.
- Thanks.

- Rocco, are you still here?
- That's his brother.

Show her the package.

There's no receipt. It belongs
to your relative... what's-her-name?

It's Signora Brighetti.

Here are my trousers.

And here's my shirt.


Can we do this shirt?

No, not the shirt.

- It's too frayed.
- What a shame.

- Nothing I can do.
- What I need most is this shirt.

Let me see what we can do here.

Rocco, hurry up or you'll be late!

Come over here.

I have to talk to him.

All the rest was just for fun.

Pardon us, then.

Rocco! I've got something important going on.

Listen, have you been paid yet?

- Not till tonight.
- I need the money right now.

Tell them at the gym
that I'll be gone two days.

Rocco, don't lend him anything.

But I thought you liked me, ma'am.

I'm only protecting Rocco,
he should be wary of you.

- You'll do it?
- Sure.

What should I give him?

- Half a month's wages?
- Yes, Signora.

- After taxes, that is.
- Of course.


- Does Mama know?
- Yeah, she knows.

Rocco, come here...

Your trousers are almost ready, sir.

May I have the jacket?
It'll take a few minutes.

- Here.
- Thanks.

Sign this.

Ready! Your trousers are ready!

- That was fast.
- I told you so.

Here's your coffee and your aspirin.

- I feel like a new man. Thanks.
- Drop in again, sir. Bye.

- Here I am.
- Look at him. I hardly recognise you!

- You could use a new shirt, though.
- Like one of those...

They're Dr F0ssati's shirts.

- They'd look better on your figure.
- Yes...

But that's life,
luxuries always come too late.

Here's your brother's 5,000 lire.
You owe me 700 for the pressing.

I don't have it. Rocco will pay you.

Ma'am, good day and many thanks.

- Good day.
- Good day.

- Good day to you.
- Good day.

Good day and bye for now.

No, please, my head! Enough, I said!

Go on! Faster!

Close the door, boy!

Didn't you hear me? What do you want?

- What do you want?
- My brother Simone is sick.

- He won't be coming in.
- He can't come in?

Sick, eh? They saw him in town.

- I wouldn't know about that.
- There's a draught, come inside!

You wouldn't know, huh? Well, I'm onto him.

You're his brother? Then listen.

Instead of helping him,
I should've hanged him. Right, Cerri?

That's it!
That's enough for today, all of you.

I know you're fed up with him too.
I shouldn't have brought him here.

I admit it, I made a mistake. Never again!

That's it for today, lads.

- So you're Simone's brother, huh?
- Yes.

Your brother's got a nice build,
a good punch, but he's slow.

He should be working out
more than the others.

Come on in. This is my office.

They all trained with me.
All fine boxers, thanks to me.

Close the door.

You want to help before it's too late, eh?

Come to the gym together, you and him.

- Me?
- Yes, you.

Stay with him, and never
let him out of your sight.

- What's your name?
- Rocco.

Like Rocco Mazzola, from Lucania, like you.

You're a good kid.

It won't cost you anything,
just look after your brother.

And stop him from hanging out
with certain people.

Boxing's a serious thing,

you've gotta lead a clean life,
like all of them.

Good morals are the first requisite
of an athlete, understand?

Meaning that...
women, cigarettes, drinking...

and many other things are taboo.

Absolutely taboo.

Just look at that motorboat,
they're ruining the business.

Let's go, come on.

- Bye, now.
- Happy Easter.

- What place is that?
- It's a hotel.

A first-class hotel, sweetie!

- Can we see it?
- Why not?

It's called "The Great Britain".

It used to have many English tourists,
but not so many now.

People are here now for Easter.

It must have 200, 250 rooms.

- See you around.
- Bye, now.

A garden!

And it's fabulous. You should see inside

- I was in there once.
- Really?

- Yes! Inside, it's fantastic.
- Beautiful...

You should see the rooms,
not like our pension.

The place is quite amazing

and so are the prices!

- Know what they charge?
- No.

- Just for a room?
- No.

10,000 lire a day for one room.

- Yes, just to sleep!
- 10,000 lire...?

But who'd pay that just for a bed
to sleep in? That's so much!

They must be crazy.
How can they ask that much?

Anyway, very soon we'll come here.

Want to bet?

When I turn professional...

- Got a cigarette?
- Hmm... What a place!

- Want one?
- Oh, no. I shouldn't.

The boxer!

I'll keep them.

What'll you earn?

I don't know... Plenty, I hope.
But I gotta train hard.

It'll be a Sacrifice. For you too.

Why for me?

When you're in training, you can't...

Let's get something straight.
We're not married.

We just go out sometimes.

We may not go out again for another year.

But now we're together and that's fine.

I needed a change of scene anyway

without attracting too much attention.

After each affair,
a nice clean break... I'm gone!

You get me?

- Miss!
- Who, me?

- You can't stay here, I'm sorry.
- Why not?

- You have to move away.
- Is it reserved?

- What's wrong, we got lice?
- Sorry.

- That's the limit!
- Do we have to pay?

- I just follow orders.
- He just follows orders!

- Well, I happen to like it here!
- Good day, sir.

Our regards to the manager!

You want money, you idiot?

- Bye, Rocco!
- Ciao.

- Rocco!
- What is it?

- Have you seen my brother?
- He just left. Didn't you see him?

- No, I didn't.
- Who's there?

It's just me, Rocco's brother.

I have a package here for him.
I'll come by tomorrow.

Could I leave it with the porter?

Yes, or in the store. Come on.

Through here, the door on the left.

- Thanks.
- You're welcome.

Excuse me?

- Anybody here?
- Yes.

- Good evening. How are you?
- Oh, it's you.

One of the girls said
I could leave this package.

I didn't expect to see you,
but I'm glad you're here.

What is it?

There you go...

It needs washing. It's not mine.

It's one of the shirts that were over there.

I wore it only the once.

You said it would look better on me
than Dr Fossati...

What? Have you gone mad?

Answer me!

And stop laughing!
You come in here asking favours

and then ridicule our courtesy
with your insolence!

- Thief!
- I wasn't really stealing...

I find that hard to believe!

You take advantage of people's
kindness and generosity.

I'm so gullible, ready to believe
everyone and everything.

It's a struggle for a woman alone
to keep track of everything.

What do you want of me?

No, don't... please.

Why do they suspect you?

I don't know.

The boss keeps watching me.

She's a little crazy.

That's true.

But the girls keep watching me too.

Tomorrow let's go to the police
and straighten it out.


Parondi! Parondi, you're wanted
at the entrance!

They've come to arrest me.

Who's calling our name?

- No, Mama, I'll go.
- You go, then.

- What's up?
- They want Vincenzo Parondi upstairs.


Vincenzo? He's not here.

You know where he is?
What do they want with Vincenzo?

I don't know. I'll go and find him.

- Yes, do that.
- Good night.

Do you know what they want
with him at this hour?

- It's not that late.
- What time is it?

- It's only 10.
- Oh.

Go back to bed.

- Shall I come as well?
- No, stay here with Mama.

- Hey, Rocco!
- Good evening.

What's wrong?

Go to sleep, go on.

And what about you? When will you finish?

I still have to study.
I'll wait up for Rocco.

- All right.
- Good night.

Simone isn't back yet.

And neither is Vincenzo. Oh, these boys!

Hey, you! Hurry up.

Come here!

- You want me?
- You're Vincenzo?

- No, he's with Ginetta, his fiancée.
- Oh, really?

They're engaged, but Mama doesn't approve,

so they meet outside
otherwise she makes a scene.

I don't want your whole family history.

- Who are you?
- Me? Rocco.

Oh, yeah? I have to talk to you
about something. Hop in.

- In there?
- Yes, of course.

Not here. The other side.


If I don't practise driving,
I'll never learn.

Is that street one-way?

- I don't drive.
- Oh, great!

Yeah, it's a one-way street.

The whole World's like a one-way street.

- Where are we going?
- Where I won't meet anybody.

Here will do fine.

I asked for Vincenzo
because I know him better,

but you'll do.

Do you recognise this?

Simone says he bought it,

but I say he stole it,
and I don't care where.

I've got enough troubles. I can't take risks.

Do you understand?

- No.
- You don't understand? Great!

- Why steal this?
- To make me happy.

Seems I'm worth it. Don't you think so?

What are you wearing under there?

- I was already in bed.
- Ah, in bed?

You're nice and warm.

Don't worry, I don't bite.

Tell your brother that
I'm giving back this stuff.

Thank him, but tell him not
to come looking for me.

You understand?

"Nadia's left. She's gone forever."

What are you staring at?
Do I look strange or something?

No, you're not strange.
You're very considerate.

- Why did he do it?
- Why do you think?

Good night, little boy.
I'm glad you find me considerate.

Sorry I can't drive you back, but it's late.

Stop being so scared of me. Now beat it!

Go now.


You're back. Who did they want, you or me?

They wanted me, at the shop,
for the keys to the storeroom.

- The keys to the storeroom?
- Yes.

And the theft?

There wasn't one. She found the pin.
It wasn't stolen.

- She's crazy.
- I told you.

- I'm quitting.
- But it's a good job.

Not any more.

You should find something
better before quitting.

I did.

See this? It's my draft card.

It came this morning.

But with everything going on,
I forgot about it.

- I've been drafted.
- Good luck, then.

- You hear that?
- It's his turn now.

Good night.

- Simone?
- What?

I'd like to talk to you.

Coming back from the shop, Iran into a girl.

The daughter of that family
at Lambrate, remember?


She said she's leaving, going away.

- When did you see her?
- Just now.

Going where?

She didn't say.

You know her too?

What does she want? What's with her, anyway?

She's just another girl...

trying to be a lady.

Who needs her?

I've got better things to do.

If I ever see her again,
I'll turn the other way.

If you see her, tell her that!

"We finally moved into the new apartment.

"Everyone knows us
since Simone won that fight in Genoa.

"They treat me with respect.

"It would have been a good year

"but Vincenzo got Ginetta pregnant
and had to marry her.

"Now he's gone, and you're off
doing military service.

"Simone can't work,
because he has to keep training.

"Ciro hos o new job at the Alfa Romeo plant

"thanks to his night school diploma.

"He's the only one bringing
any money in. And the expenses!

"If you have anything left
from your pay, send it.

"You can't spend it anyhow.
We're all well. I hope you are too.

"A big hug from your loving Mother".

Hey! Hey, you!

I wasn't wrong, it is you.

What's with that getup?

- I'm a soldier.
- That's pretty obvious. Since when?

I've served 14 months.

Me too, more or less. And in this same town.

Buy me a coffee.

I'd like to, but I've just sent
all my money to my mother.

I'll buy, you fool!

Better yet, we'll hire a carriage
and ride through town...

- I'll take your bag.
- ...and have coffee in a decent place.

Driver, put the top down, we need some air.

- You didn't understand?
- No.

13 months and 8 days.

They wouldn't even consider parole...
because of my record.

Was it bad?

Fairly, but nothing too unbearable.

Time flies when every day is the same.

It wouldn't seem so, but it's true.

Hey, wake up!

Does knowing an ex-con bother you?

It's not that unusual.

I'm not the only one.

But I'm the first one you've met?

No, no...

Some friends in my home town...

my own age,
poorer than you could ever imagine.

They were led to believe
they could farm some land.

But the land was arid,
and the work backbreaking,

and it took hours to reach the place.

Then one day, they spoke up and rebelled.

They were arrested and then incarcerated...

in Matera, in Potenza.

My town was like that.

I understand.
That's why you all came to the North?

- I'd have stayed.
- Why? You don't like Milan?

If only... we had the means to live decently

where we grew up.

I'm lost in the city.

I was neither born nor raised in one.

Not only me,
but my brothers and my friends too.

Some get used to city life

and they seek the pleasures of city people.

Not me.

I don't think that it's right.

I mean, I want an automobile too.

But after the things that come first:

a steadyjob, a home, and eating every day.

Am I making myself clear?

And your opinion of me?

- Nothing.
- Aren't you curious?

Be frank, I won't be offended.

I was wondering... How old are you?

That's easy...

Twenty-five. So what?

You did say, "Aren't you curious?"

Nothing else interests you?

I've offended you...


You keep staring at me.

Forgive me.

But for some reason...
I feel great pity for you.

How nice of you.

Actually, I'm very tired.

It wasn't exactly a Vacation that I went on,

and what's to come will be worse.

Don't say that. One can live
as one likes, if one chooses to.

But you shouldn't be afraid,
and you seem to be.

You really are something.

Say no more. Look
at the effect you have on me.

Do you want me to go?

Don't be silly! Take me to the station.

But enough talk about me, it's depressing.

What would you do if you were me?

Have faith and have no fear. Great faith...

- In what?
- I don't know... in everything.

- In you?
- Yes, in me too.

- Can we meet in Milan?
- Yes.

Maybe you can teach me not to be afraid.



- Mama.
- Rocco!

Mama's boy Rocco!

Oh, my boy, you're so handsome!

Come on in.

I was just getting your bed ready.

They delivered it yesterday.

Look at Rocco, he's just back
from military service!

Let them see you.

How handsome my boy is.

There's not much furniture,
but we're getting there.

But the picture of Saint Rocco
is always in my bedroom.

- You look well.
- Oh, but my teeth are troubling me.

Do you like the place?

Yes, I like it very much.
But where is everybody?

I purposely came on Sunday when
I thought everyone would be home.

- I even wrote to you.
- I know, but...

I kept thinking, surely Ciro
will meet me at the station?

They'll be here at noon. Don't get upset.

Tell me where to put your bed. Come on.

I'll sleep with Luca there,
and you three will sleep here.

Simone, Ciro, and you, my sweet boy!

You know... Ciro's been so wonderful,
you can't imagine.

They're at the christening
of Vincenzo's baby.

- Why aren't you?
- No, not me.

- Why is that?
- I was waiting for you to arrive.

That's no reason, I could've joined you.

- Let's go there now.
- No, it's too late now.

You're not still angry
with Vincenzo, are you?

No, no. He always comes to visit me.

- And Ginetta?
- Ginetta? No.

Not even now that she's had a baby?

Do you think her parents
invite your brother round?

Let me go. I'd like to see them.

Go, then.


- Ciao, Luca. Ciao, Vincenzo.
- Ciao, Rocco.

Ciao, Ginetta. He's so handsome!

- We named him Antonio.
- Antonio, like Papa.

- May I hold him?
- Of course.

Antonio. What a lovely baby! Antonio!

Move it! Get the lead out of your legs!

Pure lead!

Don't make me use gloves
just before the fight.

I know what's best for you!

I can't get him to understand
what he's up against.

- Someone who hits hard.
- I told him.

- That's what you always say.
- This time it's true!

A guy's got a chance
if he's fast. But you're not.

Well, then it's your fault.

I never spar with anybody fast.

Sure, sure.

I'll find the right guy.
Rocco, put some gloves on.

Come on!

- Me?
- Yes.

- Very funny.
- Let him try.

Yeah, try staying on his feet tomorrow!

Put some gloves on.

Jab, left, left...

Look, I'm up against clowns!

Sacks of potatoes, that's all they are!

We'll be a laughing stock tomorrow.

What a brainless bunch!

I'm through! I've had enough! I've had it!

I want real boxers who care!

You're clodhoppers! These Milanese are right.

Dirt-pushers, I can do without you!

Hey, come take a look, come on.

- Cerri!
- What?

- Take a look.
- I want to see nothing!

- Come and have a look.
- I don't want to see anything.

- Come on!
- No, I don't feel like it... No!

- It's worth it, Cerri!
- To see what?

- A real spectacle!
- Oh, yeah?

See that? Wonderful! He woke up.


Good, work him like that. Listen to me.

That's it, good, good.

Hold on, I'm coming.

Use your left.

Come on, Simone! Wake up! Simone!

- That kid...
- He's not bad.

He's not bad at all!

He's good. Look how well he dodges punches.

Go on, get him!

Leave things up to me before a fight,
understand? I get nervous!

- You get up there with Rocco.
- Your turn, Dal Piaz.

Time! Let's go.

He boxes real nice.

Simone, watch it, or he'll grab your place.

Tomorrow, huh?

Yeah, tomorrow we'll see
if you do like I say.

Well done! You've made real progress.

In the army, we'd work out together.

- I even fought a few matches.
- How did you get on?

Two draws and a win...

- Ah!
- ...but it's not for me.

- You don't like it?
- No.

I'm going now, it's late.

- Have a massage first.
- OK.

- What's up?
- Nothing.

Hey, Simone! Get back to where you came from!

I can't take any more.

- Throw in the towel.
- Don't give up now, you fool.

- Throw in the towel.
- Don't give up.

I can't take any more.

Listen to me. There's only
one thing you can do:

use your left, understand? Your left!

- I can't take it.
- Not the right!

- Throw in the towel.
- Don't quit now!

- 5, 6, 7, 8.
- The towel!

Breathe deeply.

Damn! It was a draw up to now.

He had to quit in the middle of a match?
I shouldn't have thrown it in.

After seven rounds, the winner is Webster.

Don't blame him.

What's the use? I'll blame who I damn please!

I'm the one that suffers, not him!
Who gives a damn about him?

My reputation, my interests,
are at stake here, not his!

It's all over now.

That was a great show by your brother!

I found him changed
when I came back from the service.

Stop defending him,
we both know how things went.

As things stand now, I reckon you owe me.

You owe me for all the trouble
that your brother has caused me.

Eh? Agreed?

How come your boy lost?

He's made mincemeat of you.

Shut up!

Your attention, please...

- Did you hear what they were saving?
- Oh, nothing much.

Cerri threw a fit, as usual.

He wasn't wrong, but he calmed down.

He even said he was going
to try your brother out.

Who? Rocco?

If your brother accepts,
he'll have to watch it too.

With the whores, I mean.

On that score, he's the world champion.

What about that whore that messed you around?

Don't tell me you don't know?

The whole town knows about
your brother and his great love.

They're seen together all the time.

I checked up on him.

He hangs out around the Ghisolfa, at night.

With that Nadia.

Come on, Simone, don't tell me
you didn't know?

- No, I didn't.
- Well, they say she's in love.

R0ssi's the one who told me.
You remember him?

Nadia was crazy about him.

Now she turns her back on him
and everybody else.

She's going to some secretarial school.

A real Saint Agnes.

Stop that!

- Who's paying the bet?
- Pay up. I won.

And one coffee, I'm freezing.

- One coffee!
- Laced with grappa.

- So?
- So I followed him

and he was with a blonde.

- Whereabouts?
- Over by the viaduct.

They all go there,
near where the trains pass.

We could be wrong, maybe it isn't her.

Don't be an idiot, it's her, all right.

OK, let's go.

And Camisasca? Riguttini?

They're following them, they're
probably at the sanatorium by now.

Wait, I'll get my bike and show you.

How can they make out in this weather?

Move it!

Hey, Romeo, over here!

- Are they there?
- They're there. Let's go.

If it's not them, you've had it!

They went down by the shack, just now.

You go along the river,
and I'll go this way, right?

And wait for my signal, right? Go.

- You're going alone?
- Yes.

Hear that? What was it?

It's nothing, probably a cat.

Don't move.

Leave her alone!

What's wrong? I can see who I like.

Not her, she was mine.

I won't have you seeing her.
Understand? Do you understand?

It's over between you two.
You haven't seen her in two years!

Come on, Rocco.

What's going on? What do you want, Simone?

What do you want?

First, an apology from Rocco.


You coward!

- Look, he lets a woman protect him.
- You animal.

Ask my forgiveness. Ask my forgiveness!

- Can't you see? He's drunk.
- I said, ask my forgiveness!


- Don't, Simone!
- I'll do what I want.

- No!
- Being cheated on by him!

Take a look at your Nadia!
At how she makes love!

Let him see you for what you really are!

Hold on to him! Make him watch.

- He has to learn.
- Rocco! Rocco!

No, Simone, don't do it!

Rocco, help me!

Simone, no!

Simone, don't!

- There, got them!
- Rocco!

- Kiss them if you can.
- No! Rocco!

You only know how to make love with these.

Rocco, help me! Simone, don't!


Say something. Tell me it's...

Rocco, tell me that it's...

You learned your lesson!

We'll discuss it at home.

You disgust me.

I dare you to repeat that.

You disgust me.

Enough, Simone!

You're my brother, I can't help that!

But that didn't stop you.
It does now because you're afraid.

I'm not afraid.

No? Then come and show me.

Are you crazy? Someone might show up.

Out of my WaV!

Simone, stop!

Come on, get in.


Vincenzo, the doorbell... The doorbell!

- Doorbell?
- Go see who's there.

Go on!


What happened?

- Ginetta, look.
- What happened?

What happened to you?

Nothing... nothing.

- Vincenzo...
- Yes?

- Let me stay here with you.
- Yes.

Let them know at home,

otherwise Mama will be worried.

Oh, God! He's passed out.

Ginetta, some water, hurry.

How could I know Simone loved you so much?

I knew something had changed in him...

in his good nature.

But I didn't know that you were the reason.

It's not true, Rocco... not true.

Only a man who's become desperate
would do what he did the other night.

He's vile, cruel.
I love you. Don't you believe me?

Then it's all useless.
I can't believe in anything.

If you keep on like this, I'll jump.

- I'll k*ll myself!
- Nadia, listen.

Nadia, stop!

- Nadia, listen...
- Let go of me!

- I want to die!
- Nadia!

- Listen.
- Leave me alone, I beg you.

You helped me understand

how loathsome my life had
become. I learned to love you.

And now, because of the brutality
of that coward...

He humiliated me in front of you
to bring us down to his level.

All of a sudden, nothing is the same.

What was beautiful and right is now wrong.

We're both guilty. Especially me.

- Go back to Simone.
- Are you serious?

Simone needs you.

He needs me, I know. And then what?

Don't I count for anything, Rocco?

What shall we do?

You're the only one who can help Simone.

This is madness!

We thought we were starting afresh.
Instead we were only doing harm.

I'll go to church if I want to hear sermons.

I love you, Rocco.

And you love me.
What will become of our love?

Why t*rture me like this?

We must stop.

That's not possible.

That's not possible, Rocco.

If that's what you want...
But you'll regret it.

You'll be sorry when it's too late!

I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!

No luck tonight.

The house wins.

Place your bets, please.
Rien ne va plus, plus rien.

One card.

- Let's hope this time, huh?
- The bank pays. Pass.

Quiet, please! We're playing here.

And me, like an idiot up there,

with all the Madonnas and Saints,
crying away, in despair.

What a sight!

Poor Nadia. You'll get over it.
Forget all about it.

Forget, right!

I'm hurting.

And there's someone hurting just like me.

Look who's here! The cause of all our pain.

The "real" victim!

- What's with her?
- We brought him to ruin.

We brought him to ruin, can you imagine?

I beg your pardon.

Are you crazy?


Yes, I'm the crazy one.

That's what your brother said.

Yes, Rocco, his brother.

Know what he said to me?

"Go back to him, console him."

He's unhappy, the poor thing.

He can't make it alone.
He needs someone's help.

Please, we don't want trouble.
If she's drunk, take her away.

I beg your pardon? Ask me nicely.

I'm a lady, so treat me accordingly.

- You can't just kick me out.
- Calm down.

- Did you hear him, kicking me out?
- Calm down.

It's not the first time someone's tried that.

- Keep your mouth shut!
- Calm down.

So you're coming back to me?
I'm ready if you are.

Back with you? Never!

I hate you. Yes, I hate you.


I'd rather die first!

I warn you, come near me
and I'll spit in your face.

In front of everybody,
I'll spit in your face.

Don't come any nearer.

- Stop making trouble, both of you!
- Leave her to me.

Don't come any closer.

- What do you want?
- Come here.

- Let me go!
- Come on.

Sure, with Rocco's permission.

Let's go.

For an hour or forever?

- Forever, if that's what you want.
- Why not, eh?

You or someone else, it makes no difference.

Let's go, come on.

Let's go!

- Come on!
- No...

No, forget it, I never loved you.

Seconds out...

Keep your guard up and hit his bad eye

where the cut is.

Let him have it, understand?

Round three, last round.

Rocco! Rocco!

Your attention, please. Attention!

By a knockout, the winner is Rocco Parondi

representing the Italian team

Rocco! Rocco!

You, out! Out!

Are you all right, Rocco?

Winning came easy, Ciro,

because I wasn't fighting him,

but someone who drew the hatred out of me,

the hatred that has grown
inside me without my knowledge.

It's a bad feeling.

You can't imagine how bad it is.

How's that possible, Rocco?
There's nothing bad in you.

Come on, Rocco, cheer up!

You'll make a great Champion,
a real champion.

Ciro, that's enough, my father's waiting.

- Come on.
- My father's waiting...

I have something to tell you.

What is it?

- Do you love me?
- Yes.

Give me a kiss?

Here, Ciro?

Why not?

Papa's waiting for us.

Hi, Papa.

We've had such fun!

Ciao. Did you tell him?

I forgot. Papa said to come
over tomorrow night.

He wants to know if we're serious.

- I can answer that right now.
- No, tell me tomorrow.

Let's give him a chance
to escape before then! Ciao, Ciro.

See you tomorrow. Ciao.

- He seems a nice boy.
- Ciro!

- You're not going back to the dance?
- Of course not.

Go Straight home, OK?
No dancing without me, ever! Ciao.

Get in, it's cold.

Ciao, Franca.

- Good evening.
- Good evening.

You're number four, eh?

We've already met. Remember?

She's Simone's woman.
He's back too. He's inside.

- Ciro, come here a minute!
- Coming, Mama.

- Are there no knives in this house?
- There they are.

Here's the cure for your brother's hangover.

Ciro, my son...

Rest now. We'll settle everything tomorrow.

Tomorrow? Tomorrow?

Do you think anything
will have changed by tomorrow?

Ciro, my dear son, tell me...
Tell me, is it all my fault?

Bringing my strong, handsome sons
here to better themselves,

and not toil upon a thankless land
like their father

who died a thousand times before giving up.

You've done us proud, Ma.

Your father couldn't bring himself
to leave his land.

But during the 25 years we spent together,

I thought of nothing but leaving,
leaving, leaving.

I wanted it for Vincenzo,
for Simone, for Rocco and for you.

Nothing seemed beautiful there.
That world was so small.

Here I felt as if I could touch the sky.

Here, people on the street
called me "Madam"...

Me, "Madam", here, in this big city!

And all thanks to my wonderful boys!

But now, everything's gone wrong.

Rocco's left home and acts
as though a curse is on him.

And Simone, my dear Simone,
lives with a whore!

- Want some?
- No.

Yeah, it's pretty revolting.

Don't cry.

I'll think of something.

Leave it to me, Ma.

I must talk with my brother.

You're irresponsible.
Show a little respect for our mother.

Look, I'm fed up with all your preaching.

This is my house too, and I bring who I want.

I already owe the hotel 60,000 lire.

Hey, you want to pay it?

Anyway, there's room here.

Rocco's staying with Vincenzo.
That gives us an extra bed.

Any objections?

- Leave me alone.
- We'll discuss it tomorrow.

No, we'll discuss it
when I feel like it. Understand?

Don't blame me for this situation.

The only one who's losing out... is me.

Let's get that straight.

- You got a cigarette?
- I don't smoke.

Ah, he doesn't smoke. I should've known.

He doesn't smoke,
but I do and I'm out of cigarettes.

Poor Mama, she even has
to make that woman's bed.

I know, I know... I'm more ashamed than you.

Whether brothers or not...

we're seeds taken from the same
sack and meant to bear fruit.

A seed gone bad must be weeded out,

like we did when cleaning lentils.

And none of this is good for young Luca.

Simone hasn't changed, he's just demoralised.

His pride has been wounded.
Let me try again, just once more.

I know what to do.

Cerri's very interested in me.
I'll fight for him.

He knows I might leave
if he lets Simone fight too.

I wouldn't do it, if...

Let me try, I'll manage somehow.

Do it for me.

If only we had never left home...

But it was our destiny...

yours and mine...

and Simone's.

Imagine the misery
if we'd stayed there, though.

But at least we'd still be close.

Rocco! We're here to work out!


I'll never understand you, Rocco.

Yes, I know.

Can you see him?

That guy in the car?

- Tell him I'll be waiting at the bar.
- All right.

A cognac.

No fight tonight?
Or have you lost your nerve?

I don't feel good. Another.

Then why are you hanging out here?

Snap out of it!

How about a drink in a nice quiet place, eh?

All right.

Simone, come on, it's late.

Go away. Leave me alone!

Got a cigarette?

These are for later.

Feel better?

I will when I'm far from here.

Have you got the fear?

It happens when you realise
that punches ruin your profile.

Where shall we go?

Your place?

I was sure you'd ask me one day.

- How much?
- 200 lire.

Thank you.

I see your courage is returning.

Better late than never.

How do you like my place?

Come on in.

This is your first time here, right?

How are you feeling?

Calmer now?

Have a seat.

Listen... I need money.


I'm aware of that.

It's not the first time for you, is it?

The Champ!

I predicted it. I knew you couldn't last.

And to think...

when I first saw you
at "The Lombard Club", you were

an Apollo... a real Apollo.

You're through as a boxer. And as a man.

Only somebody like me
can use a wreck like you.

- I need money.
- To pay for your whores?

That's one way to save face, isn't it?

I need a drink.

Help yourself, drink it all.
Nobody's weighing you in, after all.

I'll tell you Straight:

you're a shit.

I don't need to hear that from you.
Not from you!

You can't talk to me like that, understand?

- Ciro!
- Yeah, Ma.

- Come here. Hurry up!
- I'm coming.

- What is it, Ma?
- Just come here quickly!

- What's happened?
- They're looking for Simone.

- Who is?
- The police. They have a warrant.

- What's it all about?
- Go to your room, go on.

Don't worry.

Good morning. My brother Simone
didn't come home last night.

- Right...
- He rarely sleeps here, hardly ever.

- You can take a look.
- Never mind.

Why do you want him?

Our instructions are to bring him in.

There are charges against
Simone Parondi. That's all we know.

- I'll come with you and find out more.
- As you wish.

- Come in while I get dressed.
- You stay here.

This is Simone?

Yes, that's my brother,
when he was still boxing.

- Bravo.
- I'm ready if you are.

Ma, I'm going to the police station.

The police are after him.
What has he done? You know?

No, not this time, but I can imagine.

He's rotten to the core,
and you know it's true.

How dare you say that
about my son? What nerve!

With you here, I'm ashamed to show
my face in the neighbourhood.

You allowed me to stay
only to keep Simone here with you.

I've been rotting here!

No, squatting here is what you've been doing!

- Take your rags, and go!
- No! He promised to take care of me.

But he can't keep a woman like me.
He's just a burn!

He can't work, he can't even steal.
Yes, that's right, I said "steal"!

You whore! My son was the envy
of everyone and you ruined him.

When he gets rid of you,

he'll be back to his old self again.
May you be damned!

Don't do that! Don't worry, I'm going.

- No, he must tell you when you can go.
- No!

Why should I stay?
Simone has hit rock bottom.

That's exactly what I wanted, I'm happy now.

Make Rocco understand
how useless our sacrifice was.

I've no desire to tell him myself.

I want to go, and never see any of you again.

Out! Out! Get out...

He thought I was afraid of him.

I warned him, "You touch that money
and I'll report you".

He just started laughing.

I watched him break open the drawer.

Tell them you found the money,
that you'd misplaced it.

I'll sign an IOU.
Cerri will guarantee for me.

You really think I'd risk going to the police

for a lousy 60 or 70,000 lire?

For a year now, he's been taking
advantage of my generosity.

Tell me what he owes you,
and that'll be the end of it!

It's not just the money. I stuck my neck out,

I covered for him with a band of smugglers.

I asked you how much he owes!


Very well, I'll pay with notes
in three months.

Are you crazy? We'll be ruined.

Don't count on me, I can't help you.

Ginetta's expecting,
and we've got furniture instalments.

This concerns only me.

But where are you going to find
all that money?

Vincenzo, tell him that
he's not talking sense.

I have told him.
I'm just sorry that I can't help.

I've got a family to support, you know that.

You sure Cerri will guarantee for you?

You ask him.

It's still crazy, even if Cerri agrees.

How will you pay him back?

He promised me good money
if I sign for 10 years.

We'll go to Brussels, London...
Besides, what do you care?

Hello, is Cerri there?

Tell him it's Duilio.

You never wanted to box

and now you're going to ruin your life
for that delinquent?

Then tell me,

is there another way
to save Simone from his fate?

Yes, yes, hold on.

It's Cerri on the line.
You want to speak to him?

Rocco, think this over.

Wait. He's coming.

Cerri? Rocco.

Yes, of course. I understand that.

Yes, whatever you say.

We did what we could, Ciro.
Our conscience is clear.

When Rocco's set on something,
there's no stopping him, you know that.

Well, in fact...

In fact, I'm accepting all your terms.


All right.

Very well, tomorrow.

Yes, tomorrow.


Four... and five.

This is for you,
but get out of Milan for a while.

You've got no job to lose.

Besides, any place is the same to you.

Stay out of this house!

Is that what the "Court of Brothers" decided?

- Who needs them?
- Just as well.

Let's make a pact.

Since you have money
for that bastard, Duilio...

maybe you've some "change" for your brother.

200,000 lire, and I'll split for good.

I'll personally see that
you get another 100,000

as soon as Rocco collects.

He'll get another payment
after his next fight for Cerri.

Then I'll wait.

Come on, Luca, we're going.

Let him go!

Cool it!

I don't have any disease.

Get off your high horse, Ciro.

Who are you, anyway?

Mr Skilled Worker at the Alfa Romeo plant?

Some career that is!

He's even proud of it.

- You're pitiful.
- Get out of here!

- Hear that, Luca?
- Yes.

He said that I'm pitiful.

Luca, let's go!

Rocco! Rocco!

He's on his way.

- Did you sleep?
- An hour.

- How you feeling?
- He looks in good shape...

How about a rubdown?

A light massage, just a quick rub.

- He won't feel a thing.
- Rub his legs too.

- My left arm aches.
- It's nothing.

Hey, Simone!

Have you got any tickets for the fight?

You promised!

Have you got it in for me?
I promised you nothing.

I'm not going either.

Yeah, and it's k*lling you.

Poor guy, he's not going either!

Ever since he quit, boxing makes him sick.

You quit? You don't throw punches anymore?

No, I got tired of it.

You know the story
about the fox and sour grapes?

- No, I don't.
- Poor guy, he doesn't remember.

- Then let's refresh your memory.
- What's going on, guys?

- Ciao.
- Ciao, Ivo.

You want a cigarette?

Listen, some of us here
saw with our very own eyes

how he tamed Rocco the champion.

Those who saw it
will never forget that night.

I was there.

I'd like to see the brothers
face each other now.

- Who'll bear the brunt this time?
- That's a thought.

We should stage it over by the canal.

I heard recently

that Nadia's working together
with a woman near Ravizza

who rents out rooms and cars.

"Nadia, the motorised whore

"who does her clients
in a car along the canal!"

Ivo, are you sure?

Look, look! His ears have perked up.

If we wanted, we could organise
another night like before.

Is your brother still pining
for the motorised whore?

Or does he aim higher?

Simone, where you going?

Come back here.

Simone, where you going?

What a crowd! All the champs are here!

You show them, Rocco!

Give me some water, I'm parched.

No, it'll bloat your stomach.

Then give me some lemon.

What is it?

Tell me, what is it?

Money? You want money?

I haven't got any. See, it's empty.

- I don't want your money.
- Don't come near me!

You can't say no to me. Come back to me.

With you, I can start over again.

- Us two? Together again?
- Yes.

Impossible. Go, go away!

- Nadia...
- Go away!

Help! Help me!

No! Let me go! Help!

- Help! Help!
- Nadia, wait. Don't scream.

Help me! Leave me alone!

Don't leave me here! Help!

Nadia, cover yourself, it's cold.

Cover yourself. Don't scream.

You're shivering? Don't be afraid.

Look how I'm shivering. Don't be afraid.

I'm not afraid! Leave me alone!

Honey, no! Nadia!

Why doesn't he cover himself?

He's bleeding again.

Get that left up!

Cover yourself! Cover yourself!

Cover yourself up, it's cold.

I made you suffer, my love... My love...

You've no idea how much I hate you.

You're a beast.

Everything you touch becomes foul

and vulgar.

I hope I never see you again.

Or hear of you again.

You ruined the only beautiful thing
in my life.

You! You criminal!

I spit in your face
all the loathing I feel for you.

Do what you want now,

I don't care anymore.

I don't want to die!

And the winner is Rocco Parondi!

I was scared when he clipped you.
Did it hurt?

For a while I couldn't see him.
It was like shadow boxing.

You could've come too, Ma.
It wouldn't have scared you.

- Are you happy?
- Delighted.

- To the future champion of Italy!
- Viva Rocco!

I'll be truly happy

the day when all my sons reunite
around this table

like the five fingers of my hand.

Come on, all of you.

I want you all to drink
to the health of my Rocco.

To your success.

Go get some sparkling wine!

We must celebrate.

And you, Vincenzo, make a nice toast.

Stand up, Vincenzo!

- Maria! Signora Lucia! Come along!
- The whole neighbourhood is out!

Come in, come in!

Come on, everybody.

Go on, Rocco! Go on! Your health!

Your health!

Come on in, come on! Come on in, everybody!

Have a seat.

Make yourselves at home.

Quiet! Quiet!

Vincenzo is going to make a toast.

- Go on, Vincenzo!
- What do I say?

Let's see...

Before I lose this rhyme, let me think...

bottoms up, with a Sparkling drink!

Bravo, Vincenzo, that was lovely.

This wine, so fine and wonderful...

I drink to your health.

Ciro, shame on you!
They'd have shot you back home.

He's changed.
He's become citified like Ginetta.

- Now it's your turn, Rocco.
- No.

- No way.
- Come on!

All right, everybody outside, let's go.

Thank you, thank you!

This glass I raise...

and drink to your health...

hoping you're all happy
to share in our wealth.

Quiet, just a moment.

I thought somebody rang the doorbell.

- Go take a look, I'm certain.
- No, Ma.

There's nobody there.

- No one?
- No.

No one.

Rocco, finish your toast.
Let's see if you're better at it than me.

No one's better, Ciro.
I'm not better than you.

What I'd like to toast...

is the day, still far off,

when I'll be able to go home.

If it's impossible for me,

then I hope that one of us
will one day return to our land.

Maybe you, Luca.

I'd go with you.

Remember, Luca,

ours is the land of the olive tree,

the moon and rainbows.

Do you remember, Vincenzo?

Before building a house,
the head mason throws a brick...

at the shadow of the first person
who happens by.


As a token of sacrifice

to ensure that the house is strong and solid.

This time someone did ring.

No, wait... I'll go.

I knew it.
In my heart I knew it would be you.

I'm happy now. Come on!
Your brothers are all here.

Come on!

Have you eaten anything? No?

I'll heat something for you.

Tell me what you want.

- What now?
- Ciro, no!

I must ask you to leave, I'm so sorry.

What's wrong, Simone?

What's wrong, my son? I was so happy.

Tell her to shut up. Tell her!

- Come, we have to talk.
- I know...

but in front of everybody!

Talk to me, only to me.

To me, only to me.

Talk to me, for the love of God!

I'm not here because you won.
I don't give a damn about that!

I need money, I need it now.

- We made a pact!
- Get out!

Come to me for whatever you need, understand?

Only to me.

You're hurt. What is this?

- It's blood.
- Blood?

Yes, blood...

She kept hanging on to me.

I couldn't get her off me.
She didn't want to die!

No! Simone!

- I k*lled her.
- No!

Don't worry, no one saw me.

- It's all over.
- No!

Are you happy now, Champ?

Isn't that what you wanted?

It's my fault, I know. All my fault!

Is that blood? It's blood!

- No, Mama...
- What happened?

- Mama, don't go there.
- Mama, please.

Where is all this blood?

- Let me go!
- Mama...

- ...don't go there, please.
- Mama, don't.

Simone, my son!

I left her there, down by the water.

It's all over, Rocco, all over.


Jealousy, that's the reason.

- Jealousy blinded him!
- Turn yourself in!

- He's your brother!
- Unfortunately!

I don't believe in the justice of men.

It's not for us to judge him,
but to help him, to save him.

I'll take care of everything.

That's not helping him!

- Rocco, what happened?
- Where are you going? What is it?

- I know what I'm doing.
- It's futile.

He's rid himself of that curse!

Have you gone crazy too?

Shame on you, turning on your own Mother!

Christ will regret the suffering
he visited upon us!

Mama, don't curse!

It serves no purpose.

We're no longer in God's grace,
we're our own enemies.

We've all become enemies.

Why curse? We're all to blame.
We must pay for our faults.

- Ciro's gone!
- Ciro!

Wait, Ciro!


For Papa's sake, don't do it!

There's no hope now.

Well? Tell me, what is it?

They took him away this morning.

They found him on the roof

hiding behind the water tanks.

He spent three nights there.

Satisfied now? You're the one
who wanted to turn him in.

You're the boss of the house now.

When you're older, you'll realise
how unfair you've been,

how unfair you've all been to me.

No one loved Simone more than I did.

I was a kid when we left home

and it was Simone, not Vincenzo,
who made me understand

that in our home town
we were beasts of burden,

forced to work with blind obedience.

"We are not slaves," he said,

"but we must not neglect
our responsibilities."

But Simone forgot all that.

And, in doing so, he ended up the way he did,

ruining himself,
and bringing shame on us all.

He hurt Rocco, and you too, Luca,
our youngest brother.

Simone once had good roots.

But he let weeds overtake him.

Even Rocco's goodness
and generosity are misplaced.

Rocco's a Saint,
but what can he do in this world?

He won't defend himself.

He's so forgiving.

But one mustn't always forgive.

If Rocco goes back home,
I want to go with him.

I doubt he'll see our home town again.

You might, some day.

But what do you think you'll find there?

Things will change there too.

Even there, they realise
that things must change.

Many have little faith in a changed world,

but I do.

You, Luca, will lead a more
upright and honest life.

The siren. I have to go back.

Give Mama a kiss for me.


- How are you?
- Fine.

- Why did you come?
- Ciao...

Ciao, how are you?

- It's late.
- I'll be right there!

I came to tell you I love you.

And I love you too... forever!


- What is it?
- Come home tonight!

We'll be waiting. Ciao.

OK, I'll come!

In my home town where I was born

I left my heart there, forlorn