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Late Autumn (1960)

Posted: 11/26/23 07:52
by bunniefuu
This film was screened
at the Arts Festival in 1960.

Late Autumn

Original story by Ton Satomi

Screenplay by
Kogo Noda & Yasujiro Ozu

Cinematography by Yuharu Atsuta
Art Direction by Tatsuo Hamada


Setsuko Hara, Yoko Tsukasa

Mariko Okada, Keiji Sada

Miyuki Kuwano,
Shinichiro Mikami, Shin Saburi

Chishu Ryu, Nobuo Nakamura,
Kuniko Miyake, Sadako Sawamura

Directed by Yasujiro Ozu

Oh, really? Sounds delicious

What does?

He knows a good place
that does steak. Where is it?

You know the Honmoku-tei in Ueno?
It's right next door

It's run by an old couple

Really? I'd like to try it

I usually go to that pork restaurant
behind the Matsuzakaya

You, too, right?

I've been going there
ever since it was just a stall

That was when we were students.
Always hungry, but no money

We'd pool our money, then go there
together. Miwa used to come, too

Really? You were friends with him
when you were that young?

Yeah. We also shared
the same dormitory at school

Did you really?

Mr. Miwa was very kind to me

He was an excellent manager,
always very calm

- This is his seventh memorial
- Time flies

- How many years has it been for you?
- What do you mean?

- Since you lost your wife
- Four, almost five years

Hey, the tea stalk's sticking up

Very auspicious. Maybe something
good's going to happen.

It could mean that your dead wife
is coming back to get you

Oh, stop it! I’m not ready to go yet

- Uncle's rather late
- I wonder what could've happened

Oh, here he comes

Sorry I’m so late

I’m Shuzo Miwa's brother.
Thank you all for coming here today

Being from the countryside,
I got lost on my way here

Good to see you, Mr. Hirayama,
Mr. Taguchi

It's been a long time.
Did you just arrive in Tokyo today?

No, I had other business to attend to,
so I arrived yesterday

Thanks for taking care of my son
last time

Not at all

What was that?

My son went skating at Lake Haruna
last winter with his friends

They stayed at his inn

Thank you for the present you sent

Not at all. Did you like them?

I pickled those spring
vegetables myself

It was nothing special...

...just a small token
of my appreciation

It was a wonderful gift

Oh, those wild vegetables we had?

They were delicious

It's interesting, as we get older...

...we seem to enjoy such things
more and more

You're right

Things like seaweed with carrots...

...mushrooms, dried radish
and bean curd

Don't forget steak and pork cutlets.

Is everyone present?

Please, let us begin

Please come through to the main hall

After you.

- You're late.
- I got held up.

- We've just started.
- Then I got here too early.

That sutra recital today was long

It went on

You can't complain, you got here late!

Sorry for putting you through that

Mr. Taguchi told me that
shorter prayers were better... I asked the priest
to keep it short. Didn't I?

The monk was eager to please

You must've paid him well

Not at all. I wasn't that generous!

At least it was cooler today.
The day of the funeral was so hot

It was really hot.
I was wearing a thick morning coat

How old were you, Ayako?

I was 18.

- So now you're...?
- Twenty-four.

Good age to get married, right?

Yes. Do tell us if you know someone
who'd be suitable for her

That won't be hard at all.
Ayako is very beautiful

What kind of men do you like?
Don't be shy.

Tell us.

How about someone like me,
for example?

Very nice.

- And how about me?
- Very nice, too.

You've confused me.
They're totally different types

And me?

You, too.

- She only said 'you, too'. You're out.
- I’m out?

You shouldn't have bothered asking!

It was a bad idea to ask her.

Seriously, joking aside,
I might know someone suitable

- Yes, please
- Is that true?

Yes. Ayako, are you really
interested in getting married?

You should get married soon

How old were you
when you married Miwa?

I was 20

See, Ayako?
You should marry soon

Right. I think so, too

I know a nice fellow, Ayako

I think he's about 29

He graduated
from the University of Tokyo...

...and works for the Obayashi Group

He's an interesting chap

Sounds too good for us

No, I think he'd be perfect

Then please introduce us

Ayako, it's time to go

Please excuse us

Already? It's still early

I'm sorry, but...

Sorry for troubling you today,
and thank you for all your kindness

I hope we haven't offended you
with our bluntness.

Far from it. You kept us entertained.
I hope to see you all again soon

- See you soon
- Goodbye

Please excuse us

Goodbye, both of you. Ayako,
you know what you're doing, right?


She's so beautiful

I really enjoy talking to girls her age

The girl's certainly pretty, but...

- You mean her mother, don't you?
- Hmm. She hasn't changed a bit

- She's a beauty
- You think so?

- But her daughter's charming
- Of course she is

But Akiko is over 40 and still...

If I had to choose,
I’d pick the mother

She's lovely

Lovely... lovely

- You really think so?
- Absolutely

A man who marries someone
so beautiful is destined to die young

Miwa used up his luck too fast

She's developed a new kind
of charm recently

Yes. You think so, too?

You can just see it,
it's obvious

And you're usually so slow
to notice such things

I see it, too,
just not as clearly as you

What's making you all so cheerful?

- Do you have enough sake?
- Yes, we're fine

I’d say your husband must be
in good health

Yes, thank you

- I don't doubt it
- Of course

He'll have a long life

You never know what'll turn out
to be a blessing in disguise, right?

- What are you talking about?
- Nothing

A long time ago,
when we were all at university...

...there was a chemist's shop
on the third block in Hongo.

It's a fruit shop now, but there used
to be a beautiful girl working there

This one fancied her and bought
medicine there all the time

That's rich coming from you

Who bought all those decongestants
when he didn't even have a cold?

And he bought antibiotics

Yeah, I remember the packaging

The woman who was just here with us
was that girl

That lady?

I thought they were sisters,
not mother and daughter

She's very beautiful.
So what happened after that?

- Oh, well.. .
- It ended badly

It's painful to tell

- You remember a man named Miwa?
- No

I think he came here once or twice

In short, Miwa stole the girl
away from us

Goodness me!

You should've bought love potions
instead of flu medicine!

- You're right
- We weren't so wise back then

We were innocents
compared to the youth of today

Really? Do you have enough sake,
Professor Hirayama?

Fine, thanks

Would you bring me some soda water?

Of course. Just a moment

A man who marries a woman like that
will live an awfully long time

What was that?

Nothing. We were just talking.
Soda water?

Right away

A man who marries a woman like that
could still die young, though

- Have you seen the size of her?
- Good for wrestling?

The head scissors?

He wouldn't stand a chance

He'd be totally crushed

Some more?

- Welcome home
- Evening

You're home early

- I thought you'd be home late tonight
- Why's that?

Weren't you with Mr. Mamiya
and Mr. Hirayama?


And Akiko came, too, with Ayako


- What's this?
- It's Yoko's

- She's back?
- Yes. She just arrived

Is her husband away on business?

They had another fight

Living with a mother-in-law
isn't easy for a young couple

Did she quarrel with his mother?

No, she gets on well with her.
But still, it's stressful

It's better for a young couple
to live by themselves

I've often thought so myself

What shall we do with her?

She means to stay for a while
this time. She brought a bigger bag

- Do you think they'll sort it out?
- They have to...

...just like we did

I suppose so. A husband and wife
eventually get past that stage

Yes, they both do.
Yoko needs to make an effort

Right. You can't be too ambitious
in a relationship

True. You can't set
your hopes too high

- Would you like a snack?
- No, I’ve eaten enough

Welcome home, Dad

- What's up?
- It's happened again

'Happened again'?
You're always fighting

What was it this time?

It's hard to explain. It's the result
of weeks of discontent

What do you mean, 'discontent'?
You chose to marry him

- Yes, that's why I’m upset
- About what?

Daddy, don't try to intervene.
I’m teaching him a lesson

You need to learn a lesson, too.
You're simply too impatient


Dad, have a bath.
I’ll heat up the water for you

She's hopeless

Oh, yes, you know that chap...
What's his name?


The man who works at the Obayashi
Group. Your friend's brother

You mean Shigeru Inoue?

That's the one

His father owns a music box factory
in Kamisuwa, right?

Yes. What about him?

He'd be a perfect husband for Ayako

- No. He's already engaged
- He's getting married?

Yes. I’m thinking of what to get them
as a wedding present

That's too bad.
I said I’d help her out


I thought he'd be good for her.
What a shame

Do we know any others?

- What about Ikeda?
- No way. Too arrogant

No good? Do we know anyone else?

You should be worrying about
your own daughter, not someone else's

But Ayako's so beautiful

- I don't want her marrying some idiot
- I see

She really is a nice girl.
Very wholesome

Does she look like Akiko
when she was young?

It's hard to compare

They're very different.
Mamiya says he prefers Akiko

- How about you?
- Me?

Who do you prefer?
Akiko, I bet. I know all about it

- About what?
- The third block in Hongo

You were always going there
to buy cold medicine, weren't you?

That wasn't me, that was Mamiya!

- So what did you buy?
- I bought antibiotics and other stuff

Don't lie. You bought cold medicine.
I remember it well

- Who told you that?
- You did.

I told you? When?

Not long after Yoko was born.
You were drunk

Is that right?
I was being honest, I suppose

Yes, more honest than you are now

Mum, I’m hungry.
Is there anything to eat?

Dad, the bathwater's boiling

- Okay. Did you turn off the gas?
- It's still on

You have to turn it off!

If it's not one thing, it's another!

- Do you have anything to eat?
- You're all hopeless!

Go on in

Nice to see you again

Thank you very much
for the other day. ..

...for taking the time to come
to the memorial service

Not at all. Please sit down

- I just came to thank you
- My pleasure. Have a seat

I stopped to see Mr. Hirayama
and Mr. Taguchi on my way

I see

So did Taguchi say anything
about matchmaking Ayako?

He said the young man had
already decided on someone

- He's getting married?
- Yes

That's typical of Taguchi.
He's always doing things like that

Miwa always complained about him
because he was never punctual

Although I was the one who came late
to the memorial service!

Miwa would have been glad
to see you all there

Have you had lunch?

Not really, but...

Shall we go out for lunch?
Not that I know any great places...

- But I have to be back by 2:00
- Back where?

I'm helping out at my friend's
dressmaking school these days

With French embroidery

- Are you teaching?
- Yes, though not very well

It must be a challenge

Let's have lunch together.
I’ll drive you to the school after

Shall we go?

I’m leaving now. Get the car

- Have another glass
- No, thank you

You sure?

Did you notice the man who greeted me
at the lift as we were leaving?

No, sorry. I’m not very observant

He's a bit shorter than I am.
He had a fringe over his face

I really didn't notice him

Well, he doesn't really stand out
or anything

He's a good man
and an efficient worker

When we were talking
about a husband for Ayako...

... I thought of him immediately

But Taguchi was so quick to offer help
and he sounded so confident

Mr. Taguchi is such a funny man

He's so funny that everything else
becomes funny when he gets involved

He's such a character, isn't he?

I can't remember
where this man graduated from

He's been with us
for four or five years

He may not look the athletic type...

...but he's captain
of our basketball team

How do you like the sound of him?

He sounds very nice

Would you like to meet him?

Or maybe you'd like to see his photo
and background information first?

Yes, that would be better

Sorry to keep you waiting

Thank you

- I’ll send them to you
- Please do

- Could you get me a photo of Ayako?
- Sure

Have you always smoked a pipe?

I smoke both cigarettes and pipes

My husband was fond of pipes, too.
We still have two or three at home

You can have them if you like

That would be nice.
I’d like that very much

I don't know if they're any good,
but some of them he bought in England

They must be good quality. He was
very particular about things like that

- Then I’ll bring you one next time
- Thank you

- Please, help yourself
- Thank you


Here you are, Dad

- I think he'd be perfect
- Who?

Mr. Goto. He's a fine man

- You think so?
- Absolutely

If it were me,
I’d say yes straight away

Where did he graduate from?

Waseda University.
He studied economics

The azure sky...

- Where's he from?
- Fushimi. His family runs a brewery

Can't you quiet down?

- Go to your room
- Why?

Just do it

Dai, too! Upstairs, now!

Waseda, Waseda,
Waseda University.!

I think Mr. Goto's the best candidate
we know

I think so, too. I'll invite him over

Ask him for a photo
and background information

I will

I wonder what Akiko will do
once Ayako is married. She'll be alone

She'll be fine. She has to be

Is Akiko as beautiful as ever?

Yes, very beautiful

But I like Ayako better.
She's so innocent


Taguchi said he prefers Akiko

I think you do, too

- Who?
- Akiko

No way.
That's not me, that's Taguchi

He's liked her ever since
he was a young man

Really? And you haven't?

Not really.

Oh? Which medicines did you buy?

- What?
- Which medicine?

- Whose?
- Yours

Was it cold compresses
or decongestants?

Who told you this nonsense?

Taguchi's wife?

Now I know why you never catch colds

You took too much medicine
back then

I’m home

Welcome back, Mum.
Have you had supper?

Mrs Sakai treated me to supper

- I’ve been waiting for you
- Really?

I bought some sweets
on the way home

- Do you want some now?
- I’ll try some later

I’m exhausted.
I’ve been all over town today

Oh, Mr. Taguchi's
matchmaking failed

Really? Why?

- The young man already has a fiancée
- He's always doing stuff like that

True enough.
But now there's another candidate

Another one?
I’m so popular all of a sudden

- Who's arranging it this time?
- Mr. Mamiya. He sounds nice

- They work at the same company
- I see

He'll send us a photo
and some background information

I'm going to boil some water

Mr. Mamiya thinks very highly
of this young man

He wanted to mention him
the other day when we met

He says he wants a photo of you

- You know, Mum...
- What?

- Could you decline the offers?
- Why?

It'll be harder to say no
once we have his picture

Don't give him my photo, either

- Do you want some tea?
- Sure

Listen, is there somebody you like?

Not at all!

Then why won't you consider this man?

So many people are concerned
about your well-being

You should be grateful

I know that, but I’m fine
with things the way they are


Really, I don't want to get married yet

'Don't want to'?
Just sit down and listen to me

What is it?

- Tell me the truth
- What?

You really don't have
anybody else in mind?

I’d tell you if I did. I wouldn't hide
something like that from you


I feel fine as I am for the time being

- Make sure you decline his offer
- Are you sure?

Of course, I’m sure

Let's live together, just the two of us

The water's boiled

But once I fall in love with someone,
I’ll probably change my mind

Wait a moment

Like this, okay?

That's all for today

If you have any questions,
feel free to ask me anytime

- Is your class over?
- Yes

Do you have a minute?

Please come in and take a seat

- Have you spoken to her?
- Not yet

- Do it, then
- You should do it yourself

You think so? Okay

Here, Akiko...

- What do you think of him?
- Who is he?

What do you think of him
for your daughter?

But isn't his nose crooked?

That's just the photo. It's the lighting

- Well.. .
- What is it?

Thank you, but Ayako says
she doesn't want to get married yet

- But...
- He's not suitable, anyway

But he's from a good family

The man's more important
than the family!

- We discussed this last night
- Shame to pass him up

It's no shame at all.
He's got no chance of succeeding, right?

That's not the point, really

Just the other day, Ayako declined
a match arranged by Miwa's friend

- Why?
- She doesn't want to marry yet

Maybe you can't let her go, either

Not at all

But you need to give her away soon

If she waits, she'll end up
with someone who's not right

We can't all be as lucky as I was

- Yes?
- There's a call for Mrs Miwa

- A call? Transfer it to here
- Yes

- Thank you
- There you go

Hello? Is this Ayako? Yes, it's me

Yes, I can come

What time? Okay, no problem

Then I'll meet you at the corner

I'll leave early and
stop by Uncle Mamiya's on the way

Okay. Bye

I heard Ishii couldn't get the time off

He'd even bought the maps
and everything

- Why?
- His boss is really mean

- So there'll only be seven of us
- Right

I want to shop for hiking boots.
Come with me after work

Not today. I have an appointment

A date, huh? What's going on?

No, with my mum

How boring. Poor you

Please go in

Hello. Nice to see you

Hello. I've brought you the pipe

The pipe? Oh, yes. Thanks a lot


What is it?


Yes, this looks right

Show me that earlier file

Yes, sir

- Wait a minute
- Yes?

This is the young lady
who turned you down


Ayako, this is the man you declined

My name's Goto. Please excuse me

- You're so mean
- Why?

You shouldn't have said that

I was only telling the truth

- But...
- But what? Will you reconsider?

No way

Here's the pipe

Hold on, Ayako

- I heard you work at Toko Trading
- Yes

Say hello to Sugiyama in Accounting.
We went to school together

I will

Excuse me

Here you go

- I’m so full
- You still have some beer left

I shouldn't let it go to waste.
I’ll drink it

That's it

Here you go!

You know, once you get married...

...we won't be able to go out like this

Yes, we can.
I’m not getting married

Eventually you will, though

Until then, we should go out together
once a month or so...

...and eat at nice restaurants

That was delicious

Even once every other month
would be fine

Yes, or once every three months

- I’ll pay for it today
- No, I’ll pay

You'll be short of funds for your trip.
You bought so many things

Don't worry.
I watch how I spend my money

It's a great idea... go on a farewell hiking trip
before your friend gets married

We never thought of doing such things
when I was young

They're both into climbing,
that's why we thought of it

Wasn't it Yuriko's idea?

Be careful not to fall,
like in the film we just saw

Don't worry, I won't. It's a safe place

Well, that's good

You still have some shopping to do,
so shall we go?

You wanted needles
for the sewing machine

- And another thing. Your favorite
- What?

Oh, salted roe

- Could you bring the bill, please?
- Okay!

- Mum, I’ll pay
- No. You can pay next time

- You must be tired, Mum
- A little. But I had a lovely time

- Oh, I forgot
- What?

The soup mix.
Hopefully someone else will think of it

Well, don't we have some here?

Only three sachets left

You're just like your father


You have to prepare everything
perfectly when you go travelling

Your father was just like that

He couldn't do without his pumice
stone at the hot springs

To rub his heels with? I remember that

I’d like to go to the hot springs
with you, Mum

Remember that time
we went to Shuzen Temple?

We saw all those carp
in the pond at the inn

And I threw buttered peanuts to them
and they ate them all up

Then we found the carp next morning
floating belly-up

I was shocked when I saw them,
but dad thought it was hilarious

That was the last trip
we took with your father

The budding maple leaves
were so beautiful

Know what? We should save
some money and take a trip

Where to?

We could travel around
on a tourist pass

- We could visit uncle at Ikaho, too
- Good idea. Let's do it

We won't be able to do that
after you get married

Mum, why are you so eager
to marry me off?

It has to happen eventually

No, I’m not going to get married.
I’m staying as I am

But when I do find someone
I really care for, what do you think?

About what?

- Won't you get lonely?
- I will, but I’ll have to bear it

I'll be just fine

I'm sure my mother bore it, too

That's how it is
with mothers and daughters

Mum, shall we go to bed soon?

Okay. We need to get up early

I've had a lovely time today

- Three of a kind
- A three?

- Here you go. Reach!
- That was quick

- You want this?
- Yes

- Then I’ll give you this
- Okay, I’ll take it

Reach with a bonus
makes three in a row

Can't you be a bit nicer
to the bridegroom-to-be?

Don't worry.
I gave you a gift just recently, didn't I?

Why did you have to come and play?

She's making your husband-to-be cry

Really? Don't be too hard on him

Hey, you sound like a wife already

What's the character for 'fresh'?

Fresh? If it's about your bridegroom,
surely you mean 'gloomy'

'Fresh' is written...

I wrote it out in letters

Miwa, I heard you turned down Goto

- What?
- Goto who works at Sanwa Trading

I saw him in Shinjuku last night.
He told me you turned him down

I didn't. It's not how it sounds

He's a good man. Don't reject him

I didn't! I didn't reject him

What are you talking about?

You just keep your mind
on your own husband

Why would you reject
such a good man?

Shall I reintroduce you to him?

No, thanks

I will. You can count on me

It's time

Today feels like a lucky day. The train
will probably be full of young couples

I wonder how Shigeko's doing right now

Are they sitting face-to-face
or shoulder-to-shoulder?

Whichever they like.
It's none of our business

There it is!

She said she'd wave flowers at us
from the window

Maybe she forgot

How could she?
She mentioned it so many times

Maybe she was feeling shy

Besides, they could've invited us
to the reception today

They should have

Maybe they just forgot about us

We joined the company together,
we've always been good friends

We'll all go our separate ways

That's what I hate about marriage.
Is it the same for men?

I don't know

If friendship is just a temporary filler
until we get married.. .

...what's the point of all this?

You're right

It's stupid!

Sorry to keep you waiting

It looks like we'll have
a fine Sunday tomorrow

- I hope so. Bye.
- Thank you very much



- Welcome
- A water and a cup of coffee

What a coincidence, seeing you here

- Where did you go, Ayako?
- To the cinema.

The cinema? Have a seat.

- But...
- Her, too

- But...
- Are you off to some place else?

No, I'm going home now

Please excuse me. Goodnight

Ayako, don't you want to go with him?

No, I'm fine

- Then please sit down
- All right

Here you are, sir

- Would you like to order something?
- No, thanks. I’m full

What's going on?

- What do you mean?
- With Goto

I met him for the first time today.
Somebody else introduced us

I introduced you first. It was me

- But.. .
- But what?

A friend of Mr. Goto's, Sugiyama,
works at my company

- That's why Sugiyama.. .
- Forget about Sugiyama

What do you think?

- About what?
- About Goto

- I met him the first time this evening
- You already said so

Stop teasing me

I'm not teasing you, I’m serious

Don't you think he's a nice fellow?

Do you like him? Do you?

- I don't know
- You don't know? Really?

I’ve no idea

No idea, huh? Well, that's a problem

Supposing he's a nice young man...

...and supposing that you like him,
it's as simple as that

- What's simple?
- Marriage

- No way!
- What do you mean?

Suppose I fell in love
with somebody...

...there might be a number of reasons
for not being able to get married

Really? What reasons?

You mean financial reasons?

- That's one
- What are the others?

Like in my case, the girl might be
living alone with her mother

That's not an issue

You'll never get married if you insist
on staying with your mother

I don't need to get married

That's not right.
Women should, you know

Listen, Uncle, romance and marriage
are separate for me

Oh? What do you mean?

Well, how shall I explain?

You mean you could put up
with your husband's affairs?

- No, I'm not silly like that
- Oh, sorry

Of course, if you could combine
romance and marriage.. .

...that would be ideal

But I don't think you're unlucky
if you don't have both

You can still enjoy life

I think that's the case
for most couples

You think so?
Wouldn't you feel sad?

No, I wouldn't.
I belong to a different generation

You're right

I'm happy living with my mother

I'm very fortunate.
I’d rather keep living this way

You love your mother so much

You think so?
We often bicker, though

That proves you love her

A mother and a daughter wouldn't fight
unless they were very close

- You think so?
- Yes, I think so

She really is a good mother...

...and you're a good daughter, too

Young people these days
really are something

You get some strange ones,
of course

- I think what she says makes sense
- What?

Separating romance and marriage

It's because the world is getting
more difficult to live in

And what do you think?
Do you think Ayako likes that fellow?

I think so, as far as I've seen

She tried to make excuses, though

That was a bit suspicious

- Who's this Sugiyama she mentioned?
- He's out of the picture now

So the issue here
is her concern for her mother


- That's easy to deal with
- How?

- We'll get the mother to marry first
- Remarry?

Yes! Then the daughter will marry.
That's both of them sorted out!

- You think that would work?
- Depends on how we persuade them

Sounds like a brilliant idea

If it worked out, it would be ideal

It will work. Akiko is so pretty.
Who wouldn't marry her?

Then why don't you ask Akiko
if she's interested in remarrying?

- Do I have to do it?
- Of course, it's your idea

It's right that you do it

Give it a try. ..will you?

- Okay. I’ll try
- Good

But I don't have anyone
lined up for her

How about Hirayama?


Yeah, that could work

That's not funny!
There's no way I could do it

She's the widow of a good friend

Don't be so uptight

No way

No way, it would be immoral

There's nothing immoral about it.
You're a widower and she's a widow

I can't be so detached about it.
I couldn't do such a thing

Well, so much for that idea!

- But go ahead and ask her anyway
- I will, then

Don't you dare mention my name,
you hear me?

What a pity!

You've been a widower for years
and what do you have to show for it?

I totally agree.
I wish I were in his place

Yeah, I wish I were in his place

I really do

- Welcome home, sir
- Evening

- Hi, Dad
- You're home?

- Have you had supper, sir?
- Yes, thanks

How about you?

I’ve eaten already.
I couldn't wait for you all night

I see

What were the scores?
Did you guess right?

Not too bad

What's the matter with you?

- What?
- You seem a bit down

- Has something happened?
- No, nothing

- I have to ask you something
- What?

I've declined, but my friends
are trying to play matchmaker

- For me?
- No, for me

For you?

Who's the woman?

Aside from who she might be,
what do you think?

That depends on who you're marrying.
Do I know her?

Tell me who it is

Don't hide it from me

- I’m not hiding it
- Then who is it? Tell me

You know Mrs Miwa, don't you?

Oh, her? She's great.
I’d be fine with her

So you approve?

Of course! And you declined?

- Sort of
- That's a stupid thing to do!

- Really?
- Yes!

- So you'd accept?
- Of course

Listen, Dad, I always hoped
you'd get remarried


I'm going to get married someday...

...and if you're still alone,
you'll end up living with us

You'd be in the way.
It's not fair on my wife


And you wouldn't like it, either

So you'd better marry Mrs Miwa

- It's a great chance
- Chance?

But is she really willing?

I don't know yet

What? You don't know?
You need to be more confident

- So you like the idea?
- Yes, I do. Absolutely

I see...

Dad, you look much happier now

Please enter

What is it?

Today's such a beautiful day's been like this
for a few days

Yes, it's lovely

There was an earthquake
last night, though

Really? I didn't feel it

There was. Only a small one, though

So what is it? What's the matter?

- What we discussed the other night...
- What's that?

You know,
when we were at the golf course

About employing students?

No, at the clubhouse

- What was it?
- About Miwa's wife

Did you think of a suitable man?

Well...I’ve given it some thought

- And?
- Well...

Remember what you suggested?
My son likes the idea

What did I say?

You remember!

No, I don't at all

Stop pretending

I’m serious. Do you think Taguchi
has already asked her?

No idea... But you didn't seem
at all interested then

Yes, I know, I know...

...but life can be inconvenient
in a lot of ways for a widower

'Inconvenient'? You have a maid

I know that, but I just thought...

There's an itch that
your maid can't scratch?

Sort of

And you've suddenly developed
such an itch

Sort of

I don't know about your itches,
but what do you want me to do?

Well, I'd like you... talk to her...about me

I think you should leave that
to Taguchi

No, that man talks too much

- I want you to do it instead
- Me?

Yes. Would you do it for me?


Will you get me Mr. Taguchi
at Nitto Electric?

- Do you think Taguchi can handle it?
- No problem. That's what we agreed

But when he gets involved,
things tend to...

Fall apart?

Hello? What? He's away?

- He's not there
- I see

- I’ll talk to him
- As soon as you can

Are you that itchy?

I’m no good at this,
no matter how old I am

- Where are you going?
- To the toilet



So...where's Hirayama?

He's not here yet

- Did you talk to her?
- Yeah

- How did it go?
- Well...

... I got a bit sidetracked

Could I have a glass of whisky
with water?

I'll have another, too

So what's the story?

She has absolutely no intention
of getting remarried

She talked about her late husband
from start to finish

Did you mention Ayako and Goto?

- Yes, I did
- What did she say?

She just smiled
and said, 'Oh, really?'

And what about Hirayama?

I couldn't mention his name

It was like I’d gone there
to hear her talk about Miwa

I was touched
by what she told me, too

- So you didn't mention Hirayama?
- Nothing

Here you are, sirs

But Hirayama's serious

She's too good for Hirayama

She's as lovely as ever

I wish you'd been there
to see her moved to tears

Oh, really?

She was like a beautiful flower
in the rain

And she peeled an apple for me
with her gorgeous white hands

And you ate it?

I did indeed. It was delicious

And she gave this

- What did you go there for?
- What are you getting at?

What about Hirayama?

There's nothing I can do.
Forget about him

- But he's in a hurry
- He can hurry all he wants!

Tell him to just put some ointment
on that itch of his

I guess we'd better forget about him

Yeah, forget him


That's him. He's here

- Hey
- Hi

Sorry I’m late

Hey, want a drink?

- Anything's fine
- All right

Have these as well

Taguchi, did you see her?

Yeah, I did

- Did you talk to her?
- Yeah, I did

- How did it go?
- Well... need to be patient

You need to be patient


- I feel sorry for Mr. Hirayama
- I know

They're having fun at his expense

They're so bad, those two

Your husband's a bit better

Mine asked me the other day,
'If I died, would you get remarried?'

And I said, 'No, I’ve had enough.'
Then he said, 'I would'

I asked him, 'To whom?'
He said, 'To Akiko, of course'

- Really? Mine's probably the same
- Pretty women have that advantage

That's so true. Makes me jealous

Akiko can't just suddenly
decide to get remarried

She won't say yes right away.
I wouldn't, either

Me, neither. Even if I were interested

- Right. They're so tactless
- I agree

- I’ll see you later, Mum
- On a date, Michiko?

Yes, good guess. Until late tonight

- See you later
- Bye

What's to be done
with young people nowadays?

Mine's a headache, too

Things were simpler in our day

All we wanted was
to go to the theatre

Yes, Mon Paris or
When Lilac Blooms

Nowadays, they listen to rockabilly
and that Presley

No wonder things like
dyed flowers are in fashion

How true

- Good afternoon
- Hello

We're talking about matchmaking
Mrs Miwa's daughter

You should take care
of Ayako's marriage first

I don't think you have to worry
about Akiko's remarriage

Well, your husband came up
with that idea

Is that so?
He said it was your idea

No, it was Taguchi

- Whose is it, I wonder?
- Definitely Taguchi's

I heard you saw Akiko in tears and
thought she was stunningly beautiful

He said that?

He's terrible. It's the other way round

I bet he also said I ate the apple

- Yes
- I heard it was delicious

Don't be silly!

Anyway, we'll take care of Ayako
first, if you think that's better

Of course we do

We do indeed

I'd better leave you two to chat


Is Mr. Mamiya here?

Yes, he's waiting for you

Ayako, I'm here

Please come in

I'm sorry I'm late

- You found it all right?
- Yes

Sit down

Make yourself comfortable

We don't have much time,
so I’ll get straight down to business

It's about your marriage.
What do you think of Goto?

- In what way?
- Do you like him or not? Tell me

- I don't dislike him
- So you like him

He said he likes you, too

So just go ahead and marry him,
will you?

- But, Uncle...
- What?

I haven't decided yet
if I’ll ever get married

That's what you said last time

So I can't give you an answer
right now

But if you like him,
why not get married?

But what would my mother do
if I got married?

- Ah, your mother...
- Yes

We've thought of her happiness, too.
We won't let her down

What do you mean?

For instance, what do you think
about your mother getting remarried?

Is that what she's considering?

Well, sort of

What do you think?

Sorry to keep you waiting

What's wrong?
You look like you're deep in thought

Is it definite, then?

- What? Your mother's remarriage?
- Who is he?

- The man?
- Yes

Since you and your mother
have known him for years...

... I thought Hirayama might be suitable

Mr. Hirayama?

What do you think of him?
Are you not keen?

Well, it's not definite yet

What do you think?

Welcome home. Are you hungry?

We've not got much for supper

I meant to shop on my way home,
but I was late, as well

What's wrong? What's happened?

What's the matter?
What's up with you?

I saw somebody today
who I haven't seen in years

It was on the train

I wonder if you remember her

She often came round to sell rice
in the years after the w*r

She looked so elegant
I hardly recognized her.



Have you been hiding something
from me?

Such as?

Uncle Mamiya told me
the whole thing today

What about?

Mum, are you planning
to get remarried?


Don't hide it from me anymore!

Hide what?

- I know
- What do you know? What is this?

I'm completely lost

Don't deny it! What about dad?
Didn't you think of him?

Wasn't Mr. Hirayama
a friend of dad's?

- What about Mr. Hirayama?
- You're still denying it?

Why would you hide it from me?

- What do you mean?
- Enough's enough!

I never thought you'd do this.
I hate all this secrecy

What are you talking about,

It's sordid! I hate it!

Ayako, where are you going?

Where are you going?

Leave me alone!
I don't like what you're doing!

Here you go

- Cuttlefish, please
- And you, miss?

- I’d like some more of this
- Coming up!


Oh, welcome

- I came to see Yuriko
- Yes, she's in

Yuriko! Miss Miwa is here!


Please go on up

Nice to see you. Come on up.
My room's a mess, though


Here you go!

Would you like some more clams?

I’ll have some

You do like your clams, don't you?

Clams are delicious

They're poisonous, though,
if you're not careful

- How about some octopus?
- I’ve already had some octopus

I want some clams, the softest part

- And some red shellfish
- Yes, sir!

So what did you say to her?

I hate it all the more because
he's my father's friend. It's not right

- That's why you stormed out?
- Yes, because I think it's sordid

So that's what you think

I still remember my dad so well

Why is my mother behaving
like she's forgotten him?

I just can't bear this

Listen, I can understand...

...but aren't you being a bit selfish?


Look at it from your mother's

- What do you mean?
- Well, she's a woman, too, like you

- What are you saying?
- You have a boyfriend

Why shouldn't your mother have one?

Isn't that selfish of you?
If it were me, I’d just stay quiet

So you'd be fine with it
if you were me?

Of course.
I’d let my mother live her own life

- You'd feel differently in my place
- That's not true

It was fine when my father
got remarried

It didn't mean I'd forgotten
my late mother

Even now, when I close my eyes,
I can see my mother's face

My father's a bit sloppy,
but that's all right, he has his own life

But I don't think that

But you have no choice

You can't expect things
to be perfect in this world

You're acting like a baby

- Yuriko, here you are
- Thanks

Want something to eat?

Come on over here

I'm going home

Home? I thought you were
staying over tonight

- I’m going home
- Eat something before you go

I've had enough

You're really going home?

Go home, then. What a baby!

Go on!

Where were you?

I’ve been worried about you,
running off like that

Where have you been?

What are you so upset about?
There's been a misunderstanding

What did Mr. Mamiya tell you?

What do you think I'm hiding from you?

I have no need to hide anything

You're the one who's hiding something

- What are you talking about?
- I’m talking about Mr. Goto

You said nothing to me about him,
a man that you like

I’ve been waiting for you
to tell me about him

I've heard he's a really nice man...

...and I’ve been really happy for you

Why didn't you tell me?

- Morning.
- Morning.

See you


- Good morning
- Good morning

Did you make up with your mum
when you got home?

Are you still upset?

Fine, stay upset.
Stay like that forever

Thank you!

Here you go

- Welcome!
- Welcome!

That's not good,
quarrelling with your mother

I lost my mother
when I was quite young

Sometimes I think back
and wish I hadn't argued with her

Suddenly I remember
and regret what I did

I’m from Fushimi

We have these traditional dolls
made of clay

They used to be on a shelf
in the kitchen... Are you okay?

One day, when I was nine years old...

...I got angry about
some stupid little thing...

...and I broke all those dolls

I still remember the shocked look
on my mother's face

I had no good reason

I’d got home hungry and found
that supper wasn't ready yet

She died that autumn

- Really?
- So it's best not to quarrel

Never quarrel

You're right

Yes? Who is it?

Good evening

Oh, hello

- Is Ayako home?
- Not yet

But do come in

Please have a seat

Do you know where Ayako is?

- I don't know
- I sort of know...

I heard what happened last night

So she was at your house last night?

Yes. And I heard that
you're getting remarried

What's going on with you girIs?

So I told her she was being childish
getting upset about it

You have your reasons
for making your choices

- I suppose I do
- Ayako isn't being fair

She's just blaming you
without really thinking about it

I had a long talk with her,
but she refused to talk to me today

- Really?
- That's why I came over

The truth is that I think
she's overstepped the mark

Why's that?

If I were Ayako,
I’d rather you got remarried

Really? Why?

No offence, but I'd feel less
burdened if you were married

You may be right

Of course. Everyone thinks so

Ayako's the only one
who doesn't see it. She's so silly

I'd be a burden to her, wouldn't I?

No, of course not

Well, maybe just a little burden.
Sorry. Will you be lonely?

There's nothing I can do about that

As long as she's happy,
I’ll be happy.

You're really amazing.
I’m glad we've had this chat

And I’m glad you've decided...

...because otherwise Ayako
would never get married

- You think so?
- Definitely. She's said so

Has she?

If you decide to get married,
Ayako will quickly follow suit

She's so stubborn

She certainly is

I wonder what she's upset about.
It's perfect, isn't it?

What is?

Mr. Hirayama.
He's a college professor

And he was a friend of your husband's,
so he'll understand everything

But, Yuriko, you've misunderstood

No, I haven't. It'll be fine

What's fine?
I think you've got mixed up

I know nothing about a match
with Mr. Hirayama

Don't deny it.
There's no need to be shy!

Honestly, I know nothing about it

Believe me


How's that possible?

So you know nothing
about the match?

That's right.
I’ve heard nothing about it

That's terrible.
Why is everyone talking about it?

You didn't know?

That's right

Really? That's so ridiculous!

Welcome back.
Where have you been?

You're not still upset?
I came to see how you were doing

It's none of your business.
Go home

Okay, I’ll go

Yuriko, you can stay here tonight

No, Mum, I won't sleep
in the same house as her

- Ayako!
- No is no. She has to go

I'm leaving now!

Excuse me. Goodnight

You're really leaving? I’m sorry

Don't care!

- Bye
- Bye


It's okay. She's just being stubborn


Mr. Hirayama is here to see you

What's up?

An odd situation
seems to have arisen

- What do you mean?
- A strange girl came to see me

- What?
- Anyway, I need you to meet her

- Who?
- She's waiting for you in reception

- Taguchi's with her, too
- Who are you talking about?

- Hi
- Hi

What's the matter?


That's her. She's a friend of Ayako's

My name is Yuriko Sasaki

My name's Mamiya.
Please have a seat


I have one question for you.
Why are you spreading false stories?

What do you mean?

I'm talking about
Mrs Miwa's remarriage

- Oh, I see
- No, you don't see!

You told Ayako something that
Mrs Miwa knew nothing about!

Why would you disrupt
a perfectly happy family?

Ayako has suffered a great deal
because of you

Why would you disturb
their peace like that?

I want to know.
Please explain yourselves

Can't you tell me? What's so funny
about upsetting them?

We don't find it funny at all

Then why?

Your name is Yuriko, right?
Please have a seat

I'm fine standing


- Sit down, please
- No!

Thank goodness you have
a reception room here

This is exactly what she did to me
at the university

- By the way, Yuri-chan...
- Use my full name

Oh... I do apologize

I can explain how it happened

I'm not asking you!


But what do you think about
the idea of Mrs Miwa remarrying?

- Good idea?
- Yes, it's a good idea

But that's beside the point

Actually, it isn't.
That's how Ayako is

She'll never get married
unless her mother remarries first

Why didn't you say so
in the first place?

Mrs Miwa knows nothing
about him, does she?

Hey, she said the same thing
to me earlier

What's going on? Didn't you mention
my name to Mrs Miwa?

Just stay quiet for now

- But...
- Hold your tongue

We seem to have made
a procedural mistake

For Ayako to be happily married,
her mother must remarry

- You understand that?
- Yes. But then why did you...?

I’m sorry for the mistake we made.
Please forgive us

I apologize to you, too.

- Please sit down
- Please

Now the question is whether
Mrs Miwa is willing to be remarried

I asked her about that

- Is she?
- Yes

Well, that's good news

We'd like you to help us

We'll take care of the mother first,
and then Ayako

- What do you think?
- That's fine with me

That makes sense to me

You've perked up again!

Has it already been decided
that he's to be her husband?


...nothing's definite yet

Do you object?

I have no objection

- I think he's fine
- Fine?

- Charming
- Charming?

- So, Hirayama, we should celebrate
- No, no

'No, no'? You owe us a big meal

I do?

Fine, fine

- Where are you going?
- To the toilet

Many thanks!


That's quite a way.
It's good sushi at your place, is it?

Yes, it is.
Let's have some hot sake

These humble little places
often have surprisingly good food

Sorry about the 'humbleness'

- Aren't the master and his wife in?
- They've just stepped out

And their daughter?

Well, she's...

Their daughter's very pretty.
I wish you could meet her

Yuri-chan, are you okay?
Can you make it home from here?

Of course I can make it home.
I’m more concerned about you

- What would you like?
- Where's my sake?

Just a moment

And what would you two like to eat?

- What do you recommend?
- Everything's good

Make an assortment, will you?

We can't eat much, you know

Yes, we can.
The sushi here is really excellent

Serve us plenty

Hirayama, I'll try to help you
persuade Mrs Miwa

- But can you truly love her?
- Yes, I can

Always and forever?

Yes, I can

He looks so happy, doesn't he?

He's very lucky

Here you are, your hot sake

I'm really happy for you, Hirayama

Thank you so much.
I’m so grateful to my friends

It's not guaranteed yet, you know

- Don't say that
- Here you go

But honestly, can you really love
my auntie forever?

Yes, I can

Always and forever?

Yes, I can

You're a sweet man.
Leave it to me, all right?

You're such a lucky fellow

Welcome, everyone

Oh, you're back

- You're late today
- Yeah

They seem to know you very well

- Do you come here often?
- Yeah, every day

Every day?

- Did you take the day off work?
- I left work at noon

- Mr. Sugiyama called for you
- What did he say?

He said he'd talk to you tomorrow

I get it. You live here

Yes, that was my mother

And I’m the daughter of the house

You're terrible!

You can eat as much as you like,
as long as you pay the bill

Of course I’ll pay the bill

Serve us everything you can,
and sake, too

We're no match for
the young ladies nowadays

They're way ahead of us

- Tuna belly, please
- And some clams for me

But do you really promise me?

Yes, I promise. I will love her

Not that!
I’m talking about paying the bill

Oh, I will, I will.
I’ll be glad to

Red shellfish for me

I see. That's why Miwa's
taking a vacation

- They're travelling all over together
- I’m glad they made up

Ayako was upset at first,
but she managed to get over it

Seeing them,
I wished I had my real mother back

You've got a wonderful stepmother

She's nice,
but it's not the same thing

I’m trying to be
a good daughter to her


Can't you tell?
I must be acting well

- Here you go
- Thanks!

I wonder where Ayako is today?
I’m so envious of her

Shall we go hiking again
for the farewell party?

- We can invite Goto, too
- Let's do it

It's a beautiful time of year
for hill-walking

- We shouldn't be in the office
- You're right

The lanterns twinkle
in the wan light of dusk

And the path winds its way
up to the old mountain hut

Staring longingly out of the window,
I reminisce about us

And songs of old are carried
on the wind...

Ayako, aren't you sleepy?

No, not yet

It's unfortunate
it's so crowded and noisy

But there are students
on school trips wherever we go

The hotel in Nikko was packed
with them. Wasn't it?

They kept taking our slippers
and entering our room by mistake

Did they? It can't have been
very restful for you

But we still had a lovely time

Well, that's good

Excuse me?

Sir, the teachers from the school
group want to talk to you

Okay, I’ll be right along

I’m so glad that Ayako's found
a good bridegroom. ..

...and that you've decided
to get remarried

I was concerned about you...

...more so than I was about Ayako

Thank you for thinking of us

I'm just happy for you

Sleep well

- Goodnight
- Goodnight


Shall we go to sleep now?

Ayako, come over here

It's quieter now

Maybe the school kids
have gone to bed

School trips were
always so much fun...

...but I never liked the last night

I was always so sad
that the trip was about to end

Did you ever feel that way, too?

What's the matter? Mum?


. ..remember when you said
it was sordid for me to get remarried?

Please forget about that

I'm sorry for what I said

To tell you the truth,
I feel the same way

I've decided not to get remarried

But, Mum...

I'm still happy with your father

I’ll continue to live
with his memories

That's all I want

I really have no desire
to start all over again

But, Mum...

I’ll be fine

Don't worry about me anymore.
Please marry Mr. Goto

Nothing could give me
greater pleasure.. .

...than seeing you happily married
to someone you love

Just forget all about me

I won't feel lonely at all

But how can I leave you all alone
in that apartment?

I’ll be fine

What kind of prospects will you have
if you stay with me?

You're young and blooming.
You have a bright future

There's so much happiness
waiting for you

Please get married to Mr. Goto

I'll be absolutely fine on my own

Please do as I say

And please don't think I’m lying
just to convince you to get married

Listen to me...
You do understand, don't you?

I've really enjoyed this trip

Do you remember when
we lived here during the w*r?

Your dad would come home
every Sunday

Although we were penniless...

...he'd always find something
to bring back for you

He was a good father

This will be our last trip together

I want you to be happy

You have so much ahead of you...

...and so do I.

I’ll always remember
eating sweet beans with you here

...the leaves of crimson and ochre

How varied the colours

They scatter downwards
to the water's surface

Forming a flowing, richly hued brocade...

Wedding Reception
for the Goto and Miwa Families

I'm ready

Could the bridegroom
please turn this way a little?


Hold. One more shot

Could you bring more sake
to that room?

It went well today. We had
good weather and everything

It went really well

It was a rocky road,
but we had fun

We certainly did.
Let's toast to Ayako

And also to Miwa and Akiko

- Cheers
- Cheers

It wasn't much fun for me, though

Just remember that
we achieved our goal

Ayako is now happily married

I’m glad about that,
but I feel a bit used

At least you all got pipes

What, this?

But you had a good time,
dreaming pleasant dreams

Dreaming in vain

We tend to make things
complicated in life

Maybe life's simpler than we think

Speak for yourself!

That daughter from
the sushi restaurant? She's a one!

She was lots of fun

It's refreshing to see a girl like that.
Sentimental girls are too much

Overly practical isn't good,
either, though

My daughter's almost that age.
It's hell for parents!

I wonder what Akiko will do,
though, all on her own

Are you still holding out hope?

No, I've given up

So your itches are gone now?

No, the itches still remain

But we had a good time together

We'll have to think of something else
to bring us together

What about your daughter?
Isn't she of marriageable age?

No, not yet. And I won't need
any help from you two

Some more?

- There's whisky, too
- This is fine

It was all good fun

Mrs Miwa? Are you still up?


I just wanted to check
you were all right

We all went to the Ginza
after the reception

For you

Thank you

Ayako looked so beautiful today...

...with her hair up
in the traditional style

You think so?
She said she didn't like it

It was perfect

Can I pop in to see you
from time to time?

Of course. Do come and see me.
I mean it

I'm glad that you look happy

Yes, I am. I’m very happy today,
thanks to you all

- And Ayako's happy
- She really is

She's blessed to have you
as a mother

I have to go now

Well, thank you so much
for coming to see me

- Goodnight
- Goodnight

- Bye
- Bye

The End