05x15 - King Baby

Episode transcripts for the TV show "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation". Featured Movie "Immortality" aired Sunday September 27th, 2015.*
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An elite team of police forensic evidence investigation experts work their cases in Las Vegas.
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05x15 - King Baby

Post by bunniefuu »




(Camera starts on the gate fronting the driveway. It slowly rises up over the gate to the large mansion beyond.)




(Camera slowly moves in toward the closed balcony doors. The curtains are drawn, the light inside is on.)

(We quicken the pace and zoom in to the balcony doors ... )



( ... and into the quiet foyer. We linger for a moment.)

(From the foyer, the camera slowly follows the stairs up to the second floor. The camera rises up to the second floor.)


(Slow motion. We see the lower half of a man running barefoot through the hallway.)

(The man is crying, a look of sadness on his face.)



(CU: Bruce Eiger's dead body is on the front steps, his head is bloodied. Off his body we see the reflection of red flashing lights of emergency vehicles.)

Laurel Tessler (newswoman): (V.O.) This is the scene in seven hills, where casino mogul Bruce Eiger has been found dead on the grounds of his palatial estate.

(A camera snaps. Catherine snaps photos as Warrick shines his flashlight on the body.)

Laurel Tessler (newswoman): (V.O.) Eiger turned sixty earlier this year, ...

(Beyond Catherine, a small crowd has gathered on the driveway.)

Laurel Tessler (newswoman): (V.O.) ... throwing himself a half-a-million-dollar birthday party at his newly renovated Queen Regent Casino.

(Laurel Tessler reports from the crime scene. Other reporters take notes. In the background, we hear a siren blurb on and off as the crowd parts for another dark-colored vehicle driving through.)

Laurel Tessler (newswoman): (V.O.) Cause of death remains unknown, but as Eiger himself famously joked: In Vegas, if nobody wants you dead, you're not working hard enough. Reporting live from Seven Hills, I'm Laurel Tessler.

Man: Thanks Ginny. In this exclusive community ...

(Conrad Ecklie exits the vehicle.)

Conrad Ecklie: What's the 4-1-1?

(He and Grissom walk up to Brass. They all head toward the body as he fills them in.)

Brass: Wife comes home from canasta at the club, finds hubby dead in the driveway, calls 9-1-1. No sign of forced entry. The alarm was off. Nothing seems to be missing.

(Grissom ducks under the crime scene tape. Ecklie remains behind.)

Brass: Welcome to the party.

(Catherine looks up and sees Grissom approaching.)

Catherine: What's going on? This is my scene.

(Grissom puts his kit down and opens it. Ecklie answers her. She turns toward Ecklie.)

Conrad Ecklie: High profile case -- woke up the supervisors. All hands on deck, Cath. Grissom's lead on this. He's the senior supervisor.

Catherine: If it's all hands on deck, what are you doing behind the tape?

Conrad Ecklie: You know if I cross the tape, my name goes on the crime scene log that gets subpoenaed by the defense, and I have to testify.

Catherine: And when was the last time you testified?

Conrad Ecklie: That's not my primary job anymore. I'm an administrator. I run interference for you guys ... starting with the press.

(Ecklie turns around to deal with the press. Catherine walks back to the body. She passes Grissom as he closes his kit and stands up.)

Grissom: It's nothing personal, Catherine. (Catherine turns around to look at Grissom.) Cases like these rain down hard. You need all the help you can get.

Catherine: I need help, not supervision.

(Grissom doesn't say anything. He nods at the body.)


(Grissom and Catherine stand near the body. Warrick kneels down next to the body.)

Grissom: So, Warrick?

Warrick: Initial observations when we got to the scene. (Grissom turns around and looks up at the balcony.) Obvious impact to the face. Severe facial contusions. Broken nose, cracked teeth. No shoe prints. No tracks. No cast off. No sign of a w*apon.

Grissom: We're standing on the w*apon.

(Warrick looks up.)

(They all see: Virtual Bruce Eiger falling off the balcony and onto the driveway pavement.)

(Grissom looks down at the body and nods.)




(Conrad Ecklie faces the group of reporters.)

Reporter: Mr. Eiger had a lot of enemies. Any idea who might have done this?

Conrad Ecklie: I'm not ready to confirm the circumstances under which Mr. Eiger died. I will say that this is the number one priority for the mayor and for all of us in law enforcement.


(Catherine, Grissom and Warrick look at the body. Nick stands in the background.)

Catherine: So, he either jumped, fell or was pushed.

Warrick: Well, the facial impact is consistent with the blood pool ... but not with the current position.

Grissom: Well, he landed on his face, but it looks like his head got moved.

Nick: And not by the paramedics. (Grissom turns around to look at Nick.) And according to them, he had a broken neck.

Grissom: Well, then he didn't roll himself over.

(Catherine looks at the body on the ground, then looks at the front door where Donna Eiger is talking with an officer.)

Catherine: Let's talk to the wife.)


(Brass talks with Donna Eiger.)

Brass: House this big -- where's all the help?

Donna Eiger: Oh, the staff always gets Thursday nights off. I-I-I don't get what the mystery is here. He was m*rder*d. Some guys collect art. Bruce collected enemies.

Brass: I'm more interested in what happened after he died.

Donna Eiger: And what is that supposed to mean?

Brass: Mrs. Eiger, uh, I don't know how to put this ...

Donna Eiger: All right, please, you're making me feel old. Call me Donna.

Brass: Okay, Donna, sure. Your husband's boxer shorts.

Donna Eiger: He wasn't wearing them when he died, was he?

Donna Eiger: Oh, that's what this is all about. No, no, I-I pulled in. I saw Bruce lying there naked. I knew that the news was on its way over here. I didn't want the whole world to see him like that.

Brass: So you moved the body?

Donna Eiger: Yes, yes. I turned him over. I put his shorts on. What, is-is dignity a crime?


(Grissom opens the garage door. He flicks the light switch on. Inside the garage are five cars.)

(He walks down the short stairs and over to the first car. He puts his hand on the hood, feeling it.)

(He looks at the Nevada plates of the second car: 4MYDONNA. He puts his hand flat on the hood.)

(Grissom goes to the car and tries the driver's side door. It's locked.)

(He looks around.)


(The garage door opens. Sara and Greg walk up to Grissom.)

Grissom: Question. You come home, see your husband lying in the driveway. What do you do?

Greg: (shrugs) Is that a trick question?

Sara: Stop, jump out, run over to him.

Grissom: Or take the time to pull into the garage and park and lock your car?

(Sara turns and looks at Greg. He shrugs at her.)


(Catherine stands on the front steps and looks around. Conrad Ecklie walks up to her and stops at the crime scene tape.)

Conrad Ecklie: Catherine ...

(Catherine looks at Ecklie, then continues to look on the ground for evidence.)

Conrad Ecklie: Look, it's not that we don't have confidence in you ...

(Catherine takes a deep breath.)

Catherine: I smell crap.

Conrad Ecklie: What?

(Catherine sees something.)

Catherine: Don't take another step.

(She shines the light down on the concrete right in front of Ecklie's shoes.)

Conrad Ecklie: Joe?

Officer Joe: Yeah?

Catherine: The Eigers have any pets?

Officer Joe: No kids, no pets.

Catherine: Okay.

(Catherine kneels down and snaps a photo of the crap and slips it into an envelope.)

Catherine: I saved you from putting your foot in it.

Conrad Ecklie: (nods) I appreciate that.

(Ecklie turns and leaves.)

Nick: (o.s.) Hey, Catherine.

(Catherine turns and looks up. Nick is standing on the balcony.)

Catherine: Yeah?

Nick: I think I found the launch point.

Catherine: I'll be right there.

(Catherine goes back to her kit. She puts her camera down on the bag and heads upstairs.)


(Sara finds an oil spot on the driveway. Grissom stands nearby writing on a clipboard.)

(Sara kneels down in front of the oil spot.)

Sara: People who live in houses like these don't get oil leaks.

(Greg kneels down near Sara.)

Greg: But their visitors might.

(She touches it and looks at the stain on her fingers.)

Sara: Hasn't absorbed into the stone yet. It's fresh.

Grissom: Well, swab it and then check all their cars just in case.



(Catherine walks up to Nick who is examining the second story balcony.)

Nick: Hey. Whatever happened, it happened right here. (Warrick walks up to him to look at the planter.) Planter could've been broken during the struggle or been used as leverage.

Catherine: Well, if he was pushed, they'd have to be strong enough to get that big boy over the railing.

Warrick: Well, I didn't see any trace on Bruce's hands. I don't think those are his prints.

(Warrick looks at the handprints on the concrete railing.)

Nick: Well, maybe the k*ller hung out ...

(Quick flash of: [BALCONY - NIGHT] The k*ller stands near the balcony looking over the edge, his hands flat on the concrete railing.)

Nick: (V.O.) ... enjoying the fruits of his labor.

(End of flash. Resume to present.)


(Catherine, Nick and Warrick walk back into the house through the hallway.)

Warrick: Well, I don't see any signs of struggle in this hallway.

Nick: No.

Catherine: The only clue is no clue.

(They walk into the room at the end of the hallway.)


(They look around the study.)

Catherine: The inner sanctum.

Nick: If these walls could talk, huh?

(Catherine sees a glass on the desk.)

Warrick: I wish they would.

Nick: Yeah, no doubt.

(She walks over to the glass and sniffs it.)

Catherine: Scotch ... and milk.

(They look around the study.)

Nick: Maybe the guy had stomach trouble, you know, ulcers.

Warrick: Well, you get as good as you give.

(Warrick picks up the cigar in the ashtray and smells it.)

Warrick: Who smokes half a cuban?

(Nick finds a couple of handprints on the wooden floor.)

Nick: Well, whoever was outside might've been in here, too. I've got some greasy handprints, look very similar to the ones on the railing.

Catherine: What are they doing on the floor?

(Quick flashes of: [STUDY - NIGHT] The cigar is burning in the ashtray. Bruce Eiger takes a sip of his drink. He exhales a long stream of smoke into the air.)

(Suddenly, someone bursts into the study, startling him. There's a struggle. The k*ller falls to the ground, his palms flat on the floor.)

(End of flashes. Resume to present.)

Nick: I'll take a sample.


(Robbins goes over the preliminary with Grissom and Sofia Curtis.)

Robbins: From everything I've heard, this guy was a considerable ass. Speaking of which, from the damage to his sphincter, I'd say he suffered repetitive insertions.

Grissom: Rectal insertions?

Robbins: Sizable. Matching perimortem bruises to the hips. The deceased had a peculiar rash around his genitals slathered in ointment. Doesn't read as an STD I'm familiar with. I swabbed the ointment. I also found a gallon of milky fluid in his stomach. Trace has that, too, along with fecal matter I scraped off his feet.

(Robbins grabs the victim's hands.)

Robbins: For what it's worth, nicely manicured nails on all but one thumb, which has a groove worn in it.

Grissom: dr*gs?

Robbins: Yeah, it could be. His pupils were dilated to the size of pie plates. Tox has the blood.

Grissom: There's a lot behind the curtain of this guy's life.

Sofia Curtis: Cause of death?

Robbins: Asphyxia. Choked on his own blood.

Sofia Curtis: So he survived the fall.

Robbins: Well, it broke his neck, but he continued to breathe a while.

Grissom: Might've lived if he hadn't been rolled.

(Grissom glances at Sofia.)


(Grissom steps out into the hallway. He's looking at his glasses. Sofia steps out into the hallway after Grissom.)

Grissom: I'm glad you decided to stay, Sofia.

Sofia Curtis: So am I ... for now.

(Catherine walks into the hallway.)

Catherine: Thanks for waiting. Got here as fast as I could.

Grissom: We just finished.

Catherine: Grissom, what the hell? Am I going to have any part of this case, or should I just go back to my office and start shuffling some papers?

Sofia Curtis: Catherine, it wasn't personal. The body was posted. We didn't think you'd be back for a few hours. There's the report.

(Sofia hands the report to Catherine.)

Catherine: (to Sofia) Stay out of this. (Sofia leaves.) (to Grissom) So, is this an Ecklie mandate, or is this just your thoughtlessness?

Grissom: Well, look, I apologize, but this is a group effort.

Catherine: (scoffs) Thanks. I feel much better.

(Catherine turns and leaves.)


(Catherine walks into her office and shuts the door behind her. She tosses the report on her desk along with her watch. She sits down in her chair.)

(She looks at her camera, takes out the connecting cord and hooks up her camera to the computer. The message reads:

(Catherine checks the memory card in the camera. It's an SG1 32 MB card. This isn't good.)

(The office door opens.)

Warrick: Okay, just got back from the crime scene. Dropped the samples off at Trace.

(Catherine looks at Warrick.)

Warrick: What's wrong?

Catherine: You didn't touch my camera, did you?

Warrick: No.

Catherine: I have a 256 memory card. This is a 32. Somebody switched it out and took my crime scene photos.

Warrick: What?

(Catherine closes her eyes and sighs heavily. She puts a hand to her head and grimaces. No, this is definitely not good.)





Brass: (V.O.) Am I being strong-armed by private counsel?


(Brass is talking with Bruce Eigler's attorney, James Mandelbaum.)

Brass: Because, contrary to what you may think, not everybody in Vegas is under the thumb of Bruce Eiger.

James Mandelbaum: Captain Brass, I am simply here representing the interests of Mr. Eiger's estate.

Brass: And those interests would be what?

James Mandelbaum: Well, finding out what happened, certainly. But doing everything within our power to protect Mr. Eiger's private life.

Brass: Protect what? The guy's dead.

James Mandelbaum: Mr. Eiger was a very private person. And although he's no longer with us, his intimates are.

Brass: Look, if this is about him being a sodomite, we already know that.

James Mandelbaum: Excuse me?

Brass: After the case is adjudicated, you can have access to the autopsy reports. In the meantime, let me do my job, okay?


(Conrad Ecklie and Grissom walk through the hallway.)

Conrad Ecklie: When Eiger was looking into buying the Queen Regent Casino out from under Sy Magli, the Gaming Commission turned him down. So he invited some of the commissioners over to his mansion for a party. A week later, he had his gaming and his liquor licenses. Must've been a hell of a party.

Grissom: Well, if the Wizard of Oz had nude photos of the wicked witch, Dorothy would have never lost her slippers.

Conrad Ecklie: Well, if those files exist, it gives us a list of suspects, but nobody actually knows if he has dirt on everyone, or just wants them to think he does.

(Greg catches up with them.)

Greg: Brass subpoenaed Eiger's home phone records in the last year.

Conrad Ecklie: Yeah, anything interesting?

Greg: Numerous calls from Eiger's house to Sy Magli's office.

Conrad Ecklie: Well, they were known business rivals.

Greg: Between midnight and 4:00 a.m.-- What I like to call "love hours."

Grissom: Wouldn't be the first time that hate mutated into passion.

Greg: Public enemies, private lovers. So Jackie Collins.

(They walk out of camera frame.)



(Open on the board:

Sy Magli: (b.g.) Tanya, get your sweet little ass back over to the piano, and we'll talk about it later.

(Tanya Rollins turns from Sy Magli and heads back to the piano. She grabs the mike and talks with the accompanist. After a moment, she starts singing. In the background, Brass and Greg are walking toward Sy Magli.)

Brass: Mr. Magli, Detective Jim Brass, Las Vegas Police. Greg Sanders from the Crime Lab.

Sy Magli: Let me guess. You want to talk to me about Bruce. I hear they're using all the backhoes in hell to dig him a new pit.

Brass: We're, uh, focusing on his life here on earth.

Sy Magli: Well, you know, I thought that bastard would outlive us all.

Brass: When was the last time you saw him?

Sy Magli: At his birthday party.

(Sy nudges Brass and points to Tanya Rollins singing.)

Sy Magli: She's going to be a big star.

(He watches her sing for a moment.)

Sy Magli: Bruce didn't have any friends, so he had to invite his enemies, a real "Who's Who" of Las Vegas. See, Bruce was a shark who circled around for information. And when he found your weakness, he filed it away to be used later.

Greg: His phone records indicate that you spoke more recently than that.

Sy Magli: Oh ... so now you found my weakness.

Brass: What's that?

Sy Magli: I was banging his wife.


(Catherine walks into Grissom's office. She knocks lightly on the door. Grissom looks up.)

Catherine: We have a problem.

Grissom: Oh, no, not again.

Catherine: The memory card from my digital camera was stolen and switched with a blank. The only time the camera was out of my possession was at the crime scene.

Grissom: Well, how can that be? It was a secure scene.

Catherine: I don't know. I dusted the camera and the card. There weren't any prints. All of the crime scene photos of the body and the blood evidence were on that card.

(Grissom sighs and sits back.)

Grissom: We do have a problem.

Conrad Ecklie: Yes, we do.

(Catherine turns around to find Conrad Ecklie leaning against the door jam. He nods at her.)

Grissom: Get back to the crime scene, Catherine. Get what you can.

Catherine: Well, I know that the scene's been released.

Grissom: Well, go quickly.

Catherine: Okay.

(Catherine leaves; Grissom sighs.)


(Hodges reports to Nick.)

David Hodges: Ready?

Nick: Yeah.

David Hodges: The baddest ass in Vegas had diaper rash. The sample that Doc Robbins collected from between his legs at autopsy: Brenner's ointment, used expressly for that purpose.

Nick: Okay. What about the handprints from the railing and the floor in study?

David Hodges: Same deal.

Nick: I compared the hand size, and, uh, the prints aren't Eiger's, man.

David Hodges: Hmm?

Nick: No. Which means that ...

David Hodges: (interrupts) You couldn't pay me enough to rub ointment on some old guy's butt rash.

Nick: (chuckles) Well, maybe some people aren't as discerning as you are. How does a grown man get diaper rash?

David Hodges: I'll take incontinence for $200, Alex.

Nick: Maybe he had gastrointestinal issues.

David Hodges: And the stomach contents. All milk. You get any Tox back?

Nick: Yeah. No dr*gs in his bloodstream.

David Hodges: Really?

Nick: He had dilated pupils, and he was a sick guy, but ... no medications.


(Donna Eiger hoses down the front steps, washing away the bloodstains from the concrete.)

(Catherine runs up the driveway with her camera in her hands.)

Catherine: Mrs. Eiger! Mrs. Eiger, please stop.

(She turns the hose off.)

Donna Eiger: Please stop? What, am I supposed to look at his blood? Do I need this?

(Donna Eiger's phone rings.)

Catherine: I need to take additional photos of the crime scene. If you could just put the hose aside and ...

(Donna Eiger drops the hose on the steps. Catherine motions for her to put the hose aside.)

(Donna Eiger's phone rings. She answers it.)

Donna Eiger: (to phone) Yeah. (Donna Eiger steps right in the watery bloodstains on the steps while Catherine tries to take photos of the scene.)
Oh, Sy. You know what? Don't bother. You don't have to lie to me. I get it. I really, I really do. No, he's dead and you're leaving. Yeah, well, maybe I just thought that I was more than just a hate lay.

(Donna hangs up. She heads back up the stairs right through the watery bloodstains on the steps.)

Catherine: Uh, men just don't appreciate us.

Donna Eiger: It's never enough. (Donna leans forward and brushes the water from her sandals.) When you put up with things that nobody else would and he stills wants more. I mean, just how low are we supposed to sink?

Catherine: You know, I think you're better off without him, anyway.

Donna Eiger: What's your name?

Catherine: Catherine.

Donna Eiger: You know, Catherine, this whole, um, sisterhood thing that you're trying to get going here, it's just really not working for me. You can't con a con, sweetie.

(Donna heads inside.)

(Catherine watches her go.)


(Finished taking the pictures, Catherine heads back toward her car. She looks over at the overflowing trash binds out front and heads over to get a better look at what Mrs. Eiger has been doing all night.)

(She lifts up the trash bin cover and sees the rolled up carpet tucked inside.)

Catherine: (V.O.) Sara and Greg went through these cans last night. They were empty.


(Catherine and Warrick are looking through the trash bins.)

Warrick: Well, it looks like Mrs. Eiger's been a little busy.

Catherine: Evidently.

(Warrick takes out the rolled-up carpet from one bin. Catherine rips open the white trash bag and takes out some soiled clothing.)

(Warrick drops the carpet on the ground. Catherine gets a better look at the soiled clothing.)

Catherine: Uh, Warrick?

Warrick: Yeah.

(She holds up the cloth with a couple of safety pins still attached.)

Warrick: Is that a diaper?

Catherine: Mm-hmm.

Warrick: Those safety pins, they could match the bruises that we found on Mr. Eiger's hips. That accounts for that blood.

Catherine: Well, we can probably get DNA from the blood. But to confirm that Eiger actually wore this thing, Mia's going to have to test the urine inside. Lucky girl.

Warrick: Lucky her.

(Warrick turns back to the carpet and starts unrolling it. Catherine continues to take out the soiled linens from the white trash bags.)

(At the bottom of the bag, Catherine finds a pair of high-heeled women's shoes.)

Catherine: Do you think Donna always takes her laundry to the city dump?

Warrick: I've got handprints and feces on carpet. He wasn't just incontinent, he was a ...

Catherine: ... a freak.

(Warrick snaps photos of the handprints and stains.)

Warrick: That's disgusting.

(He sees something else.)

Warrick: Look at these indentations. I think they could have been a desk or something.

Catherine: Were gonna have to take this back to the house and look at it in its original context.


(Donna Eiger and her friend stand in the foyer.)

Friend #1: Is that even legal? Why are they ...

Warrick: Take it straight up.

(Warrick points for the tech to carry the carpet up the stairs to the second floor. He hands Donna Eiger the warrant.)

Friend #1: Why are you guys doing this? Hasn't she been through enough? (to Donna) You know, you should sue the city. (to Warrick) She's gonna sue you people! How about that?


(The carpet is unrolled in the study.)

Grissom: How do you explain a handprint half covered by a wall?

Catherine: I mean, we're not even certain this rug came from this room.

Warrick: Well, I was gonna say the same thing, but the rug has eight divots that line up perfectly with that desk.

Grissom: Think outside the rug.

(Everyone's quiet for a moment as they look and think.)

Catherine: A man with secrets needs a place to hide them.

(Grissom kneels down near the wall and examines it. He sees something. He looks at Catherine. She stops and watches him.)

(Grissom nudges the wall paneling aside and pushes it completely open.)

(Catherine and Warrick are stunned.)

Warrick: Get the hell out of here.

(They kneel and look into the passageway.)

Warrick: Nice.

(Grissom looks at them and smiles. He turns and looks into the passageway.)


(Grissom, Catherine and Warrick crawl through the passageway and into the nursery.)

(They look around. Grissom turns the light on. Warrick laughs.)

Catherine: Wow. Just when you thought you'd seen it all.

Warrick: People lived in fear of this guy?

Grissom: Imagine the fear he lived with.




(They snap photos of the nursery.)

Warrick: A very powerful and paranoid man with a secret this big? It'd probably k*ll him if anyone found out.

Grissom: I think it did k*ll him.

Catherine: So we're back to su1c1de?

Grissom: Well, let's collect for now. We'll, uh, theorize later.

(Nick crawls in through the passageway. He takes a look at the nursery and his jaw drops.)

Nick: Whoa. Who's your mommy? The true inner sanctum.

(Catherine snaps photos of the adult-sized pacifiers.)

(Nick finds the pink nursing gown and holds it up.)

Nick: Hey, maybe we're looking for the hand that rocks the cradle.

Catherine: I think that Bruce just wanted the same thing as every other guy.

Grissom: Nurturing?

Catherine: Easy access.

(Nick smiles.)

(Grissom opens a drawer and finds the enema bottles.)

Grissom: Well ... (He holds them up.) ... this could explain the repeated insertions.

(Catherine snaps photos of the adult-sized bassinet.)

(Warrick pushes aside the clothes in the closet and finds a security panel.)

Warrick: I think this was originally used as a panic room. Eiger's got a massive security system here, motion and site sensitive. No video, though.

Catherine: Well, I guess we won't get to see who swaddled him.

(Nick opens the toy chest and looks inside.)

Warrick: Well ... there is a hard drive. I'll get it back to the lab.

(Nick closes the toy chest and picks up the adult-sized pacifier. He looks at it.)

Nick: I just don't get it, man.

Grissom: What, you never had a transitional object when you were a kid? A stuffed animal or a blanket?

Nick: No. I mean, I had a wooby, but who didn't?

(Catherine's eyes widen.)

Warrick: Oh, is that that blue thing that's in your locker?

Nick: (chuckles) Don't even.

Grissom: Seventy percent of children have something. Helps them with separation anxiety.

(Grissom opens the trash bin.)

Grissom: Maybe Bruce Eiger never got over his.

Warrick: I got a question. Where would you buy something like this? I mean, this crib and this rocking horse isn't exactly, uh, regulation size.

(Grissom picks up the white trash bag and looks at the emblem on the outside.)

Grissom: (reads) Forever Baby. For the child in all of us.

(Catherine opens the refrigerator and sees the bottles of milk on the shelf. She picks up one.)

Catherine: Do you think they do takeout?


(Mia walks into the locker room and sees Catherine there. She takes off her jacket.)

Mia Dickerson: Hey.

Catherine: Oh, hey.

Mia Dickerson: You asked me to check the blood and urine from the diaper.

Catherine: Yeah.

Mia Dickerson: Yeah, the blood is a match for Eiger, and the urine had high levels of testosterone, which is indicative of an adult.

Catherine: It's a safe assumption that it's his.

(Mia slips on her jacket.)

Mia Dickerson: Yeah. You know, one other thing. When I was running the urine, I found another spike that I couldn't identify. So I sent it on to Tox.

Catherine: Well, I know that his blood work came back clean.

Mia Dickerson: Some dr*gs metabolize quickly, so what doesn't show up in the blood, shows up in the urine.

(Greg peers into the locker room through the hall.)

Greg: Catherine?

Catherine: Yeah?

Greg: You gotta see the TV.



Newscaster: (from TV) The photos you're about to see are the latest evidence in the strange death of casino mogul Bruce Eiger.

(Greg and Catherine walk into the room. Ecklie is there watching the set also.)

Newscaster: (from TV) We want to warn you these are graphic images of a bloody crime scene. In them, Mr. Eiger can been seen lying in a pool of his own blood in the driveway ...

Catherine: Those are mine.

Conrad Ecklie: (quietly) I'll have our public information officer contact his counterpart at the station. We'll also call Judge Anderson and get a warrant for the memory card, any copies, and the name of their source.

(Ecklie heads for the door, passing Greg and Catherine along the way.)

Newscaster: (from TV) ... Top Las Vegas gaming mogul left him with more than his share of adversaries.

Catherine: Thank you, Conrad.

Conrad Ecklie: It's my job.

Newscaster: (from TV) ... However, there are still no apparent leads.



(Grissom and Nick walk into the adult baby store. They walk over to the counter.)

Madge: Howdy.

Grissom: Well, howdy. I was wondering, do you carry adult diapers?

Madge: Oh, we sure do. (She looks at Grissom.) What are you, about a 34, 36?

(Nick smiles.)

Grissom: Well, they're not for me.

Madge: Oh. (She looks at Nick.) Well, aren't you lucky to have such a nice daddy?

(Nick's smile fades fast. Grissom turns and looks at Nick, a huge smirk on his face. Nick glances at Grissom. He looks at Madge and smiles.)

Nick: I'm going to have a look around.

(He clears his throat and steps away from them to look around the store.)

Madge: Mommy-shopping?

Grissom: Sort of. I was wondering, in your line of work, do you ever wear a uniform or a dress?

Madge: No, but I could. Are you a drinker or a stinker?

Grissom: Excuse me?

Madge: Well, a drinker likes to ... (She motions to her breasts.) ... and stinker ... (She motions below.)

Grissom: I get it.

Madge: Yeah.

(Nick is standing over by the bulletin board. He takes a phone number off the hot pink flyer.)

Grissom: We're actually with the Crime Lab. We're investigating the death of Bruce Eiger.

Madge: Bruce Eiger.

(Nick walks over to the playpens and looks around. He lifts up the adult-sized jimmies hanging from the playpen.)

(He walks around and stops in front of a toy chest. Nick studies the toy chest.)

Madge: Are you with Vice? Because nothing here is illegal. It's simply nurturing. Mommy and adult baby playit's not erotic.

Grissom: Well, Freud had a somewhat different theory, but ...

Madge: Well, I could take you to my playpen.

(Grissom glances behind him.)

Grissom: You know, I don't think the department would let me expense it.

(She smiles.)

Madge: Okay, then, I'll just cut to the short version. Some guys can never love any woman but their mother. And some never had a mother who loved them.

(Camera holds on Grissom.)


(Mia removes a petri dish from the refrigerator. The bottom of the dish is labeled: (clockwise) COW, PIG, SHEEP, MONKEY GOAT, HUMAN. In the center is: UNKNOWN 43824-CW.)

(In the petri dish, she puts a sample of the milk from the baby bottles found in the nursery.)


(The milk for HUMAN matches the milk from UNKNOWN.)


(Catherine and Brass interview Foxy Harris.)

Catherine: Is Foxy short for anything?

Foxy Harris: No, no, it's just Foxy Harris. That's what's on my birth certificate. I signed an exclusive nondisclosure agreement with K-R-A-C. Whoever gave you my name is the one who broke the law.

Brass: It's funny what people will say when there's a warrant in their face.

Catherine: Yeah, your friends at KRAC take obstruction of justice seriously. You stole police department evidence in a homicide investigation. You're guilty of theft and possession of stolen property.

Brass: And we're looking at you for m*rder.

Foxy Harris: I sh**t pictures, not people.

Brass: Right. You're a journalist. So, what were you doing at the Eiger house that night?

Foxy Harris: Okay, so K-R-A-C isn't my only employer. I do discreet work for Sy Magli.

(Quick flash of: [EIGER RESIDENCE - NIGHT] Foxy Harris hides in the bushes while Donna Eiger makes out with Sy Magli.)

(End of flash. Resume to present.)

Brass: All right, let me get this straight. Sy Magli hired you to take pictures of him sleeping with Donna Eiger?

Foxy Harris: That's right.

Catherine: Why would he do that?

Foxy Harris: Eiger had dirt on everyone. Nobody obsessed with secrets doesn't have some of his own. Magli asked me to find Eiger's, but, well, I couldn't find any.

Catherine: So in the absence of scandal, Magli created some.

Brass: By sleeping with Bruce Eiger's wife.

Foxy Harris: Brilliant.

Brass: You know, there were cops everywhere. Whose palm did you grease?

Foxy Harris: I didn't need to. (sighs) Donna showed Magli, who showed me all the secret ways onto the property.

(Quick flash of: [EIGER RESIDENCE - DAY] Foxy Harris walks out between the police cars and switches out the memory cards from the camera. End of flash. Resume to present.)

Foxy Harris: You really should train your people better. All it took was a dark jacket, a baseball cap, and a camera. No questions asked.


(Mia reports her findings to Warrick.)

Mia Dickerson: So here's the thing. The milk in the bottles was not bovine. It was human breast milk.

Warrick: Human?

Mia Dickerson: Mm-hmm.

Warrick: All of it?

Mia Dickerson: Yeah.

Warrick: Well, it definitely wasn't the wife's.

(They turn into the Trace Lab.)

Mia Dickerson: No, the widow Eiger's DNA was not a match. However, whoever pumped all that milk also wore this.

(She pulls out the dress smock from the evidence envelope.)

Mia Dickerson: The epithelials were a match.

Warrick: So we're looking for one very tired milkmaid.


(Nick and Sara are taking apart Bruce Eiger's toy box.)

Nick: This is the same toy box they sell at Forever Baby, except the one in the store was twice as big on the inside. SARA: Well, he did like his secret spaces.

Nick: Yep.

(They unscrew the screws from the box.)

Nick: All right.

(Nick and Sara remove the side paneling.)

Nick: Whoa.

(Hidden inside the toy box are files. They put the paneling aside and remove the rest of the wood.)

Nick: Bingo.

(They look at the labels on the file folders.)

Nick: "Sy Magli ... Sam Braun ... Rory Atwater"?

Sara: Sheriff Rory Atwater?

Nick: Looks like it. Along with some gaming commissioners, judges, pro athletes.

(Nick chuckles.)

(Sara picks up a photo of a baby and looks at it.)

Sara: No name. Just a date -- 12-20-01.

(Nick looks at another photo.)

Nick: Well, apparently, Sy liked the spectrum --


(Warrick and Greg look over the hard drive from Bruce Eiger's security system.)

Warrick: I downloaded the log from the Eigers' security system hard drive. All of the perimeter doors and windows in the Eiger mansion are protected. If one of them is opened, it's logged into the security system.

Greg: According to Mrs. Eiger's verified alibi, she left for the club around

Warrick: Okay. Garage door opens, 7:18. Got it.

Greg: Dispatch received her 911 call at 11:42. So we're concerned with the four hours in between.

Warrick: 8:00, the front door opens. It was probably the milkmaid.

Greg: 10:09, the third floor balcony doors were opened.

(Quick flash to: [EIGER RESIDENCE] Bruce Eiger opens the balcony doors.)

(End of flash. Resume to present.)

Greg: Bye-bye, Bruce.

Warrick: Now four minutes later, the front door opens again.

Greg: Milkmaid exits?

(Quick flash to: [EIGER RESIDENCE] The front door opens and someone leaves, walking around Bruce Eiger's body.)

(End of flash. Resume to present.)

Warrick: 17 minutes later, at 10:30, the garage door opens. I guess that was Mrs. Eiger.

(Quick flash to: [EIGER RESIDENCE] Donna Eiger drives home.)

(End of flash. Resume to present.)

Warrick: But then a minute later, at 10:31, the front door opens again.

Greg: She didn't make her call to 911 until 11:42. What was she doing for over an hour?


(Grissom and Catherine examine the crime scene photos.)

Grissom: Count Basie said that it's the notes you don't hear that matter.

Catherine: Two voids ... one pointing towards 11:00, one towards 1:00.

Grissom: Something blocked the spray.

Catherine: Something in a size eight.

Grissom: Could that be explained by her rendering aid?

Catherine: I don't think so. It's a fine mist. A spatter. (She looks at the pants fabric with the blood spatter on it.) I think he was still alive, expirating blood.

(Quick flash of: Bruce Eiger is on the concrete floor spitting out blood on Donna Eiger's legs.)

(End of flash. Resume to present.)

Catherine: I wonder what was going through her mind when she stood there and watched him die?

Grissom: I wonder what was going through his?

(Camera holds on the photo of Bruce Eiger.)




(Donna Eiger and her lawyer, James Mandelbaum are in the interview room with Brass and Grissom.)

Donna Eiger: Fine. I was, uh, playing canasta at the club, like I do every Thursday night. I come home. I pull into the driveway, and-and there he was.

(Quick flash of: [EIGER RESIDENCE - NIGHT] Donna Eiger pulls up the driveway and sees Bruce on the concrete dying.)

(End of flash. Resume to present.)

Brass: You administer any help?

Donna Eiger: Uh, more like encouragement.

(Quick flash of: [EIGER RESIDENCE - NIGHT] Donna Eiger stands over Bruce. He turns his head and spits out blood all over her white pants and shoes.)

(Camera zooms in to a CGI close-up: Down Bruce's open mouth and into his lungs filling with blood.)

(Cut to: Donna looks down at Bruce.)

Donna: Oh, dear. What happened to Mummy's widdle baby? Did Brucey fall down and go boom?

(End of flash. Resume to present.)

Brass: So you're admitting responsibility in the death of your husband?

James Mandelbaum: No. Mrs. Eiger is not a health care professional. She merely delayed in calling for help.

Grissom: She watched him die.

Donna Eiger: He had a broken neck. If he'd lived, he would've been a quadriplegic.

Brass: So it was a mercy k*lling?

James Mandelbaum: It wasn't a k*lling at all.

(Grissom gets it.)

Grissom: You would've had to take care of him.

Donna Eiger: Oh, bathe him, feed him, change his diapers. (She chuckles.)
Freakin' gift from God to him. See the thing was, I-I just didn't want Bruce to have the satisfaction of being helpless for the rest of his life. Do you know what the last words I said to him were? (beat) You lose.

Brass: So I take it that you weren't his, uh, his mommy?

Donna Eiger: Look-- love, honor, cherish. Diapering was never on the list.

Grissom: How'd you deal with it?

Donna Eiger: Oh, I didn't. Look, I'm sorry, but ... you can't have sex with a man after you've seen him ... after you've seen him behave like that. So in order to save our marriage, we had, uh, an arrangement. On Thursday nights, I go to the club with my friends. He hires a baby-sitter.

Brass: We have reason to believe it was the same baby-sitter every week. Any idea who that is?

Donna Eiger: (shakes her head) No, women in my position have been looking the other way for years. I just had... something a little stranger to look away from.

Brass: Why didn't you leave him?

Donna Eiger: Nobody leaves Bruce.

Brass: Well, maybe you had to get Bruce to leave you. You push him off the balcony?

Donna Eiger: No. He'd already fallen when I found him. I turned him over. I watched him die.

(Quick flash to: [EIGER RESIDENCE - NIGHT] Bruce is dead on the concrete. Donna Eiger takes the diaper away.)

Donna Eiger: (V.O.) I got rid of the diaper.

(Cut to: She rolls up the carpet.)

Donna Eiger: (V.O.) I rolled up the carpet.

(Cut to: She removes her shoes.)

Donna Eiger: (V.O.) I changed my clothes.

(She takes her pants off.)

(End of flash. Resume to present.)

Donna Eiger: Then I called 911. And I should've left him in the damn diaper. I don't know what I was protecting.

Brass: Your reputation.

James Mandelbaum: Donna may be an opportunist, but she is not a m*rder*r. And since neither of us believe that Bruce was suicidal ...

Grissom: You're both psychiatrists?

Donna Eiger: Look, my husband did not commit su1c1de. So why don't you just find the guy who did, and I will write him a big, fat check.


(Catherine and Grissom walk down the stairs.)

Catherine: That drug spike that Mia detected in Bruce's diaper -- "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds..." L-S-D. But I don't get it, because acid trips last for hours. Why wouldn't it have shown up in his bloodstream?

Grissom: LSD is in and out of your system in twenty minutes. But it acts as a trigger, which sets off cascading reactions in the brain.

(Quick flash of: Bruce is running through his hallway.)

Grissom: (V.O.) The brain keeps cascading long after the drug is gone.

(Camera zooms in to his eye and we see the nerve synapses in his brain flashing on and off.)

(End of flash. Resume to present.)

Catherine: Well, there are good trips, and bad trips, and trips right off the balcony.

Grissom: Strange drug of choice for a control freak.

Catherine: Maybe not his choice.


(Sara and Sofia are looking through papers.)

Sofia Curtis: So we're looking for a lactating female with a center whorl print.

Sara: We recovered two sets of prints from the baby paraphernalia. His and ... presumably hers.

(Sara shows Sofia the two prints.)

Sofia Curtis: We've excluded Mrs. Eiger. How long can a woman lactate after giving birth?

Sara: I had a professor in college, her six-year-old used to come in for lunch. I guess they'll go as long as you let them.

Sofia Curtis: What, the boobs or the kids? That's a two-legged topless buffet.
(She looks at the file folder.) Ugh.

Sara: I'm thinking, you know, if you commit to something every Thursday night, you got to be getting something good out of it. We found oil drops on the driveway. None of the Eiger cars had leaks. I ran it through Trace. It was an AGIP ... Sint 2000. It's a synthetic motor oil.

Sofia Curtis: A synthetic would make it high end.

Sara: That particular oil is only used for Lamborghinis. How many lactating women are driving one of those?

Sofia Curtis: So he either paid well or was a good gift giver.

Sara: Maybe we're looking for a cash cow.

Sofia Curtis: With liquid assets.

(Sofia hides her smile.)


(David Hodges sits in front of the table full of baby bottles, nipples and enema tubes.)

David Hodges: I had the distinct pleasure of testing all the modes of ingestion from the nursery. Most people take acid on their tongue. Bruce ...

(Hodges picks up the enema bottle.)

Catherine: An enema.

David Hodges: And people call me a**l.

Grissom: Well, the whole point of having a "mommy" is to have her do these things for you.

Catherine: So the acid was no doubt supplied by the same sweet thing who gave him breast milk from that ... boobs-ahoy dress.



(Brass talks with Sy Magli.)

Brass: So, that new Lamborghini is a pretty smooth ride. Grant from the dealership told me you bought one recently.

Sy Magli: It was a gift.

Brass: For who?

Sy Magli: Tanya Rollins. You got to woo the talent.

(Brass takes out a photo and looks at it.)

Brass: Yeah, she's cute. How old is she?

Sy Magli: Twenty-four.

Brass: So, you been together nine years -- that'll make her about fifteen when you consummated the relationship. Don't you know that fifteen will get you twenty?

Sy Magli: What do you want?

Brass: Why was Tanya's Lamborghini parked in Bruce Eiger's driveway?

Sy Magli: They were involved.

Brass: I thought she was your girl.

Sy Magli: Tanya always goes where the best deal is. I "rolled" her, Bruce bankrolled her. Her career-- smart move. Turned out she actually had other talents. She was making him a ton of money, so I gave her a call.

Brass: You poached her.

Sy Magli: Ah, come on, look, she jumped at it, all right? Tanya said he was a freak and she wanted out.

Brass: Then what? 'Cause I got felony sex, infidelities and a picture of a baby I don't know anything about.

Sy Magli: Come on, we both know what I was after.

Brass: So, all's well that ends well, huh, Sy?

Sy Magli: I didn't want him dead. There's no sport in humiliating a dead man. Now, if you' excuse me, captain.

(Sy Magli turns and walks away.)

(Brass stands there and looks around.)


(Catherine and Brass interview Tanya Rollins.)

Catherine: Your fingerprints are all over the nursery. The DNA that we took from your breast pump matches the milk from Bruce's fridge. And the arresting officer confiscated LSD from your purse.

(Brass takes out Tanya Rollins' cell phone and switches it on.)

Brass: And your cell phone is full of pictures of "Baby Bruce."

Tanya Rollins: Sy said all that Bruce had was fear.

Brass: Yeah, there's really not much to fear about a crying man in a diaper.

(Quick flash to: [NURSERY] Bruce Eigler is sitting in his playpen playing with the mobile.)

Tanya Rollins: All right, Baby Bruce. Playtime's over.

(She kneels down and makes smooching noises to him.)

Tanya Rollins: I smell a smelly.

(Cut to: Bruce is on his stomach on the changing table. Tanya throws the diaper away.)

Tanya Rollins: You made a big messy in your diaper.

(Cut to: She puts ointment out on her hand.)

Tanya Rollins: You ready?

(She rubs the ointment on his backside.)

Tanya Rollins: There you go. That feels so good.

Tanya Rollins: Mommy's got a special treat for you. It's extra special today.

(She adds LSD to his enema bottle.)

(Cut to: Tanya holds Bruce in her lap while she sings.)

Tanya Rollins: (singing) ... Wonder what you are ...

(End of flash. Resume to present.)

Tanya Rollins: ... and then, he just started acting crazy.

Brass: As opposed to soiling himself and gumming your nipples?

Tanya Rollins: Yes.

(Quick flash to: [NURSERY] Bruce is high and spinning around.)

Tanya Rollins: What is it with you, Brucie?

(Bruce takes off his hat and throws it to the ground. Tanya takes out her phone and snaps photos.)

Tanya Rollins: What are you doing? What is wrong?

(Bruce takes out the soiled diapers and throws them on the floor. He grunts as he smashes it into the carpet.)

Tanya Rollins: Wait, that's a bad boy.

(Bruce crawls out of the nursery.)

(Tanya follows him out.)


Bruce Eiger: The light. I see the light ... I see ...

(Bruce runs around in a circle in the study.)

Tanya Rollins: What is it with you, Bruce?

(Tanya crawls out of the nursery into the study.)

Tanya Rollins: What's wrong?

(Bruce is crying.)

(End of flash. Resume to present.)

Tanya Rollins: And then, he just ... jumped off the balcony.

Brass: That's it?

Catherine: You knew this man's most intimate secret. You could've left him.

Tanya Rollins: Nobody leaves Bruce.

Catherine: What were you afraid of?

Tanya Rollins: That I'd never see my baby again. Bruce said that he wanted a baby. That he'd take care of both of us.

Catherine: And you believed him?

Tanya Rollins: (nods) Yeah. Only after the delivery, he said he had to take the baby away. That he was going to take him to be with his mom. You know, wait until my career took off. Until I was ready to be a mother myself. And then he took me to his nursery. (chuckles) He explained to me, you know, about infantilism. Said that it was in the bible. And then he made me clean him.

Brass: How long ago was that?

Tanya Rollins: Five years. Five years and every week, I would ask him if I could see my baby and he kept saying, "next week". "Sure, Tanya, next week."
"No, maybe next week." You know, "maybe the next week after that." (shrugs) I guess in my heart I knew that it was never going to happen. It's just that ... that was the only connection I had to my baby, you know? That and nursing Bruce.

Catherine: Tanya, this man exploited you for five years. He didn't allow you to see your only child and ... there he was, high as a kite and you're the only one there. Are you saying that you didn't offer him any encouragement off that balcony?

Tanya Rollins: If I told you to jump off a bridge would you do it?

(Quick flash to: [EIGER RESIDENCE - NIGHT] Bruce runs up the stairs.)

Tanya Rollins: Fly, Brucie, fly. Show Mommy how you can fly like a birdie!

Tanya Rollins: Come on, you can fly!

Bruce Eiger: I can fly.

Tanya Rollins: You can fly!

Bruce Eiger: I can fly, Mommy. I can fly, Mommy.

Tanya Rollins: You can fly!

Bruce Eiger: I can fly.

(Bruce runs down the hallway. Tanya runs with him.)

Tanya Rollins: You can fly, you can fly.

Bruce Eiger: I can fly, Mommy.

Tanya Rollins: You can fly!

Bruce Eiger: I can fly! I can fly!

(Bruce pushes the balcony doors open. He steps out onto the balcony and jumps. He falls down and hits the concrete.)

(Tanya runs to the edge of the balcony, her hands flat on the concrete railing. She looks down at Bruce.)

(End of flash.)



(Brass talks with Mrs. Eiger. He shows her the photo.)

Brass: Do you recognize this infant?

Mrs. Eiger: No. I've never seen that baby before in my life.

Brass: Well, Bruce said he gave you his lover's baby to raise. The mother's name was Tanya.

Mrs. Eiger: Do I look like I could raise a baby?

Brass: When was the last time you saw your son, Mrs. Eiger?

Mrs. Eiger: Seven years ago.

Brass: You didn't know he had kids?

Mrs. Eiger: Do you know what my mother told me when I had Bruce?

Brass: What's that?

Mrs. Eiger: "Suckle the baby, cuckold the man".

Brass: I don't follow.

Mrs. Eiger: You were breast-fed.

Brass: Yeah.

Mrs. Eiger: My mother was a firm believer that the way you raised a boy was to make him hard. To let him know what the world was like right out of the womb.

Brass: And what's the world like?

Mrs. Eiger: No free lunch. All these mothers coddling their toddlers. Look where we are.

Brass: Yeah, look where we are.


Grissom: (V.O.) I've enjoyed working with you.


(Grissom and Catherine are sitting at a dinner table.)

Catherine: Which part? The part where I got in your face or the part where I, uh, lost evidence, or uh, maybe you just miss me.

Grissom: I did miss you. I missed your passion and your tenacity. I even missed your tush.

(Catherine chokes on her drink. Grissom takes a sip from his drink.)

Catherine: Really. Thank you.

(Brass joins them.)

Brass: Sorry to interrupt. I miss the punch line?

Catherine: Yeah.

(Brass chuckles as he sits down.)

Brass: So Bruce lied about the kid. There was an out-of-state adoption that placed the day the kid was born.

Waitress: Anything to drink, sir?

Brass: And Bruce's mother ... (to the waitress) -- a light beer, please. (to Grissom and Catherine) His mother was a piece of work.

Catherine: So, is Tanya going to take the fall?

Grissom: Can't convict her for cheerleading.

Brass: You can if there's LSD in her pom-poms. Acid makes her culpable. Class A felony.

Catherine: Any more culpable than his wife, who just let him lie there?

Brass: You know, what I can't get my mind wrapped around is, uh, you got a guy who's tough enough to get to the top of the heap in Vegas, all this power, and he ends up crawling around a playpen.

Grissom: That's the point, isn't it? It's only the truly powerful that have the luxury to relinquish power.

Catherine: But diapers?

Grissom: Why not? Where would you go if you had the connections and the cash to go anywhere you wanted?

Brass: I hear Fiji's nice.

Grissom: Eiger went further. He went all the way back to his childhood.

Brass: Yeah. I think I'd take Fiji.

(Camera slowly pulls away from the three at the dinner table.)


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