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Year of the Hare, The (1977)

Posted: 11/25/23 18:38
by bunniefuu
There was nothing else in the fridge

Vaulonen called from Kouvola and
threatened to quit the whole project

Well, the text was good,
don't you agree

The text is not the issue.
Come here

Tell him to call again
in ten minutes

Now you'll go with Miettinen to
Kouvola and clear up the case

From there on you can drive to Laatunen
in Jyv?skyl? early tomorrow morning

Now don't get angry, but you're
starting to fall off a bit

That's how it is

We're old friends and I don't
have to beat around the bush

The old folk are driving by, man!

Can't you, or -

don't you want to, for fucks sake, take action
according to industry's terms

When we were preparing our career, the real
competition hadn't even started

You can't use the new technique

You better close in on the lead
if you're going to hang on

It's a hard game

Well you're going fast

You know, these horsepower are so expensive,
that there's no use wasting them

It's two thousand, straight
out of the salary

In five years I'll have everything paid,
house included

Good for you

Then I'll switch the house
for a bigger one

And I'm not going to keep the car
for another year either

The gas propellant in these destroy
the atmosphere's ozone layer

It's hazardous for the whole creation


We should get straight to the point

Economist Bergstr?m and account
Lankinen are in a hurry

For starters I'd like to point out -

that a lot of effort has been put into
the development of this deodorant

The campaign is not allowed to fail

It's a good idea to emphasize this

There should probably be more content.
Lankinen, take a look at this

Do you want to hand out the budget proposition?

The meaning is to sell this to citizens

Yes, the nature's here too

But it's like far from the idea

The emphasis is on freshness

Romantic, too romantic, Vatanen

Those containers would look quite dull
on a shelf next to each other

We won't make it to Jyv?skyl? before midnight

We can stay overnight in Heinola.
You can enjoy your evening beer in peace

I won't be staying in Heinola

I've got this great chick in Jyv?skyl?


A leveret went under

Damn animal

Good thing it didn't
hit the windshield

Can you see it?

Get back here already!

We'll never make it to Jyv?skyl? -

or even to Heinola if you keep
running in some woods here

Stay there if you want then!

I'm going to Heinola!

Good bye then!

I lost a friend into the woods

The woods...

Yes, a lot of men have vanished in
the forests of Finland

Where's the gentleman headed?

We'll drive there towards Nastola...
Along the forest road

I'll tell you later when to stop

But there's no settlement here?

That's the bad thing

Come back here!


Shall I wait?

Vatanen! Vatanen!




It doesn't seem like he's here

in Jyv?skyl?

Oh, really?

In the forest?

He just went into the woods
and never came back

I yelled for him, but he didn't answer

Are you a criminal?
- Why? Are you scared?

No. I was just thinking,
when you came out of the woods -

that you could be an escaped convict

Hey, you have a rabbit!

That's not a rabbit. It's a hare.
I found it

Poor little thing.
I'll fetch some carrots for it

They don't seem to appeal.
- It's a bit sick

Hey, it has hurt its foot.
Poor little thing

Is there a veterinarian in this town?
- Yes, his reception -

is behind that point,
in the municipality building

It's in a mild shock

It has to rest for a while,
but it will get better

What can it be fed with?

Grass, salad, -
water of course,

and milk,
when it's this small

Vatanen here, hello.
I could sell that boat to you now

Well, back then I didn't sell,
but now I do

Let's say 11000.

Send the money as urgent referral
to Heinola

And later, a fresh salad
for this creature

Oh, animals can't be on the table

It's not dangerous

You're welcome.
- Thanks

Well, eat salad now too.
Like this

It's Vatanen here, hello.
I'm in the society building

What came over you?
The article was good

Well, we won't keep a grudge
between old friends

If you happen to say something
once in a while...

Well that's more like it.
Got you there, bastard

If you have some woman there,
get rid of her

We have your wife with us

10500, 11000...

What do you eat?

A male

Yes, barely a month old

What might a chap like that eat?

It surely drinks milk,
but salad doesn't seem to be adequate

No, but try with young clover

And besides clover, grass might do.
And regrown grain

The nature reserve law states it's
forbidden to have wild animals as pets

This hare has to be
officially declared

I'll write you a permission


I hereby certify, that the one in
possession of the certificate, Vatanen, -

has the right to keep and feed a wild
field hare, -

because it has an injured back leg -

and might have died

Mikkeli, today

U. K?rkk?inen

The wilderness care district in
Southern Savonia

And it likes meadow vetchling
and all sorts of vetch

Meadow vetchling?
What sort of plant is that?

Meadow vetchling looks pretty
much like vetch

I'll show you, so that
you're sure to recognize it

Hey! Don't fetch any from the verge
of the road, it may contain led!

Come here!

I've always been interested
in plants

If only I could have afforded
to go to school, then...

I would have started studying these

Lathyrus pratensis

The leaves, in pairs and
kinda lance-like

What might an animal like that
be thinking of?

Probably more than we could
ever imagine

Yes, I'm from the countryside

Here you learn, that if it's hard -

or one would like to get something
of your chest -

I would speak to the dog
or the horse -

when I couldn't stand the humans

Often you got a feeling -

that an animal can understand feelings better

and won't run along and gossip
behind your back

Vatanen! Hey!
-Laaksonen, hey

Are you on a vacation?
- Just going through

You have to come visit us.
Today I'm going to Iisalmi, -

but we'll see tomorrow

Tomorrow morning,
at lunch time


For a tenner!

Lottery tickets! An east finnish car
is the first price -

then there's a stereo and a travel radio
and dolls...

Everything from a car to soap

What's in your basket?

I don't believe it

Is it a hare or?

Wouldn't you sell it?
- No, I'm not selling it

If you're not selling, I'll give you
hundred tickets, we'll switch

I'm not selling my buddy

Then buy one ticket at least

Well, if one for the hare

Now we'll go to
the woods for a few days -

and learn some hunter skills

You can't imagine how the nerves
are at rest there

All my life I've been working my ass off

Running from there to here,
morning to night, sweating

You can't believe what it was like

But now it's over

We'll push through some bushes now,
don't be scared

You're still with me

Then from here directly to
to the mountain crest -

then it's over.
Everything is right

Just the two of us -

without women nagging and shouting

At least we have enough provisions with us

A sack of hay for you -

and a damn heavy back pack for me

Oh, lots of blueberry growth

Two journeymen once upon a time

In the country side
into the woods they went

They were dressed like gentlemen

And with a cigar in the mouth

Don't tremble, motherland,
though your son sways

Here and there uneven

That you would win these stereos...

That's what happens when animals
buy lottery tickets

I should have sold these
in Kuopio already -

but you don't that quickly do business
with the Savonian people -

and I'm too much of a Savonian to
give anything for free too

What do you think of my Savonian
dialect by the way?

Are you listening?

Ears just wagging

Hey! Hare!

Hey, look at this

We won't do anything with it

We'll put it there

You're a silent buddy

Quite different from home

So, here between us -

my wife is a horrible hag

It's like too nice of a car:

First you have to get it and then
you don't need it

I guess she would have switched me for
someone else as well-

if the house wasn't still unpaid

Though she probably first assumed
that I was different -

when I myself was trying to be different

Do you understand?

Classy Vatanen,
trend maker Vatanen, -

confident, active, highly
streamlined Vatanen

And here we are now. Finally

Come here beside me

Good day

Wouldn't you like to buy stereos?
- No

I could sell. They're only getting wet.
- I don't want to

I see. Who are you?
- Vatanen

I see, Vatanen?
And selling stereos

Yes, these are the hare's

It won it in the lottery.
- The hare's?

I have a hare.
- Yea right.

10400 mark

Where have you gotten all this cash from?

I've sold my boat in Helsinki

Show the receipt

If it's not in the pile,
I don't have it

There's nothing here

I have never afforded -

to carry this much money in my wallet.
- Me neither

Is that so, an advertising man

We've got reports, that you've
been trying to sell stereos -

and are talking to yourself

Where did you get the stereos?

I won them in a lottery at the fair
in Kuopio, like I said

Or rather, the hare won

What should one do here?

They called from Kuopio -

and said that this hare man
seems to have won these stereos

In our case they would have locked
him in over night -

seeing as he's a drifter and has
this much money

Well, what's the deal then.
Into the clink already!

Where do we put the hare?

God damn. That thing can't be
put into the clink

It's not even a human

But if we confiscate the hare
and let it out into the woods

Take a closer look at my papers

This hare is my property

Proof that Vatanen has the right
to keep -

and feed a wild, aha, hare

Suddenly this got very complicated

I think he could leave -

and come back tomorrow for
questioning at ten o'clock

Take it easy now.
What do we know about this man?

Take a look at the money.
Is this guy even Vatanen at all?

Might have forged papers

Yes, bloody hell, don't go just yet

Have to think about this

Does Vatanen want any?
- Thanks

We don't have anything against you,
but the police too has to follow the law

How could we know if in Helsinki,
you haven't done -

a m*rder robbery, when you've
got this much money?

And then you've gone crazy -

and walked around Finland with a hare

You could be one of those
unpredictable people

Don't babble, there's been no m*rder here

If we do it like this -

that you'd nevertheless stay here -

when not even your clothes are dry

You don't have to be locked in the clink,
just stay here

We'll make some coffee and wait
for the county sheriff

Yes, I don't mind staying here

Would you sell me the stereos?

I'll trade them for those boots



I'm county sheriff Savolainen

It's a clear cut case, -

the papers seems to be in order

I told you he didn't need to
be jailed

I'm going night fishing on the lake

We put out the nets in the evening

Wouldn't you come and sleep over
in the fishing sauna?

Night shelter is just what I need

I've got a fishing buddy Hannikainen here

Retired because of heart problems

Former county sheriff in Kiuruvesi

I'm leaving for work in the morning

You can stay here if you like

Yes, why not

Even if Kekkonen himself came here,
you could offer this

From here you can see your fatherland,
and the whole world -

in one glance

In these cares Kekkonen too found his line

Water is clear

In the Finnish bay they fish
for eyeless herring

It's horrible, just the thought of it

Imagine, Hannikainen

Anybody could live like this

If one could only understand

Like this...

Like this exactly

This should do as warming
for Kekkonen himself

He said once in an interview, that he
only takes for joy, -

never for grief.
- A good guy

He's the best.
- If only the would find a successor

He already exists...
The successor

Found already?

Serving already

Listen here, Vatanen

You got to promise, that you keep
this to yourself -

what I'm about to tell you

It'll never leave my mouth

Look now



Do you see the difference?

They look the same?

Here's Kekkonen's head
from the year 1945

Here from the year 1972

Do you see now, that the pictures
are different

Under here, a head shot from 1945
and above here...

From 1964.
Completely identical!

But here's a head shot from 1969

Completely different.
The difference is radical

Seems like it, yea

But what does that prove?

I'm saying this straight out: -

in these head sh*ts,
is not at all the same person

The alteration has occurred some
time around 1968

This old Kekkonen either
died or was m*rder*d -

or stood down voluntarily from
his leading position, -

and the new Kekkonen replaced him

An almost identical man -

even by voice

But I've revealed the switch

Do you see, Vatanen, you can't
change the shape of the head

Here I've got Kekkonen's
height growth diagram

Over the year 1968 a significant change

On the time of Paasikivi's burial -

Kekkonen was 179cm tall

But after 68, 181cm

Surprising growth in the
old days, right?

This new Kekkonen is also more
quick-witted than the old one

Here I've got a list of
his vocabulary


"Citizens, we live in the history
of humanity" -

"in a big time of unrest
and upheaval", -

"when everywhere it is explored, what
exactly is happening in the world" -

"and what should be done to
resolve the problems"

"The ever so rapid, simply
revolutionary development" -

"has brought forth certain questions" -

"that last of all is about man" -

"and its society."

After the year 1968 Kekkonen had -

a more youthful way of thinking
than before

His standpoint became more friendly
to progress -

and his consistency became much better

He sort of became more boyish -

and his sense of humour became
much better

Not surprising when the actual person
itself has been switched

But it's not like they can endlessly switch out
the old Kekkonen to a younger one!

Consider this: 90 years, 100 years,
and the guy just gets better

If only you make 20-30 years go by...

Vatanen hey!

Vatanen, hey!

There's a big forest fire in Vehmasj?rvi!

I'm flying around like a messenger
all around the towns, we leave shortly

Should I come too?

You stay here and take care of the hare,
there's no need for you to come

Take this instead

Come now, Vatanen

Stay calm, I'll send the hare after you

There, just by the right edge!

Use the third nozzle, not the fourth!

Good, keep it in check there!

Turn over the spray!

Don't leave, it'll start burning soon

More! Just a bit more!

Hush, hush!

Hush, hush!

Just let it be!

Hey ho!

Hey, wake up!

I'm Salosensaari,
who are you? - Vatanen

My factory burned down

That was it for everything,
there's nothing left

How much can a man bear

How much can a man weigh

What the hell are we going to do?
Back to the brook

You take some too

You, Salosensaari, you're a good moonshiner

Without an excuse, you don't boast
to the man

Even the village chief praised.
We sat one on one

Sure it was the village chief?
- Well, some police anyway

Isn't it good?

Yes, very good

Look at satan, so it comes

Two fierce against each other, when
man and nature strike together

Emperor Nero is watching Rome burning
together with Brutus

This is almost like nature

It didn't spread here though

Well, it was a close call

It was bad, when this...

A big damage occurred,
and how's the work place?

Surely it's closed for 3 days...
- Yes

It was that kind of job,
where you were dying of thirst

Is it coming on?

What an outrageous man!
Driving like that

Straight into people

And from a common pot!

Is there anyone here that
has a hare as a pet?

Here we are then, together again

I should get the name and
social security number, -

so we could send the fee

Miikkulainen, Kaarlo,
from Punkalaidun

Yes, now it's loose

It didn't hurt now did it?

And then you'll come back in two weeks
and present it

By all means. Now try
jumping on that foot -

so I can see if it holds up

Just go ahead

Doesn't look too good

Shut up! What is it now?

God damn.
What if there's someone in our cottage?

Look at that shit, living there like it's his own!

Should we call someone?

We don't need the officials to do this,
let's go and kick ass

God day, I spent the night there -

and thought I'd chop
some woods as a thank you

Hare, hey

He's got a hare,
let's make some roast of it

Hey, I need a shot

Grab hold!

There is our hero

Let the hare go, so we don't
have to sh**t it in your arms

It's not hunting season now

Don't come here with your paragraphs,
we've fought with those -

all winter and now
we're on vacation

Give me the g*n.
- This is going to be difficult

You can tell how Karlsson
shot a hare in the tree -

and a thief too with the same shot

I'm not a thief

Thief or bum, if the hare doesn't
come down, you both go down

sh**t, sh**t, for fucks sake!

We'll leave the shit in the tree,
he's crying already

You, boy, you live on your urges,
but a human being -

has lost its instinct
of self preservation -

which he had in the beginning of time

I knew this before I
even knew how to read

Yes, now let's go straight forward

Or what do you say?

There it is then


Well now, here we are

Here we can be left alone

Or what do you say, buddy?

"Moshe Dayan's quickly arranged
visit -

happens while the king or Jordan, -

Hussein, is currently in London.

Dayan has however denied the
presumptions, -

that himself and Hussein
were going to meet

King Hussein arrives in London
on Thursday

His visit is said to be
strictly private

End of news"

"A message for advertising
editor Kaarlo Oskari Vatanen -

born 30. November 1939 in Virrat, -

on a journey somewhere
in Finland

A message for advertising
editor Kaarlo Oskari Vatanen -

born 30. November 1939 in Virrat, -

Contact your wife via telephone
Area code 90 -

number 6 52...

Contact your wife via telephone

Area code 90 652158

And now music to everyone's taste

The women of the commercial college
totally turn my head around

The women of the commercial college
totally turn my head around

The women of the commercial... "

What the hell... in the middle
of the night?

My name's Toropainen


What are you doing here?

Just living here

Come here for a second

Could you act as a host?

It's really a home cottage, -

this wilderness here

These guests came up with the idea
tonight in Rovaniemi -

that they wanted to meet
a real genuine -

man from the wilderness,
like yourself

You'd get some money as well

What should I do?

Just be yourself.
Do you yoik?

This is a real Finnish hermit

A reindeer breeder

As you can see
we have still people -

who live i constant contact
with nature in the wilderness

Now, turn around so that
everyone can take a look at you

Lift up the hare so
everyone can see

You're now advertisement
for Finland

Tell me, hermit, what's the
name of this here cabin?

It's the Cabin by the f*cking Drain

This place is called...

Doesn't it have any prettier name?

Never mind. Lets
go inside, everybody

This way

lt's beautiful

We're you born in these woods?

She asks if you're born here
in the wilderness?

Tell her to stop with the

It only hurts the mosquito

It hurts the ozone layer in
the atmosphere -

and among other things causes
skin cancer

What sort of man are you really?
- Please, translate

He was fed with reindeer milk
until he got his first teeth

How come the heard left
you here all by yourself?

She's asking why you live
here alone

Tell her to stop or else...
I won't say another word

He's nervous, don't you see?
Do you mind leaving us, Mr Toro?

You're handsome man Mr Hermit

Hi. baby, you haven't seen
a woman for some time

We fish?

And l throw...

Please, help yourselves

Vatanen, try to eat with
some manners

I'll never give up this
pretty little beast

Please, translate, Mr Toro

She said that she wants
to keep the animal

We'll compensate you for
the price of the animal

I won't hand it over

Of course you can keep him

Mr Vatanen will give him
to you with pleasure

As we say in Finnish,
Cheers to that!

Hold the beast down

Hare! Over here, quickly!


l'm out of my mind.
Can l have another soup?

l'm going to take Mr
Vatanen with me to ltaly

You're starting to become
a nuisance

She wants to take you
with her to Italy

I'm not going anywhere

His roots are
here in these wilds

Mr Vatanen, l'm going to show
you the wonders of the world

I know your world alright

Please, translate,
Mr Toro, please

He says he' s been around...
- How interesting

ls he an ex-sailor? - No

I am ex-deodorant agent

actually ex advertising agent -

and I've had enough

the great great f*cking world
of yours

Go away... -

to hell

f*ck it

Hare, hey!


Poor boy, you seem
to be sick

What are we going to do now

Is there any room here?

Well, how does it look?

My name is Vatanen, just came from
the Cabin by the f*cking Drain

From Vihkim?selk?

I did not ask

This hare is sick, doesn't eat nor -

leave any droppings,
only sulks

I figured I'd take him to the
veterinary in Sodankyl?

To the veterinary?

Yes, the veterinary

An animal belongs to the nature

I noticed an impressive cliff rock
by the trail

Is it perhaps an old
sacrificial site?

What were you doing over there?

It's just a tourist trap

If even that

You take some too

Well, not then, not then.
Did you find a better friend?

They sacrificed animals
before the site

put them to sleep or tied down
to die by themselves

For the heavenly God a white animal -

and for Mother Earth
a brown one

Do people still believe that

One believes who believes

Myself brought the w*r

The brothers in arms were
deployed then -

on order by friends

During the dangerous years
I started to study, -

The Finnish tribe's heritage, -

then I came here to pick up
a doctor's hat and stayed

I live there in the wilds... -


Hey... hare!


The sample has been found
to contain an unknown virus

Has it eaten any foreign
food lately?

Well, it should be healthy again

Look now and you'll understand

You haven't taken care of the
down payment on the mortgage

Here's the latest electrical bill,
telephone bill, insurance, -

the member fees, tv-license

I haven't even lived here.
It doesn't concern me

Then here's the population
register's annotation -

about an unfinished notification
of changed address

Then you were called in for reserve
practice in the end of August

Since you didn't show up,
you're a deserter, -

hiding away and not taking care
of your affairs

Couldn't you have cancelled my bills?

They can't be cancelled just like
that. They are on computers

Is it possible for a man
to become that twisted

A human being can't fly anywhere

No. We're trapped in a
card index

Even if I were to shred all receipts
and bills, -

the computer will keep on sending
new ones over and over -

until the end of the world

With these computers you can compute
thousands upon thousands of data

in the fraction of a second

There's information about all of us

something about everyone and
this information exist -

on these magnetic tapes with
electronic impulses

My name's Vatanen

Is my information here?

How long is this information kept
on the tape?

Extensively as long as you don't
push that button

Rovaniemi, single. Thanks

Now, should we put it on.
For the freedom

I didn't have the energy to pull
you over to the bed

I had a hare. One of those...
Tame ones.

It's over there by the bookshelf

In a cage

It became completely impossible
when you offered it booze, -

though you should be put in jail too
even though you're this big

Drink this, it helps


You're so friendly

Why are you being so formal
my good man?

Who are you?

Leila, that much you could
have remembered

Yes, probably...

Where in Helsinki are we?

We're in Turku.
- What?

We're in Turku

But we have to catch the
12 o'clock train to Helsinki

To Helsinki?

Police questioning.
Maybe they'll put you in jail

Ah, you... You know?

I know everything about you,
after listening to you for five days

You don't know just how
well I know you


Hey, how did we come about
ending up in Turku?

Because I live here

We met in Helsinki where
you had been drinking -

a whole day and night already

We were in Hyvink??
and Janakkala -

where we visited my parents

And in Hanko we
rode bikes

And here we've been
for two days

I'm on vacation now, darling

Hey, what kind of darling am I?
Anyway, you're engaged

Guess who.
- With some economist

No, guess again.
- You guess, who I'm with

I know, but you guess
who I'm with

It can't be that important,
I'm tired

I'll tell you. You're engaged to me

No, f*cking hell

I'm married

Sweetie, it'll work out,
after all I'm a lawyer

This is a bit unusual. A choice
has been made after all

Since there haven't been an
indictment towards the tame hare, -

that belongs to the all too quickly
judged Vatanen, -

and that there's no reason
to believe that it has

committed any crime, that could
lead to an arrest or imprisonment

and since the hare...
therefore can't be placed -

in custody together
with Vatanen, -

the Helsinki high council
has deemed it necessary

to authorize a request
for him to have his hare

together with him in custody
and also decide to leave the hare -

in attorney Heikkinen
supervision until further notice

And only for the time of
Vatanen's search in custody

The decision can be appealed -

to the Helsinki court of appeal
within 30 days

What's the name of the hare?

It's a wild animal.
It doesn't have a name

Well, then the prosecutor,
here you go

Mister chairman, -

I consider it clear that advertising editor
Kaarlo Oskari Vatanen

has as an able-bodied worker -

being idle and without enough
residence permits

strolling from state to state
without seeking employment, -

neglected to file a change
of address

For misleading the government
by signing with phony names

in the lodge books -

failed to appear for
the reserve practice

carried a shotgun without
a license

and sh**ting ducks without
a hunting license

deliberately throwing rocks -

to destroy deodorant ads
and with v*olence trying to stop

the mobilized officer -

from doing his assignment -

and deliberately destroyed -

not only himself, but 25000
other people -

regarding data information

very well knowing that they're
important for the safety of Finland

Mister chairman

That's why I demand that
Vatanen is required to -

attend a job institution
and that he's convicted for -

continued misleading of the
government, damage to property -

for violent resistance against
a police officer -

and for destroying important
parts of the security of Finland

- You're accusing me for -

not wanting to live with you

and for being in your books
and statistics

I say, -

that a worthy human life is
possible only in special circumstances

and I've found it

You're accusing me for throwing rocks
at deodorant ads while drunk, -

but can't yourselves
comprehend even while sober,

the crimes that are committed every day
towards the next generation

Already, the waste from
the nuclear power plants

should be able to be stored
very carefully

It should be able to stored
for the next 200000 years -

for the continuation of life

Did you hear me?

200000 years

From our calendar's start -

it's only been 2000 years and
already what does that contain?

Stop, that does not belong
to the case

Can anyone guarantee that
in 200000 years -

there won't be any wars,
natural disasters, -

anything that could release nuclear
waste? Can you guarantee...

Mister chairman, the defendant
files for acquittal

In our society there are
certain standards

for defacement and destroying
property of others

It's not like we live in the woods

Your divorce is ready then.
Now you can wear this ring

I paid your part of
the mortgage

Sign here

Here are some other papers
too, when you fully have to -

register with society again

You didn't know what kind
of woman you fooled

I've gotten your old
work place secured

At start Huuhtanen was unkind,
but when I explained, -

how the sabbatical year has
renewed you and what kind of fresh ideas

you have about environmental issues,
he became very eager

They're starting on a big project
for the Minister of Environment

and your ideas will be

You lead the project and with
it a significantly higher salary

The project is buried before
I get out of here

You underestimate me

The mental examination report
looked good -

and your exceptional speech -

was very perplexing

But I'm not mad

A little boy grown up is what you are

And now stops the playing,
dear Vatanen

