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Ascent, The (1977)

Posted: 11/25/23 18:35
by bunniefuu

A k*lling unit!


Stay calm!

Rybak, Gastinovich, Titov! Cover us!

The rest — to the woods!

- Slava! Slava!
- To the woods!

Carry the children!


Come on!









Village Elder's Wife: MARIA VINOGRADOVA

Sotnikov, retreat!

I'll cover you!

- Retreat!
- Hurry! Hurry!

I can't.

Let's halt.


Hold on, dear.

I've got some water and food.




- Give what?
- Whatever you've got, give.

What a feast.

Where's the sled?

We'll find food if we go to the road.

You should look for rations elsewhere.

Then you do it.

We'll have to stay here for a while.

- Do you know Kulgai's farm?
- Kulgai? I know it.

He has a woman there.

Hey, you. Quiet.

Get over there. Be quick.

We're here, and...

- Dubovoi's base camp is here.
- Aren't we joining up with Dubovoi?

- What about the wounded? The children?
- We've got to deliver them safely.

We won't make it without rations.

And Dubovoi's camp...
is a long way from here.

Can you k*ll a boar?

- To feed us all.
- Get ready to go.

- Alone?
- No, take a partner.

- Vdovtsov maybe?
- I'm not much use.

Yes, right.

- Matyushenko.
- They want you.

- What?
- What's wrong?

The breech-lock keeps jamming.

But I can go. It's up to you.

- No. Fix it so it sh**t for tomorrow.
- Okay.

Is your breech-lock in order, gunner?

It's in order.

Kolya, say hi to Zosya!

Eat some snow.
The snow will stop the coughing.

I'll cough my damn lungs up like this!

Someone else could have come instead.


We're in a fine mess.

Wasting amm*nit*on
on a bunch of truck drivers.

But never mind.
We'll get more from Dubovoi.

You're a good shot. Good eye.

- Are you really a gunner?
- Yes.

- You're a military man.
- Not quite.

- What do you mean?
- I taught math.

Vitebsk teacher-training institute.

Math? Good.

Walk in my tracks.
It'll be easier.

I've been waiting to see her
for a long time.

- Who?
- My Zosya. She's a fiery girl.

- You can still think of girls?
- Just feed me first!

No, you got me wrong.

Zosya and her folks
are like family to me.

I was wounded, and they hid me.

- You were in the surrounded area?
- Yes. They saved me.

Though they knew who
they were hiding, you know.

A company sergeant major.

Kulgai gave me this
fur coat when I left.

They saw me off to join the partisans.

Really, I was like a son to them.

Even though they knew about
Zosya and me.

She came to me on her own, you know.

I wasn't even thinking about it.
I was asleep.

Come morning,
I heard breathing at my side.

I got flushed all over.

Damn. I'd have married her
if it wasn't for the w*r.

How much further?

We're almost there.

See how a good talk
makes the journey shorter?

I don't know about you,

but I can't stand
these lone missions,

even the easiest ones.

I'd rather make a hundred att*cks,
as long as I'm in the ranks.

But the woods, the night —
it gets to you.

What about...

Maybe they managed to escape.

You know what?

Make your way back,

and I'll go on to Lesiny.

It's only a couple of kilometers.

We can't go back empty-handed.

What the hell?

I told you I'd go on alone.

You'll freeze without a fur hat.

Fur hats don't grow on trees.

No, but all the villagers have them.

So I should just take some villager's hat?

Take it? Why?

There's always a way to talk to people.
You just need to know how.

Here. This will keep you warm.

No, I'm fine.

Oh, come on! Don't be difficult.

It'll keep you warm.

Want some?

Eat up.

Thanks for not leaving me.

With company, it's...

Okay, let's move on.

Where is that damned village?

Are you the village elder?


Anyone else in the house?

Just us two.

- Any Germans in the village?
- No.

There was one police goon,
but he's left.

Do you keep a cow?


For now.

Have some hot potatoes before you go.

Okay, only be quick.

So you work for the Germans?

Do they pay a lot?

I never asked for anything.
I've received nothing.

- He's old.
- Shh.

- He made a foolish mistake.
- Be quiet.

Take off your hat.

- Is that your son?
- Yes, our son. Our Tolya.

- Is he in the police too?
- Oh, God, no.

My son's at the front.
I don't know if he's alive or dead.


You're a disgrace to him, a sellout.

Put that Bible of yours away.


- Clinging to it. Let's go!
- Son. Sonny--

- Be quiet!
- Move!

- Please, son!
- Wait here.

Don't! Have pity on the old fool!

Son! Oh, but... he'll sh**t him.

He should've known better.

He doesn't want to be
a German lackey.

They thr*aten him every day,

poking their g*ns at him.

Sonny, let me go out there.

Let me see.
Let me see how he is.

What is it, sonny? What's wrong?

- What's the matter with you?
- Nothing.

- You have a fever.
- I'm fine.

Your comrade is calling for you.

But.. but he's sick.

Have some dried raspberries.
You can make a tea.

- No, thanks.
- Why not?

Go back in and close the door.

Are you letting him go?

To hell with him.

Sorry. I'm not much help today.

Why the hell did you come?

You asked already.

I asked?

The other two begged off,
and you...

Cut it out! Cut it out, hey?

Did you notice...

Are we going the right way?

- I think so.
- Yeah?


Take me alive, huh?

Just you wait.

Damn it!

You won't take me now.


- Did they hit you?
- My leg.

We'll lose them.

I can't believe this.

Come on.

A bit more.

A little further.

A little further.

To the bushes.

We'll make it.

What? Does it hurt?

Hey, help me out here.

Just a second.

Just a second.

Hold on to me.

Will this never end?

Where do we go now?

Wait here. I'll look around.

It looks like everything's quiet.

There's a hut nearby.
Seems nobody's there.

Sotnikov, what's wrong?

You understand?

I could take you there.

We'll get warm.

And then...

It's okay. I'll stay there.

Yeah. You know, that'll be better.

I need to go. The boys are waiting.

I'm frozen to the tree.

It's all right.

It's all right, brother.

I'll fix something up.

Then we'll get you moved.

I'll fix something up.

I promise.

Kolya. It's all right.

I was just afraid —
back there in that field —

of dying, in the night...

all alone, like a dog.

But I'm not afraid now.

I just need to get used to the idea.

Is this the end for me?

In you go.

Is it just you here?


- Where is your father?
- He's not here.

And your mother?

She's threshing grain with Uncle Emelyan
to earn some bread.

I see.

- Any Germans in the village?
- No.

They came one time and took our piglet
and then drove away.

- What's your mother called?
- Demchika.

And your father is Demyan, right?

They also call her Avginya.

Are you a partisan, too, mister?

What do you need to know for?
You're just a kid.

Tell me. Do you have any warm water?

Yes, in the pot.

Bring me a little.

And how about something to eat?

- Mama boiled potatoes.
- No bread?

Leonik ate it all yesterday.

Here's some, a treat.

Thank you.

Just hold on.

Hey, scram!

It's Mommy!

Mommy, we have partisans!

Hello there, ma'am.

Hello. Sitting around, are we?

Waiting for you.

What do you want with me?

There's no bread, no lard.
Look after Katya!

And we've no hens to lay eggs!

Look, we mean no harm.
Don't be mad at us.

If I was mad at you,
I would've thrown you out.

Gelya, look after Katya already!
I'll slap you.

When did you last see Dyomka?

- How do you know about Dyomka?
- We know him.

He's wounded.

The b*llet's still inside him.
We have to get it out.

You won't get it out.

There was an all-night battle
at Lesiny.

One German was shot.

- Who told you?
- The old women were talking.

The old women?
The old women always know everything.

Away from here.

Okay, it's out.

But now what?

That's the question.

How do I know what's next for you?

Well, you see...

He can't walk. That's for sure.

You got here, didn't you?

Quit it, Rybak. Let's go.

Hold on!


They're coming here.

The loft! The loft!

Hide in the loft!

Hi, Prava. How are things?

- Seen any strangers?
- Like I have time--

- You seen any, or not?
- No.

Welcome your guests inside.

That kind of guest is
only welcome in a grave.

What'd you say?

That's dangerous talk.

Show us in already!
Don't stand there.

We're freezing!

Make up something to eat.

You want cat meat?
You took my piglet.

You shameless bastard!

And you're a Red Army bitch!

Bastard! You German scum!

Shut up, bitch!
And bring the glasses!

Bitte, come inside.

Move it.

- So, no strangers?
- I told you, there's no one up there!

What if I throw a grenade?

It was my cat coughing!

- Where's the ladder?
- We never had one.


So you don't want to.
Come here!

Come here!

Hold it right there, like this.

Hold it tight.

Where are you hiding them?

Give me the machine g*n.
I'll give them a short burst.

Don't sh**t!

Got you, fellas!

Hands up!


Hands up! Hands up!

Well, well. There you are.

Hands up, I said!

Mommy! Mommy!

My babies! My sweet babies!

My babies! My babies!

Stas, for God's sake, have pity!

Tell them to let me go!

Who'll take care of the children?

Let her go. It's not her fault.

You red-bellied Yid!

Bastard! Why do you need to hit him?


Here. This'll keep you quiet.

Hans, give me a light.

What are you staring at?

Move your horse already!
You're crawling along like a fly.


- Have you brought them?
- You know it.

Take these rabbits!

- Where were they?
- At Demchika's.

She thought we wouldn't find them.

Find out where to put them.

Hey, fur coat!

Get off there!

It's my turn to deal with fur coat!

Get in there!

Come on, you partisan bitch!

And you, commissar!

Get in there!

You bastard!

You piece of Red Army scum!

Give me a hand.

Who are you?


Why is he roughed-up?

Well... My fault.

- Why is he on the floor?
- My fault.

- Is that how they trained you?
- My fault, sir.

Did you say something?

Untie him.

Let's get acquainted.

I am Portnov.

Police investigator.

My name wouldn't
mean anything to you.

But still...

Well, let's say "Ivanov".

I don't mind. Let it be Ivanov.

And your unit?

Enough of this.
I won't tell you anything.

You won't?


What was your mission?
Where were you going?

How long has that woman
been your agent?

She's no agent.
She was an accident.

And your visit to the Lesiny elder
was an accident too?

- An accident.
- That's unoriginal.

Do to us as you wish,
but leave that woman alone.

She has three kids.

I had no idea there were kids there.

Where were you wounded?

In the forest, two days ago.

Not in the forest. Last night on the road.

You see?

We know enough to sh**t you.

I can see you're ready for that.

But the kids...

The kids.

Proving their mother is
innocent is impossible.

You were found, armed,
in her house.

And there's a w*r on.

You made a mistake.

- I know.
- So correct it.

The locations of your unit,
your contacts, your hideouts.

You want to save the woman
without giving up anything?

It won't work.

You'll have to burden your conscience.

One way or the other,
you'll have to.

There's no way out.


I won't betray anyone.

Not anyone.

Some things matter more
than one's own skin.

Where are they?

What is it? What's it made of?

It's all rubbish.

We're all finite.

Everything ends with our death —

our lives, our selves, the whole world!

It's not worth it.

And for what?

As an example for future generations?

You won't die a heroic death either.

You won't just die.

You'll die a traitor.

And if you won't tell...

someone else will tell us,

and we'll write it off to you.

Is that clear?

You scum.

Scum. Human scum.



Ask the chief to--

- The redhead?
- Yes.

Now you will see what real scum is.

Don't be surprised.
It won't be me, but yourself.

You will discover things in yourself
that you'd never imagined.

Where will your perseverance go?
And that fanatic shine in your eyes.

Fear will squeeze all of that out.
That's right.

The fear of losing your own skin.

And then you'll find out who you are —
alone, deserted —

a simple human nonentity
full of ordinary shit.

Without any of your noble words
or your arrogance.


That's where the truth is.

You didn't insult me. No.

I know what a human being really is.

And you'll find out too.


What were you before the w*r?

Go on, begin.

Take him away!

Who's your partner?
What's his last name?

- Well...
- Don't lie!

I really don't know.
I haven't been in the unit long.

What's his connection to Avginya?

- With Demchika?
- Yes.

- None.
- You want to live?

Of course.
Who doesn't want to live?

Sit down.

Last name.


- Year of birth?
- 1916.

- Look at me! Place of birth?
- Near Gomel.

Where were you headed?

For food, to the farm.

- But the farm had been burned down.
- What farm?

Kulgai's, I think.

How did you end up in Lesiny?

We were wandering at night.

- We came across the elder's house.
- So you were going to him?

No. I said we were
going to the farm.

Who's the commander of your unit?

Well... Dubovoi.

Where's the unit?

- In the forest.
- Which forest?


How many men in the unit?

- About 500.
- You're lying.

We know there are more.

Well, there were more.

But they sent in the k*lling units.
Maneuvers, battles — we've had losses.

They've got you,
and that's just the beginning.

So you were heading for Lesiny.

I said we were going to the farm!
It had been burned down!

Well, yes.
Kulgai and his bunch were shot.

So, you were born in Mogilev.


In Mogilev or in Gomel?

In Gomel. Gomel.

Last name!

- Whose?
- Yours!


Who was sh**ting at night,
you or him?

So it was him. Right?

What's his name?

I don't know.

And the elder's nickname is Owl, right?

Owl? What Owl?

I didn't say anything!
I don't know anything about owls!

Fine, fine.


I see you've got a head on your shoulders.

Perhaps we can save your life.

You don't believe me?
We can do that.

If you aren't lying...

you can join the police...

and serve Greater Germany.


Yes, you.

Why, you...

You don't have to answer right away.

Think it over.

What did you say his name is?


Yes, sir!


I don't know.


Well done.

Take him to the cellar.

But... the redhead.

Are you deaf?

- Bring the elder to me.
- Sir.

Bitte, this way.

Have a rest, fella!


What did they do to you?

Kolya, is that you?

Did I scream a lot?

It doesn't change anything.

Did you endure it?

It'll be all right.


It can't be.

We'll find a way out.


The main thing is to tell
them the same things.

It's like this.

We were after food.
The farm was burned down.

We came to Lesiny. Got it?

- It's useless.
- Stop this. Don't be stupid.

Just listen.

We're in Dubovoi's unit,
which is now in the Borkovsky woods.

Everyone knows that.

Let them stick their necks out.

There's a whole army there.
They'll smoke them.

Look, we've got
to think up something.

It's easy to die.
We've got to find a way out.

It won't work.

We need to play them
like a fish on a line.

If you pull too hard and break it,
everything is lost!

Pretend to be submissive.

They even offered to take me
into the police.

What are you looking at?

I'm telling you we should pretend.


I'm no fool, you know.

What are you saying?

We're soldiers.


Don't crawl in shit.

You'll never wash it off.

So... into a hole.

To feed the worms.

Is that it?

It's not the worst that could happen.

But it's not about that.

Now I know. I know.

The important thing is your conscience,

to be true to yourself.

- Only then--
- You're a fool.

You're a fool, Sotnikov.

And you even graduated
from an institute.

I want to live! To live!

To destroy those bastards!


I'm the soldier. You're a corpse.

All you've got left is your stubbornness,
your principles.

So go on living, without a conscience.
It's possible.

You're... talking to me...

about conscience?

Who landed that woman —

and me, healthy and fit, uninjured —

who landed us here?

You, with your conscience!

Up in the loft — wounded, sick —
why didn't you raise your hands first?

Conscience stop you?

Rybak saved you and the village
from destruction!

- My conscience thinks!
- Look--

- And yours?
- And what--

We need to take action!
And you — "Conscience! Conscience."

Don't you have any hope?

You're lying. You do still have hope.

Like you were hoping back in the field.

And we made it! Exactly!
We made it.

We have to survive!

So you'll join the police?

Go ahead.

Then don't get upset.

You... You...

Do you know what you are?

You're dragging me with you
into your hole to keep you company

because you're scared!

You lying bastard!

You're scared! You--

Sotnikov, why have you shut your eyes?

Hey. A little water.

What are you doing here?

Look how they've crippled him.

But I see you were more fortunate.

I've still got it coming.

It's clear what's to come.

They won't leave it like that.

Here's your water.

And make sure that bandit
is fit by morning. Got it?

What's in the morning?

Who are you?


- The shoemaker Meyer's daughter?
- Yes.

What do they want from you?

To tell them who was hiding me.

But you didn't tell them.

Don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid.

Come here.

Over here.

- Get in, scum!
- Stop pushing!

- It's all men!
- You'll make it till morning.

- What happens in the morning?
- In the morning--

Threats too? You damned traitor!

You didn't do enough time
for that stabbing!

They should've locked you up for life!

And my husband even stood up
for him in court! The fool.

My darlings, my darling children!

All alone now without me, hungry!

Don't worry. Maybe you'll be fine.

"Fine". Sure. They're furious.

They say the German who was shot died.

I wish they'd all die!

So that's what it's about.

And Pavlo — how about that?

An investigator now.

Who would've thought
he'd turn out a Judas?

You mean Portnov?

Of course. He's from our village.

Everyone knows him.

Before the w*r,
he went around giving lectures.

Very well-spoken.

He was quite dashing.

After he came out of the Vitebsk institute,
he became so grand.

The institute?

Yes. Even became
head of the social center.

And the choir.

Mr. Portnov was our choir director.

I was featured in two songs —


and "Evening Bells".

Did he...

Did he interrogate you?


You studied in Vitebsk too.
Maybe you knew each other.

Maybe you were classmates.

Don't try to remember.

That's why he was asking about you.
"Who is he?"

"Don't try to remember."

It's easier that way.

Anything to save your hides!

We will... We will remember!

Even in the next world!

Leave it.

So I wait and wait.

And I was so hungry.

But I was afraid to
come out of the bushes.

And then the rains came.

The leaves fell...

and the bush turned all bare.

I didn't want to eat or even to move.

Then one time, I opened my eyes...

and there was Auntie Praskovya
standing there.

You mean Saprunov's wife?

- She recognized me.
- A good-hearted woman.

What's it to you?

Sticking your nose
into everyone's business.

You shouldn't have said that.

We'll all die together.

O God, have mercy upon me.

Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity...

Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner...

and preserve my soul.

Lord, have mercy on me.

Lord... have mercy on me!

Holy Mother of God...

My son.

My son.

Oh, my God. What is it?

My son.

Don't leave us. Can you hear me?

I'm innocent.

I'm innocent before all men!

I worked in secret for Dubovoi.

He told me to be the elder, saying,
"You'll help us and save people."

My son, I'm no enemy.

Do you hear? I'm innocent!


- Rybak!
- What?



Don't let me die before morning.
Don't let me die.

Kolya, I'll take all the blame.

I'll do it.

- What are you saying?
- Don't let me--

- Hold on!
- Don't let me die.



- I'll do it.
- It's frozen.

It can't be.

Drink a little.



Old man...

back then, I wanted to...

To k*ll me?

But you didn't k*ll me.
Don't torment yourself.

I'll die like a man now,
not like a dog.

Listen... brother.

What is this?

Brother! Brother!

Damn. I thought--

Hold on. It can't be.

What will you tell them?

You must stay calm.
Don't lose your composure.

Don't let me fall asleep.

I won't. I won't.

Brother, I tell you--

Enough sleeping!

Everybody out. Liquidation.

Move it!

Come here, one-leg!

Let go of him!

- Call the investigator.
- Too late for investigation.

How is it too late?

- How is it too late?
- Your hands!

Hey! Call Portnov!

What does it cost you?
Are you even human?

- Shut up!
- Get the investigator.

- Tie up the old man.
- Call the investigator!

Tie him up.

Stop it! Stop it, will you?

Stop it!

Have you tied them all?


Tell them that I want
to make a statement!

Herr Major, excuse me.

This partisan here wants
to make some sort of statement.

Free these people.

They're innocent.

I'm your partisan!

I was on a mission.

I k*lled your German!

They're here by accident.

sh**t me alone!

What else?

Do something... for them.

Is that all...

citizen Ivanov?

No. I'm not Ivanov.

I'm Sotnikov.

Captain in the Red Army.

Born in 1917.

A Bolshevik.

Party member since 1935.

Teacher by profession.

At the start of the w*r,
I commanded a battery.

I've k*lled you bastards,
but not enough of you.

My name is Sotnikov,

Boris Andreevich.

I have a father...

a mother...

and a motherland.

Herr Major, nothing important.

Mr. Investigator, sir! Just a minute!

Mr. Investigator!

Yesterday. You said...

I agree! I agree!

I swear, I have nothing to do with it!

He'll confirm it!

- I agree!
- Kolya!

- I agree!
- Kolya!

Herr Major, excuse me again.

This guy's asking to join the police.

Maybe we should keep him,
try him out.

You agree to join the police?

I agree.

All right. Untie him.

You're letting him go?

Then release me too!

I'll tell! I'll tell you
who was hiding her.

I'll tell you!

I've got babies!
Dear God, what'll they do?

Then tell me.

-She's called--
-Think what you're doing.

- Come to your senses.
- Well, tell me. Tell me.

It was...


- It was Fedor Burak, I think.
- Burak?

Burak hasn't been here a long time.
Think harder.

Speak up!


But I told you.


But I told you!

Shut your mouth!

You'd better shut your dirty mouth.

Hold her tight.

Help him along.

Get moving!

Well? Quickly!

Don't make trouble!

- Go on.
- Come on.

I'll run away.

I'll run away.

I'll run away.

I'll run away.

I'll run away?

The chief isn't pleased.
There aren't enough people.

My good sirs, have mercy!

Good sirs!

I've little children.

Good sirs!

Have mercy on this stupid woman!

Sirs, have mercy!


Get up, woman.

Come to your senses.

Pull yourself together.

Forgive me.

Don't just stand there.

I'll do it myself.

Hold it.

Good job, you.

Take this.

You're a capable bastard.


- Listen.
- What?

Could you give me my belt back?


You did that well.
Hung him like a rabbit.



Hey, stupid. Keep up.



What's going on there?

Watch your step, pig.

Stop staring at me!

Get going! Move it!

Let him have it, Mitrokha!

That's it.

Get your horse out of the way!

Come along. Come along.

What are you staring at?
Damn you.

What's with you?


Then move.

Come along, come along.

Hey, take the bench.

Come see me later.

Yes, sir.

No, it's "Jawohl" now.
Get used to it.

Come on, let's get grub.

- Where is that moron?
- In the toilet.

Hey, you!

Hey, moron!

One minute.

Come on, get out!

The commander's waiting!

Are you going to be long?