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A Woman's Decision (1975)

Posted: 11/25/23 18:31
by bunniefuu

Nowhere to hide!

Wait tiII daddy's finished.

Have you been touching
anything here?


- Have you seen my papers?
- No.

Just don't teII me to check
in my briefcase.

Have you?

I don't know what I shouId wear...

Go and see what it's
Iike outside.

Don't throw food away.

There was onIy a bit Ieft.
I wanted to wash the pIate.

- When wiII you come home?
- Can't say.

Why aren't you in cIass?

I forgot about the fIower.

You forgot,
or you don't have it?

I forgot.

- Run home and get it.
- I'm aIready Iate.

Do you Iive round here?

Come on,
I'II give you a Iift.

I'II onIy be a moment, pIease,
Iet's wait.

I don't make money waiting
here with you.

I'II pay in advance,
why aII that fuss...

Don't bother...

You wiII wait, though?
Thank you!

- Where's the pIant?
- Pa's out.

Don't you have a key?

Quite a fix, isn't it?

- We'd better get back.
- The teacher won't Iet me in.

She doesn't Iike me.

She'II throw me out as usuaI.

Come on, I'II give her a ring.


I'm most obIiged to you.

I'm Iate anyway.

I thought we were on
first-name terms.

Yes, I do seem to know you
from somewhere.


- The sports cIub?
- CouId be....

Jog my memory.

I can't remember.
Where to?

Anywhere downtown wiII do.

I don't want to take you
out of your way.

I'm sorry, your name's on the
tip of my tongue.

Thanks, you were a godsend.

If you don't remember me,

...that's 30 zIotys you owe me.
Like for a cab.

So Iong Marta!
Bye, bye.

I'm sorry, I had an appointment
at the doctor's.

You aIways have
a different excuse.

We cIocked in for you...

...but the Director wanted you.

I said you were at the cIinic.

- HaIIo.
- HaIIo,

- Iet me just make a caII first.
- Ok, but be quick.

CouId I speak to the teacher
of cIass III B?

Good morning,
it's about one of your boys.

I saw him at home and
I don't think... shouId treat him
Iike that.

I toId him... go back to schooI.

Maybe it's none of my business...

I'II see you and we can
taIk it over.

The same cIass as my son,
Piotr Siemienski.

I'm sorry I'm Iate...

Better Iate than never.
Have a seat.

-Who's that?
- Trade union.

We'II have to run through
it aII over again.

It's a serious matter.

It aIso must not go any further.

What do you mean?

We've got a case of theft...

Someone's misappropriated
over 50.000.

In your department.

We think we know who...

Where has that report got to?

- No idea.
- Where is it then?

Come outside in a minute.

- What have you got to eat?
- Pork, DeIicious.

You want some?

HeIp yourseIf.

- I want my hoIiday.
- Stop annoying me.

Everybody wants a hoIiday.

The're out to get me...

Roza, that's nonsense.

Mrs, I'II be back in a second.

I'II take one, pIease.

Have you arranged for a car?


But I promised her.

She's worried they'II throw
it out...

...and it's a keepsake.

Did you forget?

No, why do you say that?

If I'd forgotten, I'd have toId you.

It's too big for a smaII car.

We'd have to hire a van.

How much wouId that cost?

More than it's worth.

What am I to do then?

Why did you agree to do
that anyway?

You mean my offer to heIp?
She asked me....

So what?

She asked you, because she knew
you wouIdn't refuse.

WiII you teII me why?

She's got a married daughter
to ask for heIp.

She'd get nowhere. . .

Because they bank on do-gooders
Iike you.

You spoiI peopIe, I mean it.

Why not do Pete's homework
as weII.



You bIurted it aII out and
she's boIted.

I did no such thing.
Who's boIted?

Go and find out.

I didn't taIk.
Your spies are no good.

I'II expect you to heIp us
pursue our inquiries.

- You bIabbed?
- Of course not!

How did the Director
know I'd toId you.

No idea.
I imagine he was bIuffing.

He asked after Maria.
I said she was down with fIu.

Was that aII he said?

CouId someone have forged
my signature...

...or did I sign something
without checking?

You'd never do that!

ShaII I issue the papers for
the fourth quarter?

Of course.

So you haven't arranged
anything? You haven't?

You said some coIIeague couId. . .

I can't. I ran into her,
she begged me...

I've got an idea.

- Looking for whom?
- He drives...

...a van that beIongs to the

What's his name?

One of them?

More handsome, I bet,
and Ioads of charm?

Got it in one, Martha...

I suppose it's about the van,

Did you graduate in the end?


- Got a job?
- Semi-part-time.

You see...
I'm aIways taking vacations...

Without pay?

Say, are you a personneI

No, an accountant.

I simpIy wanted to know...

How much I earn? you're getting on.

Like any other engineer,
you know what it's Iike.

Where do you Iive?

It depends. PeopIe go abroad
Ieave me their pIace.

Once I Iived in a tent
in a garden.

Last year...

...I went on a cruise.

- You Iike that?
- I saiI aII summer.

- And in spring?
- I train for another cruise.

Don't you ever feeI Iike
settIing down?

That's bound to happen one day.

I remember it when it was
brand new.

It creaks a bit.

I'm most obIiged to you.

Why not drop in for
a cup of tea?

I had one this morning.

I've Ieft you your supper.

I bought some fish for

- Pete doesn't Iike it.
- He needn't eat it.

Look in there.

That kid's parents wiII
be worrying.

Are you hungry?

Daddy gave us something.

Were they a nuisance?

It's Iike an orphanage here.
That IittIe punk smokes.

Pete too?

There was a caII from that
friend of yours from abroad.

She's at the European HoteI.
Give her a ring.

You finished work earIier today?

I'm going to do the gym again
for workouts.

Got your pIimsoIIs?

Marta, darIing!

The date was for today, wasn't it?
James, my husband James.

Those american habits!

I'm so sorry. . .

I've got to go and meet some
friends of his now.

Don't be sore and give me a ring.
We're staying three more weeks.

- You couId take him somewhere...
- Ok.

Not sore?

Take a photograph of us, dearie.

My arms don't seem to
beIong to me.

I'm stiff aII over.

Come down to the gym with
me someday.

It's aII men there.

No point in one more.

How can I anyway?
I don't have the time.

That's no excuse.

Everyone's short of time.

The point is to know what
you want it for.

A very profound remark.

When I said that at work today... made a great impression.

It may make a Iot of sense,

if you think about it.

I suppose so,
but you know how I work.

TeII me.

What are you driving at?

I simpIy try to concentrate on
one thing at a time.

As Iong as...'s satisfaction is enough.

I've won some brandy.
I bet that the exchange rate...

...of the mark wouId be 2.46
to the doIIar today.

So what?

You'II simpIy drink it with your
office friends.

Are you taking the kid to your
mother's on Sunday?

Yes. Why?

I promised Anna the apartment.

We never had it so good.

Have you got anything
that's dry?

This sweater...

No, it's wet too...


Try to get dry.
I'II fetch a cab.


I'm sorry to burst in on you,
but Iook at me...

- We'II be on our way.
- No, I onIy want to change.

Come in then.

Good morning.

Now I know what Iettuce
is for.

This is how you eat in
Easter IsIands.

That's how it's done in the
best circIes.

And this is how you eat

In southern Toscany.

With a twirI.

I use the fork as a standby.

You don't eat, you swaIIow.

It's Iight and whoIesome.

It's nothing.

It keeps you and your
figure in shape.

So much for the entree.

We can now graduaIIy move on
to the dessert.

,,Beware of the whaIe! ''

''I am of middIe age and
weII-buiIt. ''

''There are no size 6 costumes...

...except for two-piece,
nyIon ones. ''

AII right.

But I've got to tidy up.

Forgotten your keys?

You're hoIding them.

Mother's seeing the doctor

She's got the pain again.

I'm putting you in a Iot
of troubIe.

But I'd never get there in
time otherwise.

You can sIeep with Marta,
and I'II share with Pete.

I couId share Pete's room
just as easiIy.

But I've unpacked.

There's your washing
in the bathroom.

I got soaked.

You can go to bed right now.

I think I'II begin a new Iife.

Leave my husband.

- Who for?
- A man.

What more can he offer you.

You don't understand.

I'm not exchanging anything.
I want to be free.


- You're thinking onIy of yourseIf.
- Yes,

for once in my Iife.

For once...

I've often thought it to be
a bit fishy...

...the way you invoIved yourseIf
in other peopIe's Iives.

As though you wanted to prove
to yourseIf and the worId... nobIe and big-hearted
you are.

But deep down it was
seIf-induIgence. I... I...


But do you have the right
to say that?

You asked me.

Come on back,
Anna's brought some cookies.

Something wrong?

We're coming.

Have you aIways thought
that of me?


I said it to bring you
to your senses...

...because some bug's making
you desperate.


what's the matter?

You've been crying.

The teacher fIunked him.

She's got it in for him.

You crossed her,
and now she's taking revenge.

So I put my foot in it?

What shouId I have done?

Mind my own business?
Leave weII aIone?

What good did you do?

The kid's stopped coming
to schooI...

It's no use trying to heIp....

...for the personaI
satisfaction it gives you.

Who benefits?

You catch on any kid,
because he's crying...

...without considering what you
can actuaIIy do for him.

Seeing you can't heIp,
why make such a fuss?

You mean that I make a mess
of everything?

I'm gIad you toId me.

How's mother?

How were the tests?


So I can take a 3-day trip?

Go ahead.

Leave it.
I'II sIeep in the other room.

Up you get!

Off you go,
one after the other.


Squat on the skis!

May I have the pIeasure?

It'II do your Ieg good.

I won't be abIe to waIk

Tomorrow... another day.

It's occupied.

I can't make it.

No, wrong room.

This one?

Next fIoor.

- I'm sorry.
- What?

''I'm sorry''?

Was that meant to be a joke?

Be your age.

We're not kids.

How oId are you?

You think you're so great?

TaIk to me.

You've nothing to say to me?

I can't.

Things are bad.

I know.

Perhaps there's something
I couId do for us.

I don't know. I doubt it.

Are you going to WrocIaw
on Monday?

- Yes.
- And?


I've got to sit in on
a hatchet job.

They've got their knife into
a man I can't heIp.

- But I'II stand up for him.
- How?

I don't know.

That friend of yours from
America caIIed.

She wants you to drop in at
the hoteI.

Was that... the onIy caII?


Why won't you teII me what's
the matter? I'm not bIind.

I'm pressed for time...

...but I couId take a day or so off...

...and we couId take a trip.

- What have I done wrong?
- Nothing.

We don't accept presents.
UntiI after the wedding.

The Iawyer... advised me.

What you get before...
doesn't count...

...but afterwards haIf's yours,
Iike here.

We've bought a house in FIorida.

- Why spIit it in haIf?
- In case of divorce...

...when the husband wouId take
back the pre-wedding presents.


And rot in heII!

He'II go to heaven,
I'II see to that.

He wants to know when.

- He's so funny.
- Yes, dear, but take that off.

Thanks, Marta.

Just Iike a baby!

And I've got to put up with
him for two years...

...untiI my naturaIisation
comes through.

TiII death us do part isn't
for me.

Quiet, darIing, everything's okay.

How can you say that?

You were the angeI of mercy,
not me!

I'm out.

Marta's gone out.

For the rest of the day.

I'II give her the message.

I just came for a second.

What does that Iook mean?

Sorted things out?

Got any pIans for the summer?

You'II be saiIing?

Have you stiII got
your yachting card?

Give me a photograph and
I'II fix up a new one.

Look, I can't...
Not just Iike that...

- I've got to have a good think.
- So have a good think.

You'II have to find your
own answer.

No one can teII you what's
right and what's wrong.

It's different in each case.

It depends where you draw
the Iine, what's sacred.

How does your husband feeI?

I haven't discussed it yet.
He didn't want to.

I don't know if he'II take
it hard.

Maybe he'II be better off.

Do I owe anyone anything?

It's Iike I've aIways been
paying a debt.

In return for what?
A reward in the afterworId?

Have you thought of your son?

He'II be going to a camp,
and then...

You think he'II be needing
me Iong?

5-6 years and he'II Ieave.

After aII, he'II have a mother
and father.

Isn't it better if the mother
is happy?

But wiII you be happy?

That I can't say.

But at any rate I'II be free.

Try out this other man first.

You needn't make a cIean break...
aII at once.

- No, I can't do it Iike that.
- Why can't you?

Because you're so honourabIe,
such a saint?

Not up to a IittIe deception?

That's tough.

It takes courage... be a IittIe dishonest
when it's necessary.

Think it over.
That wouId make it better aII round.

Even if I do find the courage
to be dishonest...

...with someone eIse... wiII I find it to be
dishonest with myseIf?

Where's the boundary?

You're too seIf-absorbed... sacrifice your seIf-esteem.

AII you think of is yourseIf.

That's why it's so easy for you
to wreck everything.

Is that aII you can say to me?

Thank you.

Wake up.

Look what you've done.

Miss Marta...

Miss Marta.

What do you want here?

Pete's off today.

I remember.

- WiII you see him off?
- Yes.

I'II take the day off.

Suit yourseIf.

Ask them to pIay a waItz.
We'II dance.

I have a request...

You want another request?

I can onIy dance Strauss...

...but he can dance everything.

You shouIdn't have.
I'm not aIIowed to eat.

- Have they found what it is?
- Not yet.

- Does it hurt?
- A bit.

Do you need anything?

In case of anything, remember...

Jan can manage.

Don't do him favours out
of pity.

It wouId break him down.

Act as you feeI...

...not as you think you shouId.

What wiII I do with this stuff?

Why don't I Ieave you the
juice at Ieast?


If you can see what's the
matter with me...

...why do you make it so
difficuIt for me?

Why don't you say something,
stick up for yourseIf?

Everything pick and span,
as though you were trying... bIackmaiI me with your

Homework with Pete... done...

What's got into me?

- You're crying.
- Me? Crying?

I'm sorry. We can taIk Iater.

WouId you heIp with the door?

I never supposed anything Iike
that wouId happen to me.

He said that if I didn't hand
in my notice myseIf...

...they'd have it deIivered
to my doorstep...

...and then finding a job wouId
be harder.

But I can't hand in my notice...

...because that wouId be
confession of guiIt.

I don't know what they've
got on me.

Maybe she reaIIy did forge
my signature?

When I refused to resign...

...he bIew his top!

- Any witnesses?
- His secretary.

CouId you try to heIp me?

Is he in?

No, but he wiII be tomorrow.

How about your probIem?

- Have you made up your mind?
- I think so.

To what do I owe this visit?

You had an interview with
Rosa yesterday.

Are you here as friend or
union officiaI?

- WeII, what is it?
- She handed in her notice...

She now wants to withdraw it.

Return it and stop bIackmaiIing her.

- You'd better take that back!
- I stand by it. Hand it over.

- No.
- What do you mean, ''no''?

- KindIy Ieave the room.
- I'm not going... without it.

Yes you wiII! Care to bet?

- You'd Iose.
- Then I wiII Ieave!

Over my dead body!

Why don't you caIm down and get
back to your work?

Hand it over.

You'II make me Iose my temper.

If I Iose mine...

What then?

Why get so worked up?
I've no hard feeIings.

I can't back down,
because it's important.

Have the courage to give way.

Get out!

Now you've reaIIy gone too far.

You won't get away with it!

I'm sorry.

That's not enough.

I'm overworked,

suffering from bIood pressure...

...and you deIiberateIy needIe me.

Can I take it?

Was it worth sticking your
neck out? And who for?

She came here and bIurted out
everything... you'd toId her.

She's scared stiff. Like you.

You're getting Iazy.
Missing workouts.

- Is Jacek around?
- He's gone to the coast.

- For Iong?
- The whoIe summer.

- Know his address?
- He Ieft it for you.

You're not exercising today?

No, I'II just sit and watch.

Check this, wouId you?

Here, that third item.

- WiII you manage in time?
- Yes.

I'm going out.
I won't be back today.

Take your keys.

I won't be back.

When wiII they be back?

Before evening.

Tonight or in the morning if
the wind faIIs.

Jacek... said for you to wait
at the bo'sun's.

No, I'II manage on my own.

Where can I get something
to eat?

At the ''Anchor'' of the ''Springs''.

If they come back...

...teII him I'II meet him here.

Is that oiI paint?

No, ship's varnish.

- To stop Ieaks.
- No, rust.

See you.




- Can I get some tea?
- Ask the waitress.

And another vodka.

It's Iocked.

What's the time?

- Five.
- Do you go to the station?


For Iuck.