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A08x14 - Mandy Mouse's Birthday/Poems/Looking for Things/Please and Thank You/The Library

Posted: 11/23/23 08:21
by bunniefuu
- ♪

- I'm Peppa Pig. [snorts]

This is my little brother, George.

- [snorts]

- This is Mommy Pig. - [snorts]

- And this is Daddy Pig.

- [snorts]

- [laughing]

- Peppa Pig. [snorts]

- NARRATOR: Today is Mandy Mouse's birthday.

As a special treat, Mandy is going to Cheese World

with her friends.

- Mandy, what is Cheese World?

- It's the most fun ever!

There's a cheese river, a cheese mountain,

and a cheese sky!

- Wow!

- And best of all is the cheese castle.

Where you get to smell cheese!

- [chuckles] You like cheese, don't you, Mandy?

- Yes, Mommy.

- [giggling]

- Welcome to Cheese World.

Have any of you been here before?

- Yes! I have.

- Oh, hello, Mandy. Nice to see you back again.

- [giggling]

- So, as Mandy already knows,

everything at Cheese World is about--

- Cheese!

- That's right!

And we start by sailing on a river of--

- Cheese!

- [giggling]

- NARRATOR: This is the river of cheese.

- All aboard!

- Hold tight, everyone.

- Ms. Rabbit, are the boats made out of real cheese?

- No, the boats are made out of plastic.

Boats made out of real cheese would be bizarre!

- Oh.

- NARRATOR: The cheese river flows

past hills and trees of cheese.

- KIDS: [giggling]

- NARRATOR: This is the cheese mountain.

- KIDS: Ooh!

- Is this mountain made out of real cheese?

- No, but this is exactly what it would be like

to sail through a cheese mountain.

- Oh!

- If cheese mountains existed.

- [laughing]

- Hello, everyone,

welcome to the cheese airplanes!

- Wow!

- Now, has anyone flown one of these planes before?

- I have!

- Of course. Hi, there, Mandy.

- [giggles] - Can you show your friends

what to do? - Yes! [giggles]

If you pull the lever, the plane goes up.

- Wow!

- And if you push the lever, the plane goes down.

- Ooh.

- All aboard your airplanes!

- [giggling] - Up, up, and away!

- [laughing] This is brilliant.

- [laughing]

- There's the cheese sun!

- And the clouds are cottage cheese!

- I can see the whole world, and it's all cheese!

- ALL: Ooh.

- Was that fun? - Yes!

- Told you it would be the most fun ever!

- [laughing]

- Hello, Mandy Mouse.

Lovely to see you at Cheese World again.

- Hello, Grampy Rabbit.

- Have you told your friends about my castle of cheese?

- I told them the castle of cheese was the best bit!

- You're right! It's where we get to smell real cheese!

No pretend-cheese here. - Ooh.

- Follow me, if you dare, into my castle of cheese.

- [laughing]

- Let's start by smelling a mild cheese.

- [sniffs] Mmm, that smells good.

- [sniffs] I like it, too.

- [sniffs] Not much of a smell. - [laughing]

- Now, for some decently strong cheese.

[sniffs] Ah, that's more like it!

A proper stinky one.

- Ew. It smells like my daddy's socks.

- [giggling]

- And now, boys and girls,

we come to the strongest cheese in the whole world!

Here goes. [sniffs]


That's what I call cheese.

- Mmm! It's the nicest smell I've ever smelled!

- [laughs] You do so love cheese, don't you, Mandy?

- Yes, Mommy. I like smelling cheese,

and I like eating cheese even more!

- Funny you should say that, because it's time

for your birthday cake, and it's a cheesecake!

- Happy birthday, Mandy!

- This is my best birthday ever!

- [laughing]

- NARRATOR: It is another day at play group.

- Good morning, children.

- Good morning, Madam Gazelle!

- [clears throat] Purple woolly socks

are mittens for my feet.

When the days are cold, they keep in all the heat.

That, children, was a poem about woolly socks.

- A what about woolly socks?

- A poem is a magical way of using words

that puts a picture in your mind.

- A picture of woolly socks?

- Not just woolly socks, a poem can be about anything.

A lovely garden on a hot summer day,

a young man, a broken heart.

- And woolly socks. [giggles]

- Uh, yes, and sometimes the words in a poem rhyme.

Like "feet" and "heat."

- Or "cat" and "mat."

- Or "dog" and..."dog."

- No, Danny, that is not a rhyme.

That is the same word.

- Oh, yes.

- Madam Gazelle, I can't think of any words.

- If you can't think of words, you can use sounds instead.

- [wind blowing] - Listen to the wind.

It goes "Wooo...waah."

- Wooo...waah. [giggling]

- [bell ringing] - Oh, play time, children.

- [laughing]

- Look for something we can make a poem about!

- [laughing]

- What can we make a poem about?

- [chirping] - PEPPA: [gasps] A little bird.

Little bird...birdie bird.

You are very...birdie. - BOTH: [laughing]

- That's good, Peppa. What about the swing? [bleats]

Swing, swing, swingy thing. Swingy thingy, swing thing!

- [giggling] - Making up poems is easy!

- Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

- [giggling] - Ah! Oh.

- NARRATOR: It is raining.

- Oh, dear, I must get the big umbrella.

- [laughing] - Splish, splash, splosh!

- This is fun!

- Gather round, children!

I have the big umbrella.

- The big umbrella! [laughing]

- NARRATOR: That is a big umbrella.

- Listen to the rain on the umbrella.

It goes, "Pitter-patter, pitter-patter."

- Now it sounds like, "Shh..."

- Shh...

- [laughing] - Back to school, everyone.

- KIDS: [laughing]

- Madam Gazelle, can we do a poem about the rain?

- What a good idea, Molly!

Let's think of words that remind us of the rain.

- Uh...rain?

- Yes, Suzy, rain is rain, but what other words

does rain make you think of?

- It's very splishy. - And splashy. [giggles]

- And it sounds like, "Pitter-patter, pitter-patter."

- And, "Shh..."

- Yes, those are all wonderful rainy words.

And how does the rain make you feel?

- Wet. [barks]

- Yes, Danny. Anything else?

- It makes me feel tickly. And wriggly.

- It makes me want to jump up and down in muddy puddles!

- [laughing] - Very good!

Put it all together and we can make a poem.

- Hooray!

- NARRATOR: It is home time, and the parents have come

to pick up the children.

- [snorts] - [bleats]

- ALL: Hello.

- Today, the children have been making up a poem.

Would you like to hear it?

- Yes! - Yay!

- [applause] - The poem is called "Rain."

- Drip, drip, drip.

- Drop, drop, drop.

- Pitter-patter, pitter-patter, pitter-patter.

- ALL: Shh...

- It is a rainstorm.

- Wet, trickle, wriggles.

- Making lots of puddles.

- That we get to jump in!

- Splish! Splash! Splosh! Splish!

- Bravo! - [cheering]

- NARRATOR: Grown-ups love poems.

Everybody loves poems.

- ♪

- NARRATOR: Peppa and her family are in the kitchen.

Mommy Pig is making an apple pie.

- [snorts] Is the apple pie ready yet, Mommy?

- No, Peppa, it has to cook in the oven.

- [timer clock ticking]

- Well, it looks like we'll just have to wait.

- Yes.

- [timer clock ticking]

- What are you all doing?

- We're waiting for the apple pie!

- Well, it's going to take time to cook. [snorts]

Why don't you all wait somewhere else?

- Oh, okay.

- ♪

- What do we do now? [snorts]

- Well, I was going to do my crossword puzzle,

but I can't find anything to write with.

- We'll find you something, Daddy.

Come on, George!

- [laughing]

- George, we need to find something

for Daddy to write with.

- [giggling] [snorts]

- NARRATOR: George has found Mr. Dinosaur.

- [giggles] You can't write with Mr. Dinosaur.

- [laughs]

- NARRATOR: George has found a toy train.

- And you can't write with a train!

- Oh. - Look, a crayon!

[snorts] Daddy could write with this.

- [snorts] - Come on, George.

- [laughing]

- Daddy! [snorts] We found something to write with!

- Oh. A crayon. Just what I needed.

Thank you, Peppa and George.


- Can we look for something else?

- Okay, let's play a looking game.

Find something that is the shape of...a square.

- A square?

- Yes. There must be something square-shaped

in this room.

- Can you see a square, George?

- NARRATOR: George has found a clock.

- Hmm, that's a circle. - Oh.

- We need to find a square.

That picture's a square!

- [chuckles] Very good. You found a square.

- KIDS: Hooray!

- What should we look for now?

- Now, you must find something that makes a squeaky noise.

- Something that makes a squeaky noise.

- Try looking in the bathroom.

- Okay! - GEORGE AND PEPPA: [laughing]

- Look for something that makes a squeaky noise, George.

- NARRATOR: George has found a towel.

- Towels don't squeak. [snorts]

Towels are very quiet. - Oh.

- [squeaks] - Squeaky!

- The rubber duck! - BOTH: [giggling]

- That makes a squeaky noise.

- [duck squeaking] - GEORGE: [laughing]

- PEPPA: Daddy, Daddy!

Look what we found! - [duck squeaking]

- [chuckling] Oh! Oh, excellent.

Now, see if you can find something

the color

- Something blue? Okay.

- [giggling]

- NARRATOR: Peppa and George have found a ball.

- That's not blue. That's red.

- Oh.

- NARRATOR: Peppa and George

look in Mommy and Daddy's bedroom.

- [groans] There's nothing blue here.

- NARRATOR: Peppa and George look in the office.

- Everything is not blue. [snorts]

- Did you find anything?

- There was nothing in the whole house that is blue.

- Hmm, have you looked in the mirror?

- Daddy, the mirror is not blue.

- [gasps] Blue! - What is it, George?

- Blue! [giggles] - George is blue!

- That's right. - [laughing]

- Peppa! George!

- Mommy! Mommy! We've been looking for things.

- Oh, I've got something you can look for.

- What is it, Mommy?

- It's round. - A ball!

- Round and flat on top, a bit like a hat.

- A hat? - And it tastes yummy.

- The apple pie!

- Yes, the apple pie is ready.

- Hooray! - Yay!

- I love looking for things!

- And I love finding things, especially when it's...

- ALL: Apple pie! [laughing]

- NARRATOR: Granny and Grandpa Pig are having

breakfast at Peppa's house.

- Mommy, may I have some juice, please?

- Of course you may, Peppa.

- Thank you. - [snorts] Well, I never.

It says here that children today are very rude.

- Would you like some juice, George?

- Please! Thank you!

- It says children have no manners

and never say please and thank you.

- [scoffs] Peppa and George always say please and thank you.

Don't you? - Yes, Grandpa.

- [snorts] - I'm very glad to hear that.

Because please and thank you are very important words.

- In fact, they are magic.

- Magic? - Oh, yes.

Nice things happen when you say please and thank you.

- Please, please, please! - No, George.

You only say "Please" when you ask for something.

- And you say "Thank you"

when someone does something for you.

- Thank you, thank you, thank you!

- ALL: [laughing] - Oh, it's time to go

to play group.

- GEORGE AND PEPPA: [giggling]

- Is everybody ready? - Yes, Daddy Pig.

- Then let's go! - [engine starts]

- PEPPA: Thank you!

- NARRATOR: This is Peppa's play group.

Mr. Bull is cutting the grass.

- [snorts] The grass is looking lovely, Mr. Bull.

- Oh, thank you, Daddy Pig!

- [giggling]

- Good morning, children!

- Good morning, Madam Gazelle!

- Let me introduce you to the "Being Nice" tree.

- What does it do?

- When someone is nice, I put a picture of them

in the branches.

- Oooh!

- How do we be nice?

- There are lots of ways to be nice.

- [snorts] Madam Gazelle!

I know some magic words that are nice!

"Please" and "Thank you."

- Oh, yes! The magic words.

Please tell us about them.

If you want something, you need to say "Please."

[snorts] And if somebody gives you something,

you say "Thank you."

- Very good. Oh, this is something we can all practice

with a little game.

I will need two children.

Suzy Sheep... - [bleats]

- And Danny Dog. - [barks]

- Now, Suzy has an apple.

- Thank you, Madam Gazelle.

- Very good, Suzy. And Danny would like that apple.

- Yes, I would like that apple.

- Okay, Danny, ask Suzy for the apple.

- Can I have that apple? - Yes.

- Mmm, yummy!

- Let's try that again.

When you ask for something, Danny,

you must remember to say the magic word.

- Abracadabra. - No.

What is the magic word, children?

- "Please."

- Oh, yes.

- Are you ready? - BOTH: Yes!

- Then off you go.

- Can I have that apple, please? - No.

- Suzy! - He's already got an apple.

- This is not about apples, it is about saying "Please."

- Okay, here's another apple.

- And now, Danny? - What?

- The other magic word! - Oh, yes. Thank you!

- Very good!

- [laughing]

- ♪

♪ Heads, feet, legs and knees ♪

♪ I like saying please, please, please ♪

♪ Thank you so much for that thing ♪

♪ Thank you makes me want to sing ♪

- [giggling]

- What wonderful singing, children!

You will all go on the Being Nice tree.

- ALL: Hooray! [giggling]

- [doorbell chimes]

- I finished cutting the grass, Madam Gazelle.

- Very good, Mr. Bull. Goodbye. - [door slams]

- Madam Gazelle! - What?! What is it?

- [snorts] You forgot to say thank you!

- [gasps] Yes! How rude of me!

Thank you, Mr. Bull, for all your hard work.

- It was my pleas-- - [door slams]

- And thank you children for reminding me

to say my please and thank yous. - [giggling]

- NARRATOR: Madam Gazelle likes to say "Please" and "Thank you."

Everyone likes to say "Please" and "Thank you."

- ♪

- NARRATOR: It is bedtime.

- Good night, Peppa, good night, George.

- [snorts] Can I have a story, please?

- Okay, I'll read you, "The Red Monkey" book.

- But we always have that one.

Red monkey has a bath, cleans his teeth,

and goes to sleep.

- Uh, yes, that is what happens.

- Can we do another story?

"The Blue Tiger," "The Green Spider,"

"The Orange Penguin..." Oh! What's this one?

- "The Wonderful World of Concrete."

- I've been looking for that.

- Is it your book, Daddy?

- It's a book I borrowed from the library.

- What's a library?

- It's a place you borrow books from,

and when you finish reading them, you take them back.

- But Daddy Pig has forgotten to take this book back.

- I have had it for rather a long time.

- Never mind, you can take it back tomorrow.

[snorts] But now, it's bedtime.

- After Daddy reads his story.

- It's not much of a story, Peppa.

- Please read it, Daddy. - Okay.

- [giggling]

- "The Wonderful World of Concrete.

"Concrete is a construction material composed of sand,

"water, and chemical add mixtures.

Chapter One: Sand."

- [snoring]

- NARRATOR: Peppa, George, and Mommy Pig

have fallen asleep.

- [snoring continues]

- NARRATOR: It is morning.

Peppa and her family have come to the library.

- PEPPA AND GEORGE: [giggling]

- Wow! What a lot of books!

- Shh, Peppa.

You must be quiet in the library.

- Why?

- Because people come here to read and to be quiet.

- Next, please!

- NARRATOR: Ms. Rabbit is the librarian.

- Hello, Mommy Pig. Are you returning these books?

- Yes, Ms. Rabbit. - Right you are.

- [scanner beeping]

- Why is the computer beeping?

- It's checking to see that you haven't been naughty

and borrowed the book for too long.

- Um, I may have borrowed this book for a bit too long.

- Oh. [chuckles] Don't worry, Daddy Pig.

It can't be that bad.

- [scanner beeps] - [computer alarm]

- Gosh! Daddy Pig! You've had this book out

for ten years!

- Naughty Daddy!

- Sorry, Ms. Rabbit. - That's alright.

Now you can borrow another book.

- Ms. Rabbit, can George and I borrow a book, please?

- Yes!

The children's section is over here.

- [laughing]

- Oh, look!

Fairies, flowers, pretty dresses.

- [barks] Hello, Peppa. - Oh, hello, Danny.

- I'm borrowing the book about football.

- [bleats] Hello, Peppa.

- [snorts] Hello, Suzy.

- I've got a book about nurses.

- [snorts]

- NARRATOR: George has chosen a book

about dinosaurs.

- Dinosaur. [growls]

- [snorts] Look what I found.

"Further Adventures in the World of Concrete."

- Here's a "Red Monkey" book.

- Not the Red Monkey book, it's boring!

- But this is a different story. It might be more fun.

- I bet it's not.

- "Once upon a time, there was a red monkey."

- Ugh. He had a bath, cleaned his teeth,

and went to bed.

- MOMMY PIG: No. "He jumped in a space rocket

and went to the moon!" - Ooh!

- MOMMY PIG: "He had a picnic with a dinosaur,

"swam onto the sea,

and climbed the highest mountain."

That was a busy day. "The end."

- Wow! Read it again!

- We can borrow it and read it at home, Peppa.

- But I was going to choose this book, or this one.

- You can take three books home if you want, Peppa.

- Yippee!

- But you must remember to bring them back on time.

- Yes, Ms. Rabbit.

- And you must remember to bring your book back too,

Daddy Pig. - [giggles]

I'll make sure Daddy remembers.

- Yes, Peppa, I'm sure you will. [laughs]

- [laughing]

- ♪

♪ Peppa Pig [snorts] [giggles]

♪ Peppa Pig [snorts]

- KIDS: [giggling]

- ♪ Peppa Pig [snorts]
