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A08x10 - Grampy Rabbit's Jetpack/In the Future/The Electric Car/Detective Potato/The Flying Vet

Posted: 11/23/23 08:17
by bunniefuu
- ♪

- I'm Peppa Pig. [snorts]

This is my little brother, George.

- [snorts twice]

- This is Mummy Pig. - [snorts]

- And this is Daddy Pig. - [snorts loudly]

- ALL: [laughing]

- "Peppa Pig." [snorts]

"Grampy Rabbit's Jetpack."

- NARRATOR: It is a lovely snowy day.

Peppa and her family are on a winter walk.

- [clanking]

- What's that noise?

- [snorts] It's coming from Grampy Rabbit's boatyard.

- NARRATOR: Here is Grampy Rabbit.

- Hello, Grampy Rabbit!

- Hullo, Peppa and George!

- What are you doing?

- Ah, I've been working on my latest project.

- PIGS: Ooh.

- What is it?

- Well, I couldn't decide

between building a sledge or a jetpack.

- Oh.

- But as we've had all this snow, I decided to build--

- PIGS: A sledge. - --a jetpack.

- [clank]

- It's my personal flying machine.

- PIGS: Wow!

- That must've been very difficult to build.

- Oh, not really.

It's all about calculating

the weight-to-fuel efficiency ratio.

Uh, once you've done that,

you just bash it all together with a hammer.

- [clanking]

- [laughs]

- Amazing!

- Yes. Pure rabbit craftsmanship.

- [clanking] - Does it fly?

- Well, I've not tried it yet.

Let's find out.

Safety harness? Check.

Fuel? Check.

Cheese sandwiches? Check.

Uh, could you hold my lunch for me, please?

- Is it safe? - Yes.

It's only cheese and bread.

- No, I mean the jetpack.

- Of course it's safe!

I built it myself. [laughs]

Moments from now, I'll be flying high

with nothing to see but the clouds in the sky.

♪ The clouds, the sky, the clouds, the sky ♪

- How does it work? - Easy!

I just press this big red button and--

- [blast]

- Well, it definitely works.

- [laughs]

- I can see him! Look!

- Whoo! Whoo!

- [crash]

- PEPPA: [gasps] Grampy Rabbit has landed on Snowy Mountain!

- Let's check he's okay.

- [dials phone]

- [phone rings]

- Hello. Grampy Rabbit speaking.

- Grampy Rabbit, are you all right?

- Yes, I'm fine.

But my jetpack is broken.

- We'll rescue you, Grampy Rabbit.

- Thank you, Peppa!

- Let's call Miss Rabbit's Rescue Service.

- [phone rings]

- Hello! Rescue Service!

- Miss Rabbit, Grampy Rabbit needs to be rescued.

- I'll be right there. - [beep]

- She'll be right here.

- Come on up, everybody.

- ♪

- Right. To the rescue.

- [helicopter blades whirring]

- Uh, where are we going?

- To Snowy Mountain.

- Righty-ho!

- Trapped on a mountain with just the snow for company.

I should've made a sledge after all.

- [helicopter blades whirring]

- NARRATOR: Here is Miss Rabbit's Rescue Service.

- Saved! I'm saved!

- Tie this rope around you, and we'll carry you home!

- Ready!

- [engine sputters]

- Oh! We've run out of fuel.

- [whistle] - [thud]

- NARRATOR: Oh, dear. The helicopter has stopped.

- Do we need rescuing now? - Yes.

- [sighs] If only we had some other way of getting home.


- [gasps] We're moving!

- NARRATOR: Grampy Rabbit is sliding down Snowy Mountain

on his jetpack and pulling the helicopter with him.

- Woo-hoo!

- PEPPA: Wow!


- NARRATOR: Through the trees, down the high street--

- Hello, sorry, excuse us.

- NARRATOR: --across the frozen sea--

- [squawking]

- NARRATOR: --and back to Grampy Rabbit's boatyard.

- Woo-hoo!

- ALL: [laughing]

- PEPPA: That was the best fun ever!

- Yes, it was!

Thank you for rescuing me.

- Actually, Grampy Rabbit, it was you who rescued us.

- I suppose I did.

I built a jetpack that turned into a sledge.

- [clank] - [laughs]

- NARRATOR: Grampy Rabbit loves jetpacks that turn into sledges.

Everybody loves jetpacks that turn into sledges.

- PEPPA: "In the Future."

- NARRATOR: Peppa is at Suzy Sheep's house this evening.

Mummy Sheep and Mummy Pig are going out.

- Don't worry, Mummy.

We can look after the house while you're away.

- That's very kind of you, Suzy.

But we have a special babysitter coming.

- [bell rings] - That'll be her now.

- [bleats] Hello, everyone!

- Hello!

It's my cousin Charlotte.

- NARRATOR: Charlotte Sheep is the babysitter.

- Hello, Charlotte. Thanks for coming.

- We won't be out late.

- You can watch TV.

And I've made you some pizza.

- Oh, thank you.

- You two be good.

- PEPPA AND SUZY: We will!


- PEPPA AND SUZY: Bye bye!

- How old are you, Charlotte?

- I'm .

- ?

That's very grown up.

- You can do anything you like when you're grown up.

- That's right.

You can drive a car and even stay up late.


- In the future, when you're grown up,

you'll be able to do that too.


- But grownups also have to go to work, you know.

- That sounds fun!

- Can we stay up late with you, Charlotte?

- Sorry. It's your bedtime now.

- PEPPA AND SUZY: [groaning]


- Night night. Sleep well.

- PEPPA AND SUZY: Night night!


- Suzy? - Yes?

- Are you awake? - Yes.

- [snorts] I wish I was grown up.

- SUZY: Me too.

- PEPPA AND SUZY: [giggling]

- When we're grown up, we will be downstairs

watching TV and eating pizza. - Yes.

- And babysitting.

- And going to the cinema.

- And staying up all night!

- PEPPA AND SUZY: [giggling]

- In the future, we will have a yellow car.

- SUZY: No, blue!

- PEPPA: Yellow and blue!

- PEPPA AND SUZY: [giggling]

- I'll drive!

- So will I!

- PEPPA AND SUZY: [giggling]

- [bleats] Danny Dog will be a spaceman.

- PEPPA: Yes!

- I'm off to space! [barks twice]

- PEPPA: And George will be a dinosaur.

- Dinosaur!


- [types quickly]

- [laughs] And Freddie Fox will be a policeman.

- [blows whistle]

- Hello, hello, hello!

What's all this here, then?

- This is our grownup car.

- Can you beep your horn for me, please?

- [four beeps]

- Very good. Off you go, then!


- What will your job be?

- I will be a nurse.

But in my lunchbreak, I will fly a plane.

Good afternoon, everybody.

We are now flying all around the world.

- PEPPA AND SUZY: [laughing]

- What will your job be, Peppa?

- My job will be doing important work on my computer.


We will live in a big house with fountains.

- SUZY: And a swing!

- PEPPA AND SUZY: [giggling]

- And I will marry Pedro.

Or Danny. - And I'll do that too!

- PEPPA AND SUZY: [giggling]

- And we will live with all our friends.

- FRIENDS: Hello!

- PEPPA: And all our children will be there.

- CHILDREN: [giggling]

- But who will look after all these children?

- We will!

Bedtime, everybody!

- Time for your tea!

No football in the house.

- Phew! - Phew!

- NARRATOR: Mummy Pig and Mummy Sheep have arrived back home.

- Hello! - Has everything been okay?

- Yes, everything's been fine.

- Hello?

Are you two still awake?

- Yes, Mummy.

We've been thinking about the future.

- [snorts] It's very tiring being grown up.

- Yes, it is.

- [yawns] We need to get some rest.

- Yes, you do.

- Good night, little ones.

- Good night, grownups.

- NARRATOR: Peppa and Suzy need a good night's rest

to be ready for the future.

- PEPPA: "The Electric Car."

- NARRATOR: Peppa and George are in their bedroom.

- Vroom, vroom! Car!

- NARRATOR: George is playing with his toy car.

- CAR: ♪ Drive, drive, driving along ♪

♪ Driving while I sing this song ♪

♪ Drive, drive, driving along ♪

- [snorts twice] Car!

- [car powers down]

- Oh, the car is broken!

- [cries]

- What is it, George?

- Car! Car!

- Don't worry, George.

It isn't broken.

It just needs new batteries.



- [car horn honks] - Daddy's home!

- PEPPA AND GEORGE: [giggling]

- [snorts] That's not Daddy.

Oh, it is Daddy!

- Hello!

- Have we got a new car?

- No. I'm just trying it out.

- It looks funny!

- It's an electric car.

[snorts] It's a car that runs on batteries instead of petrol.


- Just like George's toy car. - [snorts twice]

- Daddy's got a toy car just like George's.

- ALL: [laughing]

- Shall we go for a drive?

- ALL: Yes, please!

- Then let's go!

- [car beeps]

- Oh, the car is broken!

- Does it need new batteries?

- Oh, yes, of course.

We just need to charge up the battery.

- [beeping] - Look!

- The battery is charging up.

- [beeping]

- [ding] - ALL: Finished!

- NARRATOR: The electric car is fully charged up.

- Right. Is everybody ready?

- ALL: Yes, Daddy Pig!

- Then let's go!

- Wow, this car is so quiet!

- Yes. Electric cars are quiet until they start talking.

- What do you mean, talking?

- Ho, ho! It's time you met Roger.

Hey, Roger.

- [ding] - Hello.

My name is Roger.

- [gasps] Hello, Roger!

- Hello, Peppa.

- PEPPA AND GEORGE: [giggling]

- Roger is very clever.

He always knows which way to go.

And he can park all by himself.

- ALL: Wow!

- I can even drive by myself.

- ALL: Really?

- Sit back and relax, Daddy Pig.

Let me drive.

- Okay, if you say so.

- [beeping]

- ALL: Ooh!

- Don't worry, Daddy Pig.

I am an expert driver.

- PEPPA: Whee!

It's a magic car!

- ALL: [laughing]

- Stop!

- NARRATOR: It is Police Officer Panda

and Police Officer Squirrel.

- OFFICERS: Hello, hello, hello!

- What's going on here, then?

- Driving with no hands, Daddy Pig?

- I wasn't driving.

- Yes, you were.

- No, I wasn't.

- Well, if you weren't driving, then who was?

- Car driving itself, was it?

- PIGS: Yes, it was!

- Well, I better talk to the car, then, haven't I?

Hello, car! - Hello.

- Whoa! What in the wide world was that?

- He's called Roger, and he's very nice.

- Yes. He can even drive himself.

- Can you now?

Well, to drive on these roads, you need a driving license.

- PIGS: Oh!

- So, Roger, do you have a driving license?

- Of course.

- [whirring] - Oh, I see.

Well, in that case, everything seems to be in order.

- PIGS: Bye!

- Drive safely!

- NARRATOR: Roger the car is driving safely.

- Amazing!

Roger can do everything.

- George's car can sing.

- CAR: ♪ Drive, drive, driving along ♪

♪ Driving while I sing a song

- Can you sing, Roger?

- Yes, I can sing.

♪ Car, car, electric car

♪ Traveling near and traveling far ♪

♪ Knows exactly where you are

- ♪ Knows exactly where you are ♪

Oh, where are we?

- We are now arriving home.

- ALL: Hurray!

- PEPPA AND GEORGE: [giggling]

- Thank you, Roger!

- At your service.

- Will you be all right outside in the night?

- Oh, yes. I'm used to it.

- Okay, Roger. Sleep well!

- Thank you, Peppa. You too.

- NARRATOR: Peppa loves Roger.

Everybody loves Roger the electric car.

- PEPPA: "Detective Potato."

- NARRATOR: Peppa and George are watching

"Detective Potato" on TV.

- Help me, Detective Potato!

I cannot find my bicycle!

- Ah ha!

This is your bicycle!

- Oh, no, it is not.

- Then this is your bicycle.

- Yes, it is!

Thank you, Detective Potato.

- Ho, ho!

Detective Potato is great at solving mysteries.

- He's the best detective in the world!

- Right. That's enough "Potato" for today.

We're going to the shopping center.

- Oh, goody! I love the shopping center!

What are we going to buy at the shops?

- A big bag of gravel.

[snorts] I'm trying out a new concrete mix idea.

- Oh.

- NARRATOR: This is the shopping center.

First, Daddy Pig has to find somewhere to park.

- Hm, this floor is full.

- So where do we park, Daddy?

- Don't worry. There are lots of other floors.

Oh, this floor is full too.

Ho, ho! Up we go!

- Everywhere looks the same! - Yes.

That's why you must always remember what floor

you park your car on so you can find your car again.

[snorts] I don't believe it!

Not a single space.

- There's a space!

- Brilliant! Well done, Peppa.

- NARRATOR: The car is parked.

- Now we take the lift to the shops.

- [lift dings]

- What button do we press?

- Let's see.

Are the shops on floor six or floor three?

Here we go. Floor five for the shops.

- [lift dings, whirs]

- NARRATOR: Here is Miss Rabbit's gravel shop.

- [doorbell rings] - Hello, Daddy Pig.

- Hello, Miss Rabbit. - [snorts]

One bag of gravel, please.

- Help yourself.

It's heavy, so I hope you don't have far to go.

- Ho, ho!

I only have to carry it to the car.

[groans] My goodness!

That is a bit heavy.

- [doorbell rings] - I hope you find your car!

I'm always losing my car in that huge carpark.

- [pants]

- What button do I press, Daddy?

- Just press the number of the floor we parked on..

- So...what floor did we park on?

- Uh...good question.

Let's try level six.

- [lift dings]

- Where is our car, Daddy?

- It doesn't seem to be here.

- NARRATOR: Oh, dear.

Daddy Pig has lost the car.

- Uh, let's try another floor.

- This is fun!

- NARRATOR: Peppa likes going up and down in the lift.

- [giggles] - [pants]

- OFFICERS: Hello, hello, hello!

- NARRATOR: Here are Police Officer Panda

and Police Officer Squirrel.

- Is there anything we can help you with?

- Daddy has lost our car!

- Well, it's not really lost.

I've just forgotten exactly where I parked it.

- A lost car, in a place of hundreds of cars,

where everywhere looks the same.

- This will be a very hard mystery to solve.

Name, please. - Daddy Pig.

- Daddy...Pig. Address?

- Can't we just look for the car?

- [chuckles] I'm afraid not.

This will take time to solve.

- It's not like on the television,

where they solve mysteries in a flash.

- [horn fanfare]

- It's Detective Potato!

- At your service.

- Detective Potato, Daddy lost our car!

- Ah ha!

That is a mystery only I can solve!

- Thank you, but we don't need any help.

- We have the situation under control.

- Quiet, please. I need silence to work.

This is your car.


- This is your car.

- No.

- This is your car.

- Yes, that is our car.

- NARRATOR: Detective Potato has solved the mystery.

- PIGS: Hurray!

- Oh, well done.

- That was amazing!

- Oh, ho, ho, ho!

It's all in a day's work for a potato!

- PIGS AND POTATO: [laughing] - [snorts]

- PEPPA: "The Flying Vet."

- NARRATOR: Peppa has brought Goldie the Fish to the vet's

for a checkup.

- You've got a healthy, happy fish.

She's lovely.

- Thank you, Dr. Hamster.

- [phone rings]

- Hello?

- Hello, Dr. Hamster. This is Mr. Elephant.

- NARRATOR: Mr. Elephant and his family

are out for a walk in the mountains.

- We found a sick lizard.

- It's a gecko.

- NARRATOR: Edmond knows all about lizards.

He is a clever clogs.

- I'll be straight there.

- Ooh, can we come too?

- Of course. Let's go!

- Are we going in an ambulance?

- No. The mountains are too far away.

We'll go in my aeroplane.


- Aeroplane!


- NARRATOR: George loves aeroplanes.

- All aboard!

- [beep] - [propeller whirring]

- Up, up, and away!

- I didn't know you had an aeroplane, Dr. Hamster.

- Oh, yes.

I'm The Flying Vet.

- Thank goodness, the vet's here.

- [tires screeching]

- Stand aside! Vet coming through!

Where is the sick lizard?

- Here it is! - Oh, poor little pickle.

- What is wrong with the lizard?

- DR. HAMSTER: It seems to be upside down.

I just flip it over.


- NARRATOR: Dr. Hamster has made the lizard better.

- ALL: Hurray!

- [phone rings]

- Oh, another emergency. - [beep]

- Hello? - Hello.

Uh, Grandpa Pig here.

- NARRATOR: Grandpa Pig is out sailing his boat.

- It's Polly.

She's a sick parrot.

- [squawks] Sick parrot.

- I'll be right there.

- Look, Polly!

It's The Flying Vet.

- Where are we going to land?

- This is a seaplane, Peppa.

We can land on the water.

- [splash]

- Wow!

- Hello! [snorts] - PEPPA AND GEORGE: [giggling]

- Peppa! George!

- [snorts twice] - Hello, Grandpa!

We've come to make Polly better.

- How long has Polly been sick?

- Since we came out on our boat trip.

- Uh-huh.

I know what's wrong with Polly.

She's seasick.

- PIGS: Oh!

- Get Polly to dry land, the sooner the better.

- There's an island!

- There we go.

Better, Polly?

- [squawks] Better, Polly.

- ALL: Hurray!

- NARRATOR: Polly is not a sick parrot anymore.

- [phone rings]

- Oh, another emergency.

Hello? - DADDY PIG: Hello?

Daddy Pig here.

- NARRATOR: Daddy Pig is in his office.

- There are some ducklings stuck on our roof.

- I'll be right there.

- ♪

- [tires screeching]

- Thank goodness you're here.

- [lift dings]

- Stand aside.

Dr. Hamster here.

- Mrs. Duck laid her eggs on our roof.

- And now the ducklings have hatched.

- [wind gusting] - [quacking]

- Who can make a quacking noise?

- Me! I'm very good at quacking!

- Peppa, start quacking, and the ducklings will follow you.

- Quack, quack, quack!

- DUCKLINGS: Quack, quack, quack!

- Quack, quack, quack!

- DUCKLINGS: Quack, quack, quack.

- Lead them to the duck pond please, Peppa.

- Okay. I'm Mummy Duck.

Quack, quack, quack.

- DUCKLINGS: Quack, quack, quack!

- Quack, quack, quack!

- DUCKLINGS: Quack, quack, quack.

- Quack. - Quack.

- DUCKLINGS: Quack, quack, quack!

- DR. HAMSTER: The ducklings are back with their Mummy and Daddy.

- All because of me.

- ALL: [laughing]

- [phone rings]

- Hello? - Is it another emergency?

- Yes. It's Mr. Hamster.

I'm late for me tea.


- Bye bye, Dr. Hamster!

- GROWNUPS: Thank you!

- No problem!

- NARRATOR: It's all in a day's work for The Flying Vet.

- ALL: [laughing]

- ♪