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A08x04 - Mandy Mouse/Recorders/Miss Rabbit's Relaxation Class/Painting/Tidying Up

Posted: 11/23/23 08:13
by bunniefuu
- ♪

- I'm Peppa Pig. [snorts]

This is my little brother George.

- [snorting]

- This is Mummy Pig. - [loud snort]

- And this is Daddy Pig. - [loud snort]

- ALL: [laughing]

- "Peppa Pig." [snorts]

- PEPPA: "Mandy Mouse."

- MALE NARRATOR: Peppa and her friends are at playgroup.

They are drawing pictures.

- CHILDREN: [laughing]

- Children, today, we have a visitor.


- MADAME GAZELLE: Mandy Mouse.

- Hello, everyone. Squeak!

- CHILDREN: Hello!

- NARRATOR: Mandy Mouse uses a wheelchair to get around.

- Mandy is spending the day at our playgroup.

If she likes it, she will come every day.

- See ya later, Mandy. Mwah. Have fun.

- Bye, Mommy.

- Hello, Mandy.

I'm Peppa Pig. [snorts]

- Hello, Peppa.

- Hello, I'm Danny Dog. [barks]

- And I'm Suzie Sheep. [baas]

- We're drawing pictures.

I drew the sun.

- Oooh.

- I drew a cloud. - Ooh.

- I drew the sky.

- That's nice.

I like drawling airplanes.



- [snorts] That's a really good drawing.

- Thank you.

- CHILDREN: [laughing] - [bell dings]

- NARRATOR: It is playtime.

- CHILDREN: [laughing]

- [brakes squeal]

- [laughs] That was fun.

- Wow, you're fast.

- All thanks to my wheelchair. [giggles]

- Why do you have a wheelchair, Mandy? [snorts]

- Because my legs don't work like yours.

- Can you walk on your legs?

- No. I have my wheels.



- See? I get around fine.

I can do everything! Squeak.

- ALL: [laughing]

- [barks] - [snorts]

- Let's play ball.

- Yes, please! Squeak!

- Okay, Mandy, you're on my team.

- Suzie, you're on my team.

- [laughs]

- Gerald!

- Pedro! - [neighs]

- Molly. - [squeaks]

- And Emily. - [trumpets]

- NARRATOR: The children are in two teams.

- How do you play this game?

- The captain takes the ball and throws it over there.

- No, I know the rules!

- [indistinct chatter]

- --rules because I said so. [snorts]

- [giggles] What about...

the team who gets the ball through the hoop wins? [giggles]


- NARRATOR: And they're off!

Emily Elephant catches the ball.

Now Suzie has it.

Pass to Pedro.

And now to Peppa.

Mandy takes the ball. - Squeak!

- NARRATOR: Pass to Danny. - [barks]

- ♪

- NARRATOR: To Molly!

And up high in the sky!

Caught by Mandy Mouse. - [giggles]

Squeak! - [laughs]

- NARRATOR: To Gerald Giraffe.


- ALL: Hooray!

- Mandy, you're good.

- I know, I'm brilliant.

- ALL: [laughing]

- [bell ringing] - Children!

Playtime is over.

- CHILDREN: [laughing]

- ♪

- [groans]

- Can I help you?

- No, I'll be fine.


I can do it by myself. [groans]

I like...hills.

- It is a big hill. - Yes, it is a big hill.

Maybe if you could help push.

- Okay. - Thank you, Peppa.

I could do it on my own, but it's easier with two.

I'm not used to big hills. Squeak.

Where I lived before, it was all flat.

- Everything is on a hill around here.

My house is on a hill.

The supermarket is on a hill.

Rebecca Rabbit lives inside a hill.

It's all hills, hills, hills.

- BOTH: [laughs]

- Have we all had fun today, children?


- NARRATOR: Parents have arrived to pick up the children.

- Aw, is it home time already?

- Yes, Mandy. It's home time.

- Hello, my sweet.

- Mommy!

- So, Mandy, you came today to see if you liked our playgroup.

- Yes.

- And do you like our playgroup?

- Yes! I love it!

- And would you like to come every day?

- Yes, please!

- ALL: Hooray!

- NARRATOR: Mandy Mouse loves the playgroup.

And everyone at playgroup loves Mandy Mouse.

- ALL: [laughing] - Squeak!

- ♪

- PEPPA: "Recorders."

- NARRATOR: Peppa and her friends are at playgroup.

- [applause] - Children,

today you will learn how to play recorders.


- Take a recorder each.

- CHILDREN: [laughing]

- Now, does anyone know how to play music

on the recorder?

- You blow it like this.


- [plays music off-key]

- Doh!

Oh, but that is not music, Peppa.

That is a horrible squeaky noise.

- [plays note]

- To make music, we must play in a way that sounds--

- Uh, not horrible?

- Yes, Danny. - [giggles]

- [plays "Twinkle, Twinkle"]

- ♪ Twinkle, twinkle little star ♪

- Lovely.

You see, all music is made from notes.

- [plays the music scale]

- We just play the notes in the right order.

- [plays "Twinkle, Twinkle"]

- [snorts] That looks easy.

- [plays off-key]

- No, do it like this.

- [plays off-key]

- No, like this.

- CHILDREN: [playing off-key]

- Ah, stop! Stop! Stop!

That was not music at all.

- No, that was a horrible noise.

- CHILDREN: [laughing]

- And why was that?

- We weren't playing the right notes.

- And they weren't in the right order.

- So let us begin by learning the first note.

- [plays one note]

- CHILDREN: [plays one note]

- [sighs] This is hard.

- It will get easier with practice.

Now, this is the next note in our tune.

- [plays one note]

- CHILDREN: [plays one note]

- Bravo.

- NARRATOR: It is home time.

The parents have come to pick up the children.

- And remember, practice, practice, practice!

[sings "Twinkle, Twinkle" in "la's"]

- [plays "Twinkle, Twinkle" off-key]

- Oh, somebody is learning how to play the recorder.

- [giggles] Yes, Daddy.

Madame Gazelle said I have to practice.

- Oh yes, practice makes perfect.

- [plays loud and off-key]

- Will you help me?

- Of course Daddy Pig will help you

while I, uh, do some work in another room.

- [plays "Twinkle, Twinkle" off-key]

- NARRATOR: Suzie is practicing too.

- Yes, that's it.

- [plays "Twinkle, Twinkle"] - ♪ La, la, la

- Very good, Danny. Shall we call that a day?

- No, Madame Gazelle says I have to keep on trying

until I get it right.

- [plays "Twinkle, Twinkle" off-key]

- NARRATOR: Peppa and her friends

have been practicing their recorders all week.

They are giving a concert for the parents.

- Welcome to our concert.

Ready, children?

- CHILDREN: [deep inhale]

- [play "Twinkle, Twinkle"]

- Bravo! Bravo!

- [music continues]

- Ah!

- [play "Twinkle, Twinkle"]

- [applause] - Bravo!

- Haven't the children worked hard?

- Yes.

It was a very good experience for them.

- It's hard to think it was only for a week of our lives.

And now it's over.

- Children, for our next concert,

I want you to learn this tune.

- [plays "Peppa Pig" theme song]

- Hooray! - CHILDREN: [laughing]

- Go home and practice, practice, practice!

- [play "Peppa Pig" theme song]

- NARRATOR: Peppa loves the recorder.

Everyone loves the recorder.

- ALL: [laughing]

- PEPPA: "Ms. Rabbit's Relaxation Class."

- NARRATOR: Mummy Pig is working on her computer.

- [giggling]

- NARRATOR: Peppa, George, and Daddy Pig

are getting ready to go out.

- Peppa! Are you ready for playgroup?

- Yes, Daddy!

I just need my shoes. [giggles]

- George, remember you're going to a children's party.

- [noisemaker blows]

- Have you seen my briefcase? [snorts]

I'm sure I left it in here.

- You're holding it.

- Oh, yes. Ho, ho!

- ALL: [laughing]

- We're off now!

Bye-ee! - Bye!

- Bye-ee!

[sighs] Lovely and quiet. [snorts]

Now I can work on my computer.

- [tapping on keys]

- NARRATOR: Mummy Pig likes working on her computer.

- [phone ringing]

- Hello?

- Hello, Mummy Pig.

Are you doing anything today?

- I'm working on my computer.

- Oh, that's not good.

Computers make you stressed.

You need to come to my relaxation class.

- Relaxation class?

What's that?

- It's where you learn to unwind and find your inner happiness.

You'll feel amazing afterwards.

- Actually, that does sound nice.

- Great! See you at the sports center.

- ♪

- NARRATOR: This is the sports center.

Ms. Rabbit is in charge.

- [metal dings]

- Hello, Ms. Rabbit. [snorts]

- Hello, Mummy Pig.

- I'm here for the relaxation class.

- [phone ringing]

- Hello, sports center?

[whispers] Relaxation class is through that way.

You want to book a bouncy castle?

No problem.

- Hello. Is this the relaxation class?

- Yes, we're all here to find inner happiness and calm.

- Hello!

Welcome to the relaxation class!

It's all about leaving stress behind!

So please turn off your phones.

- [phones beeping]

- Relax your bodies.

Enter your minds.

- [phone ringing]

- Hello, sports center?

Okay, I'll be right there!

Back in a mo!

Just keep relaxing while I'm gone.

- CHILDREN: [laughing]

- Hello, children!

- Hello, Ms. Rabbit.

- We've come for our gym lesson.

- Yes, the children are very excited.

- Fantastic!

I'll just set up the gym for you.

- [ball bouncing, and metal scrapping]

- Don't mind me!

Just keep relaxing!

- Relax.

- CHILDREN: [screaming]

- Hello, Mummy!

What are you doing here?

- Oh, hello, Peppa.

I've come to do a class.

- Me too. [snorts]

See you later. [giggles]

- Now, where were we?

- Uh, we were just starting to relax.

- Oh yes. Think of a beautiful woodland glade.

Stillness, silence.

- [whistle blows]

- Children, are you ready for your gym class?

- CHILDREN: Yes, Madame Gazelle.

- What's that? I can't hear you!

Surely you can shout louder than that.

- CHILDREN: Yes, Madame Gazelle!

- Good! I want to see lots of jumping

and climbing and running.

Ready! Steady! Go!

- CHILDREN: [screams and laughing]

- Slow down.

- Quicker! Quicker!

- CHILDREN: [laughing]

- Calm.

Harmony. Stillness.

- Jump! Jump! Jump!

- Relax!

- [children screaming]

- Hello, Mummy Pig!

What are you doing here?

- I'm doing a relaxation class.

- I hope this children's party doesn't disturb you.

- [wind blowing]

- [children laughing]

- Hello, Daddy!

- Hello, Peppa!

- CHILDREN: [laughing] - This is fun!

I wonder how high I can go. [snorts]

- Just try to relax.

- [whistle blows] - Stop relaxing now!

Relaxation class is over.

How did you find it, Mummy Pig?

- Very, very stressful.

- Funny. That's what everybody says.

Why don't you have a go on the bouncy castle?

- Yes, I think I will.

Whee! This is wonderful!

I feel lovely and relaxed! Ha!

- NARRATOR: Mummy Pig loves bouncy castles.

Everybody loves bouncy castles.

- PEPPA: "Painting."

- ♪

- NARRATOR: Peppa and George are painting today.

- [snorts]] We need some old newspaper to put on the table.

- Yes! - [snorting]

- NARRATOR: Daddy Pig is reading his newspaper.

- [snorts] You can have my newspaper

when I'm finished reading it.

[laughs] Alright!

- Hooray! - [laughs]

- Now, we can start painting.

- ♪

- Silly George. [snorts]

Big children do not put their hands in the paint.

- [giggling]

- NARRATOR: George loves painting with his hands.

- ♪

- [laughing]

- NARRATOR: Peppa loves painting with her hands.

- PEPPA AND GEORGE: [giggling]

- Very good. [snorts]

Can I have a potato, Mummy Pig?

- They aren't cooked yet, Daddy Pig.

- Are you hungry, Daddy?

- I'm not going to eat it. [snorts]

Watch this.

- NARRATOR: What is Daddy Pig doing?


- Now who can tell me what this is?

- A flower!

- ALL: [laughing]

- Clever, Daddy.

- [laughing]

I loved painting when I was a young piggy. [snorts]

Now, where are my old painting things?


- Daddy, why are you wearing that funny hat?

- [laughs]

This is my beret.

It puts me in the mood for painting pictures.

Now, what shall I paint?

- [giggles and snorts]

- Well chosen, George.

I'll paint the old cherry tree.

- What's that?

- It's an easel, Peppa.

It holds my canvas.

- What's a canvas?

- It's a bit like paper for very special paintings.

- [snorts] Is that toothpaste?

- Ho-ho! No, Peppa.

These are special paints for grownup artists.

- [paint squirts]

- There. What color shall we begin with?

- Red, please.

- Why red, Peppa?

- Red is my favorite color.

- But first, we need to paint the sky.

Look, what color is it?

- Blue, of course.

- DADDY PIG: Very good.

Let's start with blue.

- PEPPA AND GEORGE: [giggles]

- Now, for the cherry tree.

We need green for the leaves.

- PEPPA: But there isn't any green.

- DADDY PIG: Never mind.

If we mix blue paint with yellow paint,

we can make green.

- NARRATOR: Mixing blue and yellow makes green.


- What lovely green leaves.

And here's some grass.

- What about the branches? [snorts]

We haven't got brown paint.

- We can make brown.

We'll mix the green and the red.

- NARRATOR: Mixing green and red makes brown.


- NARRATOR: Daddy Pig paints the tree trunk and the branches.

- PEPPA AND GEORGE: Wow! [giggles]

- Daddy, can I paint the cherries?

- Yes, Peppa.

Put your finger in the paint and dab it onto the tree.

- [giggles]

One. Two. Three.

- DADDY PIG: Well done.

Now, it's George's turn.

- [giggling]

- What a great painter you are, George.

- [snorts] - [giggles]

- There. The painting is finished.

- Hooray! - [snorts]

- [ducks quacking]

- Oh, it's the ducks. [snorts]

Hello, Mrs. Duck.

We're painting a picture.

- [ducks quacking]

- NARRATOR: The ducks are running through Daddy's paint.

- Shoo, shoo!

Naughty ducks!

- Shoo, ducks! Shoo! Stay away from our painting.

No! - [crash]

- [duck quacks]

- NARRATOR: Oh no, the ducks have made paint footprints

all over the painting.

- Oh dear.

- [snorts] What was all that noise?

- Mummy, the ducks have spoiled our painting.

- Mm.

Let me see.

- NARRATOR: The ducks are making paint footprints in the garden,

just like the ones on the painting.

- Daddy's painting isn't spoiled, Peppa.

It's perfect.

- Hooray! - [snorts]

- Oh yes.

I am a bit of an expert at painting.

- And so are the ducks.

- [ducks quacking]

- ALL: [laughing]

- ♪

- PEPPA: "Tidying Up."

- ♪

- NARRATOR: Peppa and George are in their bedroom

playing with their toys.

- [snorts] George, let's play dollies and dinosaurs.

- [snorts] Grrr!

- BOTH: [laughs]

- "What is that?

It looks like a horrible monster."

- Dinosaur. Rrr!

- "Ah! It's a dinosaur!

Help! Help!"

- Rrrr! - "Ah! Help! Help!"

- [growling]

- NARRATOR: Daddy Pig is in the sitting room

reading his newspaper.

Mummy Pig is reading her book.

- PEPPA AND GEORGE: [screaming and growling]

- What are they doing?

- "Ah! Help! Help!" [giggles] - Grrr!

- Peppa? George?

What's going on?

- Rrr! - "Ah!"

- BOTH: [laughing]

- What's all this noise?



[grunts] - [toys squeaking]

- What on earth is going on?

What a lot of noise.

And look at all this mess on the floor.

Someone could trip over and hurt themselves.

- [snorts] Someone did trip over and hurt themselves.

- Oh, dear. Poor Daddy Pig. [snorts]

Come on, children. Let's do a bit of tidying up.

- But, Mummy, we're playing dollies and dinosaurs.

- You can play again when you've tidied up.

- But it's all George's mess.

- Is it really?

So this must be one of George's lovely dresses.

- [gasps] No.

- [giggling]

Well maybe some of the mess is mine.

- ALL: [laughing]

- Right. I'll help George tidy,

and Mummy Pig can help Peppa.

- [snorts] We can have a race.

Girls against boys.

- Good idea.

Let's see who can tidy up first.

Ready, steady, go!

[laughs] We're winning!

- No you're not.



Oh. What's this?

Teddy! I've been looking for you.

- Quick, Peppa, put Teddy in your toy basket.

- [giggling]


[snorts] Now these books.



- [giggling and snorts]

- [snorts] What do we have here?

- [snorts] Dinosaur!

- That's right. It's a dinosaur book.

- NARRATOR: It's George's pop-up dinosaur book.

- Oh. [gigglign]

[snorts] This is a tyrannosaurus rex.

- Tyrannosaurus rex.

- BOTH: [laughs]

- That's right.

Oh. This is a brontosaurus.

- Brontosaurus.

- BOTH: [laughing]

- Yes.

And this is a triceratops.

- Triceratops. [snorts]

- [laughs] Well done, George.

- NARRATOR: George loves dinosaurs.

- Daddy, George,

you've stopped tidying up.

You'll lose the race. [laughs]

- [snorts] Oh, yes, the race.

Come on, George, put this back on the bookshelf.

- [snorting]


- Daddy, you're very slow at tidying up.

Mummy and I are going to win.

- No, we're going to win.


- BOTH: [laughing]

- We win. - No, we win.

- [laughs] [snorts] We all win.

Look how tidy the room is.

- ALL: Hooray!

- NARRATOR: What a tidy room.

- [laughs] Well done, everyone.

- [snorting] - [snorts]

Mummy, now that we've tidied our room,

can we play dollies and dinosaurs again?

- Yes, you can carry on with your game now.

- Yippee! - [snorts]

- Where are my dolls? [snorts]

Where is Mr. Dinosaur?

- BOTH: [giggling]

- ♪

- Here they are.

- Grrr. Dinosaur.

- "Aah! It's a dinosaur! Help! Help!"

- NARRATOR: Oh, dear. The room is untidy again.

- Oh. - Oh.

- Well, at least it was tidy for a bit.

- ALL: [laughing]

- ♪

♪ Peppa Pig [snorts]

[giggles and snorts]

♪ Peppa Pig

[snorting and giggling]

♪ Peppa Pig ♪ [snorts]